# This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org). # Version 4.0.2 # # Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify # the SWIG interface file instead. from sys import version_info as _swig_python_version_info if _swig_python_version_info < (2, 7, 0): raise RuntimeError("Python 2.7 or later required") # Import the low-level C/C++ module if __package__ or "." in __name__: from . import _gdal else: import _gdal try: import builtins as __builtin__ except ImportError: import __builtin__ def _swig_repr(self): try: strthis = "proxy of " + self.this.__repr__() except __builtin__.Exception: strthis = "" return "<%s.%s; %s >" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, strthis,) def _swig_setattr_nondynamic_instance_variable(set): def set_instance_attr(self, name, value): if name == "thisown": self.this.own(value) elif name == "this": set(self, name, value) elif hasattr(self, name) and isinstance(getattr(type(self), name), property): set(self, name, value) else: raise AttributeError("You cannot add instance attributes to %s" % self) return set_instance_attr def _swig_setattr_nondynamic_class_variable(set): def set_class_attr(cls, name, value): if hasattr(cls, name) and not isinstance(getattr(cls, name), property): set(cls, name, value) else: raise AttributeError("You cannot add class attributes to %s" % cls) return set_class_attr def _swig_add_metaclass(metaclass): """Class decorator for adding a metaclass to a SWIG wrapped class - a slimmed down version of six.add_metaclass""" def wrapper(cls): return metaclass(cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, cls.__dict__.copy()) return wrapper class _SwigNonDynamicMeta(type): """Meta class to enforce nondynamic attributes (no new attributes) for a class""" __setattr__ = _swig_setattr_nondynamic_class_variable(type.__setattr__) have_warned = 0 def deprecation_warn(module, sub_package=None, new_module=None): global have_warned if have_warned == 1: return have_warned = 1 if sub_package is None or sub_package == 'utils': sub_package = 'osgeo_utils' if new_module is None: new_module = module new_module = '{}.{}'.format(sub_package, new_module) from warnings import warn warn('{}.py was placed in a namespace, it is now available as {}' .format(module, new_module), DeprecationWarning) from osgeo.gdalconst import * from osgeo import gdalconst import sys byteorders = {"little": "<", "big": ">"} array_modes = { gdalconst.GDT_Int16: ("%si2" % byteorders[sys.byteorder]), gdalconst.GDT_UInt16: ("%su2" % byteorders[sys.byteorder]), gdalconst.GDT_Int32: ("%si4" % byteorders[sys.byteorder]), gdalconst.GDT_UInt32: ("%su4" % byteorders[sys.byteorder]), gdalconst.GDT_Float32: ("%sf4" % byteorders[sys.byteorder]), gdalconst.GDT_Float64: ("%sf8" % byteorders[sys.byteorder]), gdalconst.GDT_CFloat32: ("%sf4" % byteorders[sys.byteorder]), gdalconst.GDT_CFloat64: ("%sf8" % byteorders[sys.byteorder]), gdalconst.GDT_Byte: ("%st8" % byteorders[sys.byteorder]), } def RGBFile2PCTFile( src_filename, dst_filename ): src_ds = Open(src_filename) if src_ds is None or src_ds == 'NULL': return 1 ct = ColorTable() err = ComputeMedianCutPCT(src_ds.GetRasterBand(1), src_ds.GetRasterBand(2), src_ds.GetRasterBand(3), 256, ct) if err != 0: return err gtiff_driver = GetDriverByName('GTiff') if gtiff_driver is None: return 1 dst_ds = gtiff_driver.Create(dst_filename, src_ds.RasterXSize, src_ds.RasterYSize) dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).SetRasterColorTable(ct) err = DitherRGB2PCT(src_ds.GetRasterBand(1), src_ds.GetRasterBand(2), src_ds.GetRasterBand(3), dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1), ct) dst_ds = None src_ds = None return 0 def listdir(path, recursionLevel = -1, options = []): """ Iterate over a directory. recursionLevel = -1 means unlimited level of recursion. """ dir = OpenDir(path, recursionLevel, options) if not dir: raise OSError(path + ' does not exist') try: while True: entry = GetNextDirEntry(dir) if not entry: break yield entry finally: CloseDir(dir) def GetUseExceptions(*args) -> "int": r"""GetUseExceptions() -> int""" return _gdal.GetUseExceptions(*args) def UseExceptions(*args) -> "void": r"""UseExceptions()""" return _gdal.UseExceptions(*args) def DontUseExceptions(*args) -> "void": r"""DontUseExceptions()""" return _gdal.DontUseExceptions(*args) def VSIFReadL(*args) -> "void **": r"""VSIFReadL(unsigned int nMembSize, unsigned int nMembCount, VSILFILE fp) -> unsigned int""" return _gdal.VSIFReadL(*args) def VSIGetMemFileBuffer_unsafe(*args) -> "vsi_l_offset *": r"""VSIGetMemFileBuffer_unsafe(char const * utf8_path)""" return _gdal.VSIGetMemFileBuffer_unsafe(*args) def InfoOptions(options=None, format='text', deserialize=True, computeMinMax=False, reportHistograms=False, reportProj4=False, stats=False, approxStats=False, computeChecksum=False, showGCPs=True, showMetadata=True, showRAT=True, showColorTable=True, listMDD=False, showFileList=True, allMetadata=False, extraMDDomains=None, wktFormat=None): """ Create a InfoOptions() object that can be passed to gdal.Info() options can be be an array of strings, a string or let empty and filled from other keywords.""" options = [] if options is None else options if isinstance(options, str): new_options = ParseCommandLine(options) format = 'text' if '-json' in new_options: format = 'json' else: new_options = options if format == 'json': new_options += ['-json'] if '-json' in new_options: format = 'json' if computeMinMax: new_options += ['-mm'] if reportHistograms: new_options += ['-hist'] if reportProj4: new_options += ['-proj4'] if stats: new_options += ['-stats'] if approxStats: new_options += ['-approx_stats'] if computeChecksum: new_options += ['-checksum'] if not showGCPs: new_options += ['-nogcp'] if not showMetadata: new_options += ['-nomd'] if not showRAT: new_options += ['-norat'] if not showColorTable: new_options += ['-noct'] if listMDD: new_options += ['-listmdd'] if not showFileList: new_options += ['-nofl'] if allMetadata: new_options += ['-mdd', 'all'] if wktFormat: new_options += ['-wkt_format', wktFormat] if extraMDDomains is not None: for mdd in extraMDDomains: new_options += ['-mdd', mdd] return (GDALInfoOptions(new_options), format, deserialize) def Info(ds, **kwargs): """Return information on a dataset. Parameters ---------- ds: a Dataset object or a filename kwargs: options: return of gdal.InfoOptions(), string or array of strings other keywords arguments of gdal.InfoOptions(). If options is provided as a gdal.InfoOptions() object, other keywords are ignored. """ if 'options' not in kwargs or isinstance(kwargs['options'], (list, str)): (opts, format, deserialize) = InfoOptions(**kwargs) else: (opts, format, deserialize) = kwargs['options'] if isinstance(ds, str): ds = Open(ds) ret = InfoInternal(ds, opts) if format == 'json' and deserialize: import json ret = json.loads(ret) return ret def MultiDimInfoOptions(options=None, detailed=False, array=None, arrayoptions=None, limit=None, as_text=False): """ Create a MultiDimInfoOptions() object that can be passed to gdal.MultiDimInfo() options can be be an array of strings, a string or let empty and filled from other keywords.""" options = [] if options is None else options if isinstance(options, str): new_options = ParseCommandLine(options) else: new_options = options if detailed: new_options += ['-detailed'] if array: new_options += ['-array', array] if limit: new_options += ['-limit', str(limit)] if arrayoptions: for option in arrayoptions: new_options += ['-arrayoption', option] return GDALMultiDimInfoOptions(new_options), as_text def MultiDimInfo(ds, **kwargs): """Return information on a dataset. Parameters ---------- ds: a Dataset object or a filename kwargs: options: return of gdal.MultiDimInfoOptions(), string or array of strings other keywords arguments of gdal.MultiDimInfoOptions(). If options is provided as a gdal.MultiDimInfoOptions() object, other keywords are ignored. """ if 'options' not in kwargs or isinstance(kwargs['options'], (list, str)): opts, as_text = MultiDimInfoOptions(**kwargs) else: opts = kwargs['options'] as_text = True if isinstance(ds, str): ds = OpenEx(ds, OF_VERBOSE_ERROR | OF_MULTIDIM_RASTER) ret = MultiDimInfoInternal(ds, opts) if not as_text: import json ret = json.loads(ret) return ret def _strHighPrec(x): return ('%.18g' % x) if isinstance(x, float) else str(x) mapGRIORAMethodToString = { gdalconst.GRIORA_NearestNeighbour: 'near', gdalconst.GRIORA_Bilinear: 'bilinear', gdalconst.GRIORA_Cubic: 'cubic', gdalconst.GRIORA_CubicSpline: 'cubicspline', gdalconst.GRIORA_Lanczos: 'lanczos', gdalconst.GRIORA_Average: 'average', gdalconst.GRIORA_RMS: 'rms', gdalconst.GRIORA_Mode: 'mode', gdalconst.GRIORA_Gauss: 'gauss', } def TranslateOptions(options=None, format=None, outputType = gdalconst.GDT_Unknown, bandList=None, maskBand=None, width = 0, height = 0, widthPct = 0.0, heightPct = 0.0, xRes = 0.0, yRes = 0.0, creationOptions=None, srcWin=None, projWin=None, projWinSRS=None, strict = False, unscale = False, scaleParams=None, exponents=None, outputBounds=None, metadataOptions=None, outputSRS=None, nogcp=False, GCPs=None, noData=None, rgbExpand=None, stats = False, rat = True, xmp = True, resampleAlg=None, overviewLevel = 'AUTO', callback=None, callback_data=None): """Create a TranslateOptions() object that can be passed to gdal.Translate() Parameters ---------- options: can be be an array of strings, a string or let empty and filled from other keywords. format: output format ("GTiff", etc...) outputType: output type (gdalconst.GDT_Byte, etc...) bandList: array of band numbers (index start at 1) maskBand: mask band to generate or not ("none", "auto", "mask", 1, ...) width: width of the output raster in pixel height: height of the output raster in pixel widthPct: width of the output raster in percentage (100 = original width) heightPct: height of the output raster in percentage (100 = original height) xRes: output horizontal resolution yRes: output vertical resolution creationOptions: list of creation options srcWin: subwindow in pixels to extract: [left_x, top_y, width, height] projWin: subwindow in projected coordinates to extract: [ulx, uly, lrx, lry] projWinSRS: SRS in which projWin is expressed strict: strict mode unscale: unscale values with scale and offset metadata scaleParams: list of scale parameters, each of the form [src_min,src_max] or [src_min,src_max,dst_min,dst_max] exponents: list of exponentiation parameters outputBounds: assigned output bounds: [ulx, uly, lrx, lry] metadataOptions: list of metadata options outputSRS: assigned output SRS nogcp: ignore GCP in the raster GCPs: list of GCPs noData: nodata value (or "none" to unset it) rgbExpand: Color palette expansion mode: "gray", "rgb", "rgba" stats: whether to calculate statistics rat: whether to write source RAT xmp: whether to copy XMP metadata resampleAlg: resampling mode overviewLevel: To specify which overview level of source files must be used callback: callback method callback_data: user data for callback """ # Only used for tests return_option_list = options == '__RETURN_OPTION_LIST__' if return_option_list: options = [] else: options = [] if options is None else options if isinstance(options, str): new_options = ParseCommandLine(options) else: new_options = options if format is not None: new_options += ['-of', format] if outputType != gdalconst.GDT_Unknown: new_options += ['-ot', GetDataTypeName(outputType)] if maskBand != None: new_options += ['-mask', str(maskBand)] if bandList != None: for b in bandList: new_options += ['-b', str(b)] if width != 0 or height != 0: new_options += ['-outsize', str(width), str(height)] elif widthPct != 0 and heightPct != 0: new_options += ['-outsize', str(widthPct) + '%%', str(heightPct) + '%%'] if creationOptions is not None: if isinstance(creationOptions, str): new_options += ['-co', creationOptions] else: for opt in creationOptions: new_options += ['-co', opt] if srcWin is not None: new_options += ['-srcwin', _strHighPrec(srcWin[0]), _strHighPrec(srcWin[1]), _strHighPrec(srcWin[2]), _strHighPrec(srcWin[3])] if strict: new_options += ['-strict'] if unscale: new_options += ['-unscale'] if scaleParams: for scaleParam in scaleParams: new_options += ['-scale'] for v in scaleParam: new_options += [str(v)] if exponents: for exponent in exponents: new_options += ['-exponent', _strHighPrec(exponent)] if outputBounds is not None: new_options += ['-a_ullr', _strHighPrec(outputBounds[0]), _strHighPrec(outputBounds[1]), _strHighPrec(outputBounds[2]), _strHighPrec(outputBounds[3])] if metadataOptions is not None: if isinstance(metadataOptions, str): new_options += ['-mo', metadataOptions] else: for opt in metadataOptions: new_options += ['-mo', opt] if outputSRS is not None: new_options += ['-a_srs', str(outputSRS)] if nogcp: new_options += ['-nogcp'] if GCPs is not None: for gcp in GCPs: new_options += ['-gcp', _strHighPrec(gcp.GCPPixel), _strHighPrec(gcp.GCPLine), _strHighPrec(gcp.GCPX), str(gcp.GCPY), _strHighPrec(gcp.GCPZ)] if projWin is not None: new_options += ['-projwin', _strHighPrec(projWin[0]), _strHighPrec(projWin[1]), _strHighPrec(projWin[2]), _strHighPrec(projWin[3])] if projWinSRS is not None: new_options += ['-projwin_srs', str(projWinSRS)] if noData is not None: new_options += ['-a_nodata', _strHighPrec(noData)] if rgbExpand is not None: new_options += ['-expand', str(rgbExpand)] if stats: new_options += ['-stats'] if not rat: new_options += ['-norat'] if not xmp: new_options += ['-noxmp'] if resampleAlg is not None: if resampleAlg in mapGRIORAMethodToString: new_options += ['-r', mapGRIORAMethodToString[resampleAlg]] else: new_options += ['-r', str(resampleAlg)] if xRes != 0 and yRes != 0: new_options += ['-tr', _strHighPrec(xRes), _strHighPrec(yRes)] if overviewLevel is None or isinstance(overviewLevel, str): pass elif isinstance(overviewLevel, int): if overviewLevel < 0: overviewLevel = 'AUTO' + str(overviewLevel) else: overviewLevel = str(overviewLevel) else: overviewLevel = None if overviewLevel is not None and overviewLevel != 'AUTO': new_options += ['-ovr', overviewLevel] if return_option_list: return new_options return (GDALTranslateOptions(new_options), callback, callback_data) def Translate(destName, srcDS, **kwargs): """Convert a dataset. Parameters ---------- destName: Output dataset name srcDS: a Dataset object or a filename kwargs: options: return of gdal.TranslateOptions(), string or array of strings other keywords arguments of gdal.TranslateOptions(). If options is provided as a gdal.TranslateOptions() object, other keywords are ignored. """ if 'options' not in kwargs or isinstance(kwargs['options'], (list, str)): (opts, callback, callback_data) = TranslateOptions(**kwargs) else: (opts, callback, callback_data) = kwargs['options'] if isinstance(srcDS, str): srcDS = Open(srcDS) return TranslateInternal(destName, srcDS, opts, callback, callback_data) def WarpOptions(options=None, format=None, outputBounds=None, outputBoundsSRS=None, xRes=None, yRes=None, targetAlignedPixels = False, width = 0, height = 0, srcSRS=None, dstSRS=None, coordinateOperation=None, srcAlpha = False, dstAlpha = False, warpOptions=None, errorThreshold=None, warpMemoryLimit=None, creationOptions=None, outputType = gdalconst.GDT_Unknown, workingType = gdalconst.GDT_Unknown, resampleAlg=None, srcNodata=None, dstNodata=None, multithread = False, tps = False, rpc = False, geoloc = False, polynomialOrder=None, transformerOptions=None, cutlineDSName=None, cutlineLayer=None, cutlineWhere=None, cutlineSQL=None, cutlineBlend=None, cropToCutline = False, copyMetadata = True, metadataConflictValue=None, setColorInterpretation = False, overviewLevel = 'AUTO', callback=None, callback_data=None): """Create a WarpOptions() object that can be passed to gdal.Warp() Parameters ---------- options: can be be an array of strings, a string or let empty and filled from other keywords. format: output format ("GTiff", etc...) outputBounds: output bounds as (minX, minY, maxX, maxY) in target SRS outputBoundsSRS: SRS in which output bounds are expressed, in the case they are not expressed in dstSRS xRes: output resolution in target SRS yRes: output resolution in target SRS targetAlignedPixels: whether to force output bounds to be multiple of output resolution width: width of the output raster in pixel height: height of the output raster in pixel srcSRS: source SRS dstSRS: output SRS coordinateOperation: coordinate operation as a PROJ string or WKT string srcAlpha: whether to force the last band of the input dataset to be considered as an alpha band dstAlpha: whether to force the creation of an output alpha band outputType: output type (gdalconst.GDT_Byte, etc...) workingType: working type (gdalconst.GDT_Byte, etc...) warpOptions: list of warping options errorThreshold: error threshold for approximation transformer (in pixels) warpMemoryLimit: size of working buffer in MB resampleAlg: resampling mode creationOptions: list of creation options srcNodata: source nodata value(s) dstNodata: output nodata value(s) multithread: whether to multithread computation and I/O operations tps: whether to use Thin Plate Spline GCP transformer rpc: whether to use RPC transformer geoloc: whether to use GeoLocation array transformer polynomialOrder: order of polynomial GCP interpolation transformerOptions: list of transformer options cutlineDSName: cutline dataset name cutlineLayer: cutline layer name cutlineWhere: cutline WHERE clause cutlineSQL: cutline SQL statement cutlineBlend: cutline blend distance in pixels cropToCutline: whether to use cutline extent for output bounds copyMetadata: whether to copy source metadata metadataConflictValue: metadata data conflict value setColorInterpretation: whether to force color interpretation of input bands to output bands overviewLevel: To specify which overview level of source files must be used callback: callback method callback_data: user data for callback """ # Only used for tests return_option_list = options == '__RETURN_OPTION_LIST__' if return_option_list: options = [] else: options = [] if options is None else options if isinstance(options, str): new_options = ParseCommandLine(options) else: new_options = options if format is not None: new_options += ['-of', format] if outputType != gdalconst.GDT_Unknown: new_options += ['-ot', GetDataTypeName(outputType)] if workingType != gdalconst.GDT_Unknown: new_options += ['-wt', GetDataTypeName(workingType)] if outputBounds is not None: new_options += ['-te', _strHighPrec(outputBounds[0]), _strHighPrec(outputBounds[1]), _strHighPrec(outputBounds[2]), _strHighPrec(outputBounds[3])] if outputBoundsSRS is not None: new_options += ['-te_srs', str(outputBoundsSRS)] if xRes is not None and yRes is not None: new_options += ['-tr', _strHighPrec(xRes), _strHighPrec(yRes)] if width != 0 or height != 0: new_options += ['-ts', str(width), str(height)] if srcSRS is not None: new_options += ['-s_srs', str(srcSRS)] if dstSRS is not None: new_options += ['-t_srs', str(dstSRS)] if coordinateOperation is not None: new_options += ['-ct', coordinateOperation] if targetAlignedPixels: new_options += ['-tap'] if srcAlpha: new_options += ['-srcalpha'] if dstAlpha: new_options += ['-dstalpha'] if warpOptions is not None: for opt in warpOptions: new_options += ['-wo', str(opt)] if errorThreshold is not None: new_options += ['-et', _strHighPrec(errorThreshold)] if resampleAlg is not None: mapMethodToString = { gdalconst.GRA_NearestNeighbour: 'near', gdalconst.GRA_Bilinear: 'bilinear', gdalconst.GRA_Cubic: 'cubic', gdalconst.GRA_CubicSpline: 'cubicspline', gdalconst.GRA_Lanczos: 'lanczos', gdalconst.GRA_Average: 'average', gdalconst.GRA_RMS: 'rms', gdalconst.GRA_Mode: 'mode', gdalconst.GRA_Max: 'max', gdalconst.GRA_Min: 'min', gdalconst.GRA_Med: 'med', gdalconst.GRA_Q1: 'q1', gdalconst.GRA_Q3: 'q3', gdalconst.GRA_Sum: 'sum', } if resampleAlg in mapMethodToString: new_options += ['-r', mapMethodToString[resampleAlg]] else: new_options += ['-r', str(resampleAlg)] if warpMemoryLimit is not None: new_options += ['-wm', str(warpMemoryLimit)] if creationOptions is not None: for opt in creationOptions: new_options += ['-co', opt] if srcNodata is not None: new_options += ['-srcnodata', str(srcNodata)] if dstNodata is not None: new_options += ['-dstnodata', str(dstNodata)] if multithread: new_options += ['-multi'] if tps: new_options += ['-tps'] if rpc: new_options += ['-rpc'] if geoloc: new_options += ['-geoloc'] if polynomialOrder is not None: new_options += ['-order', str(polynomialOrder)] if transformerOptions is not None: for opt in transformerOptions: new_options += ['-to', opt] if cutlineDSName is not None: new_options += ['-cutline', str(cutlineDSName)] if cutlineLayer is not None: new_options += ['-cl', str(cutlineLayer)] if cutlineWhere is not None: new_options += ['-cwhere', str(cutlineWhere)] if cutlineSQL is not None: new_options += ['-csql', str(cutlineSQL)] if cutlineBlend is not None: new_options += ['-cblend', str(cutlineBlend)] if cropToCutline: new_options += ['-crop_to_cutline'] if not copyMetadata: new_options += ['-nomd'] if metadataConflictValue: new_options += ['-cvmd', str(metadataConflictValue)] if setColorInterpretation: new_options += ['-setci'] if overviewLevel is None or isinstance(overviewLevel, str): pass elif isinstance(overviewLevel, int): if overviewLevel < 0: overviewLevel = 'AUTO' + str(overviewLevel) else: overviewLevel = str(overviewLevel) else: overviewLevel = None if overviewLevel is not None and overviewLevel != 'AUTO': new_options += ['-ovr', overviewLevel] if return_option_list: return new_options return (GDALWarpAppOptions(new_options), callback, callback_data) def Warp(destNameOrDestDS, srcDSOrSrcDSTab, **kwargs): """Warp one or several datasets. Parameters ---------- destNameOrDestDS: Output dataset name or object srcDSOrSrcDSTab: an array of Dataset objects or filenames, or a Dataset object or a filename kwargs: options: return of gdal.WarpOptions(), string or array of strings, other keywords arguments of gdal.WarpOptions(). If options is provided as a gdal.WarpOptions() object, other keywords are ignored. """ if 'options' not in kwargs or isinstance(kwargs['options'], (list, str)): (opts, callback, callback_data) = WarpOptions(**kwargs) else: (opts, callback, callback_data) = kwargs['options'] if isinstance(srcDSOrSrcDSTab, str): srcDSTab = [Open(srcDSOrSrcDSTab)] elif isinstance(srcDSOrSrcDSTab, list): srcDSTab = [] for elt in srcDSOrSrcDSTab: if isinstance(elt, str): srcDSTab.append(Open(elt)) else: srcDSTab.append(elt) else: srcDSTab = [srcDSOrSrcDSTab] if isinstance(destNameOrDestDS, str): return wrapper_GDALWarpDestName(destNameOrDestDS, srcDSTab, opts, callback, callback_data) else: return wrapper_GDALWarpDestDS(destNameOrDestDS, srcDSTab, opts, callback, callback_data) def