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B-tree symbol table node usage: h5debug
ERROR: Need number of dimensions of chunk in order to dump chunk B-tree node B-tree chunked storage node usage: h5debug <# of dimensions> ... ERROR: Only 9 dimensions support currently (fix h5debug) ERROR: Chunk dimensions should be >0 ERROR: Need v2 B-tree header address and object header address containing the layout message in order to dump header h5debug ERROR: Need v2 B-tree header address, the node's number of records, depth, and object header address containing the layout message in order to dump internal node NOTE: Leaf nodes are depth 0, the internal nodes above them are depth 1, etc. v2 B-tree internal node usage: h5debug ERROR: Need v2 B-tree header address and the node's number of records and depth in order to dump internal node h5debug ERROR: Need v2 B-tree header address, number of records, and object header address containing the layout message in order to dump leaf node h5debug ERROR: Need v2 B-tree header address and number of records in order to dump leaf node h5debug ERROR: Need fractal heap header address and size of direct block in order to dump direct block Fractal heap direct block usage: h5debug ERROR: Need fractal heap header address and number of rows in order to dump indirect block Fractal heap indirect block usage: h5debug ERROR: Need free space header address and client address in order to dump serialized sections Free space serialized sections usage: h5debug ERROR: Need shared message header address in order to shared message list h5debug ERROR: Need object header address containing the layout message in order to dump header Extensible array header block usage: h5debug ERROR: Need extensible array header address and object header address containing the layout message in order to dump index block Extensible array index block usage: h5debug ERROR: Need extensible array header address, # of elements in data block and object header address containing the layout message in order to dump data block Extensible array data block usage: h5debug <# of elements in data block> ERROR: Need fixed array header address and object header address containing the layout message in order to dump data block fixed array data block usage: h5debug ;HdTT<PzRx $H FJ w?;*3$"D@\at@MSaxMSaLBBB B(A0A8J- 8D0A(B BBBA APBsENADPAJCEOdOAAS_APApAQADPBAPB{JCEOMOAJCEOlMOAAPA`$\Q_@X3v3J 5kko8@ h  mx ooxoook& pGCC: (GNU) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-23)GCC: (conda-forge gcc 10.4.0-19) 10.4.0.shstrtab.interp.note.ABI-tag.gnu.hash.dynsym.dynstr.gnu.version.gnu.version_r.rela.dyn.rela.plt.init.plt.got.text.fini.rodata.eh_frame_hdr.eh_frame.init_array.fini_array.dynamic.data.bss.comment  %P!o880+ hh3@ @ ;oHoxx@WaBxxk f  q0 0 z@ @ Y55 @@Y\S\SLSS0k[k[k[ um]Hp`p`0`U]`