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Line %d: incorrect number of tables Line %d: multiple GREEN Intensity Profiles Line %d: Unable to allocate space for GREEN Intensity Profile Line %d: multiple BLUE Intensity Profiles Line %d: Unable to allocate space for BLUE Intensity Profile Line %d: multiple RGB Intensity TablesLine %d: multiple RED or GREEN or BLUE Intensity Tables Line %d: Unable to allocate space for intensity table Line %d: incomplete Intensity Table -- Premature %s Line %d: Invalid Intensity Profile -- Premature %s Line %d: invalid Intensity Profile value %s Line %d: missing Intensity Profile value Line %d: invalid Intensity Profile intensity %s Line %d: extra Intensity value %s Line %d: extraneous keyword %s Line %d: incomplete Intensity Profile data -- Premature %s Could not open root window supplied. Screen data format version mismatch in file %s-- expected %s, found %s Line %d: Keyword XYZTORGBMAT_BEGIN mismatch for visual %s. Line %d: Extraneous keyword %s. 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Line %d: Incomplete Colorimetric data -- Premature %s Line %d: Unexpected keyword %s Line %d: Unrecognized keyword Line %d: Intensity profile missing TableType and/or nTables.Line %d: Could not allocate memory for intensity profile.Line %d: invalid table type specified -- %s Line %d: invalid number of tables (must be 0, 1, or 3) Line %d: invalid VisualID specified, %s Line %d: invalid depth specified, %s Line %d: invalid Visual Class -- %s Line %d: invalid red_mask specified -- %s Line %d: invalid green_mask specified -- %s Line %d: invalid blue_mask specified -- %s Line %d: invalid colormap_size specified -- %s Line %d: invalid bits_per_rgb specified -- %s Line %d: Cannot find visual matching ... Line %d: Found more than one visual matching ... Line %d: Could not allocate Red Intensity Table Line %d: Could not allocate Green Intensity Table Line %d: Could not allocate Blue Intensity TableLine %d: Could not allocate Red Intensity TableFile %s is missing Colorimetric data. 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