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Error: '*' cannot be with other objects, <%s>. Exiting... Error: Invalid chunking input: '*' is present with other objects <%s> Error: Invalid chunking input: '*' is present with other objects Compress all with %s compression Compress all with %s compression, parameter %d %s %s compression, parameter %d Error: Invalid compression input: * is present with other objectsObjects to chunk are... Chunk all with dimension [%ld ] %s [NONE %s %s Objects to compress are...Making new file %s... Cannot open options file %s%cBad file format for %sFailed to get annotations for <%s> Failed to select AN %d of <%s> Failed to get AN %d length of <%s> Failed to get memory for AN %d of <%s> Failed to create AN %d of <%s> Failed to write AN %d of <%s> Failed to read AN %d of <%s> Failed to end AN %d of <%s> Failed close AN for <%s> Failed to get ref for <%s> Failed to get tag for <%s> Cannot get information for attribute number %d Error allocating %ld values of size %ld for attribute %sCould not get compress information for GR <%s> Could not get chunk information for GR <%s> Warning: SZIP compression not supported for GRError: Unrecognized compression code <%d> in <%s> Warning: SZIP not supported for GRWarning: object size smaller than %d bytes. Not compressing <%s> Failed to allocate %ld elements of size %ld Could not set interlace for GR <%s> Error: Failed to set chunk dimensions for <%s> Error: Unrecognized compression code %d Error: Failed to set compression for <%s> Failed to write to new GR <%s> Failed to get palette data for <%s> Failed to get palette ID for <%s> Failed to write palette for <%s> Failed to add new GR to group <%s> Cannot read attribute %s Cannot write attribute %s chunkCould not information for GR %-7s %-4s %-10s %-7s Could not close GR <%s> Could not read GR <%s> Failed to create new GR <%s> paletteFailed to close SDS <%s> Lk,vl:lblll}ltstsssttllJoo"onJo5oCould not get name for groupCould not get class for groupCould not detach groupRIG0.0wCould not insert group <%s> Could not get info for GRCould not get GR infoCould not close GRCould not end GRCould not get SDS infoCould not get AN infoCould not read ANCould not end ANCannot open file <%s> Could not start SD for <%s> Could not start GR for <%s> Cannot create file <%s> %-7s %-7s %-7s...FoundFailed to close file <%s> Error: Could not get name length for group with ref <%ld> Error: Could not create group <%s> Error: Could not detach group <%s> Error: Could not attach group with ref <%ld> Error: Could not end group interface in <%s> Error: Could not end Vdata interfaceFailed to write file label %d Failed to write file description %d Failed to get palettes in <%s> Failed to read palette <%d> in <%s> Failed to write palette in <%s> Building list of objects in %s... ----------------------------------------------- Chunk Filter(compression) NameSearching for objects to modify... Error: <%s> %s in file <%s>. Exiting... Failed to close GR interface <%s> Failed to close SD interface for <%s> not foundnot compressible/chunk objectNameRefTag%5s %6s %-15s %5d %6d %-15s HDF Version 4.2 Release 15, November 28, 2019Error: Invalid threshold size <%s> usage: hrepack -i input -o output [-V] [-h] [-v] [-t 'comp_info'] [-c 'chunk_info'] [-f cfile] [-m size] -i input input HDF File -o output output HDF File [-V] prints