// Copyright (c) 1999-2003,2006-2009,2014-2015,2017 INRIA Sophia-Antipolis (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Periodic_3_triangulation_3/include/CGAL/Periodic_3_triangulation_3.h $ // $Id: Periodic_3_triangulation_3.h d10359d 2020-03-19T16:27:55+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // Author(s) : Monique Teillaud // Sylvain Pion // Nico Kruithof // Manuel Caroli // Aymeric Pelle // Mael Rouxel-Labbé #ifndef CGAL_PERIODIC_3_TRIANGULATION_3_H #define CGAL_PERIODIC_3_TRIANGULATION_3_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef CGAL_NO_STRUCTURAL_FILTERING #include #include #include #endif // no CGAL_NO_STRUCTURAL_FILTERING #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { template < class GT, class TDS > class Periodic_3_triangulation_3; template < class GT, class TDS > std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& is, Periodic_3_triangulation_3& tr); template < class GT, class TDS > std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, const Periodic_3_triangulation_3& tr); #ifndef CGAL_NO_STRUCTURAL_FILTERING namespace internal { // structural filtering is performed only for EPIC struct Periodic_structural_filtering_3_tag {}; struct No_periodic_structural_filtering_3_tag {}; template struct Periodic_structural_filtering_selector_3 { #ifdef FORCE_STRUCTURAL_FILTERING typedef Periodic_structural_filtering_3_tag Tag; #else typedef No_periodic_structural_filtering_3_tag Tag; #endif }; template <> struct Periodic_structural_filtering_selector_3 { typedef Periodic_structural_filtering_3_tag Tag; }; } #endif // no CGAL_NO_STRUCTURAL_FILTERING /**\class Periodic_3_triangulation_3 * * \brief Implements functionality for computing in periodic space. * * There are several things that are special to computing in $\mathbb{T}^3$ * such as * - periodicity --> offsets * - no infinite vertex * - no degenerate dimensions * All functions that are affected can be found in this class. When it is * necessary to provide different implementations for Delaunay and regular * triangulation, we work with visitors. */ template < class GT, class TDS = Triangulation_data_structure_3 < Triangulation_vertex_base_3 >, Triangulation_cell_base_3 > > > class Periodic_3_triangulation_3 : public Triangulation_utils_3 { friend std::istream& operator>> <> (std::istream& is, Periodic_3_triangulation_3& tr); typedef Periodic_3_triangulation_3 Self; public: typedef GT Geometric_traits; typedef TDS Triangulation_data_structure; typedef typename GT::Periodic_3_offset_3 Offset; typedef typename GT::Iso_cuboid_3 Iso_cuboid; typedef std::array Covering_sheets; // point types typedef typename TDS::Vertex::Point Point; typedef typename GT::Point_3 Point_3; typedef std::pair Periodic_point; typedef std::pair Periodic_point_3; typedef typename GT::Segment_3 Segment; typedef typename GT::Triangle_3 Triangle; typedef typename GT::Tetrahedron_3 Tetrahedron; typedef std::array Periodic_segment; typedef std::array Periodic_triangle; typedef std::array Periodic_tetrahedron; typedef std::array Periodic_segment_3; typedef std::array Periodic_triangle_3; typedef std::array Periodic_tetrahedron_3; typedef typename TDS::Vertex Vertex; typedef typename TDS::Cell Cell; typedef typename TDS::Facet Facet; typedef typename TDS::Edge Edge; typedef typename TDS::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename TDS::Cell_handle Cell_handle; typedef typename TDS::size_type size_type; typedef typename TDS::difference_type difference_type; typedef typename TDS::Cell_iterator Cell_iterator; typedef typename TDS::Facet_iterator Facet_iterator; typedef typename TDS::Edge_iterator Edge_iterator; typedef typename TDS::Vertex_iterator Vertex_iterator; typedef typename TDS::Cell_circulator Cell_circulator; typedef typename TDS::Facet_circulator Facet_circulator; typedef Cell_iterator All_cells_iterator; typedef Facet_iterator All_facets_iterator; typedef Edge_iterator All_edges_iterator; typedef Vertex_iterator All_vertices_iterator; typedef Periodic_3_triangulation_unique_vertex_iterator_3 Unique_vertex_iterator; private: typedef typename GT::FT FT; typedef std::pair< Vertex_handle, Offset > Virtual_vertex; typedef boost::unordered_map Virtual_vertex_map; typedef typename Virtual_vertex_map::const_iterator Virtual_vertex_map_it; typedef boost::unordered_map > Virtual_vertex_reverse_map; typedef typename Virtual_vertex_reverse_map::const_iterator Virtual_vertex_reverse_map_it; typedef Triple< Vertex_handle, Vertex_handle, Vertex_handle > Vertex_triple; public: typedef Periodic_3_triangulation_tetrahedron_iterator_3 Periodic_tetrahedron_iterator; typedef Periodic_3_triangulation_triangle_iterator_3 Periodic_triangle_iterator; typedef Periodic_3_triangulation_segment_iterator_3 Periodic_segment_iterator; typedef Periodic_3_triangulation_point_iterator_3 Periodic_point_iterator; typedef Point value_type; typedef const value_type& const_reference; //Tag to distinguish regular triangulations from others typedef Tag_false Weighted_tag; // Tag to distinguish periodic triangulations from others typedef Tag_true Periodic_tag; public: enum Iterator_type { STORED = 0, UNIQUE, //1 STORED_COVER_DOMAIN, //2 UNIQUE_COVER_DOMAIN };//3 enum Locate_type { VERTEX = 0, EDGE, //1 FACET, //2 CELL, //3 EMPTY , //4 OUTSIDE_CONVEX_HULL, // unused, for compatibility with Alpha_shape_3 OUTSIDE_AFFINE_HULL }; // unused, for compatibility with Alpha_shape_3 // unused and undocumented types and functions required to be // compatible with Alpha_shape_3 / Periodic_3_mesh_3 public: typedef Cell_iterator Finite_cells_iterator; typedef Facet_iterator Finite_facets_iterator; typedef Edge_iterator Finite_edges_iterator; typedef Vertex_iterator Finite_vertices_iterator; int dimension() const { return (number_of_vertices() == 0) ? -2 : 3; } template bool is_infinite(const T&, int = 0, int = 0) const { return false; } size_type number_of_finite_cells() const { return number_of_cells(); } size_type number_of_finite_facets() const { return number_of_facets(); } size_type number_of_finite_edges() const { return number_of_edges(); } size_type number_of_finite_vertices() const { return number_of_vertices(); } private: Geometric_traits _gt; Triangulation_data_structure _tds; protected: /// map of offsets for periodic copies of vertices Virtual_vertex_map virtual_vertices; Virtual_vertex_reverse_map virtual_vertices_reverse; protected: /// v_offsets temporarily stores all the vertices on the border of a /// conflict region. mutable std::vector v_offsets; /// Determines if we currently compute in 3-cover or 1-cover. Covering_sheets _cover; public: /** @name Creation */ Periodic_3_triangulation_3(const Iso_cuboid& domain = Iso_cuboid(0,0,0, 1,1,1), const Geometric_traits& gt = Geometric_traits()) : _gt(gt), _tds() { typedef typename internal::Exact_field_selector::Type EFT; typedef NT_converter NTC; CGAL_USE_TYPE(NTC); CGAL_triangulation_precondition_code( NTC ntc; ) CGAL_triangulation_precondition(ntc(domain.xmax())-ntc(domain.xmin()) == ntc(domain.ymax())-ntc(domain.ymin())); CGAL_triangulation_precondition(ntc(domain.ymax())-ntc(domain.ymin()) == ntc(domain.zmax())-ntc(domain.zmin())); CGAL_triangulation_precondition(ntc(domain.zmax())-ntc(domain.zmin()) == ntc(domain.xmax())-ntc(domain.xmin())); _gt.set_domain(domain); _cover = CGAL::make_array(3,3,3); init_tds(); } protected: // Copy constructor helpers class Finder; public: // Copy constructor duplicates vertices and cells Periodic_3_triangulation_3(const Periodic_3_triangulation_3& tr) : _gt(tr.geom_traits()), _cover(tr.number_of_sheets()) { if(is_1_cover()) tds() = tr.tds(); else copy_multiple_covering(tr); CGAL_triangulation_expensive_postcondition(*this == tr); CGAL_triangulation_expensive_postcondition(is_valid()); } virtual ~Periodic_3_triangulation_3() {} void copy_multiple_covering(const Periodic_3_triangulation_3& tr) { // Write the respective offsets in the vertices to make them // automatically copy with the tds. for(Vertex_iterator vit = tr.vertices_begin(); vit != tr.vertices_end(); ++vit) vit->set_offset(tr.get_offset(vit)); // copy the tds tds() = tr.tds(); // make a list of all vertices that belong to the original // domain and initialize the basic structure of // virtual_vertices_reverse std::list vlist; for(Vertex_iterator vit = vertices_begin(); vit != vertices_end(); ++vit) { if(vit->offset() == Offset()) { vlist.push_back(vit); virtual_vertices_reverse.insert(std::make_pair(vit,std::vector(26))); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(virtual_vertices_reverse.find(vit)->second.size() == 26); } } // Iterate over all vertices that are not in the original domain // and construct the respective entries to virtual_vertices and // virtual_vertices_reverse for(Vertex_iterator vit2 = vertices_begin(); vit2 != vertices_end(); ++vit2) { if(vit2->offset() != Offset()) { typename std::list::iterator vlist_it = std::find_if(vlist.begin(), vlist.end(), Finder(this,vit2->point())); Offset off = vit2->offset(); virtual_vertices.insert(std::make_pair(vit2, std::make_pair(*vlist_it,off))); virtual_vertices_reverse.find(*vlist_it)->second[9*off[0]+3*off[1]+off[2]-1] = vit2; CGAL_triangulation_assertion(get_offset(vit2) == off); } } // Cleanup vertex offsets for(Vertex_iterator vit = vertices_begin(); vit != vertices_end(); ++vit) vit->clear_offset(); for(Vertex_iterator vit = tr.vertices_begin(); vit != tr.vertices_end(); ++vit) vit->clear_offset(); } /** @name Assignment */ Periodic_3_triangulation_3& operator=(Periodic_3_triangulation_3 tr) { swap(tr); return *this; } void swap(Periodic_3_triangulation_3& tr) { std::swap(tr._gt, _gt); _tds.swap(tr._tds); std::swap(virtual_vertices,tr.virtual_vertices); std::swap(virtual_vertices_reverse,tr.virtual_vertices_reverse); std::swap(_cover, tr._cover); } virtual void clear_covering_data() { } /// Clears the triangulation and initializes it again. void clear() { _tds.clear(); clear_covering_data(); virtual_vertices.clear(); virtual_vertices_reverse.clear(); v_offsets.clear(); _cover = CGAL::make_array(3,3,3); init_tds(); } private: /// Initializes the triangulation data structure void init_tds() { _tds.set_dimension(-2); v_offsets.reserve(48); } public: /** @name Access functions */ const Geometric_traits& geom_traits() const { return _gt; } const TDS& tds() const { return _tds; } TDS& tds() { return _tds; } bool is_parallel() const { return false; } virtual void gather_cell_hidden_points(const Cell_handle /*cit*/, std::vector& /* hidden_points*/) { } virtual void reinsert_hidden_points_after_converting_to_1_sheeted(const std::vector& /* hidden_points*/) { } const Iso_cuboid& domain() const { return _gt.get_domain(); } virtual void update_cover_data_after_setting_domain() {} void set_domain(const Iso_cuboid& domain) { clear(); _gt.set_domain(domain); update_cover_data_after_setting_domain(); } const Covering_sheets& number_of_sheets() const { return _cover; } const std::pair original_vertex(const Vertex_handle v) const { return (virtual_vertices.find(v) == virtual_vertices.end()) ? std::make_pair(v,Offset()) : virtual_vertices.find(v)->second; } const std::vector& periodic_copies(const Vertex_handle v) const { CGAL_triangulation_precondition(number_of_sheets() != CGAL::make_array(1,1,1)); CGAL_triangulation_precondition(virtual_vertices.find(v) == virtual_vertices.end()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion( virtual_vertices_reverse.find(v) != virtual_vertices_reverse.end()); return virtual_vertices_reverse.find(v)->second; } bool is_triangulation_in_1_sheet() const; void convert_to_1_sheeted_covering(); virtual void update_cover_data_after_converting_to_27_sheeted_covering() { } void convert_to_27_sheeted_covering(); size_type number_of_cells() const { if(is_1_cover()) return _tds.number_of_cells(); else return _tds.number_of_cells()/27; } size_type number_of_facets() const { if(is_1_cover()) return _tds.number_of_facets(); else return _tds.number_of_facets()/27; } size_type number_of_edges() const { if(is_1_cover()) return _tds.number_of_edges(); else return _tds.number_of_edges()/27; } size_type number_of_vertices() const { if(is_1_cover()) return _tds.number_of_vertices(); else return _tds.number_of_vertices()/27; } size_type number_of_stored_cells() const { return _tds.number_of_cells(); } size_type number_of_stored_facets() const { return _tds.number_of_facets(); } size_type number_of_stored_edges() const { return _tds.number_of_edges(); } size_type number_of_stored_vertices() const { return _tds.number_of_vertices(); } public: bool is_1_cover() const { bool flag; flag = ((_cover[0] == 1) && (_cover[1] == 1) && (_cover[2] == 1)); return flag; } void set_cover(const Covering_sheets& cover) { _cover = cover; } public: bool is_virtual(Vertex_handle v) { if(is_1_cover()) return false; return (virtual_vertices.find(v) != virtual_vertices.end()); } public: // Offset converters int off_to_int(const Offset& off) const { CGAL_triangulation_assertion( off.x() == 0 || off.x() == 1 ); CGAL_triangulation_assertion( off.y() == 0 || off.y() == 1 ); CGAL_triangulation_assertion( off.z() == 0 || off.z() == 1 ); int i = ((off.x()&1)<<2) + ((off.y()&1)<<1) + ((off.z()&1)); return i; } Offset int_to_off(int i) const { return Offset((i>>2)&1,(i>>1)&1,i&1); } void set_offsets(Cell_handle c, int o0,int o1,int o2,int o3) { int off0[3] = {(o0>>2)&1,(o0>>1)&1,(o0&1)}; int off1[3] = {(o1>>2)&1,(o1>>1)&1,(o1&1)}; int off2[3] = {(o2>>2)&1,(o2>>1)&1,(o2&1)}; int off3[3] = {(o3>>2)&1,(o3>>1)&1,(o3&1)}; for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { int min_off = (std::min)((std::min)(off0[i],off1[i]), (std::min)(off2[i],off3[i])); if(min_off != 0) { off0[i] -= min_off; off1[i] -= min_off; off2[i] -= min_off; off3[i] -= min_off; } } o0 = ((off0[0]&1)<<2)+((off0[1]&1)<<1)+(off0[2]&1); o1 = ((off1[0]&1)<<2)+((off1[1]&1)<<1)+(off1[2]&1); o2 = ((off2[0]&1)<<2)+((off2[1]&1)<<1)+(off2[2]&1); o3 = ((off3[0]&1)<<2)+((off3[1]&1)<<1)+(off3[2]&1); c->set_offsets(o0,o1,o2,o3); } template void set_offsets(Cell_handle c, Offset o0,Offset o1,Offset o2,Offset o3) { int off0[3] = {o0.x(),o0.y(),o0.z()}; int off1[3] = {o1.x(),o1.y(),o1.z()}; int off2[3] = {o2.x(),o2.y(),o2.z()}; int off3[3] = {o3.x(),o3.y(),o3.z()}; for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { int min_off = (std::min)((std::min)(off0[i],off1[i]), (std::min)(off2[i],off3[i])); if(min_off != 0) { off0[i] -= min_off; off1[i] -= min_off; off2[i] -= min_off; off3[i] -= min_off; } } CGAL_triangulation_assertion((std::min)((std::min)(off0[0],off1[0]), (std::min)(off2[0],off3[0])) == 0); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((std::min)((std::min)(off0[1],off1[1]), (std::min)(off2[1],off3[1])) == 0); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((std::min)((std::min)(off0[2],off1[2]), (std::min)(off2[2],off3[2])) == 0); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((0 <= off0[0]) && (off0[0] < 2)); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((0 <= off1[0]) && (off1[0] < 2)); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((0 <= off2[0]) && (off2[0] < 2)); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((0 <= off3[0]) && (off3[0] < 2)); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((0 <= off0[1]) && (off0[1] < 2)); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((0 <= off1[1]) && (off1[1] < 2)); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((0 <= off2[1]) && (off2[1] < 2)); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((0 <= off3[1]) && (off3[1] < 2)); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((0 <= off0[2]) && (off0[2] < 2)); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((0 <= off1[2]) && (off1[2] < 2)); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((0 <= off2[2]) && (off2[2] < 2)); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((0 <= off3[2]) && (off3[2] < 2)); int o0i = ((off0[0]&1)<<2)+((off0[1]&1)<<1)+(off0[2]&1); int o1i = ((off1[0]&1)<<2)+((off1[1]&1)<<1)+(off1[2]&1); int o2i = ((off2[0]&1)<<2)+((off2[1]&1)<<1)+(off2[2]&1); int o3i = ((off3[0]&1)<<2)+((off3[1]&1)<<1)+(off3[2]&1); c->set_offsets(o0i,o1i,o2i,o3i); } public: /** @name Wrapping the traits */ // Note that calling functors with "construct_point(p), offset" and not // construct_point(p, offset) is done on purpose. Indeed, construct_point(p) // is not a real construction: it's either the identity (when `Point` is `Point_3`) // or getting the bare point within a weighted point. However, construct_point(p, offset) // is a real construction. When using filters, construct_point() must be done // within the filtered predicates with the appropriate construct_point_3_object. template // can be Point or Point_3 Comparison_result compare_xyz(const P& p1, const P& p2) const { return geom_traits().compare_xyz_3_object()(construct_point(p1), construct_point(p2)); } template // can be Point or Point_3 Comparison_result compare_xyz(const