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f/]$f.zf/t]f($Y$Zf/OfZ$f/8HD$LHL\D$4x*$)f.$z/$HD$y/L1HL5\D$(ef$HL$,HT$4MLL$ M\MH$AfE8IL9u[fDHL$PHT$HILHt$@m[HD$PH+D$HH=@ LHLZL1HZHt$] [-q ] [-s ] [-n ] -v more: [-T] [-R] [-F] [-D] [-Y] [-O ] [-S] [-L] [-C] [-H] [-V] [-i2f] fpack, a FITS image compression program. Version NOTE: the compression parameters specified on the fpack command line may be over-ridden by compression directive keywords in the header of each HDU of the input file(s). See the fpack User's Guide for more details Flags must be separate and appear before filenames: -r Rice compression [default], or -h Hcompress compression, or -g or -g1 GZIP_1 (per-tile) compression, or -g2 GZIP_2 (per-tile) compression (with byte shuffling), or -p PLIO compression (only for positive 8 or 16-bit integer images). -d Tile the image without compression (debugging mode). -w Compress the whole image as a single large tile. -t Comma separated list of tile dimensions [default is row by row]. -q Quantized level spacing when converting floating point images to scaled integers. (+value relative to sigma of background noise; -value is absolute). Default q value of 4 gives a compression ratio of about 6 with very high fidelity (only 0.26% increase in noise). Using q values of 2, or 1 will give compression ratios of about 8, or 10, respectively (with 1.0% or 4.1% noise increase). The scaled quantized values are randomly dithered using a seed value determined from the system clock at run time. Use -q0 instead of -q to suppress random dithering. Use -qz instead of -q to not dither zero-valued pixels. Use -qt or -qzt to compute random dithering seed from first tile checksum. Use -qN or -qzN, (N in range 1 to 10000) to use a specific dithering seed. Floating-point images can be losslessly compressed by selecting the GZIP algorithm and specifying -q 0, but this is slower and often produces much less compression than the default quantization method. -i2f Convert integer images to floating point, then quantize and compress using the specified q level. When used appropriately, this lossy compression method can give much better compression than the normal lossless compression methods without significant loss of information. The -n3ratio and -n3min flags control the minimum noise thresholds; Images below these thresholds will be losslessly compressed. -n3ratio Minimum ratio of background noise sigma divided by q. Default = 2.0. -n3min Minimum background noise sigma. Default = 6. The -i2f flag will be ignored if the noise level in the image does not exceed both thresholds. -s Scale factor for lossy Hcompress [default = 0 = lossless] (+values relative to RMS noise; -value is absolute) -n Rescale scaled-integer images to reduce noise and improve compression. -v Verbose mode; list each file as it is processed. -T Show compression algorithm comparison test statistics; files unchanged. -R Write the comparison test report (above) to a text file. -table Compress FITS binary tables as well as compress any image HDUs. -tableonly Compress only FITS binary tables; do not compress any image HDUs. keywords shared with funpack: -F Overwrite input file by output file with same name. -D Delete input file after writing output. -Y Suppress prompts to confirm -F or -D options. -O Specify full output file name. This may be used only when fpack is run on a single input file. -S Output compressed FITS files to STDOUT. -L List contents; files unchanged. -C Don't update FITS checksum keywords. -H Show this message. -V Show version number. FITS files to pack; enter '-' (a hyphen) to read input from stdin stream. Refer to the fpack User's Guide for more extensive help. Error: internal initialization error Error: multiple compression flags Note: The table compression method used by fpack has been officially approved as part of FITS format standard since 2016. However users should be aware that the compressed table files may only be readable by a limited number of applications (including fpack). Error: multiple tile specifications Error: -R option is not allowed with -O Error: -O option is not allowed with -R Error: unknown command line flag `Error: -R option may only be used with -T Error: -O option may not be used with -S or -T Error: `-s' requires `-h or -T' Error: `-q 0' only allowed with GZIP Error: `-q 0' not allowed with -i2f Error: `-t' requires comma separated tile dims, Error: too many dimensions for `-t', max=Error: no FITS files to compress ZTABLEError processing file: %s in HDU number %d Input file is unchanged. 1.7.0 (Dec 2013) CFITSIO version %5.3frXTENSIONBINTABLE %d IMAGE SUMS=%lu/%lu BITPIX=%d [%ld] [%ldx%ldZCMPTYPERICE_1 tiled_rice GZIP_1 tiled_gzip_1 GZIP_2 tiled_gzip_2 PLIO_1 tiled_plio HCOMPRESS_1 tiled_hcompress unknown not_tiled %d ASCII_TBL SUMS=%lu/%lu %d BINARY_TBL %d OTHER# %s (%lld bytes) Error: input file name is too long .fz .fz .bz2Error: input compressed file .gz.imh.fitsFZALGORNONEnone Elapsed time = %f, cpu = %f BLANKBSCALETmpfile3 File: %s %3d %s (%ld,%ld%-12sTmp3wTmp1%s Tmpfile1Tmpfile2Tmp2 -> File Error renaming tmp file to original file NOT deleted! Error deleting input file -> %s Input and output files are unchanged. Error: filename is too long to create temporary file Could not create temporary file name: Error: section/extension notation not supported: Error: can't find or read input file Error: invalid input file name Error: ambiguous input file name. Which file should be unpacked?: Error: cannot use same output file name for multiple files: Error: output file already exists: Error: output file name for is too long with the prefix does not have the default .fz suffix. Error: output file name too long: Error: input file name too long: Error: fpack input file already has '.fz' suffix Unable to find and move to extension 'Error: unsupported image compression type %-5s %6.2f %7.2f ->%7.2f %7.2f %7.2f %s %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %6.3f %5.2f %5.2f %s %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %-5s (unable to compress image) Ext BITPIX Dimens. Nulls Min Max Mean Sigma Noise2 Noise3 Noise5 Nbits MaxR %5d %6.0f %6.0f %8.1f %#8.2g %#7.3g %#7.3g %#7.3g %#5.1f %#6.2f Type Ratio Size (MB) Pk (Sec) UnPk Exact ElpN CPUN Elp1 CPU1 Native %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %s %d %d %ld %ld %#10.4g %d %#10.4g %#10.4g %#10.4g %#10.4g %#10.4g %#10.4g %#10.4g %#10.4g %#10.4g %#10.4g %#10.4g %#10.4g HDU %d does not meet noise criteria to be quantized, so losslessly compressed. File: %s, HDU %d, %d cols X %lld rows Error: internal preflight error Filename Extension BITPIX NAXIS1 NAXIS2 Size N_nulls Minval Maxval Mean Sigm Noise1 Noise2 Noise3 Noise5 T_whole T_rowbyrow [Comp_ratio, Pack_cpu, Unpack_cpu, Lossless readtimes] (repeated for Rice, Hcompress, and GZIP) Error: must use -F flag to clobber input file. Failed to rename temporary file name: was compressed with a LOSSY method. Overwrite the original file with the compressed version? (Y/N) original file NOT overwritten! Error deleting IRAF .imh and .pix files. was compressed with a LOSSY method. Delete the original file? (Y/N) Error: Output file name is too long. Error: Invalid characters in output file name. Error: Unable to process input f0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.#*@@.A^A??$C?y&1?6A;0%]L]t](__ `