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If no command is specified, -H lists all commands. list lists contents of files in dumpsds displays data of SDSs in dumpvd displays data of vdatas in . dumpvg displays data of vgroups in . dumprig displays data of RIs (DFR8 and DFR24) in . dumpgr displays data of RIs in . list of hdf file names, separated by spaces.%s, %s Commands:Invalid command!, cmd=%d hdp.cAttr0.0helpdumpsdsdumprigdumpvgdumpvddumpgrAɰ2UxAVattrhdfsizeVSattrhdfsizeVShdfsize%d%uFloatInf%f%ld%luDoubleInf%03o%02x HDP ERROR>>> dumpclean ... HDP does not support type [%d]. Use signed character printing function. in %s: Data buffer to be dumped is NULLin %s: Output file pointer is NULLin %s: Failed to find native size of type [%d]U""""""""""""" G;#B ;Usage: -b Binary format of output HDP ERROR>>> %sread_neltsgrdumpfulleltszncompsstartedgestrideprint_GRattrs. Continued. print_GRattr File attributes: Attr%d: Name = %s Type = %s Count= %d attr_buf_sizeattr_buf Value = print_RIattrsprint_PaletteInfo No palette print_Palette Raster Image Ref. = %d Palette Data: Unknown output type option INVALIDCOMPONENTLINEPIXEL Compression method = %s printGR_ASCII%d Type= %s width=%d; height=%d Ref. = %d Data : No data written. printGR_BINARYin dgr: %s is not an HDF filewFile name: %s File %s has no images wbin do_dumpgr: dgr failed%s dumpgr [-a|-i |-r |-n ] [-m ] [-dhvcs] [-p|-pd] [-o ] [-bx] -a Dump all RIs in the file (default) -i Dump the th RIs in the file -r Dump the RIs with reference number -n Dump the RIs with name -m Dump data in interlace mode -d Dump data only, no tag/ref, formatted to input to hp2hdf -h Dump header only, no data - exclusive with -p and -pd -v Dump everything including all annotations (default) -c Print space characters as they are, not \digit -g Do not print data of file (global) attributes -l Do not print data of local attributes -s Do not add carriage return to a long line - dump it as a stream -p Dump palette's information and data - exclusive with -h -pd Dump palette's data only - exclusive with -h -o Output to file -x Ascii text format of output (default) List of hdf file names, separated by spacesInvalid input for interlace option %s Option -h must not be used together with either -p or -pdHDP ERROR>>> Invalid dumpgr option %s in %s: Attempting to allocate 0 items using '%s'! in %s: space allocation for %s failed. Terminated! in %s: GRreqimageil failed for ri_id(%d)in %s: GRreadimage failed for ri_id(%d)in %s: dumpfull failed for ri_id(%d)Image with reference number %d: not found Image with name '%s': not found in %s: GRattrinfo failed for %d'th attributein %s: HDgetNTdesc failed for %d'th attributein %s: GRgetattr failed for %d'th attributein %s: dumpclean failed for %d'th attributein %s: dumpfull failed for %d'th attributein %s: GRattrinfo failed for %d'th attribute of %d'th RIin %s: HDgetNTdesc failed for %d'th attribute of %d'th RIin %s: GRgetattr failed for %d'th attribute of %d'th RIin %s: dumpclean failed for %d'th attribute of %d'th RIin %s: dumpfull failed for %d'th attribute of %d'th RIin %s: GRgetnluts failed for raster image ID #%din %s: GRgetlutid failed for palette #%din %s: GRgetlutinfo failed for palette #%d Palette: %d components; %d entries in %s: GRgetnluts failed for raster image with ref#=%d Raster Image Ref. = %d No palette data in %s: GRreadlut failed for palette #%din %s: dumpfull failed for palette #%d Compression method = in %s: GRselect failed for %d'th RIin %s: GRgetiminfo failed for %d'th RIin %s: GRendaccess failed for %d'th RIin %s: Printing image's palette failed for RI #%din %s: HDgetNTdesc failed for %d'th RI Image Name = %s Index = ncomps = %d Interlace mode= %s in %s: Printing image's palette information failed for %d'th RIin %s: Printing image's attributes failed for %d'th RIin %s: Printing image's data failed for %d'th RIin %s: Printing image's palette failed for %d'th RIin closeGR: GRend failed for the current file in closeGR: Hclose failed for the current file Missing input file name. Please try againin dgr: Failure in opening file %sin dgr: GRstart failed for file %sin dgr: GRfileinfo failed for file %sUnable to open output file %s in dgr: print_GRattrs failed for file %sin dgr: printGR_ASCII failed for file %sin dgr: printGR_BINARY failed for file %sOutput file