P& p1, const P& p2, const Offset& o1, const Offset& o2) const { return geom_traits().compare_xyz_3_object()( construct_point(p1), construct_point(p2), o1, o2); } template // can be Point or Point_3 Comparison_result compare_xyz(const std::pair& pp1, const std::pair& pp2) const { return geom_traits().compare_xyz_3_object()( construct_point(pp1.first), construct_point(pp2.first), pp1.second, pp2.second); } template // can be Point or Point_3 Orientation orientation(const P& p1, const P& p2, const P& p3, const P& p4) const { return geom_traits().orientation_3_object()(construct_point(p1), construct_point(p2), construct_point(p3), construct_point(p4)); } template // can be Point or Point_3 Orientation orientation(const P& p1, const P& p2, const P& p3, const P& p4, const Offset& o1, const Offset& o2, const Offset& o3, const Offset& o4) const { return geom_traits().orientation_3_object()( construct_point(p1), construct_point(p2), construct_point(p3), construct_point(p4), o1, o2, o3, o4); } template // can be Point or Point_3 Orientation orientation(const std::pair& pp1, const std::pair& pp2, const std::pair& pp3, const std::pair& pp4) const { return geom_traits().orientation_3_object()( construct_point(pp1.first), construct_point(pp2.first), construct_point(pp3.first), construct_point(pp4.first), pp1.second, pp2.second, pp3.second, pp4.second); } template // can be Point or Point_3 bool equal(const P& p1, const P& p2) const { return compare_xyz(construct_point(p1), construct_point(p2)) == EQUAL; } template // can be Point or Point_3 bool equal(const P& p1, const P& p2, const Offset& o1, const Offset& o2) const { return compare_xyz(construct_point(p1), construct_point(p2), o1, o2) == EQUAL; } template // can be Point or Point_3 bool equal(const std::pair& pp1, const std::pair& pp2) const { return compare_xyz(construct_point(pp1.first), construct_point(pp1.second), pp2.first, pp2.second) == EQUAL; } template // can be Point or Point_3 bool coplanar(const P& p1, const P& p2, const P& p3, const P& p4) const { return orientation(construct_point(p1), construct_point(p2), construct_point(p3), construct_point(p4)) == COPLANAR; } template // can be Point or Point_3 bool coplanar(const P& p1, const P& p2, const P& p3, const P& p4, const Offset& o1, const Offset& o2, const Offset& o3, const Offset& o4) const { return orientation(construct_point(p1), construct_point(p2), construct_point(p3), construct_point(p4), o1, o2, o3, o4) == COPLANAR; } template // can be Point or Point_3 bool coplanar(const std::pair& pp1, const std::pair& pp2, const std::pair& pp3, const std::pair& pp4) const { return orientation(construct_point(pp1.first), construct_point(pp2.first), construct_point(pp3.first), construct_point(pp4.first), pp1.second, pp2.second, pp3.second, pp4.second) == COPLANAR; } public: /** @name Geometric access functions */ // ************************************************************************* // -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* POINT -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* // ************************************************************************* // Note that construct_point()-like functions have return type Point_3, // but point() -like functions have return type Point template // can be Point or Point_3 typename boost::result_of::type construct_point(const P& p) const { return geom_traits().construct_point_3_object()(p); } template // can be Point or Point_3 Point_3 construct_point(const P& p, const Offset& o) const { return geom_traits().construct_point_3_object()(p, o); } template // can be Point or Point_3 Point_3 construct_point(const std::pair& pp) const { return construct_point(pp.first, pp.second); } Periodic_point_3 construct_periodic_point(const Point_3& p, bool& had_to_use_exact) const { // The function is a different file to be able to be used where there is // no triangulation (namely, the domains of Periodic_3_mesh_3). return ::CGAL::P3T3::internal::construct_periodic_point(p, had_to_use_exact, geom_traits()); } Periodic_point_3 construct_periodic_point(const Point_3& p) const { bool useless = false; return construct_periodic_point(p, useless); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // The following functions return objects of type Point and Periodic_point, // _not_ Point_3 and Periodic_point_3. // They are templated by `construct_point` to distingush between Delaunay and // regular triangulations // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- template Point point(const Periodic_point& pp, ConstructPoint cp) const { return cp(pp.first, pp.second); } // The following functions return the "real" position in space (unconstrained // to the fundamental domain) of the vertices v and c->vertex(idx), // respectively template Point point(Vertex_handle v, ConstructPoint cp) const { return point(periodic_point(v), cp); } template Point point(Cell_handle c, int idx, ConstructPoint cp) const { // if(is_1_cover()) return point(periodic_point(c, idx), cp); Offset vec_off[4]; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) vec_off[i] = periodic_point(c,i).second; int ox = vec_off[0].x(); int oy = vec_off[0].y(); int oz = vec_off[0].z(); for(int i=1; i<4; i++) { ox = (std::min)(ox, vec_off[i].x()); oy = (std::min)(oy, vec_off[i].y()); oz = (std::min)(oz, vec_off[i].z()); } Offset diff_off(-ox, -oy, -oz); if(diff_off.is_null()) return point(periodic_point(c, idx), cp); for(unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++) vec_off[i] += diff_off; Vertex_handle canonic_vh[4]; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { Virtual_vertex_map_it vvmit = virtual_vertices.find(c->vertex(i)); Vertex_handle orig_vh; if(vvmit == virtual_vertices.end()) orig_vh = c->vertex(i); else orig_vh = vvmit->second.first; if(vec_off[i].is_null()) { canonic_vh[i] = orig_vh; } else { CGAL_assertion(virtual_vertices_reverse.find(orig_vh) != virtual_vertices_reverse.end()); canonic_vh[i] = virtual_vertices_reverse.find(orig_vh)-> second[9*vec_off[i][0]+3*vec_off[i][1]+vec_off[i][2]-1]; } } std::vector cells; incident_cells(canonic_vh[0], std::back_inserter(cells)); for(unsigned int i=0; ihas_vertex(canonic_vh[0])); if(cells[i]->has_vertex(canonic_vh[1]) && cells[i]->has_vertex(canonic_vh[2]) && cells[i]->has_vertex(canonic_vh[3]) ) return point(periodic_point(cells[i], cells[i]->index(canonic_vh[idx])), cp); } CGAL_assertion(false); return Point(); } Periodic_point periodic_point(const Vertex_handle v) const { if(is_1_cover()) return std::make_pair(v->point(), Offset(0,0,0)); Virtual_vertex_map_it it = virtual_vertices.find(v); if(it == virtual_vertices.end()) { // if v is not contained in virtual_vertices, then it is in the // original domain. return std::make_pair(v->point(), Offset(0,0,0)); } else { // otherwise it has to be looked up as well as its offset. return std::make_pair(it->second.first->point(), it->second.second); } } Periodic_point periodic_point(const Cell_handle c, int i) const { if(is_1_cover()) return std::make_pair(c->vertex(i)->point(), int_to_off(c->offset(i))); Virtual_vertex_map_it it = virtual_vertices.find(c->vertex(i)); if(it == virtual_vertices.end()) { // if c->vertex(i) is not contained in virtual_vertices, then it // is in the original domain. return std::make_pair(c->vertex(i)->point(), combine_offsets(Offset(),int_to_off(c->offset(i))) ); } else { // otherwise it has to be looked up as well as its offset. return std::make_pair(it->second.first->point(), combine_offsets(it->second.second, int_to_off(c->offset(i))) ); } } // ************************************************************************* // -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* SEGMENT -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* // ************************************************************************* // Note that an object of type `Segment` is constructed from two objects of type `Point_3` // while an object of type `Periodic_segment` is constructed from two objects of type `Point` template // can be Point or Point_3 Segment construct_segment(const P& p1, const P& p2) const { return geom_traits().construct_segment_3_object()(construct_point(p1), construct_point(p2)); } template // can be Point or Point_3 Segment construct_segment(const P& p1, const P& p2, const Offset& o1, const Offset& o2) const { return geom_traits().construct_segment_3_object()(construct_point(p1, o1), construct_point(p2, o2)); } template // can be Periodic_segment or Periodic_segment_3 Segment construct_segment(const PS& ps) const { return geom_traits().construct_segment_3_object()( construct_point(ps[0].first, ps[0].second), construct_point(ps[1].first, ps[1].second)); } template // can be Point or Point_3 Periodic_segment construct_periodic_segment(const P& p1, const P& p2, const Offset& o1 = Offset(), const Offset& o2 = Offset()) const { return CGAL::make_array(std::make_pair(construct_point(p1), o1), std::make_pair(construct_point(p2), o2)); } Periodic_segment periodic_segment(const Cell_handle c, int i, int j) const { CGAL_triangulation_precondition( i != j ); CGAL_triangulation_precondition( number_of_vertices() != 0 ); CGAL_triangulation_precondition( i >= 0 && i <= 3 && j >= 0 && j <= 3 ); return CGAL::make_array(std::make_pair(c->vertex(i)->point(), get_offset(c,i)), std::make_pair(c->vertex(j)->point(), get_offset(c,j))); } Periodic_segment periodic_segment(const Edge& e) const { return periodic_segment(e.first,e.second,e.third); } Periodic_segment periodic_segment(const Cell_handle c, Offset offset, int i, int j) const { Periodic_segment result = periodic_segment(c,i,j); offset.x() *= _cover[0]; offset.y() *= _cover[1]; offset.z() *= _cover[2]; result[0].second += offset; result[1].second += offset; return result; } // ************************************************************************* // -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* TRIANGLE -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* // ************************************************************************* // Note that an object of type `Triangle` is constructed from three objects of type `Point_3` // while an object of type `Periodic_triangle` is constructed from three objects of type `Point` template // can be Point or Point_3 Triangle construct_triangle(const P& p1, const P& p2, const P& p3) const { return geom_traits().construct_triangle_3_object()(construct_point(p1), construct_point(p2), construct_point(p3)); } template // can be Point or Point_3 Triangle construct_triangle(const P& p1, const P& p2, const P& p3, const Offset& o1, const Offset& o2, const Offset& o3) const { return geom_traits().construct_triangle_3_object()(construct_point(p1, o1), construct_point(p2, o2), construct_point(p3, o3)); } template // can be Periodic_triangle or Periodic_triangle_3 Triangle construct_triangle(const PT& tri) const { return geom_traits().construct_triangle_3_object()( construct_point(tri[0].first, tri[0].second), construct_point(tri[1].first, tri[1].second), construct_point(tri[2].first, tri[2].second)); } template // can be Point or Point_3 Periodic_triangle construct_periodic_triangle(const P& p1, const P& p2, const P& p3, const Offset& o1 = Offset(), const Offset& o2 = Offset(), const Offset& o3 = Offset()) const { return CGAL::make_array(std::make_pair(construct_point(p1), o1), std::make_pair(construct_point(p2), o2), std::make_pair(construct_point(p3), o3)); } Periodic_triangle periodic_triangle(const Cell_handle c, int i) const { CGAL_triangulation_precondition( number_of_vertices() != 0 ); CGAL_triangulation_precondition( i >= 0 && i <= 3 ); if( (i&1)==0 ) return CGAL::make_array(std::make_pair(c->vertex((i+2)&3)->point(), get_offset(c,(i+2)&3)), std::make_pair(c->vertex((i+1)&3)->point(), get_offset(c,(i+1)&3)), std::make_pair(c->vertex((i+3)&3)->point(), get_offset(c,(i+3)&3)) ); return CGAL::make_array(std::make_pair(c->vertex((i+1)&3)->point(), get_offset(c,(i+1)&3)), std::make_pair(c->vertex((i+2)&3)->point(), get_offset(c,(i+2)&3)), std::make_pair(c->vertex((i+3)&3)->point(), get_offset(c,(i+3)&3)) ); } Periodic_triangle periodic_triangle(const Facet& f) const { return periodic_triangle(f.first, f.second); } Periodic_triangle periodic_triangle(const Cell_handle c, Offset offset, int i) const { Periodic_triangle result = periodic_triangle(c,i); offset.x() *= _cover[0]; offset.y() *= _cover[1]; offset.z() *= _cover[2]; result[0].second += offset; result[1].second += offset; result[2].second += offset; return result; } // ************************************************************************* // -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* TETRAHEDRON -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* // ************************************************************************* // Note that an object of type `Tetrahedron` is constructed from four objects of type `Point_3` // while an object of type `Periodic_tetrahedron` is constructed from four objects of type `Point` template // can be Point or Point_3 Tetrahedron construct_tetrahedron(const P& p1, const P& p2, const P& p3, const P& p4) const { return geom_traits().construct_tetrahedron_3_object()(construct_point(p1), construct_point(p2), construct_point(p3), construct_point(p4)); } template // can be Point or Point_3 Tetrahedron construct_tetrahedron(const P& p1, const P& p2, const P& p3, const P& p4, const Offset& o1, const Offset& o2, const Offset& o3, const Offset& o4) const { return geom_traits().construct_tetrahedron_3_object()( construct_point(p1, o1), construct_point(p2, o2), construct_point(p3, o3), construct_point(p4, o4)); } template // can be Periodic_tetrahedron or Periodic_tetrahedron_3 Tetrahedron construct_tetrahedron(const PT& tet) const { return geom_traits().construct_tetrahedron_3_object()( construct_point(tet[0].first, tet[0].second), construct_point(tet[1].first, tet[1].second), construct_point(tet[2].first, tet[2].second), construct_point(tet[3].first, tet[3].second)); } template // can be Point or Point_3 Periodic_tetrahedron construct_periodic_tetrahedron(const P& p1, const P& p2, const P& p3, const P& p4, const Offset& o1 = Offset(), const Offset& o2 = Offset(), const Offset& o3 = Offset(), const Offset& o4 = Offset()) const { return CGAL::make_array(std::make_pair(construct_point(p1), o1), std::make_pair(construct_point(p2), o2), std::make_pair(construct_point(p3), o3), std::make_pair(construct_point(p4), o4)); } Periodic_tetrahedron periodic_tetrahedron(const Cell_handle c) const { CGAL_triangulation_precondition( number_of_vertices() != 0 ); return CGAL::make_array(std::make_pair(c->vertex(0)->point(), get_offset(c,0)), std::make_pair(c->vertex(1)->point(), get_offset(c,1)), std::make_pair(c->vertex(2)->point(), get_offset(c,2)), std::make_pair(c->vertex(3)->point(), get_offset(c,3)) ); } Periodic_tetrahedron periodic_tetrahedron(const Cell_handle c, Offset offset) const { Periodic_tetrahedron result = periodic_tetrahedron(c); offset.x() *= _cover[0]; offset.y() *= _cover[1]; offset.z() *= _cover[2]; result[0].second += offset; result[1].second += offset; result[2].second += offset; result[3].second += offset; return result; } // end of geometric functions public: /** @name Queries */ bool is_vertex(const Point& p, Vertex_handle& v) const; bool is_vertex(Vertex_handle v) const { return _tds.is_vertex(v); } bool is_edge(Vertex_handle u, Vertex_handle v, Cell_handle& c, int& i, int& j) const { return _tds.is_edge(u, v, c, i, j); } bool is_edge(Vertex_handle u, const Offset& off_u, Vertex_handle v, const Offset& off_v, Cell_handle& c, int& i, int& j) const { if(!_tds.is_edge(u,v,c,i,j)) return false; if((get_offset(c,i) == off_u) && (get_offset(c,j) == off_v)) return true; // it might be that different cells containing (u,v) yield // different offsets, which forces us to test for all possibilities. else { Cell_circulator ccirc = incident_cells(c,i,j,c); while(++ccirc != c) { i = ccirc->index(u); j = ccirc->index(v); if((get_offset(ccirc,i) == off_u) && (get_offset(ccirc,j) == off_v)) { c = ccirc; return true; } } return false; } } bool is_facet(Vertex_handle u, Vertex_handle v, Vertex_handle w, Cell_handle& c, int& i, int& j, int& k) const { return _tds.is_facet(u, v, w, c, i, j, k); } bool is_facet(Vertex_handle u, const Offset& off_u, Vertex_handle v, const Offset& off_v, Vertex_handle w, const Offset& off_w, Cell_handle& c, int& i, int& j, int& k) const { if(!