// Copyright (c) 2012-2015 GeometryFactory Sarl (France) // All rights reserved. // // This file is part of CGAL (www.cgal.org). // // $URL: https://github.com/CGAL/cgal/blob/v5.2/Three/include/CGAL/Three/Viewer_interface.h $ // $Id: Viewer_interface.h af7e1a8 2020-10-16T14:32:12+02:00 Maxime Gimeno // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later OR LicenseRef-Commercial // // // Author(s) : Laurent RINEAU, Maxime Gimeno #ifndef VIEWER_INTERFACE_H #define VIEWER_INTERFACE_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // forward declarations class QWidget; class QImage; class QMouseEvent; class QKeyEvent; class QOpenGLShaderProgram; class QOpenGLFramebufferObject; class TextRenderer; class TextListItem; //! \file Viewer_interface.h #include // for VIEWER_EXPORT namespace CGAL{ namespace Three{ class Scene_draw_interface; class Scene_item; //! Base class to interact with the viewer from the plugins, the items and the scene. class VIEWER_EXPORT Viewer_interface : public CGAL::QGLViewer{ Q_OBJECT public: /*! * \brief The OpenGL_program_IDs enum * * This enum holds the OpenGL programs IDs that are given to getShaderProgram() and attribBuffers(). * @see getShaderProgram * @see attribBuffers */ enum OpenGL_program_IDs { PROGRAM_WITH_LIGHT = 0, //! Used to render a surface or an edge affected by the light. It uses a per fragment lighting model, and renders the selected item brighter. PROGRAM_WITHOUT_LIGHT, //! Used to render a polyhedron edge or points. It renders in a uniform color and is not affected by light. \attention It renders the selected item in black. PROGRAM_NO_SELECTION, //! Used to render a polyline or a surface that is not affected by light, like a cutting plane. It renders in a uniform color that does not change with selection. PROGRAM_WITH_TEXTURE, //! Used to render a textured polyhedron. Affected by light. PROGRAM_PLANE_TWO_FACES, //! Used to render a two-faced plane. The two faces have a different color. Not affected by light. PROGRAM_WITH_TEXTURED_EDGES, //! Used to render the edges of a textured polyhedron. Not affected by light. PROGRAM_INSTANCED, //! Used to display instanced rendered spheres.Affected by light. PROGRAM_INSTANCED_WIRE, //! Used to display instanced rendered wired spheres. Not affected by light. PROGRAM_C3T3, //! Used to render a c3t3_item. It discards any fragment on a side of a plane, meaning that nothing is displayed on this side of the plane. Affected by light. PROGRAM_C3T3_EDGES, //! Used to render the edges of a c3t3_item. It discards any fragment on a side of a plane, meaning that nothing is displayed on this side of the plane. Not affected by light. PROGRAM_CUTPLANE_SPHERES, //! Used to render the spheres of an item with a cut plane. PROGRAM_SPHERES, //! Used to render one or several spheres. PROGRAM_DARK_SPHERES, //! Used to render one or several spheres without light (for picking for example). PROGRAM_FLAT, /** Used to render flat shading without pre computing normals*/ PROGRAM_OLD_FLAT, /** Used to render flat shading without pre computing normals without geometry shader*/ PROGRAM_SOLID_WIREFRAME, //! Used to render edges with width superior to 1. PROGRAM_NO_INTERPOLATION, //! Used to render faces without interpolating their color. PROGRAM_HEAT_INTENSITY, //! Used to render special item in Display_property_plugin NB_OF_PROGRAMS //! Holds the number of different programs in this enum. }; //! \brief The viewer's QPainter //! //! The painter is the element that draws everything on screen, //! but you should only need this if you want to draw 2D things //! on top of the scene, like a selection rectangle. //! See QPainter's documentation for details. virtual QPainter *getPainter() =0; //! \brief Tests if an id should be displayed or not. //! \param x, y, z the coordinates of the id's position. //! \return true if the ID should be displayed. virtual bool testDisplayId(double x, double y, double z) = 0; //! \brief Updates the item's displayed ids. //! //! Call this after the mesh or its ids have changed. virtual void updateIds(CGAL::Three::Scene_item *) = 0; //! \brief Specifies if the items ids are being displayed. //! //! \returns true if the primitive ids are currently displayed virtual bool hasText() const { return false; } //! \brief Constructor //! //! Creates a valid context for OpenGL ES 2.0. //! \param parent the parent widget. It usually is the MainWindow. Viewer_interface(QWidget* parent) : CGAL::QGLViewer(parent) {} //! //! \brief Constructor for the secondary viewers. //! //! \param parent the parent widget. It usually is the MainWindow. //! \param shared_widget the main viewer of the Application. This will share the //! context and allow synchronized rendering of multiple views. //! Viewer_interface(QWidget* parent, QOpenGLWidget* shared_widget) : QGLViewer(shared_widget->context(),parent){} virtual ~Viewer_interface() {} //! \brief Sets the scene for the viewer. virtual void setScene(CGAL::Three::Scene_draw_interface* scene) = 0; //! \brief The antialiasing state. //! //! @returns true if the antialiasing is activated. virtual bool antiAliasing() const = 0; // Those two functions are defined in Viewer.cpp //! \brief Sets the position and orientation of a frame using a QString. //! \param s is usually gotten by dumpFrame() and is of the form "Px Py Pz O1 O2 O3 O4 ", with //! - Px to Py : the new position coordinates, //! - O1 to O3 : axis coordinate *sin(angle/2) //! - O4 cos(angle/2). //! \param frame is the frame that will be moved //! @returns true if it worked. //! @see moveCameraToCoordinates() static bool readFrame(QString s, CGAL::qglviewer::Frame& frame); //! \brief Gives information about a frame. //! @see readFrame //! @see dumpCameraCoordinates() //!@returns a QString containing the position and orientation of a frame. static QString dumpFrame(const CGAL::qglviewer::Frame&); //! \brief The fastDrawing state. //! //! In fast drawing mode, some items will be simplified while the camera is moving //! to gain in performance. //! @returns the fastDrawing state. virtual bool inFastDrawing() const = 0; //! \brief The drawWithNames state. //! //! In draw with name mode, the scene is not displayed, but a //! \a name is given to each Scene_item. It is used for picking. //! @returns true if the viewer is drawing with names. virtual bool inDrawWithNames() const = 0; //! \brief Passes all the uniform data to the shaders. //! //! According to program_name, this data may change. //! This should be called in every Scene_item::draw() call. //! @see OpenGL_program_IDs //! virtual void attribBuffers(int program_name) const = 0; /*! Enables the clipping box. Each Vector4 of `box` contains the equation of a plane of the clipping box. * Everything that is located on the positive side of one of those planes will not be displayed. * @see disableCLippingBox() */ virtual void enableClippingBox(QVector4D box[6])=0; /*! * Disables the clipping box. The six clipping planes will be ignored. * @see enableClippingBox() */ virtual void disableClippingBox()= 0; //! \brief Returns a program according to name. //! //! If the program does not exist yet, it is created and stored in shader_programs. //! @see OpenGL_program_IDs //! @returns a pointer to the corresponding program. virtual QOpenGLShaderProgram* getShaderProgram(int name) const = 0; //!\brief TextRenderer is used to display text on the screen. //! //! The textRenderer uses the painter to display 2D text over the 3D Scene. //! \returns the viewer's TextRender virtual TextRenderer* textRenderer() = 0; //!Allows OpenGL ES 2.0 context to get access to glDrawArraysInstanced. typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLDRAWARRAYSINSTANCEDARBPROC) (GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count, GLsizei primcount); //!Allows OpenGL ES 2.0 context to get access to glVertexAttribDivisor. typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLVERTEXATTRIBDIVISORARBPROC) (GLuint index, GLuint divisor); //!Allows OpenGL ES 2.0 context to get access to glVertexAttribDivisor. typedef void (APIENTRYP PFNGLFRAMEBUFFERTEXTURE2DEXTPROC) (GLuint target, GLuint attachment, GLuint textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level); PFNGLDRAWARRAYSINSTANCEDARBPROC glDrawArraysInstanced; PFNGLVERTEXATTRIBDIVISORARBPROC glVertexAttribDivisor; PFNGLFRAMEBUFFERTEXTURE2DEXTPROC glFramebufferTexture2D; //! \brief Used by the items to avoid SEGFAULT. //!@returns true if glVertexAttribDivisor, and glDrawArraysInstanced are found. virtual bool isExtensionFound() = 0; //!