/* * XML Security Library (http://www.aleksey.com/xmlsec). * * element processing * (http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlSec-core/#sec-KeyInfo: * * This is free software; see Copyright file in the source * distribution for preciese wording. * * Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Aleksey Sanin . All Rights Reserved. */ #ifndef __XMLSEC_KEYINFO_H__ #define __XMLSEC_KEYINFO_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ /**************************************************************************** * * High-level functions * ****************************************************************************/ XMLSEC_EXPORT int xmlSecKeyInfoNodeRead (xmlNodePtr keyInfoNode, xmlSecKeyPtr key, xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr keyInfoCtx); XMLSEC_EXPORT int xmlSecKeyInfoNodeWrite (xmlNodePtr keyInfoNode, xmlSecKeyPtr key, xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr keyInfoCtx); /** * xmlSecKeyInfoMode: * @xmlSecKeyInfoModeRead: read element. * @xmlSecKeyInfoModeWrite: write element. * * The @xmlSecKeyInfoCtx operation mode (read or write). */ typedef enum { xmlSecKeyInfoModeRead = 0, xmlSecKeyInfoModeWrite } xmlSecKeyInfoMode; /** * XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_DONT_STOP_ON_KEY_FOUND: * * If flag is set then we will continue reading * element even when key is already found. */ #define XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_DONT_STOP_ON_KEY_FOUND 0x00000001 /** * XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_STOP_ON_UNKNOWN_CHILD: * * If flag is set then we abort if an unknown * child is found. */ #define XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_STOP_ON_UNKNOWN_CHILD 0x00000002 /** * XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_KEYNAME_STOP_ON_UNKNOWN: * * If flags is set then we abort if an unknown key name * (content of element) is found. */ #define XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_KEYNAME_STOP_ON_UNKNOWN 0x00000004 /** * XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_KEYVALUE_STOP_ON_UNKNOWN_CHILD: * * If flags is set then we abort if an unknown * child is found. */ #define XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_KEYVALUE_STOP_ON_UNKNOWN_CHILD 0x00000008 /** * XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_RETRMETHOD_STOP_ON_UNKNOWN_HREF: * * If flag is set then we abort if an unknown href attribute * of element is found. */ #define XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_RETRMETHOD_STOP_ON_UNKNOWN_HREF 0x00000010 /** * XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_RETRMETHOD_STOP_ON_MISMATCH_HREF: * * If flag is set then we abort if an href attribute * element does not match the real key data type. */ #define XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_RETRMETHOD_STOP_ON_MISMATCH_HREF 0x00000020 /** * XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_X509DATA_STOP_ON_UNKNOWN_CHILD: * * If flags is set then we abort if an unknown * child is found. */ #define XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_X509DATA_STOP_ON_UNKNOWN_CHILD 0x00000100 /** * XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_X509DATA_DONT_VERIFY_CERTS: * * If flag is set then we'll load certificates from * element without verification. */ #define XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_X509DATA_DONT_VERIFY_CERTS 0x00000200 /** * XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_X509DATA_STOP_ON_UNKNOWN_CERT: * * If flag is set then we'll stop when we could not resolve reference * to certificate from , or * elements. */ #define XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_X509DATA_STOP_ON_UNKNOWN_CERT 0x00000400 /** * XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_X509DATA_STOP_ON_INVALID_CERT: * * If the flag is set then we'll stop when element * processing does not return a verified certificate. */ #define XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_X509DATA_STOP_ON_INVALID_CERT 0x00000800 /** * XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_ENCKEY_DONT_STOP_ON_FAILED_DECRYPTION: * * If the flag is set then we'll stop when element * processing fails. */ #define XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_ENCKEY_DONT_STOP_ON_FAILED_DECRYPTION 0x00001000 /** * XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_STOP_ON_EMPTY_NODE: * * If the flag is set then we'll stop when we found an empty node. * Otherwise we just ignore it. */ #define XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_STOP_ON_EMPTY_NODE 