_tds.is_facet(u,v,w,c,i,j,k)) return false; if((get_offset(c,i) == off_u) && (get_offset(c,j) == off_v) && (get_offset(c,k) == off_w) ) return true; // it might be that c and c->neighbor(l) yield different offsets // which forces us to test for both possibilities. else { int l = 6-i-j-k; c = c->neighbor(l); i = c->index(u); j = c->index(v); k = c->index(w); return ((get_offset(c,i) == off_u) && (get_offset(c,j) == off_v) && (get_offset(c,k) == off_w) ); } } bool is_cell(Cell_handle c) const { return _tds.is_cell(c); } bool is_cell(Vertex_handle u, Vertex_handle v, Vertex_handle w, Vertex_handle t, Cell_handle& c, int& i, int& j, int& k, int& l) const { return _tds.is_cell(u, v, w, t, c, i, j, k, l); } bool is_cell(Vertex_handle u, Vertex_handle v, Vertex_handle w, Vertex_handle t, Cell_handle& c) const { int i,j,k,l; return _tds.is_cell(u, v, w, t, c, i, j, k, l); } bool is_cell(Vertex_handle u, const Offset& off_u, Vertex_handle v, const Offset& off_v, Vertex_handle w, const Offset& off_w, Vertex_handle t, const Offset& off_t, Cell_handle& c, int& i, int& j, int& k, int& l) const { if(!_tds.is_cell(u,v,w,t,c,i,j,k,l)) return false; return ((get_offset(c,i) == off_u) && (get_offset(c,j) == off_v) && (get_offset(c,k) == off_w) && (get_offset(c,l) == off_t) ); return false; } bool is_cell(Vertex_handle u, const Offset& off_u, Vertex_handle v, const Offset& off_v, Vertex_handle w, const Offset& off_w, Vertex_handle t, const Offset& off_t, Cell_handle& c) const { int i, j, k, l; return is_cell(u,off_u,v,off_v,w,off_w,t,off_t,c,i,j,k,l); } bool has_vertex(const Facet& f, Vertex_handle v, int& j) const { return _tds.has_vertex(f.first, f.second, v, j); } bool has_vertex(Cell_handle c, int i, Vertex_handle v, int& j) const { return _tds.has_vertex(c, i, v, j); } bool has_vertex(const Facet& f, Vertex_handle v) const { return _tds.has_vertex(f.first, f.second, v); } bool has_vertex(Cell_handle c, int i, Vertex_handle v) const { return _tds.has_vertex(c, i, v); } bool are_equal(Cell_handle c, int i, Cell_handle n, int j) const { return _tds.are_equal(c, i, n, j); } bool are_equal(const Facet& f, const Facet& g) const { return _tds.are_equal(f.first, f.second, g.first, g.second); } bool are_equal(const Facet& f, Cell_handle n, int j) const { return _tds.are_equal(f.first, f.second, n, j); } #ifdef CGAL_NO_STRUCTURAL_FILTERING Cell_handle periodic_locate(const Point& p, const Offset& o_p, Offset& lo, Locate_type& lt, int& li, int& lj, Cell_handle start = Cell_handle()) const; #else // no CGAL_NO_STRUCTURAL_FILTERING # ifndef CGAL_P3T3_STRUCTURAL_FILTERING_MAX_VISITED_CELLS # define CGAL_P3T3_STRUCTURAL_FILTERING_MAX_VISITED_CELLS 2500 # endif // no CGAL_P3T3_STRUCTURAL_FILTERING_MAX_VISITED_CELLS public: Cell_handle inexact_periodic_locate(const Point& p, const Offset& o_p, Cell_handle start = Cell_handle(), int max_num_cells = CGAL_P3T3_STRUCTURAL_FILTERING_MAX_VISITED_CELLS) const; protected: Cell_handle exact_periodic_locate(const Point& p, const Offset& o_p, Offset& lo, Locate_type& lt, int& li, int& lj, Cell_handle start) const; Cell_handle generic_periodic_locate(const Point& p, const Offset& o_p, Offset& lo, Locate_type& lt, int& li, int& lj, Cell_handle start, internal::Periodic_structural_filtering_3_tag) const { return exact_periodic_locate(p, o_p, lo, lt, li, lj, inexact_periodic_locate(p, o_p, start)); } Cell_handle generic_periodic_locate(const Point& p, const Offset& o_p, Offset& lo, Locate_type& lt, int& li, int& lj, Cell_handle start, internal::No_periodic_structural_filtering_3_tag) const { return exact_periodic_locate(p, o_p, lo, lt, li, lj, start); } Orientation inexact_orientation(const Point& p, const Point& q, const Point& r, const Point& s, const Offset& o_p = Offset(), const Offset& o_q = Offset(), const Offset& o_r = Offset(), const Offset& o_s = Offset()) const { const Point_3 bp = construct_point(p, o_p); const Point_3 bq = construct_point(q, o_q); const Point_3 br = construct_point(r, o_r); const Point_3 bs = construct_point(s, o_s); // So that this code works well with Lazy_kernel internal::Static_filters_predicates::Get_approx get_approx; const double px = to_double(get_approx(bp).x()); const double py = to_double(get_approx(bp).y()); const double pz = to_double(get_approx(bp).z()); const double qx = to_double(get_approx(bq).x()); const double qy = to_double(get_approx(bq).y()); const double qz = to_double(get_approx(bq).z()); const double rx = to_double(get_approx(br).x()); const double ry = to_double(get_approx(br).y()); const double rz = to_double(get_approx(br).z()); const double sx = to_double(get_approx(bs).x()); const double sy = to_double(get_approx(bs).y()); const double sz = to_double(get_approx(bs).z()); const double pqx = qx - px; const double pqy = qy - py; const double pqz = qz - pz; const double prx = rx - px; const double pry = ry - py; const double prz = rz - pz; const double psx = sx - px; const double psy = sy - py; const double psz = sz - pz; const double det = determinant(pqx, pqy, pqz, prx, pry, prz, psx, psy, psz); if(det > 0) return POSITIVE; if(det < 0) return NEGATIVE; return ZERO; } public: Cell_handle periodic_locate(const Point& p, const Offset& o_p, Offset& lo, Locate_type& lt, int& li, int& lj, Cell_handle start = Cell_handle()) const { typedef Triangulation_structural_filtering_traits TSFT; typedef typename internal::Periodic_structural_filtering_selector_3< TSFT::Use_structural_filtering_tag::value >::Tag Should_filter_tag; return generic_periodic_locate(p, o_p, lo, lt, li, lj, start, Should_filter_tag()); } Cell_handle inexact_locate(const Point& p, Cell_handle start = Cell_handle(), int max_num_cells = CGAL_P3T3_STRUCTURAL_FILTERING_MAX_VISITED_CELLS) const { return inexact_periodic_locate(p, Offset(), start, max_num_cells); } #endif // no CGAL_NO_STRUCTURAL_FILTERING protected: /** @name Location helpers */ // Cell_handle periodic_locate(const Point& p, const Offset& o_p, // Locate_type& lt, int& li, int& lj, Cell_handle start) const; Bounded_side side_of_cell(const Point& p, const Offset& off, Cell_handle c, Locate_type& lt, int& i, int& j) const; public: /** @name Point Location */ /** Wrapper function for locate if only the request point is given. */ Cell_handle locate(const Point& p, Cell_handle start = Cell_handle()) const { Locate_type lt; int li, lj; return locate( p, lt, li, lj, start); } /** Wrapper function calling locate with an empty offset if there was no * offset given. */ Cell_handle locate(const Point& p, Locate_type& lt, int& li, int& lj, Cell_handle start = Cell_handle()) const { Offset lo; return locate( p, lo, lt, li, lj, start); } Cell_handle locate(const Point& p, Offset& lo, Cell_handle start = Cell_handle()) const { Locate_type lt; int li, lj; return locate( p, lo, lt, li, lj, start); } Cell_handle locate(const Point& p, Offset& lo, Locate_type& lt, int& li, int& lj, Cell_handle start = Cell_handle()) const { Cell_handle ch = periodic_locate(p, Offset(), lo, lt, li, lj, start); for(unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i) if(lo[i] >= 1) lo[i] = -1; return ch; } Bounded_side side_of_cell(const Point& p, Cell_handle c, Locate_type& lt, int& i, int& j) const { if(number_of_vertices() == 0) { lt = EMPTY; return ON_UNBOUNDED_SIDE; } return side_of_cell(p,Offset(),c,lt,i,j); } private: /** @name Insertion helpers */ template < class Conflict_tester, class Point_hider, class CoverManager > Vertex_handle periodic_insert(const Point& p, const Offset& o, Locate_type lt, Cell_handle c, const Conflict_tester& tester, Point_hider& hider, CoverManager& cover_manager, Vertex_handle vh = Vertex_handle()); template void periodic_sort(Point_iterator /*p_begin*/, Point_iterator /*p_end*/, Offset_iterator /*o_begin*/, Offset_iterator /*o_end*/) const { std::cout << "Periodic_sort not yet implemented" << std::endl; } Vertex_handle create_initial_triangulation(const Point& p); public: std::vector insert_dummy_points(); protected: // this is needed for compatibility reasons template Triple find_conflicts(Cell_handle c, const Conflict_test& tester, Triple it) const { bool b = false; Offset off = get_location_offset(tester, c, b); if(b) return find_conflicts(c,off,tester,it); return it; } template Triple find_conflicts(Cell_handle c, const Offset& current_off, const Conflict_test& tester, Triple it) const; protected: // COMMON INSERTION for DELAUNAY and REGULAR TRIANGULATION template < class Conflict_tester, class Point_hider, class CoverManager > Vertex_handle insert_in_conflict(const Point& p, Cell_handle start, const Conflict_tester& tester, Point_hider& hider, CoverManager& cover_manager) { Locate_type lt = Locate_type(); int li=0, lj=0; Offset lo; Cell_handle c = periodic_locate(p, Offset(), lo, lt, li, lj, start); return insert_in_conflict(p,lt,c,li,lj,tester,hider, cover_manager); } template < class Conflict_tester, class Point_hider, class CoverManager > Vertex_handle insert_in_conflict(const Point& p, Locate_type lt, Cell_handle c, int li, int lj, const Conflict_tester& tester, Point_hider& hider, CoverManager& cover_manager); template < class InputIterator, class Conflict_tester, class Point_hider, class CoverManager> std::vector insert_in_conflict( InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, Cell_handle start, Conflict_tester& tester, Point_hider& hider, CoverManager& cover_manager) { Vertex_handle new_vertex; std::vector double_vertices; Locate_type lt = Locate_type(); int li=0, lj=0; CGAL_triangulation_assertion_code( Locate_type lta = Locate_type(); ) CGAL_triangulation_assertion_code( int ia = 0; ) CGAL_triangulation_assertion_code( int ja = 0; ) Cell_handle hint; while(begin!=end) { tester.set_point(*begin); Offset lo; hint = periodic_locate(*begin, Offset(), lo, lt, li, lj, start); CGAL_triangulation_assertion_code( if(number_of_vertices() != 0) { ); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(side_of_cell( *begin,Offset(), hint, lta, ia, ja) != ON_UNBOUNDED_SIDE); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(lta == lt); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(ia == li); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(ja == lj); CGAL_triangulation_assertion_code( } ); new_vertex = insert_in_conflict(*begin,lt,hint,li,lj,tester,hider, cover_manager); if(lt == VERTEX) double_vertices.push_back(new_vertex); if(new_vertex != Vertex_handle()) start = new_vertex->cell(); begin++; } return double_vertices; } private: /** @name Removal helpers */ Vertex_triple make_vertex_triple(const Facet& f) const { Cell_handle ch = f.first; int i = f.second; return Vertex_triple(ch->vertex(vertex_triple_index(i,0)), ch->vertex(vertex_triple_index(i,1)), ch->vertex(vertex_triple_index(i,2))); } void make_canonical(Vertex_triple& t) const; void make_hole(Vertex_handle v, std::map& outer_map, std::vector& hole); protected: /** @name Removal */ template < class PointRemover, class CoverManager > bool periodic_remove(Vertex_handle v, PointRemover& remover, CoverManager& cover_manager, const bool abort_if_cover_change = false); template < class PointRemover, class CT, class CoverManager > void remove(Vertex_handle v, PointRemover& remover, CT& ct, CoverManager& cover_manager); void delete_vertex(Vertex_handle vertex_handle) { tds().delete_vertex(vertex_handle); if(!is_1_cover()) { typename Virtual_vertex_map::iterator iter = this->virtual_vertices.find(vertex_handle); if(iter != this->virtual_vertices.end()) { Vertex_handle vh = iter->second.first; this->virtual_vertices.erase(iter); typename Virtual_vertex_reverse_map::iterator origin_it = this->virtual_vertices_reverse.find(vh); std::vector& copies = origin_it->second; typename std::vector::iterator copy_iter = std::find(copies.begin(), copies.end(), vertex_handle); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(copy_iter != copies.end()); copies.erase(copy_iter); if(copies.empty()) virtual_vertices_reverse.erase(origin_it); } return; } CGAL_triangulation_assertion(this->virtual_vertices.find(vertex_handle) == this->virtual_vertices.end()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(this->virtual_vertices_reverse.find(vertex_handle) == this->virtual_vertices_reverse.end()); } public: /** @name Traversal */ Cell_iterator cells_begin() const { return _tds.cells_begin(); } Cell_iterator cells_end() const { return _tds.cells_end(); } Vertex_iterator vertices_begin() const { return _tds.vertices_begin(); } Vertex_iterator vertices_end() const { return _tds.vertices_end(); } Edge_iterator edges_begin() const { return _tds.edges_begin(); } Edge_iterator edges_end() const { return _tds.edges_end(); } Facet_iterator facets_begin() const { return _tds.facets_begin(); } Facet_iterator facets_end() const { return _tds.facets_end(); } Cell_iterator finite_cells_begin() const { return _tds.cells_begin(); } Cell_iterator finite_cells_end() const { return _tds.cells_end(); } Vertex_iterator finite_vertices_begin() const { return _tds.vertices_begin(); } Vertex_iterator finite_vertices_end() const { return _tds.vertices_end(); } Edge_iterator finite_edges_begin() const { return _tds.edges_begin(); } Edge_iterator finite_edges_end() const { return _tds.edges_end(); } Facet_iterator finite_facets_begin() const { return _tds.facets_begin(); } Facet_iterator finite_facets_end() const { return _tds.facets_end(); } All_cells_iterator all_cells_begin() const { return _tds.cells_begin(); } All_cells_iterator all_cells_end() const { return _tds.cells_end(); } All_vertices_iterator all_vertices_begin() const { return _tds.vertices_begin(); } All_vertices_iterator all_vertices_end() const { return _tds.vertices_end(); } All_edges_iterator all_edges_begin() const { return _tds.edges_begin(); } All_edges_iterator all_edges_end() const { return _tds.edges_end(); } All_facets_iterator all_facets_begin() const { return _tds.facets_begin(); } All_facets_iterator all_facets_end() const { return _tds.facets_end(); } Unique_vertex_iterator unique_vertices_begin() const { return CGAL::filter_iterator(vertices_end(), Domain_tester(this), vertices_begin()); } Unique_vertex_iterator unique_vertices_end() const { return CGAL::filter_iterator(vertices_end(), Domain_tester(this)); } // Geometric iterators Periodic_tetrahedron_iterator periodic_tetrahedra_begin( Iterator_type it = STORED) const { return Periodic_tetrahedron_iterator(this, it); } Periodic_tetrahedron_iterator periodic_tetrahedra_end( Iterator_type it = STORED) const { return Periodic_tetrahedron_iterator(this, 1, it); } Periodic_triangle_iterator periodic_triangles_begin( Iterator_type it = STORED) const { return Periodic_triangle_iterator(this, it); } Periodic_triangle_iterator periodic_triangles_end( Iterator_type it = STORED) const { return Periodic_triangle_iterator(this, 1, it); } Periodic_segment_iterator periodic_segments_begin( Iterator_type it = STORED) const { return Periodic_segment_iterator(this, it); } Periodic_segment_iterator periodic_segments_end( Iterator_type it = STORED) const { return Periodic_segment_iterator(this, 1, it); } Periodic_point_iterator periodic_points_begin( Iterator_type it = STORED) const { return Periodic_point_iterator(this, it); } Periodic_point_iterator periodic_points_end( Iterator_type it = STORED) const { return Periodic_point_iterator(this, 1, it); } // Circulators Cell_circulator incident_cells(const Edge& e) const { return _tds.incident_cells(e); } Cell_circulator incident_cells(Cell_handle c, int i, int j) const { return _tds.incident_cells(c, i, j); } Cell_circulator incident_cells(const Edge& e, Cell_handle start) const { return _tds.incident_cells(e, start); } Cell_circulator incident_cells(Cell_handle c, int i, int j, Cell_handle start) const { return _tds.incident_cells(c, i, j, start); } Facet_circulator incident_facets(const Edge& e) const { return _tds.incident_facets(e); } Facet_circulator incident_facets(Cell_handle c, int i, int j) const { return _tds.incident_facets(c, i, j); } Facet_circulator incident_facets(const Edge& e, const Facet& start) const { return _tds.incident_facets(e, start); } Facet_circulator incident_facets(Cell_handle c, int i, int j, const Facet& start) const { return _tds.incident_facets(c, i, j, start); } Facet_circulator incident_facets(const Edge& e, Cell_handle start, int f) const { return _tds.incident_facets(e, start, f); } Facet_circulator incident_facets(Cell_handle c, int i, int j, Cell_handle start, int f) const { return _tds.incident_facets(c, i, j, start, f); } // around a vertex template OutputIterator incident_cells(Vertex_handle v, OutputIterator cells) const { return _tds.incident_cells(v, cells); } template OutputIterator incident_facets(Vertex_handle v, OutputIterator facets) const { return _tds.incident_facets(v, facets); } template OutputIterator incident_edges(Vertex_handle v, OutputIterator edges) const { return _tds.incident_edges(v, edges); } template OutputIterator adjacent_vertices(Vertex_handle v, OutputIterator vertices) const { return _tds.adjacent_vertices(v, vertices); } //deprecated, don't use anymore template OutputIterator incident_vertices(Vertex_handle v, OutputIterator vertices) const { return _tds.adjacent_vertices(v, vertices); } size_type degree(Vertex_handle v) const { return _tds.degree(v); } // Functions forwarded from TDS. int mirror_index(Cell_handle c, int i) const { return _tds.mirror_index(c, i); } Vertex_handle mirror_vertex(Cell_handle c, int i) const { return _tds.mirror_vertex(c, i); } Facet mirror_facet(Facet f) const { return _tds.mirror_facet(f); } private: /** @name Checking helpers */ /// calls has_self_edges for every cell of the triangulation bool has_self_edges() const { Cell_iterator it; for( it = all_cells_begin(); it != all_cells_end(); ++it ) if(has_self_edges(it)) return true; return false; } bool has_self_edges(Cell_handle c) const; public: /** @name Checking */ bool is_valid(bool verbose = false, int level = 0) const; bool is_valid(Cell_handle c, bool verbose = false, int level = 0) const; protected: template bool is_valid_conflict(ConflictTester& tester, bool verbose = false, int level = 0) const; public: /** @name Functors */ class Perturbation_order { const Self *t; public: Perturbation_order(const Self *tr) : t(tr) {} template bool operator()(const P* p, const P* q) const { return t->compare_xyz(*p, *q) == SMALLER; } }; public: // undocumented access functions Offset get_offset(Cell_handle ch, int i) const { if(is_1_cover()) return int_to_off(ch->offset(i)); Virtual_vertex_map_it it = virtual_vertices.find(ch->vertex(i)); if(it != virtual_vertices.end()) return combine_offsets(it->second.second, int_to_off(ch->offset(i))); else return combine_offsets(Offset(), int_to_off(ch->offset(i))); } Offset get_offset(Vertex_handle vh) const { if(is_1_cover()) return Offset(); Virtual_vertex_map_it it = virtual_vertices.find(vh); if(it != virtual_vertices.end()) return it->second.second; else return Offset(); } Vertex_handle get_original_vertex(Vertex_handle vh) const { if(is_1_cover()) return vh; Virtual_vertex_map_it it = virtual_vertices.find(vh); if(it != virtual_vertices.end()) return it->second.first; else return vh; } Offset combine_offsets(const Offset& o_c, const Offset& o_t) const { Offset o_ct(_cover[0]*o_t.x(), _cover[1]*o_t.y(), _cover[2]*o_t.z()); return o_c + o_ct; } // These functions give the pair (vertex, offset) that corresponds to the // i-th vertex of cell ch or vertex vh, respectively. void get_vertex(Cell_handle ch, int i, Vertex_handle& vh, Offset& off) const; void get_vertex(Vertex_handle vh_i, Vertex_handle& vh, Offset& off) const; protected: // Auxiliary functions Cell_handle get_cell(const Vertex_handle* vh) const; template Offset get_location_offset(const Conflict_tester& tester, Cell_handle c) const; template Offset get_location_offset(const Conflict_tester& tester, Cell_handle c, bool& found) const; Offset neighbor_offset(Cell_handle ch, int i, Cell_handle nb) const; public: Offset neighbor_offset(Cell_handle ch, int i) const { return neighbor_offset(ch, i, ch->neighbor(i)); } protected: /** @name Friends */ friend std::istream& operator>> <> (std::istream& is, Periodic_3_triangulation_3& tr); friend std::ostream& operator<< <> (std::ostream& os, const Periodic_3_triangulation_3& tr); protected: template Periodic_point_3 periodic_circumcenter(Cell_handle c, ConstructCircumcenter construct_circumcenter) const { CGAL_triangulation_precondition(c != Cell_handle()); Point_3 p = construct_circumcenter(c->vertex(0)->point(), c->vertex(1)->point(), c->vertex(2)->point(), c->vertex(3)->point(), get_offset(c, 0), get_offset(c, 1), get_offset(c, 2), get_offset(c, 3)); return construct_periodic_point(p); } public: bool is_canonical(const Facet& f) const { if(number_of_sheets() == CGAL::make_array(1,1,1)) return true; Offset cell_off0 = int_to_off(f.first->offset((f.second+1)&3)); Offset cell_off1 = int_to_off(f.first->offset((f.second+2)&3)); Offset cell_off2 = int_to_off(f.first->offset((f.second+3)&3)); Offset diff_off((cell_off0.x() == 1 && cell_off1.x() == 1 && cell_off2.x() == 1) ? -1 : 0, (cell_off0.y() == 1 && cell_off1.y() == 1 && cell_off2.y() == 1) ? -1 : 0, (cell_off0.z() == 1 && cell_off1.z() == 1 && cell_off2.z() == 1) ? -1 : 0); Offset off0 = combine_offsets(get_offset(f.first, (f.second+1)&3), diff_off); Offset off1 = combine_offsets(get_offset(f.first, (f.second+2)&3), diff_off); Offset off2 = combine_offsets(get_offset(f.first, (f.second+3)&3), diff_off); // If there is one offset with entries larger than 1 then we are // talking about a vertex that is too far away from the original // domain to belong to a canonical triangle. if(off0.x() > 1) return false; if(off0.y() > 1) return false; if(off0.z() > 1) return false; if(off1.x() > 1) return false; if(off1.y() > 1) return false; if(off1.z() > 1) return false; if(off2.x() > 1) return false; if(off2.y() > 1) return false; if(off2.z() > 1) return false; // If there is one direction of space for which all offsets are // non-zero then the edge is not canonical because we can // take the copy closer towards the origin in that direction. int offx = off0.x() & off1.x() & off2.x(); int offy = off0.y() & off1.y() & off2.y(); int offz = off0.z() & off1.z() & off2.z(); return (offx == 0 && offy == 0 && offz == 0); } protected: template bool canonical_dual_segment(Cell_handle c, int i, Periodic_segment_3& ps, ConstructCircumcenter construct_circumcenter) const { CGAL_triangulation_precondition(c != Cell_handle()); Offset off = neighbor_offset(c,i,c->neighbor(i)); Periodic_point_3 p1 = periodic_circumcenter(c, construct_circumcenter); Periodic_point_3 p2 = periodic_circumcenter(c->neighbor(i), construct_circumcenter); Offset o1 = -p1.second; Offset o2 = combine_offsets(-p2.second,-off); Offset cumm_off((std::min)(o1.x(),o2.x()), (std::min)(o1.y(),o2.y()), (std::min)(o1.z(),o2.z())); const Periodic_point_3 pp1 = std::make_pair(construct_point(p1), o1-cumm_off); const Periodic_point_3 pp2 = std::make_pair(construct_point(p2), o2-cumm_off); ps = CGAL::make_array(pp1, pp2); return (cumm_off == Offset(0,0,0)); } template OutputIterator dual(Cell_handle c, int i, int j, OutputIterator points, ConstructCircumcenter construct_circumcenter) const { Cell_circulator cstart = incident_cells(c, i, j); Offset offv = periodic_point(c,i).second; Vertex_handle v = c->vertex(i); Cell_circulator ccit = cstart; do { Point_3 dual_orig = periodic_circumcenter(ccit, construct_circumcenter).first; int idx = ccit->index(v); Offset off = periodic_point(ccit,idx).second; Point_3 dual = construct_point(std::make_pair(dual_orig, -off+offv)); *points++ = dual; ++ccit; } while(ccit != cstart); return points; } template OutputIterator dual(Vertex_handle v, OutputIterator points, ConstructCircumcenter construct_circumcenter) const { std::vector cells; incident_cells(v,std::back_inserter(cells)); for(unsigned int i=0; iindex(v); Offset off = periodic_point(cells[i],idx).second; Point_3 dual = construct_point(std::make_pair(dual_orig, -off)); *points++ = dual; } return points; } template Stream& draw_dual(Stream& os, ConstructCircumcenter construct_circumcenter) const { CGAL_triangulation_assertion_code( unsigned int i = 0; ) for(Facet_iterator fit = facets_begin(), end = facets_end(); fit != end; ++fit) { if(!is_canonical(*fit)) continue; Periodic_segment_3 pso; canonical_dual_segment(fit->first, fit->second, pso, construct_circumcenter); Segment so = construct_segment(pso); CGAL_triangulation_assertion_code ( ++i; ) os << so.source() << '\n'; os << so.target() << '\n'; } CGAL_triangulation_assertion( i == number_of_facets() ); return os; } /// Volume computations // Note: Polygon area computation requires to evaluate square roots // and thus cannot be done without changing the Traits concept. template FT dual_volume(Vertex_handle v, ConstructCircumcenter construct_circumcenter) const { std::list edges; incident_edges(v, std::back_inserter(edges)); FT vol(0); for(typename std::list::iterator eit = edges.begin(); eit != edges.end(); ++eit) { // compute the dual of the edge *eit but handle the translations // with respect to the dual of v. That is why we cannot use one // of the existing dual functions here. Facet_circulator fstart = incident_facets(*eit); Facet_circulator fcit = fstart; std::vector pts; do { // TODO: possible speed-up by caching the circumcenters Point_3 dual_orig = periodic_circumcenter(fcit->first, construct_circumcenter).first; int idx = fcit->first->index(v); Offset off = periodic_point(fcit->first,idx).second; pts.push_back(construct_point(std::make_pair(dual_orig,-off))); ++fcit; } while(fcit != fstart); Point_3 orig(0,0,0); for(unsigned int i=1; i Point_3 dual_centroid(Vertex_handle v, ConstructCircumcenter construct_circumcenter) const { std::list edges; incident_edges(v, std::back_inserter(edges)); FT vol(0); FT x(0), y(0), z(0); for(typename std::list::iterator eit = edges.begin(); eit != edges.end(); ++eit) { // compute the dual of the edge *eit but handle the translations // with respect to the dual of v. That is why we cannot use one // of the existing dual functions here. Facet_circulator fstart = incident_facets(*eit); Facet_circulator fcit = fstart; std::vector pts; do { // TODO: possible speed-up by caching the circumcenters Point_3 dual_orig = periodic_circumcenter(fcit->first, construct_circumcenter).first; int idx = fcit->first->index(v); Offset off = periodic_point(fcit->first,idx).second; pts.push_back(construct_point(std::make_pair(dual_orig,-off))); ++fcit; } while(fcit != fstart); Point_3 orig(0,0,0); FT tetvol; for(unsigned int i=1; i= d.xmax() ? x-d.xmax()+d.xmin() : x)); y = (y < d.ymin() ? y+d.ymax()-d.ymin() : (y >= d.ymax() ? y-d.ymax()+d.ymin() : y)); z = (z < d.zmin() ? z+d.zmax()-d.zmin() : (z >= d.zmax() ? z-d.zmax()+d.zmin() : z)); CGAL_triangulation_postcondition((d.xmin()<=x)&&(x inline bool Periodic_3_triangulation_3:: is_triangulation_in_1_sheet() const { if(is_1_cover()) return true; for(Vertex_iterator vit = vertices_begin(); vit != vertices_end(); ++vit) { if(virtual_vertices.find(vit) == virtual_vertices.end()) continue; std::vector nb_v; std::set nb_v_odom; Vertex_handle vh; Offset off; adjacent_vertices(vit, std::back_inserter(nb_v)); for(unsigned int i=0; i inline bool Periodic_3_triangulation_3:: is_vertex(const Point& p, Vertex_handle& v) const { Locate_type lt; int li, lj; Cell_handle c = locate( p, lt, li, lj ); if( lt != VERTEX ) return false; v = c->vertex(li); return true; } template < class GT, class TDS > inline void Periodic_3_triangulation_3:: make_canonical(Vertex_triple& t) const { int i = (t.first < t.second) ? 0 : 1; if(i==0) { i = (t.first < t.third) ? 0 : 2; } else { i = (t.second < t.third) ? 1 : 2; } Vertex_handle tmp; switch(i) { case 0: return; case 1: tmp = t.first; t.first = t.second; t.second = t.third; t.third = tmp; return; default: tmp = t.first; t.first = t.third; t.third = t.second; t.second = tmp; } } /** Assumes a point, an offset, and a cell to start from. * Gives the locate type and the simplex (cell and indices) containing p. * * Performs a remembering stochastic walk if the triangulation is not empty. * After the walk the type of the simplex containing p is determined. * * returns the cell p lies in * starts at cell "start" * returns a cell Cell_handel if lt == CELL * returns a facet (Cell_handle,li) if lt == FACET * returns an edge (Cell_handle,li,lj) if lt == EDGE * returns a vertex (Cell_handle,li) if lt == VERTEX */ template < class GT, class TDS > inline typename Periodic_3_triangulation_3::Cell_handle Periodic_3_triangulation_3:: #ifdef CGAL_NO_STRUCTURAL_FILTERING periodic_locate #else exact_periodic_locate #endif (const Point& p, const Offset& o_p, Offset& lo, Locate_type& lt, int& li, int& lj, Cell_handle start) const { int cumm_off = 0; Offset off_query = o_p; if(number_of_vertices() == 0) { lo = Offset(); lt = EMPTY; return Cell_handle(); } CGAL_triangulation_assertion(number_of_vertices() != 0); if(start == Cell_handle()) { start = cells_begin(); } cumm_off = start->offset(0) | start->offset(1) | start->offset(2) | start->offset(3); if(is_1_cover() && cumm_off != 0) { if(((cumm_off & 4) == 4) && (FT(2)*p.x()<(domain().xmax()+domain().xmin()))) off_query += Offset(1,0,0); if(((cumm_off & 2) == 2) && (FT(2)*p.y()<(domain().ymax()+domain().ymin()))) off_query += Offset(0,1,0); if(((cumm_off & 1) == 1) && (FT(2)*p.z()<(domain().zmax()+domain().zmin()))) off_query += Offset(0,0,1); } CGAL_triangulation_postcondition(start!=Cell_handle()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(start->neighbor(0)->neighbor( start->neighbor(0)->index(start))==start); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(start->neighbor(1)->neighbor( start->neighbor(1)->index(start))==start); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(start->neighbor(2)->neighbor( start->neighbor(2)->index(start))==start); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(start->neighbor(3)->neighbor( start->neighbor(3)->index(start))==start); // We implement the remembering visibility/stochastic walk. // Remembers the previous cell to avoid useless orientation tests. Cell_handle previous = Cell_handle(); Cell_handle c = start; // Stores the results of the 4 orientation tests. It will be used // at the end to decide if p lies on a face/edge/vertex/interior. Orientation o[4]; boost::rand48 rng; boost::uniform_smallint<> four(0, 3); boost::variate_generator > die4(rng, four); // Now treat the cell c. try_next_cell: // For the remembering stochastic walk, // we need to start trying with a random index : int i = die4(); // For the remembering visibility walk (Delaunay only), we don't : // int i = 0; cumm_off = c->offset(0) | c->offset(1) | c->offset(2) | c->offset(3); bool simplicity_criterion = (cumm_off == 0) && (off_query.is_null()); // We know that the 4 vertices of c are positively oriented. // So, in order to test if p is seen outside from one of c's facets, // we just replace the corresponding point by p in the orientation // test. We do this using the arrays below. Offset off[4]; const Point* pts[4] = { &(c->vertex(0)->point()), &(c->vertex(1)->point()), &(c->vertex(2)->point()), &(c->vertex(3)->point()) }; if(!simplicity_criterion && is_1_cover() ) { for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { off[i] = int_to_off(c->offset(i)); } } if(!is_1_cover()) { // Just fetch the vertices of c as points with offsets for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { pts[i] = &(c->vertex(i)->point()); off[i] = get_offset(c,i); } } for(int j=0; j != 4; ++j, i = (i+1)&3) { Cell_handle next = c->neighbor(i); if(previous == next) { o[i] = POSITIVE; continue; } CGAL_triangulation_assertion(next->neighbor(next->index(c)) == c); // We temporarily put p at i's place in pts. const Point* backup = pts[i]; pts[i] = &p; if(simplicity_criterion && is_1_cover() ) { o[i] = orientation(*pts[0], *pts[1], *pts[2], *pts[3]); if( o[i] != NEGATIVE ) { pts[i] = backup; continue; } } else { Offset backup_off; backup_off = off[i]; off[i] = off_query; o[i] = orientation(*pts[0], *pts[1], *pts[2], *pts[3], off[0], off[1], off[2], off[3]); if( o[i] != NEGATIVE ) { pts[i] = backup; off[i] = backup_off; continue; } } // Test whether we need to adapt the offset of the query point. // This means, if we get out of the current cover. off_query = combine_offsets(off_query, neighbor_offset(c,i,next)); previous = c; c = next; goto try_next_cell; } // Ok, now we have found the cell. It remains to find the dimension of the // intersected simplex. // now p is in c or on its boundary int sum = ( o[0] == COPLANAR ) + ( o[1] == COPLANAR ) + ( o[2] == COPLANAR ) + ( o[3] == COPLANAR ); switch(sum) { case 0: lt = CELL; break; case 1: lt = FACET; li = ( o[0] == COPLANAR ) ? 0 : ( o[1] == COPLANAR ) ? 1 : ( o[2] == COPLANAR ) ? 2 : 3; break; case 2: lt = EDGE; li = ( o[0] != COPLANAR ) ? 0 : ( o[1] != COPLANAR ) ? 1 : 2; lj = ( o[li+1] != COPLANAR ) ? li+1 : ( o[li+2] != COPLANAR ) ? li+2 : li+3; break; case 3: lt = VERTEX; li = ( o[0] != COPLANAR ) ? 0 : ( o[1] != COPLANAR ) ? 1 : ( o[2] != COPLANAR ) ? 2 : 3; break; default: // the point cannot lie on four facets CGAL_triangulation_assertion(false); } lo = off_query; return c; } #ifndef CGAL_NO_STRUCTURAL_FILTERING template < class GT, class TDS > typename Periodic_3_triangulation_3::Cell_handle Periodic_3_triangulation_3:: inexact_periodic_locate(const Point& p, const Offset& o_p, Cell_handle start, int n_of_turns) const { int cumm_off = 0; Offset off_query = o_p; if(number_of_vertices() == 0) { return Cell_handle(); } CGAL_triangulation_assertion(number_of_vertices() != 0); if(start == Cell_handle()) { start = cells_begin(); } cumm_off = start->offset(0) | start->offset(1) | start->offset(2) | start->offset(3); if(is_1_cover() && cumm_off != 0) { if(((cumm_off & 4) == 4) && (FT(2)*p.x()<(domain().xmax()+domain().xmin()))) off_query += Offset(1,0,0); if(((cumm_off & 2) == 2) && (FT(2)*p.y()<(domain().ymax()+domain().ymin()))) off_query += Offset(0,1,0); if(((cumm_off & 1) == 1) && (FT(2)*p.z()<(domain().zmax()+domain().zmin()))) off_query += Offset(0,0,1); } CGAL_triangulation_postcondition(start!