# This file is dual licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version # 2.0, and the BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the root of this repository # for complete details. import abc import enum import inspect import sys import types import typing import warnings # We use a UserWarning subclass, instead of DeprecationWarning, because CPython # decided deprecation warnings should be invisble by default. class CryptographyDeprecationWarning(UserWarning): pass # Several APIs were deprecated with no specific end-of-life date because of the # ubiquity of their use. They should not be removed until we agree on when that # cycle ends. PersistentlyDeprecated2019 = CryptographyDeprecationWarning DeprecatedIn35 = CryptographyDeprecationWarning DeprecatedIn36 = CryptographyDeprecationWarning DeprecatedIn37 = CryptographyDeprecationWarning DeprecatedIn38 = CryptographyDeprecationWarning def _check_bytes(name: str, value: bytes) -> None: if not isinstance(value, bytes): raise TypeError("{} must be bytes".format(name)) def _check_byteslike(name: str, value: bytes) -> None: try: memoryview(value) except TypeError: raise TypeError("{} must be bytes-like".format(name)) def int_to_bytes(integer: int, length: typing.Optional[int] = None) -> bytes: return integer.to_bytes( length or (integer.bit_length() + 7) // 8 or 1, "big" ) class InterfaceNotImplemented(Exception): pass def strip_annotation(signature: inspect.Signature) -> inspect.Signature: return inspect.Signature( [ param.replace(annotation=inspect.Parameter.empty) for param in signature.parameters.values() ] ) def verify_interface( iface: abc.ABCMeta, klass: object, *, check_annotations: bool = False ): for method in iface.__abstractmethods__: if not hasattr(klass, method): raise InterfaceNotImplemented( "{} is missing a {!r} method".format(klass, method) ) if isinstance(getattr(iface, method), abc.abstractproperty): # Can't properly verify these yet. continue sig = inspect.signature(getattr(iface, method)) actual = inspect.signature(getattr(klass, method)) if check_annotations: ok = sig == actual else: ok = strip_annotation(sig) == strip_annotation(actual) if not ok: raise InterfaceNotImplemented( "{}.{}'s signature differs from the expected. Expected: " "{!r}. Received: {!r}".format(klass, method, sig, actual) ) class _DeprecatedValue: def __init__(self, value: object, message: str, warning_class): self.value = value self.message = message self.warning_class = warning_class class _ModuleWithDeprecations(types.ModuleType): def __init__(self, module: types.ModuleType): super().__init__(module.__name__) self.__dict__["_module"] = module def __getattr__(self, attr: str) -> object: obj = getattr(self._module, attr) if isinstance(obj, _DeprecatedValue): warnings.warn(obj.message, obj.warning_class, stacklevel=2) obj = obj.value return obj def __setattr__(self, attr: str, value: object) -> None: setattr(self._module, attr, value) def __delattr__(self, attr: str) -> None: obj = getattr(self._module, attr) if isinstance(obj, _DeprecatedValue): warnings.warn(obj.message, obj.warning_class, stacklevel=2) delattr(self._module, attr) def __dir__(self) -> typing.Sequence[str]: return ["_module"] + dir(self._module) def deprecated( value: object, module_name: str, message: str, warning_class: typing.Type[Warning], name: typing.Optional[str] = None, ) -> _DeprecatedValue: module = sys.modules[module_name] if not isinstance(module, _ModuleWithDeprecations): sys.modules[module_name] = module = _ModuleWithDeprecations(module) dv = _DeprecatedValue(value, message, warning_class) # Maintain backwards compatibility with `name is None` for pyOpenSSL. if name is not None: setattr(module, name, dv) return dv def cached_property(func: typing.Callable) -> property: cached_name = "_cached_{}".format(func) sentinel = object() def inner(instance: object): cache = getattr(instance, cached_name, sentinel) if cache is not sentinel: return cache result = func(instance) setattr(instance, cached_name, result) return result return property(inner) # Python 3.10 changed representation of enums. We use well-defined object # representation and string representation from Python 3.9. class Enum(enum.Enum): def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}.{self._name_}: {self._value_!r}>" def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{self.__class__.__name__}.{self._name_}"