VectorTranslateOptions(options=None, format=None, accessMode=None, srcSRS=None, dstSRS=None, reproject=True, coordinateOperation=None, SQLStatement=None, SQLDialect=None, where=None, selectFields=None, addFields=False, forceNullable=False, emptyStrAsNull=False, spatFilter=None, spatSRS=None, datasetCreationOptions=None, layerCreationOptions=None, layers=None, layerName=None, geometryType=None, dim=None, segmentizeMaxDist= None, makeValid=False, zField=None, resolveDomains=False, skipFailures=False, limit=None, callback=None, callback_data=None): """Create a VectorTranslateOptions() object that can be passed to gdal.VectorTranslate() Parameters ---------- options: can be be an array of strings, a string or let empty and filled from other keywords. format: format ("ESRI Shapefile", etc...) accessMode: None for creation, 'update', 'append', 'upsert', 'overwrite' srcSRS: source SRS dstSRS: output SRS (with reprojection if reproject = True) coordinateOperation: coordinate operation as a PROJ string or WKT string reproject: whether to do reprojection SQLStatement: SQL statement to apply to the source dataset SQLDialect: SQL dialect ('OGRSQL', 'SQLITE', ...) where: WHERE clause to apply to source layer(s) selectFields: list of fields to select addFields: whether to add new fields found in source layers (to be used with accessMode == 'append' or 'upsert') forceNullable: whether to drop NOT NULL constraints on newly created fields emptyStrAsNull: whether to treat empty string values as NULL spatFilter: spatial filter as (minX, minY, maxX, maxY) bounding box spatSRS: SRS in which the spatFilter is expressed. If not specified, it is assumed to be the one of the layer(s) datasetCreationOptions: list of dataset creation options layerCreationOptions: list of layer creation options layers: list of layers to convert layerName: output layer name geometryType: output layer geometry type ('POINT', ....) dim: output dimension ('XY', 'XYZ', 'XYM', 'XYZM', 'layer_dim') segmentizeMaxDist: maximum distance between consecutive nodes of a line geometry makeValid: run MakeValid() on geometries zField: name of field to use to set the Z component of geometries resolveDomains: whether to create an additional field for each field associated with a coded field domain. skipFailures: whether to skip failures limit: maximum number of features to read per layer callback: callback method callback_data: user data for callback """ options = [] if options is None else options if isinstance(options, str): new_options = ParseCommandLine(options) else: new_options = options if format is not None: new_options += ['-f', format] if srcSRS is not None: new_options += ['-s_srs', str(srcSRS)] if dstSRS is not None: if reproject: new_options += ['-t_srs', str(dstSRS)] else: new_options += ['-a_srs', str(dstSRS)] if coordinateOperation is not None: new_options += ['-ct', coordinateOperation] if SQLStatement is not None: new_options += ['-sql', str(SQLStatement)] if SQLDialect is not None: new_options += ['-dialect', str(SQLDialect)] if where is not None: new_options += ['-where', str(where)] if accessMode is not None: if accessMode == 'update': new_options += ['-update'] elif accessMode == 'append': new_options += ['-append'] elif accessMode == 'overwrite': new_options += ['-overwrite'] elif accessMode == 'upsert': new_options += ['-upsert'] else: raise Exception('unhandled accessMode') if addFields: new_options += ['-addfields'] if forceNullable: new_options += ['-forceNullable'] if emptyStrAsNull: new_options += ['-emptyStrAsNull'] if selectFields is not None: val = '' for item in selectFields: if val: val += ',' val += item new_options += ['-select', val] if datasetCreationOptions is not None: for opt in datasetCreationOptions: new_options += ['-dsco', opt] if layerCreationOptions is not None: for opt in layerCreationOptions: new_options += ['-lco', opt] if layers is not None: if isinstance(layers, str): new_options += [layers] else: for lyr in layers: new_options += [lyr] if segmentizeMaxDist is not None: new_options += ['-segmentize', str(segmentizeMaxDist)] if makeValid: new_options += ['-makevalid'] if spatFilter is not None: new_options += ['-spat', str(spatFilter[0]), str(spatFilter[1]), str(spatFilter[2]), str(spatFilter[3])] if spatSRS is not None: new_options += ['-spat_srs', str(spatSRS)] if layerName is not None: new_options += ['-nln', layerName] if geometryType is not None: if isinstance(geometryType, str): new_options += ['-nlt', geometryType] else: for opt in geometryType: new_options += ['-nlt', opt] if dim is not None: new_options += ['-dim', dim] if zField is not None: new_options += ['-zfield', zField] if resolveDomains: new_options += ['-resolveDomains'] if skipFailures: new_options += ['-skip'] if limit is not None: new_options += ['-limit', str(limit)] if callback is not None: new_options += ['-progress'] return (GDALVectorTranslateOptions(new_options), callback, callback_data) def VectorTranslate(destNameOrDestDS, srcDS, **kwargs): """Convert one vector dataset Parameters ---------- destNameOrDestDS: Output dataset name or object srcDS: a Dataset object or a filename kwargs: options: return of gdal.VectorTranslateOptions(), string or array of strings, other keywords arguments of gdal.VectorTranslateOptions(). If options is provided as a gdal.VectorTranslateOptions() object, other keywords are ignored. """ if 'options' not in kwargs or isinstance(kwargs['options'], (list, str)): (opts, callback, callback_data) = VectorTranslateOptions(**kwargs) else: (opts, callback, callback_data) = kwargs['options'] if isinstance(srcDS, str): srcDS = OpenEx(srcDS, gdalconst.OF_VECTOR) if isinstance(destNameOrDestDS, str): return wrapper_GDALVectorTranslateDestName(destNameOrDestDS, srcDS, opts, callback, callback_data) else: return wrapper_GDALVectorTranslateDestDS(destNameOrDestDS, srcDS, opts, callback, callback_data) def DEMProcessingOptions(options=None, colorFilename=None, format=None, creationOptions=None, computeEdges=False, alg=None, band=1, zFactor=None, scale=None, azimuth=None, altitude=None, combined=False, multiDirectional=False, igor=False, slopeFormat=None, trigonometric=False, zeroForFlat=False, addAlpha=None, colorSelection=None, callback=None, callback_data=None): """Create a DEMProcessingOptions() object that can be passed to gdal.DEMProcessing() Parameters ---------- options: can be be an array of strings, a string or let empty and filled from other keywords. colorFilename: (mandatory for "color-relief") name of file that contains palette definition for the "color-relief" processing. format: output format ("GTiff", etc...) creationOptions: list of creation options computeEdges: whether to compute values at raster edges. alg: 'Horn' (default) or 'ZevenbergenThorne' for hillshade, slope or aspect. 'Wilson' (default) or 'Riley' for TRI band: source band number to use zFactor: (hillshade only) vertical exaggeration used to pre-multiply the elevations. scale: ratio of vertical units to horizontal. azimuth: (hillshade only) azimuth of the light, in degrees. 0 if it comes from the top of the raster, 90 from the east, ... The default value, 315, should rarely be changed as it is the value generally used to generate shaded maps. altitude: (hillshade only) altitude of the light, in degrees. 90 if the light comes from above the DEM, 0 if it is raking light. combined: (hillshade only) whether to compute combined shading, a combination of slope and oblique shading. Only one of combined, multiDirectional and igor can be specified. multiDirectional: (hillshade only) whether to compute multi-directional shading. Only one of combined, multiDirectional and igor can be specified. igor: (hillshade only) whether to use Igor's hillshading from Maperitive. Only one of combined, multiDirectional and igor can be specified. slopeformat: (slope only) "degree" or "percent". trigonometric: (aspect only) whether to return trigonometric angle instead of azimuth. Thus 0deg means East, 90deg North, 180deg West, 270deg South. zeroForFlat: (aspect only) whether to return 0 for flat areas with slope=0, instead of -9999. addAlpha: adds an alpha band to the output file (only for processing = 'color-relief') colorSelection: (color-relief only) Determines how color entries are selected from an input value. Can be "nearest_color_entry", "exact_color_entry" or "linear_interpolation". Defaults to "linear_interpolation" callback: callback method callback_data: user data for callback """ options = [] if options is None else options if isinstance(options, str): new_options = ParseCommandLine(options) else: new_options = options if format is not None: new_options += ['-of', format] if creationOptions is not None: for opt in creationOptions: new_options += ['-co', opt] if computeEdges: new_options += ['-compute_edges'] if alg: new_options += ['-alg', alg] new_options += ['-b', str(band)] if zFactor is not None: new_options += ['-z', str(zFactor)] if scale is not None: new_options += ['-s', str(scale)] if azimuth is not None: new_options += ['-az', str(azimuth)] if altitude is not None: new_options += ['-alt', str(altitude)] if combined: new_options += ['-combined'] if multiDirectional: new_options += ['-multidirectional'] if igor: new_options += ['-igor'] if slopeFormat == 'percent': new_options += ['-p'] if trigonometric: new_options += ['-trigonometric'] if zeroForFlat: new_options += ['-zero_for_flat'] if colorSelection is not None: if colorSelection == 'nearest_color_entry': new_options += ['-nearest_color_entry'] elif colorSelection == 'exact_color_entry': new_options += ['-exact_color_entry'] elif colorSelection == 'linear_interpolation': pass else: raise ValueError("Unsupported value for colorSelection") if addAlpha: new_options += ['-alpha'] return (GDALDEMProcessingOptions(new_options), colorFilename, callback, callback_data) def DEMProcessing(destName, srcDS, processing, **kwargs): """Apply a DEM processing. Parameters ---------- destName: Output dataset name srcDS: a Dataset object or a filename processing: one of "hillshade", "slope", "aspect", "color-relief", "TRI", "TPI", "Roughness" kwargs: options: return of gdal.DEMProcessingOptions(), string or array of strings, other keywords arguments of gdal.DEMProcessingOptions(). If options is provided as a gdal.DEMProcessingOptions() object, other keywords are ignored. """ if 'options' not in kwargs or isinstance(kwargs['options'], (list, str)): (opts, colorFilename, callback, callback_data) = DEMProcessingOptions(**kwargs) else: (opts, colorFilename, callback, callback_data) = kwargs['options'] if isinstance(srcDS, str): srcDS = Open(srcDS) return DEMProcessingInternal(destName, srcDS, processing, colorFilename, opts, callback, callback_data) def NearblackOptions(options=None, format=None, creationOptions=None, white = False, colors=None, maxNonBlack=None, nearDist=None, setAlpha = False, setMask = False, callback=None, callback_data=None): """Create a NearblackOptions() object that can be passed to gdal.Nearblack() Parameters ---------- options: can be be an array of strings, a string or let empty and filled from other keywords. format: output format ("GTiff", etc...) creationOptions: list of creation options white: whether to search for nearly white (255) pixels instead of nearly black pixels. colors: list of colors to search for, e.g. ((0,0,0),(255,255,255)). The pixels that are considered as the collar are set to 0 maxNonBlack: number of non-black (or other searched colors specified with white / colors) pixels that can be encountered before the giving up search inwards. Defaults to 2. nearDist: select how far from black, white or custom colors the pixel values can be and still considered near black, white or custom color. Defaults to 15. setAlpha: adds an alpha band to the output file. setMask: adds a mask band to the output file. callback: callback method callback_data: user data for callback """ options = [] if options is None else options if isinstance(options, str): new_options = ParseCommandLine(options) else: new_options = options if format is not None: new_options += ['-of', format] if creationOptions is not None: for opt in creationOptions: new_options += ['-co', opt] if white: new_options += ['-white'] if colors is not None: for color in colors: color_str = '' for cpt in color: if color_str != '': color_str += ',' color_str += str(cpt) new_options += ['-color', color_str] if maxNonBlack is not None: new_options += ['-nb', str(maxNonBlack)] if nearDist is not None: new_options += ['-near', str(nearDist)] if setAlpha: new_options += ['-setalpha'] if setMask: new_options += ['-setmask'] return (GDALNearblackOptions(new_options), callback, callback_data) def Nearblack(destNameOrDestDS, srcDS, **kwargs): """Convert nearly black/white borders to exact value. Parameters ---------- destNameOrDestDS: Output dataset name or object srcDS: a Dataset object or a filename kwargs: options: return of gdal.NearblackOptions(), string or array of strings, other keywords arguments of gdal.NearblackOptions(). If options is provided as a gdal.NearblackOptions() object, other keywords are ignored. """ if 'options' not in kwargs or isinstance(kwargs['options'], (list, str)): (opts, callback, callback_data) = NearblackOptions(**kwargs) else: (opts, callback, callback_data) = kwargs['options'] if isinstance(srcDS, str): srcDS = OpenEx(srcDS) if isinstance(destNameOrDestDS, str): return wrapper_GDALNearblackDestName(destNameOrDestDS, srcDS, opts, callback, callback_data) else: return wrapper_GDALNearblackDestDS(destNameOrDestDS, srcDS, opts, callback, callback_data) def GridOptions(options=None, format=None, outputType=gdalconst.GDT_Unknown, width=0, height=0, creationOptions=None, outputBounds=None, outputSRS=None, noData=None, algorithm=None, layers=None, SQLStatement=None, where=None, spatFilter=None, zfield=None, z_increase=None, z_multiply=None, callback=None, callback_data=None): """ Create a GridOptions() object that can be passed to gdal.Grid() Parameters ---------- options: can be be an array of strings, a string or let empty and filled from other keywords. format: output format ("GTiff", etc...) outputType: output type (gdalconst.GDT_Byte, etc...) width: width of the output raster in pixel height: height of the output raster in pixel creationOptions: list of creation options outputBounds: assigned output bounds: [ulx, uly, lrx, lry] outputSRS: assigned output SRS noData: nodata value algorithm: e.g "invdist:power=2.0:smoothing=0.0:radius1=0.0:radius2=0.0:angle=0.0:max_points=0:min_points=0:nodata=0.0" layers: list of layers to convert SQLStatement: SQL statement to apply to the source dataset where: WHERE clause to apply to source layer(s) spatFilter: spatial filter as (minX, minY, maxX, maxY) bounding box zfield: Identifies an attribute field on the features to be used to get a Z value from. This value overrides Z value read from feature geometry record. z_increase: Addition to the attribute field on the features to be used to get a Z value from. The addition should be the same unit as Z value. The result value will be Z value + Z increase value. The default value is 0. z_multiply: Multiplication ratio for Z field. This can be used for shift from e.g. foot to meters or from elevation to deep. The result value will be (Z value + Z increase value) * Z multiply value. The default value is 1. callback: callback method callback_data: user data for callback """ options = [] if options is None else options if isinstance(options, str): new_options = ParseCommandLine(options) else: new_options = options if format is not None: new_options += ['-of', format] if outputType != gdalconst.GDT_Unknown: new_options += ['-ot', GetDataTypeName(outputType)] if width != 0 or height != 0: new_options += ['-outsize', str(width), str(height)] if creationOptions is not None: for opt in creationOptions: new_options += ['-co', opt] if outputBounds is not None: new_options += ['-txe', _strHighPrec(outputBounds[0]), _strHighPrec(outputBounds[2]), '-tye', _strHighPrec(outputBounds[1]), _strHighPrec(outputBounds[3])] if outputSRS is not None: new_options += ['-a_srs', str(outputSRS)] if algorithm is not None: new_options += ['-a', algorithm] if layers is not None: if isinstance(layers, (tuple, list)): for layer in layers: new_options += ['-l', layer] else: new_options += ['-l', layers] if SQLStatement is not None: new_options += ['-sql', str(SQLStatement)] if where is not None: new_options += ['-where', str(where)] if zfield is not None: new_options += ['-zfield', zfield] if z_increase is not None: new_options += ['-z_increase', str(z_increase)] if z_multiply is not None: new_options += ['-z_multiply', str(z_multiply)] if spatFilter is not None: new_options += ['-spat', str(spatFilter[0]), str(spatFilter[1]), str(spatFilter[2]), str(spatFilter[3])] return (GDALGridOptions(new_options), callback, callback_data) def Grid(destName, srcDS, **kwargs): """ Create raster from the scattered data. Parameters ---------- destName: Output dataset name srcDS: a Dataset object or a filename kwargs: options: return of gdal.GridOptions(), string or array of strings, other keywords arguments of gdal.GridOptions() If options is provided as a gdal.GridOptions() object, other keywords are ignored. """ if 'options' not in kwargs or isinstance(kwargs['options'], (list, str)): (opts, callback, callback_data) = GridOptions(**kwargs) else: (opts, callback, callback_data) = kwargs['options'] if isinstance(srcDS, str): srcDS = OpenEx(srcDS, gdalconst.OF_VECTOR) return GridInternal(destName, srcDS, opts, callback, callback_data) def RasterizeOptions(options=None, format=None, outputType=gdalconst.GDT_Unknown, creationOptions=None, noData=None, initValues=None, outputBounds=None, outputSRS=None, transformerOptions=None, width=None, height=None, xRes=None, yRes=None, targetAlignedPixels=False, bands=None, inverse=False, allTouched=False, burnValues=None, attribute=None, useZ=False, layers=None, SQLStatement=None, SQLDialect=None, where=None, optim=None, add=None, callback=None, callback_data=None): """Create a RasterizeOptions() object that can be passed to gdal.Rasterize() Parameters ---------- options: can be be an array of strings, a string or let empty and filled from other keywords. format: output format ("GTiff", etc...) outputType: output type (gdalconst.GDT_Byte, etc...) creationOptions: list of creation options outputBounds: assigned output bounds: [minx, miny, maxx, maxy] outputSRS: assigned output SRS transformerOptions: list of transformer options width: width of the output raster in pixel height: height of the output raster in pixel xRes, yRes: output resolution in target SRS targetAlignedPixels: whether to force output bounds to be multiple of output resolution noData: nodata value initValues: Value or list of values to pre-initialize the output image bands with. However, it is not marked as the nodata value in the output file. If only one value is given, the same value is used in all the bands. bands: list of output bands to burn values into inverse: whether to invert rasterization, i.e. burn the fixed burn value, or the burn value associated with the first feature into all parts of the image not inside the provided a polygon. allTouched: whether to enable the ALL_TOUCHED rasterization option so that all pixels touched by lines or polygons will be updated, not just those on the line render path, or whose center point is within the polygon. burnValues: list of fixed values to burn into each band for all objects. Excusive with attribute. attribute: identifies an attribute field on the features to be used for a burn-in value. The value will be burned into all output bands. Excusive with burnValues. useZ: whether to indicate that a burn value should be extracted from the "Z" values of the feature. These values are added to the burn value given by burnValues or attribute if provided. As of now, only points and lines are drawn in 3D. layers: list of layers from the datasource that will be used for input features. SQLStatement: SQL statement to apply to the source dataset SQLDialect: SQL dialect ('OGRSQL', 'SQLITE', ...) where: WHERE clause to apply to source layer(s) optim: optimization mode ('RASTER', 'VECTOR') add: set to True to use additive mode instead of replace when burning values callback: callback method callback_data: user data for callback """ options = [] if options is None else options if isinstance(options, str): new_options = ParseCommandLine(options) else: new_options = options if format is not None: new_options += ['-of', format] if outputType != gdalconst.GDT_Unknown: new_options += ['-ot', GetDataTypeName(outputType)] if creationOptions is not None: for opt in creationOptions: new_options += ['-co', opt] if bands is not None: for b in bands: new_options += ['-b', str(b)] if noData is not None: new_options += ['-a_nodata', str(noData)] if initValues is not None: if isinstance(initValues, (tuple, list)): for val in initValues: new_options += ['-init', str(val)] else: new_options += ['-init', str(initValues)] if outputBounds is not None: new_options += ['-te', _strHighPrec(outputBounds[0]), _strHighPrec(outputBounds[1]), _strHighPrec(outputBounds[2]), _strHighPrec(outputBounds[3])] if outputSRS is not None: new_options += ['-a_srs', str(outputSRS)] if transformerOptions is not None: for opt in transformerOptions: new_options += ['-to', opt] if width is not None and height is not None: new_options += ['-ts', str(width), str(height)] if xRes is not None and yRes is not None: new_options += ['-tr', _strHighPrec(xRes), _strHighPrec(yRes)] if targetAlignedPixels: new_options += ['-tap'] if inverse: new_options += ['-i'] if allTouched: new_options += ['-at'] if burnValues is not None: if attribute is not None: raise Exception('burnValues and attribute option are exclusive.') if isinstance(burnValues, (tuple, list)): for val in burnValues: new_options += ['-burn', str(val)] else: new_options += ['-burn', str(burnValues)] if attribute is not None: new_options += ['-a', attribute] if useZ: new_options += ['-3d'] if layers is not None: if isinstance(layers, ((tuple, list))): for layer in layers: new_options += ['-l', layer] else: new_options += ['-l', layers] if SQLStatement is not None: new_options += ['-sql', str(SQLStatement)] if SQLDialect is not None: new_options += ['-dialect', str(SQLDialect)] if where is not None: new_options += ['-where', str(where)] if optim is not None: new_options += ['-optim', str(optim)] if add: new_options += ['-add'] return (GDALRasterizeOptions(new_options), callback, callback_data) def Rasterize(destNameOrDestDS, srcDS, **kwargs): """Burns vector geometries into a raster Parameters ---------- destNameOrDestDS: Output dataset name or object srcDS: a Dataset object or a filename kwargs: options: return of gdal.RasterizeOptions(), string or array of strings, other keywords arguments of gdal.RasterizeOptions() If options is provided as a gdal.RasterizeOptions() object, other keywords are ignored. """ if 'options' not in kwargs or