// Copyright (c) 2020 GeometryFactory (France) and Telecom Paris (France). // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org) // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Tetrahedral_remeshing/include/CGAL/Tetrahedral_remeshing/internal/FMLS.h $ // $Id: FMLS.h ab05dde 2020-06-12T08:08:56+02:00 Jane Tournois // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Jane Tournois, Noura Faraj, Jean-Marc Thiery, Tamy Boubekeur #ifndef CGAL_TETRAHEDRAL_REMESHING_FMLS_H #define CGAL_TETRAHEDRAL_REMESHING_FMLS_H #include // ------------------------------------------- // FMLS // A Fast Moving Least Square operator for 3D // points sets. // ------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace CGAL { namespace Tetrahedral_remeshing { namespace internal { // -------------------------------------------------------------- // MLS Projection // -------------------------------------------------------------- inline double wendland(double x, double h) { x = CGAL::abs(x); if (x < h) return CGAL::square(CGAL::square(1 - x / h)) * (4 * x / h + 1); else return 0.0; } //inline void setPNSample(std::vector& p, // const std::size_t& i, // const float x, const float y, const float z, // const float nx, const float ny, const float nz) //{ // p[6 * i] = x; // p[6 * i + 1] = y; // p[6 * i + 2] = z; // p[6 * i + 3] = nx; // p[6 * i + 4] = ny; // p[6 * i + 5] = nz; //} template inline CGAL::Vector_3 projectOn(const CGAL::Vector_3& x, const CGAL::Vector_3& N, const CGAL::Vector_3& P) { typename Gt::Compute_scalar_product_3 scalar_product = Gt().compute_scalar_product_3_object(); typename Gt::FT w = scalar_product((x - P), N); return x - (N * w); } template inline typename Gt::FT length(const CGAL::Vector_3& v) { return CGAL::approximate_sqrt(v.squared_length()); } template inline typename Gt::FT distance(const CGAL::Vector_3& v1, const CGAL::Vector_3& v2) { CGAL::Vector_3 diff(v1.x() - v2.x(), v1.y() - v2.y(), v1.z() - v2.z()); return length(diff); } template inline void weightedPointCombination(const CGAL::Vector_3& x, const CGAL::Vector_3& pi, const CGAL::Vector_3& ni, double sigma_s, bool bilateral, double sigma_r, bool hermite, CGAL::Vector_3& c, CGAL::Vector_3& nc, double& sumW) { double w = wendland(distance(x, pi), sigma_s); if (bilateral) w *= wendland(length(x - projectOn(x, ni, pi)), sigma_r); if (hermite) c += w * projectOn(x, ni, pi); else c += w * pi; nc += w * ni; sumW += w; } template class FMLS { typedef typename Gt::Vector_3 Vector_3; typedef typename Gt::FT FT; public: // FMLS provide MLS projection and filtering from a point set. // The underlying data structure is a simple list of float in the PN format // A PN object is a list of 6xfloat32 chunk : // x0,y0,z0,nx0,ny0,nz0,x1,y1,z1,nx1,ny1,nz1,... // with {xi,yi,zi} the position and {nxi,nyi,nzi} the normal vector of the // i-th point sample. A PN can be read from and write to file directly // (identity serialization) and is handled as a simple float32 pointer. // // Use the 'fast*' methods. Brute force methods are inserted only for comparison. // // Memory policy: a FMLS class manages itself al its belonging objects. // Therefore, PN and filtered PN lists are the property of this class, and should // be copied if modified outside the class. FMLS() { PNSize = 0; PNScale = 1.0f; MLSRadius = 0.1f; bilateralRange = 0.05f; bilateral = false; hermite = false; numIter = 1; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Main Interface // -------------------------------------------------------------- // std::vector createPN(std::size_t size) // { // return std::vector(size * SURFEL_SIZE); // } void setPN(const std::vector& newPN, const std::size_t newPNSize, const double& pointSpacing) { freeCPUMemory(); PN = newPN; PNSize = newPNSize; computePNScale(); MLSRadius = 3 * pointSpacing / PNScale; grid.clear(); grid.init(PN, PNSize, MLSRadius * PNScale); } // Compute, according to the current point sampling stored in FMLS, the MLS projection // of p and store the resulting position in q and normal in n. void fastProjectionCPU(const Vector_3& p, Vector_3& q, Vector_3& n) const { double sigma_s = PNScale * MLSRadius; double sigma_r = bilateralRange; const Vector_3 g = (p - Vector_3(grid.getMinMax()[0], grid.getMinMax()[1], grid.getMinMax()[2])) / sigma_s; std::array gxyz; for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { if (g[j] < 0.) gxyz[j] = 0; if (g[j] >= grid.getRes()[j]) gxyz[j] = grid.getRes()[j] - 1; else gxyz[j] = static_cast(std::floor(g[j])); } std::array minIt; std::array maxIt; for (std::size_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) { if (gxyz[j] == 0) minIt[j] = 0; else minIt[j] = gxyz[j] - 1; if (gxyz[j] == grid.getRes()[j] - 1) maxIt[j] = (grid.getRes()[j] - 1); else maxIt[j] = gxyz[j] + 1; } Vector_3 c = CGAL::NULL_VECTOR; double sumW = 0.f; std::array it; for (it[0] = minIt[0]; it[0] <= maxIt[0]; it[0]++) for (it[1] = minIt[1]; it[1] <= maxIt[1]; it[1]++) for (it[2] = minIt[2]; it[2] <= maxIt[2]; it[2]++) { std::size_t gridIndex = grid.getLUTElement(it[0], it[1], it[2]); if (gridIndex == 2 * PNSize) continue; std::size_t neigh = grid.getCellIndicesSize(it[0], it[1], it[2]); for (std::size_t j = 0; j < neigh; j++) { std::size_t k = grid.getIndicesElement(it[0], it[1], it[2], j); Vector_3 pk(PN[6 * k], PN[6 * k + 1], PN[6 * k + 2]); Vector_3 nk(PN[6 * k + 3], PN[6 * k + 4], PN[6 * k + 5]); weightedPointCombination(p, pk, nk, sigma_s, bilateral, sigma_r, hermite, c, n, sumW); } } if (sumW == 0.f) { n = Vector_3(1.f, 0.f, 0.f); q = p; } else { c /= sumW; normalize(n, Gt()); q = projectOn(p, n, c); } } // // Compute the MLS projection of the list of point stored in pv and store the resulting // // positions and normal in qv. qv must be preallocated to stroe 6*pvSize float32. // // The strid indicates the offsets in qv (the defautl value of 3 means that the qv // // is compact: pv={x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1...}. If pv contains also normals for instance, // // the stride should be set to 6. // void fastProjectionCPU(const std::vector& pv, // const std::size_t pvSize, // std::vector& qv, // std::size_t stride = 3) const // { // for (std::size_t i = 0; i < pvSize; i++) // { // Vector_3 p(pv[stride * i], pv[stride * i + 1], pv[stride * i + 2]); // Vector_3 q, n; // for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numIter; j++) // { // q = CGAL::NULL_VECTOR; // n = CGAL::NULL_VECTOR; // fastProjectionCPU(p, q, n); // p = q; // } // setPNSample(qv, i, q[0], q[1], q[2], n[0], n[1], n[2]); // } // } // // Brute force version. O(PNSize) complexity. For comparison only. // void projectionCPU(const Vector_3& x, Vector_3& q, Vector_3& n) // { // float sigma_s = MLSRadius * PNScale; // float sigma_r = bilateralRange; // Vector_3 p(x); // for (unsigned int k = 0; k < numIter; k++) { // Vector_3 c = CGAL::NULL_VECTOR; // n = CGAL::NULL_VECTOR; // float sumW = 0.f; // for (unsigned int j = 0; j < PNSize; j++) { // Vector_3 pj(PN[6 * j], PN[6 * j + 1], PN[6 * j + 2]); // Vector_3 nj(PN[6 * j + 3], PN[6 * j + 4], PN[6 * j + 5]); // weightedPointCombination(p, pj, nj, sigma_s, bilateral, sigma_r, hermite, c, n, sumW); // } // c /= sumW; // n.normalize(); // q = projectOn(p, n, c); // p = q; // } // } // // // Brute force version. O(pvSize*PNSize) complexity. For comparison only. // void projectionCPU(const std::vector& pv, // unsigned int pvSize, // std::vector& qv, // unsigned int stride = 3) // { // for (int i = 0; i < int(pvSize); i++) { // Vector_3 p(pv[stride * i], pv[stride * i + 1], pv[stride * i + 2]); // Vector_3 q, n; // for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numIter; j++) { // q = CGAL::NULL_VECTOR; // n = CGAL::NULL_VECTOR; // projectionCPU(p, q, n); // p = q; // } // setPNSample(qv, i, q[0], q[1], q[2], n[0], n[1], n[2]); // } // } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Accessors // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Number of elements of the PN. One elemnt is a 6-float32 chunk. inline std::size_t getPNSize() const { return PNSize; } inline std::vector& getPN() { return PN; } inline const std::vector& getPN() const { return PN; } // Min/Max corners of PN's bounding volume inline const double* getMinMax() const { return grid.getMinMax(); } // Radius of the bounding sphere of the PN inline double getPNScale() const { return PNScale; } // Normalized MLS support size inline double getMLSRadius() const { return MLSRadius; } inline void setMLSRadius(double s) { MLSRadius = s; grid.clear(); grid.init(PN, PNSize, MLSRadius * PNScale); } // Bilateral weighting for feature preservation (inspired by [Jones 2003]). inline bool isBilateral() const { return bilateral; } inline void toggleBilateral(bool b) { bilateral = b; } // Bilateral support size for the range weight inline double getBilateralRange() const { return bilateralRange; } inline void setBilateralRange(double r) { bilateralRange = r; } // Hermite interpolation [Alexa 2009] inline bool isHermite() const { return hermite; } inline void toggleHermite(bool b) { hermite = b; } // Fix number of iterations of the MLS projection inline unsigned int getNumOfIter() const { return numIter; } inline void setNumOfIter(unsigned int i) { numIter = i; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Misc. // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Size of a point sample in bytes (6xfloat32: 3 for position and normal static const unsigned int SURFEL_SIZE = 24; private: void computePNScale() { Vector_3 c = CGAL::NULL_VECTOR; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < PNSize; i++) c += Vector_3(PN[6 * i], PN[6 * i + 1], PN[6 * i + 2]); c /= (double)PNSize; PNScale = 0.; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < PNSize; i++) { double r = distance(c, Vector_3(PN[6 * i], PN[6 * i + 1], PN[6 * i + 2])); if (r > PNScale) PNScale = r; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // 3D Grid Structure // -------------------------------------------------------------- // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Grid data structure for fast r-ball neighborhood query // -------------------------------------------------------------- class Grid { public: Grid() : minMax() , cellSize(1.f) , res() , LUT() , indices() {} ~Grid() { clear(); } void init(const std::vector& PN, std::size_t PNSize, double sigma_s) { cellSize = sigma_s; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { minMax[i] = PN[i]; minMax[3 + i] = PN[i]; } for (std::size_t i = 0; i < PNSize; i++) for (std::size_t j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (PN[6 * i + j] < minMax[j]) minMax[j] = PN[6 * i + j]; if (PN[6 * i + j] > minMax[3 + j]) minMax[3 + j] = PN[6 * i + j]; } for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { minMax[i] -= 0.001f; minMax[3 + i] += 0.001f; } for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) res[i] = (std::size_t)ceil((minMax[3 + i] - minMax[i]) / cellSize); std::size_t LUTSize = res[0] * res[1] * res[2]; LUT.resize(LUTSize); LUT.assign(LUTSize, 0); std::size_t nonEmptyCells = 0; Vector_3 gMin(minMax[0], minMax[1], minMax[2]); Vector_3 gMax(minMax[3], minMax[4], minMax[5]); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < PNSize; i++) { std::size_t index = getLUTIndex(Vector_3(PN[6 * i], PN[6 * i + 1], PN[6 * i + 2])); if (LUT[index] == 