/****************************************************************************** * * Project: PROJ * Purpose: ISO19111:2019 implementation * Author: Even Rouault * ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 2018, Even Rouault * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef METADATA_HH_INCLUDED #define METADATA_HH_INCLUDED #include #include #include #include "io.hpp" #include "util.hpp" NS_PROJ_START namespace common { class UnitOfMeasure; using UnitOfMeasurePtr = std::shared_ptr; using UnitOfMeasureNNPtr = util::nn; class IdentifiedObject; } // namespace common /** osgeo.proj.metadata namespace * * \brief Common classes from \ref ISO_19115 standard */ namespace metadata { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** \brief Standardized resource reference. * * A citation contains a title. * * \remark Simplified version of [Citation] * (http://www.geoapi.org/3.0/javadoc/org/opengis/metadata/citation/Citation.html) * from \ref GeoAPI */ class PROJ_GCC_DLL Citation : public util::BaseObject { public: PROJ_DLL explicit Citation(const std::string &titleIn); //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_DLL Citation(); PROJ_DLL Citation(const Citation &other); PROJ_DLL ~Citation(); //! @endcond PROJ_DLL const util::optional &title() PROJ_PURE_DECL; protected: PROJ_FRIEND_OPTIONAL(Citation); PROJ_INTERNAL Citation &operator=(const Citation &other); private: PROJ_OPAQUE_PRIVATE_DATA }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GeographicExtent; /** Shared pointer of GeographicExtent. */ using GeographicExtentPtr = std::shared_ptr; /** Non-null shared pointer of GeographicExtent. */ using GeographicExtentNNPtr = util::nn; /** \brief Base interface for geographic area of the dataset. * * \remark Simplified version of [GeographicExtent] * (http://www.geoapi.org/3.0/javadoc/org/opengis/metadata/extent/GeographicExtent.html) * from \ref GeoAPI */ class PROJ_GCC_DLL GeographicExtent : public util::BaseObject, public util::IComparable { public: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_DLL ~GeographicExtent() override; //! @endcond // GeoAPI has a getInclusion() method. We assume that it is included for our // use //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_INTERNAL bool _isEquivalentTo( const util::IComparable *other, util::IComparable::Criterion criterion = util::IComparable::Criterion::STRICT, const io::DatabaseContextPtr &dbContext = nullptr) const override = 0; //! @endcond /** \brief Returns whether this extent contains the other one. */ PROJ_DLL virtual bool contains(const GeographicExtentNNPtr &other) const = 0; /** \brief Returns whether this extent intersects the other one. */ PROJ_DLL virtual bool intersects(const GeographicExtentNNPtr &other) const = 0; /** \brief Returns the intersection of this extent with another one. */ PROJ_DLL virtual GeographicExtentPtr intersection(const GeographicExtentNNPtr &other) const = 0; protected: PROJ_INTERNAL GeographicExtent(); private: PROJ_OPAQUE_PRIVATE_DATA }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class GeographicBoundingBox; /** Shared pointer of GeographicBoundingBox. */ using GeographicBoundingBoxPtr = std::shared_ptr; /** Non-null shared pointer of GeographicBoundingBox. */ using GeographicBoundingBoxNNPtr = util::nn; /** \brief Geographic position of the dataset. * * This is only an approximate so specifying the co-ordinate reference system is * unnecessary. * * \remark Implements [GeographicBoundingBox] * (http://www.geoapi.org/3.0/javadoc/org/opengis/metadata/extent/GeographicBoundingBox.html) * from \ref GeoAPI */ class PROJ_GCC_DLL GeographicBoundingBox : public GeographicExtent { public: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_DLL ~GeographicBoundingBox() override; //! @endcond PROJ_DLL double westBoundLongitude() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL double southBoundLatitude() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL double eastBoundLongitude() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL double northBoundLatitude() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL static GeographicBoundingBoxNNPtr create(double west, double south, double east, double north); //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_INTERNAL bool _isEquivalentTo( const util::IComparable *other, util::IComparable::Criterion criterion = util::IComparable::Criterion::STRICT, const io::DatabaseContextPtr &dbContext = nullptr) const override; //! @endcond PROJ_INTERNAL bool contains(const GeographicExtentNNPtr &other) const override; PROJ_INTERNAL