version of the HDF4 library and exits [-h] prints this usage [-v] verbose mode [-t 'comp_info'] compression type: 'comp_info' is a string with the format : is a comma separated list of object names meaning apply compression only to those objects '*' means all objects can be: RLE, for RLE compression JPEG, for JPEG (for images only) is optional compression info GZIP, the deflation level JPEG, the quality factor SZIP, pixels per block, compression mode (NN or EC) [-c 'chunk_info'] apply chunking. 'chunk_info' is a string with the format : is a comma separated list of object names meaning apply chunking only to those objects '*' means all objects is the chunk size of each dimension: or NONE, to unchunk a previous chunked object [-f cfile] file with compression information -t and -c [-m size] do not compress objects smaller than size (bytes)1) hrepack -v -i file1.hdf -o file2.hdf -t '*:RLE' compresses all objects in the file file1.hdf, using RLE compression2) hrepack -v -i file1.hdf -o file2.hdf -t '/group1/A,/group2/B,C:HUFF 1' applies Skipping Huffman compression with skip factor of 1, for objects /group1/A, /group2/B and C2) hrepack -v -i file1.hdf -o file2.hdf -t '/group1/D:RLE' -c 'D,E:10x10' applies RLE compression for object /group1/D applies chunking to objects D and E using a chunk size of 10 for the 2 dimensions3) hrepack -v -i file1.hdf -o file2.hdf -t 'A:NONE'4) hrepack -v -i file1.hdf -o file2.hdf -t 'A:SZIP 8,NN' applies SZIP compression to object A, with parameters 8 and NNNote: the use of the verbose option -v is recommended%s, %s HUFF, for Huffman GZIP, for gzip SZIP, for szip NONE, to uncompress RLE, no parameter HUFF, the skip-sizeExamples: uncompresses object AInput Error: chunk information already inserted for <%s> Input Error: compression information already inserted for <%s> Input Error: Invalid compression input in <%s> Input Error: Invalid compression type in <%s> Input Error: Compression parameter not digit in <%s> Input Error: szip mask must be 'NN' or 'EC' Input Error: Extra compression parameter in RLE <%s> Input Error: Missing compression parameter in <%s> Input Error: SZIP compression is not availableInput Error: Invalid compression parameter in <%s> Input Error: Invalid compression method in <%s>. SZIP is not available Input Error: Invalid chunking input in <%s> Input Error: Invalid chunking in <%s> Input Error in compression typeSZIPHUFFGZIPJPEGRLECOMP_CODE_NBITCOMP_CODE_INVALIDCould not get data sizes for <%s> Could not get information for SDSFailed to check empty SDS <%s> Could not get compression information for SDS <%s> Could not get chunking information for SDS <%s> Error: SZIP compression is not available <%s> Error: Unrecognized compression code in %d <%s> Nbit compression not supported in this version <%s> SZIP compression not supported in this version <%s> Error: SZIP compression not available in %d <%s> Error: JPEG compression is not available for <%s> Error: Unrecognized compression code %d in <%s> Failed to create new SDS <%s> Failed to write to new SDS <%s> Failed to get dimension %d of SDS <%s> Failed to get dim_id for dimension %d of SDS <%s> Failed to get information for dimension %d of SDS <%s> Failed to set dimension name %d of SDS <%s> Failed to copy attributes for dimension %d of of SDS <%s> Failed to alloc %ld for dimension scale Warning: Failed