// Copyright (c) 2001, 2009, 2014 Tel-Aviv University (Israel), Max-Planck-Institute Saarbruecken (Germany). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Snap_rounding_2/include/CGAL/Snap_rounding_kd_2.h $ // $Id: Snap_rounding_kd_2.h 3c7eb2c 2020-01-07T15:31:07+01:00 Mael Rouxel-Labbé // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // author(s) : Eli Packer , // Waqar Khan #ifndef CGAL_SNAP_ROUNDING_KD_2_H #define CGAL_SNAP_ROUNDING_KD_2_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { namespace internal { ////////////////////// ////////////////////// //Point_with_hot_pixel_history ////////////////////// template class Point_with_hot_pixel_history : public Traits::Point_2 { private: typedef typename Traits::Point_2 Base; typedef typename Traits::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename Traits::FT NT; public: Point_2 orig; SAVED_OBJECT object; Point_with_hot_pixel_history(const Base& p, const Point_2& inp_orig, SAVED_OBJECT obj) : Base(p), orig(inp_orig), object(obj) {} Point_with_hot_pixel_history(const Base& p) : Base(p), orig(Point_2(0, 0)) {} Point_with_hot_pixel_history() : Base(), orig() {} Point_with_hot_pixel_history(NT x, NT y) : Base(x, y), orig(Point_2(0, 0)) {} }; // Point_with_hot_pixel_history ////////////////////// ////////////////////// //Search_traits_kd_tree_2 // //(Search traits modified to be used by the Spacial Searching kd_trees for Snap rounding) ////////////////////// template < class Traits_, class Point_ = typename Traits_::Point_2 > class Search_traits_kd_tree_2 { public: typedef Traits_ Traits; typedef Point_ Point_d; typedef Dimension_tag<2> Dimension; typedef typename Traits::Iso_rectangle_2 Iso_box_d; typedef typename Traits::Cartesian_const_iterator_2 Cartesian_const_iterator_d; typedef typename Traits::Construct_cartesian_const_iterator_2 Construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d; typedef typename Traits::Construct_min_vertex_2 Construct_min_vertex_d; typedef typename Traits::Construct_max_vertex_2 Construct_max_vertex_d; typedef typename Traits::Construct_iso_rectangle_2 Construct_iso_box_d; typedef typename Traits::FT FT; Construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d_object() const { return Construct_cartesian_const_iterator_d(); } }; // Search_traits_kd_tree_2 } // namespace internal ///////////////////// ///////////////////// //Multiple_kd_tree ///////////////////// template class Multiple_kd_tree { CGAL_static_assertion_msg((boost::is_pointer::value), "SAVED_OBJECT is not a pointer."); private: typedef Traits_ Traits; typedef typename Traits::FT NT; typedef typename Traits::Segment_2 Segment_2; typedef typename Traits::Point_2 Point_2; typedef typename Traits::Vector_2 Vector_2; typedef typename Traits::Iso_rectangle_2 Iso_rectangle_2; typedef typename Traits::Direction_2 Direction_2; typedef typename Traits::Line_2 Line_2; typedef typename Traits::Aff_transformation_2 Transformation_2; typedef CGAL::internal::Point_with_hot_pixel_history Point_with_hot_pixel_history_saved; typedef CGAL::internal::Search_traits_kd_tree_2 Search_traits; typedef CGAL::Kd_tree Kd_tree; typedef CGAL::Fuzzy_iso_box Box; typedef std::list Points_List; typedef std::pair Direction_nt_pair; typedef std::pair Kd_triple; typedef std::pair Kd_direction_nt_pair; typedef std::list Kd_triple_list; typedef std::pair Point_saved_pair; typedef std::list Point_saved_pair_list; typedef typename Point_saved_pair_list::iterator Point_saved_pair_iter; typedef typename std::list Point_with_hot_pixel_history_saved_list; typedef typename Point_with_hot_pixel_history_saved_list::iterator Point_with_hot_pixel_history_saved_iter; typedef std::list Point_list; typedef typename Point_list::iterator Point_iter; typedef std::list Segment_list; typedef typename Segment_list::const_iterator Segment_const_iter; typedef std::list Direction_list; typedef typename Direction_list::const_iterator Direction_const_iter; private: Traits m_gt; const double pi, half_pi; int number_of_trees; Kd_triple_list kd_trees_list; Point_saved_pair_list