import os from fiona.env import Env from fiona._env import get_gdal_version_tuple _GDAL_VERSION = get_gdal_version_tuple() # Here is the list of available drivers as (name, modes) tuples. Currently, # we only expose the defaults (excepting FileGDB). We also don't expose # the CSV or GeoJSON drivers. Use Python's csv and json modules instead. # Might still exclude a few more of these after making a pass through the # entries for each at to screen # out the multi-layer formats. supported_drivers = dict([ # OGR Vector Formats # Format Name Code Creation Georeferencing Compiled by default # Aeronav FAA files AeronavFAA No Yes Yes ("AeronavFAA", "r"), # ESRI ArcObjects ArcObjects No Yes No, needs ESRI ArcObjects # Arc/Info Binary Coverage AVCBin No Yes Yes # multi-layer # ("AVCBin", "r"), # Arc/Info .E00 (ASCII) Coverage AVCE00 No Yes Yes # multi-layer # ("AVCE00", "r"), # Arc/Info Generate ARCGEN No No Yes ("ARCGEN", "r"), # Atlas BNA BNA Yes No Yes ("BNA", "rw"), # AutoCAD DWG DWG No No No # AutoCAD DXF DXF Yes No Yes ("DXF", "rw"), # Comma Separated Value (.csv) CSV Yes No Yes ("CSV", "raw"), # CouchDB / GeoCouch CouchDB Yes Yes No, needs libcurl # DODS/OPeNDAP DODS No Yes No, needs libdap # EDIGEO EDIGEO No Yes Yes # multi-layer? Hard to tell from the OGR docs # ("EDIGEO", "r"), # ElasticSearch ElasticSearch Yes (write-only) - No, needs libcurl # ESRI FileGDB FileGDB Yes Yes No, needs FileGDB API library # multi-layer ("FileGDB", "raw"), ("OpenFileGDB", "raw"), # ESRI Personal GeoDatabase PGeo No Yes No, needs ODBC library # ESRI ArcSDE SDE No Yes No, needs ESRI SDE # ESRIJSON ESRIJSON No Yes Yes ("ESRIJSON", "r"), # ESRI Shapefile ESRI Shapefile Yes Yes Yes ("ESRI Shapefile", "raw"), # FMEObjects Gateway FMEObjects Gateway No Yes No, needs FME ("FlatGeobuf", "raw"), # GeoJSON GeoJSON Yes Yes Yes ("GeoJSON", "raw"), # GeoJSONSeq GeoJSON sequences Yes Yes Yes ("GeoJSONSeq", "raw"), # GĂ©oconcept Export Geoconcept Yes Yes Yes # multi-layers # ("Geoconcept", "raw"), # Geomedia .mdb Geomedia No No No, needs ODBC library # GeoPackage GPKG Yes Yes No, needs libsqlite3 ("GPKG", "raw"), # GeoRSS GeoRSS Yes Yes Yes (read support needs libexpat) # Google Fusion Tables GFT Yes Yes No, needs libcurl # GML GML Yes Yes Yes (read support needs Xerces or libexpat) ("GML", "rw"), # GMT GMT Yes Yes Yes ("GMT", "rw"), # GMT renamed to OGR_GMT for GDAL 2.x ("OGR_GMT", "rw"), # GPSBabel GPSBabel Yes Yes Yes (needs GPSBabel and GPX driver) # GPX GPX Yes Yes Yes (read support needs libexpat) ("GPX", "rw"), # GRASS GRASS No Yes No, needs libgrass # GPSTrackMaker (.gtm, .gtz) GPSTrackMaker Yes Yes Yes # ("GPSTrackMaker", "rw"), # Hydrographic Transfer Format HTF No Yes Yes # TODO: Fiona is not ready for multi-layer formats: ("HTF", "r"), # Idrisi Vector (.VCT) Idrisi No Yes Yes ("Idrisi", "r"), # Informix DataBlade IDB Yes Yes No, needs Informix DataBlade # INTERLIS "Interlis 1" and "Interlis 2" Yes Yes No, needs Xerces (INTERLIS model reading needs ili2c.jar) # INGRES INGRES Yes No No, needs INGRESS # KML KML Yes Yes Yes (read support needs libexpat) # LIBKML LIBKML Yes Yes No, needs libkml # Mapinfo File MapInfo File Yes Yes Yes ("MapInfo File", "raw"), # Microstation DGN DGN Yes No Yes ("DGN", "raw"), # Access MDB (PGeo and Geomedia capable) MDB No Yes No, needs JDK/JRE # Memory Memory Yes Yes Yes # MySQL MySQL No Yes No, needs MySQL library # NAS - ALKIS NAS No Yes No, needs Xerces # Oracle Spatial OCI Yes Yes No, needs OCI library # ODBC ODBC No Yes No, needs ODBC library # MS SQL Spatial MSSQLSpatial Yes Yes No, needs ODBC library # Open Document Spreadsheet ODS Yes No No, needs libexpat # OGDI Vectors (VPF, VMAP, DCW) OGDI No Yes No, needs OGDI library # OpenAir OpenAir No Yes Yes # multi-layer # ("OpenAir", "r"), # PCI Geomatics Database File PCIDSK No No Yes, using internal PCIDSK SDK (from GDAL 1.7.0) ("PCIDSK", "raw"), # PDS PDS No Yes Yes ("PDS", "r"), # PDS renamed to OGR_PDS for GDAL 2.x ("OGR_PDS", "r"), # PGDump PostgreSQL SQL dump Yes Yes Yes # PostgreSQL/PostGIS PostgreSQL/PostGIS Yes Yes No, needs PostgreSQL client library (libpq) # EPIInfo .REC REC No No Yes # S-57 (ENC) S57 No Yes Yes # multi-layer ("S57", "r"), # SDTS SDTS No Yes Yes # multi-layer # ("SDTS", "r"), # SEG-P1 / UKOOA P1/90 SEGUKOOA No Yes Yes # multi-layers # ("SEGUKOOA", "r"), # SEG-Y SEGY No No Yes ("SEGY", "r"), # Norwegian SOSI Standard SOSI No Yes No, needs FYBA library # SQLite/SpatiaLite SQLite Yes Yes No, needs libsqlite3 or libspatialite ("SQLite", "raw"), # SUA SUA No Yes Yes ("SUA", "r"), # SVG SVG No Yes No, needs libexpat # TopoJSON TopoJSON No Yes Yes ("TopoJSON", "r"), # UK .NTF UK. NTF No Yes Yes # multi-layer # ("UK. NTF", "r"), # U.S. Census TIGER/Line TIGER No Yes Yes # multi-layer # ("TIGER", "r"), # VFK data VFK No Yes Yes # multi-layer # ("VFK", "r"), # VRT - Virtual Datasource VRT No Yes Yes # multi-layer # ("VRT", "r"), # OGC WFS (Web Feature Service) WFS Yes Yes No, needs libcurl # MS Excel format XLS No No No, needs libfreexl # Office Open XML spreadsheet XLSX Yes No No, needs libexpat # X-Plane/Flighgear aeronautical data XPLANE No Yes Yes # multi-layer # ("XPLANE", "r") ]) # Minimal gdal version for different modes driver_mode_mingdal = { 'r': {'GPKG': (1, 11, 0), 'GeoJSONSeq': (2, 4, 0), 'FlatGeobuf': (3, 1, 0)}, 'w': {'GPKG': (1, 11, 0), 'PCIDSK': (2, 0, 0), 'GeoJSONSeq': (2, 4, 0), 'FlatGeobuf': (3, 1, 3), 'OpenFileGDB': (3, 6, 0)}, 'a': {'GPKG': (1, 11, 0), 'PCIDSK': (2, 0, 0), 'GeoJSON': (2, 1, 0), 'GeoJSONSeq': (3, 6, 0), 'MapInfo File': (2, 0, 0), 'FlatGeobuf': (3, 5, 1), 'OpenFileGDB': (3, 6, 0)} } def _driver_supports_mode(driver, mode): """ Returns True if driver supports mode, False otherwise Note: this function is not part of Fiona's public API. """ if driver not in supported_drivers: return False if mode not in supported_drivers[driver]: return False if driver in driver_mode_mingdal[mode]: if _GDAL_VERSION < driver_mode_mingdal[mode][driver]: return False return True # Removes drivers in the supported_drivers dictionary that the # machine's installation of OGR due to how it is compiled. # OGR may not have optional libraries compiled or installed. def _filter_supported_drivers(): global supported_drivers with Env() as gdalenv: ogrdrv_names = gdalenv.drivers().keys() supported_drivers_copy = supported_drivers.copy() for drv in supported_drivers.keys(): if drv not in ogrdrv_names: del supported_drivers_copy[drv] supported_drivers = supported_drivers_copy _filter_supported_drivers() def vector_driver_extensions(): """ Returns ------- dict: Map of extensions to the driver. """ from fiona.meta import extensions # prevent circular import extension_to_driver = {} for drv, modes in supported_drivers.items(): # update extensions based on driver suppport for extension in extensions(drv) or (): if "w" in modes: extension_to_driver[extension] = extension_to_driver.get(extension, drv) return extension_to_driver def driver_from_extension(path): """ Attempt to auto-detect driver based on the extension. Parameters ---------- path: str or pathlike object The path to the dataset to write with. Returns ------- str: The name of the driver for the extension. """ try: # in case the path is a file handle # or a partsed path path = except AttributeError: pass driver_extensions = vector_driver_extensions() try: return driver_extensions[os.path.splitext(path)[-1].lstrip(".").lower()] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unable to detect driver. Please specify