=Cell_handle()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(start->neighbor(0)->neighbor( start->neighbor(0)->index(start))==start); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(start->neighbor(1)->neighbor( start->neighbor(1)->index(start))==start); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(start->neighbor(2)->neighbor( start->neighbor(2)->index(start))==start); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(start->neighbor(3)->neighbor( start->neighbor(3)->index(start))==start); // We implement the remembering visibility/stochastic walk. // Remembers the previous cell to avoid useless orientation tests. Cell_handle previous = Cell_handle(); Cell_handle c = start; // Now treat the cell c. try_next_cell: --n_of_turns; cumm_off = c->offset(0) | c->offset(1) | c->offset(2) | c->offset(3); bool simplicity_criterion = (cumm_off == 0) && (off_query.is_null()); // We know that the 4 vertices of c are positively oriented. // So, in order to test if p is seen outside from one of c's facets, // we just replace the corresponding point by p in the orientation // test. We do this using the arrays below. Offset off[4]; const Point* pts[4] = { &(c->vertex(0)->point()), &(c->vertex(1)->point()), &(c->vertex(2)->point()), &(c->vertex(3)->point()) }; if(!simplicity_criterion && is_1_cover() ) { for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { off[i] = int_to_off(c->offset(i)); } } if(!is_1_cover()) { // Just fetch the vertices of c as points with offsets for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { pts[i] = &(c->vertex(i)->point()); off[i] = get_offset(c,i); } } for(int i=0; i != 4; ++i) { Cell_handle next = c->neighbor(i); if(previous == next) { continue; } // We temporarily put p at i's place in pts. const Point* backup = pts[i]; pts[i] = &p; if(simplicity_criterion && is_1_cover() ) { if( inexact_orientation(*pts[0], *pts[1], *pts[2], *pts[3]) != NEGATIVE ) { pts[i] = backup; continue; } } else { Offset backup_off; backup_off = off[i]; off[i] = off_query; if( inexact_orientation(*pts[0], *pts[1], *pts[2], *pts[3], off[0], off[1], off[2], off[3]) != NEGATIVE ) { pts[i] = backup; off[i] = backup_off; continue; } } // Test whether we need to adapt the offset of the query point. // This means, if we get out of the current cover. off_query = combine_offsets(off_query, neighbor_offset(c,i,next)); previous = c; c = next; if(n_of_turns) goto try_next_cell; } return c; } #endif /** * returns * ON_BOUNDED_SIDE if (q, off) inside the cell * ON_BOUNDARY if (q, off) on the boundary of the cell * ON_UNBOUNDED_SIDE if (q, off) lies outside the cell * * lt has a meaning only when ON_BOUNDED_SIDE or ON_BOUNDARY */ template < class GT, class TDS > inline Bounded_side Periodic_3_triangulation_3::side_of_cell( const Point& q, const Offset& off, Cell_handle c, Locate_type& lt, int& i, int& j) const { CGAL_triangulation_precondition( number_of_vertices() != 0 ); Orientation o0,o1,o2,o3; o0 = o1 = o2 = o3 = ZERO; int cumm_off = c->offset(0) | c->offset(1) | c->offset(2) | c->offset(3); if((cumm_off == 0) && (is_1_cover())) { CGAL_triangulation_assertion(off == Offset()); const Point& p0 = c->vertex(0)->point(); const Point& p1 = c->vertex(1)->point(); const Point& p2 = c->vertex(2)->point(); const Point& p3 = c->vertex(3)->point(); if(((o0 = orientation(q ,p1,p2,p3)) == NEGATIVE) || ((o1 = orientation(p0,q ,p2,p3)) == NEGATIVE) || ((o2 = orientation(p0,p1,q ,p3)) == NEGATIVE) || ((o3 = orientation(p0,p1,p2,q )) == NEGATIVE) ) { return ON_UNBOUNDED_SIDE; } } else { // Special case for the periodic space. Offset off_q; Offset offs[4]; const Point *p[4]; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { p[i] = &(c->vertex(i)->point()); offs[i] = get_offset(c,i); } CGAL_triangulation_assertion(orientation(*p[0], *p[1], *p[2], *p[3], offs[0], offs[1], offs[2], offs[3]) == POSITIVE); bool found=false; for(int i=0; (i<8)&&(!found); i++) { if((cumm_off | ((~i)&7)) == 7) { o0 = o1 = o2 = o3 = NEGATIVE; off_q = combine_offsets(off, int_to_off(i)); if(((o0 = orientation(q, *p[1], *p[2], *p[3], off_q ,offs[1],offs[2],offs[3])) != NEGATIVE)&& ((o1 = orientation(*p[0], q, *p[2], *p[3], offs[0], off_q,offs[2],offs[3])) != NEGATIVE)&& ((o2 = orientation(*p[0], *p[1], q, *p[3], offs[0],offs[1], off_q,offs[3])) != NEGATIVE)&& ((o3 = orientation(*p[0], *p[1], *p[2], q, offs[0],offs[1],offs[2], off_q)) != NEGATIVE)) { found = true; } } } if(!found) return ON_UNBOUNDED_SIDE; } // now all the oi's are >=0 // sum gives the number of facets p lies on int sum = ( (o0 == ZERO) ? 1 : 0 ) + ( (o1 == ZERO) ? 1 : 0 ) + ( (o2 == ZERO) ? 1 : 0 ) + ( (o3 == ZERO) ? 1 : 0 ); switch(sum) { case 0: { lt = CELL; return ON_BOUNDED_SIDE; } case 1: { lt = FACET; // i = index such that p lies on facet(i) i = ( o0 == ZERO ) ? 0 : ( o1 == ZERO ) ? 1 : ( o2 == ZERO ) ? 2 : 3; return ON_BOUNDARY; } case 2: { lt = EDGE; // i = smallest index such that p does not lie on facet(i) // i must be < 3 since p lies on 2 facets i = ( o0 == POSITIVE ) ? 0 : ( o1 == POSITIVE ) ? 1 : 2; // j = larger index such that p not on facet(j) // j must be > 0 since p lies on 2 facets j = ( o3 == POSITIVE ) ? 3 : ( o2 == POSITIVE ) ? 2 : 1; return ON_BOUNDARY; } case 3: { lt = VERTEX; // i = index such that p does not lie on facet(i) i = ( o0 == POSITIVE ) ? 0 : ( o1 == POSITIVE ) ? 1 : ( o2 == POSITIVE ) ? 2 : 3; return ON_BOUNDARY; } default: { // impossible : cannot be on 4 facets for a real tetrahedron CGAL_triangulation_assertion(false); return ON_BOUNDARY; } } } // side_of_cell /*! \brief Insert point. * * Inserts the point p into the triangulation. It assumes that * the cell c containing p is already known. * * Implementation: * - some precondition checking * - find and mark conflicting cells --> find_conflicts * Conflicting cells are stored in the vector cells. * - backup hidden points * - Delete the edges of the marked cells from too_long_edges * - Insert the new vertex in the hole obtained by removing the * conflicting cells (star-approach) --> _tds._insert_in_hole * - find out about offsets * - Insert the newly added edges that are "too long" * to too_long_edges * - reinsert hidden points */ template < class GT, class TDS > template < class Conflict_tester, class Point_hider, class CoverManager > inline typename Periodic_3_triangulation_3::Vertex_handle Periodic_3_triangulation_3::periodic_insert( const Point& p, const Offset& o, Locate_type /*lt*/, Cell_handle c, const Conflict_tester& tester, Point_hider& hider, CoverManager& cover_manager, Vertex_handle vh) { Vertex_handle v; CGAL_triangulation_precondition(number_of_vertices() != 0); CGAL_triangulation_assertion_code( Locate_type lt_assert; int i_assert; int j_assert;); CGAL_triangulation_precondition(side_of_cell(tester.point(),o, c, lt_assert, i_assert, j_assert) != ON_UNBOUNDED_SIDE); tester.set_offset(o); // Choose the periodic copy of tester.point() that is in conflict with c. bool found = false; Offset current_off = get_location_offset(tester, c, found); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(side_of_cell(tester.point(), combine_offsets(o,current_off),c,lt_assert,i_assert,j_assert) != ON_UNBOUNDED_SIDE); // If the new point is not in conflict with its cell, it is hidden. if(!found || !tester.test_initial_cell(c, current_off)) { hider.hide_point(c,p); return Vertex_handle(); } // Ok, we really insert the point now. // First, find the conflict region. std::vector cells; cells.reserve(32); Facet facet; find_conflicts(c, current_off, tester, make_triple(Oneset_iterator(facet), std::back_inserter(cells), Emptyset_iterator())); // Remember the points that are hidden by the conflicting cells, // as they will be deleted during the insertion. hider.set_vertices(cells.begin(), cells.end()); if(!is_1_cover()) cover_manager.delete_unsatisfying_elements(cells.begin(), cells.end()); // Insertion. Warning: facets[0].first MUST be in conflict! // Compute the star and put it into the data structure. // Store the new cells from the star in nbs. v = _tds._insert_in_hole(cells.begin(), cells.end(), facet.first, facet.second); v->set_point(p); //TODO: this could be done within the _insert_in_hole without losing any //time because each cell is visited in any case. //- Do timings to argue to modify _insert_in_conflicts if need be //- Find the modified _insert_in_hole in the branch svn history of TDS std::vector nbs; incident_cells(v, std::back_inserter(nbs)); // For all neighbors of the newly added vertex v: fetch their offsets from // the tester and reset them in the triangulation data structure. for(typename std::vector::iterator cit = nbs.begin(); cit != nbs.end(); cit++) { Offset off[4]; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { off[i] = (*cit)->vertex(i)->offset(); } set_offsets(*cit, off[0], off[1], off[2], off[3]); } for(typename std::vector::iterator voit = v_offsets.begin(); voit != v_offsets.end(); ++voit) { (*voit)->clear_offset(); } v_offsets.clear(); if(vh != Vertex_handle()) { // CGAL_triangulation_assertion(virtual_vertices.find(v) == virtual_vertices.end()); virtual_vertices[v] = Virtual_vertex(vh,o); virtual_vertices_reverse[vh].push_back(v); } if(!is_1_cover()) cover_manager.insert_unsatisfying_elements(v, nbs.begin(), nbs.end()); // Store the hidden points in their new cells. hider.reinsert_vertices(v); return v; } /** Inserts the first point to a triangulation. * * With inserting the first point the 3-sheeted covering is constructed. * So first, the 27 vertices are inserted and are added to virtual_vertices * Then 6*27 cells are created. * Then all links are set. */ template < class GT, class TDS > inline typename Periodic_3_triangulation_3::Vertex_handle Periodic_3_triangulation_3::create_initial_triangulation(const Point& p) { /// Virtual vertices, one per periodic instance Vertex_handle vir_vertices[3][3][3]; /// Virtual cells, 6 per periodic instance Cell_handle cells[3][3][3][6]; // Initialise vertices: vir_vertices[0][0][0] = _tds.create_vertex(); vir_vertices[0][0][0]->set_point(p); virtual_vertices_reverse[vir_vertices[0][0][0]] = std::vector(); for(int i=0; i<_cover[0]; i++) { for(int j=0; j<_cover[1]; j++) { for(int k=0; k<_cover[2]; k++) { if((i!=0)||(j!=0)||(k!=0)) { // Initialise virtual vertices out of the domain for debugging vir_vertices[i][j][k] = _tds.create_vertex(); vir_vertices[i][j][k]->set_point(p); //+Offset(i,j,k)); virtual_vertices[vir_vertices[i][j][k]] = Virtual_vertex(vir_vertices[0][0][0], Offset(i,j,k)); virtual_vertices_reverse[vir_vertices[0][0][0]].push_back( vir_vertices[i][j][k]); } CGAL_triangulation_assertion(vir_vertices[i][j][k] != Vertex_handle()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(vir_vertices[0][0][0]->point() == p); } } } // Create cells: for(int i=0; i<_cover[0]; i++) { for(int j=0; j<_cover[1]; j++) { for(int k=0; k<_cover[2]; k++) { for(int l=0; l<6; l++) { // 6 cells per 'cube' cells[i][j][k][l] = _tds.create_cell(); for(int n=0; n<4; n++) CGAL_triangulation_assertion(cells[i][j][k][l] != Cell_handle()); } } } } // set vertex and neighbor information // index to the right vertex: [number of cells][vertex][offset] int vertex_ind[6][4][3] = { { {0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}, {1, 0, 0} }, { {1, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 1}, {1, 0, 1}, {1, 1, 1} }, { {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 1}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1} }, { {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 1}, {1, 0, 1} }, { {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 1}, {1, 0, 1}, {1, 1, 0} }, { {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 1}, {1, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0} } }; int neighb_ind[6][4][4] = { { { 0, 0, 0, 2}, { 0,-1, 0, 5}, { 0, 0,-1, 3}, {-1, 0, 0, 4} }, { { 0, 0, 1, 5}, { 1, 0, 0, 2}, { 0, 1, 0, 3}, { 0, 0, 0, 4} }, { {-1, 0, 0, 1}, { 0, 0, 0, 0}, { 0, 0, 0, 3}, { 0, 0, 0, 5} }, { { 0, 0, 1, 0}, { 0,-1, 0, 1}, { 0, 0, 0, 4}, { 0, 0, 0, 2} }, { { 0, 0, 0, 1}, { 1, 0, 0, 0}, { 0, 0, 0, 5}, { 0, 0, 0, 3} }, { { 0, 1, 0, 0}, { 0, 0,-1, 1}, { 0, 0, 0, 2}, { 0, 0, 0, 4} } }; for(int i=0; i<_cover[0]; i++) { for(int j=0; j<_cover[1]; j++) { for(int k=0; k<_cover[2]; k++) { int offset = (i==_cover[0]-1 ? 4 : 0) | (j==_cover[1]-1 ? 2 : 0) | (k==_cover[2]-1 ? 1 : 0); for(int l=0; l<6; l++) { // cell 0: cells[i][j][k][l]->set_vertices( vir_vertices [(i+vertex_ind[l][0][0])%_cover[0]] [(j+vertex_ind[l][0][1])%_cover[1]] [(k+vertex_ind[l][0][2])%_cover[2]], vir_vertices [(i+vertex_ind[l][1][0])%_cover[0]] [(j+vertex_ind[l][1][1])%_cover[1]] [(k+vertex_ind[l][1][2])%_cover[2]], vir_vertices [(i+vertex_ind[l][2][0])%_cover[0]] [(j+vertex_ind[l][2][1])%_cover[1]] [(k+vertex_ind[l][2][2])%_cover[2]], vir_vertices [(i+vertex_ind[l][3][0])%_cover[0]] [(j+vertex_ind[l][3][1])%_cover[1]] [(k+vertex_ind[l][3][2])%_cover[2]]); set_offsets(cells[i][j][k][l], offset & (vertex_ind[l][0][0]*4 + vertex_ind[l][0][1]*2 + vertex_ind[l][0][2]*1), offset & (vertex_ind[l][1][0]*4 + vertex_ind[l][1][1]*2 + vertex_ind[l][1][2]*1), offset & (vertex_ind[l][2][0]*4 + vertex_ind[l][2][1]*2 + vertex_ind[l][2][2]*1), offset & (vertex_ind[l][3][0]*4 + vertex_ind[l][3][1]*2 + vertex_ind[l][3][2]*1)); cells[i][j][k][l]->set_neighbors( cells [(i+_cover[0]+neighb_ind[l][0][0])%_cover[0]] [(j+_cover[1]+neighb_ind[l][0][1])%_cover[1]] [(k+_cover[2]+neighb_ind[l][0][2])%_cover[2]] [ neighb_ind[l][0][3] ], cells [(i+_cover[0]+neighb_ind[l][1][0])%_cover[0]] [(j+_cover[1]+neighb_ind[l][1][1])%_cover[1]] [(k+_cover[2]+neighb_ind[l][1][2])%_cover[2]] [ neighb_ind[l][1][3] ], cells [(i+_cover[0]+neighb_ind[l][2][0])%_cover[0]] [(j+_cover[1]+neighb_ind[l][2][1])%_cover[1]] [(k+_cover[2]+neighb_ind[l][2][2])%_cover[2]] [ neighb_ind[l][2][3] ], cells [(i+_cover[0]+neighb_ind[l][3][0])%_cover[0]] [(j+_cover[1]+neighb_ind[l][3][1])%_cover[1]] [(k+_cover[2]+neighb_ind[l][3][2])%_cover[2]] [ neighb_ind[l][3][3] ] ); } } } } // set pointers from the vertices to incident cells. for(int i=0; i<_cover[0]; i++) { for(int j=0; j<_cover[1]; j++) { for(int k=0; k<_cover[2]; k++) { vir_vertices[i][j][k]->set_cell(cells[i][j][k][0]); } } } _tds.set_dimension(3); return vir_vertices[0][0][0]; } #define CGAL_INCLUDE_FROM_PERIODIC_3_TRIANGULATION_3_H #include #undef CGAL_INCLUDE_FROM_PERIODIC_3_TRIANGULATION_3_H /** finds all cells that are in conflict with the currently added point * (stored in tester). * * The result will be a hole of which the following data is returned: * - boundary facets * - cells * - internal facets. * * c is the current cell, which must be in conflict. * tester is the function object that tests if a cell is in conflict. */ template template Triple Periodic_3_triangulation_3:: find_conflicts(Cell_handle d, const Offset& current_off, const Conflict_test& tester, Triple it) const { CGAL_triangulation_precondition( number_of_vertices() != 0 ); CGAL_triangulation_precondition( tester(d, current_off) ); std::stack > cell_stack; cell_stack.push(std::make_pair(d,current_off)); d->tds_data().mark_in_conflict(); *it.second++ = d; do { Cell_handle c = cell_stack.top().first; Offset current_off2 = cell_stack.top().second; cell_stack.pop(); for(int i=0; i< 4; ++i) { Cell_handle test = c->neighbor(i); if(test->tds_data().is_in_conflict()) { if(c < test) { *it.third++ = Facet(c, i); // Internal facet. } continue; // test was already in conflict. } if(test->tds_data().is_clear()) { Offset o_test = current_off2 + neighbor_offset(c, i, test); if(tester(test,o_test)) { if(c < test) *it.third++ = Facet(c, i); // Internal facet. cell_stack.push(std::make_pair(test,o_test)); test->tds_data().mark_in_conflict(); *it.second++ = test; continue; } test->tds_data().mark_on_boundary(); // test is on the boundary. } *it.first++ = Facet(c, i); for(int j = 0; j<4; j++) { if(j==i) continue; if(!c->vertex(j)->get_offset_flag()) { c->vertex(j)->set_offset(int_to_off(c->offset(j))-current_off2); v_offsets.push_back(c->vertex(j)); } } } } while(!cell_stack.empty()); return it; } /*! \brief Insert point into triangulation. * * Inserts the point p into the triangulation. It expects * - a cell to start the point location * - a testing function to determine cells in conflict * - a testing function to determine if a vertex is hidden. * * Implementation: * - If the triangulation is empty call a special function * (create_initial_triangulation) to construct the basic * triangulation. * - Run point location to get the cell c containing point p. * - Call periodic_insert to insert p into the 3-cover. * - Also insert the eight periodic copies of p. */ template < class GT, class TDS > template < class Conflict_tester, class Point_hider, class CoverManager > inline typename Periodic_3_triangulation_3::Vertex_handle Periodic_3_triangulation_3::insert_in_conflict(const Point& p, Locate_type lt, Cell_handle c, int li, int lj, const Conflict_tester& tester, Point_hider& hider, CoverManager& cover_manager) { CGAL_triangulation_assertion((domain().xmin() <= p.x()) && (p.x() < domain().xmax())); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((domain().ymin() <= p.y()) && (p.y() < domain().ymax())); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((domain().zmin() <= p.z()) && (p.z() < domain().zmax())); if(number_of_vertices() == 0) { Vertex_handle vh = create_initial_triangulation(p); cover_manager.create_initial_triangulation(); return vh; } if((lt == VERTEX) && (tester.compare_weight(c->vertex(li)->point(),p) == 0) ) { return c->vertex(li); } Vertex_handle vstart; if(!is_1_cover()) { Virtual_vertex_map_it vvmit = virtual_vertices.find(c->vertex(0)); if(vvmit == virtual_vertices.end()) vstart = c->vertex(0); else vstart = vvmit->second.first; CGAL_triangulation_assertion(virtual_vertices.find(vstart) == virtual_vertices.end()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(virtual_vertices_reverse.find(vstart) != virtual_vertices_reverse.end()); } CGAL_triangulation_assertion( number_of_vertices() != 0 ); CGAL_triangulation_expensive_assertion(is_valid()); hider.set_original_cube(true); Vertex_handle vh = periodic_insert(p, Offset(), lt, c, tester, hider, cover_manager); if(is_1_cover()) { return vh; } hider.set_original_cube(false); virtual_vertices_reverse[vh] = std::vector(); Offset lo; // insert 26 periodic copies for(int i=0; i<_cover[0]; i++) { for(int j=0; j<_cover[1]; j++) { for(int k=0; k<_cover[2]; k++) { if((i!