# Check if the host compiler is new enough. # These versions are updated based on the following policy: # llvm.org/docs/DeveloperPolicy.html#toolchain include(CheckCXXSourceCompiles) set(GCC_MIN 5.1) set(GCC_SOFT_ERROR 5.1) set(CLANG_MIN 3.5) set(CLANG_SOFT_ERROR 3.5) set(APPLECLANG_MIN 6.0) set(APPLECLANG_SOFT_ERROR 6.0) # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microsoft_Visual_C#Internal_version_numbering # _MSC_VER == 1910 MSVC++ 14.1 (Visual Studio 2017 version 15.0) set(MSVC_MIN 19.1) set(MSVC_SOFT_ERROR 19.1) # Map the above GCC versions to dates: https://gcc.gnu.org/develop.html#timeline set(GCC_MIN_DATE 20150422) set(GCC_SOFT_ERROR_DATE 20150422) if(DEFINED LLVM_COMPILER_CHECKED) return() endif() set(LLVM_COMPILER_CHECKED ON) if(LLVM_FORCE_USE_OLD_TOOLCHAIN) return() endif() function(check_compiler_version NAME NICE_NAME MINIMUM_VERSION SOFT_ERROR_VERSION) if(NOT CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL NAME) return() endif() if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS MINIMUM_VERSION) message(FATAL_ERROR "Host ${NICE_NAME} version must be at least ${MINIMUM_VERSION}, your version is ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION}.") elseif(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS SOFT_ERROR_VERSION) if(LLVM_TEMPORARILY_ALLOW_OLD_TOOLCHAIN) message(WARNING "Host ${NICE_NAME} version should be at least ${SOFT_ERROR_VERSION} because LLVM will soon use new C++ features which your toolchain version doesn't support. Your version is ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION}. Ignoring because you've set LLVM_TEMPORARILY_ALLOW_OLD_TOOLCHAIN, but very soon your toolchain won't be supported.") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Host ${NICE_NAME} version should be at least ${SOFT_ERROR_VERSION} because LLVM will soon use new C++ features which your toolchain version doesn't support. Your version is ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION}. You can temporarily opt out using LLVM_TEMPORARILY_ALLOW_OLD_TOOLCHAIN, but very soon your toolchain won't be supported.") endif() endif() endfunction(check_compiler_version) check_compiler_version("GNU" "GCC" ${GCC_MIN} ${GCC_SOFT_ERROR}) check_compiler_version("Clang" "Clang" ${CLANG_MIN} ${CLANG_SOFT_ERROR}) check_compiler_version("AppleClang" "Apple Clang" ${APPLECLANG_MIN} ${APPLECLANG_SOFT_ERROR}) check_compiler_version("MSVC" "Visual Studio" ${MSVC_MIN} ${MSVC_SOFT_ERROR}) # See https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/content/problem/845933/miscompile-boolean-condition-deduced-to-be-always.html # and thread "[llvm-dev] Longstanding failing tests - clang-tidy, MachO, Polly" # on llvm-dev Jan 21-23 2020. if ((${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} STREQUAL MSVC) AND (19.24 VERSION_LESS_EQUAL ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION}) AND (${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION} VERSION_LESS 19.25)) if(LLVM_TEMPORARILY_ALLOW_OLD_TOOLCHAIN) message(WARNING "Host Visual Studio version 16.4 is known to miscompile part of LLVM") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Host Visual Studio version 16.4 is known to miscompile part of LLVM, please use clang-cl or upgrade to 16.5 or above (use -DLLVM_TEMPORARILY_ALLOW_OLD_TOOLCHAIN=ON to ignore)") endif() endif() if(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID STREQUAL "Clang") if (CMAKE_CXX_SIMULATE_ID MATCHES "MSVC") if (CMAKE_CXX_SIMULATE_VERSION VERSION_LESS MSVC_MIN) message(FATAL_ERROR "Host Clang must have at least -fms-compatibility-version=${MSVC_MIN}, your version is ${CMAKE_CXX_SIMULATE_VERSION}.") endif() set(CLANG_CL 1) elseif(NOT LLVM_ENABLE_LIBCXX) # Test that we aren't using too old of a version of libstdc++. set(OLD_CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS}) set(OLD_CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES}) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS "${CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS} -std=c++0x") # Test for libstdc++ version of at least 4.8 by checking for _ZNKSt17bad_function_call4whatEv. # Note: We should check _GLIBCXX_RELEASE when possible (i.e., for GCC 7.1 and up). check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include #if defined(__GLIBCXX__) #if __GLIBCXX__ < ${GCC_MIN_DATE} #error Unsupported libstdc++ version #endif #endif #if defined(__GLIBCXX__) extern const char _ZNKSt17bad_function_call4whatEv[]; const char *chk = _ZNKSt17bad_function_call4whatEv; #else const char *chk = \"\"; #endif int main() { ++chk; return 0; } " LLVM_LIBSTDCXX_MIN) if(NOT LLVM_LIBSTDCXX_MIN) message(FATAL_ERROR "libstdc++ version must be at least ${GCC_MIN}.") endif() # Test for libstdc++ version of at least 5.1 by checking for std::iostream_category(). # Note: We should check _GLIBCXX_RELEASE when possible (i.e., for GCC 7.1 and up). check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include #if defined(__GLIBCXX__) #if __GLIBCXX__ < ${GCC_SOFT_ERROR_DATE} #error Unsupported libstdc++ version #endif #endif #if defined(__GLIBCXX__) #include void foo(void) { (void) std::iostream_category(); } #endif int main() { return 0; } " LLVM_LIBSTDCXX_SOFT_ERROR) if(NOT LLVM_LIBSTDCXX_SOFT_ERROR) if(LLVM_TEMPORARILY_ALLOW_OLD_TOOLCHAIN) message(WARNING "libstdc++ version should be at least ${GCC_SOFT_ERROR} because LLVM will soon use new C++ features which your toolchain version doesn't support. Ignoring because you've set LLVM_TEMPORARILY_ALLOW_OLD_TOOLCHAIN, but very soon your toolchain won't be supported.") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "libstdc++ version should be at least ${GCC_SOFT_ERROR} because LLVM will soon use new C++ features which your toolchain version doesn't support. You can temporarily opt out using LLVM_TEMPORARILY_ALLOW_OLD_TOOLCHAIN, but very soon your toolchain won't be supported.") endif() endif() set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS ${OLD_CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS}) set(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${OLD_CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES}) endif() endif()