# This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org). # Version 4.0.2 # # Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify # the SWIG interface file instead. from sys import version_info as _swig_python_version_info if _swig_python_version_info < (2, 7, 0): raise RuntimeError("Python 2.7 or later required") # Import the low-level C/C++ module if __package__ or "." in __name__: from . import _ogr else: import _ogr try: import builtins as __builtin__ except ImportError: import __builtin__ def _swig_repr(self): try: strthis = "proxy of " + self.this.__repr__() except __builtin__.Exception: strthis = "" return "<%s.%s; %s >" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, strthis,) def _swig_setattr_nondynamic_instance_variable(set): def set_instance_attr(self, name, value): if name == "thisown": self.this.own(value) elif name == "this": set(self, name, value) elif hasattr(self, name) and isinstance(getattr(type(self), name), property): set(self, name, value) else: raise AttributeError("You cannot add instance attributes to %s" % self) return set_instance_attr def _swig_setattr_nondynamic_class_variable(set): def set_class_attr(cls, name, value): if hasattr(cls, name) and not isinstance(getattr(cls, name), property): set(cls, name, value) else: raise AttributeError("You cannot add class attributes to %s" % cls) return set_class_attr def _swig_add_metaclass(metaclass): """Class decorator for adding a metaclass to a SWIG wrapped class - a slimmed down version of six.add_metaclass""" def wrapper(cls): return metaclass(cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, cls.__dict__.copy()) return wrapper class _SwigNonDynamicMeta(type): """Meta class to enforce nondynamic attributes (no new attributes) for a class""" __setattr__ = _swig_setattr_nondynamic_class_variable(type.__setattr__) wkb25DBit = _ogr.wkb25DBit wkb25Bit = _ogr.wkb25Bit wkbUnknown = _ogr.wkbUnknown wkbPoint = _ogr.wkbPoint wkbLineString = _ogr.wkbLineString wkbPolygon = _ogr.wkbPolygon wkbMultiPoint = _ogr.wkbMultiPoint wkbMultiLineString = _ogr.wkbMultiLineString wkbMultiPolygon = _ogr.wkbMultiPolygon wkbGeometryCollection = _ogr.wkbGeometryCollection wkbCircularString = _ogr.wkbCircularString wkbCompoundCurve = _ogr.wkbCompoundCurve wkbCurvePolygon = _ogr.wkbCurvePolygon wkbMultiCurve = _ogr.wkbMultiCurve wkbMultiSurface = _ogr.wkbMultiSurface wkbCurve = _ogr.wkbCurve wkbSurface = _ogr.wkbSurface wkbPolyhedralSurface = _ogr.wkbPolyhedralSurface wkbTIN = _ogr.wkbTIN wkbTriangle = _ogr.wkbTriangle wkbNone = _ogr.wkbNone wkbLinearRing = _ogr.wkbLinearRing wkbCircularStringZ = _ogr.wkbCircularStringZ wkbCompoundCurveZ = _ogr.wkbCompoundCurveZ wkbCurvePolygonZ = _ogr.wkbCurvePolygonZ wkbMultiCurveZ = _ogr.wkbMultiCurveZ wkbMultiSurfaceZ = _ogr.wkbMultiSurfaceZ wkbCurveZ = _ogr.wkbCurveZ wkbSurfaceZ = _ogr.wkbSurfaceZ wkbPolyhedralSurfaceZ = _ogr.wkbPolyhedralSurfaceZ wkbTINZ = _ogr.wkbTINZ wkbTriangleZ = _ogr.wkbTriangleZ wkbPointM = _ogr.wkbPointM wkbLineStringM = _ogr.wkbLineStringM wkbPolygonM = _ogr.wkbPolygonM wkbMultiPointM = _ogr.wkbMultiPointM wkbMultiLineStringM = _ogr.wkbMultiLineStringM wkbMultiPolygonM = _ogr.wkbMultiPolygonM wkbGeometryCollectionM = _ogr.wkbGeometryCollectionM wkbCircularStringM = _ogr.wkbCircularStringM wkbCompoundCurveM = _ogr.wkbCompoundCurveM wkbCurvePolygonM = _ogr.wkbCurvePolygonM wkbMultiCurveM = _ogr.wkbMultiCurveM wkbMultiSurfaceM = _ogr.wkbMultiSurfaceM wkbCurveM = _ogr.wkbCurveM wkbSurfaceM = _ogr.wkbSurfaceM wkbPolyhedralSurfaceM = _ogr.wkbPolyhedralSurfaceM wkbTINM = _ogr.wkbTINM wkbTriangleM = _ogr.wkbTriangleM wkbPointZM = _ogr.wkbPointZM wkbLineStringZM = _ogr.wkbLineStringZM wkbPolygonZM = _ogr.wkbPolygonZM wkbMultiPointZM = _ogr.wkbMultiPointZM wkbMultiLineStringZM = _ogr.wkbMultiLineStringZM wkbMultiPolygonZM = _ogr.wkbMultiPolygonZM wkbGeometryCollectionZM = _ogr.wkbGeometryCollectionZM wkbCircularStringZM = _ogr.wkbCircularStringZM wkbCompoundCurveZM = _ogr.wkbCompoundCurveZM wkbCurvePolygonZM = _ogr.wkbCurvePolygonZM wkbMultiCurveZM = _ogr.wkbMultiCurveZM wkbMultiSurfaceZM = _ogr.wkbMultiSurfaceZM wkbCurveZM = _ogr.wkbCurveZM wkbSurfaceZM = _ogr.wkbSurfaceZM wkbPolyhedralSurfaceZM = _ogr.wkbPolyhedralSurfaceZM wkbTINZM = _ogr.wkbTINZM wkbTriangleZM = _ogr.wkbTriangleZM wkbPoint25D = _ogr.wkbPoint25D wkbLineString25D = _ogr.wkbLineString25D wkbPolygon25D = _ogr.wkbPolygon25D wkbMultiPoint25D = _ogr.wkbMultiPoint25D wkbMultiLineString25D = _ogr.wkbMultiLineString25D wkbMultiPolygon25D = _ogr.wkbMultiPolygon25D wkbGeometryCollection25D = _ogr.wkbGeometryCollection25D OFTInteger = _ogr.OFTInteger OFTIntegerList = _ogr.OFTIntegerList OFTReal = _ogr.OFTReal OFTRealList = _ogr.OFTRealList OFTString = _ogr.OFTString OFTStringList = _ogr.OFTStringList OFTWideString = _ogr.OFTWideString OFTWideStringList = _ogr.OFTWideStringList OFTBinary = _ogr.OFTBinary OFTDate = _ogr.OFTDate OFTTime = _ogr.OFTTime OFTDateTime = _ogr.OFTDateTime OFTInteger64 = _ogr.OFTInteger64 OFTInteger64List = _ogr.OFTInteger64List OFSTNone = _ogr.OFSTNone OFSTBoolean = _ogr.OFSTBoolean OFSTInt16 = _ogr.OFSTInt16 OFSTFloat32 = _ogr.OFSTFloat32 OFSTJSON = _ogr.OFSTJSON OFSTUUID = _ogr.OFSTUUID OJUndefined = _ogr.OJUndefined OJLeft = _ogr.OJLeft OJRight = _ogr.OJRight OFDT_CODED = _ogr.OFDT_CODED OFDT_RANGE = _ogr.OFDT_RANGE OFDT_GLOB = _ogr.OFDT_GLOB OFDSP_DEFAULT_VALUE = _ogr.OFDSP_DEFAULT_VALUE OFDSP_DUPLICATE = _ogr.OFDSP_DUPLICATE OFDSP_GEOMETRY_RATIO = _ogr.OFDSP_GEOMETRY_RATIO OFDMP_DEFAULT_VALUE = _ogr.OFDMP_DEFAULT_VALUE OFDMP_SUM = _ogr.OFDMP_SUM OFDMP_GEOMETRY_WEIGHTED = _ogr.OFDMP_GEOMETRY_WEIGHTED wkbXDR = _ogr.wkbXDR wkbNDR = _ogr.wkbNDR NullFID = _ogr.NullFID ALTER_NAME_FLAG = _ogr.ALTER_NAME_FLAG ALTER_TYPE_FLAG = _ogr.ALTER_TYPE_FLAG ALTER_WIDTH_PRECISION_FLAG = _ogr.ALTER_WIDTH_PRECISION_FLAG ALTER_NULLABLE_FLAG = _ogr.ALTER_NULLABLE_FLAG ALTER__FLAG = _ogr.ALTER__FLAG ALTER_DEFAULT_FLAG = _ogr.ALTER_DEFAULT_FLAG ALTER_UNIQUE_FLAG = _ogr.ALTER_UNIQUE_FLAG ALTER_DOMAIN_FLAG = _ogr.ALTER_DOMAIN_FLAG ALTER_ALL_FLAG = _ogr.ALTER_ALL_FLAG ALTER_GEOM_FIELD_DEFN_NAME_FLAG = _ogr.ALTER_GEOM_FIELD_DEFN_NAME_FLAG ALTER_GEOM_FIELD_DEFN_TYPE_FLAG = _ogr.ALTER_GEOM_FIELD_DEFN_TYPE_FLAG ALTER_GEOM_FIELD_DEFN_NULLABLE_FLAG = _ogr.ALTER_GEOM_FIELD_DEFN_NULLABLE_FLAG ALTER_GEOM_FIELD_DEFN_SRS_FLAG = _ogr.ALTER_GEOM_FIELD_DEFN_SRS_FLAG ALTER_GEOM_FIELD_DEFN_SRS_COORD_EPOCH_FLAG = _ogr.ALTER_GEOM_FIELD_DEFN_SRS_COORD_EPOCH_FLAG ALTER_GEOM_FIELD_DEFN_ALL_FLAG = _ogr.ALTER_GEOM_FIELD_DEFN_ALL_FLAG F_VAL_NULL = _ogr.F_VAL_NULL F_VAL_GEOM_TYPE = _ogr.F_VAL_GEOM_TYPE F_VAL_WIDTH = _ogr.F_VAL_WIDTH F_VAL_ALLOW_NULL_WHEN_DEFAULT = _ogr.F_VAL_ALLOW_NULL_WHEN_DEFAULT F_VAL_ALL = _ogr.F_VAL_ALL GGT_COUNT_NOT_NEEDED = _ogr.GGT_COUNT_NOT_NEEDED GGT_STOP_IF_MIXED = _ogr.GGT_STOP_IF_MIXED GGT_GEOMCOLLECTIONZ_TINZ = _ogr.GGT_GEOMCOLLECTIONZ_TINZ OLCRandomRead = _ogr.OLCRandomRead OLCSequentialWrite = _ogr.OLCSequentialWrite OLCRandomWrite = _ogr.OLCRandomWrite OLCFastSpatialFilter = _ogr.OLCFastSpatialFilter OLCFastFeatureCount = _ogr.OLCFastFeatureCount OLCFastGetExtent = _ogr.OLCFastGetExtent OLCCreateField = _ogr.OLCCreateField OLCDeleteField = _ogr.OLCDeleteField OLCReorderFields = _ogr.OLCReorderFields OLCAlterFieldDefn = _ogr.OLCAlterFieldDefn OLCAlterGeomFieldDefn = _ogr.OLCAlterGeomFieldDefn OLCTransactions = _ogr.OLCTransactions OLCDeleteFeature = _ogr.OLCDeleteFeature OLCFastSetNextByIndex = _ogr.OLCFastSetNextByIndex OLCStringsAsUTF8 = _ogr.OLCStringsAsUTF8 OLCIgnoreFields = _ogr.OLCIgnoreFields OLCCreateGeomField = _ogr.OLCCreateGeomField OLCCurveGeometries = _ogr.OLCCurveGeometries OLCMeasuredGeometries = _ogr.OLCMeasuredGeometries OLCZGeometries = _ogr.OLCZGeometries OLCRename = _ogr.OLCRename OLCFastGetArrowStream = _ogr.OLCFastGetArrowStream ODsCCreateLayer = _ogr.ODsCCreateLayer ODsCDeleteLayer = _ogr.ODsCDeleteLayer ODsCCreateGeomFieldAfterCreateLayer = _ogr.ODsCCreateGeomFieldAfterCreateLayer ODsCCurveGeometries = _ogr.ODsCCurveGeometries ODsCTransactions = _ogr.ODsCTransactions ODsCEmulatedTransactions = _ogr.ODsCEmulatedTransactions ODsCMeasuredGeometries = _ogr.ODsCMeasuredGeometries ODsCZGeometries = _ogr.ODsCZGeometries ODsCRandomLayerRead = _ogr.ODsCRandomLayerRead ODsCRandomLayerWrite = _ogr.ODsCRandomLayerWrite ODsCAddFieldDomain = _ogr.ODsCAddFieldDomain ODsCDeleteFieldDomain = _ogr.ODsCDeleteFieldDomain ODsCUpdateFieldDomain = _ogr.ODsCUpdateFieldDomain ODrCCreateDataSource = _ogr.ODrCCreateDataSource ODrCDeleteDataSource = _ogr.ODrCDeleteDataSource OLMD_FID64 = _ogr.OLMD_FID64 OGRERR_NONE = _ogr.OGRERR_NONE OGRERR_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA = _ogr.OGRERR_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA OGRERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY = _ogr.OGRERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_GEOMETRY_TYPE = _ogr.OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_GEOMETRY_TYPE OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION = _ogr.OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION OGRERR_CORRUPT_DATA = _ogr.OGRERR_CORRUPT_DATA OGRERR_FAILURE = _ogr.OGRERR_FAILURE OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS = _ogr.OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_SRS OGRERR_INVALID_HANDLE = _ogr.OGRERR_INVALID_HANDLE OGRERR_NON_EXISTING_FEATURE = _ogr.OGRERR_NON_EXISTING_FEATURE def GetUseExceptions(*args) -> "int": r"""GetUseExceptions() -> int""" return _ogr.GetUseExceptions(*args) def UseExceptions(*args) -> "void": r"""UseExceptions()""" return _ogr.UseExceptions(*args) def DontUseExceptions(*args) -> "void": r"""DontUseExceptions()""" return _ogr.DontUseExceptions(*args) from . import osr class MajorObject(object): r"""Proxy of C++ GDALMajorObjectShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr def GetDescription(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetDescription(MajorObject self) -> char const *""" return _ogr.MajorObject_GetDescription(self, *args) def SetDescription(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetDescription(MajorObject self, char const * pszNewDesc)""" return _ogr.MajorObject_SetDescription(self, *args) def GetMetadataDomainList(self, *args) -> "char **": r"""GetMetadataDomainList(MajorObject self) -> char **""" return _ogr.MajorObject_GetMetadataDomainList(self, *args) def GetMetadata_Dict(self, *args) -> "char **": r"""GetMetadata_Dict(MajorObject self, char const * pszDomain="") -> char **""" return _ogr.MajorObject_GetMetadata_Dict(self, *args) def GetMetadata_List(self, *args) -> "char **": r"""GetMetadata_List(MajorObject self, char const * pszDomain="") -> char **""" return _ogr.MajorObject_GetMetadata_List(self, *args) def SetMetadata(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r""" SetMetadata(MajorObject self, char ** papszMetadata, char const * pszDomain="") -> CPLErr SetMetadata(MajorObject self, char * pszMetadataString, char const * pszDomain="") -> CPLErr """ return _ogr.MajorObject_SetMetadata(self, *args) def GetMetadataItem(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetMetadataItem(MajorObject self, char const * pszName, char const * pszDomain="") -> char const *""" return _ogr.MajorObject_GetMetadataItem(self, *args) def SetMetadataItem(self, *args) -> "CPLErr": r"""SetMetadataItem(MajorObject self, char const * pszName, char const * pszValue, char const * pszDomain="") -> CPLErr""" return _ogr.MajorObject_SetMetadataItem(self, *args) def GetMetadata(self, domain=''): if domain[:4] == 'xml:': return self.GetMetadata_List(domain) return self.GetMetadata_Dict(domain) # Register MajorObject in _ogr: _ogr.MajorObject_swigregister(MajorObject) def GetGEOSVersionMajor(*args) -> "int": r"""GetGEOSVersionMajor() -> int""" return _ogr.GetGEOSVersionMajor(*args) def GetGEOSVersionMinor(*args) -> "int": r"""GetGEOSVersionMinor() -> int""" return _ogr.GetGEOSVersionMinor(*args) def GetGEOSVersionMicro(*args) -> "int": r"""GetGEOSVersionMicro() -> int""" return _ogr.GetGEOSVersionMicro(*args) class StyleTable(object): r"""Proxy of C++ OGRStyleTableShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): r"""__init__(StyleTable self) -> StyleTable""" _ogr.StyleTable_swiginit(self, _ogr.new_StyleTable(*args)) __swig_destroy__ = _ogr.delete_StyleTable def AddStyle(self, *args) -> "int": r"""AddStyle(StyleTable self, char const * pszName, char const * pszStyleString) -> int""" return _ogr.StyleTable_AddStyle(self, *args) def LoadStyleTable(self, *args) -> "int": r"""LoadStyleTable(StyleTable self, char const * utf8_path) -> int""" return _ogr.StyleTable_LoadStyleTable(self, *args) def SaveStyleTable(self, *args) -> "int": r"""SaveStyleTable(StyleTable self, char const * utf8_path) -> int""" return _ogr.StyleTable_SaveStyleTable(self, *args) def Find(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""Find(StyleTable self, char const * pszName) -> char const *""" return _ogr.StyleTable_Find(self, *args) def ResetStyleStringReading(self, *args) -> "void": r"""ResetStyleStringReading(StyleTable self)""" return _ogr.StyleTable_ResetStyleStringReading(self, *args) def GetNextStyle(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetNextStyle(StyleTable self) -> char const *""" return _ogr.StyleTable_GetNextStyle(self, *args) def GetLastStyleName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetLastStyleName(StyleTable self) -> char const *""" return _ogr.StyleTable_GetLastStyleName(self, *args) # Register StyleTable in _ogr: _ogr.StyleTable_swigregister(StyleTable) class Driver(MajorObject): r"""Proxy of C++ OGRDriverShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr name = property(_ogr.Driver_name_get, doc=r"""name : p.q(const).char""") def CreateDataSource(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRDataSourceShadow *": r"""CreateDataSource(Driver self, char const * utf8_path, char ** options=None) -> DataSource""" return _ogr.Driver_CreateDataSource(self, *args, **kwargs) def CopyDataSource(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRDataSourceShadow *": r"""CopyDataSource(Driver self, DataSource copy_ds, char const * utf8_path, char ** options=None) -> DataSource""" return _ogr.Driver_CopyDataSource(self, *args, **kwargs) def Open(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRDataSourceShadow *": r"""Open(Driver self, char const * utf8_path, int update=0) -> DataSource""" return _ogr.Driver_Open(self, *args, **kwargs) def DeleteDataSource(self, *args) -> "int": r"""DeleteDataSource(Driver self, char const * utf8_path) -> int""" return _ogr.Driver_DeleteDataSource(self, *args) def TestCapability(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""TestCapability(Driver self, char const * cap) -> bool""" return _ogr.Driver_TestCapability(self, *args) def GetName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetName(Driver self) -> char const *""" return _ogr.Driver_GetName(self, *args) def Register(self, *args) -> "void": r"""Register(Driver self)""" return _ogr.Driver_Register(self, *args) def Deregister(self, *args) -> "void": r"""Deregister(Driver self)""" return _ogr.Driver_Deregister(self, *args) # Register Driver in _ogr: _ogr.Driver_swigregister(Driver) class DataSource(MajorObject): r"""Proxy of C++ OGRDataSourceShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr name = property(_ogr.DataSource_name_get, doc=r"""name : p.q(const).char""") __swig_destroy__ = _ogr.delete_DataSource def GetRefCount(self, *args) -> "int": r""" GetRefCount(DataSource self) -> int int OGR_DS_GetRefCount(OGRDataSourceH hDataSource) """ return _ogr.DataSource_GetRefCount(self, *args) def GetSummaryRefCount(self, *args) -> "int": r""" GetSummaryRefCount(DataSource self) -> int int OGR_DS_GetSummaryRefCount(OGRDataSourceH hDataSource) """ return _ogr.DataSource_GetSummaryRefCount(self, *args) def GetLayerCount(self, *args) -> "int": r""" GetLayerCount(DataSource self) -> int int OGR_DS_GetLayerCount(OGRDataSourceH hDS) Get the number of layers in this data source. Deprecated Use GDALDatasetGetLayerCount() in GDAL 2.0 Parameters ----------- hDS: handle to the data source from which to get the number of layers. Returns -------- int: layer count. """ return _ogr.DataSource_GetLayerCount(self, *args) def GetDriver(self, *args) -> "OGRDriverShadow *": r""" GetDriver(DataSource self) -> Driver OGRSFDriverH OGR_DS_GetDriver(OGRDataSourceH hDS) Returns the driver that the dataset was opened with. NOTE: Starting with GDAL 2.0, it is NOT safe to cast the returned handle to OGRSFDriver\*. If a C++ object is needed, the handle should be cast to GDALDriver\*. Deprecated Use GDALGetDatasetDriver() in GDAL 2.0 Parameters ----------- hDS: handle to the datasource Returns -------- OGRSFDriverH: NULL if driver info is not available, or pointer to a driver owned by the OGRSFDriverManager. """ return _ogr.DataSource_GetDriver(self, *args) def GetName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r""" GetName(DataSource self) -> char const * const char\* OGR_DS_GetName(OGRDataSourceH hDS) Returns the name of the data source. This string should be sufficient to open the data source if passed to the same OGRSFDriver that this data source was opened with, but it need not be exactly the same string that was used to open the data source. Normally this is a filename. Deprecated Use GDALGetDescription() in GDAL 2.0 Parameters ----------- hDS: handle to the data source to get the name from. Returns -------- str: pointer to an internal name string which should not be modified or freed by the caller. """ return _ogr.DataSource_GetName(self, *args) def DeleteLayer(self, value) -> "OGRErr": """ DeleteLayer(DataSource self, value) -> OGRErr Delete the indicated layer from the datasource. For more details: :c:func:`OGR_DS_DeleteLayer` Parameters ----------- value: str | int index or name of the layer to delete. Returns ------- int: :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` on success, or :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION` if deleting layers is not supported for this datasource. """ if isinstance(value, str): for i in range(self.GetLayerCount()): name = self.GetLayer(i).GetName() if name == value: return _ogr.DataSource_DeleteLayer(self, i) raise ValueError("Layer %s not found to delete" % value) elif isinstance(value, int): return _ogr.DataSource_DeleteLayer(self, value) else: raise TypeError("Input %s is not of String or Int type" % type(value)) def SyncToDisk(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" SyncToDisk(DataSource self) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_DS_SyncToDisk(OGRDataSourceH hDS) Flush pending changes to disk. See GDALDataset::FlushCache() """ return _ogr.DataSource_SyncToDisk(self, *args) def FlushCache(self, *args) -> "void": r"""FlushCache(DataSource self)""" return _ogr.DataSource_FlushCache(self, *args) def CreateLayer(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRLayerShadow *": r""" CreateLayer(DataSource self, char const * name, SpatialReference srs=None, OGRwkbGeometryType geom_type=wkbUnknown, char ** options=None) -> Layer OGRLayerH OGR_DS_CreateLayer(OGRDataSourceH hDS, const char \*pszName, OGRSpatialReferenceH hSpatialRef, OGRwkbGeometryType eType, char \*\*papszOptions) This function attempts to create a new layer on the data source with the indicated name, coordinate system, geometry type. The papszOptions argument can be used to control driver specific creation options. These options are normally documented in the format specific documentation. Deprecated Use GDALDatasetCreateLayer() in GDAL 2.0 Parameters ----------- hDS: The dataset handle.pszName: the name for the new layer. This should ideally not match any existing layer on the datasource. hSpatialRef: handle to the coordinate system to use for the new layer, or NULL if no coordinate system is available. The driver might only increase the reference counter of the object to take ownership, and not make a full copy, so do not use OSRDestroySpatialReference(), but OSRRelease() instead when you are done with the object. eType: the geometry type for the layer. Use wkbUnknown if there are no constraints on the types geometry to be written. papszOptions: a StringList of name=value options. Options are driver specific, and driver information can be found at the following url:http://www.gdal.org/ogr_formats.html Returns -------- OGRLayerH: NULL is returned on failure, or a new OGRLayer handle on success. """ return _ogr.DataSource_CreateLayer(self, *args, **kwargs) def CopyLayer(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRLayerShadow *": r""" CopyLayer(DataSource self, Layer src_layer, char const * new_name, char ** options=None) -> Layer OGRLayerH OGR_DS_CopyLayer(OGRDataSourceH hDS, OGRLayerH hSrcLayer, const char \*pszNewName, char \*\*papszOptions) Duplicate an existing layer. This function creates a new layer, duplicate the field definitions of the source layer and then duplicate each features of the source layer. The papszOptions argument can be used to control driver specific creation options. These options are normally documented in the format specific documentation. The source layer may come from another dataset. Deprecated Use GDALDatasetCopyLayer() in GDAL 2.0 Parameters ----------- hDS: handle to the data source where to create the new layer hSrcLayer: handle to the source layer. pszNewName: the name of the layer to create. papszOptions: a StringList of name=value options. Options are driver specific. Returns ------- OGRLayerH: a handle to the layer, or NULL if an error occurs. """ return _ogr.DataSource_CopyLayer(self, *args, **kwargs) def GetLayerByIndex(self, *args) -> "OGRLayerShadow *": r"""GetLayerByIndex(DataSource self, int index=0) -> Layer""" return _ogr.DataSource_GetLayerByIndex(self, *args) def GetLayerByName(self, *args) -> "OGRLayerShadow *": r""" GetLayerByName(DataSource self, char const * layer_name) -> Layer OGRLayerH OGR_DS_GetLayerByName(OGRDataSourceH hDS, const char \*pszLayerName) Fetch a layer by name. The returned layer remains owned by the OGRDataSource and should not be deleted by the application. Deprecated Use GDALDatasetGetLayerByName() in GDAL 2.0 Parameters ----------- hDS: handle to the data source from which to get the layer. pszLayerName: Layer the layer name of the layer to fetch. Returns -------- OGRLayerH: a handle to the layer, or NULL if the layer is not found or an error occurs. """ return _ogr.DataSource_GetLayerByName(self, *args) def TestCapability(self, *args) -> "bool": r""" TestCapability(DataSource self, char const * cap) -> bool int OGR_DS_TestCapability(OGRDataSourceH hDS, const char \*pszCapability) Test if capability is available. One of the following data source capability names can be passed into this function, and a TRUE or FALSE value will be returned indicating whether or not the capability is available for this object. ODsCCreateLayer: True if this datasource can create new layers. ODsCDeleteLayer: True if this datasource can delete existing layers. ODsCCreateGeomFieldAfterCreateLayer: True if the layers of this datasource support CreateGeomField() just after layer creation. ODsCCurveGeometries: True if this datasource supports writing curve geometries. (GDAL 2.0). In that case, OLCCurveGeometries must also be declared in layers of that dataset. The #define macro forms