isinstance(kwargs['options'], (list, str)): (opts, callback, callback_data) = RasterizeOptions(**kwargs) else: (opts, callback, callback_data) = kwargs['options'] if isinstance(srcDS, str): srcDS = OpenEx(srcDS, gdalconst.OF_VECTOR) if isinstance(destNameOrDestDS, str): return wrapper_GDALRasterizeDestName(destNameOrDestDS, srcDS, opts, callback, callback_data) else: return wrapper_GDALRasterizeDestDS(destNameOrDestDS, srcDS, opts, callback, callback_data) def BuildVRTOptions(options=None, resolution=None, outputBounds=None, xRes=None, yRes=None, targetAlignedPixels=None, separate=None, bandList=None, addAlpha=None, resampleAlg=None, outputSRS=None, allowProjectionDifference=None, srcNodata=None, VRTNodata=None, hideNodata=None, strict=False, callback=None, callback_data=None): """Create a BuildVRTOptions() object that can be passed to gdal.BuildVRT() Parameters ---------- options:l can be be an array of strings, a string or let empty and filled from other keywords. resolution: 'highest', 'lowest', 'average', 'user'. outputBounds:l output bounds as (minX, minY, maxX, maxY) in target SRS. xRes: output resolution in target SRS. yRes: output resolution in target SRS. targetAlignedPixels: whether to force output bounds to be multiple of output resolution. separate: whether each source file goes into a separate stacked band in the VRT band. bandList: array of band numbers (index start at 1). addAlpha: whether to add an alpha mask band to the VRT when the source raster have none. resampleAlg: resampling mode. outputSRS: assigned output SRS. allowProjectionDifference: whether to accept input datasets have not the same projection. Note: they will *not* be reprojected. srcNodata: source nodata value(s). VRTNodata: nodata values at the VRT band level. hideNodata: whether to make the VRT band not report the NoData value. strict: set to True if warnings should be failures callback: callback method. callback_data: user data for callback. """ # Only used for tests return_option_list = options == '__RETURN_OPTION_LIST__' if return_option_list: options = [] else: options = [] if options is None else options if isinstance(options, str): new_options = ParseCommandLine(options) else: new_options = options if resolution is not None: new_options += ['-resolution', str(resolution)] if outputBounds is not None: new_options += ['-te', _strHighPrec(outputBounds[0]), _strHighPrec(outputBounds[1]), _strHighPrec(outputBounds[2]), _strHighPrec(outputBounds[3])] if xRes is not None and yRes is not None: new_options += ['-tr', _strHighPrec(xRes), _strHighPrec(yRes)] if targetAlignedPixels: new_options += ['-tap'] if separate: new_options += ['-separate'] if bandList != None: for b in bandList: new_options += ['-b', str(b)] if addAlpha: new_options += ['-addalpha'] if resampleAlg is not None: if resampleAlg in mapGRIORAMethodToString: new_options += ['-r', mapGRIORAMethodToString[resampleAlg]] else: new_options += ['-r', str(resampleAlg)] if outputSRS is not None: new_options += ['-a_srs', str(outputSRS)] if allowProjectionDifference: new_options += ['-allow_projection_difference'] if srcNodata is not None: new_options += ['-srcnodata', str(srcNodata)] if VRTNodata is not None: new_options += ['-vrtnodata', str(VRTNodata)] if hideNodata: new_options += ['-hidenodata'] if strict: new_options += ['-strict'] if return_option_list: return new_options return (GDALBuildVRTOptions(new_options), callback, callback_data) def BuildVRT(destName, srcDSOrSrcDSTab, **kwargs): """Build a VRT from a list of datasets. Parameters ---------- destName: Output dataset name. srcDSOrSrcDSTab: An array of Dataset objects or filenames, or a Dataset object or a filename. kwargs: options: return of gdal.BuildVRTOptions(), string or array of strings, other keywords arguments of gdal.BuildVRTOptions(). If options is provided as a gdal.BuildVRTOptions() object, other keywords are ignored. """ if 'options' not in kwargs or isinstance(kwargs['options'], (list, str)): (opts, callback, callback_data) = BuildVRTOptions(**kwargs) else: (opts, callback, callback_data) = kwargs['options'] srcDSTab = [] srcDSNamesTab = [] if isinstance(srcDSOrSrcDSTab, str): srcDSNamesTab = [srcDSOrSrcDSTab] elif isinstance(srcDSOrSrcDSTab, list): for elt in srcDSOrSrcDSTab: if isinstance(elt, str): srcDSNamesTab.append(elt) else: srcDSTab.append(elt) if srcDSTab and srcDSNamesTab: raise Exception('Mix of names and dataset objects not supported') else: srcDSTab = [srcDSOrSrcDSTab] if srcDSTab: return BuildVRTInternalObjects(destName, srcDSTab, opts, callback, callback_data) else: return BuildVRTInternalNames(destName, srcDSNamesTab, opts, callback, callback_data) def MultiDimTranslateOptions(options=None, format=None, creationOptions=None, arraySpecs=None, groupSpecs=None, subsetSpecs=None, scaleAxesSpecs=None, callback=None, callback_data=None): """Create a MultiDimTranslateOptions() object that can be passed to gdal.MultiDimTranslate() Parameters ---------- options: can be be an array of strings, a string or let empty and filled from other keywords. format: output format ("GTiff", etc...) creationOptions: list of creation options arraySpecs: list of array specifications, each of them being an array name or "name={src_array_name},dstname={dst_name},transpose=[1,0],view=[:,::-1]" groupSpecs: list of group specifications, each of them being a group name or "name={src_array_name},dstname={dst_name},recursive=no" subsetSpecs: list of subset specifications, each of them being like "{dim_name}({min_val},{max_val})" or "{dim_name}({slice_va})" scaleAxesSpecs: list of dimension scaling specifications, each of them being like "{dim_name}({scale_factor})" callback: callback method callback_data: user data for callback """ options = [] if options is None else options if isinstance(options, str): new_options = ParseCommandLine(options) else: new_options = options if format is not None: new_options += ['-of', format] if creationOptions is not None: for opt in creationOptions: new_options += ['-co', opt] if arraySpecs is not None: for s in arraySpecs: new_options += ['-array', s] if groupSpecs is not None: for s in groupSpecs: new_options += ['-group', s] if subsetSpecs is not None: for s in subsetSpecs: new_options += ['-subset', s] if scaleAxesSpecs is not None: for s in scaleAxesSpecs: new_options += ['-scaleaxes', s] return (GDALMultiDimTranslateOptions(new_options), callback, callback_data) def MultiDimTranslate(destName, srcDSOrSrcDSTab, **kwargs): """MultiDimTranslate one or several datasets. Parameters ---------- destName: Output dataset name srcDSOrSrcDSTab: an array of Dataset objects or filenames, or a Dataset object or a filename kwargs: options: return of gdal.MultiDimTranslateOptions(), string or array of strings other keywords arguments of gdal.MultiDimTranslateOptions(). If options is provided as a gdal.MultiDimTranslateOptions() object, other keywords are ignored. """ if 'options' not in kwargs or isinstance(kwargs['options'], (list, str)): (opts, callback, callback_data) = MultiDimTranslateOptions(**kwargs) else: (opts, callback, callback_data) = kwargs['options'] if isinstance(srcDSOrSrcDSTab, str): srcDSTab = [OpenEx(srcDSOrSrcDSTab, OF_VERBOSE_ERROR | OF_RASTER | OF_MULTIDIM_RASTER)] elif isinstance(srcDSOrSrcDSTab, list): srcDSTab = [] for elt in srcDSOrSrcDSTab: if isinstance(elt, str): srcDSTab.append(OpenEx(elt, OF_VERBOSE_ERROR | OF_RASTER | OF_MULTIDIM_RASTER)) else: srcDSTab.append(elt) else: srcDSTab = [srcDSOrSrcDSTab] return wrapper_GDALMultiDimTranslateDestName(destName, srcDSTab, opts, callback, callback_data) # Logging Helpers def _pylog_handler(err_level, err_no, err_msg): if err_no != gdalconst.CPLE_None: typ = _pylog_handler.errcode_map.get(err_no, str(err_no)) message = "%s: %s" % (typ, err_msg) else: message = err_msg level = _pylog_handler.level_map.get(err_level, 20) # default level is INFO _pylog_handler.logger.log(level, message) def ConfigurePythonLogging(logger_name='gdal', enable_debug=False): """ Configure GDAL to use Python's logging framework """ import logging _pylog_handler.logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) # map CPLE_* constants to names _pylog_handler.errcode_map = {_num: _name[5:] for _name, _num in gdalconst.__dict__.items() if _name.startswith('CPLE_')} # Map GDAL log levels to Python's _pylog_handler.level_map = { CE_None: logging.INFO, CE_Debug: logging.DEBUG, CE_Warning: logging.WARN, CE_Failure: logging.ERROR, CE_Fatal: logging.CRITICAL, } # Set CPL_DEBUG so debug messages are passed through the logger if enable_debug: SetConfigOption("CPL_DEBUG", "ON") # Install as the default GDAL log handler SetErrorHandler(_pylog_handler) def EscapeString(*args, **kwargs): """EscapeString(string_or_bytes, scheme = gdal.CPLES_SQL)""" if isinstance(args[0], bytes): return _gdal.EscapeBinary(*args, **kwargs) else: return _gdal.wrapper_EscapeString(*args, **kwargs) def ApplyVerticalShiftGrid(*args, **kwargs): """ApplyVerticalShiftGrid(Dataset src_ds, Dataset grid_ds, bool inverse=False, double srcUnitToMeter=1.0, double dstUnitToMeter=1.0, char ** options=None) -> Dataset""" from warnings import warn warn('ApplyVerticalShiftGrid() will be removed in GDAL 4.0', DeprecationWarning) return _ApplyVerticalShiftGrid(*args, **kwargs) def Debug(*args) -> "void": r"""Debug(char const * msg_class, char const * message)""" return _gdal.Debug(*args) def SetErrorHandler(*args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetErrorHandler(CPLErrorHandler pfnErrorHandler=0) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.SetErrorHandler(*args) def SetCurrentErrorHandlerCatchDebug(*args) -> "void": r"""SetCurrentErrorHandlerCatchDebug(int bCatchDebug)""" return _gdal.SetCurrentErrorHandlerCatchDebug(*args) def PushErrorHandler(*args) -> "CPLErr": r"""PushErrorHandler(CPLErrorHandler pfnErrorHandler=0) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.PushErrorHandler(*args) def PopErrorHandler(*args) -> "void": r"""PopErrorHandler()""" return _gdal.PopErrorHandler(*args) def Error(*args) -> "void": r"""Error(CPLErr msg_class=CE_Failure, int err_code=0, char const * msg="error")""" return _gdal.Error(*args) def GOA2GetAuthorizationURL(*args) -> "retStringAndCPLFree *": r"""GOA2GetAuthorizationURL(char const * pszScope) -> retStringAndCPLFree *""" return _gdal.GOA2GetAuthorizationURL(*args) def GOA2GetRefreshToken(*args) -> "retStringAndCPLFree *": r"""GOA2GetRefreshToken(char const * pszAuthToken, char const * pszScope) -> retStringAndCPLFree *""" return _gdal.GOA2GetRefreshToken(*args) def GOA2GetAccessToken(*args) -> "retStringAndCPLFree *": r"""GOA2GetAccessToken(char const * pszRefreshToken, char const * pszScope) -> retStringAndCPLFree *""" return _gdal.GOA2GetAccessToken(*args) def ErrorReset(*args) -> "void": r"""ErrorReset()""" return _gdal.ErrorReset(*args) def wrapper_EscapeString(*args, **kwargs) -> "retStringAndCPLFree *": r"""wrapper_EscapeString(int len, int scheme=CPLES_SQL) -> retStringAndCPLFree *""" return _gdal.wrapper_EscapeString(*args, **kwargs) def EscapeBinary(*args, **kwargs) -> "char **": r"""EscapeBinary(int len, int scheme=CPLES_SQL)""" return _gdal.EscapeBinary(*args, **kwargs) def GetLastErrorNo(*args) -> "int": r"""GetLastErrorNo() -> int""" return _gdal.GetLastErrorNo(*args) def GetLastErrorType(*args) -> "int": r"""GetLastErrorType() -> int""" return _gdal.GetLastErrorType(*args) def GetLastErrorMsg(*args) -> "char const *": r"""GetLastErrorMsg() -> char const *""" return _gdal.GetLastErrorMsg(*args) def GetErrorCounter(*args) -> "unsigned int": r"""GetErrorCounter() -> unsigned int""" return _gdal.GetErrorCounter(*args) def VSIGetLastErrorNo(*args) -> "int": r"""VSIGetLastErrorNo() -> int""" return _gdal.VSIGetLastErrorNo(*args) def VSIGetLastErrorMsg(*args) -> "char const *": r"""VSIGetLastErrorMsg() -> char const *""" return _gdal.VSIGetLastErrorMsg(*args) def VSIErrorReset(*args) -> "void": r"""VSIErrorReset()""" return _gdal.VSIErrorReset(*args) def PushFinderLocation(*args) -> "void": r"""PushFinderLocation(char const * utf8_path)""" return _gdal.PushFinderLocation(*args) def PopFinderLocation(*args) -> "void": r"""PopFinderLocation()""" return _gdal.PopFinderLocation(*args) def FinderClean(*args) -> "void": r"""FinderClean()""" return _gdal.FinderClean(*args) def FindFile(*args) -> "char const *": r"""FindFile(char const * pszClass, char const * utf8_path) -> char const *""" return _gdal.FindFile(*args) def ReadDir(*args) -> "char **": r"""ReadDir(char const * utf8_path, int nMaxFiles=0) -> char **""" return _gdal.ReadDir(*args) def ReadDirRecursive(*args) -> "char **": r"""ReadDirRecursive(char const * utf8_path) -> char **""" return _gdal.ReadDirRecursive(*args) def OpenDir(*args) -> "VSIDIR *": r"""OpenDir(char const * utf8_path, int nRecurseDepth=-1, char ** options=None) -> VSIDIR *""" return _gdal.OpenDir(*args) class DirEntry(object): r"""Proxy of C++ DirEntry class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr name = property(_gdal.DirEntry_name_get, doc=r"""name : p.char""") mode = property(_gdal.DirEntry_mode_get, doc=r"""mode : int""") size = property(_gdal.DirEntry_size_get, doc=r"""size : GIntBig""") mtime = property(_gdal.DirEntry_mtime_get, doc=r"""mtime : GIntBig""") modeKnown = property(_gdal.DirEntry_modeKnown_get, doc=r"""modeKnown : bool""") sizeKnown = property(_gdal.DirEntry_sizeKnown_get, doc=r"""sizeKnown : bool""") mtimeKnown = property(_gdal.DirEntry_mtimeKnown_get, doc=r"""mtimeKnown : bool""") extra = property(_gdal.DirEntry_extra_get, doc=r"""extra : p.p.char""") def __init__(self, *args): r"""__init__(DirEntry self, DirEntry entryIn) -> DirEntry""" _gdal.DirEntry_swiginit(self, _gdal.new_DirEntry(*args)) __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_DirEntry def IsDirectory(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""IsDirectory(DirEntry self) -> bool""" return _gdal.DirEntry_IsDirectory(self, *args) # Register DirEntry in _gdal: _gdal.DirEntry_swigregister(DirEntry) def GetNextDirEntry(*args) -> "DirEntry *": r"""GetNextDirEntry(VSIDIR * dir) -> DirEntry""" return _gdal.GetNextDirEntry(*args) def CloseDir(*args) -> "void": r"""CloseDir(VSIDIR * dir)""" return _gdal.CloseDir(*args) def SetConfigOption(*args) -> "void": r"""SetConfigOption(char const * pszKey, char const * pszValue)""" return _gdal.SetConfigOption(*args) def SetThreadLocalConfigOption(*args) -> "void": r"""SetThreadLocalConfigOption(char const * pszKey, char const * pszValue)""" return _gdal.SetThreadLocalConfigOption(*args) def GetConfigOption(*args) -> "char const *": r"""GetConfigOption(char const * pszKey, char const * pszDefault=None) -> char const *""" return _gdal.GetConfigOption(*args) def GetThreadLocalConfigOption(*args) -> "char const *": r"""GetThreadLocalConfigOption(char const * pszKey, char const * pszDefault=None) -> char const *""" return _gdal.GetThreadLocalConfigOption(*args) def SetPathSpecificOption(*args) -> "void": r"""SetPathSpecificOption(char const * pszPathPrefix, char const * pszKey, char const * pszValue)""" return _gdal.SetPathSpecificOption(*args) def SetCredential(*args) -> "void": r"""SetCredential(char const * pszPathPrefix, char const * pszKey, char const * pszValue)""" return _gdal.SetCredential(*args) def GetCredential(*args) -> "char const *": r"""GetCredential(char const * pszPathPrefix, char const * pszKey, char const * pszDefault=None) -> char const *""" return _gdal.GetCredential(*args) def GetPathSpecificOption(*args) -> "char const *": r"""GetPathSpecificOption(char const * pszPathPrefix, char const * pszKey, char const * pszDefault=None) -> char const *""" return _gdal.GetPathSpecificOption(*args) def ClearCredentials(*args) -> "void": r"""ClearCredentials(char const * pszPathPrefix=None)""" return _gdal.ClearCredentials(*args) def ClearPathSpecificOptions(*args) -> "void": r"""ClearPathSpecificOptions(char const * pszPathPrefix=None)""" return _gdal.ClearPathSpecificOptions(*args) def CPLBinaryToHex(*args) -> "retStringAndCPLFree *": r"""CPLBinaryToHex(int nBytes) -> retStringAndCPLFree *""" return _gdal.CPLBinaryToHex(*args) def CPLHexToBinary(*args) -> "GByte *": r"""CPLHexToBinary(char const * pszHex, int * pnBytes) -> GByte *""" return _gdal.CPLHexToBinary(*args) def FileFromMemBuffer(*args) -> "void": r"""FileFromMemBuffer(char const * utf8_path, GIntBig nBytes)""" return _gdal.FileFromMemBuffer(*args) def Unlink(*args) -> "VSI_RETVAL": r"""Unlink(char const * utf8_path) -> VSI_RETVAL""" return _gdal.Unlink(*args) def UnlinkBatch(*args) -> "bool": r"""UnlinkBatch(char ** files) -> bool""" return _gdal.UnlinkBatch(*args) def HasThreadSupport(*args) -> "int": r"""HasThreadSupport() -> int""" return _gdal.HasThreadSupport(*args) def Mkdir(*args) -> "VSI_RETVAL": r"""Mkdir(char const * utf8_path, int mode) -> VSI_RETVAL""" return _gdal.Mkdir(*args) def Rmdir(*args) -> "VSI_RETVAL": r"""Rmdir(char const * utf8_path) -> VSI_RETVAL""" return _gdal.Rmdir(*args) def MkdirRecursive(*args) -> "VSI_RETVAL": r"""MkdirRecursive(char const * utf8_path, int mode) -> VSI_RETVAL""" return _gdal.MkdirRecursive(*args) def RmdirRecursive(*args) -> "VSI_RETVAL": r"""RmdirRecursive(char const * utf8_path) -> VSI_RETVAL""" return _gdal.RmdirRecursive(*args) def Rename(*args) -> "VSI_RETVAL": r"""Rename(char const * pszOld, char const * pszNew) -> VSI_RETVAL""" return _gdal.Rename(*args) def Sync(*args, **kwargs) -> "bool": r"""Sync(char const * pszSource, char const * pszTarget, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> bool""" return _gdal.Sync(*args, **kwargs) def AbortPendingUploads(*args) -> "bool": r"""AbortPendingUploads(char const * utf8_path) -> bool""" return _gdal.AbortPendingUploads(*args) def GetActualURL(*args) -> "char const *": r"""GetActualURL(char const * utf8_path) -> char const *""" return _gdal.GetActualURL(*args) def GetSignedURL(*args) -> "retStringAndCPLFree *": r"""GetSignedURL(char const * utf8_path, char ** options=None) -> retStringAndCPLFree *""" return _gdal.GetSignedURL(*args) def GetFileSystemsPrefixes(*args) -> "char **": r"""GetFileSystemsPrefixes() -> char **""" return _gdal.GetFileSystemsPrefixes(*args) def GetFileSystemOptions(*args) -> "char const *": r"""GetFileSystemOptions(char const * utf8_path) -> char const *""" return _gdal.GetFileSystemOptions(*args) class VSILFILE(object): r"""Proxy of C++ VSILFILE class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr # Register VSILFILE in _gdal: _gdal.VSILFILE_swigregister(VSILFILE) VSI_STAT_EXISTS_FLAG = _gdal.VSI_STAT_EXISTS_FLAG VSI_STAT_NATURE_FLAG = _gdal.VSI_STAT_NATURE_FLAG VSI_STAT_SIZE_FLAG = _gdal.VSI_STAT_SIZE_FLAG VSI_STAT_SET_ERROR_FLAG = _gdal.VSI_STAT_SET_ERROR_FLAG VSI_STAT_CACHE_ONLY = _gdal.VSI_STAT_CACHE_ONLY class StatBuf(object): r"""Proxy of C++ StatBuf class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr mode = property(_gdal.StatBuf_mode_get, doc=r"""mode : int""") size = property(_gdal.StatBuf_size_get, doc=r"""size : GIntBig""") mtime = property(_gdal.StatBuf_mtime_get, doc=r"""mtime : GIntBig""") def __init__(self, *args): r"""__init__(StatBuf self, StatBuf psStatBuf) -> StatBuf""" _gdal.StatBuf_swiginit(self, _gdal.new_StatBuf(*args)) __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_StatBuf def IsDirectory(self, *args) -> "int": r"""IsDirectory(StatBuf self) -> int""" return _gdal.StatBuf_IsDirectory(self, *args) # Register StatBuf in _gdal: _gdal.StatBuf_swigregister(StatBuf) def VSIStatL(*args) -> "StatBuf *": r"""VSIStatL(char const * utf8_path, int nFlags=0) -> int""" return _gdal.VSIStatL(*args) def GetFileMetadata(*args) -> "char **": r"""GetFileMetadata(char const * utf8_path, char const * domain, char ** options=None) -> char **""" return _gdal.GetFileMetadata(*args) def SetFileMetadata(*args) -> "bool": r"""SetFileMetadata(char const * utf8_path, char ** metadata, char const * domain, char ** options=None) -> bool""" return _gdal.SetFileMetadata(*args) def VSIFOpenL(*args) -> "VSILFILE *": r"""VSIFOpenL(char const * utf8_path, char const * pszMode) -> VSILFILE""" return _gdal.VSIFOpenL(*args) def VSIFOpenExL(*args) -> "VSILFILE *": r"""VSIFOpenExL(char const * utf8_path, char const * pszMode, int bSetError=FALSE, char ** options=None) -> VSILFILE""" return _gdal.VSIFOpenExL(*args) def VSIFEofL(*args) -> "int": r"""VSIFEofL(VSILFILE fp) -> int""" return _gdal.VSIFEofL(*args) def VSIFFlushL(*args) -> "int": r"""VSIFFlushL(VSILFILE fp) -> int""" return _gdal.VSIFFlushL(*args) def VSIFCloseL(*args) -> "VSI_RETVAL": r"""VSIFCloseL(VSILFILE fp) -> VSI_RETVAL""" return _gdal.VSIFCloseL(*args) def VSIFSeekL(*args) -> "int": r"""VSIFSeekL(VSILFILE fp, GIntBig offset, int whence) -> int""" return _gdal.VSIFSeekL(*args) def VSIFTellL(*args) -> "GIntBig": r"""VSIFTellL(VSILFILE fp) -> GIntBig""" return _gdal.VSIFTellL(*args) def VSIFTruncateL(*args) -> "int": r"""VSIFTruncateL(VSILFILE fp, GIntBig length) -> int""" return _gdal.VSIFTruncateL(*args) def VSISupportsSparseFiles(*args) -> "int": r"""VSISupportsSparseFiles(char const * utf8_path) -> int""" return _gdal.VSISupportsSparseFiles(*args) VSI_RANGE_STATUS_UNKNOWN = _gdal.VSI_RANGE_STATUS_UNKNOWN VSI_RANGE_STATUS_DATA = _gdal.VSI_RANGE_STATUS_DATA VSI_RANGE_STATUS_HOLE = _gdal.VSI_RANGE_STATUS_HOLE def VSIFGetRangeStatusL(*args) -> "int": r"""VSIFGetRangeStatusL(VSILFILE fp, GIntBig offset, GIntBig length) -> int""" return _gdal.VSIFGetRangeStatusL(*args) def VSIFWriteL(*args) -> "int": r"""VSIFWriteL(int nLen, int size, int memb, VSILFILE fp) -> int""" return _gdal.VSIFWriteL(*args) def VSICurlClearCache(*args) -> "void": r"""VSICurlClearCache()""" return _gdal.VSICurlClearCache(*args) def VSICurlPartialClearCache(*args) -> "void": r"""VSICurlPartialClearCache(char const * utf8_path)""" return _gdal.VSICurlPartialClearCache(*args) def NetworkStatsReset(*args) -> "void": r"""NetworkStatsReset()""" return _gdal.NetworkStatsReset(*args) def NetworkStatsGetAsSerializedJSON(*args) -> "retStringAndCPLFree *": r"""NetworkStatsGetAsSerializedJSON(char ** options=None) -> retStringAndCPLFree *""" return _gdal.NetworkStatsGetAsSerializedJSON(*args) def ParseCommandLine(*args) -> "char **": r"""ParseCommandLine(char const * utf8_path) -> char **""" return _gdal.ParseCommandLine(*args) def GetNumCPUs(*args) -> "int": r"""GetNumCPUs() -> int""" return _gdal.GetNumCPUs(*args) def GetUsablePhysicalRAM(*args) -> "GIntBig": r"""GetUsablePhysicalRAM() -> GIntBig""" return _gdal.GetUsablePhysicalRAM(*args) class MajorObject(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALMajorObjectShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr def GetDescription(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetDescription(MajorObject self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.MajorObject_GetDescription(self, *args) def SetDescription(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetDescription(MajorObject self, char const * pszNewDesc)""" return _gdal.MajorObject_SetDescription(self, *args) def GetMetadataDomainList(self, *args) -> "char **": r"""GetMetadataDomainList(MajorObject self) -> char **""" return _gdal.MajorObject_GetMetadataDomainList(self, *args) def GetMetadata_Dict(self, *args) -> "char **": r"""GetMetadata_Dict(MajorObject self, char const * pszDomain="") -> char **""" return _gdal.MajorObject_GetMetadata_Dict(self, *args) def GetMetadata_List(self, *args) -> "char **": r"""GetMetadata_List(MajorObject self, char const * pszDomain="") -> char **""" return _gdal.MajorObject_GetMetadata_List(self, *args) def SetMetadata(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r""" SetMetadata(MajorObject self, char ** papszMetadata, char const * pszDomain="") -> CPLErr SetMetadata(MajorObject self, char * pszMetadataString, char const * pszDomain="") -> CPLErr """ return _gdal.MajorObject_SetMetadata(self, *args) def GetMetadataItem(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetMetadataItem(MajorObject self, char const * pszName, char const * pszDomain="") -> char const *""" return _gdal.MajorObject_GetMetadataItem(self, *args) def SetMetadataItem(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetMetadataItem(MajorObject self, char const * pszName, char const * pszValue, char const * pszDomain="") -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.MajorObject_SetMetadataItem(self, *args) def GetMetadata(self, domain=''): if domain and domain[:4] == 'xml:': return self.GetMetadata_List(domain) return self.GetMetadata_Dict(domain) # Register MajorObject in _gdal: _gdal.MajorObject_swigregister(MajorObject) class Driver(MajorObject): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALDriverShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr ShortName = property(_gdal.Driver_ShortName_get, doc=r"""ShortName : p.q(const).char""") LongName = property(_gdal.Driver_LongName_get, doc=r"""LongName : p.q(const).char""") HelpTopic = property(_gdal.Driver_HelpTopic_get, doc=r"""HelpTopic : p.q(const).char""") def Create(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""Create(Driver self, char const * utf8_path, int xsize, int ysize, int bands=1, GDALDataType eType=GDT_Byte, char ** options=None) -> Dataset""" return _gdal.Driver_Create(self, *args, **kwargs) def CreateMultiDimensional(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""CreateMultiDimensional(Driver self, char const * utf8_path, char ** root_group_options=None, char ** options=None) -> Dataset""" return _gdal.Driver_CreateMultiDimensional(self, *args, **kwargs) def CreateCopy(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""CreateCopy(Driver self, char const * utf8_path, Dataset src, int strict=1, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> Dataset""" return _gdal.Driver_CreateCopy(self, *args, **kwargs) def Delete(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""Delete(Driver self, char const * utf8_path) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Driver_Delete(self, *args) def Rename(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""Rename(Driver self, char const * newName, char const * oldName) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Driver_Rename(self, *args) def CopyFiles(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""CopyFiles(Driver self, char const * newName, char const * oldName) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Driver_CopyFiles(self, *args) def Register(self, *args) -> "int": r"""Register(Driver self) -> int""" return _gdal.Driver_Register(self, *args) def Deregister(self, *args) -> "void": r"""Deregister(Driver self)""" return _gdal.Driver_Deregister(self, *args) # Register Driver in _gdal: _gdal.Driver_swigregister(Driver) from . import ogr from . import osr class ColorEntry(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALColorEntry class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr c1 = property(_gdal.ColorEntry_c1_get, _gdal.ColorEntry_c1_set, doc=r"""c1 : short""") c2 = property(_gdal.ColorEntry_c2_get, _gdal.ColorEntry_c2_set, doc=r"""c2 : short""") c3 = property(_gdal.ColorEntry_c3_get, _gdal.ColorEntry_c3_set, doc=r"""c3 : short""") c4 = property(_gdal.ColorEntry_c4_get, _gdal.ColorEntry_c4_set, doc=r"""c4 : short""") # Register ColorEntry in _gdal: _gdal.ColorEntry_swigregister(ColorEntry) class GCP(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDAL_GCP class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr GCPX = property(_gdal.GCP_GCPX_get, _gdal.GCP_GCPX_set, doc=r"""GCPX : double""") GCPY = property(_gdal.GCP_GCPY_get, _gdal.GCP_GCPY_set, doc=r"""GCPY : double""") GCPZ = property(_gdal.GCP_GCPZ_get, _gdal.GCP_GCPZ_set, doc=r"""GCPZ : double""") GCPPixel = property(_gdal.GCP_GCPPixel_get, _gdal.GCP_GCPPixel_set, doc=r"""GCPPixel : double""") GCPLine = property(_gdal.GCP_GCPLine_get, _gdal.GCP_GCPLine_set, doc=r"""GCPLine : double""") Info = property(_gdal.GCP_Info_get, _gdal.GCP_Info_set, doc=r"""Info : p.char""") Id = property(_gdal.GCP_Id_get, _gdal.GCP_Id_set, doc=r"""Id : p.char""") def __init__(self, *args): r"""__init__(GCP self, double x=0.0, double y=0.0, double z=0.0, double pixel=0.0, double line=0.0, char const * info="", char const * id="") -> GCP""" _gdal.GCP_swiginit(self, _gdal.new_GCP(*args)) __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_GCP def __str__(self): str = '%s (%.2fP,%.2fL) -> (%.7fE,%.7fN,%.2f) %s '\ % (self.Id, self.GCPPixel, self.GCPLine, self.GCPX, self.GCPY, self.GCPZ, self.Info ) return str def serialize(self, with_Z=0): base = [gdalconst.CXT_Element, 'GCP'] base.append([gdalconst.CXT_Attribute, 'Id', [gdalconst.CXT_Text, self.Id]]) pixval = '%0.15E' % self.GCPPixel lineval = '%0.15E' % self.GCPLine xval = '%0.15E' % self.GCPX yval = '%0.15E' % self.GCPY zval = '%0.15E' % self.GCPZ base.append([gdalconst.CXT_Attribute, 'Pixel', [gdalconst.CXT_Text, pixval]]) base.append([gdalconst.CXT_Attribute, 'Line', [gdalconst.CXT_Text, lineval]]) base.append([gdalconst.CXT_Attribute, 'X', [gdalconst.CXT_Text, xval]]) base.append([gdalconst.CXT_Attribute, 'Y', [gdalconst.CXT_Text, yval]]) if with_Z: base.append([gdalconst.CXT_Attribute, 'Z', [gdalconst.CXT_Text, zval]]) return base # Register GCP in _gdal: _gdal.GCP_swigregister(GCP) def GDAL_GCP_GCPX_get(*args) -> "double": r"""GDAL_GCP_GCPX_get(GCP gcp) -> double""" return _gdal.GDAL_GCP_GCPX_get(*args) def GDAL_GCP_GCPX_set(*args) -> "void": r"""GDAL_GCP_GCPX_set(GCP gcp, double dfGCPX)""" return _gdal.GDAL_GCP_GCPX_set(*args) def GDAL_GCP_GCPY_get(*args) -> "double": r"""GDAL_GCP_GCPY_get(GCP gcp) -> double""" return _gdal.GDAL_GCP_GCPY_get(*args) def GDAL_GCP_GCPY_set(*args) -> "void": r"""GDAL_GCP_GCPY_set(GCP gcp, double dfGCPY)""" return _gdal.GDAL_GCP_GCPY_set(*args) def GDAL_GCP_GCPZ_get(*args) -> "double": r"""GDAL_GCP_GCPZ_get(GCP gcp) -> double""" return _gdal.GDAL_GCP_GCPZ_get(*args) def GDAL_GCP_GCPZ_set(*args) -> "void": r"""GDAL_GCP_GCPZ_set(GCP gcp, double dfGCPZ)""" return _gdal.GDAL_GCP_GCPZ_set(*args) def GDAL_GCP_GCPPixel_get(*args) -> "double": r"""GDAL_GCP_GCPPixel_get(GCP gcp) -> double""" return _gdal.GDAL_GCP_GCPPixel_get(*args) def GDAL_GCP_GCPPixel_set(*args) -> "void": r"""GDAL_GCP_GCPPixel_set(GCP gcp, double dfGCPPixel)""" return _gdal.GDAL_GCP_GCPPixel_set(*args) def GDAL_GCP_GCPLine_get(*args) -> "double": r"""GDAL_GCP_GCPLine_get(GCP gcp) -> double""" return _gdal.GDAL_GCP_GCPLine_get(*args) def GDAL_GCP_GCPLine_set(*args) -> "void": r"""GDAL_GCP_GCPLine_set(GCP gcp, double dfGCPLine)""" return _gdal.GDAL_GCP_GCPLine_set(*args) def GDAL_GCP_Info_get(*args) -> "char const *": r"""GDAL_GCP_Info_get(GCP gcp) -> char const *""" return _gdal.GDAL_GCP_Info_get(*args) def GDAL_GCP_Info_set(*args) -> "void": r"""GDAL_GCP_Info_set(GCP gcp, char const * pszInfo)""" return _gdal.GDAL_GCP_Info_set(*args) def GDAL_GCP_Id_get(*args) -> "char const *": r"""GDAL_GCP_Id_get(GCP gcp) -> char const *""" return _gdal.GDAL_GCP_Id_get(*args) def GDAL_GCP_Id_set(*args) -> "void": r"""GDAL_GCP_Id_set(GCP gcp, char const * pszId)""" return _gdal.GDAL_GCP_Id_set(*args) def GCPsToGeoTransform(*args) -> "double [ANY]": r"""GCPsToGeoTransform(int nGCPs, int bApproxOK=1) -> RETURN_NONE""" return _gdal.GCPsToGeoTransform(*args) class VirtualMem(object): r"""Proxy of C++ CPLVirtualMemShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_VirtualMem def GetAddr(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetAddr(VirtualMem self)""" return _gdal.VirtualMem_GetAddr(self, *args) def Pin(self, *args) -> "void": r"""Pin(VirtualMem self, size_t start_offset=0, size_t nsize=0, int bWriteOp=0)""" return _gdal.VirtualMem_Pin(self, *args) # Register VirtualMem in _gdal: _gdal.VirtualMem_swigregister(VirtualMem) class AsyncReader(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALAsyncReaderShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_AsyncReader def GetNextUpdatedRegion(self, *args) -> "GDALAsyncStatusType": r"""GetNextUpdatedRegion(AsyncReader self, double timeout) -> GDALAsyncStatusType""" return _gdal.AsyncReader_GetNextUpdatedRegion(self, *args) def GetBuffer(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetBuffer(AsyncReader self)""" return _gdal.AsyncReader_GetBuffer(self, *args) def LockBuffer(self, *args) -> "int": r"""LockBuffer(AsyncReader self, double timeout) -> int""" return _gdal.AsyncReader_LockBuffer(self, *args) def UnlockBuffer(self, *args) -> "void": r"""UnlockBuffer(AsyncReader self)""" return _gdal.AsyncReader_UnlockBuffer(self, *args) # Register AsyncReader in _gdal: _gdal.AsyncReader_swigregister(AsyncReader) class Dataset(MajorObject): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALDatasetShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr RasterXSize = property(_gdal.Dataset_RasterXSize_get, doc=r"""RasterXSize : int""") RasterYSize = property(_gdal.Dataset_RasterYSize_get, doc=r"""RasterYSize : int""") RasterCount = property(_gdal.Dataset_RasterCount_get, doc=r"""RasterCount : int""") __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_Dataset def GetDriver(self, *args) -> "GDALDriverShadow *": r"""GetDriver(Dataset self) -> Driver""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetDriver(self, *args) def GetRasterBand(self, *args) -> "GDALRasterBandShadow *": r"""GetRasterBand(Dataset self, int nBand) -> Band""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetRasterBand(self, *args) def GetRootGroup(self, *args) -> "GDALGroupHS *": r"""GetRootGroup(Dataset self) -> Group""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetRootGroup(self, *args) def GetProjection(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetProjection(Dataset self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetProjection(self, *args) def GetProjectionRef(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetProjectionRef(Dataset self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetProjectionRef(self, *args) def GetSpatialRef(self, *args) -> "OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *": r"""GetSpatialRef(Dataset self) -> SpatialReference""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetSpatialRef(self, *args) def SetProjection(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetProjection(Dataset self, char const * prj) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Dataset_SetProjection(self, *args) def SetSpatialRef(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetSpatialRef(Dataset self, SpatialReference srs) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Dataset_SetSpatialRef(self, *args) def GetGeoTransform(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "void": r"""GetGeoTransform(Dataset self, int * can_return_null=None)""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetGeoTransform(self, *args, **kwargs) def SetGeoTransform(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetGeoTransform(Dataset self, double [6] argin) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Dataset_SetGeoTransform(self, *args) def BuildOverviews(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "int": r"""BuildOverviews(Dataset self, char const * resampling="NEAREST", int overviewlist=0, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None, char ** options=None) -> int""" return _gdal.Dataset_BuildOverviews(self, *args, **kwargs) def GetGCPCount(self, *args) -> "int": r"""GetGCPCount(Dataset self) -> int""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetGCPCount(self, *args) def GetGCPProjection(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetGCPProjection(Dataset self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetGCPProjection(self, *args) def GetGCPSpatialRef(self, *args) -> "OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *": r"""GetGCPSpatialRef(Dataset self) -> SpatialReference""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetGCPSpatialRef(self, *args) def GetGCPs(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetGCPs(Dataset self)""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetGCPs(self, *args) def _SetGCPs(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""_SetGCPs(Dataset self, int nGCPs, char const * pszGCPProjection) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Dataset__SetGCPs(self, *args) def _SetGCPs2(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""_SetGCPs2(Dataset self, int nGCPs, SpatialReference hSRS) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Dataset__SetGCPs2(self, *args) def FlushCache(self, *args) -> "void": r"""FlushCache(Dataset self)""" return _gdal.Dataset_FlushCache(self, *args) def AddBand(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "CPLErr": r"""AddBand(Dataset self, GDALDataType datatype=GDT_Byte, char ** options=None) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Dataset_AddBand(self, *args, **kwargs) def CreateMaskBand(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""CreateMaskBand(Dataset self, int nFlags) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Dataset_CreateMaskBand(self, *args) def GetFileList(self, *args) -> "char **": r"""GetFileList(Dataset self) -> char **""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetFileList(self, *args) def WriteRaster(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "CPLErr": r"""WriteRaster(Dataset self, int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, GIntBig buf_len, int * buf_xsize=None, int * buf_ysize=None, GDALDataType * buf_type=None, int band_list=0, GIntBig * buf_pixel_space=None, GIntBig * buf_line_space=None, GIntBig * buf_band_space=None) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Dataset_WriteRaster(self, *args, **kwargs) def AdviseRead(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""AdviseRead(Dataset self, int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int * buf_xsize=None, int * buf_ysize=None, GDALDataType * buf_type=None, int band_list=0, char ** options=None) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Dataset_AdviseRead(self, *args) def BeginAsyncReader(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "GDALAsyncReaderShadow *": r"""BeginAsyncReader(Dataset self, int xOff, int yOff, int xSize, int ySize, int buf_len, int buf_xsize, int buf_ysize, GDALDataType bufType=(GDALDataType) 0, int band_list=0, int nPixelSpace=0, int nLineSpace=0, int nBandSpace=0, char ** options=None) -> AsyncReader""" return _gdal.Dataset_BeginAsyncReader(self, *args, **kwargs) def EndAsyncReader(self, *args) -> "void": r"""EndAsyncReader(Dataset self, AsyncReader ario)""" return _gdal.Dataset_EndAsyncReader(self, *args) def GetVirtualMem(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "CPLVirtualMemShadow *": r"""GetVirtualMem(Dataset self, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eBufType, int band_list, int bIsBandSequential, size_t nCacheSize, size_t nPageSizeHint, char ** options=None) -> VirtualMem""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetVirtualMem(self, *args, **kwargs) def GetTiledVirtualMem(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "CPLVirtualMemShadow *": r"""GetTiledVirtualMem(Dataset self, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nTileXSize, int nTileYSize, GDALDataType eBufType, int band_list, GDALTileOrganization eTileOrganization, size_t nCacheSize, char ** options=None) -> VirtualMem""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetTiledVirtualMem(self, *args, **kwargs) def CreateLayer(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRLayerShadow *": r"""CreateLayer(Dataset self, char const * name, SpatialReference srs=None, OGRwkbGeometryType geom_type=wkbUnknown, char ** options=None) -> Layer""" return _gdal.Dataset_CreateLayer(self, *args, **kwargs) def CopyLayer(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRLayerShadow *": r"""CopyLayer(Dataset self, Layer src_layer, char const * new_name, char ** options=None) -> Layer""" return _gdal.Dataset_CopyLayer(self, *args, **kwargs) def DeleteLayer(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r"""DeleteLayer(Dataset self, int index) -> OGRErr""" return _gdal.Dataset_DeleteLayer(self, *args) def GetLayerCount(self, *args) -> "int": r"""GetLayerCount(Dataset self) -> int""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetLayerCount(self, *args) def IsLayerPrivate(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""IsLayerPrivate(Dataset self, int index) -> bool""" return _gdal.Dataset_IsLayerPrivate(self, *args) def GetLayerByIndex(self, *args) -> "OGRLayerShadow *": r"""GetLayerByIndex(Dataset self, int index=0) -> Layer""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetLayerByIndex(self, *args) def GetLayerByName(self, *args) -> "OGRLayerShadow *": r"""GetLayerByName(Dataset self, char const * layer_name) -> Layer""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetLayerByName(self, *args) def ResetReading(self, *args) -> "void": r"""ResetReading(Dataset self)""" return _gdal.Dataset_ResetReading(self, *args) def GetNextFeature(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRFeatureShadow *": r"""GetNextFeature(Dataset self, bool include_layer=True, bool include_pct=False, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> Feature""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetNextFeature(self, *args, **kwargs) def TestCapability(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""TestCapability(Dataset self, char const * cap) -> bool""" return _gdal.Dataset_TestCapability(self, *args) def ExecuteSQL(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRLayerShadow *": r"""ExecuteSQL(Dataset self, char const * statement, Geometry spatialFilter=None, char const * dialect="") -> Layer""" return _gdal.Dataset_ExecuteSQL(self, *args, **kwargs) def ReleaseResultSet(self, *args) -> "void": r"""ReleaseResultSet(Dataset self, Layer layer)""" return _gdal.Dataset_ReleaseResultSet(self, *args) def GetStyleTable(self, *args) -> "OGRStyleTableShadow *": r"""GetStyleTable(Dataset self) -> StyleTable""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetStyleTable(self, *args) def SetStyleTable(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetStyleTable(Dataset self, StyleTable table)""" return _gdal.Dataset_SetStyleTable(self, *args) def AbortSQL(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r"""AbortSQL(Dataset self) -> OGRErr""" return _gdal.Dataset_AbortSQL(self, *args) def StartTransaction(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRErr": r"""StartTransaction(Dataset self, int force=FALSE) -> OGRErr""" return _gdal.Dataset_StartTransaction(self, *args, **kwargs) def CommitTransaction(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r"""CommitTransaction(Dataset self) -> OGRErr""" return _gdal.Dataset_CommitTransaction(self, *args) def RollbackTransaction(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r"""RollbackTransaction(Dataset self) -> OGRErr""" return _gdal.Dataset_RollbackTransaction(self, *args) def ClearStatistics(self, *args) -> "void": r"""ClearStatistics(Dataset self)""" return _gdal.Dataset_ClearStatistics(self, *args) def GetFieldDomainNames(self, *args) -> "char **": r"""GetFieldDomainNames(Dataset self, char ** options=None) -> char **""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetFieldDomainNames(self, *args) def GetFieldDomain(self, *args) -> "OGRFieldDomainShadow *": r"""GetFieldDomain(Dataset self, char const * name) -> FieldDomain""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetFieldDomain(self, *args) def AddFieldDomain(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""AddFieldDomain(Dataset self, FieldDomain fieldDomain) -> bool""" return _gdal.Dataset_AddFieldDomain(self, *args) def DeleteFieldDomain(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""DeleteFieldDomain(Dataset self, char const * name) -> bool""" return _gdal.Dataset_DeleteFieldDomain(self, *args) def UpdateFieldDomain(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""UpdateFieldDomain(Dataset self, FieldDomain fieldDomain) -> bool""" return _gdal.Dataset_UpdateFieldDomain(self, *args) def GetRelationshipNames(self, *args) -> "char **": r"""GetRelationshipNames(Dataset self, char ** options=None) -> char **""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetRelationshipNames(self, *args) def GetRelationship(self, *args) -> "GDALRelationshipShadow *": r"""GetRelationship(Dataset self, char const * name) -> Relationship""" return _gdal.Dataset_GetRelationship(self, *args) def AddRelationship(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""AddRelationship(Dataset self, Relationship relationship) -> bool""" return _gdal.Dataset_AddRelationship(self, *args) def DeleteRelationship(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""DeleteRelationship(Dataset self, char const * name) -> bool""" return _gdal.Dataset_DeleteRelationship(self, *args) def UpdateRelationship(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""UpdateRelationship(Dataset self, Relationship relationship) -> bool""" return _gdal.Dataset_UpdateRelationship(self, *args) def ReadRaster1(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "CPLErr": r"""ReadRaster1(Dataset self, double xoff, double yoff, double xsize, double ysize, int * buf_xsize=None, int * buf_ysize=None, GDALDataType * buf_type=None, int band_list=0, GIntBig * buf_pixel_space=None, GIntBig * buf_line_space=None, GIntBig * buf_band_space=None, GDALRIOResampleAlg resample_alg=GRIORA_NearestNeighbour, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None, void * inputOutputBuf=None) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Dataset_ReadRaster1(self, *args, **kwargs) def ReadAsArray(self, xoff=0, yoff=0, xsize=None, ysize=None, buf_obj=None, buf_xsize=None, buf_ysize=None, buf_type=None, resample_alg=gdalconst.GRIORA_NearestNeighbour, callback=None, callback_data=None, interleave='band', band_list=None): """ Reading a chunk of a GDAL band into a numpy array. The optional (buf_xsize,buf_ysize,buf_type) parameters should generally not be specified if buf_obj is specified. The array is returned""" from osgeo import gdal_array return gdal_array.DatasetReadAsArray(self, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, buf_obj, buf_xsize, buf_ysize, buf_type, resample_alg=resample_alg, callback=callback, callback_data=callback_data, interleave=interleave, band_list=band_list) def WriteArray(self, array, xoff=0, yoff=0, band_list=None, interleave='band', resample_alg=gdalconst.GRIORA_NearestNeighbour, callback=None, callback_data=None): from osgeo import gdal_array return gdal_array.DatasetWriteArray(self, array, xoff, yoff, band_list=band_list, interleave=interleave, resample_alg=resample_alg, callback=callback, callback_data=callback_data) def WriteRaster(self, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, buf_string, buf_xsize=None, buf_ysize=None, buf_type=None, band_list=None, buf_pixel_space=None, buf_line_space=None, buf_band_space=None ): if buf_xsize is None: buf_xsize = xsize if buf_ysize is None: buf_ysize = ysize if band_list is None: band_list = list(range(1, self.RasterCount + 1)) # Redirect to numpy-friendly WriteArray() if buf_string is a numpy array # and other arguments are compatible if type(buf_string).