// Copyright (c) 2001-2006 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org) // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Number_types/include/CGAL/MP_Float_impl.h $ // $Id: MP_Float_impl.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Sylvain Pion #ifndef CGAL_MP_FLOAT_IMPL_H #define CGAL_MP_FLOAT_IMPL_H #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { namespace INTERN_MP_FLOAT { const unsigned log_limb = 8 * sizeof(MP_Float::limb); const MP_Float::limb2 base = 1 << log_limb; const MP_Float::V::size_type limbs_per_double = 2 + 53/log_limb; const double trunc_max = double(base)*(base/2-1)/double(base-1); const double trunc_min = double(-base)*(base/2)/double(base-1); } // namespace INTERN_MP_FLOAT // We face portability issues with the ISO C99 functions "nearbyint", // so I re-implement it for my need. template < typename T > inline int my_nearbyint(const T& d) { int z = int(d); T frac = d - T(z); CGAL_assertion(CGAL::abs(frac) < T(1.0)); if (frac > 0.5) ++z; else if (frac < -0.5) --z; else if (frac == 0.5 && (z&1) != 0) // NB: We also need the round-to-even rule. ++z; else if (frac == -0.5 && (z&1) != 0) --z; CGAL_assertion(CGAL::abs(T(z) - d) < T(0.5) || (CGAL::abs(T(z) - d) == T(0.5) && ((z&1) == 0))); return z; } template < typename T > inline void MP_Float::construct_from_builtin_fp_type(T d) { if (d == 0) return; // Protection against rounding mode != nearest, and extended precision. Set_ieee_double_precision P; CGAL_assertion(is_finite(d)); // This is subtle, because ints are not symetric against 0. // First, scale d, and adjust exp accordingly. while (d < INTERN_MP_FLOAT::trunc_min || d > INTERN_MP_FLOAT::trunc_max) { ++exp; d /= INTERN_MP_FLOAT::base; } while (d >= INTERN_MP_FLOAT::trunc_min/ INTERN_MP_FLOAT::base && d <= INTERN_MP_FLOAT::trunc_max/ INTERN_MP_FLOAT::base) { --exp; d *= INTERN_MP_FLOAT::base; } // Then, compute the limbs. // Put them in v (in reverse order temporarily). T orig = d, sum = 0; while (true) { int r = my_nearbyint(d); if (d-double(r) >= T( INTERN_MP_FLOAT::base/2-1)/( INTERN_MP_FLOAT::base-1)) ++r; v.push_back(limb(r)); // We used to do simply "d -= v.back();", but when the most significant // limb is 1 and the second is -32768, then it can happen that // |d - v.back()| > |d|, hence a bit of precision can be lost. // Hence the need for sum/orig. sum += v.back(); d = orig-sum; if (d == 0) break; sum *= INTERN_MP_FLOAT::base; orig *= INTERN_MP_FLOAT::base; d *= INTERN_MP_FLOAT::base; --exp; } // Reverse v. std::reverse(v.begin(), v.end()); CGAL_assertion(v.back() != 0); } inline MP_Float::MP_Float(float d):exp(0) { construct_from_builtin_fp_type(d); CGAL_expensive_assertion(CGAL::to_double(*this) == d); } inline MP_Float::MP_Float(double d):exp(0) { construct_from_builtin_fp_type(d); CGAL_expensive_assertion(CGAL::to_double(*this) == d); } inline MP_Float::MP_Float(long double d):exp(0) { construct_from_builtin_fp_type(d); // CGAL_expensive_assertion(CGAL::to_double(*this) == d); } inline Comparison_result INTERN_MP_FLOAT::compare (const MP_Float & a, const MP_Float & b) { typedef MP_Float::exponent_type exponent_type; if (a.is_zero()) return (Comparison_result) - b.sign(); if (b.is_zero()) return (Comparison_result) a.sign(); for (exponent_type i = (std::max)(a.max_exp(), b.max_exp()) - 1; i >= (std::min)(a.min_exp(), b.min_exp()); i--) { if (a.of_exp(i) > b.of_exp(i)) return LARGER; if (a.of_exp(i) < b.of_exp(i)) return SMALLER; } return EQUAL; } // Common code for operator+ and operator-. template inline MP_Float Add_Sub(const MP_Float &a, const MP_Float &b, const BinOp &op) { typedef MP_Float::exponent_type exponent_type; CGAL_assertion(!b.is_zero()); exponent_type min_exp, max_exp; if (a.is_zero()) { min_exp = b.min_exp(); max_exp = b.max_exp(); } else { min_exp = (std::min)(a.min_exp(), b.min_exp()); max_exp = (std::max)(a.max_exp(), b.max_exp()); } MP_Float r; r.exp = min_exp; r.v.resize(static_cast(max_exp - min_exp + 1)); // One more for carry. r.v[0] = 0; for(int i = 0; i < max_exp - min_exp; i++) { MP_Float::limb2 tmp = r.v[i] + op(a.of_exp(i+min_exp), b.of_exp(i+min_exp)); MP_Float::split(tmp, r.v[i+1], r.v[i]); } r.canonicalize(); return r; } inline MP_Float operator+(const MP_Float &a, const MP_Float &b) { if (a.is_zero()) return b; if (b.is_zero()) return a; return Add_Sub(a, b, std::plus()); } inline MP_Float operator-(const MP_Float &a, const MP_Float &b) { if (b.is_zero()) return a; return Add_Sub(a, b, std::minus()); } inline MP_Float operator*(const MP_Float &a, const MP_Float &b) { if (a.is_zero() || b.is_zero()) return MP_Float(); // Disabled until square() is fixed. // if (&a == &b) // return square(a); MP_Float r; r.exp = a.exp + b.exp; CGAL_assertion_msg(CGAL::abs(r.exp) < (1<<30)*1.0*(1<<23), "Exponent overflow in MP_Float multiplication"); r.v.assign(a.v.size() + b.v.size(), 0); for(unsigned i = 0; i < a.v.size(); ++i) { unsigned j; MP_Float::limb carry = 0; for(j = 0; j < b.v.size(); ++j) { MP_Float::limb2 tmp = carry + (MP_Float::limb2) r.v[i+j] + std::multiplies()(a.v[i], b.v[j]); MP_Float::split(tmp, carry, r.v[i+j]); } r.v[i+j] = carry; } r.canonicalize(); return r; } // Squaring simplifies things and is faster, so we specialize it. inline MP_Float INTERN_MP_FLOAT::square(const MP_Float &a) { // There is a bug here (see test-case in test/NT/MP_Float.C). // For now, I disable this small optimization. // See also the comment code in operator*(). return a*a; #if 0 typedef MP_Float::limb limb; typedef MP_Float::limb2 limb2; if (a.is_zero()) return MP_Float(); MP_Float r; r.exp = 2*a.exp; r.v.assign(2*a.v.size(), 0); for(unsigned i=0; i()(a.v[i], a.v[j]); limb2 tmp1 = carry + (limb2) r.v[i+j] + tmp0; limb2 tmp = tmp0 + tmp1; limb tmpcarry; MP_Float::split(tmp, tmpcarry, r.v[i+j]); carry = tmpcarry + (limb2) carry2; // Is there a more efficient way to handle this carry ? if (tmp > 0 && tmp0 < 0 && tmp1 < 0) { // If my calculations are correct, this case should never happen. CGAL_error(); } else if (tmp < 0 && tmp0 > 0 && tmp1 > 0) carry2 = 1; else carry2 = 0; } // last round for j=i : limb2 tmp0 = carry + (limb2) r.v[i+i] + std::multiplies()(a.v[i], a.v[i]); MP_Float::split(tmp0, r.v[i+i+1], r.v[i+i]); r.v[i+i+1] += carry2; } r.canonicalize(); return r; #endif } // Division by Newton (code by Valentina Marotta & Chee Yap) : /* Integer reciprocal(const Integer A, Integer k) { Integer t, m, ld; Integer e, X, X1, X2, A1; if (k == 1) return 2; A1 = A >> k/2; // k/2 most significant bits X1 = reciprocal(A1, k/2); // To avoid the adjustment : Integer E = (1 << (2*k - 1)) - A*X1; if (E > A) X1 = X1 + 1; e = 1 << 3*k/2; // 2^(3k/2) X2 = X1*e - X1*X1*A; X = X2 >> k-1; return X; } */ inline MP_Float approximate_division(const MP_Float &a, const MP_Float &b) { CGAL_assertion_msg(! b.is_zero(), " Division by zero"); return MP_Float(CGAL::to_double(a)/CGAL::to_double(b)); } inline MP_Float approximate_sqrt(const MP_Float &d) { return MP_Float(CGAL_NTS sqrt(CGAL::to_double(d))); } // Returns (first * 2^second), an approximation of b. inline std::pair to_double_exp(const MP_Float &b) { typedef MP_Float::exponent_type exponent_type; if (b.is_zero()) return std::make_pair(0.0, 0); exponent_type exp = b.max_exp(); int steps = static_cast((std::min)( INTERN_MP_FLOAT::limbs_per_double, b.v.size())); double d_exp_1 = std::ldexp(1.0, - static_cast( INTERN_MP_FLOAT::log_limb)); double d_exp = 1.0; double d = 0; for (exponent_type i = exp - 1; i > exp - 1 - steps; i--) { d_exp *= d_exp_1; d += d_exp * b.of_exp(i); } CGAL_assertion_msg(CGAL::abs(exp* INTERN_MP_FLOAT::log_limb) < (1<<30)*2.0, "Exponent overflow in MP_Float to_double"); return std::make_pair(d, static_cast(exp * INTERN_MP_FLOAT::log_limb)); } // Returns (first * 2^second), an interval surrounding b. inline std::pair, int> to_interval_exp(const MP_Float &b) { typedef MP_Float::exponent_type exponent_type; if (b.is_zero()) return std::make_pair(std::pair(0, 0), 0); exponent_type exp = b.max_exp(); int steps = static_cast((std::min)( INTERN_MP_FLOAT::limbs_per_double, b.v.size())); double d_exp_1 = std::ldexp(1.0, - (int) INTERN_MP_FLOAT::log_limb); double d_exp = 1.0; Interval_nt_advanced::Protector P; Interval_nt_advanced d = 0; exponent_type i; for (i = exp - 1; i > exp - 1 - steps; i--) { d_exp *= d_exp_1; if (d_exp == 0) // Take care of underflow. d_exp = CGAL_IA_MIN_DOUBLE; d += d_exp * b.of_exp(i); } if (i >= b.min_exp() && d.is_point()) { if (b.of_exp(i) > 0) d += Interval_nt_advanced(0, d_exp); else if (b.of_exp(i) < 0) d += Interval_nt_advanced(-d_exp, 0); else d += Interval_nt_advanced(-d_exp, d_exp); } #ifdef CGAL_EXPENSIVE_ASSERTION // force it always in early debugging if (d.is_point()) CGAL_assertion(MP_Float(d.inf()) == b); else CGAL_assertion(MP_Float(d.inf()) <= b & MP_Float(d.sup()) >= b); #endif CGAL_assertion_msg(CGAL::abs(exp* INTERN_MP_FLOAT::log_limb) < (1<<30)*2.0, "Exponent overflow in MP_Float to_interval"); return std::make_pair(d.pair(), static_cast(exp * INTERN_MP_FLOAT::log_limb)); } // to_double() returns, not the closest double, but a one bit error is allowed. // We guarantee : to_double(MP_Float(double d)) == d. inline double INTERN_MP_FLOAT::to_double(const MP_Float &b) { std::pair ap = to_double_exp(b); return ap.first * std::ldexp(1.0, ap.second); } inline double INTERN_MP_FLOAT::to_double(const Quotient &q) { std::pair n = to_double_exp(q.numerator()); std::pair d = to_double_exp(q.denominator()); double scale = std::ldexp(1.0, n.second - d.second); return (n.first / d.first) * scale; } // FIXME : This function deserves proper testing... inline std::pair INTERN_MP_FLOAT::to_interval(const MP_Float &b) { std::pair, int> ap = to_interval_exp(b); return ldexp(Interval_nt<>(ap.first), ap.second).pair(); } // FIXME : This function deserves proper testing... inline std::pair INTERN_MP_FLOAT::to_interval(const Quotient &q) { std::pair, int> n = to_interval_exp(q.numerator()); std::pair, int> d = to_interval_exp(q.denominator()); CGAL_assertion_msg(CGAL::abs(1.0*n.second - d.second) < (1<<30)*2.0, "Exponent overflow in Quotient to_interval"); return ldexp(Interval_nt<>(n.first) / Interval_nt<>(d.first), n.second - d.second).pair(); } inline std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream & os, const MP_Float &b) { os << CGAL::to_double(b); return os; } inline std::ostream & print (std::ostream & os, const MP_Float &b) { typedef MP_Float::exponent_type exponent_type; // Binary format would be nice and not hard to have too (useful ?). if (b.is_zero()) return os << 0 << " [ double approx == " << 0.0 << " ]"; MP_Float::const_iterator i; exponent_type exp = b.min_exp() * INTERN_MP_FLOAT::log_limb; double approx = 0; // only for giving an idea. for (i = b.v.begin(); i != b.v.end(); i++) { os << ((*i > 0) ? " +" : " ") << *i; if (exp != 0) os << " * 2^" << exp; approx += std::ldexp(static_cast(*i), static_cast(exp)); exp += INTERN_MP_FLOAT::log_limb; } os << " [ double approx == " << approx << " ]"; return os; } inline std::istream & operator>> (std::istream & is, MP_Float &b) { double d; is >> d; if (is) b = MP_Float(d); return is; } } //namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_MP_FLOAT_IMPL_H