input_points_list; std::map angle_to_sines_appr; // was const int /*! */ void rotate(Point_2& p, NT angle) { static const double rad_to_deg = 57.297; typename Traits::To_double to_dbl; int tranc_angle = int(to_dbl(angle) * rad_to_deg); NT cosine_val = angle_to_sines_appr[90 - tranc_angle], sine_val = angle_to_sines_appr[tranc_angle]; Transformation_2 rotate(ROTATION, sine_val, cosine_val); p = rotate(p); } /*! */ Kd_triple create_kd_tree(NT angle) { Kd_tree *tree = new Kd_tree(); tree->reserve(input_points_list.size()); for (Point_saved_pair_iter iter = input_points_list.begin(); iter != input_points_list.end(); ++iter) { Point_2 p(iter->first); rotate(p,angle); Point_with_hot_pixel_history_saved rotated_point(p,iter->first,iter->second); tree->insert(rotated_point); } tree->build(); typename Traits::To_double to_dbl; double buffer_angle(to_dbl(angle) - half_pi / (2 * number_of_trees)); if (buffer_angle < 0) buffer_angle = 0; Line_2 li(std::tan(buffer_angle), -1, 0); Direction_2 d(li); // rotate_by 180 degrees Transformation_2 t(ROTATION, 0, -1); d = d.transform(t); Direction_nt_pair kp(d, angle); Kd_triple kt(tree, kp); return(kt); } inline NT square(NT x) {return(x * x);} inline NT min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (NT x, NT y) {return((x < y) ? x : y);} inline NT max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (NT x, NT y) {return((x < y) ? y : x);} inline NT min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (NT x1, NT x2, NT x3, NT x4, NT x5, NT x6) {return(min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (x1, x2), min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (x3, x4)),min BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (x5, x6)));} inline NT max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (NT x1, NT x2, NT x3, NT x4, NT x5, NT x6) {return(max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (x1, x2), max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (x3, x4)),max BOOST_PREVENT_MACRO_SUBSTITUTION (x5, x6)));} /*! */ Direction_2 get_direction(Segment_2 seg) { typedef typename Traits_::Construct_vertex_2 Construct_vertex_2; Construct_vertex_2 construct_vertex = m_gt.construct_vertex_2_object(); // force the segment slope to [0-180) Point_2 s = construct_vertex(seg, 0); Point_2 t = construct_vertex(seg, 1); Comparison_result cx = m_gt.compare_x_2_object()(s, t); Comparison_result cy = m_gt.compare_y_2_object()(s, t); if (cy == LARGER || (cy == EQUAL && cx == LARGER)) { typedef typename Traits::Construct_segment_2 Construct_segment_2; Construct_segment_2 construct_seg = m_gt.construct_segment_2_object(); seg = construct_seg(t, s); } // force the vector to [0-90) Vector_2 v(construct_vertex(seg, 0), construct_vertex(seg, 1)); if (cx == EQUAL || (cx == LARGER && cy == SMALLER) || (cx == SMALLER && cy == LARGER)) v = v.perpendicular(RIGHT_TURN); Direction_2 d(v.direction()); return(d); } /*! */ int get_kd_num(Segment_2 seg, int n, Direction_list & directions) { Direction_2 d = get_direction(seg); int i = 0; bool found = false; Direction_const_iter iter = directions.begin(); while (i < n && !found) { if (*iter > d) found = true; ++i; ++iter; } if (found) --i; else i = 0; return(i); } /*! */ void check_kd(int *kd_counter,int number_of_trees, const Segment_list & seg_list, Direction_list & directions) { for (int i = 0;i < number_of_trees;++i) kd_counter[i] = 0; int kd_num; for (Segment_const_iter iter = seg_list.begin(); iter != seg_list.end(); ++iter) { kd_num = get_kd_num(*iter, number_of_trees, directions); kd_counter[kd_num]++; } } /*! */ void