to get scale information for %s Failed to set scale information for %s Failed to get new SDS reference in <%s> Failed to add new SDS to group <%s> (%.2f:1)Could not read SDS <%s> {NԡƨnfDAttr0.0Var0.0UDim0.0DimVal0.0DimVal0.1CDF0.0RI0.0RIATTR0.0NRIATTR0.0C_HDF_CHK_TBL_total chunks is %ld Warning: SZIP compression is not availableWarning: chunk rank does not apply to <%s> Error: chunk rank does not match for <%s> GG9ŴشSSζ{33dĸٺٺ_w Failed to get attributes for <%s> Failed to get attribute %d of <%s> Failed to get memory for attribute %d of <%s> Failed to set attribute %d of <%s> Cannot allocate %ld values of size %ld for attribute %sFailed to attach vdata ref %ld Failed to name for vdata ref %ld Failed to get info for vdata ref %ld Failed to set name for new VS <%s> Failed to set class for new VS <%s> Failed to set interlace mode for output vdataFailed getting fields for VS <%s> Error: cannot define fields for VS <%s> Failed to get memory for new VS <%s> Failed getting attributes for VS <%s> Failed to get new VS reference in <%s> Failed to add new VS to group <%s> Failed to detach vdata <%s> Failed to create new VS <%s> Error reading vdata <%s> Error writing vdata <%s> Could not detach VG in <%s> Failed to get dimension ID for SDS <%s> Failed to set dimension name for SDS <%s> :ME#;:`:: b;8g>y>A$BTDGEH\IJ}LXXH_gik`UmIn iqT r { K{4 '|t | | } X ' E O 4 $p * < X ͕ D (k fPhͶ)p^ $mPxzRx $`8 FJ w?;*3$"DX80\"97BAA D@  AABA <%:BBA A(GQ (A ABBA ;2Dm;DMD;~BBB A(A0G 0A(A BBBA ,H>BAA Y ABA Px&?)BBB B(A0A8Gb 8A0A(B BBBA H@#BBB B(A0A8DP` 8A0A(B BBBA dCwBBB B(A0A8DHTPDXB`J@HHDPDXB`]@D 8A0A(B BBBA PC;BBB B(A0A8DP] 8A0A(B BBBA WXB`bPTD>BBB B(A0A8DP] 8A0A(B BBBA WXB`]PL,EBBB B(A0A8G) 8A0A(B BBBA |G BBB B(A0A8G u F Z  E I E A B a M 8A0A(B BBBA  G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G GGGGGV  A d O A i lRBBB B(A0A8DBDH`wBDDBHBDGHoGEDDBBbSBBBgS 8A0A(B BBBA x,XBBB B(A0A8DBDDDBBGBEj/ 8A0A(B BBBA l!`=BBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA BFTDBBbhaBBB B(A0A8G!EDDBDdA 8A0A(B BBBA X=cBBB B(A0A8DPXB`BhBpdPn 8A0A(B BBBA HdBBB B(A0A8DPz 8A0A(B BBBA H,9e BBB B(A0A8Dpr 8A0A(B BBBA Hx hKBBB B(A0A8GB 8A0A(B BBBA | i\BBB B(A0A8D=DDD\rD^dD\` 8A0A(B BBBA Dp;<XqBBB A(A0n (A BBBA $qeAAD \AA$qKAAD BAA@ rTBA A(D0x (A ABBA WL, zrBBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA $| BwAAD |AA wA\H w BBB B(A0A8Dp} 8A0A(B BBBA H _zpBBB B(A0A8DpL 8A0A(B BBBA 8X |eBBA A(D0L (A ABBA L |BBB B(A0A8GE 8A0A(B BBBA L /3BBB B(A0A8G 8A0A(B BBBA (4 dAAD T AAA ` J{dVL| BBB B(A0A8G| 8A0A(B BBBA , wBAA I ABA L dgBBB B(A0A8GE 8A0A(B BBBA L {BBB B(A0A8G   8A0A(B BBBA e E I B D E \  G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G GGGP  D f $ cyOhA,D BAA V ABA t DVL L BBB B(A0A8Dp 8A0A(B BBBA \ BBB B(A0A8GG 8A0A(B BBBA BWT<BBB B(A0A8GhFs 8A0A(B BBBA LBBB B(A0A8G$ 8A0A(B BBBA H BBB B(A0A8D` 8A0A(B BBBA 0J BBB B(A0A8G a E I B I E Y  G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G R  8A0A(B BBBA LBBBB B(A0A8D\ 8A0A(B BBBA (HBAA } ABA $t]AAD TAAJAWP$LQ_@X10 X 0 <8@oX   P xx.  oo oopoH&0 GCC: (GNU) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-23)GCC: (conda-forge gcc 10.4.0-19) 10.4.0l0#0%080N Z@18N -=K[hu @H8x +9[:#FNXiuo~eRx $7Qz`jq}[r$/;DTqedUalٯtU1 }@0-B Y-7]]=?>{I]j  :s~ gK 28)  x/ 8 C L V c _l ~   c  dh\  ]  32 p   {p  # 4  @ K V d ~=wl w   p; 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