import json import click from cligj import use_rs_opt from .helpers import obj_gen, eval_feature_expression from fiona.fio import with_context_env from fiona.model import ObjectEncoder @click.command(short_help="Calculate GeoJSON property by Python expression") @click.argument('property_name') @click.argument('expression') @click.option('--overwrite', is_flag=True, default=False, help="Overwrite properties, default: False") @use_rs_opt @click.pass_context @with_context_env def calc(ctx, property_name, expression, overwrite, use_rs): """ Create a new property on GeoJSON features using the specified expression. \b The expression is evaluated in a restricted namespace containing: - sum, pow, min, max and the imported math module - shape (optional, imported from shapely.geometry if available) - bool, int, str, len, float type conversions - f (the feature to be evaluated, allows item access via javascript-style dot notation using munch) The expression will be evaluated for each feature and its return value will be added to the properties as the specified property_name. Existing properties will not be overwritten by default (an Exception is raised). Example \b $ fio cat data.shp | fio calc sumAB " +" """ stdin = click.get_text_stream('stdin') source = obj_gen(stdin) for i, obj in enumerate(source): features = obj.get("features") or [obj] for j, feat in enumerate(features): if not overwrite and property_name in feat["properties"]: raise click.UsageError( "{} already exists in properties; " "rename or use --overwrite".format(property_name) ) feat["properties"][property_name] = eval_feature_expression( feat, expression ) if use_rs: click.echo("\x1e", nl=False) click.echo(json.dumps(feat, cls=ObjectEncoder))