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If LOCK_NB is used and the lock cannot be acquired, an OSError will be raised and the exception will have an errno attribute set to EACCES or EAGAIN (depending on the operating system -- for portability, check for either value). `len` is the number of bytes to lock, with the default meaning to lock to EOF. `start` is the byte offset, relative to `whence`, to that the lock starts. `whence` is as with fileobj.seek(), specifically: 0 - relative to the start of the file (SEEK_SET) 1 - relative to the current buffer position (SEEK_CUR) 2 - relative to the end of the file (SEEK_END)flock($module, fd, operation, /) -- Perform the lock operation `operation` on file descriptor `fd`. See the Unix manual page for flock(2) for details (On some systems, this function is emulated using fcntl()).ioctl($module, fd, request, arg=0, mutate_flag=True, /) -- Perform the operation `request` on file descriptor `fd`. The values used for `request` are operating system dependent, and are available as constants in the fcntl or termios library modules, using the same names as used in the relevant C header files. The argument `arg` is optional, and defaults to 0; it may be an int or a buffer containing character data (most likely a string or an array). If the argument is a mutable buffer (such as an array) and if the mutate_flag argument (which is only allowed in this case) is true then the buffer is (in effect) passed to the operating system and changes made by the OS will be reflected in the contents of the buffer after the call has returned. The return value is the integer returned by the ioctl system call. If the argument is a mutable buffer and the mutable_flag argument is false, the behavior is as if a string had been passed. If the argument is an immutable buffer (most likely a string) then a copy of the buffer is passed to the operating system and the return value is a string of the same length containing whatever the operating system put in the buffer. The length of the arg buffer in this case is not allowed to exceed 1024 bytes. If the arg given is an integer or if none is specified, the result value is an integer corresponding to the return value of the ioctl call in the C code.fcntl($module, fd, cmd, arg=0, /) -- Perform the operation `cmd` on file descriptor fd. The values used for `cmd` are operating system dependent, and are available as constants in the fcntl module, using the same names as used in the relevant C header files. The argument arg is optional, and defaults to 0; it may be an int or a string. If arg is given as a string, the return value of fcntl is a string of that length, containing the resulting value put in the arg buffer by the operating system. The length of the arg string is not allowed to exceed 1024 bytes. If the arg given is an integer or if none is specified, the result value is an integer corresponding to the return value of the fcntl call in the C code.This module performs file control and I/O control on file descriptors. It is an interface to the fcntl() and ioctl() Unix routines. File descriptors can be obtained with the fileno() method of a file or socket object.;` |Hcx1/8$4zRx $0FJ w?;*3$"D\` p\A@BEE D(D0G0A(A BBB,]BAD G0 AABHBEE E(D0A8I 8A0A(B BBB4deBBA D(G@(A ABB8BBA A(G@(A ABBLLBBB D(D0DpxHPxAp)0A(A BBB|*J*CSs 4/\]o0  ^  ooH oo o]`*|1 "=1%81o& 71'3|1@@` `GCC: (GNU) 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-23)GCC: (conda-forge gcc 10.4.0-19) 10.4.00 * *8  ""%o&'L- C** `*U `*h* **0 *|*UvT 0Q1*UvT 0Q2*UvT 0Q4*GUvT 0Q8+rUvT  0Q 7+UvT *0Q@T+UvT 40Qq+UvT ?0Q+UvT G0Q0+IUvT O0Q +sUvT _0Q1+UvT g0Q2+UvT o0Q3,UvT w0Q49,UvT 0Q5V,EUvT 0Q6s,oUvT 0Q7,UvT 0Q9,UvT 0Q8,UvT 0Q;,UvT 0Q:-AUvT 0Q0-kUvT 0Q1;-UvT 0Q2X-UvT 0Q5u-UvT 0Q6-UvT 0Q7-?UvT 0Q -kUvT 0Q -UvT 1Q .UvT 1Q #.UvT 1Q4@.UvT !1Q8].AUvT T0Q1z.kUvT )1Q1.UvT 31Q2.UvT =1Q4.UvT G1Q8.UvT Q1Q@ />UvT [1Q (/UvT e1Q@K$,8 & ,,82, -w -e] -w *-w 6-w B-,US N-`5 S-} _-!%{ `-!!fU|T}Qv '!U~ UvT 1QwRw T 16!A!M!d! UvT 2Qw !Uv n-h!& o-n!! U|T} !U~ ' U v1T r1Q|R}!!!3!? Us $ &!K,5 ,. 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