// Copyright (c) 2004-2005 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org) // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Mesher_level/include/CGAL/Mesher_level.h $ // $Id: Mesher_level.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Laurent RINEAU #ifndef CGAL_MESHER_LEVEL_H #define CGAL_MESHER_LEVEL_H #include namespace CGAL { enum Mesher_level_conflict_status { NO_CONFLICT = 0, CONFLICT_BUT_ELEMENT_CAN_BE_RECONSIDERED, CONFLICT_AND_ELEMENT_SHOULD_BE_DROPPED }; struct Null_mesher_level { template void refine(Visitor) {} template Mesher_level_conflict_status test_point_conflict_from_superior(P, Z) { return NO_CONFLICT; } bool is_algorithm_done() const { return true; } template bool try_to_insert_one_point(Visitor) { return false; } template bool one_step(Visitor) { return false; } std::string debug_info() const { return ""; } std::string debug_info_header() const { return ""; } }; // end Null_mesher_level template < class Tr, /**< The triangulation type. */ class Derived, /**< Derived class, that implements methods. */ class Element, /**< Type of elements that this level refines. */ class Previous, /* = Null_mesher_level, */ /**< Previous level type, defaults to \c Null_mesher_level. */ class Triangulation_traits /** Traits class that defines types for the triangulation. */ > class Mesher_level { public: /** Type of triangulation that is meshed. */ typedef Tr Triangulation; /** Type of point that are inserted into the triangulation. */ typedef typename Triangulation::Point Point; /** Type of vertex handles that are returns by insertions into the triangulation. */ typedef typename Triangulation::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; /** Type of the conflict zone for a point that can be inserted. */ typedef typename Triangulation_traits::Zone Zone; typedef Element Element_type; typedef Previous Previous_level; private: /** \name Private member functions */ /** Curiously recurring template pattern. */ //@{ Derived& derived() { return static_cast(*this); } const Derived& derived() const { return static_cast(*this); } //@} /** \name Private member datas */ Previous& previous_level; /**< The previous level of the refinement process. */ public: typedef Mesher_level Self; /** \name CONSTRUCTORS */ Mesher_level(Previous_level& previous) : previous_level(previous) { } /** \name FUNCTIONS IMPLEMENTED IN THE CLASS \c Derived */ /** Access to the triangulation */ Triangulation& triangulation() { return derived().triangulation_ref_impl(); } /** Access to the triangulation */ const Triangulation& triangulation() const { return derived().triangulation_ref_impl(); } const Previous_level& previous() const { return previous_level; } Vertex_handle insert(Point p, Zone& z) { return derived().insert_impl(p, z); } Zone conflicts_zone(const Point& p, Element e) { return derived().conflicts_zone_impl(p, e); } /** Called before the first refinement, to initialized the queue of elements that should be refined. */ void scan_triangulation() { derived().scan_triangulation_impl(); } /** Tells if, as regards the elements of type \c Element, the refinement is done. */ bool no_longer_element_to_refine() { return derived().no_longer_element_to_refine_impl(); } /** Retrieves the next element that could be refined. */ Element get_next_element() { return derived().get_next_element_impl(); } /** Remove from the list the next element that could be refined. */ void pop_next_element() { derived().pop_next_element_impl(); } /** Gives the point that should be inserted to refine the element \c e */ Point refinement_point(const Element& e) { return derived().refinement_point_impl(e); } /** Actions before testing conflicts for point \c p and element \c e */ template void before_conflicts(const Element& e, const Point& p, Mesh_visitor visitor) { visitor.before_conflicts(e, p); derived().before_conflicts_impl(e, p); } /** Tells if, as regards this level of the refinement process, if the point conflicts with something, and do what is needed. The return type is made of two booleans: - the first one tells if the point can be inserted, - in case of, the first one is \c false, the second one tells if the tested element should be reconsidered latter. */ Mesher_level_conflict_status private_test_point_conflict(const Point& p, Zone& zone) { return derived().private_test_point_conflict_impl(p, zone); } /** Tells if, as regards this level of the refinement process, if the point conflicts with something, and do