# This test runs last since we are reinstalling postgresql-common, and we want # to avoid spoiling the other tests with any version skew. use strict; use lib 't'; use TestLib; use PgCommon; use Test::More tests => $PgCommon::rpm ? 1 : 14; if ($PgCommon::rpm) { pass 'No maintainer script tests on rpm'; exit; } my $v = $MAJORS[-1]; note -d "/run/systemd/system" ? "We are running systemd" : "We are not running systemd"; # create cluster program_ok 0, "pg_createcluster $v main --start"; # get postmaster PID my $postmaster_pid = `head -1 /var/lib/postgresql/$v/main/postmaster.pid`; chomp $postmaster_pid; ok $postmaster_pid > 0, "postmaster PID is $postmaster_pid"; # "upgrade" postgresql-common to check if postgresql.service is left alone note `apt-cache policy postgresql-common`; program_ok 0, 'apt-get install -y --reinstall -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confnew postgresql-common', 0, ''; note `apt-cache policy postgresql-common`; # get postmaster PID again, compare my $postmaster_pid2 = `head -1 /var/lib/postgresql/$v/main/postmaster.pid`; chomp $postmaster_pid2; ok $postmaster_pid2 > 0, "postmaster PID is $postmaster_pid2"; is $postmaster_pid, $postmaster_pid2, "postmaster was not restarted"; # stop server, clean up, check for leftovers program_ok 0, "pg_dropcluster $v main --stop"; check_clean; # vim: filetype=perl