=0)||(j!=0)||(k!=0)) { c = periodic_locate(p, Offset(i,j,k), lo, lt, li, lj, Cell_handle()); periodic_insert(p, Offset(i,j,k), lt, c, tester, hider,cover_manager,vh); } } } } CGAL_triangulation_expensive_assertion(is_valid()); // Fall back to 1-cover if the criterion that the longest edge is shorter // than sqrt(0.166) is fulfilled. if( cover_manager.can_be_converted_to_1_sheet() ) { CGAL_triangulation_expensive_assertion(is_valid()); convert_to_1_sheeted_covering(); CGAL_triangulation_expensive_assertion( is_valid() ); } return vh; } /// tests if two vertices of one cell are just periodic copies of each other template < class GT, class TDS > inline bool Periodic_3_triangulation_3::has_self_edges(Cell_handle c) const { CGAL_triangulation_assertion((c->vertex(0) != c->vertex(1)) || (c->offset(0) != c->offset(1))); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((c->vertex(0) != c->vertex(2)) || (c->offset(0) != c->offset(2))); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((c->vertex(0) != c->vertex(3)) || (c->offset(0) != c->offset(3))); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((c->vertex(1) != c->vertex(2)) || (c->offset(1) != c->offset(2))); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((c->vertex(1) != c->vertex(3)) || (c->offset(1) != c->offset(3))); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((c->vertex(2) != c->vertex(3)) || (c->offset(2) != c->offset(3))); return ((c->vertex(0) == c->vertex(1)) || (c->vertex(0) == c->vertex(2)) || (c->vertex(0) == c->vertex(3)) || (c->vertex(1) == c->vertex(2)) || (c->vertex(1) == c->vertex(3)) || (c->vertex(2) == c->vertex(3))); } /*! \brief Tests if the triangulation is valid. * * A triangulation is valid if * - A cell is not its own neighbor. * - A cell has no two equal neighbors * - A cell has no two equal vertex-offset pairs * - A cell is positively oriented. * - The point of a neighbor of cell c that does not belong to c is not inside * the circumcircle of c. */ template < class GT, class TDS > bool Periodic_3_triangulation_3:: is_valid(bool verbose, int level) const { if(!is_1_cover()) { for(Virtual_vertex_reverse_map_it iter = virtual_vertices_reverse.begin(), end_iter = virtual_vertices_reverse.end(); iter != end_iter; ++iter) { for(typename Virtual_vertex_reverse_map::mapped_type::const_iterator iter_2 = iter->second.begin(), end_iter_2 = iter->second.end(); iter_2 != end_iter_2; ++iter_2) { CGAL_triangulation_assertion(virtual_vertices.find(*iter_2) != virtual_vertices.end()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(virtual_vertices.at(*iter_2).first == iter->first); } } } bool error = false; for(Cell_iterator cit = cells_begin(); cit != cells_end(); ++cit) { for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { CGAL_triangulation_assertion(cit != cit->neighbor(i)); for(int j=i+1; j<4; j++) { CGAL_triangulation_assertion(cit->neighbor(i) != cit->neighbor(j)); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(cit->vertex(i) != cit->vertex(j)); } } // Check positive orientation: const Point *p[4]; Offset off[4]; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { p[i] = &cit->vertex(i)->point(); off[i] = get_offset(cit,i); } if(orientation(*p[0], *p[1], *p[2], *p[3], off[0], off[1], off[2], off[3]) != POSITIVE) { if(verbose) { std::cerr<<"Periodic_3_triangulation_3: wrong orientation:"< bool Periodic_3_triangulation_3::is_valid(Cell_handle ch, bool verbose, int level) const { if( ! _tds.is_valid(ch,verbose,level) ) return false; bool error = false; const Point *p[4]; Offset off[4]; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { p[i] = &ch->vertex(i)->point(); off[i] = get_offset(ch,i); } if(orientation(*p[0], *p[1], *p[2], *p[3], off[0], off[1], off[2], off[3]) != POSITIVE) { error = true; } return !error; } template < class GT, class TDS > template < class ConflictTester > bool Periodic_3_triangulation_3:: is_valid_conflict(ConflictTester& tester, bool verbose, int level) const { Cell_iterator it; for( it = cells_begin(); it != cells_end(); ++it ) { is_valid(it, verbose, level); for(int i=0; i<4; i++ ) { Offset o_nb = neighbor_offset(it, i, it->neighbor(i)); Offset o_vt = get_offset(it->neighbor(i), it->neighbor(i)->index(it)); if(tester(it, it->neighbor(i)->vertex(it->neighbor(i)->index(it))->point(), o_vt - o_nb)) { if(verbose) { std::cerr << "non-empty sphere:\n" << "Point[0]: " << it->vertex(0)->point() << " Off: " << int_to_off(it->offset(0)) << "\n" << "Point[1]: " << it->vertex(1)->point() << " Off: " << int_to_off(it->offset(1)) << "\n" << "Point[2]: " << it->vertex(2)->point() << " Off: " << int_to_off(it->offset(2)) << "\n" << "Point[3]: " << it->vertex(3)->point() << " Off: " << int_to_off(it->offset(3)) << "\n" << "Foreign point: " << it->neighbor(i)->vertex(it->neighbor(i)->index(it))->point() << "\t Off: " << o_vt - o_nb << std::endl; } return false; } } } return true; } template < class GT, class TDS > inline void Periodic_3_triangulation_3::make_hole(Vertex_handle v, std::map& outer_map, std::vector& hole) { incident_cells(v, std::back_inserter(hole)); for(typename std::vector::iterator cit = hole.begin(); cit != hole.end(); ++cit) { int indv = (*cit)->index(v); Cell_handle opp_cit = (*cit)->neighbor( indv ); Facet f(opp_cit, opp_cit->index(*cit)); Vertex_triple vt = make_vertex_triple(f); make_canonical(vt); outer_map[vt] = f; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) if( i != indv ) (*cit)->vertex(i)->set_cell(opp_cit); } } /*! \brief Remove a vertex from the triangulation. * * Removes vertex v from the triangulation. */ template < class GT, class TDS > template < class PointRemover, class Conflict_tester, class CoverManager> inline void Periodic_3_triangulation_3:: remove(Vertex_handle v, PointRemover& r, Conflict_tester& t, CoverManager& cover_manager) { CGAL_expensive_precondition(is_vertex(v)); if(!is_1_cover()) { std::vector vhrem; if(number_of_vertices() == 1) { clear(); return; } Virtual_vertex_map_it vvmit = virtual_vertices.find(v); if(vvmit != virtual_vertices.end()) v = vvmit->second.first; CGAL_triangulation_assertion(virtual_vertices_reverse.find(v) != virtual_vertices_reverse.end()); vhrem = virtual_vertices_reverse.find(v)->second; virtual_vertices_reverse.erase(v); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(vhrem.size()==26); for(int i=0; i<26; i++) { periodic_remove(vhrem[i],r, cover_manager); virtual_vertices.erase(vhrem[i]); CGAL_triangulation_expensive_assertion(is_valid()); } periodic_remove(v,r, cover_manager); } else { periodic_remove(v, r, cover_manager); if(!is_1_cover()) remove(v, r, t, cover_manager); } } /*! \brief Remove a vertex from the triangulation. * * Removes vertex v from the triangulation. * It expects a reference to an instance of a PointRemover. * * Implementation: * - Compute the hole, that is, all cells incident to v. Cells outside of * this hole are not affected by the deletion of v. * - Triangulate the hole. This is done computing the triangulation * in Euclidean space for the points on the border of the hole. * - Sew this triangulation into the hole. * - Test for all newly added edges, whether they are shorter than the * edge_length_threshold. If not, convert to 3-cover. */ template < class GT, class TDS > template < class PointRemover, class CoverManager > inline bool Periodic_3_triangulation_3:: periodic_remove(Vertex_handle v, PointRemover& remover, CoverManager& cover_manager, const bool abort_if_cover_change) { // Construct the set of vertex triples on the boundary // with the facet just behind typedef std::map Vertex_triple_Facet_map; typedef PointRemover Point_remover; typedef typename Point_remover::CellE_handle CellE_handle; typedef typename Point_remover::VertexE_handle VertexE_handle; typedef typename Point_remover::FacetE FacetE; typedef typename Point_remover::VertexE_triple VertexE_triple; typedef typename Point_remover::Finite_cellsE_iterator Finite_cellsE_iterator; typedef typename Point_remover::Vertex_triple_FacetE_map Vertex_triple_FacetE_map; // First compute the hole and its boundary vertices. std::vector hole; hole.reserve(64); Vertex_triple_Facet_map outer_map; Vertex_triple_FacetE_map inner_map; make_hole(v, outer_map, hole); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(outer_map.size()==hole.size()); if(!is_1_cover()) { cover_manager.delete_unsatisfying_elements(hole.begin(), hole.end()); } // Build up the map between Vertices on the boundary and offsets // collect all vertices on the boundary std::vector vertices; vertices.reserve(64); // The set is needed to ensure that each vertex is inserted only once. std::set tmp_vertices; // The map connects vertices to offsets in the hole std::map vh_off_map; for(typename std::vector::iterator cit = hole.begin(); cit != hole.end(); ++cit) { // Put all incident vertices in tmp_vertices. for(int j=0; j<4; ++j) { if((*cit)->vertex(j) != v) { tmp_vertices.insert((*cit)->vertex(j)); vh_off_map[(*cit)->vertex(j)] = int_to_off((*cit)->offset(j)) - int_to_off((*cit)->offset((*cit)->index(v))); } } } // Now output the vertices. std::copy(tmp_vertices.begin(), tmp_vertices.end(), std::back_inserter(vertices)); // create a Delaunay/regular triangulation of the points on the boundary // in Euclidean space and make a map from the vertices in remover.tmp // towards the vertices in *this Unique_hash_map vmap; CellE_handle ch; remover.tmp.clear(); for(unsigned int i=0; i < vertices.size(); i++) { typedef typename Point_remover::Triangulation_R3::Point TRPoint; CGAL_triangulation_assertion( get_offset(vertices[i]) + combine_offsets(Offset(), vh_off_map[vertices[i]]) == combine_offsets(get_offset(vertices[i]),vh_off_map[vertices[i]])); TRPoint trp = std::make_pair(vertices[i]->point(), combine_offsets( get_offset(vertices[i]), vh_off_map[vertices[i]]) ); VertexE_handle vh = remover.tmp.insert(trp, ch); vmap[vh] = vertices[i]; CGAL_triangulation_assertion(vmap.is_defined(vh)); } CGAL_triangulation_assertion(remover.tmp.number_of_vertices() != 0); // Construct the set of vertex triples of tmp // We reorient the vertex triple so that it matches those from outer_map // Also note that we use the vertices of *this, not of tmp for(Finite_cellsE_iterator it = remover.tmp.finite_cells_begin(); it != remover.tmp.finite_cells_end(); ++it) { VertexE_triple vt_aux; for(int i=0; i < 4; i++) { FacetE f = std::pair(it,i); vt_aux = VertexE_triple( f.first->vertex(vertex_triple_index(f.second,0)), f.first->vertex(vertex_triple_index(f.second,1)), f.first->vertex(vertex_triple_index(f.second,2))); if(vmap.is_defined(vt_aux.first) && vmap.is_defined(vt_aux.second) && vmap.is_defined(vt_aux.third) ) { Vertex_triple vt(vmap[vt_aux.first],vmap[vt_aux.third], vmap[vt_aux.second]); make_canonical(vt); inner_map[vt]= f; } } } // A structure for storing the new neighboring relations typedef boost::tuple Neighbor_relation; std::vector nr_vec; std::vector new_cells; // Grow inside the hole, by extending the surface while(! outer_map.empty()) { typename Vertex_triple_Facet_map::iterator oit = outer_map.begin(); typename Vertex_triple_Facet_map::value_type o_vt_f_pair = *oit; Cell_handle o_ch = o_vt_f_pair.second.first; unsigned int o_i = o_vt_f_pair.second.second; typename Vertex_triple_FacetE_map::iterator iit = inner_map.find(o_vt_f_pair.first); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(iit != inner_map.end()); typename Vertex_triple_FacetE_map::value_type i_vt_f_pair = *iit; CellE_handle i_ch = i_vt_f_pair.second.first; unsigned int i_i = i_vt_f_pair.second.second; // create a new cell to glue to the outer surface Cell_handle new_ch = _tds.create_cell(); new_cells.push_back(new_ch); new_ch->set_vertices(vmap[i_ch->vertex(0)], vmap[i_ch->vertex(1)], vmap[i_ch->vertex(2)], vmap[i_ch->vertex(3)]); set_offsets(new_ch, vh_off_map[vmap[i_ch->vertex(0)]], vh_off_map[vmap[i_ch->vertex(1)]], vh_off_map[vmap[i_ch->vertex(2)]], vh_off_map[vmap[i_ch->vertex(3)]]); // Update the edge length management if(cover_manager.update_cover_data_during_management(new_ch, new_cells, abort_if_cover_change)) { CGAL_triangulation_expensive_postcondition(_tds.is_valid()); return false; // removing would cause / has caused a cover change } // The neighboring relation needs to be stored temporarily in // nr_vec. It cannot be applied directly because then we could not // easily cancel the removing process if a cell is encountered // that does not obey the edge-length criterion. nr_vec.push_back(boost::make_tuple(o_ch,o_i,new_ch)); nr_vec.push_back(boost::make_tuple(new_ch,i_i,o_ch)); // for the other faces check, if they can also be glued for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if(i != i_i) { Facet f = std::pair(new_ch,i); Vertex_triple vt = make_vertex_triple(f); make_canonical(vt); std::swap(vt.second,vt.third); typename Vertex_triple_Facet_map::iterator oit2 = outer_map.find(vt); if(oit2 == outer_map.end()) { std::swap(vt.second,vt.third); outer_map[vt]= f; } else { // glue the faces typename Vertex_triple_Facet_map::value_type o_vt_f_pair2 = *oit2; Cell_handle o_ch2 = o_vt_f_pair2.second.first; int o_i2 = o_vt_f_pair2.second.second; nr_vec.push_back(boost::make_tuple(o_ch2,o_i2,new_ch)); nr_vec.push_back(boost::make_tuple(new_ch,i,o_ch2)); outer_map.erase(oit2); } } } outer_map.erase(oit); } // finally set the neighboring relations for(unsigned int i=0; i()->set_neighbor(nr_vec[i].template get<1>(),nr_vec[i].template get<2>()); } // Output the hidden points. for(typename std::vector::iterator hi = hole.begin(), hend = hole.end(); hi != hend; ++hi) { remover.add_hidden_points(*hi); } _tds.delete_vertex(v); _tds.delete_cells(hole.begin(), hole.end()); CGAL_triangulation_expensive_assertion(is_valid()); return true; // sucessfully removed the vertex } // ############################################################################ // ############################################################################ // ############################################################################ /** \brief Delete each redundant cell and the not anymore needed data * structures. * * This function consists of four iterations over all cells and one * iteration over all vertices: * 1. cell iteration: mark all cells that are to delete * 2. cell iteration: redirect neighbors of remaining cells * 3. cell iteration: redirect vertices of remaining cells * 4. cell iteration: delete all cells marked in the 1. iteration * Vertex iteration: delete all vertices outside the original domain. */ template < class GT, class TDS > inline void Periodic_3_triangulation_3::convert_to_1_sheeted_covering() { // ################################################################### // ### First cell iteration ########################################## // ################################################################### { if(is_1_cover()) return; bool to_delete, has_simplifiable_offset; Virtual_vertex_map_it vvmit; // First iteration over all cells: Mark the cells that are to be deleted. // Cells will be deleted if they cannot be translated anymore in the // direction of one of the axes without yielding negative offsets. for( Cell_iterator it = all_cells_begin(); it != all_cells_end(); ++it ) { to_delete = false; // for all directions in 3D Space for( int j=0; j<3; j++ ) { has_simplifiable_offset = true; // for all vertices of cell it for( int i=0; i<4; i++ ) { vvmit = virtual_vertices.find(it->vertex(i)); // if it->vertex(i) lies inside the original domain: if(vvmit == virtual_vertices.end()) { // the cell cannot be moved any more because if we did, then // it->vertex(i) will get at least one negative offset. has_simplifiable_offset = false; // if it->vertex(i) lies