__name__ == 'ndarray' and \ buf_xsize == xsize and buf_ysize == ysize and buf_type is None and \ buf_pixel_space is None and buf_line_space is None and buf_band_space is None: return self.WriteArray(buf_string, xoff=xoff, yoff=yoff, band_list=band_list) if buf_type is None: buf_type = self.GetRasterBand(1).DataType return _gdal.Dataset_WriteRaster(self, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, buf_string, buf_xsize, buf_ysize, buf_type, band_list, buf_pixel_space, buf_line_space, buf_band_space ) def ReadRaster(self, xoff=0, yoff=0, xsize=None, ysize=None, buf_xsize=None, buf_ysize=None, buf_type=None, band_list=None, buf_pixel_space=None, buf_line_space=None, buf_band_space=None, resample_alg=gdalconst.GRIORA_NearestNeighbour, callback=None, callback_data=None, buf_obj=None): if xsize is None: xsize = self.RasterXSize if ysize is None: ysize = self.RasterYSize if band_list is None: band_list = list(range(1, self.RasterCount + 1)) if buf_xsize is None: buf_xsize = xsize if buf_ysize is None: buf_ysize = ysize if buf_type is None: buf_type = self.GetRasterBand(1).DataType; return _gdal.Dataset_ReadRaster1(self, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, buf_xsize, buf_ysize, buf_type, band_list, buf_pixel_space, buf_line_space, buf_band_space, resample_alg, callback, callback_data, buf_obj ) def GetVirtualMemArray(self, eAccess=gdalconst.GF_Read, xoff=0, yoff=0, xsize=None, ysize=None, bufxsize=None, bufysize=None, datatype=None, band_list=None, band_sequential = True, cache_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024, page_size_hint = 0, options=None): """Return a NumPy array for the dataset, seen as a virtual memory mapping. If there are several bands and band_sequential = True, an element is accessed with array[band][y][x]. If there are several bands and band_sequential = False, an element is accessed with array[y][x][band]. If there is only one band, an element is accessed with array[y][x]. Any reference to the array must be dropped before the last reference to the related dataset is also dropped. """ from osgeo import gdal_array if xsize is None: xsize = self.RasterXSize if ysize is None: ysize = self.RasterYSize if bufxsize is None: bufxsize = self.RasterXSize if bufysize is None: bufysize = self.RasterYSize if datatype is None: datatype = self.GetRasterBand(1).DataType if band_list is None: band_list = list(range(1, self.RasterCount + 1)) if options is None: virtualmem = self.GetVirtualMem(eAccess, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, bufxsize, bufysize, datatype, band_list, band_sequential, cache_size, page_size_hint) else: virtualmem = self.GetVirtualMem(eAccess, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, bufxsize, bufysize, datatype, band_list, band_sequential, cache_size, page_size_hint, options) return gdal_array.VirtualMemGetArray( virtualmem ) def GetTiledVirtualMemArray(self, eAccess=gdalconst.GF_Read, xoff=0, yoff=0, xsize=None, ysize=None, tilexsize=256, tileysize=256, datatype=None, band_list=None, tile_organization=gdalconst.GTO_BSQ, cache_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024, options=None): """Return a NumPy array for the dataset, seen as a virtual memory mapping with a tile organization. If there are several bands and tile_organization = gdal.GTO_TIP, an element is accessed with array[tiley][tilex][y][x][band]. If there are several bands and tile_organization = gdal.GTO_BIT, an element is accessed with array[tiley][tilex][band][y][x]. If there are several bands and tile_organization = gdal.GTO_BSQ, an element is accessed with array[band][tiley][tilex][y][x]. If there is only one band, an element is accessed with array[tiley][tilex][y][x]. Any reference to the array must be dropped before the last reference to the related dataset is also dropped. """ from osgeo import gdal_array if xsize is None: xsize = self.RasterXSize if ysize is None: ysize = self.RasterYSize if datatype is None: datatype = self.GetRasterBand(1).DataType if band_list is None: band_list = list(range(1, self.RasterCount + 1)) if options is None: virtualmem = self.GetTiledVirtualMem(eAccess, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, tilexsize, tileysize, datatype, band_list, tile_organization, cache_size) else: virtualmem = self.GetTiledVirtualMem(eAccess, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, tilexsize, tileysize, datatype, band_list, tile_organization, cache_size, options) return gdal_array.VirtualMemGetArray( virtualmem ) def GetSubDatasets(self): sd_list = [] sd = self.GetMetadata('SUBDATASETS') if sd is None: return sd_list i = 1 while 'SUBDATASET_'+str(i)+'_NAME' in sd: sd_list.append((sd['SUBDATASET_'+str(i)+'_NAME'], sd['SUBDATASET_'+str(i)+'_DESC'])) i = i + 1 return sd_list def BeginAsyncReader(self, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, buf_obj=None, buf_xsize=None, buf_ysize=None, buf_type=None, band_list=None, options=None): if band_list is None: band_list = list(range(1, self.RasterCount + 1)) if buf_xsize is None: buf_xsize = 0; if buf_ysize is None: buf_ysize = 0; if buf_type is None: buf_type = gdalconst.GDT_Byte if buf_xsize <= 0: buf_xsize = xsize if buf_ysize <= 0: buf_ysize = ysize options = [] if options is None else options if buf_obj is None: from sys import version_info nRequiredSize = int(buf_xsize * buf_ysize * len(band_list) * (_gdal.GetDataTypeSize(buf_type) / 8)) if version_info >= (3, 0, 0): buf_obj_ar = [None] exec("buf_obj_ar[0] = b' ' * nRequiredSize") buf_obj = buf_obj_ar[0] else: buf_obj = ' ' * nRequiredSize return _gdal.Dataset_BeginAsyncReader(self, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, buf_obj, buf_xsize, buf_ysize, buf_type, band_list, 0, 0, 0, options) def GetLayer(self, iLayer=0): """Return the layer given an index or a name""" if isinstance(iLayer, str): return self.GetLayerByName(str(iLayer)) elif isinstance(iLayer, int): return self.GetLayerByIndex(iLayer) else: raise TypeError("Input %s is not of String or Int type" % type(iLayer)) def DeleteLayer(self, value): """Deletes the layer given an index or layer name""" if isinstance(value, str): for i in range(self.GetLayerCount()): name = self.GetLayer(i).GetName() if name == value: return _gdal.Dataset_DeleteLayer(self, i) raise ValueError("Layer %s not found to delete" % value) elif isinstance(value, int): return _gdal.Dataset_DeleteLayer(self, value) else: raise TypeError("Input %s is not of String or Int type" % type(value)) def SetGCPs(self, gcps, wkt_or_spatial_ref): if isinstance(wkt_or_spatial_ref, str): return self._SetGCPs(gcps, wkt_or_spatial_ref) else: return self._SetGCPs2(gcps, wkt_or_spatial_ref) # Register Dataset in _gdal: _gdal.Dataset_swigregister(Dataset) GEDTST_NONE = _gdal.GEDTST_NONE GEDTST_JSON = _gdal.GEDTST_JSON class Group(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALGroupHS class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_Group def GetName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetName(Group self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.Group_GetName(self, *args) def GetFullName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetFullName(Group self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.Group_GetFullName(self, *args) def GetMDArrayNames(self, *args) -> "char **": r"""GetMDArrayNames(Group self, char ** options=None) -> char **""" return _gdal.Group_GetMDArrayNames(self, *args) def OpenMDArray(self, *args) -> "GDALMDArrayHS *": r"""OpenMDArray(Group self, char const * name, char ** options=None) -> MDArray""" return _gdal.Group_OpenMDArray(self, *args) def OpenMDArrayFromFullname(self, *args) -> "GDALMDArrayHS *": r"""OpenMDArrayFromFullname(Group self, char const * name, char ** options=None) -> MDArray""" return _gdal.Group_OpenMDArrayFromFullname(self, *args) def ResolveMDArray(self, *args) -> "GDALMDArrayHS *": r"""ResolveMDArray(Group self, char const * name, char const * starting_point, char ** options=None) -> MDArray""" return _gdal.Group_ResolveMDArray(self, *args) def GetGroupNames(self, *args) -> "char **": r"""GetGroupNames(Group self, char ** options=None) -> char **""" return _gdal.Group_GetGroupNames(self, *args) def OpenGroup(self, *args) -> "GDALGroupHS *": r"""OpenGroup(Group self, char const * name, char ** options=None) -> Group""" return _gdal.Group_OpenGroup(self, *args) def OpenGroupFromFullname(self, *args) -> "GDALGroupHS *": r"""OpenGroupFromFullname(Group self, char const * name, char ** options=None) -> Group""" return _gdal.Group_OpenGroupFromFullname(self, *args) def GetVectorLayerNames(self, *args) -> "char **": r"""GetVectorLayerNames(Group self, char ** options=None) -> char **""" return _gdal.Group_GetVectorLayerNames(self, *args) def OpenVectorLayer(self, *args) -> "OGRLayerShadow *": r"""OpenVectorLayer(Group self, char const * name, char ** options=None) -> Layer""" return _gdal.Group_OpenVectorLayer(self, *args) def GetDimensions(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetDimensions(Group self, char ** options=None)""" return _gdal.Group_GetDimensions(self, *args) def GetAttribute(self, *args) -> "GDALAttributeHS *": r"""GetAttribute(Group self, char const * name) -> Attribute""" return _gdal.Group_GetAttribute(self, *args) def GetAttributes(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetAttributes(Group self, char ** options=None)""" return _gdal.Group_GetAttributes(self, *args) def GetStructuralInfo(self, *args) -> "char **": r"""GetStructuralInfo(Group self) -> char **""" return _gdal.Group_GetStructuralInfo(self, *args) def CreateGroup(self, *args) -> "GDALGroupHS *": r"""CreateGroup(Group self, char const * name, char ** options=None) -> Group""" return _gdal.Group_CreateGroup(self, *args) def CreateDimension(self, *args) -> "GDALDimensionHS *": r"""CreateDimension(Group self, char const * name, char const * type, char const * direction, unsigned long long size, char ** options=None) -> Dimension""" return _gdal.Group_CreateDimension(self, *args) def CreateMDArray(self, *args) -> "GDALMDArrayHS *": r"""CreateMDArray(Group self, char const * name, int nDimensions, ExtendedDataType data_type, char ** options=None) -> MDArray""" return _gdal.Group_CreateMDArray(self, *args) def CreateAttribute(self, *args) -> "GDALAttributeHS *": r"""CreateAttribute(Group self, char const * name, int nDimensions, ExtendedDataType data_type, char ** options=None) -> Attribute""" return _gdal.Group_CreateAttribute(self, *args) # Register Group in _gdal: _gdal.Group_swigregister(Group) class Statistics(object): r"""Proxy of C++ Statistics class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr min = property(_gdal.Statistics_min_get, doc=r"""min : double""") max = property(_gdal.Statistics_max_get, doc=r"""max : double""") mean = property(_gdal.Statistics_mean_get, doc=r"""mean : double""") std_dev = property(_gdal.Statistics_std_dev_get, doc=r"""std_dev : double""") valid_count = property(_gdal.Statistics_valid_count_get, doc=r"""valid_count : GIntBig""") __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_Statistics def __init__(self, *args): r"""__init__(Statistics self) -> Statistics""" _gdal.Statistics_swiginit(self, _gdal.new_Statistics(*args)) # Register Statistics in _gdal: _gdal.Statistics_swigregister(Statistics) class MDArray(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALMDArrayHS class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_MDArray def GetName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetName(MDArray self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetName(self, *args) def GetFullName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetFullName(MDArray self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetFullName(self, *args) def GetTotalElementsCount(self, *args) -> "unsigned long long": r"""GetTotalElementsCount(MDArray self) -> unsigned long long""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetTotalElementsCount(self, *args) def GetDimensionCount(self, *args) -> "size_t": r"""GetDimensionCount(MDArray self) -> size_t""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetDimensionCount(self, *args) def GetDimensions(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetDimensions(MDArray self)""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetDimensions(self, *args) def GetCoordinateVariables(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetCoordinateVariables(MDArray self)""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetCoordinateVariables(self, *args) def GetBlockSize(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetBlockSize(MDArray self)""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetBlockSize(self, *args) def GetProcessingChunkSize(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetProcessingChunkSize(MDArray self, size_t nMaxChunkMemory)""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetProcessingChunkSize(self, *args) def GetDataType(self, *args) -> "GDALExtendedDataTypeHS *": r"""GetDataType(MDArray self) -> ExtendedDataType""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetDataType(self, *args) def GetStructuralInfo(self, *args) -> "char **": r"""GetStructuralInfo(MDArray self) -> char **""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetStructuralInfo(self, *args) def Read(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""Read(MDArray self, int nDims1, int nDims2, int nDims3, int nDims4, ExtendedDataType buffer_datatype) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.MDArray_Read(self, *args) def WriteStringArray(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""WriteStringArray(MDArray self, int nDims1, int nDims2, int nDims3, ExtendedDataType buffer_datatype, char ** options) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.MDArray_WriteStringArray(self, *args) def Write(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""Write(MDArray self, int nDims1, int nDims2, int nDims3, int nDims4, ExtendedDataType buffer_datatype, GIntBig buf_len) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.MDArray_Write(self, *args) def AdviseRead(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""AdviseRead(MDArray self, int nDims1, int nDims2, char ** options=None) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.MDArray_AdviseRead(self, *args) def GetAttribute(self, *args) -> "GDALAttributeHS *": r"""GetAttribute(MDArray self, char const * name) -> Attribute""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetAttribute(self, *args) def GetAttributes(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetAttributes(MDArray self, char ** options=None)""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetAttributes(self, *args) def CreateAttribute(self, *args) -> "GDALAttributeHS *": r"""CreateAttribute(MDArray self, char const * name, int nDimensions, ExtendedDataType data_type, char ** options=None) -> Attribute""" return _gdal.MDArray_CreateAttribute(self, *args) def GetNoDataValueAsRaw(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""GetNoDataValueAsRaw(MDArray self) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetNoDataValueAsRaw(self, *args) def GetNoDataValueAsDouble(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetNoDataValueAsDouble(MDArray self)""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetNoDataValueAsDouble(self, *args) def GetNoDataValueAsInt64(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetNoDataValueAsInt64(MDArray self)""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetNoDataValueAsInt64(self, *args) def GetNoDataValueAsUInt64(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetNoDataValueAsUInt64(MDArray self)""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetNoDataValueAsUInt64(self, *args) def GetNoDataValueAsString(self, *args) -> "retStringAndCPLFree *": r"""GetNoDataValueAsString(MDArray self) -> retStringAndCPLFree *""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetNoDataValueAsString(self, *args) def SetNoDataValueDouble(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetNoDataValueDouble(MDArray self, double d) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.MDArray_SetNoDataValueDouble(self, *args) def SetNoDataValueInt64(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetNoDataValueInt64(MDArray self, GIntBig v) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.MDArray_SetNoDataValueInt64(self, *args) def SetNoDataValueUInt64(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetNoDataValueUInt64(MDArray self, GUIntBig v) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.MDArray_SetNoDataValueUInt64(self, *args) def SetNoDataValueString(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetNoDataValueString(MDArray self, char const * nodata) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.MDArray_SetNoDataValueString(self, *args) def SetNoDataValueRaw(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetNoDataValueRaw(MDArray self, GIntBig nLen) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.MDArray_SetNoDataValueRaw(self, *args) def DeleteNoDataValue(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""DeleteNoDataValue(MDArray self) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.MDArray_DeleteNoDataValue(self, *args) def GetOffset(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetOffset(MDArray self)""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetOffset(self, *args) def GetOffsetStorageType(self, *args) -> "GDALDataType": r"""GetOffsetStorageType(MDArray self) -> GDALDataType""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetOffsetStorageType(self, *args) def GetScale(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetScale(MDArray self)""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetScale(self, *args) def GetScaleStorageType(self, *args) -> "GDALDataType": r"""GetScaleStorageType(MDArray self) -> GDALDataType""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetScaleStorageType(self, *args) def SetOffset(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetOffset(MDArray self, double val, GDALDataType storageType=GDT_Unknown) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.MDArray_SetOffset(self, *args, **kwargs) def SetScale(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetScale(MDArray self, double val, GDALDataType storageType=GDT_Unknown) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.MDArray_SetScale(self, *args, **kwargs) def SetUnit(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetUnit(MDArray self, char const * unit) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.MDArray_SetUnit(self, *args) def GetUnit(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetUnit(MDArray self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetUnit(self, *args) def SetSpatialRef(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r"""SetSpatialRef(MDArray self, SpatialReference srs) -> OGRErr""" return _gdal.MDArray_SetSpatialRef(self, *args) def GetSpatialRef(self, *args) -> "OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *": r"""GetSpatialRef(MDArray self) -> SpatialReference""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetSpatialRef(self, *args) def GetView(self, *args) -> "GDALMDArrayHS *": r"""GetView(MDArray self, char const * viewExpr) -> MDArray""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetView(self, *args) def Transpose(self, *args) -> "GDALMDArrayHS *": r"""Transpose(MDArray self, int nList) -> MDArray""" return _gdal.MDArray_Transpose(self, *args) def GetUnscaled(self, *args) -> "GDALMDArrayHS *": r"""GetUnscaled(MDArray self) -> MDArray""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetUnscaled(self, *args) def GetMask(self, *args) -> "GDALMDArrayHS *": r"""GetMask(MDArray self, char ** options=None) -> MDArray""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetMask(self, *args) def AsClassicDataset(self, *args) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""AsClassicDataset(MDArray self, size_t iXDim, size_t iYDim) -> Dataset""" return _gdal.MDArray_AsClassicDataset(self, *args) def GetStatistics(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "Statistics *": r"""GetStatistics(MDArray self, bool approx_ok=FALSE, bool force=TRUE, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> Statistics""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetStatistics(self, *args, **kwargs) def ComputeStatistics(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "Statistics *": r"""ComputeStatistics(MDArray self, bool approx_ok=FALSE, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> Statistics""" return _gdal.MDArray_ComputeStatistics(self, *args, **kwargs) def GetResampled(self, *args) -> "GDALMDArrayHS *": r"""GetResampled(MDArray self, int nDimensions, GDALRIOResampleAlg resample_alg, OSRSpatialReferenceShadow ** srs, char ** options=None) -> MDArray""" return _gdal.MDArray_GetResampled(self, *args) def Cache(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""Cache(MDArray self, char ** options=None) -> bool""" return _gdal.MDArray_Cache(self, *args) def Read(self, array_start_idx = None, count = None, array_step = None, buffer_stride = None, buffer_datatype = None): if not array_start_idx: array_start_idx = [0] * self.GetDimensionCount() if not count: count = [ dim.GetSize() for dim in self.GetDimensions() ] if not array_step: array_step = [1] * self.GetDimensionCount() if not buffer_stride: stride = 1 buffer_stride = [] # To compute strides we must proceed from the fastest varying dimension # (the last one), and then reverse the result for cnt in reversed(count): buffer_stride.append(stride) stride *= cnt buffer_stride.reverse() if not buffer_datatype: buffer_datatype = self.GetDataType() return _gdal.MDArray_Read(self, array_start_idx, count, array_step, buffer_stride, buffer_datatype) def ReadAsArray(self, array_start_idx = None, count = None, array_step = None, buffer_datatype = None, buf_obj = None): from osgeo import gdal_array return gdal_array.MDArrayReadAsArray(self, array_start_idx, count, array_step, buffer_datatype, buf_obj) def AdviseRead(self, array_start_idx = None, count = None, options = []): if not array_start_idx: array_start_idx = [0] * self.GetDimensionCount() if not count: count = [ (self.GetDimensions()[i].GetSize() - array_start_idx[i]) for i in range (self.GetDimensionCount()) ] return _gdal.MDArray_AdviseRead(self, array_start_idx, count, options) def __getitem__(self, item): def stringify(v): if v == Ellipsis: return '...' if isinstance(v, slice): return ':'.join([str(x) if x is not None else '' for x in (v.start, v.stop, v.step)]) if isinstance(v, str): return v if isinstance(v, (int, type(12345678901234))): return str(v) try: import numpy as np if v == np.newaxis: return 'newaxis' except: pass return str(v) if isinstance(item, str): return self.GetView('["' + item.