function(get_system_libs return_var) message(AUTHOR_WARNING "get_system_libs no longer needed") set(${return_var} "" PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(link_system_libs target) message(AUTHOR_WARNING "link_system_libs no longer needed") endfunction() # is_llvm_target_library( # library # Name of the LLVM library to check # return_var # Output variable name # ALL_TARGETS;INCLUDED_TARGETS;OMITTED_TARGETS # ALL_TARGETS - default looks at the full list of known targets # INCLUDED_TARGETS - looks only at targets being configured # OMITTED_TARGETS - looks only at targets that are not being configured # ) function(is_llvm_target_library library return_var) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "ALL_TARGETS;INCLUDED_TARGETS;OMITTED_TARGETS" "" "" ${ARGN}) # Sets variable `return_var' to ON if `library' corresponds to a # LLVM supported target. To OFF if it doesn't. set(${return_var} OFF PARENT_SCOPE) string(TOUPPER "${library}" capitalized_lib) if(ARG_INCLUDED_TARGETS) string(TOUPPER "${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD}" targets) elseif(ARG_OMITTED_TARGETS) set(omitted_targets ${LLVM_ALL_TARGETS}) list(REMOVE_ITEM omitted_targets "${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD}") string(TOUPPER "${omitted_targets}" targets) else() string(TOUPPER "${LLVM_ALL_TARGETS}" targets) endif() foreach(t ${targets}) if( capitalized_lib STREQUAL t OR capitalized_lib STREQUAL "${t}" OR capitalized_lib STREQUAL "${t}DESC" OR capitalized_lib STREQUAL "${t}CODEGEN" OR capitalized_lib STREQUAL "${t}ASMPARSER" OR capitalized_lib STREQUAL "${t}ASMPRINTER" OR capitalized_lib STREQUAL "${t}DISASSEMBLER" OR capitalized_lib STREQUAL "${t}INFO" OR capitalized_lib STREQUAL "${t}UTILS" ) set(${return_var} ON PARENT_SCOPE) break() endif() endforeach() endfunction(is_llvm_target_library) function(is_llvm_target_specifier library return_var) is_llvm_target_library(${library} ${return_var} ${ARGN}) string(TOUPPER "${library}" capitalized_lib) if(NOT ${return_var}) if( capitalized_lib STREQUAL "ALLTARGETSASMPARSERS" OR capitalized_lib STREQUAL "ALLTARGETSDESCS" OR capitalized_lib STREQUAL "ALLTARGETSDISASSEMBLERS" OR capitalized_lib STREQUAL "ALLTARGETSINFOS" OR capitalized_lib STREQUAL "NATIVE" OR capitalized_lib STREQUAL "NATIVECODEGEN" ) set(${return_var} ON PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endif() endfunction() macro(llvm_config executable) cmake_parse_arguments(ARG "USE_SHARED" "" "" ${ARGN}) set(link_components ${ARG_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}) if(ARG_USE_SHARED) # If USE_SHARED is specified, then we link against libLLVM, # but also against the component libraries below. This is # done in case libLLVM does not contain all of the components # the target requires. # # Strip LLVM_DYLIB_COMPONENTS out of link_components. # To do this, we need special handling for "all", since that # may imply linking to libraries that are not included in # libLLVM. if (DEFINED link_components AND DEFINED LLVM_DYLIB_COMPONENTS) if("${LLVM_DYLIB_COMPONENTS}" STREQUAL "all") set(link_components "") else() list(REMOVE_ITEM link_components ${LLVM_DYLIB_COMPONENTS}) endif() endif() target_link_libraries(${executable} PRIVATE LLVM) endif() explicit_llvm_config(${executable} ${link_components}) endmacro(llvm_config) function(explicit_llvm_config executable) set( link_components ${ARGN} ) llvm_map_components_to_libnames(LIBRARIES ${link_components}) get_target_property(t ${executable} TYPE) if(t STREQUAL "STATIC_LIBRARY") target_link_libraries(${executable} INTERFACE ${LIBRARIES}) elseif(t STREQUAL "EXECUTABLE" OR t STREQUAL "SHARED_LIBRARY" OR t STREQUAL "MODULE_LIBRARY") target_link_libraries(${executable} PRIVATE ${LIBRARIES}) else() # Use plain form for legacy user. target_link_libraries(${executable} ${LIBRARIES}) endif() endfunction(explicit_llvm_config) # This is Deprecated function(llvm_map_components_to_libraries OUT_VAR) message(AUTHOR_WARNING "Using llvm_map_components_to_libraries() is deprecated. Use llvm_map_components_to_libnames() instead") explicit_map_components_to_libraries(result ${ARGN}) set( ${OUT_VAR} ${result} ${sys_result} PARENT_SCOPE ) endfunction(llvm_map_components_to_libraries) # Expand pseudo-components into real components. # Does not cover 'native', 'backend', or 'engine' as these require special # handling. Also does not cover 'all' as we only have a list of the libnames # available and not a list of the components. function(llvm_expand_pseudo_components out_components) set( link_components ${ARGN} ) foreach(c ${link_components}) # add codegen, asmprinter, asmparser, disassembler list(FIND LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD ${c} idx) if( NOT idx LESS 0 ) if( TARGET LLVM${c}CodeGen ) list(APPEND expanded_components "${c}CodeGen") else() if( TARGET LLVM${c} ) list(APPEND expanded_components "${c}") else() message(FATAL_ERROR "Target ${c} is not in the set of libraries.") endif() endif() if( TARGET LLVM${c}AsmPrinter ) list(APPEND expanded_components "${c}AsmPrinter") endif() if( TARGET LLVM${c}AsmParser ) list(APPEND expanded_components "${c}AsmParser") endif() if( TARGET LLVM${c}Desc ) list(APPEND expanded_components "${c}Desc") endif() if( TARGET LLVM${c}Disassembler ) list(APPEND expanded_components "${c}Disassembler") endif() if( TARGET LLVM${c}Info ) list(APPEND expanded_components "${c}Info") endif() if( TARGET LLVM${c}Utils ) list(APPEND expanded_components "${c}Utils") endif() elseif( c STREQUAL "nativecodegen" ) if( TARGET LLVM${LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH}CodeGen ) list(APPEND expanded_components "${LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH}CodeGen") endif() if( TARGET LLVM${LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH}Desc ) list(APPEND expanded_components "${LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH}Desc") endif() if( TARGET LLVM${LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH}Info ) list(APPEND expanded_components "${LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH}Info") endif() elseif( c STREQUAL "AllTargetsCodeGens" ) # Link all the codegens from all the targets foreach(t ${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD}) if( TARGET LLVM${t}CodeGen) list(APPEND expanded_components "${t}CodeGen") endif() endforeach(t) elseif( c STREQUAL "AllTargetsAsmParsers" ) # Link all the asm parsers from all the targets foreach(t ${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD}) if( TARGET LLVM${t}AsmParser ) list(APPEND expanded_components "${t}AsmParser") endif() endforeach(t) elseif( c STREQUAL "AllTargetsDescs" ) # Link all the descs from all the targets foreach(t ${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD}) if( TARGET LLVM${t}Desc ) list(APPEND expanded_components "${t}Desc") endif() endforeach(t) elseif( c STREQUAL "AllTargetsDisassemblers" ) # Link all the disassemblers from all the targets foreach(t ${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD}) if( TARGET LLVM${t}Disassembler ) list(APPEND expanded_components "${t}Disassembler") endif() endforeach(t) elseif( c STREQUAL "AllTargetsInfos" ) # Link all the infos from all the targets foreach(t ${LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD}) if( TARGET LLVM${t}Info ) list(APPEND expanded_components "${t}Info") endif() endforeach(t) else() list(APPEND expanded_components "${c}") endif() endforeach() set(${out_components} ${expanded_components} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(llvm_expand_pseudo_components out_components) # This is a variant intended for the final user: # Map LINK_COMPONENTS to actual libnames. function(llvm_map_components_to_libnames out_libs) set( link_components ${ARGN} ) if(NOT LLVM_AVAILABLE_LIBS) # Inside LLVM itself available libs are in a global property. get_property(LLVM_AVAILABLE_LIBS GLOBAL PROPERTY LLVM_LIBS) endif() string(TOUPPER "${LLVM_AVAILABLE_LIBS}" capitalized_libs) get_property(LLVM_TARGETS_CONFIGURED GLOBAL PROPERTY LLVM_TARGETS_CONFIGURED) # Generally in our build system we avoid order-dependence. Unfortunately since # not all targets create the same set of libraries we actually need to ensure # that all build targets associated with a target are added before we can # process target