// Copyright (c) 1997-2007 ETH Zurich (Switzerland). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/QP_solver/include/CGAL/QP_solver/Initialization.h $ // $Id: Initialization.h 0779373 2020-03-26T13:31:46+01:00 Sébastien Loriot // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Sven Schoenherr // Bernd Gaertner // Franz Wessendorp // Kaspar Fischer #include #include namespace CGAL { // creation & initialization // ------------------------- template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > QP_solver:: QP_solver(const Q& qp, const Quadratic_program_options& options) : et0(0), et1(1), et2(2), strategyP(0), inv_M_B(vout4), d(inv_M_B.denominator()), m_phase(-1), is_phaseI(false), is_phaseII(false), is_RTS_transition(false), is_LP(check_tag(Is_linear())), is_QP(!is_LP), //no_ineq(check_tag(Has_equalities_only_and_full_rank())), no_ineq(QP_functions_detail::is_in_equational_form(qp)), // may change after phase I has_ineq(!no_ineq), is_nonnegative(check_tag(Is_nonnegative())) { // init diagnostics diagnostics.redundant_equations = false; // initialization as in the standard-form case: set_verbosity(options.get_verbosity()); // only if C_entry is double, we actually get filtered strategies, // otherwise we fall back to the respective non-filtered ones set_pricing_strategy(options.get_pricing_strategy()); // Note: we first set the bounds and then call set() because set() // accesses qp_fl, qp_l, etc. set_explicit_bounds(qp); set(qp); // initialize and solve immediately: init(); solve(); } // set-up of QP template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > void QP_solver:: set_D(const Q& /*qp*/, Tag_true /*is_linear*/) { // dummy value, never used qp_D = 0; } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > void QP_solver:: set_D(const Q& qp, Tag_false /*is_linear*/) { qp_D = qp.get_d(); } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > void QP_solver:: set(const Q& qp) { // assertions: CGAL_qpe_assertion(qp.get_n() >= 0); CGAL_qpe_assertion(qp.get_m() >= 0); // store QP qp_n = qp.get_n(); qp_m = qp.get_m(); qp_A = qp.get_a(); qp_b = qp.get_b(); qp_c = qp.get_c(); qp_c0 = qp.get_c0(); set_D(qp, Is_linear()); qp_r = qp.get_r(); // set up slack variables and auxiliary problem // -------------------------------------------- // reserve memory for slack and artificial part of `A': if (has_ineq) { const unsigned int eq = static_cast(std::count(qp_r, qp_r+qp_m, CGAL::EQUAL)); slack_A.reserve(qp_m - eq); art_A.reserve ( eq); art_s.insert(art_s.end(), qp_m, A_entry(0)); } else art_A.reserve( qp_m); // decide on which bound the variables sit initially: if (!check_tag(Is_nonnegative())) init_x_O_v_i(); set_up_auxiliary_problem(); e = static_cast(qp_m-slack_A.size()); // number of equalities l = (std::min)(qp_n+e+1, qp_m); // maximal size of basis in phase I // diagnostic output: CGAL_qpe_debug { if (vout.verbose()) { if (vout2.verbose()) { vout2.out() << "======" << std::endl << "Set-Up" << std::endl << "======" << std::endl; } } } vout << "[ " << (is_LP ? "LP" : "QP") << ", " << qp_n << " variables, " << qp_m << " constraints" << " ]" << std::endl; CGAL_qpe_debug { if (vout2.verbose() && (!slack_A.empty())) { vout2.out() << " (" << slack_A.size() << " inequalities)"; } if (vout2.verbose()) { if (has_ineq) vout2.out() << "flag: has inequalities or rank not full" << std::endl; if (vout4.verbose()) print_program(); } } // set up pricing strategy: if (strategyP != static_cast< Pricing_strategy*>(0)) strategyP->set(*this, vout2); // set up basis inverse: inv_M_B.set(qp_n, qp_m, e); // set phase: m_phase = 0; is_phaseI = false; is_phaseII = false; } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > void QP_solver:: set_explicit_bounds(const Q& qp) { set_explicit_bounds (qp, Is_nonnegative()); } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > void QP_solver:: set_explicit_bounds(const Q& /*qp*/, Tag_true) { // dummy values, never used qp_fl = 0; qp_l = 0; qp_fu = 0; qp_u = 0; } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > void QP_solver:: set_explicit_bounds(const Q& qp, Tag_false) { qp_fl = qp.get_fl(); qp_l = qp.get_l(); qp_fu = qp.get_fu(); qp_u = qp.get_u(); } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > void QP_solver:: init_x_O_v_i() { // allocate storage: x_O_v_i.reserve(qp_n); x_O_v_i.resize (qp_n); // constants for comparisions: const L_entry l0(0); const U_entry u0(0); // our initial solution will have all original variables nonbasic, // and so we initialize them to zero (if the bound on the variable // allows it), or to the variable's lower or upper bound: for (int i = 0; i < qp_n; ++i) { CGAL_qpe_assertion( !