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"') + '"]') elif isinstance(item, slice): return self.GetView('[' + stringify(item) + ']') elif isinstance(item, tuple): return self.GetView('[' + ','.join([stringify(x) for x in item]) + ']') else: return self.GetView('[' + stringify(item) + ']') def Write(self, buffer, array_start_idx = None, count = None, array_step = None, buffer_stride = None, buffer_datatype = None): dimCount = self.GetDimensionCount() # Redirect to numpy-friendly WriteArray() if buffer is a numpy array # and other arguments are compatible if type(buffer).__name__ == 'ndarray' and \ count is None and buffer_stride is None and buffer_datatype is None: return self.WriteArray(buffer, array_start_idx=array_start_idx, array_step=array_step) # Special case for buffer of type array and 1D arrays if dimCount == 1 and type(buffer).__name__ == 'array' and \ count is None and buffer_stride is None and buffer_datatype is None: map_typecode_itemsize_to_gdal = { ('B', 1): GDT_Byte, ('h', 2): GDT_Int16, ('H', 2): GDT_UInt16, ('i', 4): GDT_Int32, ('I', 4): GDT_UInt32, ('l', 4): GDT_Int32, # ('l', 8): GDT_Int64, # ('q', 8): GDT_Int64, # ('Q', 8): GDT_UInt64, ('f', 4): GDT_Float32, ('d', 8): GDT_Float64 } key = (buffer.typecode, buffer.itemsize) if key not in map_typecode_itemsize_to_gdal: raise Exception("unhandled type for buffer of type array") buffer_datatype = ExtendedDataType.Create(map_typecode_itemsize_to_gdal[key]) # Special case for a list of numeric values and 1D arrays elif dimCount == 1 and type(buffer) == type([]) and len(buffer) != 0 \ and self.GetDataType().GetClass() != GEDTC_STRING: buffer_datatype = GDT_Int32 for v in buffer: if isinstance(v, int): if v >= (1 << 31) or v < -(1 << 31): buffer_datatype = GDT_Float64 elif isinstance(v, float): buffer_datatype = GDT_Float64 else: raise ValueError('Only lists with integer or float elements are supported') import array buffer = array.array('d' if buffer_datatype == GDT_Float64 else 'i', buffer) buffer_datatype = ExtendedDataType.Create(buffer_datatype) if not buffer_datatype: buffer_datatype = self.GetDataType() is_1d_string = self.GetDataType().GetClass() == GEDTC_STRING and buffer_datatype.GetClass() == GEDTC_STRING and dimCount == 1 if not array_start_idx: array_start_idx = [0] * dimCount if not count: if is_1d_string: assert type(buffer) == type([]) count = [ len(buffer) ] else: count = [ dim.GetSize() for dim in self.GetDimensions() ] if not array_step: array_step = [1] * dimCount if not buffer_stride: stride = 1 buffer_stride = [] # To compute strides we must proceed from the fastest varying dimension # (the last one), and then reverse the result for cnt in reversed(count): buffer_stride.append(stride) stride *= cnt buffer_stride.reverse() if is_1d_string: return _gdal.MDArray_WriteStringArray(self, array_start_idx, count, array_step, buffer_datatype, buffer) return _gdal.MDArray_Write(self, array_start_idx, count, array_step, buffer_stride, buffer_datatype, buffer) def WriteArray(self, array, array_start_idx = None, array_step = None): from osgeo import gdal_array return gdal_array.MDArrayWriteArray(self, array, array_start_idx, array_step) def ReadAsMaskedArray(self, array_start_idx = None, count = None, array_step = None): """ Return a numpy masked array of ReadAsArray() with GetMask() """ import numpy mask = self.GetMask() if mask is not None: array = self.ReadAsArray(array_start_idx, count, array_step) mask_array = mask.ReadAsArray(array_start_idx, count, array_step) bool_array = ~mask_array.astype(bool) return numpy.ma.array(array, mask=bool_array) else: return numpy.ma.array(self.ReadAsArray(array_start_idx, count, array_step), mask=None) def GetShape(self): """ Return the shape of the array """ if not self.GetDimensionCount(): return None shp = () for dim in self.GetDimensions(): shp += (dim.GetSize(),) return shp shape = property(fget=GetShape, doc='Returns the shape of the array.') def GetNoDataValue(self): """GetNoDataValue(MDArray self) -> value """ dt = self.GetDataType() if dt.GetClass() == GEDTC_NUMERIC and dt.GetNumericDataType() == gdalconst.GDT_Int64: return _gdal.MDArray_GetNoDataValueAsInt64(self) if dt.GetClass() == GEDTC_NUMERIC and dt.GetNumericDataType() == gdalconst.GDT_UInt64: return _gdal.MDArray_GetNoDataValueAsUInt64(self) return _gdal.MDArray_GetNoDataValueAsDouble(self) def SetNoDataValue(self, value): """SetNoDataValue(MDArray self, value) -> CPLErr""" dt = self.GetDataType() if dt.GetClass() == GEDTC_NUMERIC and dt.GetNumericDataType() == gdalconst.GDT_Int64: return _gdal.MDArray_SetNoDataValueInt64(self, value) if dt.GetClass() == GEDTC_NUMERIC and dt.GetNumericDataType() == gdalconst.GDT_UInt64: return _gdal.MDArray_SetNoDataValueUInt64(self, value) return _gdal.MDArray_SetNoDataValueDouble(self, value) # Register MDArray in _gdal: _gdal.MDArray_swigregister(MDArray) class Attribute(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALAttributeHS class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_Attribute def GetName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetName(Attribute self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.Attribute_GetName(self, *args) def GetFullName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetFullName(Attribute self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.Attribute_GetFullName(self, *args) def GetTotalElementsCount(self, *args) -> "unsigned long long": r"""GetTotalElementsCount(Attribute self) -> unsigned long long""" return _gdal.Attribute_GetTotalElementsCount(self, *args) def GetDimensionCount(self, *args) -> "size_t": r"""GetDimensionCount(Attribute self) -> size_t""" return _gdal.Attribute_GetDimensionCount(self, *args) def GetDimensionsSize(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetDimensionsSize(Attribute self)""" return _gdal.Attribute_GetDimensionsSize(self, *args) def GetDataType(self, *args) -> "GDALExtendedDataTypeHS *": r"""GetDataType(Attribute self) -> ExtendedDataType""" return _gdal.Attribute_GetDataType(self, *args) def ReadAsRaw(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""ReadAsRaw(Attribute self) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Attribute_ReadAsRaw(self, *args) def ReadAsString(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""ReadAsString(Attribute self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.Attribute_ReadAsString(self, *args) def ReadAsInt(self, *args) -> "int": r"""ReadAsInt(Attribute self) -> int""" return _gdal.Attribute_ReadAsInt(self, *args) def ReadAsDouble(self, *args) -> "double": r"""ReadAsDouble(Attribute self) -> double""" return _gdal.Attribute_ReadAsDouble(self, *args) def ReadAsStringArray(self, *args) -> "char **": r"""ReadAsStringArray(Attribute self) -> char **""" return _gdal.Attribute_ReadAsStringArray(self, *args) def ReadAsIntArray(self, *args) -> "void": r"""ReadAsIntArray(Attribute self)""" return _gdal.Attribute_ReadAsIntArray(self, *args) def ReadAsDoubleArray(self, *args) -> "void": r"""ReadAsDoubleArray(Attribute self)""" return _gdal.Attribute_ReadAsDoubleArray(self, *args) def WriteRaw(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""WriteRaw(Attribute self, GIntBig nLen) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Attribute_WriteRaw(self, *args) def WriteString(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""WriteString(Attribute self, char const * val) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Attribute_WriteString(self, *args) def WriteStringArray(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""WriteStringArray(Attribute self, char ** vals) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Attribute_WriteStringArray(self, *args) def WriteInt(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""WriteInt(Attribute self, int val) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Attribute_WriteInt(self, *args) def WriteDouble(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""WriteDouble(Attribute self, double val) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Attribute_WriteDouble(self, *args) def WriteDoubleArray(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""WriteDoubleArray(Attribute self, int nList) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Attribute_WriteDoubleArray(self, *args) def Read(self): """ Read an attribute and return it with the most appropriate type """ dt = self.GetDataType() dt_class = dt.GetClass() if dt_class == GEDTC_STRING: if self.GetTotalElementsCount() == 1: s = self.ReadAsString() if dt.GetSubType() == GEDTST_JSON: try: import json return json.loads(s) except: pass return s return self.ReadAsStringArray() if dt_class == GEDTC_NUMERIC: if dt.GetNumericDataType() in (GDT_Byte, GDT_Int16, GDT_UInt16, GDT_Int32): if self.GetTotalElementsCount() == 1: return self.ReadAsInt() else: return self.ReadAsIntArray() else: if self.GetTotalElementsCount() == 1: return self.ReadAsDouble() else: return self.ReadAsDoubleArray() return self.ReadAsRaw() def Write(self, val): if isinstance(val, (int, type(12345678901234))): if val >= -0x80000000 and val <= 0x7FFFFFFF: return self.WriteInt(val) else: return self.WriteDouble(val) if isinstance(val, float): return self.WriteDouble(val) if isinstance(val, str) and self.GetDataType().GetClass() != GEDTC_COMPOUND: return self.WriteString(val) if isinstance(val, list): if len(val) == 0: if self.GetDataType().GetClass() == GEDTC_STRING: return self.WriteStringArray(val) else: return self.WriteDoubleArray(val) if isinstance(val[0], (int, type(12345678901234), float)): return self.WriteDoubleArray(val) if isinstance(val[0], str): return self.WriteStringArray(val) if isinstance(val, dict) and self.GetDataType().GetSubType() == GEDTST_JSON: import json return self.WriteString(json.dumps(val)) return self.WriteRaw(val) # Register Attribute in _gdal: _gdal.Attribute_swigregister(Attribute) class Dimension(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALDimensionHS class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_Dimension def GetName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetName(Dimension self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.Dimension_GetName(self, *args) def GetFullName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetFullName(Dimension self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.Dimension_GetFullName(self, *args) def GetType(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetType(Dimension self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.Dimension_GetType(self, *args) def GetDirection(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetDirection(Dimension self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.Dimension_GetDirection(self, *args) def GetSize(self, *args) -> "unsigned long long": r"""GetSize(Dimension self) -> unsigned long long""" return _gdal.Dimension_GetSize(self, *args) def GetIndexingVariable(self, *args) -> "GDALMDArrayHS *": r"""GetIndexingVariable(Dimension self) -> MDArray""" return _gdal.Dimension_GetIndexingVariable(self, *args) def SetIndexingVariable(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""SetIndexingVariable(Dimension self, MDArray array) -> bool""" return _gdal.Dimension_SetIndexingVariable(self, *args) # Register Dimension in _gdal: _gdal.Dimension_swigregister(Dimension) GEDTC_NUMERIC = _gdal.GEDTC_NUMERIC GEDTC_STRING = _gdal.GEDTC_STRING GEDTC_COMPOUND = _gdal.GEDTC_COMPOUND class ExtendedDataType(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALExtendedDataTypeHS class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_ExtendedDataType @staticmethod def Create(*args) -> "GDALExtendedDataTypeHS *": r"""Create(GDALDataType dt) -> ExtendedDataType""" return _gdal.ExtendedDataType_Create(*args) @staticmethod def CreateString(*args) -> "GDALExtendedDataTypeHS *": r"""CreateString(size_t nMaxStringLength=0, GDALExtendedDataTypeSubType eSubType=GEDTST_NONE) -> ExtendedDataType""" return _gdal.ExtendedDataType_CreateString(*args) @staticmethod def CreateCompound(*args) -> "GDALExtendedDataTypeHS *": r"""CreateCompound(char const * name, size_t nTotalSize, int nComps) -> ExtendedDataType""" return _gdal.ExtendedDataType_CreateCompound(*args) def GetName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetName(ExtendedDataType self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.ExtendedDataType_GetName(self, *args) def GetClass(self, *args) -> "GDALExtendedDataTypeClass": r"""GetClass(ExtendedDataType self) -> GDALExtendedDataTypeClass""" return _gdal.ExtendedDataType_GetClass(self, *args) def GetNumericDataType(self, *args) -> "GDALDataType": r"""GetNumericDataType(ExtendedDataType self) -> GDALDataType""" return _gdal.ExtendedDataType_GetNumericDataType(self, *args) def GetSize(self, *args) -> "size_t": r"""GetSize(ExtendedDataType self) -> size_t""" return _gdal.ExtendedDataType_GetSize(self, *args) def GetMaxStringLength(self, *args) -> "size_t": r"""GetMaxStringLength(ExtendedDataType self) -> size_t""" return _gdal.ExtendedDataType_GetMaxStringLength(self, *args) def GetSubType(self, *args) -> "GDALExtendedDataTypeSubType": r"""GetSubType(ExtendedDataType self) -> GDALExtendedDataTypeSubType""" return _gdal.ExtendedDataType_GetSubType(self, *args) def GetComponents(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetComponents(ExtendedDataType self)""" return _gdal.ExtendedDataType_GetComponents(self, *args) def CanConvertTo(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""CanConvertTo(ExtendedDataType self, ExtendedDataType other) -> bool""" return _gdal.ExtendedDataType_CanConvertTo(self, *args) def Equals(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""Equals(ExtendedDataType self, ExtendedDataType other) -> bool""" return _gdal.ExtendedDataType_Equals(self, *args) def __eq__(self, other): return self.Equals(other) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) # Register ExtendedDataType in _gdal: _gdal.ExtendedDataType_swigregister(ExtendedDataType) def ExtendedDataType_Create(*args) -> "GDALExtendedDataTypeHS *": r"""ExtendedDataType_Create(GDALDataType dt) -> ExtendedDataType""" return _gdal.ExtendedDataType_Create(*args) def ExtendedDataType_CreateString(*args) -> "GDALExtendedDataTypeHS *": r"""ExtendedDataType_CreateString(size_t nMaxStringLength=0, GDALExtendedDataTypeSubType eSubType=GEDTST_NONE) -> ExtendedDataType""" return _gdal.ExtendedDataType_CreateString(*args) def ExtendedDataType_CreateCompound(*args) -> "GDALExtendedDataTypeHS *": r"""ExtendedDataType_CreateCompound(char const * name, size_t nTotalSize, int nComps) -> ExtendedDataType""" return _gdal.ExtendedDataType_CreateCompound(*args) class EDTComponent(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALEDTComponentHS class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_EDTComponent @staticmethod def Create(*args) -> "GDALEDTComponentHS *": r"""Create(char const * name, size_t offset, ExtendedDataType type) -> EDTComponent""" return _gdal.EDTComponent_Create(*args) def GetName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetName(EDTComponent self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.EDTComponent_GetName(self, *args) def GetOffset(self, *args) -> "size_t": r"""GetOffset(EDTComponent self) -> size_t""" return _gdal.EDTComponent_GetOffset(self, *args) def GetType(self, *args) -> "GDALExtendedDataTypeHS *": r"""GetType(EDTComponent self) -> ExtendedDataType""" return _gdal.EDTComponent_GetType(self, *args) # Register EDTComponent in _gdal: _gdal.EDTComponent_swigregister(EDTComponent) def EDTComponent_Create(*args) -> "GDALEDTComponentHS *": r"""EDTComponent_Create(char const * name, size_t offset, ExtendedDataType type) -> EDTComponent""" return _gdal.EDTComponent_Create(*args) class Band(MajorObject): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALRasterBandShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr XSize = property(_gdal.Band_XSize_get, doc=r"""XSize : int""") YSize = property(_gdal.Band_YSize_get, doc=r"""YSize : int""") DataType = property(_gdal.Band_DataType_get, doc=r"""DataType : GDALDataType""") def GetDataset(self, *args) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""GetDataset(Band self) -> Dataset""" return _gdal.Band_GetDataset(self, *args) def GetBand(self, *args) -> "int": r"""GetBand(Band self) -> int""" return _gdal.Band_GetBand(self, *args) def GetBlockSize(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetBlockSize(Band self)""" return _gdal.Band_GetBlockSize(self, *args) def GetActualBlockSize(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetActualBlockSize(Band self, int nXBlockOff, int nYBlockOff)""" return _gdal.Band_GetActualBlockSize(self, *args) def GetColorInterpretation(self, *args) -> "GDALColorInterp": r"""GetColorInterpretation(Band self) -> GDALColorInterp""" return _gdal.Band_GetColorInterpretation(self, *args) def GetRasterColorInterpretation(self, *args) -> "GDALColorInterp": r"""GetRasterColorInterpretation(Band self) -> GDALColorInterp""" return _gdal.Band_GetRasterColorInterpretation(self, *args) def SetColorInterpretation(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetColorInterpretation(Band self, GDALColorInterp val) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Band_SetColorInterpretation(self, *args) def SetRasterColorInterpretation(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetRasterColorInterpretation(Band self, GDALColorInterp val) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Band_SetRasterColorInterpretation(self, *args) def GetNoDataValue(self): """GetNoDataValue(Band self) -> value """ if self.DataType == gdalconst.GDT_Int64: return _gdal.Band_GetNoDataValueAsInt64(self) if self.DataType == gdalconst.GDT_UInt64: return _gdal.Band_GetNoDataValueAsUInt64(self) return _gdal.Band_GetNoDataValue(self) def GetNoDataValueAsInt64(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetNoDataValueAsInt64(Band self)""" return _gdal.Band_GetNoDataValueAsInt64(self, *args) def GetNoDataValueAsUInt64(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetNoDataValueAsUInt64(Band self)""" return _gdal.Band_GetNoDataValueAsUInt64(self, *args) def SetNoDataValue(self, value) -> "CPLErr": """SetNoDataValue(Band self, value) -> CPLErr""" if self.DataType == gdalconst.GDT_Int64: return _gdal.Band_SetNoDataValueAsInt64(self, value) if self.DataType == gdalconst.GDT_UInt64: return _gdal.Band_SetNoDataValueAsUInt64(self, value) return _gdal.Band_SetNoDataValue(self, value) def SetNoDataValueAsInt64(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetNoDataValueAsInt64(Band self, GIntBig v) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Band_SetNoDataValueAsInt64(self, *args) def SetNoDataValueAsUInt64(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetNoDataValueAsUInt64(Band self, GUIntBig v) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Band_SetNoDataValueAsUInt64(self, *args) def DeleteNoDataValue(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""DeleteNoDataValue(Band self) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Band_DeleteNoDataValue(self, *args) def GetUnitType(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetUnitType(Band self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.Band_GetUnitType(self, *args) def SetUnitType(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetUnitType(Band self, char const * val) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Band_SetUnitType(self, *args) def GetRasterCategoryNames(self, *args) -> "char **": r"""GetRasterCategoryNames(Band self) -> char **""" return _gdal.Band_GetRasterCategoryNames(self, *args) def SetRasterCategoryNames(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetRasterCategoryNames(Band self, char ** names) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Band_SetRasterCategoryNames(self, *args) def GetMinimum(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetMinimum(Band self)""" return _gdal.Band_GetMinimum(self, *args) def GetMaximum(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetMaximum(Band self)""" return _gdal.Band_GetMaximum(self, *args) def GetOffset(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetOffset(Band self)""" return _gdal.Band_GetOffset(self, *args) def GetScale(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetScale(Band self)""" return _gdal.Band_GetScale(self, *args) def SetOffset(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetOffset(Band self, double val) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Band_SetOffset(self, *args) def SetScale(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetScale(Band self, double val) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Band_SetScale(self, *args) def GetStatistics(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""GetStatistics(Band self, int approx_ok, int force) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Band_GetStatistics(self, *args) def ComputeStatistics(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "CPLErr": """ComputeStatistics(Band self, bool approx_ok, callback=None, callback_data=None) -> CPLErr""" if len(args) == 1: kwargs["approx_ok"] = args[0] args = () if "approx_ok" in kwargs: # Compatibility with older signature that used int for approx_ok if kwargs["approx_ok"] == 0: kwargs["approx_ok"] = False elif kwargs["approx_ok"] == 1: kwargs["approx_ok"] = True elif isinstance(kwargs["approx_ok"], int): raise Exception("approx_ok value should be 0/1/False/True") return _gdal.Band_ComputeStatistics(self, *args, **kwargs) def SetStatistics(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetStatistics(Band