0x00002000 /** * XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_X509DATA_SKIP_STRICT_CHECKS: * * If the flag is set then we'll skip strict checking of certs and CRLs */ #define XMLSEC_KEYINFO_FLAGS_X509DATA_SKIP_STRICT_CHECKS 0x00004000 /** * xmlSecKeyInfoCtx: * @userData: the pointer to user data (xmlsec and xmlsec-crypto * never touch this). * @flags: the bit mask for flags that control processin. * @flags2: reserved for future. * @mode: do we read or write element. * @keysMngr: the pointer to current keys manager. * @enabledKeyData: the list of enabled @xmlSecKeyDataId (if list is * empty then all data ids are enabled). * @base64LineSize: the max columns size for base64 encoding. * @retrievalMethodCtx: the transforms context for * element processing. * @maxRetrievalMethodLevel: the max recursion level when processing * element; default level is 1 * (see also @curRetrievalMethodLevel). * @encCtx: the encryption context for element * processing. * @maxEncryptedKeyLevel: the max recursion level when processing * element; default level is 1 * (see @curEncryptedKeyLevel). * @certsVerificationTime: the time to use for X509 certificates verification * ("not valid before" and "not valid after" checks); * if @certsVerificationTime is equal to 0 (default) * then we verify certificates against the system's * clock "now". * @certsVerificationDepth: the max certifications chain length (default is 9). * @pgpReserved: reserved for PGP. * @curRetrievalMethodLevel: the current element * processing level (see @maxRetrievalMethodLevel). * @curEncryptedKeyLevel: the current element * processing level (see @maxEncryptedKeyLevel). * @keyReq: the current key requirements. * @reserved0: reserved for the future. * @reserved1: reserved for the future. * * The reading or writing context. */ struct _xmlSecKeyInfoCtx { void* userData; unsigned int flags; unsigned int flags2; xmlSecKeysMngrPtr keysMngr; xmlSecKeyInfoMode mode; xmlSecPtrList enabledKeyData; int base64LineSize; /* RetrievalMethod */ xmlSecTransformCtx retrievalMethodCtx; int maxRetrievalMethodLevel; #ifndef XMLSEC_NO_XMLENC /* EncryptedKey */ xmlSecEncCtxPtr encCtx; int maxEncryptedKeyLevel; #endif /* XMLSEC_NO_XMLENC */ #ifndef XMLSEC_NO_X509 /* x509 certificates */ time_t certsVerificationTime; int certsVerificationDepth; #endif /* XMLSEC_NO_X509 */ /* PGP */ void* pgpReserved; /* TODO */ /* internal data */ int curRetrievalMethodLevel; int curEncryptedKeyLevel; xmlSecKeyReq keyReq; /* for the future */ void* reserved0; void* reserved1; }; XMLSEC_EXPORT xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr xmlSecKeyInfoCtxCreate (xmlSecKeysMngrPtr keysMngr); XMLSEC_EXPORT void xmlSecKeyInfoCtxDestroy (xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr keyInfoCtx); XMLSEC_EXPORT int xmlSecKeyInfoCtxInitialize (xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr keyInfoCtx, xmlSecKeysMngrPtr keysMngr); XMLSEC_EXPORT void xmlSecKeyInfoCtxFinalize (xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr keyInfoCtx); XMLSEC_EXPORT void xmlSecKeyInfoCtxReset (xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr keyInfoCtx); XMLSEC_EXPORT int xmlSecKeyInfoCtxCopyUserPref (xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr dst, xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr src); XMLSEC_EXPORT int xmlSecKeyInfoCtxCreateEncCtx (xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr keyInfoCtx); XMLSEC_EXPORT void xmlSecKeyInfoCtxDebugDump (xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr keyInfoCtx, FILE* output); XMLSEC_EXPORT void xmlSecKeyInfoCtxDebugXmlDump (xmlSecKeyInfoCtxPtr keyInfoCtx, FILE* output); /** * xmlSecKeyDataNameId * * The processing class. */ #define xmlSecKeyDataNameId xmlSecKeyDataNameGetKlass() XMLSEC_EXPORT xmlSecKeyDataId xmlSecKeyDataNameGetKlass (void); /** * xmlSecKeyDataValueId * * The processing class. */ #define xmlSecKeyDataValueId xmlSecKeyDataValueGetKlass() XMLSEC_EXPORT xmlSecKeyDataId xmlSecKeyDataValueGetKlass (void); /** * xmlSecKeyDataRetrievalMethodId * * The processing class. */ #define xmlSecKeyDataRetrievalMethodId xmlSecKeyDataRetrievalMethodGetKlass() XMLSEC_EXPORT xmlSecKeyDataId xmlSecKeyDataRetrievalMethodGetKlass(void); #ifndef XMLSEC_NO_XMLENC /** * xmlSecKeyDataEncryptedKeyId * * The processing class. */ #define xmlSecKeyDataEncryptedKeyId xmlSecKeyDataEncryptedKeyGetKlass() XMLSEC_EXPORT xmlSecKeyDataId xmlSecKeyDataEncryptedKeyGetKlass(void); #endif /* XMLSEC_NO_XMLENC */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* __XMLSEC_KEYINFO_H__ */