type must be either ascii or binary onlyin do_dumpgr: command is incompletein do_dumpgr: parse_dumpgr_opts is unable to parse commandeAVսսdսսcսλмսս¼սR -s Short output (default) -l Long output -d Debugging output -g Print groups onlylabeldescriptionprint_annots_by_objectann_list%s: ANannlist failed for %s Name/Label=%*s%s Description=in print_data_labels in print_data_descs StandardUnknownN-BitNoneRun-Length%*d%*s%*d%*d%*ld %*d%*s%*d%*d%*ld%*ld%*ld in print_list_obj Contents: (%ld objects) %-30s: (tag=%6d) ref=%d Data DescriptionFile LabelData LabelFile Descriptionprint_annots_in_fileannotation%s #%ld: %s in print_all_data_labels print_all_data_descsData ID Annotation #%ld: %s print_all_data_labelsFile Label #%ld: %s print_all_file_descsFile description #%ld: %s print_file_descsERROR: invalid tag name: %s ERROR: Invalid list ordering!ERROR: Invalid list option!ERROR: No files to dump! File: %s Last modified with %s in do_list tagnameno index_by_tag%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s%*s lengthoffset%s%-*s: (tag %d) Ref nos: %s list [-acensldg] [-o] [-t tag] -a Print annotations of items (sets long output) -c Print classes of items (sets long output) -n Print names or labels of items (sets long output) -e Print special element information of items (sets long output) -t Print items of with a given tag number -t Print items of with a given tag name -of Print items in the order found in the file -og Print items in group order -ot Print items in tag order (default)object tag=%d, ref=%d, in file %s%s: invalid annotation type for %s %s: ANnumann failed for object %s %s: ANannlen failed for %d'th data %s for %s %s: ANreadann failed on the %d'th data %s for %s %s: ANendaccess failed on the %d'th data %s for %s Linked Block: first %ld standard %ld per unit %ld External File: path %s offset %ld Compressed Element: compression type: %s modeling type %s Chunked element: chunk size %d, ndims %d, [ Do not understand special element type %d %s: invalid annotation type for file %s %s: ANselect failed on the %d'th %s for file %s %s: ANannlen failed on the %d'th %s for file %s %s: ANreadann failed on the %d'th %s for file %s %s: ANendaccess failed on the %d'th %s for file %s print_all_data_labels: ANfileinfo failed for file %s ANfileinfo failed for file %s ANselect failed for %d'th data description in file %s ANannlen failed for %d'th data description in file %s ANreadann failed for %d'th data description in file %s ANendaccess failed for %d'th data description in file %s ANselect failed for %d'th label for file %s ANannlen failed for %d'th label for file %s ANreadann failed for %d'th label for file %s ANendaccess failed for %d'th label for file %s ANfileinfo failed for file %s ANselect failed for %d'th desc for file %s ANannlen failed for %d'th desc for file %s ANreadann failed for %d'th desc for file %s ANendaccess failed for %d'th desc for file %s Failure in SDfileinfo for file %s SDend failed for the current file do_list: ANstart failed for file %s (Has no library version information) do_list: Vfinish failed for file %s do_list: ANend failed for file %s do_list: Hclose failed for file %s in do_list: Hopen failed - possible invalid file name: %sfVfcffffIffffMissing values for optionNot enough memory!Memory allocation error File name: %s Not enough memory! with palette. without palette. width=%d; height=%d reference=%d *data is compressed with RLE compression scheme. IMCOMP conmpression scheme. unknown scheme. *data is not compressed. Data : dumping RIG, unknown option Failure in drig. %s dumprig [-a|-i |-m |-r ] [-dhv] [-o [-bx]] -a Dump all RIGs in the file (default) -i Dump the RIGs at positions listed in -m Dump the 8- or 24-bit RIGs only, may be 8 or 24 -r Dump the RIGs with reference number listed in -h Dump header only, no annotation for elements nor data -c Do not add a carriage return to a long data line%s-bit raster model: not available. Warning: Invalid dumprig option %s The index number %d is out of range DFGRIgetimlut: Read error for file %s Data model: %d-bit raster image JPEG conmpression scheme (24-bit data.) JPEG conmpression scheme (8-bit data.) dumpfull: failed to dump %d'th image data for file %s The index %d is out of range dumping RIG, unknown output file option 8d"4vLsdsdumpfullrankleftextfile_nameprint_SDattrs