*(qp_fl+i) || !*(qp_fu+i) || *(qp_l+i)<=*(qp_u+i)); if (*(qp_fl+i)) // finite lower bound? if (*(qp_fu+i)) // finite lower and finite upper bound? if (*(qp_l+i) == *(qp_u+i)) // fixed variable? x_O_v_i[i] = FIXED; else // finite lower and finite upper? if (*(qp_l+i) <= l0 && u0 <= *(qp_u+i)) x_O_v_i[i] = ZERO; else x_O_v_i[i] = LOWER; else // finite lower and infinite upper? if (*(qp_l+i) <= l0) x_O_v_i[i] = ZERO; else x_O_v_i[i] = LOWER; else // infinite lower bound? if (*(qp_fu+i)) // infinite lower and finite upper? if (u0 <= *(qp_u+i)) x_O_v_i[i] = ZERO; else x_O_v_i[i] = UPPER; else // infinite lower and infinite upper? x_O_v_i[i] = ZERO; } } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > void QP_solver:: set_up_auxiliary_problem() { ET b_max(et0); const C_entry c1(1); int i_max = -1; // i_max-th inequality is the most infeasible one int i_max_absolute = -1; // absolute index of most infeasible ineq // TAG: TODO using variable i here, which is also the index of the entering // variable. for (int i = 0; i < qp_m; ++i) { // Note: For nonstandard form problems, our initial solution is not the // zero vector (but the vector with values original_variable_value(i), // 0<=i b_max) { i_max = static_cast(slack_A.size()); i_max_absolute = i; b_max = -rhs; } } // slack variable: slack_A.push_back(std::make_pair(i, false)); } else { // '>=' // add special artificial ('> +0') in case the inequality is // infeasible for our starting point (which is the origin): if (rhs > et0) { art_s[i] = c1; if (rhs > b_max) { i_max = static_cast(slack_A.size()); i_max_absolute = i; b_max = rhs; } } // store slack column slack_A.push_back(std::make_pair(i, true)); } } else { // equality constraint, so we // add an artificial variable // (Note: if rhs==et0 here then the artificial variable is (at the // moment!) not needed. However, we nonetheless add it, for the following // reason. If we did and were given an equality problem with the zero // vector as the right-hand side then NO artificials would be added at // all; so our initial basis would be empty, something we do not want.) art_A.push_back(std::make_pair(i, rhs < et0)); } } // end for // Note: in order to make our initial starting point (which is the origin) a // feasible point of the auxiliary problem, we need to initialize the // special artificial value correctly, namely to // // max { |b_i| | i is index of an infeasible inequality constraint }. (C1) // // The index of this "most infeasible" constraint is, at this point of the // code, i_max (or i_max is -1 in which case all inequality constraints are // feasible and hence no special artififial column is needed at all). // prepare initialization of special artificial column: // Note: the real work is done in init_basis() below. if (i_max >= 0) { art_s_i = i_max; // Note: the actual art_basic = i_max_absolute; // initialization of art_s_i // will be done in init_basis() // below. We misuse art_s_i to // remember i_max and art_basic // to remember i_max_absolute } else { // no special art col needed art_s_i = -1; art_s.clear(); } } // initialization (phase I) template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > void QP_solver:: init() { CGAL_qpe_debug { vout2 << std::endl << "==============" << std::endl << "Initialization" << std::endl << "==============" << std::endl; } // set status: m_phase = 1; m_status = QP_UPDATE; m_pivots = 0; is_phaseI = true; is_phaseII = false; // initial basis and basis inverse init_basis(); // initialize additional data members init_additional_data_members(); // initial solution init_solution(); // initialize pricing strategy CGAL_qpe_assertion(strategyP != static_cast< Pricing_strategy*>(0)); strategyP->init(0); // basic feasible solution already available? if (art_basic == 0) { // transition to phase II CGAL_qpe_debug { if (vout2.verbose()) { vout2.out() << std::endl << "no artificial variables at all " << "--> skip phase I" << std::endl; } } transition(); } } // Set up the initial basis and basis inverse. template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > void QP_solver:: init_basis() { int s_i = -1; int s_i_absolute = -1; const int s = static_cast(slack_A.size()); // has special artificial column? if (!art_s.empty()) { // Note: we maintain the information about the special artificial column in // the variable art_s_i and the vector s_art; in addition, however, we also // add a special "fake" column to art_A. This "fake" column has (in // constrast to the special artificial column) only one nonzero entry, // namely a +-1 for the most infeasible row (see (C1) above). // add "fake" column to art_A: s_i = art_s_i; // s_i-th ineq. is most infeasible, see (C1) s_i_absolute = art_basic; // absolute index of most infeasible ineq art_s_i = static_cast(qp_n+s+art_A.size()); // number of special artificial var // BG: By construction of art_s_i (= i_max) in set_up_auxiliary_problem(), // s_i conforms with the indexing of slack_A, and the sign of the +-1 // entry is just the negative of the corresponding slackie; this explains // the second parameter of make_pair. But the index passed as the // first parameter must refer to the ABSOLUTE index of the most // infeasible row. Putting s_i here is therefore a mistake unless // we only have equality constraints // art_A.push_back(std::make_pair(s_i, !slack_A[s_i].second)); CGAL_qpe_assertion(s_i_absolute >= 0); CGAL_qpe_assertion(s_i_absolute == slack_A[s_i].first); art_A.push_back(std::make_pair(s_i_absolute, !slack_A[s_i].second)); } // initialize indices of basic variables: if (!in_B.empty()) in_B.clear(); in_B.reserve(qp_n+s+art_A.size()); in_B.insert(in_B.end(), qp_n, -1); // no original variable is basic init_basis__slack_variables(s_i, no_ineq); if (!B_O.empty()) B_O.clear(); B_O.reserve(qp_n); // all artificial variables are basic for (int i = 0; i < static_cast(art_A.size()); ++i) { B_O .push_back(qp_n+s+i); in_B.push_back(i); } art_basic = static_cast(art_A.size()); // initialize indices of 'basic' and 'nonbasic' constraints: if (!C.empty()) C.clear(); init_basis__constraints(s_i, no_ineq); // diagnostic output: CGAL_qpe_debug { if (vout.verbose()) print_basis(); } // initialize basis inverse (explain: 'art_s' not needed here (todo kf: don't // understand this note)): // BG: as we only look at the basic constraints, the fake column in art_A // will do as nicely as the actual column arts_s inv_M_B.init(static_cast(art_A.size()), art_A.begin()); } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // no ineq. void QP_solver:: init_basis__slack_variables( int, Tag_true) { // nop } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > // has ineq. void QP_solver:: init_basis__slack_variables(int s_i, Tag_false) // Note: s_i-th inequality is // the most infeasible one, // see (C1). { const int s = static_cast(slack_A.size()); // reserve memory: if (!B_S.empty()) B_S.clear(); B_S.reserve(s); // all slack variables are basic, except the slack variable corresponding to // special artificial variable (which is nonbasic): (todo kf: I do not // understand this) // BG: the s_i-th inequality is the most infeasible one, and the i-th // inequality corresponds to the slackie of index qp_n + i for (int i = 0; i < s; ++i) // go through all inequalities if (i != s_i) { in_B.push_back(static_cast(B_S.size())); B_S .push_back(i+qp_n); } else in_B.push_back(-1); } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // no ineq. void QP_solver:: init_basis__constraints( int, Tag_true) { // reserve memory: C.reserve(qp_m); in_C.reserve(qp_m); // As there are no inequalities, C consists of all inequality constraints // only, so we add them all: for (int i = 0; i < qp_m; ++i) { C.push_back(i); } } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > // has ineq. void QP_solver:: init_basis__constraints(int