0) nonEmptyCells++; LUT[index]++; } std::size_t indicesSize = PNSize + nonEmptyCells; indices.reserve(indicesSize); indices.assign(indicesSize, 0); std::size_t cpt = 0; for (std::size_t i = 0; i < res[0]; i++) for (std::size_t j = 0; j < res[1]; j++) for (std::size_t k = 0; k < res[2]; k++) { std::size_t index = getLUTIndex(i, j, k); if (LUT[index] != 0) { indices[cpt] = LUT[index]; LUT[index] = cpt; cpt += indices[cpt] + 1; indices[cpt - 1] = 0; // local iterator for subsequent filling } else LUT[index] = 2 * PNSize; } for (std::size_t i = 0; i < PNSize; i++) { Vector_3 p = Vector_3(PN[6 * i], PN[6 * i + 1], PN[6 * i + 2]); std::size_t indicesIndex = getLUTElement(p); std::size_t totalCount = indices[indicesIndex]; std::size_t countIndex = indicesIndex + totalCount; std::size_t currentCount = indices[countIndex]; if (currentCount < indices[indicesIndex]) indices[countIndex]++; std::size_t pIndex = indicesIndex + 1 + currentCount; indices[pIndex] = i; } } void clear() { cellSize = 1.f; } // Accessors inline const std::array getMinMax() const { return minMax; } inline const std::array getRes() const { return res; } inline double getCellSize() const { return cellSize; } inline std::vector& getLUT() { return LUT; } inline const std::vector& getLUT() const { return LUT; } inline std::size_t getLUTIndex(const std::size_t i, const std::size_t j, const std::size_t k) const { return k * res[0] * res[1] + j * res[0] + i; } inline std::size_t getLUTElement(const std::size_t i, const std::size_t j, const std::size_t k) const { return LUT[getLUTIndex(i, j, k)]; } std::size_t getLUTIndex(const Vector_3& x) const { const Vector_3 vp = (x - Vector_3(minMax[0], minMax[1], minMax[2])) / cellSize; std::array p; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (vp[j] < 0) p[j] = 0; if (vp[j] >= res[j]) p[j] = res[j] - 1; else p[j] = static_cast(std::floor(vp[j])); } std::size_t index = p[2] * res[0] * res[1] + p[1] * res[0] + p[0]; return index; } inline std::size_t getLUTElement(const Vector_3& x) const { return LUT[getLUTIndex(x)]; } inline std::vector& getIndices() { return indices; } inline const std::vector& getIndices() const { return indices; } inline std::size_t getCellIndicesSize(std::size_t i, std::size_t j, std::size_t k) const { return indices[getLUTElement(i, j, k)]; } inline std::size_t getIndicesElement(std::size_t i, std::size_t j, std::size_t k, std::size_t e) const { return indices[getLUTElement(i, j, k) + 1 + e]; } private: std::array minMax; double cellSize; std::array res; std::vector LUT; // 3D Index Look-Up Table std::vector indices; // 3D Grid data }; // -------------------------------------------------------------- // Memory Managment // -------------------------------------------------------------- void freeCPUMemory() { PN.clear(); PNSize = 0; } // -------------------------------------------------------------- // CPU Data // -------------------------------------------------------------- std::vector PN; std::size_t PNSize; double PNScale; // size of the bounding sphere radius double MLSRadius; double bilateralRange; bool bilateral; bool hermite; unsigned int numIter; Grid grid; }; template void createMLSSurfaces(Subdomain__FMLS& subdomain_FMLS, Subdomain__FMLS_indices& subdomain_FMLS_indices, const VerticesNormalsMap& vertices_normals, const VerticesSurfaceIndices& vertices_surface_indices, const C3t3& c3t3, const int upsample = 2) // can be 0, 1 or 2 { typedef typename C3t3::Surface_patch_index Surface_index; typedef typename C3t3::Triangulation Tr; typedef typename Tr::Edge Edge; typedef typename Tr::Vertex_handle Vertex_handle; typedef typename Tr::Geom_traits Gt; typedef typename Gt::Point_3 Point_3; typedef typename Gt::Vector_3 Vector_3; typedef typename VerticesSurfaceIndices::mapped_type VertexSurfaces; typedef