File attributes: Attr%i: Name = %s Type = %s Count= %i print_SDSattrs (%d) Skipping unit size = %d Deflate level = %d Option mask = %s Pixels per block = %d Pixels per scanline = %d Bits per pixel = %d Pixels = %d SDselectprintSDS_ASCIISDgetnamelensdsnameSDgetinfoSDgetdimidSDdiminfoHDgetNTdescIndex = %d Scale Type= %s SDidtorefprint_comp_info Dim%d: Name=%s Size = UNLIMITED (currently %d) Size = %d Scale Type = %s Number of attributes = %d printSDS_BINARYSDfileinfoin dsd: %s failed for file %sin do_dumpsds: dsd failed%s dumpsds [-k][-a|-i |-r |-n ] [-cdhvs] [-o ] [-bx] -k Dump SDSs in the given order, must be specified before -i/-r/-n -a Dump all SDSs in the file (default) -i Dump the SDSs at positions listed in -r Dump the SDSs with reference number listed in -n Dump the SDSs with name listed in HDP ERROR>>> Invalid dumpsds option %s in %s: SDcheckempty failed for sds_id(%d) No data written. in %s: SDreaddata failed for sds_id(%d) with external file %s. Please verify the file exists in the same directory.in %s: SDreaddata failed for sds_id(%d)in %s: dumpfull failed for sds_id(%d)SDS with reference number %d: not found SDS with name '%s': not found in get_SDSindex_list: Info should only be an index, ref number, or name of an SDS in %s: SDattrinfo failed for %d'th attributein %s: SDreadattr failed for %d'th attributeSDendaccess failed for %d'th SDS in file %s Option mask might be invalid = %d Compression ratio (original:compressed) = %.2f:1 Compression ratio = in %s: %s failed for %d'th SDS Dimension Variable Name = %s Variable Name = %s Index = Rank = %d Number of attributes = %d in %s: %s failed for %d'th dimension of %d'th SDS Output format must be either -d, -h, or -v only.Missing input file name. Please try again. Invalid input file: hdp cannot read a netCDF 64-bit file, %s in dsd: %s is not an HDF or netCDF filein dsd: Failure in opening file %sin dsd: SDend failed in closing file %s HDP ERROR>>> in dsd: %s failed for file %s in dsd: SDend failed for file %sin do_dumpsds: command is incomplete:xffffW ff6fffPmake_file_list: space allocation failed make_group_list: space allocation failed make_obj_list: space allocation failed >>>free_obj_list failed - attempting to free a NULL list (*dump_opts)->all_types[i].name(*dump_opts)->all_types[i].classnameCalling function passed in incorrect info_type_t: %%d namd = %s newlistparse_number_optsfilter->num_listfilter->str_listparse_string_optsfilter->str_list[i]parse_value_optsfilteralloc_index_listNONENBITSKPHUFFDEFLATESZIPJPEGIMCOMPRLEUnknown Tag:KJK KKK2K"K2K2K2K2K*Kflds_chosen[i]parse_dumpvd_optsVSstr_indexVdata: %d tag = ; tag = %d; number of records = %d; interlace = ; interlace = NO_INTERLACE; fields = name = ; name = %s; class = ; dumpvd_asciidumpattrprint_data_annots No data written dumpvd_binaryin dvd: %s is not an HDF filein do_dumpvd: dvd failed%s dumpvd [-a|-i |-r |-n |-c |-f ] [-dhv] [-o ] [-bx] -a Dump all VDs in the file (default) -i Dump the VDs at positions listed in -r Dump the VDs with reference number listed in -n Dump the VDs with name listed in -c Dump the VDs with class listed in -f Dump based on fields in vdata headerWarning: Invalid dumpvd option %s in %s: VSattach failed for vdata with ref#=%din %s: VSgetname failed for vdata with ref#=%din %s: VSgetclass failed for vdata with ref#=%din %s: VSdetach failed for vdata with ref#=%dVdata with reference number %d: not found Vdata with name '%s': not found Failure in choose_vd: Memory re-allocation error Vdata with class %s: not found number of records = ; interlace = FULL_INTERLACE (0); interlace = ; record size (in bytes) = %d; in %s: Failure in printing file annotations for file %sin %s: VSattach failed for vdata_ref#=%din %s: VSinquire failed for vdata with ref#=%din %s: VShdfsize failed for vdata with ref#=%din %s: VSQuerytag failed for vdata with ref#=%din %s: %s failed for attributes of vdata with ref#=%din %s: dumpvd failed for vdata with ref#=%ddumping vdata in file %s, unknown option %d in %s: VSdetach failed on vdata with ref#=%din %s: Vdata with ref#=%d is empty. in %s: Failure in dumping data for vdata with ref#=%dFailure in closeVD: Vend failed for file %s Failure in closeVD: Hclose failed for file %s in dvd: Failure in opening file %sin dvd: Vstart failed for file %s in dvd: dumpvd_ascii returned failurein