self, double min, double max, double mean, double stddev) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Band_SetStatistics(self, *args) def GetOverviewCount(self, *args) -> "int": r"""GetOverviewCount(Band self) -> int""" return _gdal.Band_GetOverviewCount(self, *args) def GetOverview(self, *args) -> "GDALRasterBandShadow *": r"""GetOverview(Band self, int i) -> Band""" return _gdal.Band_GetOverview(self, *args) def Checksum(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "int": r"""Checksum(Band self, int xoff=0, int yoff=0, int * xsize=None, int * ysize=None) -> int""" return _gdal.Band_Checksum(self, *args, **kwargs) def ComputeRasterMinMax(self, *args, **kwargs): """ComputeRasterMinMax(Band self, bool approx_ok=False, bool can_return_none=False) -> (min, max) or None""" if len(args) == 1: kwargs["approx_ok"] = args[0] args = () if "approx_ok" in kwargs: # Compatibility with older signature that used int for approx_ok if kwargs["approx_ok"] == 0: kwargs["approx_ok"] = False elif kwargs["approx_ok"] == 1: kwargs["approx_ok"] = True elif isinstance(kwargs["approx_ok"], int): raise Exception("approx_ok value should be 0/1/False/True") # can_return_null is used in other methods if "can_return_null" in kwargs: kwargs["can_return_none"] = kwargs["can_return_null"]; del kwargs["can_return_null"] return _gdal.Band_ComputeRasterMinMax(self, *args, **kwargs) def ComputeBandStats(self, *args) -> "void": r"""ComputeBandStats(Band self, int samplestep=1)""" return _gdal.Band_ComputeBandStats(self, *args) def Fill(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""Fill(Band self, double real_fill, double imag_fill=0.0) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Band_Fill(self, *args) def WriteRaster(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "CPLErr": r"""WriteRaster(Band self, int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, GIntBig buf_len, int * buf_xsize=None, int * buf_ysize=None, GDALDataType * buf_type=None, GIntBig * buf_pixel_space=None, GIntBig * buf_line_space=None) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Band_WriteRaster(self, *args, **kwargs) def FlushCache(self, *args) -> "void": r"""FlushCache(Band self)""" return _gdal.Band_FlushCache(self, *args) def GetRasterColorTable(self, *args) -> "GDALColorTableShadow *": r"""GetRasterColorTable(Band self) -> ColorTable""" return _gdal.Band_GetRasterColorTable(self, *args) def GetColorTable(self, *args) -> "GDALColorTableShadow *": r"""GetColorTable(Band self) -> ColorTable""" return _gdal.Band_GetColorTable(self, *args) def SetRasterColorTable(self, *args) -> "int": r"""SetRasterColorTable(Band self, ColorTable arg) -> int""" return _gdal.Band_SetRasterColorTable(self, *args) def SetColorTable(self, *args) -> "int": r"""SetColorTable(Band self, ColorTable arg) -> int""" return _gdal.Band_SetColorTable(self, *args) def GetDefaultRAT(self, *args) -> "GDALRasterAttributeTableShadow *": r"""GetDefaultRAT(Band self) -> RasterAttributeTable""" return _gdal.Band_GetDefaultRAT(self, *args) def SetDefaultRAT(self, *args) -> "int": r"""SetDefaultRAT(Band self, RasterAttributeTable table) -> int""" return _gdal.Band_SetDefaultRAT(self, *args) def GetMaskBand(self, *args) -> "GDALRasterBandShadow *": r"""GetMaskBand(Band self) -> Band""" return _gdal.Band_GetMaskBand(self, *args) def GetMaskFlags(self, *args) -> "int": r"""GetMaskFlags(Band self) -> int""" return _gdal.Band_GetMaskFlags(self, *args) def CreateMaskBand(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""CreateMaskBand(Band self, int nFlags) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Band_CreateMaskBand(self, *args) def IsMaskBand(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""IsMaskBand(Band self) -> bool""" return _gdal.Band_IsMaskBand(self, *args) def GetHistogram(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "CPLErr": r"""GetHistogram(Band self, double min=-0.5, double max=255.5, int buckets=256, int include_out_of_range=0, int approx_ok=1, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Band_GetHistogram(self, *args, **kwargs) def GetDefaultHistogram(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "CPLErr": r"""GetDefaultHistogram(Band self, double * min_ret=None, double * max_ret=None, int * buckets_ret=None, GUIntBig ** ppanHistogram=None, int force=1, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Band_GetDefaultHistogram(self, *args, **kwargs) def SetDefaultHistogram(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetDefaultHistogram(Band self, double min, double max, int buckets_in) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Band_SetDefaultHistogram(self, *args) def HasArbitraryOverviews(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""HasArbitraryOverviews(Band self) -> bool""" return _gdal.Band_HasArbitraryOverviews(self, *args) def GetCategoryNames(self, *args) -> "char **": r"""GetCategoryNames(Band self) -> char **""" return _gdal.Band_GetCategoryNames(self, *args) def SetCategoryNames(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetCategoryNames(Band self, char ** papszCategoryNames) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Band_SetCategoryNames(self, *args) def GetVirtualMem(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "CPLVirtualMemShadow *": r"""GetVirtualMem(Band self, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nBufXSize, int nBufYSize, GDALDataType eBufType, size_t nCacheSize, size_t nPageSizeHint, char ** options=None) -> VirtualMem""" return _gdal.Band_GetVirtualMem(self, *args, **kwargs) def GetVirtualMemAuto(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "CPLVirtualMemShadow *": r"""GetVirtualMemAuto(Band self, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, char ** options=None) -> VirtualMem""" return _gdal.Band_GetVirtualMemAuto(self, *args, **kwargs) def GetTiledVirtualMem(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "CPLVirtualMemShadow *": r"""GetTiledVirtualMem(Band self, GDALRWFlag eRWFlag, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nTileXSize, int nTileYSize, GDALDataType eBufType, size_t nCacheSize, char ** options=None) -> VirtualMem""" return _gdal.Band_GetTiledVirtualMem(self, *args, **kwargs) def GetDataCoverageStatus(self, *args) -> "int": r"""GetDataCoverageStatus(Band self, int nXOff, int nYOff, int nXSize, int nYSize, int nMaskFlagStop=0) -> int""" return _gdal.Band_GetDataCoverageStatus(self, *args) def AdviseRead(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""AdviseRead(Band self, int xoff, int yoff, int xsize, int ysize, int * buf_xsize=None, int * buf_ysize=None, GDALDataType * buf_type=None, char ** options=None) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Band_AdviseRead(self, *args) def AsMDArray(self, *args) -> "GDALMDArrayHS *": r"""AsMDArray(Band self) -> MDArray""" return _gdal.Band_AsMDArray(self, *args) def ReadRaster1(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "CPLErr": r"""ReadRaster1(Band self, double xoff, double yoff, double xsize, double ysize, int * buf_xsize=None, int * buf_ysize=None, GDALDataType * buf_type=None, GIntBig * buf_pixel_space=None, GIntBig * buf_line_space=None, GDALRIOResampleAlg resample_alg=GRIORA_NearestNeighbour, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None, void * inputOutputBuf=None) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Band_ReadRaster1(self, *args, **kwargs) def ReadBlock(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "CPLErr": r"""ReadBlock(Band self, int xoff, int yoff, void * buf_obj=None) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.Band_ReadBlock(self, *args, **kwargs) def ReadRaster(self, xoff=0, yoff=0, xsize=None, ysize=None, buf_xsize=None, buf_ysize=None, buf_type=None, buf_pixel_space=None, buf_line_space=None, resample_alg=gdalconst.GRIORA_NearestNeighbour, callback=None, callback_data=None, buf_obj=None): if xsize is None: xsize = self.XSize if ysize is None: ysize = self.YSize return _gdal.Band_ReadRaster1(self, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, buf_xsize, buf_ysize, buf_type, buf_pixel_space, buf_line_space, resample_alg, callback, callback_data, buf_obj) def WriteRaster(self, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, buf_string, buf_xsize=None, buf_ysize=None, buf_type=None, buf_pixel_space=None, buf_line_space=None ): if buf_xsize is None: buf_xsize = xsize if buf_ysize is None: buf_ysize = ysize # Redirect to numpy-friendly WriteArray() if buf_string is a numpy array # and other arguments are compatible if type(buf_string).__name__ == 'ndarray' and \ buf_xsize == xsize and buf_ysize == ysize and buf_type is None and \ buf_pixel_space is None and buf_line_space is None: return self.WriteArray(buf_string, xoff=xoff, yoff=yoff) if buf_type is None: buf_type = self.DataType return _gdal.Band_WriteRaster(self, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, buf_string, buf_xsize, buf_ysize, buf_type, buf_pixel_space, buf_line_space ) def ReadAsArray(self, xoff=0, yoff=0, win_xsize=None, win_ysize=None, buf_xsize=None, buf_ysize=None, buf_type=None, buf_obj=None, resample_alg=gdalconst.GRIORA_NearestNeighbour, callback=None, callback_data=None): """ Reading a chunk of a GDAL band into a numpy array. The optional (buf_xsize,buf_ysize,buf_type) parameters should generally not be specified if buf_obj is specified. The array is returned""" from osgeo import gdal_array return gdal_array.BandReadAsArray(self, xoff, yoff, win_xsize, win_ysize, buf_xsize, buf_ysize, buf_type, buf_obj, resample_alg=resample_alg, callback=callback, callback_data=callback_data) def WriteArray(self, array, xoff=0, yoff=0, resample_alg=gdalconst.GRIORA_NearestNeighbour, callback=None, callback_data=None): from osgeo import gdal_array return gdal_array.BandWriteArray(self, array, xoff, yoff, resample_alg=resample_alg, callback=callback, callback_data=callback_data) def GetVirtualMemArray(self, eAccess=gdalconst.GF_Read, xoff=0, yoff=0, xsize=None, ysize=None, bufxsize=None, bufysize=None, datatype=None, cache_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024, page_size_hint = 0, options=None): """Return a NumPy array for the band, seen as a virtual memory mapping. An element is accessed with array[y][x]. Any reference to the array must be dropped before the last reference to the related dataset is also dropped. """ from osgeo import gdal_array if xsize is None: xsize = self.XSize if ysize is None: ysize = self.YSize if bufxsize is None: bufxsize = self.XSize if bufysize is None: bufysize = self.YSize if datatype is None: datatype = self.DataType if options is None: virtualmem = self.GetVirtualMem(eAccess, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, bufxsize, bufysize, datatype, cache_size, page_size_hint) else: virtualmem = self.GetVirtualMem(eAccess, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, bufxsize, bufysize, datatype, cache_size, page_size_hint, options) return gdal_array.VirtualMemGetArray(virtualmem) def GetVirtualMemAutoArray(self, eAccess=gdalconst.GF_Read, options=None): """Return a NumPy array for the band, seen as a virtual memory mapping. An element is accessed with array[y][x]. Any reference to the array must be dropped before the last reference to the related dataset is also dropped. """ from osgeo import gdal_array if options is None: virtualmem = self.GetVirtualMemAuto(eAccess) else: virtualmem = self.GetVirtualMemAuto(eAccess, options) return gdal_array.VirtualMemGetArray( virtualmem ) def GetTiledVirtualMemArray(self, eAccess=gdalconst.GF_Read, xoff=0, yoff=0, xsize=None, ysize=None, tilexsize=256, tileysize=256, datatype=None, cache_size = 10 * 1024 * 1024, options=None): """Return a NumPy array for the band, seen as a virtual memory mapping with a tile organization. An element is accessed with array[tiley][tilex][y][x]. Any reference to the array must be dropped before the last reference to the related dataset is also dropped. """ from osgeo import gdal_array if xsize is None: xsize = self.XSize if ysize is None: ysize = self.YSize if datatype is None: datatype = self.DataType if options is None: virtualmem = self.GetTiledVirtualMem(eAccess, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, tilexsize, tileysize, datatype, cache_size) else: virtualmem = self.GetTiledVirtualMem(eAccess, xoff, yoff, xsize, ysize, tilexsize, tileysize, datatype, cache_size, options) return gdal_array.VirtualMemGetArray( virtualmem ) # Register Band in _gdal: _gdal.Band_swigregister(Band) class ColorTable(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALColorTableShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""__init__(ColorTable self, GDALPaletteInterp palette=GPI_RGB) -> ColorTable""" _gdal.ColorTable_swiginit(self, _gdal.new_ColorTable(*args, **kwargs)) __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_ColorTable def Clone(self, *args) -> "GDALColorTableShadow *": r"""Clone(ColorTable self) -> ColorTable""" return _gdal.ColorTable_Clone(self, *args) def GetPaletteInterpretation(self, *args) -> "GDALPaletteInterp": r"""GetPaletteInterpretation(ColorTable self) -> GDALPaletteInterp""" return _gdal.ColorTable_GetPaletteInterpretation(self, *args) def GetCount(self, *args) -> "int": r"""GetCount(ColorTable self) -> int""" return _gdal.ColorTable_GetCount(self, *args) def GetColorEntry(self, *args) -> "GDALColorEntry *": r"""GetColorEntry(ColorTable self, int entry) -> ColorEntry""" return _gdal.ColorTable_GetColorEntry(self, *args) def GetColorEntryAsRGB(self, *args) -> "int": r"""GetColorEntryAsRGB(ColorTable self, int entry, ColorEntry centry) -> int""" return _gdal.ColorTable_GetColorEntryAsRGB(self, *args) def SetColorEntry(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetColorEntry(ColorTable self, int entry, ColorEntry centry)""" return _gdal.ColorTable_SetColorEntry(self, *args) def CreateColorRamp(self, *args) -> "void": r"""CreateColorRamp(ColorTable self, int nStartIndex, ColorEntry startcolor, int nEndIndex, ColorEntry endcolor)""" return _gdal.ColorTable_CreateColorRamp(self, *args) # Register ColorTable in _gdal: _gdal.ColorTable_swigregister(ColorTable) class RasterAttributeTable(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALRasterAttributeTableShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): r"""__init__(RasterAttributeTable self) -> RasterAttributeTable""" _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_swiginit(self, _gdal.new_RasterAttributeTable(*args)) __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_RasterAttributeTable def Clone(self, *args) -> "GDALRasterAttributeTableShadow *": r"""Clone(RasterAttributeTable self) -> RasterAttributeTable""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_Clone(self, *args) def GetColumnCount(self, *args) -> "int": r"""GetColumnCount(RasterAttributeTable self) -> int""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_GetColumnCount(self, *args) def GetNameOfCol(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetNameOfCol(RasterAttributeTable self, int iCol) -> char const *""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_GetNameOfCol(self, *args) def GetUsageOfCol(self, *args) -> "GDALRATFieldUsage": r"""GetUsageOfCol(RasterAttributeTable self, int iCol) -> GDALRATFieldUsage""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_GetUsageOfCol(self, *args) def GetTypeOfCol(self, *args) -> "GDALRATFieldType": r"""GetTypeOfCol(RasterAttributeTable self, int iCol) -> GDALRATFieldType""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_GetTypeOfCol(self, *args) def GetColOfUsage(self, *args) -> "int": r"""GetColOfUsage(RasterAttributeTable self, GDALRATFieldUsage eUsage) -> int""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_GetColOfUsage(self, *args) def GetRowCount(self, *args) -> "int": r"""GetRowCount(RasterAttributeTable self) -> int""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_GetRowCount(self, *args) def GetValueAsString(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetValueAsString(RasterAttributeTable self, int iRow, int iCol) -> char const *""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_GetValueAsString(self, *args) def GetValueAsInt(self, *args) -> "int": r"""GetValueAsInt(RasterAttributeTable self, int iRow, int iCol) -> int""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_GetValueAsInt(self, *args) def GetValueAsDouble(self, *args) -> "double": r"""GetValueAsDouble(RasterAttributeTable self, int iRow, int iCol) -> double""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_GetValueAsDouble(self, *args) def SetValueAsString(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetValueAsString(RasterAttributeTable self, int iRow, int iCol, char const * pszValue)""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_SetValueAsString(self, *args) def SetValueAsInt(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetValueAsInt(RasterAttributeTable self, int iRow, int iCol, int nValue)""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_SetValueAsInt(self, *args) def SetValueAsDouble(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetValueAsDouble(RasterAttributeTable self, int iRow, int iCol, double dfValue)""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_SetValueAsDouble(self, *args) def SetRowCount(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetRowCount(RasterAttributeTable self, int nCount)""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_SetRowCount(self, *args) def CreateColumn(self, *args) -> "int": r"""CreateColumn(RasterAttributeTable self, char const * pszName, GDALRATFieldType eType, GDALRATFieldUsage eUsage) -> int""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_CreateColumn(self, *args) def GetLinearBinning(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""GetLinearBinning(RasterAttributeTable self) -> bool""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_GetLinearBinning(self, *args) def SetLinearBinning(self, *args) -> "int": r"""SetLinearBinning(RasterAttributeTable self, double dfRow0Min, double dfBinSize) -> int""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_SetLinearBinning(self, *args) def GetRowOfValue(self, *args) -> "int": r"""GetRowOfValue(RasterAttributeTable self, double dfValue) -> int""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_GetRowOfValue(self, *args) def ChangesAreWrittenToFile(self, *args) -> "int": r"""ChangesAreWrittenToFile(RasterAttributeTable self) -> int""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_ChangesAreWrittenToFile(self, *args) def DumpReadable(self, *args) -> "void": r"""DumpReadable(RasterAttributeTable self)""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_DumpReadable(self, *args) def SetTableType(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetTableType(RasterAttributeTable self, GDALRATTableType eTableType)""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_SetTableType(self, *args) def GetTableType(self, *args) -> "GDALRATTableType": r"""GetTableType(RasterAttributeTable self) -> GDALRATTableType""" return _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_GetTableType(self, *args) def WriteArray(self, array, field, start=0): from osgeo import gdal_array return gdal_array.RATWriteArray(self, array, field, start) def ReadAsArray(self, field, start=0, length=None): from osgeo import gdal_array return gdal_array.RATReadArray(self, field, start, length) # Register RasterAttributeTable in _gdal: _gdal.RasterAttributeTable_swigregister(RasterAttributeTable) class Relationship(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALRelationshipShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): r"""__init__(Relationship self, char const * name, char const * leftTableName, char const * rightTableName, GDALRelationshipCardinality cardinality) -> Relationship""" _gdal.Relationship_swiginit(self, _gdal.new_Relationship(*args)) __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_Relationship def GetName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetName(Relationship self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.Relationship_GetName(self, *args) def GetCardinality(self, *args) -> "GDALRelationshipCardinality": r"""GetCardinality(Relationship self) -> GDALRelationshipCardinality""" return _gdal.Relationship_GetCardinality(self, *args) def GetLeftTableName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetLeftTableName(Relationship self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.Relationship_GetLeftTableName(self, *args) def GetRightTableName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetRightTableName(Relationship self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.Relationship_GetRightTableName(self, *args) def GetMappingTableName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetMappingTableName(Relationship self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.Relationship_GetMappingTableName(self, *args) def SetMappingTableName(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetMappingTableName(Relationship self, char const * pszName)""" return _gdal.Relationship_SetMappingTableName(self, *args) def GetLeftTableFields(self, *args) -> "char **": r"""GetLeftTableFields(Relationship self) -> char **""" return _gdal.Relationship_GetLeftTableFields(self, *args) def GetRightTableFields(self, *args) -> "char **": r"""GetRightTableFields(Relationship self) -> char **""" return _gdal.Relationship_GetRightTableFields(self, *args) def SetLeftTableFields(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetLeftTableFields(Relationship self, char ** pFields)""" return _gdal.Relationship_SetLeftTableFields(self, *args) def SetRightTableFields(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetRightTableFields(Relationship self, char ** pFields)""" return _gdal.Relationship_SetRightTableFields(self, *args) def GetLeftMappingTableFields(self, *args) -> "char **": r"""GetLeftMappingTableFields(Relationship self) -> char **""" return _gdal.Relationship_GetLeftMappingTableFields(self, *args) def GetRightMappingTableFields(self, *args) -> "char **": r"""GetRightMappingTableFields(Relationship self) -> char **""" return _gdal.Relationship_GetRightMappingTableFields(self, *args) def SetLeftMappingTableFields(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetLeftMappingTableFields(Relationship self, char ** pFields)""" return _gdal.Relationship_SetLeftMappingTableFields(self, *args) def SetRightMappingTableFields(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetRightMappingTableFields(Relationship self, char ** pFields)""" return _gdal.Relationship_SetRightMappingTableFields(self, *args) def GetType(self, *args) -> "GDALRelationshipType": r"""GetType(Relationship self) -> GDALRelationshipType""" return _gdal.Relationship_GetType(self, *args) def SetType(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetType(Relationship self, GDALRelationshipType