typename VerticesSurfaceIndices::const_iterator VerticesSurfaceIterator; const Tr& tr = c3t3.triangulation(); //createAreaWeightedUpSampledMLSSurfaces(0); //return ; subdomain_FMLS.clear(); subdomain_FMLS_indices.clear(); typedef boost::unordered_map SurfaceIndexMap; SurfaceIndexMap current_subdomain_FMLS_indices; SurfaceIndexMap subdomain_sample_numbers; //Count the number of vertices for each boundary surface (i.e. one per label) for (const Vertex_handle vit : tr.finite_vertex_handles()) { VerticesSurfaceIterator sit = vertices_surface_indices.find(vit); if (sit == vertices_surface_indices.end()) continue; const VertexSurfaces& v_surface_indices = vertices_surface_indices.at(vit); CGAL_assertion(vit->in_dimension() <= 2); for(const Surface_index& si : v_surface_indices) { subdomain_sample_numbers[si]++; } } if (upsample > 0) { #ifdef CGAL_TETRAHEDRAL_REMESHING_VERBOSE std::cout << "Up sampling MLS " << upsample << std::endl; #endif for (typename C3t3::Facets_in_complex_iterator fit = c3t3.facets_in_complex_begin(); fit != c3t3.facets_in_complex_end(); ++fit) { const Surface_index surf_i = c3t3.surface_patch_index(*fit); if (upsample == 1) subdomain_sample_numbers[surf_i] ++; else if (upsample == 2) subdomain_sample_numbers[surf_i] += 4; } } std::vector< std::vector > pns; std::size_t count = 0; //Memory allocation for the point plus normals of the point samples for (typename SurfaceIndexMap::iterator it = subdomain_sample_numbers.begin(); it != subdomain_sample_numbers.end(); ++it) { current_subdomain_FMLS_indices[it->first] = count; pns.push_back(std::vector(it->second * 6, 0.)); count++; } std::vector current_v_count(count, 0); std::vector point_spacing(count, 0.); std::vector point_spacing_count(count, 0); //Allocation of the PN for (Vertex_handle vit : tr.finite_vertex_handles()) { VerticesSurfaceIterator sit = vertices_surface_indices.find(vit); if (sit == vertices_surface_indices.end()) continue; const VertexSurfaces& v_surface_indices = vertices_surface_indices.at(vit); CGAL_assertion(vit->in_dimension() <= 2); for (const Surface_index& surf_i : v_surface_indices) { const std::size_t& fmls_id = current_subdomain_FMLS_indices[surf_i]; const Point_3& p = point(vit->point()); pns[fmls_id][6 * current_v_count[fmls_id]] = p.x(); pns[fmls_id][6 * current_v_count[fmls_id] + 1] = p.y(); pns[fmls_id][6 * current_v_count[fmls_id] + 2] = p.z(); const Vector_3& normal = vertices_normals.at(vit).at(surf_i); pns[fmls_id][6 * current_v_count[fmls_id] + 3] = normal.x(); pns[fmls_id][6 * current_v_count[fmls_id] + 4] = normal.y(); pns[fmls_id][6 * current_v_count[fmls_id] + 5] = normal.z(); current_v_count[fmls_id]++; } } typedef std::pair Edge_vv; if (upsample == 0) { std::unordered_set > edgeMap; for (typename C3t3::Facets_in_complex_iterator fit = c3t3.facets_in_complex_begin(); fit != c3t3.facets_in_complex_end(); ++fit) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < 3; j++) { Edge edge(fit->first, indices(fit->second,i), indices(fit->second,j)); Vertex_handle vh0 = edge.first->vertex(edge.second); Vertex_handle vh1 = edge.first->vertex(edge.third); Edge_vv e = make_vertex_pair(vh0, vh1); if ( vertices_surface_indices.find(vh0) != vertices_surface_indices.end() && vertices_surface_indices.find(vh1) != vertices_surface_indices.end() && edgeMap.find(e) == edgeMap.end()) { edgeMap.insert(e); const Surface_index surf_i = c3t3.surface_patch_index(*fit); const std::size_t fmls_id = current_subdomain_FMLS_indices[surf_i]; point_spacing[fmls_id] += CGAL::approximate_sqrt( CGAL::squared_distance(point(vh0->point()), point(vh1->point()))); point_spacing_count[fmls_id] ++; } } } } } if (upsample > 0) { for (typename C3t3::Facets_in_complex_iterator fit = c3t3.facets_in_complex_begin(); fit != c3t3.facets_in_complex_end(); ++fit) { const Surface_index surf_i = c3t3.surface_patch_index(*fit); const std::size_t fmls_id = current_subdomain_FMLS_indices[surf_i]; Vertex_handle vhs[3] = { fit->first->vertex(indices(fit->second, 0)), fit->first->vertex(indices(fit->second, 1)), fit->first->vertex(indices(fit->second, 2)) }; Vector_3 points[3] = { Vector_3(CGAL::ORIGIN, point(vhs[0]->point())), Vector_3(CGAL::ORIGIN, point(vhs[1]->point())), Vector_3(CGAL::ORIGIN, point(vhs[2]->point())) }; Vector_3 normals[3] = { vertices_normals.at(vhs[0]).at(surf_i), vertices_normals.at(vhs[1]).at(surf_i), vertices_normals.at(vhs[2]).at(surf_i) }; std::vector points_to_add; std::vector n_points_to_add; //Add the barycenter of the facet Vector_3 barycenter = (points[0] + points[1] + points[2]) / 3.; Vector_3 n_barycenter = (normals[0] + normals[1] + normals[2]); n_barycenter = n_barycenter / CGAL::approximate_sqrt((n_barycenter * n_barycenter)); points_to_add.push_back(barycenter); n_points_to_add.push_back(n_barycenter); if (upsample == 1) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Vector_3 space_1 = barycenter - points[i]; point_spacing[fmls_id] += CGAL::approximate_sqrt(space_1 * space_1); point_spacing_count[fmls_id] ++; } } else if (upsample == 2) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { int i1 = (i + 1) % 3; int i2 = (i + 2) % 3; Vector_3 p = (barycenter + points[i1] + points[i2]) / 3.; Vector_3 n = (n_barycenter + normals[i1] + normals[i2]); n = n / CGAL::sqrt(n * n); points_to_add.push_back(p); n_points_to_add.push_back(n); Vector_3 space_1 = p - barycenter; Vector_3 space_2 = p - points[i1]; Vector_3 space_3 = p - points[i2]; point_spacing[fmls_id] += CGAL::approximate_sqrt(space_1 * space_1); point_spacing[fmls_id] += CGAL::approximate_sqrt(space_2 * space_2); point_spacing[fmls_id] += CGAL::approximate_sqrt(space_3 * space_3); point_spacing_count[fmls_id] += 3; } } for (std::size_t i = 0; i < points_to_add.size(); i++) { Vector_3& point = points_to_add[i]; pns[fmls_id][6 * current_v_count[fmls_id]] = point.x(); pns[fmls_id][6 * current_v_count[fmls_id] + 1] = point.y(); pns[fmls_id][6 * current_v_count[fmls_id] + 2] = point.z(); Vector_3& normal = n_points_to_add[i]; pns[fmls_id][6 * current_v_count[fmls_id] + 3] = normal.x(); pns[fmls_id][6 * current_v_count[fmls_id] + 4] = normal.y(); pns[fmls_id][6 * current_v_count[fmls_id] + 5] = normal.z(); current_v_count[fmls_id]++; } } } std::size_t nb_of_mls_to_create = 0; double average_point_spacing = 0; //Cretaing the actual MLS surfaces for (typename SurfaceIndexMap::iterator it = current_subdomain_FMLS_indices.begin(); it != current_subdomain_FMLS_indices.end(); ++it) { if (current_v_count[it->second] > 3) { nb_of_mls_to_create++; double current_point_spacing = point_spacing[it->second] / point_spacing_count[it->second]; point_spacing[it->second] = current_point_spacing; average_point_spacing += current_point_spacing; } } average_point_spacing = average_point_spacing / nb_of_mls_to_create; subdomain_FMLS.resize(nb_of_mls_to_create, FMLS()); count = 0; //Creating the actual MLS surfaces for (typename SurfaceIndexMap::iterator it = current_subdomain_FMLS_indices.begin(); it != current_subdomain_FMLS_indices.end(); ++it) { if (current_v_count[it->second] > 3) { const double current_point_spacing = point_spacing[it->second]; //subdomain_FMLS[count].toggleHermite(true); subdomain_FMLS[count].setPN(pns[it->second], current_v_count[it->second], current_point_spacing); // subdomain_FMLS[count].toggleHermite(true); subdomain_FMLS_indices[it->first] = count; count++; } else { std::cout << "Problem of number for MLS : " << current_v_count[it->second] << std::endl; } } } } // internal } // Tetrahedral_remeshing } // CGAL #endif //CGAL_TETRAHEDRAL_REMESHING_FMLS_H