init_angle_to_sines_table() { angle_to_sines_appr[0] = NT(0); angle_to_sines_appr[1] = NT(115) / NT(6613); angle_to_sines_appr[2] = NT(57) / NT(1625); angle_to_sines_appr[3] = NT(39) / NT(761); angle_to_sines_appr[4] = NT(29) / NT(421); angle_to_sines_appr[5] = NT(23) / NT(265); angle_to_sines_appr[6] = NT(19) / NT(181); angle_to_sines_appr[7] = NT(32) / NT(257); angle_to_sines_appr[8] = NT(129) / NT(929); angle_to_sines_appr[9] = NT(100) / NT(629); angle_to_sines_appr[10] = NT(92) / NT(533); angle_to_sines_appr[11] = NT(93) / NT(485); angle_to_sines_appr[12] = NT(76) / NT(365); angle_to_sines_appr[13] = NT(156) / NT(685); angle_to_sines_appr[14] = NT(205) / NT(853); angle_to_sines_appr[15] = NT(69) / NT(269); angle_to_sines_appr[16] = NT(7) / NT(25); angle_to_sines_appr[17] = NT(120) / NT(409); angle_to_sines_appr[18] = NT(57) / NT(185); angle_to_sines_appr[19] = NT(12) / NT(37); angle_to_sines_appr[20] = NT(51) / NT(149); angle_to_sines_appr[21] = NT(135) / NT(377); angle_to_sines_appr[22] = NT(372) / NT(997); angle_to_sines_appr[23] = NT(348) / NT(877); angle_to_sines_appr[24] = NT(231) / NT(569); angle_to_sines_appr[25] = NT(36) / NT(85); angle_to_sines_appr[26] = NT(39) / NT(89); angle_to_sines_appr[27] = NT(300) / NT(661); angle_to_sines_appr[28] = NT(8) / NT(17); angle_to_sines_appr[29] = NT(189) / NT(389); angle_to_sines_appr[30] = NT(451) / NT(901); angle_to_sines_appr[31] = NT(180) / NT(349); angle_to_sines_appr[32] = NT(28) / NT(53); angle_to_sines_appr[33] = NT(432) / NT(793); angle_to_sines_appr[34] = NT(161) / NT(289); angle_to_sines_appr[35] = NT(228) / NT(397); angle_to_sines_appr[36] = NT(504) / NT(865); angle_to_sines_appr[37] = NT(3) / NT(5); angle_to_sines_appr[38] = NT(580) / NT(941); angle_to_sines_appr[39] = NT(341) / NT(541); angle_to_sines_appr[40] = NT(88) / NT(137); angle_to_sines_appr[41] = NT(48) / NT(73); angle_to_sines_appr[42] = NT(65) / NT(97); angle_to_sines_appr[43] = NT(429) / NT(629); angle_to_sines_appr[44] = NT(555) / NT(797); angle_to_sines_appr[45] = NT(697) / NT(985); angle_to_sines_appr[46] = NT(572) / NT(797); angle_to_sines_appr[47] = NT(460) / NT(629); angle_to_sines_appr[48] = NT(72) / NT(97); angle_to_sines_appr[49] = NT(55) / NT(73); angle_to_sines_appr[50] = NT(105) / NT(137); angle_to_sines_appr[51] = NT(420) / NT(541); angle_to_sines_appr[52] = NT(741) / NT(941); angle_to_sines_appr[53] = NT(4) / NT(5); angle_to_sines_appr[54] = NT(703) / NT(865); angle_to_sines_appr[55] = NT(325) / NT(397); angle_to_sines_appr[56] = NT(240) / NT(289); angle_to_sines_appr[57] = NT(665) / NT(793); angle_to_sines_appr[58] = NT(45) / NT(53); angle_to_sines_appr[59] = NT(299) / NT(349); angle_to_sines_appr[60] = NT(780) / NT(901); angle_to_sines_appr[61] = NT(340) / NT(389); angle_to_sines_appr[62] = NT(15) / NT(17); angle_to_sines_appr[63] = NT(589) / NT(661); angle_to_sines_appr[64] = NT(80) / NT(89); angle_to_sines_appr[65] = NT(77) / NT(85); angle_to_sines_appr[66] = NT(520) / NT(569); angle_to_sines_appr[67] = NT(805) / NT(877); angle_to_sines_appr[68] = NT(925) / NT(997); angle_to_sines_appr[69] = NT(352) / NT(377); angle_to_sines_appr[70] = NT(140) / NT(149); angle_to_sines_appr[71] = NT(35) / NT(37); angle_to_sines_appr[72] = NT(176) / NT(185); angle_to_sines_appr[73] = NT(391) / NT(409); angle_to_sines_appr[74] = NT(24) / NT(25); angle_to_sines_appr[75] = NT(260) / NT(269); angle_to_sines_appr[76] = NT(828) / NT(853); angle_to_sines_appr[77] = NT(667) / NT(685); angle_to_sines_appr[78] = NT(357) / NT(365); angle_to_sines_appr[79] = NT(476) / NT(485); angle_to_sines_appr[80] = NT(525) / NT(533); angle_to_sines_appr[81] = NT(621) / NT(629); angle_to_sines_appr[82] = NT(920) / NT(929); angle_to_sines_appr[83] = NT(255) / NT(257); angle_to_sines_appr[84] = NT(180) / NT(181); angle_to_sines_appr[85] = NT(264) / NT(265); angle_to_sines_appr[86] = NT(420) / NT(421); angle_to_sines_appr[87] = NT(760) / NT(761); angle_to_sines_appr[88] = NT(1624) / NT(1625); angle_to_sines_appr[89] = NT(6612) / NT(6613); angle_to_sines_appr[90] = NT(1); } public: /*! */ Multiple_kd_tree(const Point_saved_pair_list & inp_points_list, int inp_number_of_trees, const Segment_list & seg_list) : pi(CGAL_PI), half_pi(0.5 * CGAL_PI), number_of_trees(inp_number_of_trees), input_points_list(inp_points_list) { Kd_triple kd; // check that there are at least two trees CGAL_precondition_msg(number_of_trees >= 1, "There must be at least one kd-tree" ); init_angle_to_sines_table(); // find the kd trees that have enough candidates (segments with a close // slope) int * kd_counter = new