bool intersects(const GeographicExtentNNPtr &other) const override; PROJ_INTERNAL GeographicExtentPtr intersection(const GeographicExtentNNPtr &other) const override; protected: PROJ_INTERNAL GeographicBoundingBox(double west, double south, double east, double north); INLINED_MAKE_SHARED private: PROJ_OPAQUE_PRIVATE_DATA }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class TemporalExtent; /** Shared pointer of TemporalExtent. */ using TemporalExtentPtr = std::shared_ptr; /** Non-null shared pointer of TemporalExtent. */ using TemporalExtentNNPtr = util::nn; /** \brief Time period covered by the content of the dataset. * * \remark Simplified version of [TemporalExtent] * (http://www.geoapi.org/3.0/javadoc/org/opengis/metadata/extent/TemporalExtent.html) * from \ref GeoAPI */ class PROJ_GCC_DLL TemporalExtent : public util::BaseObject, public util::IComparable { public: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_DLL ~TemporalExtent() override; //! @endcond PROJ_DLL const std::string &start() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL const std::string &stop() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL static TemporalExtentNNPtr create(const std::string &start, const std::string &stop); //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_INTERNAL bool _isEquivalentTo( const util::IComparable *other, util::IComparable::Criterion criterion = util::IComparable::Criterion::STRICT, const io::DatabaseContextPtr &dbContext = nullptr) const override; //! @endcond PROJ_DLL bool contains(const TemporalExtentNNPtr &other) const; PROJ_DLL bool intersects(const TemporalExtentNNPtr &other) const; protected: PROJ_INTERNAL TemporalExtent(const std::string &start, const std::string &stop); INLINED_MAKE_SHARED private: PROJ_OPAQUE_PRIVATE_DATA }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class VerticalExtent; /** Shared pointer of VerticalExtent. */ using VerticalExtentPtr = std::shared_ptr; /** Non-null shared pointer of VerticalExtent. */ using VerticalExtentNNPtr = util::nn; /** \brief Vertical domain of dataset. * * \remark Simplified version of [VerticalExtent] * (http://www.geoapi.org/3.0/javadoc/org/opengis/metadata/extent/VerticalExtent.html) * from \ref GeoAPI */ class PROJ_GCC_DLL VerticalExtent : public util::BaseObject, public util::IComparable { public: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_DLL ~VerticalExtent() override; //! @endcond PROJ_DLL double minimumValue() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL double maximumValue() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL common::UnitOfMeasureNNPtr &unit() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL static VerticalExtentNNPtr create(double minimumValue, double maximumValue, const common::UnitOfMeasureNNPtr &unitIn); //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_INTERNAL bool _isEquivalentTo( const util::IComparable *other, util::IComparable::Criterion criterion = util::IComparable::Criterion::STRICT, const io::DatabaseContextPtr &dbContext = nullptr) const override; //! @endcond PROJ_DLL bool contains(const VerticalExtentNNPtr &other) const; PROJ_DLL bool intersects(const VerticalExtentNNPtr &other) const; protected: PROJ_INTERNAL VerticalExtent(double minimumValue, double maximumValue, const common::UnitOfMeasureNNPtr &unitIn); INLINED_MAKE_SHARED private: PROJ_OPAQUE_PRIVATE_DATA }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Extent; /** Shared pointer of Extent. */ using ExtentPtr = std::shared_ptr; /** Non-null shared pointer of Extent. */ using ExtentNNPtr = util::nn; /** \brief Information about spatial, vertical, and temporal extent. * * \remark Simplified version of [Extent] * (http://www.geoapi.org/3.0/javadoc/org/opengis/metadata/extent/Extent.html) * from \ref GeoAPI */ class PROJ_GCC_DLL Extent : public util::BaseObject, public util::IComparable { public: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_DLL Extent(const Extent &other); PROJ_DLL ~Extent() override; //! @endcond PROJ_DLL const util::optional &description() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL const std::vector & geographicElements() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL const std::vector & temporalElements() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL const std::vector & verticalElements() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL static ExtentNNPtr create(const util::optional &descriptionIn, const std::vector &geographicElementsIn, const std::vector &verticalElementsIn, const std::vector &temporalElementsIn); PROJ_DLL static ExtentNNPtr createFromBBOX(double west, double south, double east, double north, const util::optional &descriptionIn = util::optional()); //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_INTERNAL bool _isEquivalentTo( const util::IComparable *other, util::IComparable::Criterion criterion = util::IComparable::Criterion::STRICT, const io::DatabaseContextPtr &dbContext = nullptr) const override; //! @endcond PROJ_DLL bool contains(const ExtentNNPtr &other) const; PROJ_DLL bool intersects(const ExtentNNPtr &other) const; PROJ_DLL ExtentPtr intersection(const ExtentNNPtr &other) const; PROJ_DLL static const ExtentNNPtr WORLD; protected: PROJ_INTERNAL Extent(); INLINED_MAKE_SHARED private: PROJ_OPAQUE_PRIVATE_DATA Extent &operator=(const Extent &other) = delete; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class Identifier; /** Shared pointer of Identifier. */ using IdentifierPtr = std::shared_ptr; /** Non-null shared pointer of Identifier. */ using IdentifierNNPtr = util::nn; /** \brief Value uniquely identifying an object within a namespace. * * \remark Implements Identifier as described in \ref ISO_19111_2019 but which * originates from \ref ISO_19115 */ class PROJ_GCC_DLL Identifier : public util::BaseObject, public io::IWKTExportable, public io::IJSONExportable { public: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_DLL Identifier(const Identifier &other); PROJ_DLL ~Identifier() override; //! @endcond PROJ_DLL static IdentifierNNPtr create(const std::string &codeIn = std::string(), const util::PropertyMap &properties = util::PropertyMap()); // throw(InvalidValueTypeException) PROJ_DLL static const std::string AUTHORITY_KEY; PROJ_DLL static const std::string CODE_KEY; PROJ_DLL static const std::string CODESPACE_KEY; PROJ_DLL static const std::string VERSION_KEY; PROJ_DLL static const std::string DESCRIPTION_KEY; PROJ_DLL static const std::string URI_KEY; PROJ_DLL static const std::string EPSG; PROJ_DLL static const std::string OGC; PROJ_DLL const util::optional &authority() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL const std::string &code() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL const util::optional &codeSpace() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL const util::optional &version() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL const util::optional &description() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL const util::optional &uri() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL static bool isEquivalentName(const char *a, const char *b) noexcept; PROJ_PRIVATE : //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_INTERNAL static std::string canonicalizeName(const std::string &str); PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToWKT(io::WKTFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(io::FormattingException) PROJ_INTERNAL void _exportToJSON(io::JSONFormatter *formatter) const override; // throw(io::FormattingException) //! @endcond protected: PROJ_INTERNAL explicit Identifier(const std::string &codeIn, const util::PropertyMap &properties); PROJ_INTERNAL explicit Identifier(); PROJ_FRIEND_OPTIONAL(Identifier); INLINED_MAKE_SHARED Identifier &operator=(const Identifier &other) = delete; PROJ_FRIEND(common::IdentifiedObject); PROJ_INTERNAL static IdentifierNNPtr createFromDescription(const std::string &descriptionIn); private: PROJ_OPAQUE_PRIVATE_DATA }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class PositionalAccuracy; /** Shared pointer of PositionalAccuracy. */ using PositionalAccuracyPtr = std::shared_ptr; /** Non-null shared pointer of PositionalAccuracy. */ using PositionalAccuracyNNPtr = util::nn; /** \brief Accuracy of the position of features. * * \remark Simplified version of [PositionalAccuracy] * (http://www.geoapi.org/3.0/javadoc/org/opengis/metadata/quality/PositionalAccuracy.html) * from \ref GeoAPI, which originates from \ref ISO_19115 */ class PROJ_GCC_DLL PositionalAccuracy : public util::BaseObject { public: //! @cond Doxygen_Suppress PROJ_DLL ~PositionalAccuracy() override; //! @endcond PROJ_DLL const std::string &value() PROJ_PURE_DECL; PROJ_DLL static PositionalAccuracyNNPtr create(const std::string &valueIn); protected: PROJ_INTERNAL explicit PositionalAccuracy(const std::string &valueIn); INLINED_MAKE_SHARED private: PROJ_OPAQUE_PRIVATE_DATA PositionalAccuracy(const PositionalAccuracy &other) = delete; PositionalAccuracy &operator=(const PositionalAccuracy &other) = delete; }; } // namespace metadata NS_PROJ_END #endif // METADATA_HH_INCLUDED