dependencies. if(NOT LLVM_TARGETS_CONFIGURED) foreach(c ${link_components}) is_llvm_target_specifier(${c} iltl_result ALL_TARGETS) if(iltl_result) message(FATAL_ERROR "Specified target library before target registration is complete.") endif() endforeach() endif() # Expand some keywords: list(FIND LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD "${LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH}" have_native_backend) list(FIND link_components "engine" engine_required) if( NOT engine_required EQUAL -1 ) list(FIND LLVM_TARGETS_WITH_JIT "${LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH}" have_jit) if( NOT have_native_backend EQUAL -1 AND NOT have_jit EQUAL -1 ) list(APPEND link_components "jit") list(APPEND link_components "native") else() list(APPEND link_components "interpreter") endif() endif() list(FIND link_components "native" native_required) if( NOT native_required EQUAL -1 ) if( NOT have_native_backend EQUAL -1 ) list(APPEND link_components ${LLVM_NATIVE_ARCH}) endif() endif() # Translate symbolic component names to real libraries: llvm_expand_pseudo_components(link_components ${link_components}) foreach(c ${link_components}) if( c STREQUAL "native" ) # already processed elseif( c STREQUAL "backend" ) # same case as in `native'. elseif( c STREQUAL "engine" ) # already processed elseif( c STREQUAL "all" ) get_property(all_components GLOBAL PROPERTY LLVM_COMPONENT_LIBS) list(APPEND expanded_components ${all_components}) else() # Canonize the component name: string(TOUPPER "${c}" capitalized) list(FIND capitalized_libs LLVM${capitalized} lib_idx) if( lib_idx LESS 0 ) # The component is unknown. Maybe is an omitted target? is_llvm_target_library(${c} iltl_result OMITTED_TARGETS) if(iltl_result) # A missing library to a directly referenced omitted target would be bad. message(FATAL_ERROR "Library '${c}' is a direct reference to a target library for an omitted target.") else() # If it is not an omitted target we should assume it is a component # that hasn't yet been processed by CMake. Missing components will # cause errors later in the configuration, so we can safely assume # that this is valid here. list(APPEND expanded_components LLVM${c}) endif() else( lib_idx LESS 0 ) list(GET LLVM_AVAILABLE_LIBS ${lib_idx} canonical_lib) list(APPEND expanded_components ${canonical_lib}) endif( lib_idx LESS 0 ) endif( c STREQUAL "native" ) endforeach(c) set(${out_libs} ${expanded_components} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() # Perform a post-order traversal of the dependency graph. # This duplicates the algorithm used by llvm-config, originally # in tools/llvm-config/llvm-config.cpp, function ComputeLibsForComponents. function(expand_topologically name required_libs visited_libs) list(FIND visited_libs ${name} found) if( found LESS 0 ) list(APPEND visited_libs ${name}) set(visited_libs ${visited_libs} PARENT_SCOPE) get_property(lib_deps GLOBAL PROPERTY LLVMBUILD_LIB_DEPS_${name}) foreach( lib_dep ${lib_deps} ) expand_topologically(${lib_dep} "${required_libs}" "${visited_libs}") set(required_libs ${required_libs} PARENT_SCOPE) set(visited_libs ${visited_libs} PARENT_SCOPE) endforeach() list(APPEND required_libs ${name}) set(required_libs ${required_libs} PARENT_SCOPE) endif() endfunction() # Expand dependencies while topologically sorting the list of libraries: function(llvm_expand_dependencies out_libs) set(expanded_components ${ARGN}) set(required_libs) set(visited_libs) foreach( lib ${expanded_components} ) expand_topologically(${lib} "${required_libs}" "${visited_libs}") endforeach() if(required_libs) list(REVERSE required_libs) endif() set(${out_libs} ${required_libs} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction() function(explicit_map_components_to_libraries out_libs) llvm_map_components_to_libnames(link_libs ${ARGN}) llvm_expand_dependencies(expanded_components ${link_libs}) # Return just the libraries included in this build: set(result) foreach(c ${expanded_components}) if( TARGET ${c} ) set(result ${result} ${c}) endif() endforeach(c) set(${out_libs} ${result} PARENT_SCOPE) endfunction(explicit_map_components_to_libraries)