what is needed. The return type is made of two booleans: - the first one tells if the point can be inserted, - in case of, the first one is \c false, the second one tells if the tested element should be reconsidered latter. This function is called by the superior level, if any. */ Mesher_level_conflict_status test_point_conflict_from_superior(const Point& p, Zone& zone) { return derived().test_point_conflict_from_superior_impl(p, zone); } /** * Actions before inserting the point \c p in order to refine the * element \c e. The zone of conflicts is \c zone. */ template void before_insertion(Element& e, const Point& p, Zone& zone, Mesh_visitor visitor) { visitor.before_insertion(e, p, zone); derived().before_insertion_impl(e, p, zone); } /** Actions after having inserted the point. * \param vh is the vertex handle of the inserted point, * \param visitor is the visitor. */ template void after_insertion(Vertex_handle vh, Mesh_visitor visitor) { derived().after_insertion_impl(vh); visitor.after_insertion(vh); } /** Actions after testing conflicts for point \c p and element \c e * if no point is inserted. */ template void after_no_insertion(const Element& e, const Point& p, Zone& zone, Mesh_visitor visitor) { derived().after_no_insertion_impl(e, p, zone); visitor.after_no_insertion(e, p, zone); } /** \name MESHING PROCESS * * The following functions use the functions that are implemented in the * derived classes. * */ /** * Tells it the algorithm is done, regarding elements of type \c Element * or elements of previous levels. */ bool is_algorithm_done() { return ( previous_level.is_algorithm_done() && no_longer_element_to_refine() ); } /** Refines elements of this level and previous levels. */ template void refine(Mesh_visitor visitor) { while(! is_algorithm_done() ) { previous_level.refine(visitor.previous_level()); if(! no_longer_element_to_refine() ) process_one_element(visitor); } } /** * This function takes one element from the queue, and try to refine * it. It returns \c true if one point has been inserted. * @todo Merge with try_to_refine_element(). */ template bool process_one_element(Mesh_visitor visitor) { Element e = get_next_element(); const Mesher_level_conflict_status result = try_to_refine_element(e, visitor); if(result == CONFLICT_AND_ELEMENT_SHOULD_BE_DROPPED) pop_next_element(); return result == NO_CONFLICT; } template Mesher_level_conflict_status try_to_refine_element(Element e, Mesh_visitor visitor) { const Point& p = refinement_point(e); before_conflicts(e, p, visitor); Zone zone = conflicts_zone(p, e); const Mesher_level_conflict_status result = test_point_conflict(p, zone); #ifdef CGAL_MESHES_DEBUG_REFINEMENT_POINTS std::cerr << "(" << p << ") "; switch( result ) { case NO_CONFLICT: std::cerr << "accepted\n"; break; case CONFLICT_BUT_ELEMENT_CAN_BE_RECONSIDERED: std::cerr << "rejected (temporarily)\n"; break; case CONFLICT_AND_ELEMENT_SHOULD_BE_DROPPED: std::cerr << "rejected (permanent)\n"; break; } #endif if(result == NO_CONFLICT) { before_insertion(e, p, zone, visitor); Vertex_handle v = insert(p, zone); after_insertion(v, visitor); return NO_CONFLICT; } else after_no_insertion(e, p, zone, visitor); return result; } /** Return (can_split_the_element, drop_element). */ Mesher_level_conflict_status test_point_conflict(const Point& p, Zone& zone) { const Mesher_level_conflict_status result = previous_level.test_point_conflict_from_superior(p, zone); if( result != NO_CONFLICT ) return result; return private_test_point_conflict(p, zone); } /** \name STEP BY STEP FUNCTIONS */ /** * Inserts exactly one point, if possible, and returns \c false if no * point has been inserted because the algorithm is done. */ template bool try_to_insert_one_point(Mesh_visitor visitor) { while(! is_algorithm_done() ) { if( previous_level.try_to_insert_one_point(visitor.previous_level()) ) return true; if(! no_longer_element_to_refine() ) if( process_one_element(visitor) ) return true; } return false; } /** * Applies one step of the algorithm: tries to refine one element of * previous level or one element of this level. Return \c false iff * is_algorithm_done()==true . */ template bool one_step(Mesh_visitor visitor) { if( ! previous_level.is_algorithm_done() ) previous_level.one_step(visitor.previous_level()); else if( ! no_longer_element_to_refine() ) process_one_element(visitor); return ! is_algorithm_done(); } }; // end Mesher_level } // end namespace CGAL #include #include #endif // CGAL_MESHER_LEVEL_H