s_i, Tag_false) // Note: s_i-th inequality is the // most infeasible one, see (C1). { int i, j; // reserve memory: if (!in_C.empty()) in_C.clear(); if (! S_B.empty()) S_B.clear(); C.reserve(l); S_B.reserve(slack_A.size()); // store constraints' indices: in_C.insert(in_C.end(), qp_m, -1); if (s_i >= 0) s_i = slack_A[s_i].first; // now s_i is absolute index // of most infeasible row for (i = 0, j = 0; i < qp_m; ++i) if (*(qp_r+i) == CGAL::EQUAL) { // equal. constraint basic C.push_back(i); in_C[i] = j; ++j; } else { // ineq. constraint nonbasic if (i != s_i) // unless it's most infeasible S_B.push_back(i); } // now handle most infeasible inequality if any if (s_i >= 0) { C.push_back(s_i); in_C[s_i] = j; } } // Initialize r_C. template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > // Standard form void QP_solver:: init_r_C(Tag_true) { } // Initialize r_C. template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > // Upper bounded void QP_solver:: init_r_C(Tag_false) { r_C.resize(C.size()); multiply__A_CxN_O(r_C.begin()); } // Initialize r_S_B. template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > // Standard form void QP_solver:: init_r_S_B(Tag_true) { } // Initialize r_S_B. template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > // Upper bounded void QP_solver:: init_r_S_B(Tag_false) { r_S_B.resize(S_B.size()); multiply__A_S_BxN_O(r_S_B.begin()); } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // no ineq. void QP_solver:: init_solution__b_C(Tag_true) { b_C.reserve(qp_m); std::transform(qp_b, qp_b+qp_m, std::back_inserter(b_C), NT_converter()); } template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > inline // has ineq. void QP_solver:: init_solution__b_C(Tag_false) { b_C.insert(b_C.end(), l, et0); B_by_index_accessor b_accessor(qp_b); // todo kf: is there some boost // replacement for this accessor? typedef typename std::iterator_traits::value_type RT; std::transform(B_by_index_iterator(C.begin(), b_accessor), B_by_index_iterator(C.end (), b_accessor), b_C.begin(), NT_converter()); } // initial solution template < typename Q, typename ET, typename Tags > void QP_solver:: init_solution() { // initialize exact version of `qp_b' restricted to basic constraints C // (implicit conversion to ET): if (!b_C.empty()) b_C.clear(); init_solution__b_C(no_ineq); // initialize exact version of `aux_c' and 'minus_c_B', the // latter restricted to basic variables B_O: if (!minus_c_B.empty()) minus_c_B.clear(); minus_c_B.insert(minus_c_B.end(), l, -et1); // todo: what is minus_c_B? CGAL_qpe_assertion(l >= static_cast(art_A.size())); if (art_s_i > 0) minus_c_B[art_A.size()-1] *= ET(qp_n+qp_m); // Note: the idea here is to // give more weight to the // special artifical variable // so that it gets removed very // early, - todo kf: why? // ...and now aux_c: as we want to make all artificial variables (including // the special one) zero, we weigh these variables with >= 1 in the objective // function (and leave the other entries in the objective function at zero): aux_c.reserve(art_A.size()); aux_c.insert(aux_c.end(), art_A.size(), 0); for (int col=static_cast(qp_n+slack_A.size()); col void QP_solver:: init_additional_data_members() { // todo kf: do we really have to insert et0, or would it suffice to just // resize() in the following statements? // BG: no clue, but it's at least safe that way if (!A_Cj.empty()) A_Cj.clear(); A_Cj.insert(A_Cj.end(), l, et0); if (!two_D_Bj.empty()) two_D_Bj.clear(); two_D_Bj.insert(two_D_Bj.end(), l, et0); if (!q_lambda.empty()) q_lambda.clear(); q_lambda.insert(q_lambda.end(), l, et0); if (!q_x_O.empty()) q_x_O.clear(); q_x_O.insert(q_x_O.end(), l, et0); if (!q_x_S.empty()) q_x_S.clear(); q_x_S.insert(q_x_S.end(), slack_A.size(), et0); if (!tmp_l.empty()) tmp_l.clear(); tmp_l.insert(tmp_l.end(), l, et0); if (!tmp_l_2.empty()) tmp_l_2.clear(); tmp_l_2.insert(tmp_l_2.end(), l, et0); if (!tmp_x.empty()) tmp_x.clear(); tmp_x.insert(tmp_x.end(), l, et0); if (!tmp_x_2.empty()) tmp_x_2.clear(); tmp_x_2.insert(tmp_x_2.end(), l, et0); } } //namespace CGAL // ===== EOF ==================================================================