dvd: dumpvd_binary returned failuredumping vdata, unknown output file option in dvd: Vend failed on file %s in dvd: Hclose failed on file %s in do_dumpvd: command is incompleteBDC9DDCDJD(CDDDDhClDDDHCDDD[DDDVstr_refvgroup classname-- vg%d -- vg%d (*) %s get_VGandInfo*vgname*vgclassptralloc_list_of_stringsalloc_strg_of_chars%s ; %s[ , ]; vgBuildGraph***Unknown Objectvgdumpfull #%d (Vgroup) tag = %d; tag = %d; number of entries = %d; name = %s; class = %s #%d (Vdata) reference = %d; number of records = %d; interlace = %d; fields = name = %s; class = %s; #%d (%s) tag = %d; reference = %d; None.in dvg: %s is not an HDF filedvglist[curr_vg]VQuerytag Vgroup:%d tag = %d; tag = Invalid tag (%d); name = %s; class = %s; number of entries = %d; Entries:- (vg#: vgroup; vd: vdata) in do_dumpvg: dvg failed%s dumpvg [-a|-i |-r |-n |-c ] [-hv] [-o ] -a Dump all VGs in the file (default) -i Dump the VGs at position listed in -r Dump the VGs with reference number listed in -n Dump the VGs with name listed in -c Dump the VGs with class listed in Warning>>> option -d is being removed from dumpvg.Please contact hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu if you would like to keep it. Warning>>> option -b has been removed from dumpvg.Please contact hdfhelp@ncsa.uiuc.edu for further assistance.HDP ERROR>>> Invalid dumpvg option %s in %s: Vattach failed for vgroup with ref#(%d)in %s: Vgetclassnamelen failed for vg ref=%din %s: Vgetclass failed for vgroup with ref#(%d)in %s: Vdetach failed for vgroup with ref#(%d)in resetVG: Vdetach failed for vg_id(%d) in file %s in %s: Vattach failed for vgroup ref=%din %s: Vgetnamelen failed for vg ref=%din %s: Vinquire failed for vg ref=%din %s: Vgetclass failed for vgroup ref#=%din %s: ANstart failed for file %s in %s: print_data_labels failed for vg_ref(%d) in file %s in %s: print_data_descs failed for vg-ref(%d) in file %s in %s: ANend failed for file %s Failure in get_VGindex_list: Not enough memory! Vgroup with name '%s': not found Vgroup with class '%s': not found in get_VGindex_list: Info should only be an index, ref number, name, or class of a Vgroup in print_file_annotations: ANstart failedin print_file_annotations: print_all_file_labels failedin print_file_annotations: print_file_descs failedin print_file_annotations: ANend failedANend failed for an_id(%d) for file %s Failure in closeVG: Vend failed for file %s Failure in closeVG: Hclose failed for file %s in %s: VQueryref failed for vgroup with id=%din %s: Vgettagref failed for the %d'th entryin %s: %s failed in getting vgroup with ref#=%din %s: %s failed to return a valid vgroup id for the %d'th entryin %s: %s failed to dump attributes for vgroup with ref#=%din %s: %s failed to dump annotations for vgroup with ref#=%d record size (in bytes) = %d; total number of attributes = %d. in dvg: Failure in opening file %sin dvg: Vstart failed for file %s in dvg: Invalid vgroups given for file %sin dvg: print_file_annotations failed for file %sin dvg: %s failed in getting vgroup with ref#=%din dvg: %s failed on vgroup with ref=%d in file %sin dvg: %s failed for vgroup with ref#=%d in file %sin dvg: Severe failure in file %s. Go to next file Graphical representation of the file:- in do_dumpvg: command is incompletein do_dumpvg: parse_dumpvg_opts is unable to parse commandVW0WQWXXXWVXXXXWWXXVXXXWXX>>>dumpattr: Failed to get number of attributes for vid %d number of attributes = %d >>>dumpattr: failed in getting %d'th attr info. >>>dumpattr: failed in getting %d'th attr hdfsize. attr%d: name=%s type=%d count=%d size=%d >>>dumpattr:can't allocate buf for %d'th attribute. >>>dympattr: failed in getting %d'th attr . >>>dympattr: failed in getting %d'th attr. >>>dumpattr: sorry, type [%d] not supported dumpvd: VSsetfields failed for vd = %d dumpvd: VSfnattrs failed for vd = %d - field index %d: [%s], type=%d, order=%d dumpvd: dumpattr() failed for vd = %d sorry, type [%d] not supported dumpvd: VSgetfields failed for vd = %d in %s: VSread failed for vd(%d) with external file %s. Please verify the file exists in the same directory.in %s: VSread failed for vd(%d)in %s: VSread failed for vd(%d) with external file %s. Please verify the file exists in the same directoryii(((((((((((((jOđ55̑̑̑̑̑̑̑̑̑̑̑̑̑6rTUUɖؖ~oLoc. 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