of the capability names should be used in preference to the strings themselves to avoid misspelling. Deprecated Use GDALDatasetTestCapability() in GDAL 2.0 Parameters ----------- hDS: handle to the data source against which to test the capability. pszCapability: the capability to test. Returns -------- int: TRUE if capability available otherwise FALSE. """ return _ogr.DataSource_TestCapability(self, *args) def ExecuteSQL(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRLayerShadow *": r""" ExecuteSQL(DataSource self, char const * statement, Geometry spatialFilter=None, char const * dialect="") -> Layer OGRLayerH OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(OGRDataSourceH hDS, const char \*pszStatement, OGRGeometryH hSpatialFilter, const char \*pszDialect) Execute an SQL statement against the data store. The result of an SQL query is either NULL for statements that are in error, or that have no results set, or an OGRLayer handle representing a results set from the query. Note that this OGRLayer is in addition to the layers in the data store and must be destroyed with OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet() before the data source is closed (destroyed). For more information on the SQL dialect supported internally by OGR review theOGR SQL document. Some drivers (i.e. Oracle and PostGIS) pass the SQL directly through to the underlying RDBMS. TheSQLITE dialect can also be used. Deprecated Use GDALDatasetExecuteSQL() in GDAL 2.0 Parameters ----------- hDS: handle to the data source on which the SQL query is executed. pszStatement: the SQL statement to execute. hSpatialFilter: handle to a geometry which represents a spatial filter. Can be NULL. pszDialect: allows control of the statement dialect. If set to NULL, the OGR SQL engine will be used, except for RDBMS drivers that will use their dedicated SQL engine, unless OGRSQL is explicitly passed as the dialect. The SQLITE dialect can also be used. Returns -------- OGRLayerH: a handle to a OGRLayer containing the results of the query. Deallocate with OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet(). """ return _ogr.DataSource_ExecuteSQL(self, *args, **kwargs) def AbortSQL(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r"""AbortSQL(DataSource self) -> OGRErr""" return _ogr.DataSource_AbortSQL(self, *args) def ReleaseResultSet(self, *args) -> "void": r""" ReleaseResultSet(DataSource self, Layer layer) void OGR_DS_ReleaseResultSet(OGRDataSourceH hDS, OGRLayerH hLayer) Release results of OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL(). This function should only be used to deallocate OGRLayers resulting from an OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL() call on the same OGRDataSource. Failure to deallocate a results set before destroying the OGRDataSource may cause errors. Deprecated Use GDALDatasetReleaseResultSet() in GDAL 2.0 Parameters ----------- hDS: a handle to the data source on which was executed an SQL query. hLayer: handle to the result of a previous OGR_DS_ExecuteSQL() call. """ return _ogr.DataSource_ReleaseResultSet(self, *args) def GetStyleTable(self, *args) -> "OGRStyleTableShadow *": r""" GetStyleTable(DataSource self) -> StyleTable OGRStyleTableH OGR_DS_GetStyleTable(OGRDataSourceH hDS) Get style table. """ return _ogr.DataSource_GetStyleTable(self, *args) def SetStyleTable(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetStyleTable(DataSource self, StyleTable table) void OGR_DS_SetStyleTable(OGRDataSourceH hDS, OGRStyleTableH hStyleTable) Set style table. """ return _ogr.DataSource_SetStyleTable(self, *args) def StartTransaction(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRErr": r"""StartTransaction(DataSource self, int force=FALSE) -> OGRErr""" return _ogr.DataSource_StartTransaction(self, *args, **kwargs) def CommitTransaction(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r"""CommitTransaction(DataSource self) -> OGRErr""" return _ogr.DataSource_CommitTransaction(self, *args) def RollbackTransaction(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r"""RollbackTransaction(DataSource self) -> OGRErr""" return _ogr.DataSource_RollbackTransaction(self, *args) def Destroy(self): "Once called, self has effectively been destroyed. Do not access. For backwards compatibility only" _ogr.delete_DataSource(self) self.thisown = 0 def Release(self): "Once called, self has effectively been destroyed. Do not access. For backwards compatibility only" _ogr.delete_DataSource(self) self.thisown = 0 def Reference(self): "For backwards compatibility only." return self.Reference() def Dereference(self): "For backwards compatibility only." self.Dereference() def __len__(self): """Returns the number of layers on the datasource""" return self.GetLayerCount() def __getitem__(self, value): """Support dictionary, list, and slice -like access to the datasource. ds[0] would return the first layer on the datasource. ds['aname'] would return the layer named "aname". ds[0:4] would return a list of the first four layers.""" if isinstance(value, slice): output = [] step = value.step if value.step else 1 for i in range(value.start, value.stop, step): lyr = self.GetLayer(i) if lyr is None: return output output.append(lyr) return output if isinstance(value, int): if value > len(self) - 1: raise IndexError return self.GetLayer(value) elif isinstance(value, str): return self.GetLayer(value) else: raise TypeError('Input %s is not of String or Int type' % type(value)) def GetLayer(self, iLayer=0): """Return the layer given an index or a name""" if isinstance(iLayer, str): return self.GetLayerByName(str(iLayer)) elif isinstance(iLayer, int): return self.GetLayerByIndex(iLayer) else: raise TypeError("Input %s is not of String or Int type" % type(iLayer)) # Register DataSource in _ogr: _ogr.DataSource_swigregister(DataSource) class ArrowArray(object): r"""Proxy of C++ ArrowArray class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _ogr.delete_ArrowArray def _getPtr(self, *args) -> "VoidPtrAsLong": r"""_getPtr(ArrowArray self) -> VoidPtrAsLong""" return _ogr.ArrowArray__getPtr(self, *args) def GetChildrenCount(self, *args) -> "GIntBig": r"""GetChildrenCount(ArrowArray self) -> GIntBig""" return _ogr.ArrowArray_GetChildrenCount(self, *args) def GetLength(self, *args) -> "GIntBig": r"""GetLength(ArrowArray self) -> GIntBig""" return _ogr.ArrowArray_GetLength(self, *args) # Register ArrowArray in _ogr: _ogr.ArrowArray_swigregister(ArrowArray) class ArrowSchema(object): r"""Proxy of C++ ArrowSchema class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _ogr.delete_ArrowSchema def _getPtr(self, *args) -> "VoidPtrAsLong": r"""_getPtr(ArrowSchema self) -> VoidPtrAsLong""" return _ogr.ArrowSchema__getPtr(self, *args) def GetChildrenCount(self, *args) -> "GIntBig": r"""GetChildrenCount(ArrowSchema self) -> GIntBig""" return _ogr.ArrowSchema_GetChildrenCount(self, *args) # Register ArrowSchema in _ogr: _ogr.ArrowSchema_swigregister(ArrowSchema) class ArrowArrayStream(object): r"""Proxy of C++ ArrowArrayStream class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _ogr.delete_ArrowArrayStream def GetSchema(self, *args) -> "ArrowSchema *": r"""GetSchema(ArrowArrayStream self) -> ArrowSchema""" return _ogr.ArrowArrayStream_GetSchema(self, *args) def GetNextRecordBatch(self, *args) -> "ArrowArray *": r"""GetNextRecordBatch(ArrowArrayStream self, char ** options=None) -> ArrowArray""" return _ogr.ArrowArrayStream_GetNextRecordBatch(self, *args) # Register ArrowArrayStream in _ogr: _ogr.ArrowArrayStream_swigregister(ArrowArrayStream) class Layer(MajorObject): r"""Proxy of C++ OGRLayerShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr def Rename(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r"""Rename(Layer self, char const * new_name) -> OGRErr""" return _ogr.Layer_Rename(self, *args) def GetRefCount(self, *args) -> "int": r""" GetRefCount(Layer self) -> int For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_GetRefCount` """ return _ogr.Layer_GetRefCount(self, *args) def SetSpatialFilter(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetSpatialFilter(Layer self, Geometry filter) SetSpatialFilter(Layer self, int iGeomField, Geometry filter) Set a new spatial filter. For more details: - :cpp:func:`OGR_L_SetSpatialFilter` - :cpp:func:`OGR_L_SetSpatialFilterEx` Parameters ----------- iGeomField: int, optional index of the geometry field on which the spatial filter operates. filter: Geometry The geometry to use as a filtering region. None may be passed indicating that the current spatial filter should be cleared, but no new one instituted. """ return _ogr.Layer_SetSpatialFilter(self, *args) def SetSpatialFilterRect(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetSpatialFilterRect(Layer self, double minx, double miny, double maxx, double maxy) SetSpatialFilterRect(Layer self, int iGeomField, double minx, double miny, double maxx, double maxy) Set a new rectangular spatial filter. For more details: - :cpp:func:`OGR_L_SetSpatialFilterRect` - :cpp:func:`OGR_L_SetSpatialFilterRectEx` Parameters ----------- iGeomField: int, optional index of the geometry field on which the spatial filter operates. minx: float the minimum X coordinate for the rectangular region. miny: float the minimum Y coordinate for the rectangular region. maxx: float the maximum X coordinate for the rectangular region. maxy: float the maximum Y coordinate for the rectangular region. """ return _ogr.Layer_SetSpatialFilterRect(self, *args) def GetSpatialFilter(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" GetSpatialFilter(Layer self) -> Geometry This function returns the current spatial filter for this layer. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_GetSpatialFilter` Returns -------- Geometry: The spatial filter geometry. """ return _ogr.Layer_GetSpatialFilter(self, *args) def SetAttributeFilter(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" SetAttributeFilter(Layer self, char * filter_string) -> OGRErr Set a new attribute query. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_SetAttributeFilter` Parameters ----------- filter_string: str query in restricted SQL WHERE format, or None to clear the current query. Returns -------- int: :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` if successfully installed, or an error code if the query expression is in error, or some other failure occurs. """ return _ogr.Layer_SetAttributeFilter(self, *args) def ResetReading(self, *args) -> "void": r""" ResetReading(Layer self) Reset feature reading to start on the first feature. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_ResetReading` """ return _ogr.Layer_ResetReading(self, *args) def GetName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r""" GetName(Layer self) -> char const * Return the layer name. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_GetName` Returns -------- str: The layer name """ return _ogr.Layer_GetName(self, *args) def GetGeomType(self, *args) -> "OGRwkbGeometryType": r""" GetGeomType(Layer self) -> OGRwkbGeometryType Return the layer geometry type. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_GetGeomType` Returns -------- int: The geometry type code. The types can be found with 'osgeo.ogr.wkb' prefix. For example :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.wkbPolygon`. """ return _ogr.Layer_GetGeomType(self, *args) def GetGeometryColumn(self, *args) -> "char const *": r""" GetGeometryColumn(Layer self) -> char const * This method returns the name of the underlying database column being used as the geometry column, or '' if not supported. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_GetGeometryColumn` Returns -------- str: geometry column name. """ return _ogr.Layer_GetGeometryColumn(self, *args) def GetFIDColumn(self, *args) -> "char const *": r""" GetFIDColumn(Layer self) -> char const * This method returns the name of the underlying database column being used as the FID column, or '' if not supported. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_GetFIDColumn` Returns -------- str: fid column name. """ return _ogr.Layer_GetFIDColumn(self, *args) def GetFeature(self, *args) -> "OGRFeatureShadow *": r""" GetFeature(Layer self, GIntBig fid) -> Feature Fetch a feature by its identifier. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_GetFeature` Use :py:func:`TestCapability` with (:py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OLCRandomRead`) to establish if this layer supports efficient random access reading via :py:func:`GetFeature`; However, the call should always work if the feature exists. Sequential reads (with :py:func:`GetNextFeature`) are generally considered interrupted by a :py:func:`GetFeature` call. Parameters ----------- fid: int The feature id of the feature to read. Returns -------- Feature: A new feature now owned by the caller, or None on failure. The returned feature should be deleted with :py:func:`Destroy`. """ return _ogr.Layer_GetFeature(self, *args) def GetNextFeature(self, *args) -> "OGRFeatureShadow *": r""" GetNextFeature(Layer self) -> Feature Fetch the next available feature from this layer. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_GetNextFeature` Returns -------- Feature: A feature or None if no more features are available. """ return _ogr.Layer_GetNextFeature(self, *args) def SetNextByIndex(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" SetNextByIndex(Layer self, GIntBig new_index) -> OGRErr Move read cursor to the nIndex'th feature in the current resultset. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_SetNextByIndex` Parameters ----------- new_index: int The index indicating how many steps into the result set to seek. Returns -------- int: :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` on success or an error code. """ return _ogr.Layer_SetNextByIndex(self, *args) def SetFeature(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" SetFeature(Layer self, Feature feature) -> OGRErr Rewrite an existing feature. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_SetFeature` To set a feature, but create it if it doesn't exist see :py:meth:`.Layer.UpsertFeature`. Parameters ----------- feature: Feature The feature to write. Returns -------- int: :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` if the operation works, otherwise an appropriate error code (e.g :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NON_EXISTING_FEATURE` if the feature does not exist). """ return _ogr.Layer_SetFeature(self, *args) def CreateFeature(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" CreateFeature(Layer self, Feature feature) -> OGRErr Create and write a new feature within a layer. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_CreateFeature` To create a feature, but set it if it exists see :py:meth:`.Layer.UpsertFeature`. Parameters ----------- feature: Feature The feature to write to disk. Returns -------- int: :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` on success. """ return _ogr.Layer_CreateFeature(self, *args) def UpsertFeature(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" UpsertFeature(Layer self, Feature feature) -> OGRErr Rewrite an existing feature or create a new feature within a layer. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_UpsertFeature` Parameters ----------- feature: Feature The feature to write to disk. Returns -------- int: :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` on success. """ return _ogr.Layer_UpsertFeature(self, *args) def DeleteFeature(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" DeleteFeature(Layer self, GIntBig fid) -> OGRErr Delete feature from layer. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_DeleteFeature` Parameters ----------- fid: int The feature id to be deleted from the layer Returns -------- int: :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` if the operation works, otherwise an appropriate error code (e.g :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NON_EXISTING_FEATURE`) if the feature does not exist. """ return _ogr.Layer_DeleteFeature(self, *args) def SyncToDisk(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" SyncToDisk(Layer self) -> OGRErr Flush pending changes to disk. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_SyncToDisk` Returns -------- int: :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` if no error occurs (even if nothing is done) or an error code. """ return _ogr.Layer_SyncToDisk(self, *args) def GetLayerDefn(self, *args) -> "OGRFeatureDefnShadow *": r""" GetLayerDefn(Layer self) -> FeatureDefn Fetch the schema information for this layer. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_GetLayerDefn` Returns -------- FeatureDefn: The feature definition. """ return _ogr.Layer_GetLayerDefn(self, *args) def GetFeatureCount(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "GIntBig": r""" GetFeatureCount(Layer self, int force=1) -> GIntBig Fetch the feature count in this layer. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_GetFeatureCount` Parameters ----------- force: int Flag indicating whether the count should be computed even if it is expensive. Returns -------- int: Feature count, -1 if count not known. """ return _ogr.Layer_GetFeatureCount(self, *args, **kwargs) def GetExtent(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "void": r""" GetExtent(Layer self, int force=1, int can_return_null=0, int geom_field=0) Fetch the extent of this layer. For more details: - :cpp:func:`OGR_L_GetExtent` - :cpp:func:`OGR_L_GetExtentEx` .. warning:: Check the return order of the bounds. Parameters ----------- force: int, default=False Flag indicating whether the extent should be computed even if it is expensive. can_return_null: int, default=False Whether None can be returned in the response. geom_field: int, default=0 Ithe index of the geometry field on which to compute the extent. Can be iterated over using :py:func:`range` and :py:func:`GetGeomFieldCount`. Returns -------- minx: float maxx: float miny: float maxy: float """ return _ogr.Layer_GetExtent(self, *args, **kwargs) def TestCapability(self, *args) -> "bool": r""" TestCapability(Layer self, char const * cap) -> bool Test if this layer supported the named capability. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_TestCapability` Parameters ----------- cap: str The name of the capability to test. These can be found in the `osgeo.ogr` namespace. For example, :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OLCRandomRead`. Returns -------- int: True if the layer has the requested capability, or False otherwise. Will return False for any unrecognized capabilities. """ return _ogr.Layer_TestCapability(self, *args) def CreateField(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRErr": r""" CreateField(Layer self, FieldDefn field_def, int approx_ok=1) -> OGRErr Create a new field on a layer. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_CreateField` Parameters ----------- field_def: FieldDefn The field definition to write to disk. approx_ok: bool, default=True If True, the field may be created in a slightly different form depending on the limitations of the format driver. Returns -------- int: :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` on success. """ return _ogr.Layer_CreateField(self, *args, **kwargs) def DeleteField(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" DeleteField(Layer self, int iField) -> OGRErr Delete an existing field on a layer. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_DeleteField` Parameters ----------- iField: int index of the field to delete. Returns -------- int: :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` on success. """ return _ogr.Layer_DeleteField(self, *args) def ReorderField(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" ReorderField(Layer self, int iOldFieldPos, int iNewFieldPos) -> OGRErr Reorder an existing field on a layer. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_ReorderField` Parameters ----------- iOldFieldPos: int previous position of the field to move. Must be in the range [0,GetFieldCount()-1]. iNewFieldPos: int new position of the field to move. Must be in the range [0,GetFieldCount()-1]. Returns -------- int: :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` on success. """ return _ogr.Layer_ReorderField(self, *args) def ReorderFields(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" ReorderFields(Layer self, int nList) -> OGRErr Reorder all the fields of a layer. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_ReorderFields` Parameters ----------- nList: list[int] A list of GetLayerDefn().GetFieldCount() elements which is a permutation of [0, GetLayerDefn().GetFieldCount()-1]. Returns -------- int: :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` on success. """ return _ogr.Layer_ReorderFields(self, *args) def AlterFieldDefn(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" AlterFieldDefn(Layer self, int iField, FieldDefn field_def, int nFlags) -> OGRErr Alter the definition of an existing field on a layer. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_AlterFieldDefn` Parameters ----------- iField: int index of the field whose definition must be altered. field_def: FieldDefn new field definition nFlags: int Combination of :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.ALTER_NAME_FLAG`, :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.ALTER_TYPE_FLAG`, :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.ALTER_WIDTH_PRECISION_FLAG`, :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.ALTER_NULLABLE_FLAG` and :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.ALTER_DEFAULT_FLAG` to indicate which of the name and/or type and/or width and precision fields and/or nullability from the new field definition must be taken into account. Returns -------- int: :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` on success. """ return _ogr.Layer_AlterFieldDefn(self, *args) def AlterGeomFieldDefn(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r"""AlterGeomFieldDefn(Layer self, int iGeomField, GeomFieldDefn field_def, int nFlags) -> OGRErr""" return _ogr.Layer_AlterGeomFieldDefn(self, *args) def CreateGeomField(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRErr": r""" CreateGeomField(Layer self, GeomFieldDefn field_def, int approx_ok=1) -> OGRErr Create a new geometry field on a layer. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_CreateGeomField` Parameters ----------- field_def: GeomFieldDefn The geometry field definition to write to disk. approx_ok: bool, default=True If True, the field may be created in a slightly different form depending on the limitations of the format driver. Returns -------- int: :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` on success. """ return _ogr.Layer_CreateGeomField(self, *args, **kwargs) def StartTransaction(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" StartTransaction(Layer self) -> OGRErr For datasources which support transactions, this creates a transaction. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_StartTransaction` Returns -------- int: :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` on success. """ return _ogr.Layer_StartTransaction(self, *args) def CommitTransaction(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" CommitTransaction(Layer self) -> OGRErr For datasources which support transactions, this commits a transaction. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_CommitTransaction` Returns -------- int: :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` on success. """ return _ogr.Layer_CommitTransaction(self, *args) def RollbackTransaction(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" RollbackTransaction(Layer self) -> OGRErr Roll back a datasource to its state before the start of the current transaction. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_RollbackTransaction` Returns -------- int: :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` on success. """ return _ogr.Layer_RollbackTransaction(self, *args) def FindFieldIndex(self, *args) -> "int": r""" FindFieldIndex(Layer self, char const * pszFieldName, int bExactMatch) -> int Find the index of field in a layer. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_FindFieldIndex` Returns -------- int: field index, or -1 if the field doesn't exist """ return _ogr.Layer_FindFieldIndex(self, *args) def GetSpatialRef(self, *args) -> "OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *": r""" GetSpatialRef(Layer self) -> SpatialReference Fetch the spatial reference system for this layer. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_GetSpatialRef` Returns -------- SpatialReference: spatial reference, or None if there isn't one. """ return _ogr.Layer_GetSpatialRef(self, *args) def GetFeaturesRead(self, *args) -> "GIntBig": r""" GetFeaturesRead(Layer self) -> GIntBig For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_GetFeaturesRead` """ return _ogr.Layer_GetFeaturesRead(self, *args) def SetIgnoredFields(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" SetIgnoredFields(Layer self, char const ** options) -> OGRErr Set which fields can be omitted when retrieving features from the layer. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_SetIgnoredFields` Parameters ----------- options: list[str] A list of field names. If an empty list is passed, the ignored list is cleared. Returns ------- int: :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` if all field names have been resolved (even if the driver does not support this method) """ return _ogr.Layer_SetIgnoredFields(self, *args) def Intersection(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRErr": r""" Intersection(Layer self, Layer method_layer, Layer result_layer, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> OGRErr Intersection of two layers. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_Intersection` Parameters ----------- method_layer: Layer the method layer. Should not be None. result_layer: Layer the layer where the features resulting from the operation are inserted. Should not be None. options: list[str], optional List of options (empty list is allowed). For example ["PROMOTE_TO_MULTI=YES"]. callback: Callable, optional a GDALProgressFunc() compatible callback function for reporting progress or None. callback_data: Argument to be passed to 'callback'. May be None. Returns ------- int: An error code if there was an error or the execution was interrupted, :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` otherwise. """ return _ogr.Layer_Intersection(self, *args, **kwargs) def Union(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRErr": r""" Union(Layer self, Layer method_layer, Layer result_layer, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> OGRErr Union of two layers. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_Union` The first geometry field is always used. Parameters ----------- method_layer: Layer the method layer. Should not be None. result_layer: Layer the layer where the features resulting from the operation are inserted. Should not be None. options: list[str], optional List of options (empty list is allowed). For example ["PROMOTE_TO_MULTI=YES"]. callback: Callable, optional a GDALProgressFunc() compatible callback function for reporting progress or None. callback_data: Argument to be passed to 'callback'. May be None. Returns ------- int: An error code if there was an error or the execution was interrupted, :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` otherwise. """ return _ogr.Layer_Union(self, *args, **kwargs) def SymDifference(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRErr": r""" SymDifference(Layer self, Layer method_layer, Layer result_layer, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> OGRErr Symmetrical difference of two layers. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_SymDifference` Parameters ----------- method_layer: Layer the method layer. Should not be None. result_layer: Layer the layer where the features resulting from the operation are inserted. Should not be None. options: list[str], optional List of options (empty list is allowed). For example ["PROMOTE_TO_MULTI=YES"]. callback: Callable, optional a GDALProgressFunc() compatible callback function for reporting progress or None. callback_data: Argument to be passed to 'callback'. May be None. Returns ------- int: An error code if there was an error or the execution was interrupted, :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` otherwise. """ return _ogr.Layer_SymDifference(self, *args, **kwargs) def Identity(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRErr": r""" Identity(Layer self, Layer method_layer, Layer result_layer, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> OGRErr Identify the features of this layer with the ones from the identity layer. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_Identity` Parameters ----------- method_layer: Layer the method layer. Should not be None. result_layer: Layer the layer where the features resulting from the operation are inserted. Should not be None. options: list[str], optional List of options (empty list is allowed). For example ["PROMOTE_TO_MULTI=YES"]. callback: Callable, optional a GDALProgressFunc() compatible callback function for reporting progress or None. callback_data: Argument to be passed to 'callback'. May be None. Returns ------- int: An error code if there was an error or the execution was interrupted, :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` otherwise. """ return _ogr.Layer_Identity(self, *args, **kwargs) def Update(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRErr": r""" Update(Layer self, Layer method_layer, Layer result_layer, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> OGRErr Update this layer with features from the update layer. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_Update` Parameters ----------- method_layer: Layer the method layer. Should not be None. result_layer: Layer the layer where the features resulting from the operation are inserted. Should not be None. options: list[str], optional List of options (empty list is allowed). For example ["PROMOTE_TO_MULTI=YES"]. callback: Callable, optional a GDALProgressFunc() compatible callback function for reporting progress or None. callback_data: Argument to be passed to 'callback'. May be None. Returns ------- int: An error code if there was an error or the execution was interrupted, :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` otherwise. """ return _ogr.Layer_Update(self, *args, **kwargs) def Clip(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRErr": r""" Clip(Layer self, Layer method_layer, Layer result_layer, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> OGRErr Clip off areas that are not covered by the method layer. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_Clip` Parameters ----------- method_layer: Layer the method layer. Should not be None. result_layer: Layer the layer where the features resulting from the operation are inserted. Should not be None. options: list[str], optional List of options (empty list is allowed). For example ["PROMOTE_TO_MULTI=YES"]. callback: Callable, optional a GDALProgressFunc() compatible callback function for reporting progress or None. callback_data: Argument to be passed to 'callback'. May be None. Returns ------- int: An error code if there was an error or the execution was interrupted, :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` otherwise. """ return _ogr.Layer_Clip(self, *args, **kwargs) def Erase(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRErr": r""" Erase(Layer self, Layer method_layer, Layer result_layer, char ** options=None, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) -> OGRErr Remove areas that are covered by the method layer. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_Erase` Parameters ----------- method_layer: Layer the method layer. Should not be None. result_layer: Layer the layer where the features resulting from the operation are inserted. Should not be None. options: list[str], optional List of options (empty list is allowed). For example ["PROMOTE_TO_MULTI=YES"]. callback: Callable, optional a GDALProgressFunc() compatible callback function for reporting progress or None. callback_data: Argument to be passed to 'callback'. May be None. Returns ------- int: An error code if there was an error or the execution was interrupted, :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` otherwise. """ return _ogr.Layer_Erase(self, *args, **kwargs) def GetStyleTable(self, *args) -> "OGRStyleTableShadow *": r""" GetStyleTable(Layer self) -> StyleTable Get style table. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_GetStyleTable` """ return _ogr.Layer_GetStyleTable(self, *args) def SetStyleTable(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetStyleTable(Layer self, StyleTable table) Set style table. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_SetStyleTable` """ return _ogr.Layer_SetStyleTable(self, *args) def GetArrowStream(self, *args) -> "ArrowArrayStream *": r"""GetArrowStream(Layer self, char ** options=None) -> ArrowArrayStream""" return _ogr.Layer_GetArrowStream(self, *args) def GetGeometryTypes(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "void": r""" GetGeometryTypes(Layer self, int geom_field=0, int flags=0, GDALProgressFunc callback=0, void * callback_data=None) Get actual geometry types found in features. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_L_GetGeometryTypes` Parameters ----------- geom_field: int, optional index of the geometry field flags: int, optional 0, or a combination of :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.GGT_COUNT_NOT_NEEDED`, :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.GGT_STOP_IF_MIXED` and :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.GGT_GEOMCOLLECTIONZ_TINZ` callback: Callable, optional a GDALProgressFunc() compatible callback function for cancellation or None. callback_data: Argument to be passed to 'callback'. May be None. Returns ------- dict: A dictionary whose keys are :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.wkbXXXX` constants and values the corresponding number of geometries of that type in the layer. """ return _ogr.Layer_GetGeometryTypes(self, *args, **kwargs) def Reference(self): "For backwards compatibility only." pass def Dereference(self): "For backwards compatibility only." pass def __len__(self): """Returns the number of features in the layer""" return self.GetFeatureCount() # To avoid __len__ being called when testing boolean value # which can have side effects (#4758) def __nonzero__(self): return True # For Python 3 compat __bool__ = __nonzero__ def __getitem__(self, value): """Support list and slice -like access to the layer. layer[0] would return the first feature on the layer. layer[0:4] would return a list of the first four features.""" if isinstance(value, slice): import sys output = [] if value.stop == sys.maxsize: #for an unending slice, sys.maxsize is used #We need to stop before that or GDAL will write an ##error to stdout stop = len(self) - 1 else: stop = value.stop for i in range(value.start, stop, value.step): feature = self.GetFeature(i) if feature: output.append(feature) else: return output return output if isinstance(value, int): if value > len(self) - 1: raise IndexError return self.GetFeature(value) else: raise TypeError("Input %s is not of IntType or SliceType" % type(value)) def CreateFields(self, fields): """Create a list of fields on the Layer""" for i in fields: self.CreateField(i) def __iter__(self): self.ResetReading() while True: feature = self.GetNextFeature() if not feature: break yield feature def schema(self): output = [] defn = self.GetLayerDefn() for n in range(defn.GetFieldCount()): output.append(defn.GetFieldDefn(n)) return output schema = property(schema) def GetArrowStreamAsPyArrow(self, options = []): """ Return an ArrowStream as PyArrow Schema and Array objects """ import pyarrow as pa class Stream: def __init__(self, stream): self.stream = stream self.end_of_stream = False def schema(self): """ Return the schema as a PyArrow DataType """ schema = self.stream.GetSchema() if schema is None: raise Exception("cannot get schema") return pa.DataType._import_from_c(schema._getPtr()) schema = property(schema) def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): self.end_of_stream = True self.stream = None def GetNextRecordBatch(self): """ Return the next RecordBatch as a PyArrow StructArray, or None at end of iteration """ array = self.stream.GetNextRecordBatch() if array is None: return None return pa.Array._import_from_c(array._getPtr(), self.schema) def __iter__(self): """ Return an iterator over record batches as a PyArrow StructArray """ if self.end_of_stream: raise Exception("Stream has already been iterated over") while True: batch = self.GetNextRecordBatch() if not batch: break yield batch self.end_of_stream = True self.stream = None stream = self.GetArrowStream(options) if not stream: raise Exception("GetArrowStream() failed") return Stream(stream) def GetArrowStreamAsNumPy(self, options = []): """ Return an ArrowStream as NumPy Array objects. A specific option to this method is USE_MASKED_ARRAYS=YES/NO (default is YES). """ from osgeo import gdal_array class Stream: def __init__(self, stream, use_masked_arrays): self.stream = stream self.schema = stream.GetSchema() self.end_of_stream = False self.use_masked_arrays = use_masked_arrays def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): self.end_of_stream = True self.schema = None self.stream = None def GetNextRecordBatch(self): """ Return the next RecordBatch as a dictionary of Numpy arrays, or None at end of iteration """ array = self.stream.GetNextRecordBatch() if array is None: return None ret = gdal_array._RecordBatchAsNumpy(array._getPtr(), self.schema._getPtr(), array) if ret is None: gdal_array._RaiseException() return ret for key, val in ret.items(): if isinstance(val, dict): if self.use_masked_arrays: import numpy.ma as ma ret[key] = ma.masked_array(val["data"], val["mask"]) else: ret[key] = val["data"] return ret def __iter__(self): """ Return an iterator over record batches as a dictionary of Numpy arrays """ if self.end_of_stream: raise Exception("Stream has already been iterated over") try: while True: batch = self.GetNextRecordBatch() if not batch: break yield batch finally: self.end_of_stream = True self.stream = None stream = self.GetArrowStream(options) if not stream: raise Exception("GetArrowStream() failed") use_masked_arrays = True for opt in options: opt = opt.upper() if opt.startswith('USE_MASKED_ARRAYS='): use_masked_arrays = opt[len('USE_MASKED_ARRAYS='):] in ('YES', 'TRUE', 'ON', '1') return Stream(stream, use_masked_arrays) # Register Layer in _ogr: _ogr.Layer_swigregister(Layer) class Feature(object): r"""Proxy of C++ OGRFeatureShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _ogr.delete_Feature def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""__init__(Feature self, FeatureDefn feature_def) -> Feature""" _ogr.Feature_swiginit(self, _ogr.new_Feature(*args, **kwargs)) def GetDefnRef(self, *args) -> "OGRFeatureDefnShadow *": r""" GetDefnRef(Feature self) -> FeatureDefn OGRFeatureDefnH OGR_F_GetDefnRef(OGRFeatureH hFeat) Fetch feature definition. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetDefnRef(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to get the feature definition from. Returns -------- OGRFeatureDefnH: a handle to the feature definition object on which feature depends. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetDefnRef(self, *args) def SetGeometry(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" SetGeometry(Feature self, Geometry geom) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_F_SetGeometry(OGRFeatureH hFeat, OGRGeometryH hGeom) Set feature geometry. This function updates the features geometry, and operate exactly as SetGeometryDirectly(), except that this function does not assume ownership of the passed geometry, but instead makes a copy of it. This function is the same as the C++ OGRFeature::SetGeometry(). This method has only an effect on the in-memory feature object. If this object comes from a layer and the modifications must be serialized back to the datasource, OGR_L_SetFeature() must be used afterwards. Or if this is a new feature, OGR_L_CreateFeature() must be used afterwards. Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which new geometry is applied to. hGeom: handle to the new geometry to apply to feature. Returns -------- OGRErr: OGRERR_NONE if successful, or OGR_UNSUPPORTED_GEOMETRY_TYPE if the geometry type is illegal for the OGRFeatureDefn (checking not yet implemented). """ return _ogr.Feature_SetGeometry(self, *args) def SetGeometryDirectly(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" SetGeometryDirectly(Feature self, Geometry geom) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_F_SetGeometryDirectly(OGRFeatureH hFeat, OGRGeometryH hGeom) Set feature geometry. This function updates the features geometry, and operate exactly as SetGeometry(), except that this function assumes ownership of the passed geometry (even in case of failure of that function). This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetGeometryDirectly. This method has only an effect on the in-memory feature object. If this object comes from a layer and the modifications must be serialized back to the datasource, OGR_L_SetFeature() must be used afterwards. Or if this is a new feature, OGR_L_CreateFeature() must be used afterwards. Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which to apply the geometry. hGeom: handle to the new geometry to apply to feature. Returns -------- OGRErr: OGRERR_NONE if successful, or OGR_UNSUPPORTED_GEOMETRY_TYPE if the geometry type is illegal for the OGRFeatureDefn (checking not yet implemented). """ return _ogr.Feature_SetGeometryDirectly(self, *args) def GetGeometryRef(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" GetGeometryRef(Feature self) -> Geometry Return the feature geometry The lifetime of the returned geometry is bound to the one of its belonging feature. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_F_GetGeometryRef` The geometry() method is also available as an alias of GetGeometryRef() Returns -------- Geometry: the geometry, or None. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetGeometryRef(self, *args) def SetGeomField(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" SetGeomField(Feature self, int iField, Geometry geom) -> OGRErr SetGeomField(Feature self, char const * field_name, Geometry geom) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_F_SetGeomField(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, OGRGeometryH hGeom) Set feature geometry of a specified geometry field. This function updates the features geometry, and operate exactly as SetGeometryDirectly(), except that this function does not assume ownership of the passed geometry, but instead makes a copy of it. This function is the same as the C++ OGRFeature::SetGeomField(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which new geometry is applied to. iField: geometry field to set. hGeom: handle to the new geometry to apply to feature. Returns -------- OGRErr: OGRERR_NONE if successful, or OGR_UNSUPPORTED_GEOMETRY_TYPE if the geometry type is illegal for the OGRFeatureDefn (checking not yet implemented). """ return _ogr.Feature_SetGeomField(self, *args) def SetGeomFieldDirectly(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" SetGeomFieldDirectly(Feature self, int iField, Geometry geom) -> OGRErr SetGeomFieldDirectly(Feature self, char const * field_name, Geometry geom) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_F_SetGeomFieldDirectly(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, OGRGeometryH hGeom) Set feature geometry of a specified geometry field. This function updates the features geometry, and operate exactly as SetGeomField(), except that this function assumes ownership of the passed geometry (even in case of failure of that function). This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetGeomFieldDirectly. .. versionadded:: 1.11 Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which to apply the geometry. iField: geometry field to set. hGeom: handle to the new geometry to apply to feature. Returns -------- OGRErr: OGRERR_NONE if successful, or OGRERR_FAILURE if the index is invalid, or OGR_UNSUPPORTED_GEOMETRY_TYPE if the geometry type is illegal for the OGRFeatureDefn (checking not yet implemented). """ return _ogr.Feature_SetGeomFieldDirectly(self, *args) def GetGeomFieldRef(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" GetGeomFieldRef(Feature self, int iField) -> Geometry GetGeomFieldRef(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> Geometry OGRGeometryH OGR_F_GetGeomFieldRef(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Fetch a handle to feature geometry. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetGeomFieldRef(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to get geometry from. iField: geometry field to get. a handle to internal feature geometry. This object should not be modified. GDAL 1.11 """ return _ogr.Feature_GetGeomFieldRef(self, *args) def Clone(self, *args) -> "OGRFeatureShadow *": r""" Clone(Feature self) -> Feature OGRFeatureH OGR_F_Clone(OGRFeatureH hFeat) Duplicate feature. The newly created feature is owned by the caller, and will have its own reference to the OGRFeatureDefn. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::Clone(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to clone. Returns -------- OGRFeatureH: a handle to the new feature, exactly matching this feature. """ return _ogr.Feature_Clone(self, *args) def Equal(self, *args) -> "bool": r""" Equal(Feature self, Feature feature) -> bool int OGR_F_Equal(OGRFeatureH hFeat, OGRFeatureH hOtherFeat) Test if two features are the same. Two features are considered equal if the share them (handle equality) same OGRFeatureDefn, have the same field values, and the same geometry (as tested by OGR_G_Equal()) as well as the same feature id. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::Equal(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to one of the feature. hOtherFeat: handle to the other feature to test this one against. Returns -------- int: TRUE if they are equal, otherwise FALSE. """ return _ogr.Feature_Equal(self, *args) def GetFieldCount(self, *args) -> "int": r""" GetFieldCount(Feature self) -> int int OGR_F_GetFieldCount(OGRFeatureH hFeat) Fetch number of fields on this feature This will always be the same as the field count for the OGRFeatureDefn. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldCount(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to get the fields count from. Returns -------- int: count of fields. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetFieldCount(self, *args) def GetFieldDefnRef(self, *args) -> "OGRFieldDefnShadow *": r""" GetFieldDefnRef(Feature self, int id) -> FieldDefn GetFieldDefnRef(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> FieldDefn OGRFieldDefnH OGR_F_GetFieldDefnRef(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int i) Fetch definition for this field. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldDefnRef(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which the field is found. i: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. Returns -------- OGRFieldDefnH: a handle to the field definition (from the OGRFeatureDefn). This is an internal reference, and should not be deleted or modified. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetFieldDefnRef(self, *args) def GetGeomFieldCount(self, *args) -> "int": r""" GetGeomFieldCount(Feature self) -> int int OGR_F_GetGeomFieldCount(OGRFeatureH hFeat) Fetch number of geometry fields on this feature This will always be the same as the geometry field count for the OGRFeatureDefn. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetGeomFieldCount(). .. versionadded:: 1.11 Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to get the geometry fields count from. Returns -------- int: count of geometry fields. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetGeomFieldCount(self, *args) def GetGeomFieldDefnRef(self, *args) -> "OGRGeomFieldDefnShadow *": r""" GetGeomFieldDefnRef(Feature self, int id) -> GeomFieldDefn GetGeomFieldDefnRef(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> GeomFieldDefn OGRGeomFieldDefnH OGR_F_GetGeomFieldDefnRef(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int i) Fetch definition for this geometry field. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetGeomFieldDefnRef(). .. versionadded:: 1.11 Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which the field is found. i: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetGeomFieldCount()-1. Returns -------- OGRGeomFieldDefnH: a handle to the field definition (from the OGRFeatureDefn). This is an internal reference, and should not be deleted or modified. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetGeomFieldDefnRef(self, *args) def GetFieldAsString(self, *args) -> "char const *": r""" GetFieldAsString(Feature self, int id) -> char const GetFieldAsString(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> char const * const char\* OGR_F_GetFieldAsString(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Fetch field value as a string. OFTReal and OFTInteger fields will be translated to string using sprintf(), but not necessarily using the established formatting rules. Other field types, or errors will result in a return value of zero. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsString(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. Returns -------- str: the field value. This string is internal, and should not be modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetFieldAsString(self, *args) def GetFieldAsInteger(self, *args) -> "int": r""" GetFieldAsInteger(Feature self, int id) -> int GetFieldAsInteger(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> int int OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Fetch field value as integer. OFTString features will be translated using atoi(). OFTReal fields will be cast to integer. Other field types, or errors will result in a return value of zero. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsInteger(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. Returns -------- int: the field value. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetFieldAsInteger(self, *args) def GetFieldAsInteger64(self, *args) -> "GIntBig": r""" GetFieldAsInteger64(Feature self, int id) -> GIntBig GetFieldAsInteger64(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> GIntBig GIntBig OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger64(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Fetch field value as integer 64 bit. OFTInteger are promoted to 64 bit. OFTString features will be translated using CPLAtoGIntBig(). OFTReal fields will be cast to integer. Other field types, or errors will result in a return value of zero. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsInteger64(). .. versionadded:: 2.0 Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. Returns -------- int: the field value. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetFieldAsInteger64(self, *args) def GetFieldAsDouble(self, *args) -> "double": r""" GetFieldAsDouble(Feature self, int id) -> double GetFieldAsDouble(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> double double OGR_F_GetFieldAsDouble(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Fetch field value as a double. OFTString features will be translated using CPLAtof(). OFTInteger fields will be cast to double. Other field types, or errors will result in a return value of zero. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsDouble(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. Returns -------- float: the field value. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetFieldAsDouble(self, *args) def GetFieldAsDateTime(self, *args) -> "void": r""" GetFieldAsDateTime(Feature self, int id) GetFieldAsDateTime(Feature self, char const * field_name) int OGR_F_GetFieldAsDateTime(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, int \*pnYear, int \*pnMonth, int \*pnDay, int \*pnHour, int \*pnMinute, int \*pnSecond, int \*pnTZFlag) Fetch field value as date and time. Currently this method only works for OFTDate, OFTTime and OFTDateTime fields. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsDateTime(). .. note:: Use OGR_F_GetFieldAsDateTimeEx() for second with millisecond accuracy. Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. pnYear: (including century) pnMonth: (1-12) pnDay: (1-31) pnHour: (0-23) pnMinute: (0-59) pnSecond: (0-59) pnTZFlag: (0=unknown, 1=localtime, 100=GMT, see data model for details) Returns -------- int: TRUE on success or FALSE on failure. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetFieldAsDateTime(self, *args) def GetFieldAsIntegerList(self, *args) -> "void": r""" GetFieldAsIntegerList(Feature self, int id) GetFieldAsIntegerList(Feature self, char const * field_name) const int\* OGR_F_GetFieldAsIntegerList(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, int \*pnCount) Fetch field value as a list of integers. Currently this function only works for OFTIntegerList fields. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsIntegerList(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. pnCount: an integer to put the list count (number of integers) into. Returns -------- list[int]: the field value. This list is internal, and should not be modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. If \*pnCount is zero on return the returned pointer may be NULL or non-NULL. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetFieldAsIntegerList(self, *args) def GetFieldAsInteger64List(self, *args) -> "void": r""" GetFieldAsInteger64List(Feature self, int id) const GIntBig\* OGR_F_GetFieldAsInteger64List(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, int \*pnCount) Fetch field value as a list of 64 bit integers. Currently this function only works for OFTInteger64List fields. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsInteger64List(). .. versionadded:: 2.0 Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. pnCount: an integer to put the list count (number of integers) into. Returns -------- list[int]: the field value. This list is internal, and should not be modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. If \*pnCount is zero on return the returned pointer may be NULL or non-NULL. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetFieldAsInteger64List(self, *args) def GetFieldAsDoubleList(self, *args) -> "void": r""" GetFieldAsDoubleList(Feature self, int id) GetFieldAsDoubleList(Feature self, char const * field_name) const double\* OGR_F_GetFieldAsDoubleList(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, int \*pnCount) Fetch field value as a list of doubles. Currently this function only works for OFTRealList fields. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsDoubleList(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. pnCount: an integer to put the list count (number of doubles) into. Returns -------- list[float]: the field value. This list is internal, and should not be modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. If \*pnCount is zero on return the returned pointer may be NULL or non-NULL. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetFieldAsDoubleList(self, *args) def GetFieldAsStringList(self, *args) -> "char **": r""" GetFieldAsStringList(Feature self, int id) -> char ** char\*\* OGR_F_GetFieldAsStringList(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Fetch field value as a list of strings. Currently this method only works for OFTStringList fields. The returned list is terminated by a NULL pointer. The number of elements can also be calculated using CSLCount(). This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsStringList(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. Returns -------- list[str]: the field value. This list is internal, and should not be modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetFieldAsStringList(self, *args) def GetFieldAsBinary(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" GetFieldAsBinary(Feature self, int id) -> OGRErr GetFieldAsBinary(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> OGRErr GByte\* OGR_F_GetFieldAsBinary(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, int \*pnBytes) Fetch field value as binary. This method only works for OFTBinary and OFTString fields. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldAsBinary(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. pnBytes: location to place count of bytes returned. Returns -------- list: the field value. This list is internal, and should not be modified, or freed. Its lifetime may be very brief. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetFieldAsBinary(self, *args) def IsFieldSet(self, *args) -> "bool": r""" IsFieldSet(Feature self, int id) -> bool IsFieldSet(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> bool int OGR_F_IsFieldSet(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Test if a field has ever been assigned a value or not. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::IsFieldSet(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which the field is. iField: the field to test. Returns -------- int: TRUE if the field has been set, otherwise false. """ return _ogr.Feature_IsFieldSet(self, *args) def IsFieldNull(self, *args) -> "bool": r""" IsFieldNull(Feature self, int id) -> bool IsFieldNull(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> bool int OGR_F_IsFieldNull(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Test if a field is null. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::IsFieldNull(). .. versionadded:: 2.2 Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which the field is. iField: the field to test. Returns -------- int: TRUE if the field is null, otherwise false. """ return _ogr.Feature_IsFieldNull(self, *args) def IsFieldSetAndNotNull(self, *args) -> "bool": r""" IsFieldSetAndNotNull(Feature self, int id) -> bool IsFieldSetAndNotNull(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> bool int OGR_F_IsFieldSetAndNotNull(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Test if a field is set and not null. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::IsFieldSetAndNotNull(). .. versionadded:: 2.2 Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which the field is. iField: the field to test. Returns -------- int: TRUE if the field is set and not null, otherwise false. """ return _ogr.Feature_IsFieldSetAndNotNull(self, *args) def GetFieldIndex(self, *args) -> "int": r""" GetFieldIndex(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> int int OGR_F_GetFieldIndex(OGRFeatureH hFeat, const char \*pszName) Fetch the field index given field name. This is a cover for the OGRFeatureDefn::GetFieldIndex() method. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFieldIndex(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which the field is found. pszName: the name of the field to search for. Returns -------- int: the field index, or -1 if no matching field is found. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetFieldIndex(self, *args) def GetGeomFieldIndex(self, *args) -> "int": r""" GetGeomFieldIndex(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> int int OGR_F_GetGeomFieldIndex(OGRFeatureH hFeat, const char \*pszName) Fetch the geometry field index given geometry field name. This is a cover for the OGRFeatureDefn::GetGeomFieldIndex() method. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetGeomFieldIndex(). .. versionadded:: 1.11 Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which the geometry field is found. pszName: the name of the geometry field to search for. Returns -------- int: the geometry field index, or -1 if no matching geometry field is found. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetGeomFieldIndex(self, *args) def GetFID(self, *args) -> "GIntBig": r""" GetFID(Feature self) -> GIntBig GIntBig OGR_F_GetFID(OGRFeatureH hFeat) Get feature identifier. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetFID(). Note: since GDAL 2.0, this method returns a GIntBig (previously a long) Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature from which to get the feature identifier. Returns ------- int: feature id or OGRNullFID if none has been assigned. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetFID(self, *args) def SetFID(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" SetFID(Feature self, GIntBig fid) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_F_SetFID(OGRFeatureH hFeat, GIntBig nFID) Set the feature identifier. For specific types of features this operation may fail on illegal features ids. Generally it always succeeds. Feature ids should be greater than or equal to zero, with the exception of OGRNullFID (-1) indicating that the feature id is unknown. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetFID(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to set the feature id to. nFID: the new feature identifier value to assign. Returns -------- OGRErr: On success OGRERR_NONE, or on failure some other value. """ return _ogr.Feature_SetFID(self, *args) def DumpReadable(self, *args) -> "void": r""" DumpReadable(Feature self) void OGR_F_DumpReadable(OGRFeatureH hFeat, FILE \*fpOut) Dump this feature in a human readable form. This dumps the attributes, and geometry; however, it doesn't definition information (other than field types and names), nor does it report the geometry spatial reference system. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::DumpReadable(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to dump. fpOut: the stream to write to, such as strout. """ return _ogr.Feature_DumpReadable(self, *args) def UnsetField(self, *args) -> "void": r""" UnsetField(Feature self, int id) UnsetField(Feature self, char const * field_name) void OGR_F_UnsetField(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Clear a field, marking it as unset. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::UnsetField(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which the field is. iField: the field to unset. """ return _ogr.Feature_UnsetField(self, *args) def SetFieldNull(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetFieldNull(Feature self, int id) SetFieldNull(Feature self, char const * field_name) void OGR_F_SetFieldNull(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField) Clear a field, marking it as null. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetFieldNull(). .. versionadded:: 2.2 Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature on which the field is. iField: the field to set to null. """ return _ogr.Feature_SetFieldNull(self, *args) def SetFieldInteger64(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetFieldInteger64(Feature self, int id, GIntBig value) void OGR_F_SetFieldInteger64(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, GIntBig nValue) Set field to 64 bit integer value. OFTInteger, OFTInteger64 and OFTReal fields will be set directly. OFTString fields will be assigned a string representation of the value, but not necessarily taking into account formatting constraints on this field. Other field types may be unaffected. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetField(). This method has only an effect on the in-memory feature object. If this object comes from a layer and the modifications must be serialized back to the datasource, OGR_L_SetFeature() must be used afterwards. Or if this is a new feature, OGR_L_CreateFeature() must be used afterwards. .. versionadded:: 2.0 Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. nValue: the value to assign. """ return _ogr.Feature_SetFieldInteger64(self, *args) # With several override, SWIG cannot dispatch automatically unicode strings # to the right implementation, so we have to do it at hand def SetField(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": """ SetField(self, int id, char value) SetField(self, char name, char value) SetField(self, int id, int value) SetField(self, char name, int value) SetField(self, int id, double value) SetField(self, char name, double value) SetField(self, int id, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int tzflag) SetField(self, char name, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int tzflag) """ if len(args) == 2 and args[1] is None: return _ogr.Feature_SetFieldNull(self, args[0]) if len(args) == 2 and (type(args[1]) == type(1) or type(args[1]) == type(12345678901234)): fld_index = args[0] if isinstance(fld_index, str): fld_index = self._getfieldindex(fld_index) return _ogr.Feature_SetFieldInteger64(self, fld_index, args[1]) if len(args) == 2 and isinstance(args[1], str): fld_index = args[0] if isinstance(fld_index, str): fld_index = self._getfieldindex(fld_index) return _ogr.Feature_SetFieldString(self, fld_index, args[1]) return _ogr.Feature_SetField(self, *args) def SetFieldIntegerList(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetFieldIntegerList(Feature self, int id, int nList) void OGR_F_SetFieldIntegerList(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, int nCount, const int \*panValues) Set field to list of integers value. This function currently on has an effect of OFTIntegerList, OFTInteger64List and OFTRealList fields. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetField(). This method has only an effect on the in-memory feature object. If this object comes from a layer and the modifications must be serialized back to the datasource, OGR_L_SetFeature() must be used afterwards. Or if this is a new feature, OGR_L_CreateFeature() must be used afterwards. Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. nCount: the number of values in the list being assigned. panValues: the values to assign. """ return _ogr.Feature_SetFieldIntegerList(self, *args) def SetFieldInteger64List(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetFieldInteger64List(Feature self, int id, int nList) void OGR_F_SetFieldInteger64List(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, int nCount, const GIntBig \*panValues) Set field to list of 64 bit integers value. This function currently on has an effect of OFTIntegerList, OFTInteger64List and OFTRealList fields. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetField(). This method has only an effect on the in-memory feature object. If this object comes from a layer and the modifications must be serialized back to the datasource, OGR_L_SetFeature() must be used afterwards. Or if this is a new feature, OGR_L_CreateFeature() must be used afterwards. .. versionadded:: 2.0 Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. nCount: the number of values in the list being assigned. panValues: the values to assign. """ return _ogr.Feature_SetFieldInteger64List(self, *args) def SetFieldDoubleList(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetFieldDoubleList(Feature self, int id, int nList) void OGR_F_SetFieldDoubleList(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, int nCount, const double \*padfValues) Set field to list of doubles value. This function currently on has an effect of OFTIntegerList, OFTInteger64List, OFTRealList fields. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetField(). This method has only an effect on the in-memory feature object. If this object comes from a layer and the modifications must be serialized back to the datasource, OGR_L_SetFeature() must be used afterwards. Or if this is a new feature, OGR_L_CreateFeature() must be used afterwards. Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. nCount: the number of values in the list being assigned. padfValues: the values to assign. """ return _ogr.Feature_SetFieldDoubleList(self, *args) def SetFieldStringList(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetFieldStringList(Feature self, int id, char ** pList) void OGR_F_SetFieldStringList(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, CSLConstList papszValues) Set field to list of strings value. This function currently on has an effect of OFTStringList fields. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetField(). This method has only an effect on the in-memory feature object. If this object comes from a layer and the modifications must be serialized back to the datasource, OGR_L_SetFeature() must be used afterwards. Or if this is a new feature, OGR_L_CreateFeature() must be used afterwards. Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to set, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. papszValues: the values to assign. List of NUL-terminated string, ending with a NULL pointer. """ return _ogr.Feature_SetFieldStringList(self, *args) def SetFieldBinaryFromHexString(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetFieldBinaryFromHexString(Feature self, int id, char const * pszValue) SetFieldBinaryFromHexString(Feature self, char const * field_name, char const * pszValue) """ return _ogr.Feature_SetFieldBinaryFromHexString(self, *args) def SetFrom(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRErr": r""" SetFrom(Feature self, Feature other, int forgiving=1) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_F_SetFrom(OGRFeatureH hFeat, OGRFeatureH hOtherFeat, int bForgiving) Set one feature from another. Overwrite the contents of this feature from the geometry and attributes of another. The hOtherFeature does not need to have the same OGRFeatureDefn. Field values are copied by corresponding field names. Field types do not have to exactly match. OGR_F_SetField\*() function conversion rules will be applied as needed. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetFrom(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to set to. hOtherFeat: handle to the feature from which geometry, and field values will be copied. bForgiving: TRUE if the operation should continue despite lacking output fields matching some of the source fields. Returns -------- OGRErr: OGRERR_NONE if the operation succeeds, even if some values are not transferred, otherwise an error code. """ return _ogr.Feature_SetFrom(self, *args, **kwargs) def SetFromWithMap(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" SetFromWithMap(Feature self, Feature other, int forgiving, int nList) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_F_SetFromWithMap(OGRFeatureH hFeat, OGRFeatureH hOtherFeat, int bForgiving, const int \*panMap) Set one feature from another. Overwrite the contents of this feature from the geometry and attributes of another. The hOtherFeature does not need to have the same OGRFeatureDefn. Field values are copied according to the provided indices map. Field types do not have to exactly match. OGR_F_SetField\*() function conversion rules will be applied as needed. This is more efficient than OGR_F_SetFrom() in that this doesn't lookup the fields by their names. Particularly useful when the field names don't match. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetFrom(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to set to. hOtherFeat: handle to the feature from which geometry, and field values will be copied. panMap: Array of the indices of the destination feature's fields stored at the corresponding index of the source feature's fields. A value of -1 should be used to ignore the source's field. The array should not be NULL and be as long as the number of fields in the source feature. bForgiving: TRUE if the operation should continue despite lacking output fields matching some of the source fields. Returns -------- OGRErr: OGRERR_NONE if the operation succeeds, even if some values are not transferred, otherwise an error code. """ return _ogr.Feature_SetFromWithMap(self, *args) def GetStyleString(self, *args) -> "char const *": r""" GetStyleString(Feature self) -> char const * const char\* OGR_F_GetStyleString(OGRFeatureH hFeat) Fetch style string for this feature. Set the OGR Feature Style Specification for details on the format of this string, and ogr_featurestyle.h for services available to parse it. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetStyleString(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to get the style from. Returns -------- str: a reference to a representation in string format, or NULL if there isn't one. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetStyleString(self, *args) def SetStyleString(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetStyleString(Feature self, char const * the_string) void OGR_F_SetStyleString(OGRFeatureH hFeat, const char \*pszStyle) Set feature style string. This method operate exactly as OGR_F_SetStyleStringDirectly() except that it does not assume ownership of the passed string, but instead makes a copy of it. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetStyleString(). Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to set style to. pszStyle: the style string to apply to this feature, cannot be NULL. """ return _ogr.Feature_SetStyleString(self, *args) def GetFieldType(self, *args) -> "OGRFieldType": r""" GetFieldType(Feature self, int id) -> OGRFieldType GetFieldType(Feature self, char const * field_name) -> OGRFieldType """ return _ogr.Feature_GetFieldType(self, *args) def Validate(self, *args) -> "int": r""" Validate(Feature self, int flags=OGR_F_VAL_ALL, int bEmitError=TRUE) -> int int OGR_F_Validate(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int nValidateFlags, int bEmitError) Validate that a feature meets constraints of its schema. The scope of test is specified with the nValidateFlags parameter. Regarding OGR_F_VAL_WIDTH, the test is done assuming the string width must be interpreted as the number of UTF-8 characters. Some drivers might interpret the width as the number of bytes instead. So this test is rather conservative (if it fails, then it will fail for all interpretations). This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::Validate(). .. versionadded:: 2.0 Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature to validate. nValidateFlags: OGR_F_VAL_ALL or combination of OGR_F_VAL_NULL, OGR_F_VAL_GEOM_TYPE, OGR_F_VAL_WIDTH and OGR_F_VAL_ALLOW_NULL_WHEN_DEFAULT with '|' operator bEmitError: TRUE if a CPLError() must be emitted when a check fails Returns ------- int: TRUE if all enabled validation tests pass. """ return _ogr.Feature_Validate(self, *args) def FillUnsetWithDefault(self, *args) -> "void": r""" FillUnsetWithDefault(Feature self, int bNotNullableOnly=FALSE, char ** options=None) void OGR_F_FillUnsetWithDefault(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int bNotNullableOnly, char \*\*papszOptions) Fill unset fields with default values that might be defined. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::FillUnsetWithDefault(). .. versionadded:: 2.0 Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature. bNotNullableOnly: if we should fill only unset fields with a not-null constraint. papszOptions: unused currently. Must be set to NULL. """ return _ogr.Feature_FillUnsetWithDefault(self, *args) def GetNativeData(self, *args) -> "char const *": r""" GetNativeData(Feature self) -> char const * const char\* OGR_F_GetNativeData(OGRFeatureH hFeat) Returns the native data for the feature. The native data is the representation in a "natural" form that comes from the driver that created this feature, or that is aimed at an output driver. The native data may be in different format, which is indicated by OGR_F_GetNativeMediaType(). Note that most drivers do not support storing the native data in the feature object, and if they do, generally the NATIVE_DATA open option must be passed at dataset opening. The "native data" does not imply it is something more performant or powerful than what can be obtained with the rest of the API, but it may be useful in round-tripping scenarios where some characteristics of the underlying format are not captured otherwise by the OGR abstraction. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::GetNativeData(). .. note:: See https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc60_improved_roundtripping_in_ogr .. versionadded:: 2.1 Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature. Returns ------- str: a string with the native data, or NULL if there is none. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetNativeData(self, *args) def GetNativeMediaType(self, *args) -> "char const *": r""" GetNativeMediaType(Feature self) -> char const * const char\* OGR_F_GetNativeMediaType(OGRFeatureH hFeat) Returns the native media type for the feature. The native media type is the identifier for the format of the native data. It follows the IANA RFC 2045 (seehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_type), e.g. "application/vnd.geo+json" for JSon. This function is the same as the C function OGR_F_GetNativeMediaType(). .. note:: See https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc60_improved_roundtripping_in_ogr .. versionadded:: 2.1 Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature. Returns -------- str: a string with the native media type, or NULL if there is none. """ return _ogr.Feature_GetNativeMediaType(self, *args) def SetNativeData(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetNativeData(Feature self, char const * nativeData) void OGR_F_SetNativeData(OGRFeatureH hFeat, const char \*pszNativeData) Sets the native data for the feature. The native data is the representation in a "natural" form that comes from the driver that created this feature, or that is aimed at an output driver. The native data may be in different format, which is indicated by OGR_F_GetNativeMediaType(). This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetNativeData(). .. note:: See https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc60_improved_roundtripping_in_ogr .. versionadded:: 2.1 Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature. pszNativeData: a string with the native data, or NULL if there is none. """ return _ogr.Feature_SetNativeData(self, *args) def SetNativeMediaType(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetNativeMediaType(Feature self, char const * nativeMediaType) void OGR_F_SetNativeMediaType(OGRFeatureH hFeat, const char \*pszNativeMediaType) Sets the native media type for the feature. The native media type is the identifier for the format of the native data. It follows the IANA RFC 2045 (seehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_type), e.g. "application/vnd.geo+json" for JSon. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetNativeMediaType(). .. note:: See https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/rfc60_improved_roundtripping_in_ogr .. versionadded:: 2.1 Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature. pszNativeMediaType: a string with the native media type, or NULL if there is none. """ return _ogr.Feature_SetNativeMediaType(self, *args) def SetFieldString(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetFieldString(Feature self, int id, char const * value) void OGR_F_SetFieldString(OGRFeatureH hFeat, int iField, const char \*pszValue) Set field to string value. OFTInteger fields will be set based on an atoi() conversion of the string. OFTInteger64 fields will be set based on an CPLAtoGIntBig() conversion of the string. OFTReal fields will be set based on an CPLAtof() conversion of the string. Other field types may be unaffected. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeature::SetField(). This method has only an effect on the in-memory feature object. If this object comes from a layer and the modifications must be serialized back to the datasource, OGR_L_SetFeature() must be used afterwards. Or if this is a new feature, OGR_L_CreateFeature() must be used afterwards. Parameters ----------- hFeat: handle to the feature that owned the field. iField: the field to fetch, from 0 to GetFieldCount()-1. pszValue: the value to assign. """ return _ogr.Feature_SetFieldString(self, *args) def Reference(self): pass def Dereference(self): pass def Destroy(self): "Once called, self has effectively been destroyed. Do not access. For backwards compatibility only" _ogr.delete_Feature(self) self.thisown = 0 def __cmp__(self, other): """Compares a feature to another for equality""" return self.Equal(other) def __copy__(self): return self.Clone() def _getfieldindex(self, fieldname): case_insensitive_idx = -1 fdefn = _ogr.Feature_GetDefnRef(self) for i in range(fdefn.GetFieldCount()): name = fdefn.GetFieldDefn(i).GetName() if name == fieldname: return i elif case_insensitive_idx < 0 and name.lower() == fieldname.lower(): case_insensitive_idx = i return case_insensitive_idx # This makes it possible to fetch fields in the form "feature.area". # This has some risk of name collisions. def __getattr__(self, key): """Returns the values of fields by the given name""" if key == 'this': return self.__dict__[key] idx = self._getfieldindex(key) if idx < 0: idx = self.GetGeomFieldIndex(key) if idx < 0: raise AttributeError(key) else: return self.GetGeomFieldRef(idx) else: return self.GetField(idx) # This makes it possible to set fields in the form "feature.area". # This has some risk of name collisions. def __setattr__(self, key, value): """Set the values of fields by the given name""" if key == 'this' or key == 'thisown': self.__dict__[key] = value else: idx = self._getfieldindex(key) if idx != -1: self._SetField2(idx, value) else: idx = self.GetGeomFieldIndex(key) if idx != -1: self.SetGeomField(idx, value) else: self.__dict__[key] = value # This makes it possible to fetch fields in the form "feature['area']". def __getitem__(self, key): """Returns the values of fields by the given name / field_index""" if isinstance(key, str): fld_index = self._getfieldindex(key) else: fld_index = key if key == self.GetFieldCount(): raise IndexError if fld_index < 0: if isinstance(key, str): fld_index = self.GetGeomFieldIndex(key) if fld_index < 0: raise KeyError("Illegal field requested in GetField()") else: return self.GetGeomFieldRef(fld_index) else: return self.GetField(fld_index) # This makes it possible to set fields in the form "feature['area'] = 123". def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Returns the value of a field by field name / index""" if isinstance(key, str): fld_index = self._getfieldindex(key) else: fld_index = key if key == self.GetFieldCount(): raise IndexError if fld_index < 0: if isinstance(key, str): fld_index = self.GetGeomFieldIndex(key) if fld_index < 0: raise KeyError("Illegal field requested in SetField()") else: return self.SetGeomField(fld_index, value) else: return self._SetField2(fld_index, value) def GetField(self, fld_index): if isinstance(fld_index, str): fld_index = self._getfieldindex(fld_index) if (fld_index < 0) or (fld_index > self.GetFieldCount()): raise KeyError("Illegal field requested in GetField()") if not (self.IsFieldSet(fld_index)) or self.IsFieldNull(fld_index): return None fld_type = self.GetFieldType(fld_index) if fld_type == OFTInteger: if self.GetFieldDefnRef(fld_index).GetSubType() == OFSTBoolean: return bool(self.GetFieldAsInteger(fld_index)) return self.GetFieldAsInteger(fld_index) if fld_type == OFTInteger64: return self.GetFieldAsInteger64(fld_index) if fld_type == OFTReal: return self.GetFieldAsDouble(fld_index) if fld_type == OFTStringList: return self.GetFieldAsStringList(fld_index) if fld_type == OFTIntegerList: ret = self.GetFieldAsIntegerList(fld_index) if self.GetFieldDefnRef(fld_index).GetSubType() == OFSTBoolean: ret = [bool(x) for x in ret] return ret if fld_type == OFTInteger64List: return self.GetFieldAsInteger64List(fld_index) if fld_type == OFTRealList: return self.GetFieldAsDoubleList(fld_index) ## if fld_type == OFTDateTime or fld_type == OFTDate or fld_type == OFTTime: # return self.GetFieldAsDate(fld_index) # default to returning as a string. Should we add more types? try: return self.GetFieldAsString(fld_index) except: # For Python3 on non-UTF8 strings return self.GetFieldAsBinary(fld_index) def _SetField2(self, fld_index, value): if isinstance(fld_index, str): fld_index = self._getfieldindex(fld_index) if (fld_index < 0) or (fld_index > self.GetFieldCount()): raise KeyError("Illegal field requested in _SetField2()") if value is None: self.SetFieldNull(fld_index) return if isinstance(value, list): if not value: self.SetFieldNull(fld_index) return if isinstance(value[0], type(1)) or isinstance(value[0], type(12345678901234)): self.SetFieldInteger64List(fld_index, value) return elif isinstance(value[0], float): self.SetFieldDoubleList(fld_index, value) return elif isinstance(value[0], str): self.SetFieldStringList(fld_index, value) return else: raise TypeError('Unsupported type of list in _SetField2(). Type of element is %s' % str(type(value[0]))) try: self.SetField(fld_index, value) except: self.SetField(fld_index, str(value)) return def keys(self): """Return the list of field names (of the layer definition)""" names = [] for i in range(self.GetFieldCount()): fieldname = self.GetFieldDefnRef(i).GetName() names.append(fieldname) return names def items(self): """Return a dictionary with the field names as key, and their value in the feature""" keys = self.keys() output = {} for key in keys: output[key] = self.GetField(key) return output def geometry(self): """ Return the feature geometry The lifetime of the returned geometry is bound to the one of its belonging feature. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_F_GetGeometryRef` The GetGeometryRef() method is also available as an alias of geometry() Returns -------- Geometry: the geometry, or None. """ return self.GetGeometryRef() def ExportToJson(self, as_object=False, options=None): """Exports a GeoJSON object which represents the Feature. The as_object parameter determines whether the returned value should be a Python object instead of a string. Defaults to False. The options parameter is passed to Geometry.ExportToJson()""" try: import simplejson except ImportError: try: import json as simplejson except ImportError: raise ImportError("Unable to import simplejson or json, needed for ExportToJson.") geom = self.GetGeometryRef() if geom is not None: if options is None: options = [] geom_json_string = geom.ExportToJson(options=options) geom_json_object = simplejson.loads(geom_json_string) else: geom_json_object = None output = {'type':'Feature', 'geometry': geom_json_object, 'properties': {} } fid = self.GetFID() if fid != NullFID: output['id'] = fid for key in self.keys(): fld_defn = self.GetFieldDefnRef(self.GetFieldIndex(key)) if fld_defn.GetType() == _ogr.OFTInteger and fld_defn.GetSubType() == _ogr.OFSTBoolean: output['properties'][key] = bool(self.GetField(key)) else: output['properties'][key] = self.GetField(key) if not as_object: output = simplejson.dumps(output) return output # Register Feature in _ogr: _ogr.Feature_swigregister(Feature) class FeatureDefn(object): r"""Proxy of C++ OGRFeatureDefnShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _ogr.delete_FeatureDefn def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""__init__(FeatureDefn self, char const * name_null_ok=None) -> FeatureDefn""" _ogr.FeatureDefn_swiginit(self, _ogr.new_FeatureDefn(*args, **kwargs)) def GetName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r""" GetName(FeatureDefn self) -> char const * const char\* OGR_FD_GetName(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn) Get name of the OGRFeatureDefn passed as an argument. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::GetName(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition to get the name from. Returns -------- str: the name. This name is internal and should not be modified, or freed. """ return _ogr.FeatureDefn_GetName(self, *args) def GetFieldCount(self, *args) -> "int": r""" GetFieldCount(FeatureDefn self) -> int int OGR_FD_GetFieldCount(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn) Fetch number of fields on the passed feature definition. This function is the same as the C++ OGRFeatureDefn::GetFieldCount(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition to get the fields count from. Returns -------- int: count of fields. """ return _ogr.FeatureDefn_GetFieldCount(self, *args) def GetFieldDefn(self, *args) -> "OGRFieldDefnShadow *": r""" GetFieldDefn(FeatureDefn self, int i) -> FieldDefn OGRFieldDefnH OGR_FD_GetFieldDefn(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, int iField) Fetch field definition of the passed feature definition. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::GetFieldDefn(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition to get the field definition from. iField: the field to fetch, between 0 and GetFieldCount()-1. Returns -------- OGRFieldDefnH: a handle to an internal field definition object or NULL if invalid index. This object should not be modified or freed by the application. """ return _ogr.FeatureDefn_GetFieldDefn(self, *args) def GetFieldIndex(self, *args) -> "int": r""" GetFieldIndex(FeatureDefn self, char const * field_name) -> int int OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, const char \*pszFieldName) Find field by name. The field index of the first field matching the passed field name (case insensitively) is returned. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::GetFieldIndex. Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition to get field index from. pszFieldName: the field name to search for. Returns -------- int: the field index, or -1 if no match found. """ return _ogr.FeatureDefn_GetFieldIndex(self, *args) def AddFieldDefn(self, *args) -> "void": r""" AddFieldDefn(FeatureDefn self, FieldDefn defn) void OGR_FD_AddFieldDefn(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, OGRFieldDefnH hNewField) Add a new field definition to the passed feature definition. To add a new field definition to a layer definition, do not use this function directly, but use OGR_L_CreateField() instead. This function should only be called while there are no OGRFeature objects in existence based on this OGRFeatureDefn. The OGRFieldDefn passed in is copied, and remains the responsibility of the caller. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::AddFieldDefn(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition to add the field definition to. hNewField: handle to the new field definition. """ return _ogr.FeatureDefn_AddFieldDefn(self, *args) def GetGeomFieldCount(self, *args) -> "int": r""" GetGeomFieldCount(FeatureDefn self) -> int int OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldCount(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn) Fetch number of geometry fields on the passed feature definition. This function is the same as the C++ OGRFeatureDefn::GetGeomFieldCount(). .. versionadded:: 1.11 Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition to get the fields count from. Returns -------- int: count of geometry fields. """ return _ogr.FeatureDefn_GetGeomFieldCount(self, *args) def GetGeomFieldDefn(self, *args) -> "OGRGeomFieldDefnShadow *": r""" GetGeomFieldDefn(FeatureDefn self, int i) -> GeomFieldDefn OGRGeomFieldDefnH OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldDefn(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, int iGeomField) Fetch geometry field definition of the passed feature definition. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::GetGeomFieldDefn(). .. versionadded:: 1.11 Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition to get the field definition from. iGeomField: the geometry field to fetch, between 0 and GetGeomFieldCount() - 1. Returns -------- OGRGeomFieldDefnH: a handle to an internal field definition object or NULL if invalid index. This object should not be modified or freed by the application. """ return _ogr.FeatureDefn_GetGeomFieldDefn(self, *args) def GetGeomFieldIndex(self, *args) -> "int": r""" GetGeomFieldIndex(FeatureDefn self, char const * field_name) -> int int OGR_FD_GetGeomFieldIndex(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, const char \*pszGeomFieldName) Find geometry field by name. The geometry field index of the first geometry field matching the passed field name (case insensitively) is returned. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::GetGeomFieldIndex. Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition to get field index from. pszGeomFieldName: the geometry field name to search for. Returns -------- int: the geometry field index, or -1 if no match found. """ return _ogr.FeatureDefn_GetGeomFieldIndex(self, *args) def AddGeomFieldDefn(self, *args) -> "void": r""" AddGeomFieldDefn(FeatureDefn self, GeomFieldDefn defn) void OGR_FD_AddGeomFieldDefn(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, OGRGeomFieldDefnH hNewGeomField) Add a new field definition to the passed feature definition. To add a new field definition to a layer definition, do not use this function directly, but use OGR_L_CreateGeomField() instead. This function should only be called while there are no OGRFeature objects in existence based on this OGRFeatureDefn. The OGRGeomFieldDefn passed in is copied, and remains the responsibility of the caller. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::AddGeomFieldDefn(). .. versionadded:: 1.11 Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition to add the geometry field definition to. hNewGeomField: handle to the new field definition. """ return _ogr.FeatureDefn_AddGeomFieldDefn(self, *args) def DeleteGeomFieldDefn(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" DeleteGeomFieldDefn(FeatureDefn self, int idx) -> OGRErr OGRErr OGR_FD_DeleteGeomFieldDefn(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, int iGeomField) Delete an existing geometry field definition. To delete an existing geometry field definition from a layer definition, do not use this function directly, but use OGR_L_DeleteGeomField() instead ( not implemented yet). This method should only be called while there are no OGRFeature objects in existence based on this OGRFeatureDefn. This method is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::DeleteGeomFieldDefn(). .. versionadded:: 1.11 Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition. iGeomField: the index of the geometry field definition. Returns -------- OGRErr: OGRERR_NONE in case of success. """ return _ogr.FeatureDefn_DeleteGeomFieldDefn(self, *args) def GetGeomType(self, *args) -> "OGRwkbGeometryType": r""" GetGeomType(FeatureDefn self) -> OGRwkbGeometryType OGRwkbGeometryType OGR_FD_GetGeomType(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn) Fetch the geometry base type of the passed feature definition. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::GetGeomType(). Starting with GDAL 1.11, this method returns GetGeomFieldDefn(0)->GetType(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition to get the geometry type from. Returns -------- OGRwkbGeometryType: the base type for all geometry related to this definition. """ return _ogr.FeatureDefn_GetGeomType(self, *args) def SetGeomType(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetGeomType(FeatureDefn self, OGRwkbGeometryType geom_type) void OGR_FD_SetGeomType(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, OGRwkbGeometryType eType) Assign the base geometry type for the passed layer (the same as the feature definition). All geometry objects using this type must be of the defined type or a derived type. The default upon creation is wkbUnknown which allows for any geometry type. The geometry type should generally not be changed after any OGRFeatures have been created against this definition. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::SetGeomType(). Starting with GDAL 1.11, this method calls GetGeomFieldDefn(0)->SetType(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the layer or feature definition to set the geometry type to. eType: the new type to assign. """ return _ogr.FeatureDefn_SetGeomType(self, *args) def GetReferenceCount(self, *args) -> "int": r""" GetReferenceCount(FeatureDefn self) -> int int OGR_FD_GetReferenceCount(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn) Fetch current reference count. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::GetReferenceCount(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition on witch OGRFeature are based on. Returns -------- int: the current reference count. """ return _ogr.FeatureDefn_GetReferenceCount(self, *args) def IsGeometryIgnored(self, *args) -> "int": r""" IsGeometryIgnored(FeatureDefn self) -> int int OGR_FD_IsGeometryIgnored(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn) Determine whether the geometry can be omitted when fetching features. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::IsGeometryIgnored(). Starting with GDAL 1.11, this method returns GetGeomFieldDefn(0)->IsIgnored(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition on witch OGRFeature are based on. Returns -------- int: ignore state """ return _ogr.FeatureDefn_IsGeometryIgnored(self, *args) def SetGeometryIgnored(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetGeometryIgnored(FeatureDefn self, int bIgnored) void OGR_FD_SetGeometryIgnored(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, int bIgnore) Set whether the geometry can be omitted when fetching features. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::SetGeometryIgnored(). Starting with GDAL 1.11, this method calls GetGeomFieldDefn(0)->SetIgnored(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition on witch OGRFeature are based on. bIgnore: ignore state """ return _ogr.FeatureDefn_SetGeometryIgnored(self, *args) def IsStyleIgnored(self, *args) -> "int": r""" IsStyleIgnored(FeatureDefn self) -> int int OGR_FD_IsStyleIgnored(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn) Determine whether the style can be omitted when fetching features. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::IsStyleIgnored(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition on which OGRFeature are based on. Returns -------- int: ignore state """ return _ogr.FeatureDefn_IsStyleIgnored(self, *args) def SetStyleIgnored(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetStyleIgnored(FeatureDefn self, int bIgnored) void OGR_FD_SetStyleIgnored(OGRFeatureDefnH hDefn, int bIgnore) Set whether the style can be omitted when fetching features. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFeatureDefn::SetStyleIgnored(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the feature definition on witch OGRFeature are based on. bIgnore: ignore state """ return _ogr.FeatureDefn_SetStyleIgnored(self, *args) def IsSame(self, *args) -> "int": r""" IsSame(FeatureDefn self, FeatureDefn other_defn) -> int int OGR_FD_IsSame(OGRFeatureDefnH hFDefn, OGRFeatureDefnH hOtherFDefn) Test if the feature definition is identical to the other one. .. versionadded:: 1.11 Parameters ----------- hFDefn: handle to the feature definition on witch OGRFeature are based on. hOtherFDefn: handle to the other feature definition to compare to. Returns -------- int: TRUE if the feature definition is identical to the other one. """ return _ogr.FeatureDefn_IsSame(self, *args) def Destroy(self): "Once called, self has effectively been destroyed. Do not access. For backwards compatibility only" _ogr.delete_FeatureDefn(self) self.thisown = 0 # Register FeatureDefn in _ogr: _ogr.FeatureDefn_swigregister(FeatureDefn) class FieldDefn(object): r"""Proxy of C++ OGRFieldDefnShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _ogr.delete_FieldDefn def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""__init__(FieldDefn self, char const * name_null_ok="unnamed", OGRFieldType field_type=OFTString) -> FieldDefn""" _ogr.FieldDefn_swiginit(self, _ogr.new_FieldDefn(*args, **kwargs)) def GetName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetName(FieldDefn self) -> char const *""" return _ogr.FieldDefn_GetName(self, *args) def GetNameRef(self, *args) -> "char const *": r""" GetNameRef(FieldDefn self) -> char const * const char\* OGR_Fld_GetNameRef(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Fetch name of this field. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::GetNameRef(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition. Returns -------- str: the name of the field definition. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_GetNameRef(self, *args) def SetName(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetName(FieldDefn self, char const * name) void OGR_Fld_SetName(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, const char \*pszName) Reset the name of this field. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::SetName(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to apply the new name to. pszName: the new name to apply. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_SetName(self, *args) def GetAlternativeName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetAlternativeName(FieldDefn self) -> char const *""" return _ogr.FieldDefn_GetAlternativeName(self, *args) def GetAlternativeNameRef(self, *args) -> "char const *": r""" GetAlternativeNameRef(FieldDefn self) -> char const * const char\* OGR_Fld_GetAlternativeNameRef(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Fetch the alternative name (or "alias") for this field. The alternative name is an optional attribute for a field which can provide a more user-friendly, descriptive name of a field which is not subject to the usual naming constraints defined by the data provider. This is a metadata style attribute only: the alternative name cannot be used in place of the actual field name during SQL queries or other field name dependent API calls. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::GetAlternativeNameRef(). .. versionadded:: 3.2 Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition. Returns -------- str: the alternative name of the field definition. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_GetAlternativeNameRef(self, *args) def SetAlternativeName(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetAlternativeName(FieldDefn self, char const * alternativeName) void OGR_Fld_SetAlternativeName(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, const char \*pszAlternativeName) Reset the alternative name (or "alias") for this field. The alternative name is an optional attribute for a field which can provide a more user-friendly, descriptive name of a field which is not subject to the usual naming constraints defined by the data provider. This is a metadata style attribute only: the alternative name cannot be used in place of the actual field name during SQL queries or other field name dependent API calls. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::SetAlternativeName(). .. versionadded:: 3.2 Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to apply the new alternative name to. pszAlternativeName: the new alternative name to apply. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_SetAlternativeName(self, *args) def GetType(self, *args) -> "OGRFieldType": r""" GetType(FieldDefn self) -> OGRFieldType OGRFieldType OGR_Fld_GetType(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Fetch type of this field. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::GetType(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to get type from. Returns -------- OGRFieldType: field type. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_GetType(self, *args) def SetType(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetType(FieldDefn self, OGRFieldType type) void OGR_Fld_SetType(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, OGRFieldType eType) Set the type of this field. This should never be done to an OGRFieldDefn that is already part of an OGRFeatureDefn. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::SetType(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to set type to. eType: the new field type. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_SetType(self, *args) def GetSubType(self, *args) -> "OGRFieldSubType": r""" GetSubType(FieldDefn self) -> OGRFieldSubType OGRFieldSubType OGR_Fld_GetSubType(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Fetch subtype of this field. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::GetSubType(). .. versionadded:: 2.0 Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to get subtype from. Returns -------- OGRFieldSubType: field subtype. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_GetSubType(self, *args) def SetSubType(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetSubType(FieldDefn self, OGRFieldSubType type) void OGR_Fld_SetSubType(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, OGRFieldSubType eSubType) Set the subtype of this field. This should never be done to an OGRFieldDefn that is already part of an OGRFeatureDefn. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::SetSubType(). .. versionadded:: 2.0 Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to set type to. eSubType: the new field subtype. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_SetSubType(self, *args) def GetJustify(self, *args) -> "OGRJustification": r""" GetJustify(FieldDefn self) -> OGRJustification OGRJustification OGR_Fld_GetJustify(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Get the justification for this field. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::GetJustify(). Note: no driver is know to use the concept of field justification. Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to get justification from. Returns -------- OGRJustification: the justification. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_GetJustify(self, *args) def SetJustify(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetJustify(FieldDefn self, OGRJustification justify) void OGR_Fld_SetJustify(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, OGRJustification eJustify) Set the justification for this field. Note: no driver is know to use the concept of field justification. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::SetJustify(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to set justification to. eJustify: the new justification. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_SetJustify(self, *args) def GetWidth(self, *args) -> "int": r""" GetWidth(FieldDefn self) -> int int OGR_Fld_GetWidth(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Get the formatting width for this field. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::GetWidth(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to get width from. Returns -------- int: the width, zero means no specified width. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_GetWidth(self, *args) def SetWidth(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetWidth(FieldDefn self, int width) void OGR_Fld_SetWidth(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, int nNewWidth) Set the formatting width for this field in characters. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::SetWidth(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to set width to. nNewWidth: the new width. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_SetWidth(self, *args) def GetPrecision(self, *args) -> "int": r""" GetPrecision(FieldDefn self) -> int int OGR_Fld_GetPrecision(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Get the formatting precision for this field. This should normally be zero for fields of types other than OFTReal. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::GetPrecision(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to get precision from. Returns -------- int: the precision. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_GetPrecision(self, *args) def SetPrecision(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetPrecision(FieldDefn self, int precision) void OGR_Fld_SetPrecision(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, int nPrecision) Set the formatting precision for this field in characters. This should normally be zero for fields of types other than OFTReal. This function is the same as the CPP method OGRFieldDefn::SetPrecision(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition to set precision to. nPrecision: the new precision. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_SetPrecision(self, *args) def GetTypeName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetTypeName(FieldDefn self) -> char const *""" return _ogr.FieldDefn_GetTypeName(self, *args) def GetFieldTypeName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetFieldTypeName(FieldDefn self, OGRFieldType type) -> char const *""" return _ogr.FieldDefn_GetFieldTypeName(self, *args) def IsIgnored(self, *args) -> "int": r""" IsIgnored(FieldDefn self) -> int int OGR_Fld_IsIgnored(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Return whether this field should be omitted when fetching features. This method is the same as the C++ method OGRFieldDefn::IsIgnored(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition Returns -------- int: ignore state """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_IsIgnored(self, *args) def SetIgnored(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetIgnored(FieldDefn self, int bIgnored) void OGR_Fld_SetIgnored(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, int ignore) Set whether this field should be omitted when fetching features. This method is the same as the C++ method OGRFieldDefn::SetIgnored(). Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition ignore: ignore state """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_SetIgnored(self, *args) def IsNullable(self, *args) -> "int": r""" IsNullable(FieldDefn self) -> int int OGR_Fld_IsNullable(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Return whether this field can receive null values. By default, fields are nullable. Even if this method returns FALSE (i.e not-nullable field), it doesn't mean that OGRFeature::IsFieldSet() will necessary return TRUE, as fields can be temporary unset and null/not-null validation is usually done when OGRLayer::CreateFeature()/SetFeature() is called. This method is the same as the C++ method OGRFieldDefn::IsNullable(). .. versionadded:: 2.0 Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition Returns -------- int: TRUE if the field is authorized to be null. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_IsNullable(self, *args) def SetNullable(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetNullable(FieldDefn self, int bNullable) void OGR_Fld_SetNullable(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, int bNullableIn) Set whether this field can receive null values. By default, fields are nullable, so this method is generally called with FALSE to set a not-null constraint. Drivers that support writing not-null constraint will advertise the GDAL_DCAP_NOTNULL_FIELDS driver metadata item. This method is the same as the C++ method OGRFieldDefn::SetNullable(). .. versionadded:: 2.0 Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition bNullableIn: FALSE if the field must have a not-null constraint. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_SetNullable(self, *args) def IsUnique(self, *args) -> "int": r""" IsUnique(FieldDefn self) -> int int OGR_Fld_IsUnique(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Return whether this field has a unique constraint. By default, fields have no unique constraint. This method is the same as the C++ method OGRFieldDefn::IsUnique(). .. versionadded:: 3.2 Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition Returns -------- int: TRUE if the field has a unique constraint. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_IsUnique(self, *args) def SetUnique(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetUnique(FieldDefn self, int bUnique) void OGR_Fld_SetUnique(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, int bUniqueIn) Set whether this field has a unique constraint. By default, fields have no unique constraint, so this method is generally called with TRUE to set a unique constraint. Drivers that support writing unique constraint will advertise the GDAL_DCAP_UNIQUE_FIELDS driver metadata item. field can receive null values. This method is the same as the C++ method OGRFieldDefn::SetUnique(). .. versionadded:: 3.2 Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition bUniqueIn: TRUE if the field must have a unique constraint. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_SetUnique(self, *args) def GetDefault(self, *args) -> "char const *": r""" GetDefault(FieldDefn self) -> char const * const char\* OGR_Fld_GetDefault(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Get default field value. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFieldDefn::GetDefault(). .. versionadded:: 2.0 Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition. Returns -------- str: default field value or NULL. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_GetDefault(self, *args) def SetDefault(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetDefault(FieldDefn self, char const * pszValue) void OGR_Fld_SetDefault(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, const char \*pszDefault) Set default field value. The default field value is taken into account by drivers (generally those with a SQL interface) that support it at field creation time. OGR will generally not automatically set the default field value to null fields by itself when calling OGRFeature::CreateFeature() / OGRFeature::SetFeature(), but will let the low-level layers to do the job. So retrieving the feature from the layer is recommended. The accepted values are NULL, a numeric value, a literal value enclosed between single quote characters (and inner single quote characters escaped by repetition of the single quote character), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_DATE or a driver specific expression (that might be ignored by other drivers). For a datetime literal value, format should be 'YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS[.sss]' (considered as UTC time). Drivers that support writing DEFAULT clauses will advertise the GDAL_DCAP_DEFAULT_FIELDS driver metadata item. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFieldDefn::SetDefault(). .. versionadded:: 2.0 Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition. pszDefault: new default field value or NULL pointer. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_SetDefault(self, *args) def IsDefaultDriverSpecific(self, *args) -> "int": r""" IsDefaultDriverSpecific(FieldDefn self) -> int int OGR_Fld_IsDefaultDriverSpecific(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Returns whether the default value is driver specific. Driver specific default values are those that are not NULL, a numeric value, a literal value enclosed between single quote characters, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIME, CURRENT_DATE or datetime literal value. This function is the same as the C++ method OGRFieldDefn::IsDefaultDriverSpecific(). .. versionadded:: 2.0 Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition Returns -------- int: TRUE if the default value is driver specific. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_IsDefaultDriverSpecific(self, *args) def GetDomainName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r""" GetDomainName(FieldDefn self) -> char const * const char\* OGR_Fld_GetDomainName(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn) Return the name of the field domain for this field. By default, none (empty string) is returned. Field domains ( OGRFieldDomain class) are attached at the GDALDataset level and should be retrieved with GDALDatasetGetFieldDomain(). This method is the same as the C++ method OGRFieldDefn::GetDomainName(). .. versionadded:: 3.3 Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition Returns -------- str: the field domain name, or an empty string if there is none. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_GetDomainName(self, *args) def SetDomainName(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetDomainName(FieldDefn self, char const * name) void OGR_Fld_SetDomainName(OGRFieldDefnH hDefn, const char \*pszFieldName) Set the name of the field domain for this field. Field domains ( OGRFieldDomain) are attached at the GDALDataset level. This method is the same as the C++ method OGRFieldDefn::SetDomainName(). .. versionadded:: 3.3 Parameters ----------- hDefn: handle to the field definition pszFieldName: Field domain name. """ return _ogr.FieldDefn_SetDomainName(self, *args) width = property(GetWidth, SetWidth) type = property(GetType, SetType) precision = property(GetPrecision, SetPrecision) name = property(GetName, SetName) justify = property(GetJustify, SetJustify) def Destroy(self): "Once called, self has effectively been destroyed. Do not access. For backwards compatibility only" _ogr.delete_FieldDefn(self) self.thisown = 0 # Register FieldDefn in _ogr: _ogr.FieldDefn_swigregister(FieldDefn) class GeomFieldDefn(object): r"""Proxy of C++ OGRGeomFieldDefnShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _ogr.delete_GeomFieldDefn def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""__init__(GeomFieldDefn self, char const * name_null_ok="", OGRwkbGeometryType field_type=wkbUnknown) -> GeomFieldDefn""" _ogr.GeomFieldDefn_swiginit(self, _ogr.new_GeomFieldDefn(*args, **kwargs)) def GetName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetName(GeomFieldDefn self) -> char const *""" return _ogr.GeomFieldDefn_GetName(self, *args) def GetNameRef(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetNameRef(GeomFieldDefn self) -> char const *""" return _ogr.GeomFieldDefn_GetNameRef(self, *args) def SetName(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetName(GeomFieldDefn self, char const * name)""" return _ogr.GeomFieldDefn_SetName(self, *args) def GetType(self, *args) -> "OGRwkbGeometryType": r"""GetType(GeomFieldDefn self) -> OGRwkbGeometryType""" return _ogr.GeomFieldDefn_GetType(self, *args) def SetType(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetType(GeomFieldDefn self, OGRwkbGeometryType type)""" return _ogr.GeomFieldDefn_SetType(self, *args) def GetSpatialRef(self, *args) -> "OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *": r"""GetSpatialRef(GeomFieldDefn self) -> SpatialReference""" return _ogr.GeomFieldDefn_GetSpatialRef(self, *args) def SetSpatialRef(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetSpatialRef(GeomFieldDefn self, SpatialReference srs)""" return _ogr.GeomFieldDefn_SetSpatialRef(self, *args) def IsIgnored(self, *args) -> "int": r"""IsIgnored(GeomFieldDefn self) -> int""" return _ogr.GeomFieldDefn_IsIgnored(self, *args) def SetIgnored(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetIgnored(GeomFieldDefn self, int bIgnored)""" return _ogr.GeomFieldDefn_SetIgnored(self, *args) def IsNullable(self, *args) -> "int": r"""IsNullable(GeomFieldDefn self) -> int""" return _ogr.GeomFieldDefn_IsNullable(self, *args) def SetNullable(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetNullable(GeomFieldDefn self, int bNullable)""" return _ogr.GeomFieldDefn_SetNullable(self, *args) type = property(GetType, SetType) name = property(GetName, SetName) srs = property(GetSpatialRef, SetSpatialRef) # Register GeomFieldDefn in _ogr: _ogr.GeomFieldDefn_swigregister(GeomFieldDefn) def CreateGeometryFromWkb(*args, **kwargs) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r"""CreateGeometryFromWkb(size_t len, SpatialReference reference=None) -> Geometry""" return _ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkb(*args, **kwargs) def CreateGeometryFromWkt(*args, **kwargs) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r"""CreateGeometryFromWkt(char ** val, SpatialReference reference=None) -> Geometry""" return _ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(*args, **kwargs) def CreateGeometryFromGML(*args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r"""CreateGeometryFromGML(char const * input_string) -> Geometry""" return _ogr.CreateGeometryFromGML(*args) def CreateGeometryFromJson(*args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r"""CreateGeometryFromJson(char const * input_string) -> Geometry""" return _ogr.CreateGeometryFromJson(*args) def CreateGeometryFromEsriJson(*args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r"""CreateGeometryFromEsriJson(char const * input_string) -> Geometry""" return _ogr.CreateGeometryFromEsriJson(*args) def BuildPolygonFromEdges(*args, **kwargs) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r"""BuildPolygonFromEdges(Geometry hLineCollection, int bBestEffort=0, int bAutoClose=0, double dfTolerance=0) -> Geometry""" return _ogr.BuildPolygonFromEdges(*args, **kwargs) def ApproximateArcAngles(*args, **kwargs) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r"""ApproximateArcAngles(double dfCenterX, double dfCenterY, double dfZ, double dfPrimaryRadius, double dfSecondaryAxis, double dfRotation, double dfStartAngle, double dfEndAngle, double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees) -> Geometry""" return _ogr.ApproximateArcAngles(*args, **kwargs) def ForceToPolygon(*args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r"""ForceToPolygon(Geometry geom_in) -> Geometry""" return _ogr.ForceToPolygon(*args) def ForceToLineString(*args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r"""ForceToLineString(Geometry geom_in) -> Geometry""" return _ogr.ForceToLineString(*args) def ForceToMultiPolygon(*args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r"""ForceToMultiPolygon(Geometry geom_in) -> Geometry""" return _ogr.ForceToMultiPolygon(*args) def ForceToMultiPoint(*args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r"""ForceToMultiPoint(Geometry geom_in) -> Geometry""" return _ogr.ForceToMultiPoint(*args) def ForceToMultiLineString(*args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r"""ForceToMultiLineString(Geometry geom_in) -> Geometry""" return _ogr.ForceToMultiLineString(*args) def ForceTo(*args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r"""ForceTo(Geometry geom_in, OGRwkbGeometryType eTargetType, char ** options=None) -> Geometry""" return _ogr.ForceTo(*args) class Geometry(object): r"""Proxy of C++ OGRGeometryShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _ogr.delete_Geometry def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""__init__(Geometry self, OGRwkbGeometryType type=wkbUnknown, char * wkt=None, int wkb=0, char * gml=None) -> Geometry""" _ogr.Geometry_swiginit(self, _ogr.new_Geometry(*args, **kwargs)) def ExportToWkt(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" ExportToWkt(Geometry self) -> OGRErr Convert a geometry into well known text format. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_ExportToWkt` Returns -------- str """ return _ogr.Geometry_ExportToWkt(self, *args) def ExportToIsoWkt(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" ExportToIsoWkt(Geometry self) -> OGRErr Convert a geometry into SFSQL 1.2 / ISO SQL/MM Part 3 well known text format. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_ExportToIsoWkt` .. versionadded:: 2.0 Returns -------- str """ return _ogr.Geometry_ExportToIsoWkt(self, *args) def ExportToWkb(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRErr": r""" ExportToWkb(Geometry self, OGRwkbByteOrder byte_order=wkbNDR) -> OGRErr Convert a geometry well known binary format. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_ExportToWkb` Parameters ----------- byte_order: osgeo.ogr.wkbXDR | osgeo.ogr.wkbNDR, default=osgeo.ogr.wkbNDR One of wkbXDR or wkbNDR indicating MSB or LSB byte order respectively. Returns -------- bytes """ return _ogr.Geometry_ExportToWkb(self, *args, **kwargs) def ExportToIsoWkb(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRErr": r""" ExportToIsoWkb(Geometry self, OGRwkbByteOrder byte_order=wkbNDR) -> OGRErr Convert a geometry into SFSQL 1.2 / ISO SQL/MM Part 3 well known binary format. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_ExportToIsoWkb` .. versionadded:: 2.0 Parameters ----------- byte_order: osgeo.ogr.wkbXDR | osgeo.ogr.wkbNDR, default=osgeo.ogr.wkbNDR One of wkbXDR or wkbNDR indicating MSB or LSB byte order respectively. Returns -------- bytes """ return _ogr.Geometry_ExportToIsoWkb(self, *args, **kwargs) def ExportToGML(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "retStringAndCPLFree *": r"""ExportToGML(Geometry self, char ** options=None) -> retStringAndCPLFree *""" return _ogr.Geometry_ExportToGML(self, *args, **kwargs) def ExportToKML(self, *args) -> "retStringAndCPLFree *": r"""ExportToKML(Geometry self, char const * altitude_mode=None) -> retStringAndCPLFree *""" return _ogr.Geometry_ExportToKML(self, *args) def ExportToJson(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "retStringAndCPLFree *": r"""ExportToJson(Geometry self, char ** options=None) -> retStringAndCPLFree *""" return _ogr.Geometry_ExportToJson(self, *args, **kwargs) def AddPoint(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "void": r"""AddPoint(Geometry self, double x, double y, double z=0)""" return _ogr.Geometry_AddPoint(self, *args, **kwargs) def AddPointM(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "void": r"""AddPointM(Geometry self, double x, double y, double m)""" return _ogr.Geometry_AddPointM(self, *args, **kwargs) def AddPointZM(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "void": r"""AddPointZM(Geometry self, double x, double y, double z, double m)""" return _ogr.Geometry_AddPointZM(self, *args, **kwargs) def AddPoint_2D(self, *args) -> "void": r"""AddPoint_2D(Geometry self, double x, double y)""" return _ogr.Geometry_AddPoint_2D(self, *args) def AddGeometryDirectly(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r"""AddGeometryDirectly(Geometry self, Geometry other_disown) -> OGRErr""" return _ogr.Geometry_AddGeometryDirectly(self, *args) def AddGeometry(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r"""AddGeometry(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> OGRErr""" return _ogr.Geometry_AddGeometry(self, *args) def RemoveGeometry(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r"""RemoveGeometry(Geometry self, int iSubGeom) -> OGRErr""" return _ogr.Geometry_RemoveGeometry(self, *args) def Clone(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" Clone(Geometry self) -> Geometry Make a copy of this object. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Clone` Returns -------- Geometry: The copy of the geometry with the same spatial reference system as the original. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Clone(self, *args) def GetGeometryType(self, *args) -> "OGRwkbGeometryType": r""" GetGeometryType(Geometry self) -> OGRwkbGeometryType Fetch geometry type. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_GetGeometryType` Returns -------- int: The geometry type code. The types can be found with 'osgeo.ogr.wkb' prefix. For example :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.wkbPolygon`. """ return _ogr.Geometry_GetGeometryType(self, *args) def GetGeometryName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r""" GetGeometryName(Geometry self) -> char const * Fetch WKT name for geometry type. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_GetGeometryName` geometry to get name from. Returns -------- str """ return _ogr.Geometry_GetGeometryName(self, *args) def Length(self, *args) -> "double": r"""Length(Geometry self) -> double""" return _ogr.Geometry_Length(self, *args) def Area(self, *args) -> "double": r"""Area(Geometry self) -> double""" return _ogr.Geometry_Area(self, *args) def GetArea(self, *args) -> "double": r"""GetArea(Geometry self) -> double""" return _ogr.Geometry_GetArea(self, *args) def GetPointCount(self, *args) -> "int": r"""GetPointCount(Geometry self) -> int""" return _ogr.Geometry_GetPointCount(self, *args) def GetPoints(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "void": r"""GetPoints(Geometry self, int nCoordDimension=0)""" return _ogr.Geometry_GetPoints(self, *args, **kwargs) def GetX(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "double": r"""GetX(Geometry self, int point=0) -> double""" return _ogr.Geometry_GetX(self, *args, **kwargs) def GetY(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "double": r"""GetY(Geometry self, int point=0) -> double""" return _ogr.Geometry_GetY(self, *args, **kwargs) def GetZ(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "double": r"""GetZ(Geometry self, int point=0) -> double""" return _ogr.Geometry_GetZ(self, *args, **kwargs) def GetM(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "double": r"""GetM(Geometry self, int point=0) -> double""" return _ogr.Geometry_GetM(self, *args, **kwargs) def GetPoint(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetPoint(Geometry self, int iPoint=0)""" return _ogr.Geometry_GetPoint(self, *args) def GetPointZM(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetPointZM(Geometry self, int iPoint=0)""" return _ogr.Geometry_GetPointZM(self, *args) def GetPoint_2D(self, *args) -> "void": r"""GetPoint_2D(Geometry self, int iPoint=0)""" return _ogr.Geometry_GetPoint_2D(self, *args) def GetGeometryCount(self, *args) -> "int": r"""GetGeometryCount(Geometry self) -> int""" return _ogr.Geometry_GetGeometryCount(self, *args) def SetPoint(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "void": r"""SetPoint(Geometry self, int point, double x, double y, double z=0)""" return _ogr.Geometry_SetPoint(self, *args, **kwargs) def SetPointM(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "void": r"""SetPointM(Geometry self, int point, double x, double y, double m)""" return _ogr.Geometry_SetPointM(self, *args, **kwargs) def SetPointZM(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "void": r"""SetPointZM(Geometry self, int point, double x, double y, double z, double m)""" return _ogr.Geometry_SetPointZM(self, *args, **kwargs) def SetPoint_2D(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "void": r"""SetPoint_2D(Geometry self, int point, double x, double y)""" return _ogr.Geometry_SetPoint_2D(self, *args, **kwargs) def SwapXY(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SwapXY(Geometry self) Swap x and y coordinates. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_SwapXY` .. versionadded:: 2.3.0 """ return _ogr.Geometry_SwapXY(self, *args) def GetGeometryRef(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r"""GetGeometryRef(Geometry self, int geom) -> Geometry""" return _ogr.Geometry_GetGeometryRef(self, *args) def Simplify(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" Simplify(Geometry self, double tolerance) -> Geometry Compute a simplified geometry. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Simplify` Parameters ----------- tolerance: float The distance tolerance for the simplification. Returns -------- Geometry: The simplified geometry or None if an error occurs. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Simplify(self, *args) def SimplifyPreserveTopology(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" SimplifyPreserveTopology(Geometry self, double tolerance) -> Geometry Simplify the geometry while preserving topology. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_SimplifyPreserveTopology` Parameters ----------- tolerance: float The distance tolerance for the simplification. Returns -------- Geometry: The simplified geometry or None if an error occurs. """ return _ogr.Geometry_SimplifyPreserveTopology(self, *args) def DelaunayTriangulation(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" DelaunayTriangulation(Geometry self, double dfTolerance=0.0, int bOnlyEdges=FALSE) -> Geometry Return a Delaunay triangulation of the vertices of the geometry. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_DelaunayTriangulation` .. versionadded:: 2.1 Parameters ----------- dfTolerance: float optional snapping tolerance to use for improved robustness bOnlyEdges: bool If True, will return a MULTILINESTRING, otherwise it will return a GEOMETRYCOLLECTION containing triangular POLYGONs. Returns -------- Geometry: The geometry resulting from the Delaunay triangulation or None if an error occurs. """ return _ogr.Geometry_DelaunayTriangulation(self, *args, **kwargs) def Polygonize(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" Polygonize(Geometry self) -> Geometry Polygonizes a set of sparse edges. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Polygonize` Returns -------- Geometry: A new geometry or None on failure. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Polygonize(self, *args) def Boundary(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" Boundary(Geometry self) -> Geometry Compute boundary. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Boundary` Returns -------- Geometry: A new geometry or None on failure. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Boundary(self, *args) def GetBoundary(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" GetBoundary(Geometry self) -> Geometry Compute boundary (deprecated) For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_GetBoundary` ..warning:: Deprecated See: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Boundary` """ return _ogr.Geometry_GetBoundary(self, *args) def ConvexHull(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" ConvexHull(Geometry self) -> Geometry Compute convex hull. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_ConvexHull` Returns -------- Geometry: a handle to A newly allocated geometry now owned by the caller, or None on failure. """ return _ogr.Geometry_ConvexHull(self, *args) def ConcaveHull(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r"""ConcaveHull(Geometry self, double ratio, bool allowHoles) -> Geometry""" return _ogr.Geometry_ConcaveHull(self, *args) def MakeValid(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" MakeValid(Geometry self, char ** options=None) -> Geometry Attempts to make an invalid geometry valid without losing vertices. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_MakeValidEx` .. versionadded:: 3.0 .. versionadded:: 3.4 options Parameters ----------- options: list[str], optional papszOptions to be passed in. For example: ["METHOD=STRUCTURE"]. Returns -------- Geometry: A newly allocated geometry now owned by the caller, or None on failure. """ return _ogr.Geometry_MakeValid(self, *args) def Normalize(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" Normalize(Geometry self) -> Geometry Attempts to bring geometry into normalized/canonical form. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Normalize` .. versionadded:: 3.3 Returns -------- Geometry: A newly allocated geometry now owned by the caller, or None on failure. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Normalize(self, *args) def RemoveLowerDimensionSubGeoms(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r"""RemoveLowerDimensionSubGeoms(Geometry self) -> Geometry""" return _ogr.Geometry_RemoveLowerDimensionSubGeoms(self, *args) def Buffer(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" Buffer(Geometry self, double distance, int quadsecs=30) -> Geometry Compute buffer of geometry. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Buffer` Parameters ----------- distance: float The buffer distance to be applied. Should be expressed into the same unit as the coordinates of the geometry. quadsecs: int, default=30 The number of segments used to approximate a 90 degree (quadrant) of curvature. Returns -------- Geometry: The newly created geometry or None if an error occurs. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Buffer(self, *args, **kwargs) def Intersection(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" Intersection(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> Geometry Compute intersection. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Intersection` Parameters ----------- other: Geometry The other geometry. Returns -------- Geometry: A new geometry representing the intersection or None if there is no intersection or an error occurs. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Intersection(self, *args) def Union(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" Union(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> Geometry Compute union. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Union` Parameters ----------- other: Geometry The other geometry. Returns -------- Geometry: A new geometry representing the union or None if an error occurs. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Union(self, *args) def UnionCascaded(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" UnionCascaded(Geometry self) -> Geometry Compute union using cascading. For more deails: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_UnionCascaded` Returns -------- Geometry: A new geometry representing the union or None if an error occurs. """ return _ogr.Geometry_UnionCascaded(self, *args) def Difference(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" Difference(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> Geometry Compute difference. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Difference` Parameters ----------- other: Geometry The other geometry. Returns -------- Geometry: A new geometry representing the difference or None if the difference is empty or an error occurs. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Difference(self, *args) def SymDifference(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" SymDifference(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> Geometry Compute symmetric difference. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_SymDifference` Parameters ----------- other: the other geometry. Returns -------- Geometry: A new geometry representing the symmetric difference or None if the difference is empty or an error occurs. """ return _ogr.Geometry_SymDifference(self, *args) def SymmetricDifference(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" SymmetricDifference(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> Geometry Compute symmetric difference (deprecated) For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_SymmetricDifference` .. warning:: Deprecated """ return _ogr.Geometry_SymmetricDifference(self, *args) def Distance(self, *args) -> "double": r""" Distance(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> double Compute distance between two geometries. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Distance` Parameters ----------- other: Geometry The other geometry to compare against. Returns -------- float: The distance between the geometries or -1 if an error occurs. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Distance(self, *args) def Distance3D(self, *args) -> "double": r""" Distance3D(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> double Returns the 3D distance between two geometries. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Distance3D` .. versionadded:: 2.2 Parameters ----------- other: Geometry The other geometry to compare against. Returns -------- float: The distance between the geometries or -1 if an error occurs. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Distance3D(self, *args) def Empty(self, *args) -> "void": r""" Empty(Geometry self) Clear geometry information. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Empty` """ return _ogr.Geometry_Empty(self, *args) def IsEmpty(self, *args) -> "bool": r""" IsEmpty(Geometry self) -> bool Test if the geometry is empty. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_IsEmpty` Returns -------- int: True if the geometry has no points, otherwise False. """ return _ogr.Geometry_IsEmpty(self, *args) def IsValid(self, *args) -> "bool": r""" IsValid(Geometry self) -> bool Test if the geometry is valid. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_IsValid` Returns -------- int: True if the geometry has no points, otherwise False. """ return _ogr.Geometry_IsValid(self, *args) def IsSimple(self, *args) -> "bool": r""" IsSimple(Geometry self) -> bool Returns True if the geometry is simple. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_IsSimple` Returns -------- int: True if object is simple, otherwise False. """ return _ogr.Geometry_IsSimple(self, *args) def IsRing(self, *args) -> "bool": r""" IsRing(Geometry self) -> bool Test if the geometry is a ring. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_IsRing` Returns -------- int: True if the geometry has no points, otherwise False. """ return _ogr.Geometry_IsRing(self, *args) def Intersects(self, *args) -> "bool": r""" Intersects(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> bool Determines whether two geometries intersect. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Intersects` Parameters ----------- other: Geometry The other geometry to test against. Returns -------- int: True if the geometries intersect, otherwise False. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Intersects(self, *args) def Intersect(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""Intersect(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> bool""" return _ogr.Geometry_Intersect(self, *args) def Equals(self, *args) -> "bool": r""" Equals(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> bool Returns True if two geometries are equivalent. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Equals` Parameters ----------- other: Geometry The other geometry to test against. Returns -------- int: True if equivalent or False otherwise. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Equals(self, *args) def Equal(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""Equal(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> bool""" return _ogr.Geometry_Equal(self, *args) def Disjoint(self, *args) -> "bool": r""" Disjoint(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> bool Test for disjointness. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Disjoint` Parameters ----------- other: Geometry The other geometry to compare. Returns -------- int: True if they are disjoint, otherwise False. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Disjoint(self, *args) def Touches(self, *args) -> "bool": r""" Touches(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> bool Test for touching. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Touches` Parameters ----------- other: the other geometry to compare. Returns -------- int: True if they are touching, otherwise False. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Touches(self, *args) def Crosses(self, *args) -> "bool": r""" Crosses(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> bool Test for crossing. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Crosses` Parameters ----------- other: Geometry the other geometry to compare. Returns -------- int: True if they are crossing, otherwise False. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Crosses(self, *args) def Within(self, *args) -> "bool": r""" Within(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> bool Test for containment. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Within` Parameters ----------- other: Geometry the other geometry to compare. Returns -------- int: True if this is within other, otherwise False. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Within(self, *args) def Contains(self, *args) -> "bool": r""" Contains(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> bool Test for containment. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Contains` Parameters ----------- other: Geometry the other geometry to compare. Returns -------- int: True if this contains the other geometry, otherwise False. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Contains(self, *args) def Overlaps(self, *args) -> "bool": r""" Overlaps(Geometry self, Geometry other) -> bool Test for overlap. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Overlaps` Parameters ----------- other: Geometry the other geometry to compare. Returns -------- int: True if they are overlapping, otherwise False. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Overlaps(self, *args) def TransformTo(self, *args) -> "OGRErr": r""" TransformTo(Geometry self, SpatialReference reference) -> OGRErr Transform geometry to new spatial reference system. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_TransformTo` Parameters ----------- reference: SpatialReference The spatial reference system to apply. Returns -------- int: :py:const:`osgeo.ogr.OGRERR_NONE` on success, or an error code. """ return _ogr.Geometry_TransformTo(self, *args) def GetSpatialReference(self, *args) -> "OSRSpatialReferenceShadow *": r""" GetSpatialReference(Geometry self) -> SpatialReference For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_GetSpatialReference` Returns spatial reference system for geometry. Returns -------- SpatialReference """ return _ogr.Geometry_GetSpatialReference(self, *args) def AssignSpatialReference(self, *args) -> "void": r""" AssignSpatialReference(Geometry self, SpatialReference reference) Assign spatial reference to this object. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_AssignSpatialReference` Parameters ----------- reference: SpatialReference The new spatial reference system to apply. """ return _ogr.Geometry_AssignSpatialReference(self, *args) def CloseRings(self, *args) -> "void": r""" CloseRings(Geometry self) Force rings to be closed. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_CloseRings` """ return _ogr.Geometry_CloseRings(self, *args) def FlattenTo2D(self, *args) -> "void": r""" FlattenTo2D(Geometry self) Convert geometry to strictly 2D. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_FlattenTo2D` """ return _ogr.Geometry_FlattenTo2D(self, *args) def Segmentize(self, *args) -> "void": r""" Segmentize(Geometry self, double dfMaxLength) Modify the geometry such it has no segment longer then the given distance. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Segmentize` Parameters ----------- dfMaxLength: float the maximum distance between 2 points after segmentization """ return _ogr.Geometry_Segmentize(self, *args) def GetEnvelope(self, *args) -> "void": r""" GetEnvelope(Geometry self) Computes and returns the bounding envelope for this geometry in the passed psEnvelope structure. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_GetEnvelope` .. warning:: Check the return order of the bounds. Returns -------- minx: float maxx: float miny: float maxy: float """ return _ogr.Geometry_GetEnvelope(self, *args) def GetEnvelope3D(self, *args) -> "void": r""" GetEnvelope3D(Geometry self) Computes and returns the bounding envelope (3D) for this geometry in the passed psEnvelope structure. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_GetEnvelope3D` .. warning:: Check the return order of the bounds. Returns -------- minx: float maxx: float miny: float maxy: float minz: float maxz: float """ return _ogr.Geometry_GetEnvelope3D(self, *args) def Centroid(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" Centroid(Geometry self) -> Geometry Compute the geometry centroid. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Centroid` Returns -------- Geometry """ return _ogr.Geometry_Centroid(self, *args) def PointOnSurface(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" PointOnSurface(Geometry self) -> Geometry Returns a point guaranteed to lie on the surface. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_PointOnSurface` Returns -------- Geometry: A point guaranteed to lie on the surface or None if an error occurred. """ return _ogr.Geometry_PointOnSurface(self, *args) def WkbSize(self, *args) -> "size_t": r""" WkbSize(Geometry self) -> size_t Returns size of related binary representation. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_WkbSize` Returns -------- int """ return _ogr.Geometry_WkbSize(self, *args) def GetCoordinateDimension(self, *args) -> "int": r""" GetCoordinateDimension(Geometry self) -> int Get the dimension of the coordinates in this geometry. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_GetCoordinateDimension` .. warning:: Deprecated. Use :py:func:`CoordinateDimension`, :py:func:`Is3D`, or :py:func:`IsMeasured`. Returns -------- int: This will return 2 or 3. """ return _ogr.Geometry_GetCoordinateDimension(self, *args) def CoordinateDimension(self, *args) -> "int": r""" CoordinateDimension(Geometry self) -> int Get the dimension of the coordinates in this geometry. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_CoordinateDimension` .. versionadded:: 2.1 Returns -------- int: This will return 2 for XY, 3 for XYZ and XYM, and 4 for XYZM data. """ return _ogr.Geometry_CoordinateDimension(self, *args) def Is3D(self, *args) -> "int": r""" Is3D(Geometry self) -> int See whether this geometry has Z coordinates. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Is3D` .. versionadded:: 2.1 Returns -------- int: True if the geometry has Z coordinates. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Is3D(self, *args) def IsMeasured(self, *args) -> "int": r""" IsMeasured(Geometry self) -> int See whether this geometry is measured. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_IsMeasured` .. versionadded:: 2.1 Returns -------- int: True if the geometry has M coordinates. """ return _ogr.Geometry_IsMeasured(self, *args) def SetCoordinateDimension(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetCoordinateDimension(Geometry self, int dimension) Set the coordinate dimension. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_SetCoordinateDimension` .. warning:: Deprecated. Use :py:func:`Set3D` or :py:func:`SetMeasured`. Parameters ----------- dimension: int New coordinate dimension value, either 2 or 3. """ return _ogr.Geometry_SetCoordinateDimension(self, *args) def Set3D(self, *args) -> "void": r""" Set3D(Geometry self, int b3D) Add or remove the Z coordinate dimension. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Set3D` .. versionadded:: 2.1 Parameters ----------- bIs3D: bool Should the geometry have a Z dimension, either True or False. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Set3D(self, *args) def SetMeasured(self, *args) -> "void": r""" SetMeasured(Geometry self, int bMeasured) Add or remove the M coordinate dimension. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_SetMeasured` .. versionadded:: 2.1 Parameters ----------- bIsMeasured: bool Should the geometry have a M dimension, either True or False. """ return _ogr.Geometry_SetMeasured(self, *args) def GetDimension(self, *args) -> "int": r""" GetDimension(Geometry self) -> int Get the dimension of this geometry. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_GetDimension` Returns -------- int: 0 for points, 1 for lines, and 2 for surfaces. """ return _ogr.Geometry_GetDimension(self, *args) def HasCurveGeometry(self, *args) -> "int": r"""HasCurveGeometry(Geometry self, int bLookForCircular=FALSE) -> int""" return _ogr.Geometry_HasCurveGeometry(self, *args) def GetLinearGeometry(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r"""GetLinearGeometry(Geometry self, double dfMaxAngleStepSizeDegrees=0.0, char ** options=None) -> Geometry""" return _ogr.Geometry_GetLinearGeometry(self, *args, **kwargs) def GetCurveGeometry(self, *args, **kwargs) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r"""GetCurveGeometry(Geometry self, char ** options=None) -> Geometry""" return _ogr.Geometry_GetCurveGeometry(self, *args, **kwargs) def Value(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r"""Value(Geometry self, double dfDistance) -> Geometry""" return _ogr.Geometry_Value(self, *args) def Transform(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r""" Transform(Geometry self, CoordinateTransformation trans) -> OGRErr Transform(Geometry self, GeomTransformer transformer) -> Geometry Apply arbitrary coordinate transformation to geometry. For more details: :cpp:func:`OGR_G_Transform` Parameters ----------- trans: CoordinateTransform The transformation to apply. Returns -------- Geometry: The transformed geometry. """ return _ogr.Geometry_Transform(self, *args) def CreatePreparedGeometry(self, *args) -> "OGRPreparedGeometryShadow *": r"""CreatePreparedGeometry(Geometry self) -> PreparedGeometry""" return _ogr.Geometry_CreatePreparedGeometry(self, *args) def Destroy(self): self.__swig_destroy__(self) self.thisown = 0 def __str__(self): return self.ExportToIsoWkt() def __copy__(self): return self.Clone() def __deepcopy__(self, memo): g = self.Clone() srs = self.GetSpatialReference() if srs: g.AssignSpatialReference(srs.Clone()) return g def __reduce__(self): return (self.__class__, (), self.ExportToWkb()) def __setstate__(self, state): result = CreateGeometryFromWkb(state) self.this = result.this def __iter__(self): for i in range(self.GetGeometryCount()): yield self.GetGeometryRef(i) # Register Geometry in _ogr: _ogr.Geometry_swigregister(Geometry) class PreparedGeometry(object): r"""Proxy of C++ OGRPreparedGeometryShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _ogr.delete_PreparedGeometry def Intersects(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""Intersects(PreparedGeometry self, Geometry otherGeom) -> bool""" return _ogr.PreparedGeometry_Intersects(self, *args) def Contains(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""Contains(PreparedGeometry self, Geometry otherGeom) -> bool""" return _ogr.PreparedGeometry_Contains(self, *args) # Register PreparedGeometry in _ogr: _ogr.PreparedGeometry_swigregister(PreparedGeometry) class GeomTransformer(object): r"""Proxy of C++ OGRGeomTransformerShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") __repr__ = _swig_repr def __init__(self, *args): r"""__init__(GeomTransformer self, CoordinateTransformation ct, char ** options=None) -> GeomTransformer""" _ogr.GeomTransformer_swiginit(self, _ogr.new_GeomTransformer(*args)) __swig_destroy__ = _ogr.delete_GeomTransformer def Transform(self, *args) -> "OGRGeometryShadow *": r"""Transform(GeomTransformer self, Geometry src_geom) -> Geometry""" return _ogr.GeomTransformer_Transform(self, *args) # Register GeomTransformer in _ogr: _ogr.GeomTransformer_swigregister(GeomTransformer) class FieldDomain(object): r"""Proxy of C++ OGRFieldDomainShadow class.""" thisown = property(lambda x: x.this.own(), lambda x, v: x.this.own(v), doc="The membership flag") def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AttributeError("No constructor defined") __repr__ = _swig_repr __swig_destroy__ = _ogr.delete_FieldDomain def GetName(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetName(FieldDomain self) -> char const *""" return _ogr.FieldDomain_GetName(self, *args) def GetDescription(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetDescription(FieldDomain self) -> char const *""" return _ogr.FieldDomain_GetDescription(self, *args) def GetFieldType(self, *args) -> "OGRFieldType": r"""GetFieldType(FieldDomain self) -> OGRFieldType""" return _ogr.FieldDomain_GetFieldType(self, *args) def GetFieldSubType(self, *args) -> "OGRFieldSubType": r"""GetFieldSubType(FieldDomain self) -> OGRFieldSubType""" return _ogr.FieldDomain_GetFieldSubType(self, *args) def GetDomainType(self, *args) -> "OGRFieldDomainType": r"""GetDomainType(FieldDomain self) -> OGRFieldDomainType""" return _ogr.FieldDomain_GetDomainType(self, *args) def GetSplitPolicy(self, *args) -> "OGRFieldDomainSplitPolicy": r"""GetSplitPolicy(FieldDomain self) -> OGRFieldDomainSplitPolicy""" return _ogr.FieldDomain_GetSplitPolicy(self, *args) def SetSplitPolicy(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetSplitPolicy(FieldDomain self, OGRFieldDomainSplitPolicy policy)""" return _ogr.FieldDomain_SetSplitPolicy(self, *args) def GetMergePolicy(self, *args) -> "OGRFieldDomainMergePolicy": r"""GetMergePolicy(FieldDomain self) -> OGRFieldDomainMergePolicy""" return _ogr.FieldDomain_GetMergePolicy(self, *args) def SetMergePolicy(self, *args) -> "void": r"""SetMergePolicy(FieldDomain self, OGRFieldDomainMergePolicy policy)""" return _ogr.FieldDomain_SetMergePolicy(self, *args) def GetEnumeration(self, *args) -> "OGRCodedValue const *": r"""GetEnumeration(FieldDomain self) -> OGRCodedValue const *""" return _ogr.FieldDomain_GetEnumeration(self, *args) def GetMinAsDouble(self, *args) -> "double": r"""GetMinAsDouble(FieldDomain self) -> double""" return _ogr.FieldDomain_GetMinAsDouble(self, *args) def IsMinInclusive(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""IsMinInclusive(FieldDomain self) -> bool""" return _ogr.FieldDomain_IsMinInclusive(self, *args) def GetMaxAsDouble(self, *args) -> "double": r"""GetMaxAsDouble(FieldDomain self) -> double""" return _ogr.FieldDomain_GetMaxAsDouble(self, *args) def IsMaxInclusive(self, *args) -> "bool": r"""IsMaxInclusive(FieldDomain self) -> bool""" return _ogr.FieldDomain_IsMaxInclusive(self, *args) def GetGlob(self, *args) -> "char const *": r"""GetGlob(FieldDomain self) -> char const *""" return _ogr.FieldDomain_GetGlob(self, *args) # Register FieldDomain in _ogr: _ogr.FieldDomain_swigregister(FieldDomain) def CreateCodedFieldDomain(*args) -> "OGRFieldDomainShadow *": r"""CreateCodedFieldDomain(char const * name, char const * description, OGRFieldType type, OGRFieldSubType subtype, OGRCodedValue const * enumeration) -> FieldDomain""" return _ogr.CreateCodedFieldDomain(*args) def CreateRangeFieldDomain(*args) -> "OGRFieldDomainShadow *": r"""CreateRangeFieldDomain(char const * name, char const * description, OGRFieldType type, OGRFieldSubType subtype, double min, bool minIsInclusive, double max, double maxIsInclusive) -> FieldDomain""" return _ogr.CreateRangeFieldDomain(*args) def CreateGlobFieldDomain(*args) -> "OGRFieldDomainShadow *": r"""CreateGlobFieldDomain(char const * name, char const * description, OGRFieldType type, OGRFieldSubType subtype, char const * glob) -> FieldDomain""" return _ogr.CreateGlobFieldDomain(*args) def GetDriverCount(*args) -> "int": r"""GetDriverCount() -> int""" return _ogr.GetDriverCount(*args) def GetOpenDSCount(*args) -> "int": r"""GetOpenDSCount() -> int""" return _ogr.GetOpenDSCount(*args) def SetGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER(*args) -> "OGRErr": r"""SetGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER(int bGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER) -> OGRErr""" return _ogr.SetGenerate_DB2_V72_BYTE_ORDER(*args) def RegisterAll(*args) -> "void": r"""RegisterAll()""" return _ogr.RegisterAll(*args) def GeometryTypeToName(*args) -> "char const *": r"""GeometryTypeToName(OGRwkbGeometryType eType) -> char const *""" return _ogr.GeometryTypeToName(*args) def GetFieldTypeName(*args) -> "char const *": r"""GetFieldTypeName(OGRFieldType type) -> char const *""" return _ogr.GetFieldTypeName(*args) def GetFieldSubTypeName(*args) -> "char const *": r"""GetFieldSubTypeName(OGRFieldSubType type) -> char const *""" return _ogr.GetFieldSubTypeName(*args) def GT_Flatten(*args) -> "OGRwkbGeometryType": r"""GT_Flatten(OGRwkbGeometryType eType) -> OGRwkbGeometryType""" return _ogr.GT_Flatten(*args) def GT_SetZ(*args) -> "OGRwkbGeometryType": r"""GT_SetZ(OGRwkbGeometryType eType) -> OGRwkbGeometryType""" return _ogr.GT_SetZ(*args) def GT_SetM(*args) -> "OGRwkbGeometryType": r"""GT_SetM(OGRwkbGeometryType eType) -> OGRwkbGeometryType""" return _ogr.GT_SetM(*args) def GT_SetModifier(*args) -> "OGRwkbGeometryType": r"""GT_SetModifier(OGRwkbGeometryType eType, int bSetZ, int bSetM=FALSE) -> OGRwkbGeometryType""" return _ogr.GT_SetModifier(*args) def GT_HasZ(*args) -> "int": r"""GT_HasZ(OGRwkbGeometryType eType) -> int""" return _ogr.GT_HasZ(*args) def GT_HasM(*args) -> "int": r"""GT_HasM(OGRwkbGeometryType eType) -> int""" return _ogr.GT_HasM(*args) def GT_IsSubClassOf(*args) -> "int": r"""GT_IsSubClassOf(OGRwkbGeometryType eType, OGRwkbGeometryType eSuperType) -> int""" return _ogr.GT_IsSubClassOf(*args) def GT_IsCurve(*args) -> "int": r"""GT_IsCurve(OGRwkbGeometryType arg1) -> int""" return _ogr.GT_IsCurve(*args) def GT_IsSurface(*args) -> "int": r"""GT_IsSurface(OGRwkbGeometryType arg1) -> int""" return _ogr.GT_IsSurface(*args) def GT_IsNonLinear(*args) -> "int": r"""GT_IsNonLinear(OGRwkbGeometryType arg1) -> int""" return _ogr.GT_IsNonLinear(*args) def GT_GetCollection(*args) -> "OGRwkbGeometryType": r"""GT_GetCollection(OGRwkbGeometryType eType) -> OGRwkbGeometryType""" return _ogr.GT_GetCollection(*args) def GT_GetCurve(*args) -> "OGRwkbGeometryType": r"""GT_GetCurve(OGRwkbGeometryType eType) -> OGRwkbGeometryType""" return _ogr.GT_GetCurve(*args) def GT_GetLinear(*args) -> "OGRwkbGeometryType": r"""GT_GetLinear(OGRwkbGeometryType eType) -> OGRwkbGeometryType""" return _ogr.GT_GetLinear(*args) def SetNonLinearGeometriesEnabledFlag(*args) -> "void": r"""SetNonLinearGeometriesEnabledFlag(int bFlag)""" return _ogr.SetNonLinearGeometriesEnabledFlag(*args) def GetNonLinearGeometriesEnabledFlag(*args) -> "int": r"""GetNonLinearGeometriesEnabledFlag() -> int""" return _ogr.GetNonLinearGeometriesEnabledFlag(*args) def GetOpenDS(*args) -> "OGRDataSourceShadow *": r"""GetOpenDS(int ds_number) -> DataSource""" return _ogr.GetOpenDS(*args) def Open(*args, **kwargs) -> "OGRDataSourceShadow *": r"""Open(char const * utf8_path, int update=0) -> DataSource""" return _ogr.Open(*args, **kwargs) def OpenShared(*args, **kwargs) -> "OGRDataSourceShadow *": r"""OpenShared(char const * utf8_path, int update=0) -> DataSource""" return _ogr.OpenShared(*args, **kwargs) def GetDriverByName(*args) -> "OGRDriverShadow *": r"""GetDriverByName(char const * name) -> Driver""" return _ogr.GetDriverByName(*args) def GetDriver(*args) -> "OGRDriverShadow *": r"""GetDriver(int driver_number) -> Driver""" return _ogr.GetDriver(*args) def GeneralCmdLineProcessor(*args) -> "char **": r"""GeneralCmdLineProcessor(char ** papszArgv, int nOptions=0) -> char **""" return _ogr.GeneralCmdLineProcessor(*args) def TermProgress_nocb(*args, **kwargs) -> "int": r"""TermProgress_nocb(double dfProgress, char const * pszMessage=None, void * pData=None) -> int""" return _ogr.TermProgress_nocb(*args, **kwargs) TermProgress = _ogr.TermProgress