type)""" return _gdal.Relationship_SetType(self, *args) def GetForwardPathLabel(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetForwardPathLabel(Relationship self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.Relationship_GetForwardPathLabel(self, *args) def SetForwardPathLabel(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetForwardPathLabel(Relationship self, char const * pszLabel)""" return _gdal.Relationship_SetForwardPathLabel(self, *args) def GetBackwardPathLabel(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetBackwardPathLabel(Relationship self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.Relationship_GetBackwardPathLabel(self, *args) def SetBackwardPathLabel(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetBackwardPathLabel(Relationship self, char const * pszLabel)""" return _gdal.Relationship_SetBackwardPathLabel(self, *args) def GetRelatedTableType(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetRelatedTableType(Relationship self) -> char const *""" return _gdal.Relationship_GetRelatedTableType(self, *args) def SetRelatedTableType(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetRelatedTableType(Relationship self, char const * pszType)""" return _gdal.Relationship_SetRelatedTableType(self, *args) # Register Relationship in _gdal: _gdal.Relationship_swigregister(Relationship) def TermProgress_nocb(*args, **kwargs) -> "int": r"""TermProgress_nocb(double dfProgress, char const * pszMessage=None, void * pData=None) -> int""" return _gdal.TermProgress_nocb(*args, **kwargs) TermProgress = _gdal.TermProgress def ComputeMedianCutPCT(*args, **kwargs) -> "int": r"""ComputeMedianCutPCT(Band red, Band green, Band blue, int num_colors, ColorTable colors, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> int""" return _gdal.ComputeMedianCutPCT(*args, **kwargs) def DitherRGB2PCT(*args, **kwargs) -> "int": r"""DitherRGB2PCT(Band red, Band green, Band blue, Band target, ColorTable colors, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> int""" return _gdal.DitherRGB2PCT(*args, **kwargs) def ReprojectImage(*args, **kwargs) -> "CPLErr": r"""ReprojectImage(Dataset src_ds, Dataset dst_ds, char const * src_wkt=None, char const * dst_wkt=None, GDALResampleAlg eResampleAlg=GRA_NearestNeighbour, double WarpMemoryLimit=0.0, double maxerror=0.0, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None, char ** options=None) -> CPLErr""" return _gdal.ReprojectImage(*args, **kwargs) def ComputeProximity(*args, **kwargs) -> "int": r"""ComputeProximity(Band srcBand, Band proximityBand, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> int""" return _gdal.ComputeProximity(*args, **kwargs) def RasterizeLayer(*args, **kwargs) -> "int": r"""RasterizeLayer(Dataset dataset, int bands, Layer layer, void * pfnTransformer=None, void * pTransformArg=None, int burn_values=0, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> int""" return _gdal.RasterizeLayer(*args, **kwargs) def Polygonize(*args, **kwargs) -> "int": r"""Polygonize(Band srcBand, Band maskBand, Layer outLayer, int iPixValField, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> int""" return _gdal.Polygonize(*args, **kwargs) def FPolygonize(*args, **kwargs) -> "int": r"""FPolygonize(Band srcBand, Band maskBand, Layer outLayer, int iPixValField, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> int""" return _gdal.FPolygonize(*args, **kwargs) def FillNodata(*args, **kwargs) -> "int": r"""FillNodata(Band targetBand, Band maskBand, double maxSearchDist, int smoothingIterations, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> int""" return _gdal.FillNodata(*args, **kwargs) def SieveFilter(*args, **kwargs) -> "int": r"""SieveFilter(Band srcBand, Band maskBand, Band dstBand, int threshold, int connectedness=4, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> int""" return _gdal.SieveFilter(*args, **kwargs) def RegenerateOverviews(*args, **kwargs) -> "int": r"""RegenerateOverviews(Band srcBand, int overviewBandCount, char const * resampling="average", GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> int""" return _gdal.RegenerateOverviews(*args, **kwargs) def RegenerateOverview(*args, **kwargs) -> "int": r"""RegenerateOverview(Band srcBand, Band overviewBand, char const * resampling="average", GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> int""" return _gdal.RegenerateOverview(*args, **kwargs) def ContourGenerate(*args, **kwargs) -> "int": r"""ContourGenerate(Band srcBand, double contourInterval, double contourBase, int fixedLevelCount, int useNoData, double noDataValue, Layer dstLayer, int idField, int elevField, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> int""" return _gdal.ContourGenerate(*args, **kwargs) def ContourGenerateEx(*args, **kwargs) -> "int": r"""ContourGenerateEx(Band srcBand, Layer dstLayer, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> int""" return _gdal.ContourGenerateEx(*args, **kwargs) GVM_Diagonal = _gdal.GVM_Diagonal GVM_Edge = _gdal.GVM_Edge GVM_Max = _gdal.GVM_Max GVM_Min = _gdal.GVM_Min GVOT_NORMAL = _gdal.GVOT_NORMAL GVOT_MIN_TARGET_HEIGHT_FROM_DEM = _gdal.GVOT_MIN_TARGET_HEIGHT_FROM_DEM GVOT_MIN_TARGET_HEIGHT_FROM_GROUND = _gdal.GVOT_MIN_TARGET_HEIGHT_FROM_GROUND def ViewshedGenerate(*args, **kwargs) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""ViewshedGenerate(Band srcBand, char const * driverName, char const * targetRasterName, char ** creationOptions, double observerX, double observerY, double observerHeight, double targetHeight, double visibleVal, double invisibleVal, double outOfRangeVal, double noDataVal, double dfCurvCoeff, GDALViewshedMode mode, double maxDistance, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None, GDALViewshedOutputType heightMode=GVOT_NORMAL, char ** options=None) -> Dataset""" return _gdal.ViewshedGenerate(*args, **kwargs) def AutoCreateWarpedVRT(*args) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""AutoCreateWarpedVRT(Dataset src_ds, char const * src_wkt=None, char const * dst_wkt=None, GDALResampleAlg eResampleAlg=GRA_NearestNeighbour, double maxerror=0.0) -> Dataset""" return _gdal.AutoCreateWarpedVRT(*args) def CreatePansharpenedVRT(*args) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""CreatePansharpenedVRT(char const * pszXML, Band panchroBand, int nInputSpectralBands) -> Dataset""" return _gdal.CreatePansharpenedVRT(*args) class GDALTransformerInfoShadow(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALTransformerInfoShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_GDALTransformerInfoShadow def TransformPoint(self, *args) -> "int": r""" TransformPoint(GDALTransformerInfoShadow self, int bDstToSrc, double [3] inout) -> int TransformPoint(GDALTransformerInfoShadow self, int bDstToSrc, double x, double y, double z=0.0) -> int """ return _gdal.GDALTransformerInfoShadow_TransformPoint(self, *args) def TransformPoints(self, *args) -> "int": r"""TransformPoints(GDALTransformerInfoShadow self, int bDstToSrc, int nCount) -> int""" return _gdal.GDALTransformerInfoShadow_TransformPoints(self, *args) def TransformGeolocations(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "int": r"""TransformGeolocations(GDALTransformerInfoShadow self, Band xBand, Band yBand, Band zBand, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None, char ** options=None) -> int""" return _gdal.GDALTransformerInfoShadow_TransformGeolocations(self, *args, **kwargs) # Register GDALTransformerInfoShadow in _gdal: _gdal.GDALTransformerInfoShadow_swigregister(GDALTransformerInfoShadow) def Transformer(*args) -> "GDALTransformerInfoShadow *": r"""Transformer(Dataset src, Dataset dst, char ** options) -> GDALTransformerInfoShadow""" return _gdal.Transformer(*args) def _ApplyVerticalShiftGrid(*args, **kwargs) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""_ApplyVerticalShiftGrid(Dataset src_ds, Dataset grid_ds, bool inverse=False, double srcUnitToMeter=1.0, double dstUnitToMeter=1.0, char ** options=None) -> Dataset""" return _gdal._ApplyVerticalShiftGrid(*args, **kwargs) def ApplyGeoTransform(*args) -> "double *, double *": r"""ApplyGeoTransform(double [6] padfGeoTransform, double dfPixel, double dfLine)""" return _gdal.ApplyGeoTransform(*args) def InvGeoTransform(*args) -> "double [6]": r"""InvGeoTransform(double [6] gt_in) -> RETURN_NONE""" return _gdal.InvGeoTransform(*args) def VersionInfo(*args) -> "char const *": r"""VersionInfo(char const * request="VERSION_NUM") -> char const *""" return _gdal.VersionInfo(*args) def AllRegister(*args) -> "void": r"""AllRegister()""" return _gdal.AllRegister(*args) def GDALDestroyDriverManager(*args) -> "void": r"""GDALDestroyDriverManager()""" return _gdal.GDALDestroyDriverManager(*args) def GetCacheMax(*args) -> "GIntBig": r"""GetCacheMax() -> GIntBig""" return _gdal.GetCacheMax(*args) def GetCacheUsed(*args) -> "GIntBig": r"""GetCacheUsed() -> GIntBig""" return _gdal.GetCacheUsed(*args) def SetCacheMax(*args) -> "void": r"""SetCacheMax(GIntBig nBytes)""" return _gdal.SetCacheMax(*args) def GetDataTypeSize(*args) -> "int": r"""GetDataTypeSize(GDALDataType eDataType) -> int""" return _gdal.GetDataTypeSize(*args) def DataTypeIsComplex(*args) -> "int": r"""DataTypeIsComplex(GDALDataType eDataType) -> int""" return _gdal.DataTypeIsComplex(*args) def GetDataTypeName(*args) -> "char const *": r"""GetDataTypeName(GDALDataType eDataType) -> char const *""" return _gdal.GetDataTypeName(*args) def GetDataTypeByName(*args) -> "GDALDataType": r"""GetDataTypeByName(char const * pszDataTypeName) -> GDALDataType""" return _gdal.GetDataTypeByName(*args) def DataTypeUnion(*args) -> "GDALDataType": r"""DataTypeUnion(GDALDataType a, GDALDataType b) -> GDALDataType""" return _gdal.DataTypeUnion(*args) def GetColorInterpretationName(*args) -> "char const *": r"""GetColorInterpretationName(GDALColorInterp eColorInterp) -> char const *""" return _gdal.GetColorInterpretationName(*args) def GetPaletteInterpretationName(*args) -> "char const *": r"""GetPaletteInterpretationName(GDALPaletteInterp ePaletteInterp) -> char const *""" return _gdal.GetPaletteInterpretationName(*args) def DecToDMS(*args) -> "char const *": r"""DecToDMS(double arg1, char const * arg2, int arg3=2) -> char const *""" return _gdal.DecToDMS(*args) def PackedDMSToDec(*args) -> "double": r"""PackedDMSToDec(double dfPacked) -> double""" return _gdal.PackedDMSToDec(*args) def DecToPackedDMS(*args) -> "double": r"""DecToPackedDMS(double dfDec) -> double""" return _gdal.DecToPackedDMS(*args) def ParseXMLString(*args) -> "CPLXMLNode *": r"""ParseXMLString(char * pszXMLString) -> CPLXMLNode *""" return _gdal.ParseXMLString(*args) def SerializeXMLTree(*args) -> "retStringAndCPLFree *": r"""SerializeXMLTree(CPLXMLNode * xmlnode) -> retStringAndCPLFree *""" return _gdal.SerializeXMLTree(*args) def GetJPEG2000Structure(*args) -> "CPLXMLNode *": r"""GetJPEG2000Structure(char const * pszFilename, char ** options=None) -> CPLXMLNode *""" return _gdal.GetJPEG2000Structure(*args) def GetJPEG2000StructureAsString(*args) -> "retStringAndCPLFree *": r"""GetJPEG2000StructureAsString(char const * pszFilename, char ** options=None) -> retStringAndCPLFree *""" return _gdal.GetJPEG2000StructureAsString(*args) def GetDriverCount(*args) -> "int": r"""GetDriverCount() -> int""" return _gdal.GetDriverCount(*args) def GetDriverByName(*args) -> "GDALDriverShadow *": r"""GetDriverByName(char const * name) -> Driver""" return _gdal.GetDriverByName(*args) def GetDriver(*args) -> "GDALDriverShadow *": r"""GetDriver(int i) -> Driver""" return _gdal.GetDriver(*args) def Open(*args) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""Open(char const * utf8_path, GDALAccess eAccess=GA_ReadOnly) -> Dataset""" return _gdal.Open(*args) def OpenEx(*args, **kwargs) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""OpenEx(char const * utf8_path, unsigned int nOpenFlags=0, char ** allowed_drivers=None, char ** open_options=None, char ** sibling_files=None) -> Dataset""" return _gdal.OpenEx(*args, **kwargs) def OpenShared(*args) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""OpenShared(char const * utf8_path, GDALAccess eAccess=GA_ReadOnly) -> Dataset""" return _gdal.OpenShared(*args) def IdentifyDriver(*args) -> "GDALDriverShadow *": r"""IdentifyDriver(char const * utf8_path, char ** papszSiblings=None) -> Driver""" return _gdal.IdentifyDriver(*args) def IdentifyDriverEx(*args, **kwargs) -> "GDALDriverShadow *": r"""IdentifyDriverEx(char const * utf8_path, unsigned int nIdentifyFlags=0, char ** allowed_drivers=None, char ** sibling_files=None) -> Driver""" return _gdal.IdentifyDriverEx(*args, **kwargs) def GeneralCmdLineProcessor(*args) -> "char **": r"""GeneralCmdLineProcessor(char ** papszArgv, int nOptions=0) -> char **""" return _gdal.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(*args) __version__ = _gdal.VersionInfo("RELEASE_NAME") class GDALInfoOptions(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALInfoOptions class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): r"""__init__(GDALInfoOptions self, char ** options) -> GDALInfoOptions""" _gdal.GDALInfoOptions_swiginit(self, _gdal.new_GDALInfoOptions(*args)) __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_GDALInfoOptions # Register GDALInfoOptions in _gdal: _gdal.GDALInfoOptions_swigregister(GDALInfoOptions) def InfoInternal(*args) -> "retStringAndCPLFree *": r"""InfoInternal(Dataset hDataset, GDALInfoOptions infoOptions) -> retStringAndCPLFree *""" return _gdal.InfoInternal(*args) class GDALMultiDimInfoOptions(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALMultiDimInfoOptions class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): r"""__init__(GDALMultiDimInfoOptions self, char ** options) -> GDALMultiDimInfoOptions""" _gdal.GDALMultiDimInfoOptions_swiginit(self, _gdal.new_GDALMultiDimInfoOptions(*args)) __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_GDALMultiDimInfoOptions # Register GDALMultiDimInfoOptions in _gdal: _gdal.GDALMultiDimInfoOptions_swigregister(GDALMultiDimInfoOptions) def MultiDimInfoInternal(*args) -> "retStringAndCPLFree *": r"""MultiDimInfoInternal(Dataset hDataset, GDALMultiDimInfoOptions infoOptions) -> retStringAndCPLFree *""" return _gdal.MultiDimInfoInternal(*args) class GDALTranslateOptions(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALTranslateOptions class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): r"""__init__(GDALTranslateOptions self, char ** options) -> GDALTranslateOptions""" _gdal.GDALTranslateOptions_swiginit(self, _gdal.new_GDALTranslateOptions(*args)) __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_GDALTranslateOptions # Register GDALTranslateOptions in _gdal: _gdal.GDALTranslateOptions_swigregister(GDALTranslateOptions) def TranslateInternal(*args) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""TranslateInternal(char const * dest, Dataset dataset, GDALTranslateOptions translateOptions, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> Dataset""" return _gdal.TranslateInternal(*args) class GDALWarpAppOptions(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALWarpAppOptions class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): r"""__init__(GDALWarpAppOptions self, char ** options) -> GDALWarpAppOptions""" _gdal.GDALWarpAppOptions_swiginit(self, _gdal.new_GDALWarpAppOptions(*args)) __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_GDALWarpAppOptions # Register GDALWarpAppOptions in _gdal: _gdal.GDALWarpAppOptions_swigregister(GDALWarpAppOptions) def wrapper_GDALWarpDestDS(*args) -> "int": r"""wrapper_GDALWarpDestDS(Dataset dstDS, int object_list_count, GDALWarpAppOptions warpAppOptions, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> int""" return _gdal.wrapper_GDALWarpDestDS(*args) def wrapper_GDALWarpDestName(*args) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""wrapper_GDALWarpDestName(char const * dest, int object_list_count, GDALWarpAppOptions warpAppOptions, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> Dataset""" return _gdal.wrapper_GDALWarpDestName(*args) class GDALVectorTranslateOptions(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALVectorTranslateOptions class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): r"""__init__(GDALVectorTranslateOptions self, char ** options) -> GDALVectorTranslateOptions""" _gdal.GDALVectorTranslateOptions_swiginit(self, _gdal.new_GDALVectorTranslateOptions(*args)) __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_GDALVectorTranslateOptions # Register GDALVectorTranslateOptions in _gdal: _gdal.GDALVectorTranslateOptions_swigregister(GDALVectorTranslateOptions) def wrapper_GDALVectorTranslateDestDS(*args) -> "int": r"""wrapper_GDALVectorTranslateDestDS(Dataset dstDS, Dataset srcDS, GDALVectorTranslateOptions options, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> int""" return _gdal.wrapper_GDALVectorTranslateDestDS(*args) def wrapper_GDALVectorTranslateDestName(*args) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""wrapper_GDALVectorTranslateDestName(char const * dest, Dataset srcDS, GDALVectorTranslateOptions options, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> Dataset""" return _gdal.wrapper_GDALVectorTranslateDestName(*args) class GDALDEMProcessingOptions(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALDEMProcessingOptions class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): r"""__init__(GDALDEMProcessingOptions self, char ** options) -> GDALDEMProcessingOptions""" _gdal.GDALDEMProcessingOptions_swiginit(self, _gdal.new_GDALDEMProcessingOptions(*args)) __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_GDALDEMProcessingOptions # Register GDALDEMProcessingOptions in _gdal: _gdal.GDALDEMProcessingOptions_swigregister(GDALDEMProcessingOptions) def DEMProcessingInternal(*args) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""DEMProcessingInternal(char const * dest, Dataset dataset, char const * pszProcessing, char const * pszColorFilename, GDALDEMProcessingOptions options, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> Dataset""" return _gdal.DEMProcessingInternal(*args) class GDALNearblackOptions(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALNearblackOptions class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): r"""__init__(GDALNearblackOptions self, char ** options) -> GDALNearblackOptions""" _gdal.GDALNearblackOptions_swiginit(self, _gdal.new_GDALNearblackOptions(*args)) __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_GDALNearblackOptions # Register GDALNearblackOptions in _gdal: _gdal.GDALNearblackOptions_swigregister(GDALNearblackOptions) def wrapper_GDALNearblackDestDS(*args) -> "int": r"""wrapper_GDALNearblackDestDS(Dataset dstDS, Dataset srcDS, GDALNearblackOptions options, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> int""" return _gdal.wrapper_GDALNearblackDestDS(*args) def wrapper_GDALNearblackDestName(*args) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""wrapper_GDALNearblackDestName(char const * dest, Dataset srcDS, GDALNearblackOptions options, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> Dataset""" return _gdal.wrapper_GDALNearblackDestName(*args) class GDALGridOptions(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALGridOptions class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): r"""__init__(GDALGridOptions self, char ** options) -> GDALGridOptions""" _gdal.GDALGridOptions_swiginit(self, _gdal.new_GDALGridOptions(*args)) __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_GDALGridOptions # Register GDALGridOptions in _gdal: _gdal.GDALGridOptions_swigregister(GDALGridOptions) def GridInternal(*args) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""GridInternal(char const * dest, Dataset dataset, GDALGridOptions options, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> Dataset""" return _gdal.GridInternal(*args) class GDALRasterizeOptions(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALRasterizeOptions class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): r"""__init__(GDALRasterizeOptions self, char ** options) -> GDALRasterizeOptions""" _gdal.GDALRasterizeOptions_swiginit(self, _gdal.new_GDALRasterizeOptions(*args)) __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_GDALRasterizeOptions # Register GDALRasterizeOptions in _gdal: _gdal.GDALRasterizeOptions_swigregister(GDALRasterizeOptions) def wrapper_GDALRasterizeDestDS(*args) -> "int": r"""wrapper_GDALRasterizeDestDS(Dataset dstDS, Dataset srcDS, GDALRasterizeOptions options, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> int""" return _gdal.wrapper_GDALRasterizeDestDS(*args) def wrapper_GDALRasterizeDestName(*args) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""wrapper_GDALRasterizeDestName(char const * dest, Dataset srcDS, GDALRasterizeOptions options, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> Dataset""" return _gdal.wrapper_GDALRasterizeDestName(*args) class GDALBuildVRTOptions(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALBuildVRTOptions class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): r"""__init__(GDALBuildVRTOptions self, char ** options) -> GDALBuildVRTOptions""" _gdal.GDALBuildVRTOptions_swiginit(self, _gdal.new_GDALBuildVRTOptions(*args)) __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_GDALBuildVRTOptions # Register GDALBuildVRTOptions in _gdal: _gdal.GDALBuildVRTOptions_swigregister(GDALBuildVRTOptions) def BuildVRTInternalObjects(*args) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""BuildVRTInternalObjects(char const * dest, int object_list_count, GDALBuildVRTOptions options, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> Dataset""" return _gdal.BuildVRTInternalObjects(*args) def BuildVRTInternalNames(*args) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""BuildVRTInternalNames(char const * dest, char ** source_filenames, GDALBuildVRTOptions options, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> Dataset""" return _gdal.BuildVRTInternalNames(*args) class GDALMultiDimTranslateOptions(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALMultiDimTranslateOptions class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): r"""__init__(GDALMultiDimTranslateOptions self, char ** options) -> GDALMultiDimTranslateOptions""" _gdal.GDALMultiDimTranslateOptions_swiginit(self, _gdal.new_GDALMultiDimTranslateOptions(*args)) __swig_destroy__ = _gdal.delete_GDALMultiDimTranslateOptions # Register GDALMultiDimTranslateOptions in _gdal: _gdal.GDALMultiDimTranslateOptions_swigregister(GDALMultiDimTranslateOptions) def wrapper_GDALMultiDimTranslateDestName(*args) -> "GDALDatasetShadow *": r"""wrapper_GDALMultiDimTranslateDestName(char const * dest, int object_list_count, GDALMultiDimTranslateOptions multiDimTranslateOptions, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> Dataset""" return _gdal.wrapper_GDALMultiDimTranslateDestName(*args)