outside the original domain: } else { // The cell can certainly be deleted if the offset contains a 2 to_delete = to_delete || (vvmit->second.second[j] == 2); // The cell can be moved into one direction only if the offset of // all for vertices is >=1 for this direction. Since we already // tested for 2 it is sufficient to test here for 1. has_simplifiable_offset = has_simplifiable_offset && (vvmit->second.second[j] == 1); } } // if the offset can be simplified, i.e. the cell can be moved, then // it can be deleted. if(has_simplifiable_offset) to_delete = true; } // Mark all cells that are to delete. They cannot be deleted yet, // because neighboring information still needs to be extracted. if(to_delete) { it->set_additional_flag(1); } } } // ################################################################### // ### Second cell iteration ######################################### // ################################################################### { Vertex_handle vert[4], nbv[4]; Offset off[4]; Cell_handle nb, new_neighbor; std::vector > new_neighbor_relations; // Second iteration over all cells: redirect neighbors where necessary for(Cell_iterator it = all_cells_begin(); it != all_cells_end(); ++it) { // Skip all cells that are to delete. if(it->get_additional_flag() == 1) continue; // Redirect neighbors: Only neighbors that are marked by the // additional_flag have to be substituted by one of their periodic // copies. The unmarked neighbors stay the same. for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if( it->neighbor(i)->get_additional_flag() != 1 ) continue; nb = it->neighbor(i); for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) { off[j] = Offset(); get_vertex( nb, j, vert[j], off[j]); } int x,y,z; x = (std::min) ( (std::min) ( off[0][0], off[1][0] ), (std::min) ( off[2][0], off[3][0] ) ); y = (std::min) ( (std::min) ( off[0][1], off[1][1] ), (std::min) ( off[2][1], off[3][1] ) ); z = (std::min) ( (std::min) ( off[0][2], off[1][2] ), (std::min) ( off[2][2], off[3][2] ) ); // The vector from nb to the "original" periodic copy of nb, that is // the copy that will not be deleted. Offset difference_offset(x,y,z); CGAL_triangulation_assertion( !difference_offset.is_null() ); // We now have to find the "original" periodic copy of nb from // its vertices. Therefore, we first have to find the vertices. for( int j = 0; j < 4; j++ ) { CGAL_triangulation_assertion( (off[j]-difference_offset)[0] >= 0); CGAL_triangulation_assertion( (off[j]-difference_offset)[1] >= 0); CGAL_triangulation_assertion( (off[j]-difference_offset)[2] >= 0); CGAL_triangulation_assertion( (off[j]-difference_offset)[0] < 3); CGAL_triangulation_assertion( (off[j]-difference_offset)[1] < 3); CGAL_triangulation_assertion( (off[j]-difference_offset)[2] < 3); // find the Vertex_handles of the vertices of the "original" // periodic copy of nb. If the vertex is inside the original // domain, there is nothing to do if( (off[j]-difference_offset).is_null() ) { nbv[j] = vert[j]; // If the vertex is outside the original domain, we have to search // in virtual_vertices in the "wrong" direction. That means, we // cannot use virtual_vertices.find but have to use // virtual_vertices_reverse. } else { Offset nbo = off[j]-difference_offset; nbv[j] = virtual_vertices_reverse.find(vert[j]) ->second[nbo[0]*9+nbo[1]*3+nbo[2]-1]; } } // Find the new neighbor by its 4 vertices new_neighbor = get_cell( nbv ); // Store the new neighbor relation. This cannot be applied yet because // it would disturb the functioning of get_cell( ... ) new_neighbor_relations.push_back(make_triple(it, i, new_neighbor)); } } // Apply the new neighbor relations now. for(unsigned int i=0; iset_neighbor( new_neighbor_relations[i].second, new_neighbor_relations[i].third); } } // ################################################################### // ### Third cell iteration ########################################## // ################################################################### { Vertex_handle vert[4]; Offset off[4]; // Third iteration over all cells: redirect vertices where necessary for(Cell_iterator it = all_cells_begin(); it != all_cells_end(); ++it) { // Skip all cells that are marked to delete if(it->get_additional_flag() == 1) continue; // Find the corresponding vertices of it in the original domain // and set them as new vertices of it. for( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { off[i] = Offset(); get_vertex( it, i, vert[i], off[i]); it->set_vertex( i, vert[i]); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(vert[i]->point()[0] < domain().xmax()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(vert[i]->point()[1] < domain().ymax()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(vert[i]->point()[2] < domain().zmax()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(vert[i]->point()[0] >= domain().xmin()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(vert[i]->point()[1] >= domain().ymin()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(vert[i]->point()[2] >= domain().zmin()); // redirect also the cell pointer of the vertex. it->vertex(i)->set_cell(it); } // Set the offsets. set_offsets(it, off[0], off[1], off[2], off[3] ); CGAL_triangulation_assertion( int_to_off(it->offset(0)) == off[0] ); CGAL_triangulation_assertion( int_to_off(it->offset(1)) == off[1] ); CGAL_triangulation_assertion( int_to_off(it->offset(2)) == off[2] ); CGAL_triangulation_assertion( int_to_off(it->offset(3)) == off[3] ); } } // ################################################################### // ### Fourth cell iteration ######################################### // ################################################################### std::vector hidden_points; { // Delete the marked cells. std::vector cells_to_delete; for( Cell_iterator cit = all_cells_begin(); cit != all_cells_end(); ++cit ) { if( cit->get_additional_flag() == 1 ) { gather_cell_hidden_points(cit, hidden_points); cells_to_delete.push_back( cit ); } } _tds.delete_cells(cells_to_delete.begin(), cells_to_delete.end()); } // ################################################################### // ### Vertex iteration ############################################## // ################################################################### { // Delete all the vertices in virtual_vertices, that is all vertices // outside the original domain. std::vector vertices_to_delete; for( Vertex_iterator vit = all_vertices_begin(); vit != all_vertices_end(); ++vit ) { if( virtual_vertices.count( vit ) != 0 ) { CGAL_triangulation_assertion( virtual_vertices.count( vit ) == 1 ); vertices_to_delete.push_back( vit ); } } _tds.delete_vertices(vertices_to_delete.begin(), vertices_to_delete.end()); } _cover = CGAL::make_array(1,1,1); virtual_vertices.clear(); virtual_vertices_reverse.clear(); reinsert_hidden_points_after_converting_to_1_sheeted(hidden_points); } template < class GT, class TDS > inline void Periodic_3_triangulation_3::convert_to_27_sheeted_covering() { if(_cover == CGAL::make_array(3,3,3)) return; CGAL_triangulation_precondition(is_1_cover()); // Create 27 copies of each vertex and write virtual_vertices and // virtual_vertices_reverse std::list original_vertices; // try to use std::copy instead of the following loop. for(Vertex_iterator vit = vertices_begin(); vit != vertices_end(); ++vit) original_vertices.push_back(vit); for(typename std::list::iterator vit = original_vertices.begin(); vit != original_vertices.end(); ++vit) { Vertex_handle v_cp; std::vector copies; for(int i=0; i<3; i++) for(int j=0; j<3; j++) for(int k=0; k<3; k++) { if(i==0 && j==0 && k==0) continue; v_cp = _tds.create_vertex(*vit); copies.push_back(v_cp); virtual_vertices.insert(std::make_pair(v_cp, std::make_pair(*vit,Offset(i,j,k)))); } virtual_vertices_reverse.insert(std::make_pair(*vit,copies)); } // Create 27 copies of each cell from the respective copies of the // vertices and write virtual_cells and virtual_cells_reverse. typedef std::map > Virtual_cell_reverse_map; typedef typename Virtual_cell_reverse_map::const_iterator VCRMIT; Virtual_cell_reverse_map virtual_cells_reverse; std::list original_cells; for(Cell_iterator cit = cells_begin(); cit != cells_end(); ++cit) original_cells.push_back(cit); // Store vertex offsets in a separate data structure std::list< Offset > off_v; for(typename std::list::iterator vit = original_vertices.begin(); vit != original_vertices.end(); ++vit) { Cell_handle ccc = (*vit)->cell(); int v_index = ccc->index(*vit); off_v.push_back(int_to_off(ccc->offset(v_index))); } // Store neighboring offsets in a separate data structure std::list > off_nb; for(typename std::list::iterator cit = original_cells.begin(); cit != original_cells.end(); ++cit) { std::array off_nb_c; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { Cell_handle ccc = *cit; Cell_handle nnn = ccc->neighbor(i); off_nb_c[i] = neighbor_offset(ccc,i,nnn); } off_nb.push_back(off_nb_c); } // Create copies of cells for(typename std::list::iterator cit = original_cells.begin(); cit != original_cells.end(); ++cit) { Cell_handle c_cp; std::vector copies; Virtual_vertex_reverse_map_it vvrmit[4]; Offset vvoff[4]; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { vvrmit[i] = virtual_vertices_reverse.find((*cit)->vertex(i)); CGAL_triangulation_assertion( vvrmit[i] != virtual_vertices_reverse.end()); vvoff[i] = int_to_off((*cit)->offset(i)); } Vertex_handle vvh[4]; for(int n=0; n<26; n++) { for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { // Decomposition of n into an offset (nx,ny,nz): // nx = (n+1)/9, ny = ((n+1)/3)%3, nz = (n+1)%3 int o_i = ((n+1)/9+vvoff[i].x()+3)%3; int o_j = ((n+1)/3+vvoff[i].y()+3)%3; int o_k = ((n+1)+vvoff[i].z()+3)%3; int n_c = 9*o_i+3*o_j+o_k-1; CGAL_triangulation_assertion(n_c >= -1); if(n_c == -1) vvh[i] = (*cit)->vertex(i); else vvh[i] = vvrmit[i]->second[n_c]; } c_cp = _tds.create_cell(vvh[0], vvh[1], vvh[2], vvh[3]); copies.push_back(c_cp); } virtual_cells_reverse.insert(std::make_pair(*cit,copies)); } // Set new vertices of boundary cells of the original domain. for(typename std::list::iterator cit = original_cells.begin(); cit != original_cells.end(); ++cit) { for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { Virtual_vertex_reverse_map_it vvrmit = virtual_vertices_reverse.find((*cit)->vertex(i)); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(vvrmit != virtual_vertices_reverse.end()); Offset vvoff = int_to_off((*cit)->offset(i)); if(!vvoff.is_null()) { int n_c = 9*vvoff.x()+3*vvoff.y()+vvoff.z()-1; CGAL_triangulation_assertion(n_c >= 0); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(static_cast(n_c) < vvrmit->second.size()); (*cit)->set_vertex(i,vvrmit->second[n_c]); } } } // Set neighboring relations of cell copies typename std::list >::iterator oit = off_nb.begin(); for(typename std::list::iterator cit = original_cells.begin(); cit != original_cells.end(); ++cit, ++oit) { CGAL_triangulation_assertion( oit != off_nb.end() ); VCRMIT c_cp = virtual_cells_reverse.find(*cit); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(c_cp != virtual_cells_reverse.end()); for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { Cell_handle cit_nb = (*cit)->neighbor(i); VCRMIT c_cp_nb = virtual_cells_reverse.find(cit_nb); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(c_cp_nb != virtual_cells_reverse.end()); Offset nboff = (*oit)[i]; for(int n=0; n<26; n++) { int n_nb; if(nboff.is_null()) n_nb = n; else { int o_i = ((n+1)/9-nboff.x()+3)%3; int o_j = ((n+1)/3-nboff.y()+3)%3; int o_k = (n+1-nboff.z()+3)%3; n_nb = 9*o_i+3*o_j+o_k-1; } if(n_nb == -1) { CGAL_triangulation_assertion(cit_nb->has_vertex( c_cp->second[n]->vertex((i+1)%4)) ); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(cit_nb->has_vertex( c_cp->second[n]->vertex((i+2)%4)) ); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(cit_nb->has_vertex( c_cp->second[n]->vertex((i+3)%4)) ); c_cp->second[n]->set_neighbor(i,cit_nb); } else { CGAL_triangulation_assertion(n_nb >= 0); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(static_cast(n_nb) <= c_cp_nb->second.size()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(c_cp_nb->second[n_nb] ->has_vertex(c_cp->second[n]->vertex((i+1)%4)) ); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(c_cp_nb->second[n_nb] ->has_vertex(c_cp->second[n]->vertex((i+2)%4)) ); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(c_cp_nb->second[n_nb] ->has_vertex(c_cp->second[n]->vertex((i+3)%4)) ); c_cp->second[n]->set_neighbor(i,c_cp_nb->second[n_nb]); } } } } // Set neighboring relations of original cells oit = off_nb.begin(); for(typename std::list::iterator cit = original_cells.begin(); cit != original_cells.end(); ++cit, ++oit) { CGAL_triangulation_assertion( oit != off_nb.end() ); for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { Offset nboff = (*oit)[i]; if(!nboff.is_null()) { Cell_handle cit_nb = (*cit)->neighbor(i); VCRMIT c_cp_nb = virtual_cells_reverse.find(cit_nb); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(c_cp_nb != virtual_cells_reverse.end()); int o_i = (3-nboff.x())%3; int o_j = (3-nboff.y())%3; int o_k = (3-nboff.z())%3; int n_nb = 9*o_i+3*o_j+o_k-1; CGAL_triangulation_assertion(n_nb >= 0); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(static_cast(n_nb) <= c_cp_nb->second.size()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(c_cp_nb->second[n_nb] ->has_vertex((*cit)->vertex((i+1)%4)) ); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(c_cp_nb->second[n_nb] ->has_vertex((*cit)->vertex((i+2)%4)) ); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(c_cp_nb->second[n_nb] ->has_vertex((*cit)->vertex((i+3)%4)) ); (*cit)->set_neighbor(i,c_cp_nb->second[n_nb]); } } } // Set incident cells for(Cell_iterator cit = cells_begin(); cit != cells_end(); ++cit) { for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { cit->vertex(i)->set_cell(cit); } } // Set offsets where necessary for(typename std::list::iterator cit = original_cells.begin(); cit != original_cells.end(); ++cit) { VCRMIT c_cp = virtual_cells_reverse.find(*cit); CGAL_triangulation_assertion( c_cp != virtual_cells_reverse.end()); Offset off[4]; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) off[i] = int_to_off((*cit)->offset(i)); if(off[0].is_null() && off[1].is_null() && off[2].is_null() && off[3].is_null()) continue; for(int n=0; n<26; n++) { Offset off_cp[4]; int o_i = (n+1)/9; int o_j = ((n+1)/3)%3; int o_k = (n+1)%3; if(o_i!=2 && o_j!=2 && o_k !=2) continue; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { off_cp[i] = Offset((o_i==2)?off[i].x():0, (o_j==2)?off[i].y():0, (o_k==2)?off[i].z():0); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(off_cp[i].x() == 0 || off_cp[i].x() == 1); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(off_cp[i].y() == 0 || off_cp[i].y() == 1); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(off_cp[i].z() == 0 || off_cp[i].z() == 1); } set_offsets(c_cp->second[n],off_cp[0],off_cp[1],off_cp[2],off_cp[3]); } } // Iterate over all original cells and reset offsets. for(typename std::list::iterator cit = original_cells.begin(); cit != original_cells.end(); ++cit) { //This statement does not seem to have any effect set_offsets(*cit, 0,0,0,0); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((*cit)->offset(0) == 0); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((*cit)->offset(1) == 0); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((*cit)->offset(2) == 0); CGAL_triangulation_assertion((*cit)->offset(3) == 0); } _cover = CGAL::make_array(3,3,3); CGAL_triangulation_expensive_assertion(is_valid()); update_cover_data_after_converting_to_27_sheeted_covering(); } template < class GT, class TDS > class Periodic_3_triangulation_3::Finder { const Self* _t; const Point& _p; public: Finder(const Self* t, const Point &p) : _t(t), _p(p) {} bool operator()(const Vertex_handle v) { return _t->equal(v->point(), _p); } }; /** Find the cell that consists of the four given vertices * * Iterates over all cells and compare the four vertices of each cell * with the four vertices in vh. */ template < class GT, class TDS > inline typename Periodic_3_triangulation_3::Cell_handle Periodic_3_triangulation_3::get_cell(const Vertex_handle* vh) const { bool contains_v[4]; std::vector cells; incident_cells(vh[3],std::back_inserter(cells)); for( typename std::vector::iterator it = cells.begin(); it != cells.end(); it++ ) { CGAL_triangulation_assertion( (*it)->vertex(0) == vh[3] || (*it)->vertex(1) == vh[3] ||(*it)->vertex(2) == vh[3] || (*it)->vertex(3) == vh[3]); for( int j=0; j<3; j++ ) { contains_v[j] = false; contains_v[j] = ( (*it)->vertex(0) == vh[j] ) || ( (*it)->vertex(1) == vh[j] ) || ( (*it)->vertex(2) == vh[j] ) || ( (*it)->vertex(3) == vh[j] ); } if(contains_v[0] && contains_v[1] && contains_v[2]) { return (*it); } } CGAL_triangulation_assertion(false); return Cell_handle(); } /*! \brief Get the offset of tester.point() such that * this point is in conflict with c w.r.t tester.get_offset(). * * Implementation: Just try all eight possibilities. */ template < class GT, class TDS > template < class Conflict_tester > inline typename Periodic_3_triangulation_3::Offset Periodic_3_triangulation_3::get_location_offset( const Conflict_tester& tester, Cell_handle c) const { CGAL_triangulation_precondition( number_of_vertices() != 0 ); int cumm_off = c->offset(0) | c->offset(1) | c->offset(2) | c->offset(3); if(cumm_off == 0) { // default case: CGAL_triangulation_assertion(tester(c, Offset())); return Offset(); } else { // Main idea seems to just test all possibilities. for(int i=0; i<8; i++) { if(((cumm_off | (~i))&7) == 7) { if(tester(c,int_to_off(i))) { return int_to_off(i); } } } } CGAL_triangulation_assertion(false); return Offset(); } template < class GT, class TDS > template < class Conflict_tester > inline typename Periodic_3_triangulation_3::Offset Periodic_3_triangulation_3::get_location_offset( const Conflict_tester& tester, Cell_handle c, bool& found) const { CGAL_triangulation_precondition( number_of_vertices() != 0 ); found = false; int cumm_off = c->offset(0) | c->offset(1) | c->offset(2) | c->offset(3); if(cumm_off == 0 && tester(c, Offset())) { // default case: found = true; return Offset(); } else { // Main idea seems to just test all possibilities. for(int i=0; i<8; i++) { if(((cumm_off | (~i))&7) == 7) { if(tester(c,int_to_off(i))) { found = true; return int_to_off(i); } } } } return Offset(); } /** Get the offset between the origins of the internal offset coordinate * systems of two neighboring cells with respect from ch to nb. * * - Find two corresponding vertices from each cell * - Return the difference of their offsets. */ template < class GT, class TDS > inline typename Periodic_3_triangulation_3::Offset Periodic_3_triangulation_3::neighbor_offset( Cell_handle ch, int i, Cell_handle nb) const { // Redundance in the signature! CGAL_triangulation_precondition(ch->neighbor(i) == nb); CGAL_triangulation_precondition(nb->neighbor(nb->index(ch)) == ch); Vertex_handle vertex_ch; int index_ch, index_nb; // ensure that vertex_ch \in nb and vertex_nb \in ch index_ch = (i==0? 