int[number_of_trees]; std::size_t number_of_segments = seg_list.size(); // auxilary directions Direction_list directions; double buffer_angle; Line_2 li; Direction_2 d; int i = 0; for (double angle = 0; i < number_of_trees; angle += half_pi / number_of_trees,++i) { buffer_angle = angle - half_pi / (2 * number_of_trees); if (buffer_angle < 0) buffer_angle = 0; li = Line_2(std::tan(buffer_angle), -1, 0); d = Direction_2(li); // rotate_by 180 degrees Transformation_2 t(ROTATION, 0, -1); d = d.transform(t); directions.push_back(d); } check_kd(kd_counter, number_of_trees, seg_list,directions); int ind = 0; #ifdef CGAL_SR_DEBUG int number_of_actual_kd_trees = 0; #endif i = 0; for (NT angle = 0; i < number_of_trees; angle += NT(half_pi / number_of_trees),++i) { if (kd_counter[ind] >= (double)number_of_segments / (double)number_of_trees / 2.0) { kd = create_kd_tree(angle); kd_trees_list.push_back(kd); #ifdef CGAL_SR_DEBUG ++number_of_actual_kd_trees; #endif } ++ind; } delete[] kd_counter; #ifdef CGAL_SR_DEBUG std::cout << "Actual number of kd-trees created : " << number_of_actual_kd_trees << std::endl; #endif } ~Multiple_kd_tree() { //delete all the kd_trees. for(typename Kd_triple_list::iterator it = kd_trees_list.begin(); it != kd_trees_list.end(); ++it) delete (it->first); //delete all the points. for(typename Point_saved_pair_list::iterator it = input_points_list.begin(); it != input_points_list.end(); ++it) { delete (it->second); } } /*! */ Point_2 small_x_point(const Point_2 & p1, const Point_2 & p2) { Comparison_result c = m_gt.compare_x_2_object()(p1, p2); return (c == SMALLER) ? p1 : p2; } /*! */ Point_2 big_x_point(const Point_2 & p1, const Point_2 & p2) { Comparison_result c = m_gt.compare_x_2_object()(p1, p2); return (c == SMALLER) ? p2 : p1; } /*! */ Point_2 small_y_point(const Point_2 & p1, const Point_2 & p2) { Comparison_result c = m_gt.compare_y_2_object()(p1, p2); return (c == SMALLER) ? p1 : p2; } /*! */ Point_2 big_y_point(const Point_2 & p1, const Point_2 & p2) { Comparison_result c = m_gt.compare_y_2_object()(p1, p2); return (c == SMALLER) ? p2 : p1; } /*! */ void get_intersecting_points(std::list & result_list, Segment_2 s, NT unit_square) { // determine right kd-tree to work on, depending on the segment's slope Direction_2 d = get_direction(s); std::size_t i = 0; std::size_t n = kd_trees_list.size(); bool found = false; typename Kd_triple_list::const_iterator iter = kd_trees_list.begin(); while(i < n && !found) { if (iter->second.first > d) found = true; ++i; ++iter; } if (!found) iter = kd_trees_list.begin(); else --iter; Point_list points_list; m_gt.minkowski_sum_with_pixel_2_object()(points_list, s, unit_square); Point_iter points_iter; for (points_iter = points_list.begin(); points_iter != points_list.end(); ++points_iter) rotate(*points_iter, iter->second.second); // query points_iter = points_list.begin(); Point_2 point_left, point_right, point_bot, point_top; point_left = point_right = point_bot = point_top = *points_iter; for (++points_iter; points_iter != points_list.end(); ++points_iter) { point_left = small_x_point(point_left,*points_iter); point_right = big_x_point(point_right,*points_iter); point_bot = small_y_point(point_bot,*points_iter); point_top = big_y_point(point_top,*points_iter); } typedef typename Traits::Construct_iso_rectangle_2 Construct_iso_rectangle_2; Construct_iso_rectangle_2 construct_rec = m_gt.construct_iso_rectangle_2_object(); Iso_rectangle_2 rec = construct_rec(point_left, point_right, point_bot, point_top); Point_2 p1 = rec.vertex(0); Point_2 p2 = rec.vertex(2); Point_with_hot_pixel_history_saved point1(p1); Point_with_hot_pixel_history_saved point2(p2); Box b(point1, point2); // the kd-tree query Point_with_hot_pixel_history_saved_list result; iter->first->search(std::back_inserter(result), b); // create result CGAL_assertion(result_list.empty()); for( Point_with_hot_pixel_history_saved_iter my_point_iter = result.begin(); my_point_iter != result.end(); ++my_point_iter ) result_list.push_back(my_point_iter->object); } }; } //namespace CGAL #endif