import io import math from typing import Union, Iterable, BinaryIO, Optional, cast import numpy as np from .compression import LazBackend from .errors import LaspyException from .header import LasHeader from .laswriter import UncompressedPointWriter from .point.record import PackedPointRecord from .vlrs.known import LasZipVlr from .vlrs.vlrlist import VLRList try: import lazrs except ModuleNotFoundError: pass class LasAppender: """Allows to append points to and existing LAS/LAZ file. Appending to LAZ is only supported by the lazrs backend """ def __init__( self, dest: BinaryIO, laz_backend: Optional[Union[LazBackend, Iterable[LazBackend]]] = None, closefd: bool = True, encoding_errors: str = "strict", ) -> None: if not dest.seekable(): raise TypeError("Expected the 'dest' to be a seekable file object") header = LasHeader.read_from(dest) if laz_backend is None: laz_backend = [ bck for bck in LazBackend.detect_available() if bck is not LazBackend.Laszip ] self.dest = dest self.header = header if not header.are_points_compressed: self.points_writer = UncompressedPointWriter(self.dest) (self.header.point_count * self.header.point_format.size) + self.header.offset_to_point_data, io.SEEK_SET, ) else: self.points_writer = self._create_laz_backend(laz_backend) if header.version.minor >= 4 and header.number_of_evlrs > 0: assert ( self.dest.tell() <= self.header.start_of_first_evlr ), "The position is past the start of evlrs" pos = self.dest.tell(), io.SEEK_SET) self.evlrs: Optional[VLRList] = VLRList.read_from( self.dest, self.header.number_of_evlrs, extended=True ), io.SEEK_SET), io.SEEK_SET) else: self.evlrs: Optional[VLRList] = None self.closefd = closefd self.encoding_errors = encoding_errors def append_points(self, points: PackedPointRecord) -> None: """Append the points to the file, the points must have the same point format as the points already contained within the file. :param points: The points to append """ if points.point_format != self.header.point_format: raise LaspyException("Point formats do not match") self.points_writer.write_points(points) self.header.grow(points) def close(self) -> None: self.points_writer.done() self._write_evlrs() self._write_updated_header() if self.closefd: self.dest.close() def _write_evlrs(self) -> None: if ( self.header.version.minor >= 4 and self.evlrs is not None and len(self.evlrs) > 0 ): self.header.number_of_evlr = len(self.evlrs) self.header.start_of_first_evlr = self.dest.tell() self.evlrs.write_to(self.dest, as_extended=True) def _write_updated_header(self) -> None: pos = self.dest.tell(), io.SEEK_SET) self.header.write_to( self.dest, ensure_same_size=True, encoding_errors=self.encoding_errors ), io.SEEK_SET) def _create_laz_backend( self, laz_backend: Union[LazBackend, Iterable[LazBackend]] = ( LazBackend.LazrsParallel, LazBackend.Lazrs, ), ) -> "LazrsAppender": try: laz_backend = iter(laz_backend) except TypeError: laz_backend = (laz_backend,) last_error = None for backend in laz_backend: if backend == LazBackend.Laszip: raise LaspyException("Laszip backend does not support appending") elif backend == LazBackend.LazrsParallel: try: return LazrsAppender(self.dest, self.header, parallel=True) except Exception as e: last_error = e elif backend == LazBackend.Lazrs: try: return LazrsAppender(self.dest, self.header, parallel=False) except Exception as e: last_error = e if last_error is not None: raise LaspyException(f"Could not initialize a laz backend: {last_error}") else: raise LaspyException(f"No valid laz backend selected") def __enter__(self) -> "LasAppender": return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) -> None: self.close() class LazrsAppender: """Appending in LAZ file works by seeking to start of the last chunk of compressed points, decompress it while keeping the points in memory. Then seek back to the start of the last chunk, and recompress the points we just read, so that we have a compressor in the proper state ready to compress new points. """ def __init__(self, dest: BinaryIO, header: LasHeader, parallel: bool) -> None: self.dest = dest self.offset_to_point_data = header.offset_to_point_data laszip_vlr = cast(LasZipVlr, header.vlrs.get("LasZipVlr")[0]), io.SEEK_SET) decompressor = lazrs.LasZipDecompressor(self.dest, laszip_vlr.record_data) vlr = decompressor.vlr() number_of_complete_chunk = int( math.floor(header.point_count / vlr.chunk_size()) ) if vlr.uses_variable_size_chunks(): # TODO: this is probably implementable but until its really needed, # or i'm bored, there is no point. raise LaspyException( "LazrsAppender does not support LAZ files with variable size chunks" ), io.SEEK_SET) chunk_table = [ byte_count for (point_count, byte_count) in lazrs.read_chunk_table(self.dest, vlr) ] if chunk_table is None: # The file does not have a chunk table # we cannot seek to the last chunk, so instead, we will # decompress points (which is slower) and build the chunk table # to write it later self.chunk_table = [] start_of_chunk = self.dest.tell() point_buf = bytearray(vlr.chunk_size() * vlr.item_size()) for _ in range(number_of_complete_chunk): decompressor.decompress_many(point_buf) pos = self.dest.tell() self.chunk_table.append(pos - start_of_chunk) start_of_chunk = pos else: self.chunk_table = chunk_table[:number_of_complete_chunk] idx_first_point_of_last_chunk = number_of_complete_chunk * vlr.chunk_size() assert ( len(self.chunk_table) == len(chunk_table) or len(self.chunk_table) == len(chunk_table) - 1 ) num_points_in_last_chunk = header.point_count - ( number_of_complete_chunk * vlr.chunk_size() ) points_of_last_chunk = bytearray(num_points_in_last_chunk * vlr.item_size()) decompressor.decompress_many(points_of_last_chunk), io.SEEK_SET) if parallel: self.compressor = lazrs.ParLasZipCompressor(self.dest, vlr) else: self.compressor = lazrs.LasZipCompressor(self.dest, vlr) # This effectively overwrites the old offset value. # But, more importantly, it makes the compressor aware of where to # write the offset value when its done. self.compressor.reserve_offset_to_chunk_table() assert self.dest.tell() == header.offset_to_point_data + 8, io.SEEK_CUR) self.compressor.compress_many(points_of_last_chunk) self.vlr = vlr def write_points(self, points: PackedPointRecord) -> None: points_bytes = np.frombuffer(points.array, np.uint8) self.compressor.compress_many(points_bytes) def done(self) -> None: # The chunk table written is at the good position # but it is incomplete (it's missing the chunk_table of # chunks before the one we appended) self.compressor.done() # Read the chunk table corresponding to our appended chunks, io.SEEK_SET) appended_chunk_table = [ byte_count for (point_count, byte_count) in lazrs.read_chunk_table(self.dest, self.vlr) ] chunk_table = self.chunk_table + appended_chunk_table # Rewrite the fully complete chunk table., io.SEEK_SET) offset_to_chunk_table = int.from_bytes(, "little", signed=True), io.SEEK_SET) lazrs.write_chunk_table( self.dest, [(self.vlr.chunk_size(), byte_count) for byte_count in chunk_table], self.vlr, )