1 : 0); vertex_ch = ch->vertex(index_ch); index_nb = nb->index(vertex_ch); return int_to_off(nb->offset(index_nb)) - int_to_off(ch->offset(index_ch)); } /** * - ch->offset(i) is an bit triple encapsulated in an integer. Each bit * represents the offset in one direction --> 2-cover! * - it_to_off(int) decodes this again. * - Finally the offset vector is multiplied by cover. * So if we are working in 3-cover we translate it to the neighboring * 3-cover and not only to the neighboring domain. */ template < class GT, class TDS > inline void Periodic_3_triangulation_3::get_vertex( Cell_handle ch, int i, Vertex_handle& vh, Offset& off) const { off = combine_offsets(Offset(),int_to_off(ch->offset(i))); vh = ch->vertex(i); if(is_1_cover()) return; Vertex_handle vh_i = vh; get_vertex(vh_i, vh, off); return; } template < class GT, class TDS > inline void Periodic_3_triangulation_3::get_vertex( Vertex_handle vh_i, Vertex_handle& vh, Offset& off) const { Virtual_vertex_map_it it = virtual_vertices.find(vh_i); if(it == virtual_vertices.end()) { // if 'vh_i' is not contained in virtual_vertices, then it is in // the original domain. vh = vh_i; CGAL_triangulation_assertion(vh != Vertex_handle()); } else { // otherwise it has to be looked up as well as its offset. vh = it->second.first; off += it->second.second; CGAL_triangulation_assertion(vh->point().x() < domain().xmax()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(vh->point().y() < domain().ymax()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(vh->point().z() < domain().zmax()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(vh->point().x() >= domain().xmin()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(vh->point().y() >= domain().ymin()); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(vh->point().z() >= domain().zmin()); } } template < class GT, class TDS > std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& is, Periodic_3_triangulation_3& tr) // reads // the current covering that guarantees the triangulation to be a // simplicial complex // the number of vertices // the non combinatorial information on vertices (points in case of 1-sheeted // covering, point-offset pairs otherwise) // ALL PERIODIC COPIES OF ONE VERTEX MUST BE STORED CONSECUTIVELY // the number of cells // the cells by the indices of their vertices in the preceding list // of vertices, plus the non combinatorial information on each cell // the neighbors of each cell by their index in the preceding list of cells { CGAL_triangulation_precondition(is.good()); typedef Periodic_3_triangulation_3 Triangulation; typedef typename Triangulation::size_type size_type; typedef typename Triangulation::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Triangulation::Cell_handle Cell_handle; typedef typename Triangulation::Offset Offset; typedef typename Triangulation::Iso_cuboid Iso_cuboid; tr.clear(); Iso_cuboid domain(0,0,0,1,1,1); int cx=0, cy=0, cz=0; size_type n=0; if(is_ascii(is)) { is >> domain; is >> cx >> cy >> cz; is >> n; } else { is >> domain; read(is,cx); read(is,cy); read(is,cz); read(is,n); } CGAL_triangulation_assertion((n/(cx*cy*cz))*cx*cy*cz == n); tr.tds().set_dimension((n==0?-2:3)); tr._gt.set_domain(domain); tr._cover = CGAL::make_array(cx,cy,cz); if( n==0 ) return is; std::vector< Vertex_handle > V(n); if(cx==1 && cy==1 && cz==1) { for(std::size_t i=0; i < n; i++) { V[i] = tr.tds().create_vertex(); is >> *V[i]; } } else { Vertex_handle v,w; std::vector vv; Offset off; for(std::size_t i=0; i < n; i++) { v = tr.tds().create_vertex(); V[i] = v; is >> *V[i] >> off; vv.clear(); for(int j=1; j> *V[i] >> off; vv.push_back(w); tr.virtual_vertices[w]=std::make_pair(v,off); } tr.virtual_vertices_reverse[v]=vv; } } std::vector< Cell_handle > C; std::size_t m; tr.tds().read_cells(is, V, m, C); // read offsets int off[4] = {0,0,0,0}; for(std::size_t j=0; j < m; j++) { if(is_ascii(is)) is >> off[0] >> off[1] >> off[2] >> off[3]; else { read(is,off[0]); read(is,off[1]); read(is,off[2]); read(is,off[3]); } tr.set_offsets(C[j],off[0],off[1],off[2],off[3]); } // read potential other information for(std::size_t j=0; j < m; j++) is >> *(C[j]); CGAL_triangulation_expensive_assertion( tr.is_valid() ); return is; } template < class GT, class TDS > std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os,const Periodic_3_triangulation_3& tr) // writes : // the number of vertices // the domain as six coordinates: xmin ymin zmin xmax ymax zmax // the current covering that guarantees the triangulation to be a // simplicial complex // the non combinatorial information on vertices (points in case of 1-sheeted // covering, point-offset pairs otherwise) // ALL PERIODIC COPIES OF ONE VERTEX MUST BE STORED CONSECUTIVELY // the number of cells // the cells by the indices of their vertices in the preceding list // of vertices, plus the non combinatorial information on each cell // the neighbors of each cell by their index in the preceding list of cells { typedef Periodic_3_triangulation_3 Triangulation; typedef typename Triangulation::size_type size_type; typedef typename Triangulation::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Triangulation::Vertex_iterator Vertex_iterator; typedef typename Triangulation::Cell_handle Cell_handle; typedef typename Triangulation::Cell_iterator Cell_iterator; typedef typename Triangulation::Covering_sheets Covering_sheets; typedef typename Triangulation::Offset Offset; typedef typename Triangulation::Virtual_vertex_map_it Virtual_vertex_map_it; typedef typename Triangulation::Iso_cuboid Iso_cuboid; // outputs dimension, domain and number of vertices Iso_cuboid domain = tr.domain(); Covering_sheets cover = tr.number_of_sheets(); size_type n = tr.number_of_vertices(); if(is_ascii(os)) os << domain << std::endl << cover[0] << " " << cover[1] << " " << cover[2] << std::endl << n*cover[0]*cover[1]*cover[2] << std::endl; else { os << domain; write(os,cover[0]); write(os,cover[1]); write(os,cover[2]); write(os,n*cover[0]*cover[1]*cover[2]); } if(n == 0) return os; // write the vertices Unique_hash_map V; std::size_t i=0; if(tr.is_1_cover()) { for(Vertex_iterator it=tr.vertices_begin(); it!=tr.vertices_end(); ++it) { V[it] = i++; os << it->point(); if(is_ascii(os)) os << std::endl; } } else { Virtual_vertex_map_it vit, vvit; std::vector vv; for(Vertex_iterator it=tr.vertices_begin(); it!=tr.vertices_end(); ++it) { vit = tr.virtual_vertices.find(it); if(vit != tr.virtual_vertices.end()) continue; V[it]=i++; if(is_ascii(os)) os << it->point() << std::endl << Offset(0,0,0) << std::endl; else os << it->point() << Offset(0,0,0); CGAL_triangulation_assertion(tr.virtual_vertices_reverse.find(it) != tr.virtual_vertices_reverse.end()); vv = tr.virtual_vertices_reverse.find(it)->second; CGAL_triangulation_assertion(vv.size() == 26); for(std::size_t j=0; jpoint() << std::endl << vvit->second.second << std::endl; else os << vv[j]->point() << vvit->second.second; } } } CGAL_triangulation_postcondition(i == tr.number_of_sheets()[0] * tr.number_of_sheets()[1] * tr.number_of_sheets()[2] * n); // asks the tds for the combinatorial information tr.tds().print_cells(os, V); // write offsets //for(unsigned int i=0; ioffset(j); if( j==3 ) os << std::endl; else os << ' '; } else write(os,ch->offset(j)); } } // write the non combinatorial information on the cells // using the << operator of Cell // works because the iterator of the tds traverses the cells in the // same order as the iterator of the triangulation if(tr.number_of_vertices() != 0) { for(Cell_iterator it=tr.cells_begin(); it != tr.cells_end(); ++it) { os << *it; // other information if(is_ascii(os)) os << std::endl; } } return os; } namespace internal { /// Internal function used by operator==. // This function tests and registers the 4 neighbors of c1/c2, // and performs a bfs traversal // Returns false if an inequality has been found. //TODO: introduce offsets template bool test_next(const Periodic_3_triangulation_3& t1, const Periodic_3_triangulation_3& t2, typename Periodic_3_triangulation_3::Cell_handle c1, typename Periodic_3_triangulation_3::Cell_handle c2, std::map::Cell_handle, typename Periodic_3_triangulation_3::Cell_handle>& Cmap, std::map::Vertex_handle, typename Periodic_3_triangulation_3::Vertex_handle>& Vmap) { typedef Periodic_3_triangulation_3 Tr1; typedef Periodic_3_triangulation_3 Tr2; typedef typename Tr1::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle1; typedef typename Tr1::Cell_handle Cell_handle1; typedef typename Tr2::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle2; typedef typename Tr2::Cell_handle Cell_handle2; typedef typename std::map::const_iterator Cit; typedef typename std::map::const_iterator Vit; std::vector > queue; queue.push_back(std::make_pair(c1,c2)); while(! queue.empty()) { boost::tie(c1,c2) = queue.back(); queue.pop_back(); // Precondition: c1, c2 have been registered as well as their 4 vertices. CGAL_triangulation_precondition(t1.number_of_vertices() != 0); CGAL_triangulation_precondition(Cmap[c1] == c2); CGAL_triangulation_precondition(Vmap.find(c1->vertex(0)) != Vmap.end()); CGAL_triangulation_precondition(Vmap.find(c1->vertex(1)) != Vmap.end()); CGAL_triangulation_precondition(Vmap.find(c1->vertex(2)) != Vmap.end()); CGAL_triangulation_precondition(Vmap.find(c1->vertex(3)) != Vmap.end()); for(int i=0; i <= 3; ++i) { Cell_handle1 n1 = c1->neighbor(i); Cit cit = Cmap.find(n1); Vertex_handle1 v1 = c1->vertex(i); Vertex_handle2 v2 = Vmap[v1]; Cell_handle2 n2 = c2->neighbor(c2->index(v2)); if(cit != Cmap.end()) { // n1 was already registered. if(cit->second != n2) return false; continue; } // n1 has not yet been registered. // We check that the new vertices match geometrically. // And we register them. Vertex_handle1 vn1 = n1->vertex(n1->index(c1)); Vertex_handle2 vn2 = n2->vertex(n2->index(c2)); Vit vit = Vmap.find(vn1); if(vit != Vmap.end()) { // vn1 already registered if(vit->second != vn2) return false; } else { if(t1.geom_traits().compare_xyz_3_object()(t1.construct_point(vn1->point()), t2.construct_point(vn2->point())) != 0) return false; // We register vn1/vn2. Vmap.insert(std::make_pair(vn1, vn2)); } // We register n1/n2. Cmap.insert(std::make_pair(n1, n2)); queue.push_back(std::make_pair(n1, n2)); } } return true; } } // namespace internal template < class GT, class TDS1, class TDS2 > bool operator==(const Periodic_3_triangulation_3& t1, const Periodic_3_triangulation_3& t2) { typedef typename Periodic_3_triangulation_3::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle1; typedef typename Periodic_3_triangulation_3::Cell_handle Cell_handle1; typedef typename Periodic_3_triangulation_3::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle2; typedef typename Periodic_3_triangulation_3::Vertex_handle Vertex_iterator2; typedef typename Periodic_3_triangulation_3::Cell_handle Cell_handle2; typedef typename Periodic_3_triangulation_3::Point Point; typedef typename Periodic_3_triangulation_3::Offset Offset; // typedef typename Periodic_3_triangulation_3 // ::Geometric_traits::Compare_xyz_3 Compare_xyz_3; // Compare_xyz_3 cmp1 = t1.geom_traits().compare_xyz_3_object(); // Compare_xyz_3 cmp2 = t2.geom_traits().compare_xyz_3_object(); // Some quick checks. if( t1.domain() != t2.domain() || t1.number_of_sheets() != t2.number_of_sheets()) return false; if( t1.number_of_vertices() != t2.number_of_vertices() || t1.number_of_cells() != t2.number_of_cells()) return false; // Special case for empty triangulations if(t1.number_of_vertices() == 0) return true; // We will store the mapping between the 2 triangulations vertices and // cells in 2 maps. std::map Vmap; std::map Cmap; // find a common point Vertex_handle1 v1 = static_cast(t1.vertices_begin()); Vertex_handle2 iv2; for(Vertex_iterator2 vit2 = t2.vertices_begin(); vit2 != t2.vertices_end(); ++vit2) { if(!t1.equal(vit2->point(), v1->point(), t2.get_offset(vit2), t1.get_offset(v1))) continue; iv2 = static_cast(vit2); break; } if(iv2 == Vertex_handle2()) return false; Vmap.insert(std::make_pair(v1, iv2)); // We pick one cell of t1, and try to match it against the // cells of t2. Cell_handle1 c = v1->cell(); Vertex_handle1 v2 = c->vertex((c->index(v1)+1)%4); Vertex_handle1 v3 = c->vertex((c->index(v1)+2)%4); Vertex_handle1 v4 = c->vertex((c->index(v1)+3)%4); Point p2 = v2->point(); Point p3 = v3->point(); Point p4 = v4->point(); Offset o2 = t1.get_offset(v2); Offset o3 = t1.get_offset(v3); Offset o4 = t1.get_offset(v4); std::vector ics; t2.incident_cells(iv2, std::back_inserter(ics)); for(typename std::vector::const_iterator cit = ics.begin(); cit != ics.end(); ++cit) { int inf = (*cit)->index(iv2); if(t1.equal(p2, (*cit)->vertex((inf+1)%4)->point(), o2, t2.get_offset((*cit)->vertex((inf+1)%4)))) Vmap.insert(std::make_pair(v2, (*cit)->vertex((inf+1)%4))); else if(t1.equal(p2, (*cit)->vertex((inf+2)%4)->point(), o2, t2.get_offset((*cit)->vertex((inf+2)%4)))) Vmap.insert(std::make_pair(v2, (*cit)->vertex((inf+2)%4))); else if(t1.equal(p2, (*cit)->vertex((inf+3)%4)->point(), o2, t2.get_offset((*cit)->vertex((inf+3)%4)))) Vmap.insert(std::make_pair(v2, (*cit)->vertex((inf+3)%4))); else continue; // None matched v2. if(t1.equal(p3, (*cit)->vertex((inf+1)%4)->point(), o3, t2.get_offset((*cit)->vertex((inf+1)%4)))) Vmap.insert(std::make_pair(v3, (*cit)->vertex((inf+1)%4))); else if(t1.equal(p3, (*cit)->vertex((inf+2)%4)->point(), o3, t2.get_offset((*cit)->vertex((inf+2)%4)))) Vmap.insert(std::make_pair(v3, (*cit)->vertex((inf+2)%4))); else if(t1.equal(p3, (*cit)->vertex((inf+3)%4)->point(), o3, t2.get_offset((*cit)->vertex((inf+3)%4)))) Vmap.insert(std::make_pair(v3, (*cit)->vertex((inf+3)%4))); else continue; // None matched v3. if(t1.equal(p4, (*cit)->vertex((inf+1)%4)->point(), o4, t2.get_offset((*cit)->vertex((inf+1)%4)))) Vmap.insert(std::make_pair(v4,(*cit)->vertex((inf+1)%4))); else if(t1.equal(p4, (*cit)->vertex((inf+2)%4)->point(), o4, t2.get_offset((*cit)->vertex((inf+2)%4)))) Vmap.insert(std::make_pair(v4,(*cit)->vertex((inf+2)%4))); else if(t1.equal(p4, (*cit)->vertex((inf+3)%4)->point(), o4, t2.get_offset((*cit)->vertex((inf+3)%4)))) Vmap.insert(std::make_pair(v4,(*cit)->vertex((inf+3)%4))); else continue; // None matched v4. // Found it ! Cmap.insert(std::make_pair(c, *cit)); break; } if(Cmap.size() == 0) return false; // We now have one cell, we need to compare in a bfs graph traversal return internal::test_next(t1, t2, Cmap.begin()->first, Cmap.begin()->second, Cmap, Vmap); } template < class GT, class TDS1, class TDS2 > inline bool operator!=(const Periodic_3_triangulation_3& t1, const Periodic_3_triangulation_3& t2) { return ! (t1 == t2); } } // namespace CGAL #endif // CGAL_PERIODIC_3_TRIANGULATION_3_H