\brief Allows to perform picking from the keyboard and mouse //! //! Sets the combination SHIFT+LEFT CLICK to perform a selection on the screen. //! This is used to perform picking. virtual void setBindingSelect() = 0; //!\brief Disable the picking from the keyboard and mouse //! //! Unbinds the combination SHIFT+LEFT CLICK. It allows to //! avoid conflicts in the selection_tool, for example. virtual void setNoBinding() = 0 ; //! //! If this mode is ON, the viewer will display the content of `staticImage()` instead //! of drawing the cene. This is used when drawing 2D lines over the viewer. //! @see `staticImage()` //! @see `setStaticImage()` virtual void set2DSelectionMode(bool) = 0; //! //! Setter for the image to be displayed in 2D selection mode. //! virtual void setStaticImage(QImage image)=0; //! Returns the static image to be displayed in 2D selection mode. virtual const QImage& staticImage() const = 0; //!The number of passes that are performed for the scene transparency. //! Customizable from the MainWindow or the SubViewer menu. virtual float total_pass() = 0; Q_SIGNALS: //!Emit this to signal that the `id`th item has been picked. void selected(int id); //!Emit this to require a contextual menu to appear at `global_pos`. void requestContextMenu(QPoint global_pos); //!Emit this to signal that the point at (`x`, `y`, `z`) has been picked. void selectedPoint(double x, double y, double z); //!Emit this to request the currently selected item to perform a selection based on an AABB_Tree and a raycasting. void selectionRay(double sx, double sy, double sz, double tx, double ty, double tz); public Q_SLOTS: //! Sets the antialiasing to true or false. //! @see antiAliasing() virtual void setAntiAliasing(bool b) = 0; //! If b is true, faces will be ligted from both internal and external side. //! If b is false, only the side that is exposed to the light source will be lighted. virtual void setTwoSides(bool b) = 0; //! If b is true, then a special color mask is applied to points and meshes to differenciate //! front-faced and back-faced elements. virtual void setBackFrontShading(bool b) =0; //! \brief Sets the fast drawing mode //! @see inFastDrawing() virtual void setFastDrawing(bool b) = 0; //! Makes the camera turn around. virtual void turnCameraBy180Degres() = 0; //! @returns a QString containing the position and orientation of the camera. //! @see dumpFrame() virtual QString dumpCameraCoordinates() = 0; //! \brief Moves the camera to the new coordinates. //! //! The movement is performed through an animation. //! \param target is usually gotten by dumpCameraCoordinates() and is of the form "Px Py Pz O1 O2 O3 O4 ", with //! - Px to Py : the new position coordinates, //! - O1 to O3 : axis coordinate *sin(angle/2) //! - O4 cos(angle/2). //! \param animation_duration is the duration of the animation of the movement. virtual bool moveCameraToCoordinates(QString target, float animation_duration = 0.5f) = 0; //! //! Setter for the orthogonal projection of the viewer. //! virtual void SetOrthoProjection( bool b) =0; public: //! Gives acces to recent openGL(4.3) features, allowing use of things like //! Geometry Shaders or Depth Textures. //! @returns a pointer to an initialized QOpenGLFunctions_4_3_Core if `isOpenGL_4_3()` is `true` //! @returns nullptr if `isOpenGL_4_3()` is `false` virtual QOpenGLFunctions_4_3_Core* openGL_4_3_functions() = 0; //! getter for point size under old openGL context; virtual const GLfloat& getGlPointSize()const = 0; //! setter for point size under old openGL context; virtual void setGlPointSize(const GLfloat& p) = 0; virtual void setCurrentPass(int pass) = 0; virtual void setDepthWriting(bool writing_depth) = 0; virtual void setDepthPeelingFbo(QOpenGLFramebufferObject* fbo) = 0; virtual int currentPass()const = 0; virtual bool isDepthWriting()const = 0; virtual QOpenGLFramebufferObject* depthPeelingFbo() = 0; virtual void makeCurrent() = 0; virtual QVector4D* clipBox() const =0; virtual bool isClipping() const = 0; //! A vector indicating the scaling factors to apply to the scene when displaying it. //! It can be useful when a scene is very large along one of it's coordinates, making it hard to visualize it. virtual const QVector3D& scaler() const = 0; }; // end class Viewer_interface } } #endif // VIEWER_INTERFACE_H