driver.") # driver_converts_to_str contains field type, driver combinations that # are silently converted to string None: field type is always converted # to str (2, 0, 0): starting from gdal 2.0 field type is not converted # to string _driver_converts_to_str = { 'time': { 'CSV': None, 'PCIDSK': None, 'GeoJSON': (2, 0, 0), 'GPKG': None, 'GMT': None, 'OGR_GMT': None }, 'datetime': { 'CSV': None, 'PCIDSK': None, 'GeoJSON': (2, 0, 0), 'GML': (3, 1, 0), }, 'date': { 'CSV': None, 'PCIDSK': None, 'GeoJSON': (2, 0, 0), 'GMT': None, 'OGR_GMT': None, 'GML': (3, 1, 0), } } def _driver_converts_field_type_silently_to_str(driver, field_type): """ Returns True if the driver converts the field_type silently to str, False otherwise Note: this function is not part of Fiona's public API. """ if field_type in _driver_converts_to_str and driver in _driver_converts_to_str[field_type]: if _driver_converts_to_str[field_type][driver] is None: return True elif _GDAL_VERSION < _driver_converts_to_str[field_type][driver]: return True return False # None: field type is never supported, (2, 0, 0) field type is supported starting with gdal 2.0 _driver_field_type_unsupported = { 'time': { 'ESRI Shapefile': None, 'GPKG': (2, 0, 0), 'GPX': None, 'GPSTrackMaker': None, 'GML': (3, 1, 0), 'DGN': None, 'BNA': None, 'DXF': None, 'PCIDSK': (2, 1, 0), 'FileGDB': (3, 5, 0), 'FlatGeobuf': None, 'OpenFileGDB': None }, 'datetime': { 'ESRI Shapefile': None, 'GPKG': (2, 0, 0), 'DGN': None, 'BNA': None, 'DXF': None, 'PCIDSK': (2, 1, 0) }, 'date': { 'GPX': None, 'GPSTrackMaker': None, 'DGN': None, 'BNA': None, 'DXF': None, 'PCIDSK': (2, 1, 0), 'FileGDB': (3, 5, 0), 'FlatGeobuf': None, 'OpenFileGDB': None } } def _driver_supports_field(driver, field_type): """ Returns True if the driver supports the field_type, False otherwise Note: this function is not part of Fiona's public API. """ if field_type in _driver_field_type_unsupported and driver in _driver_field_type_unsupported[field_type]: if _driver_field_type_unsupported[field_type][driver] is None: return False elif _GDAL_VERSION < _driver_field_type_unsupported[field_type][driver]: return False return True # None: field type never supports timezones, (2, 0, 0): field type supports timezones with GDAL 2.0.0 _drivers_not_supporting_timezones = { 'datetime': { 'MapInfo File': None, 'GPKG': (3, 1, 0), 'GPSTrackMaker': (3, 1, 1), 'FileGDB': None, 'SQLite': (2, 4, 0) }, 'time': { 'MapInfo File': None, 'GPKG': None, 'GPSTrackMaker': None, 'GeoJSON': None, 'GeoJSONSeq': None, 'GML': None, 'CSV': None, 'GMT': None, 'OGR_GMT': None, 'SQLite': None } } def _driver_supports_timezones(driver, field_type): """ Returns True if the driver supports timezones for field_type, False otherwise Note: this function is not part of Fiona's public API. """ if field_type in _drivers_not_supporting_timezones and driver in _drivers_not_supporting_timezones[field_type]: if _drivers_not_supporting_timezones[field_type][driver] is None: return False elif _GDAL_VERSION < _drivers_not_supporting_timezones[field_type][driver]: return False return True # None: driver never supports timezones, (2, 0, 0): driver supports timezones with GDAL 2.0.0 _drivers_not_supporting_milliseconds = { 'GPSTrackMaker': None, 'FileGDB': None, 'OpenFileGDB': None } def _driver_supports_milliseconds(driver): """ Returns True if the driver supports milliseconds, False otherwise Note: this function is not part of Fiona's public API. """ # GDAL 2.0 introduced support for milliseconds if _GDAL_VERSION.major < 2: return False if driver in _drivers_not_supporting_milliseconds: if _drivers_not_supporting_milliseconds[driver] is None: return False elif _drivers_not_supporting_milliseconds[driver] < _GDAL_VERSION: return False return True