from jinja2 import Template from folium.elements import JSCSSMixin from folium.vector_layers import BaseMultiLocation, path_options class AntPath(JSCSSMixin, BaseMultiLocation): """ Class for drawing AntPath polyline overlays on a map. See :func:`folium.vector_layers.path_options` for the `Path` options. Parameters ---------- locations: list of points (latitude, longitude) Latitude and Longitude of line (Northing, Easting) popup: str or folium.Popup, default None Input text or visualization for object displayed when clicking. tooltip: str or folium.Tooltip, optional Display a text when hovering over the object. **kwargs: Polyline and AntPath options. See their Github page for the available parameters. """ _template = Template( """ {% macro script(this, kwargs) %} {{ this.get_name() }} = L.polyline.antPath( {{ this.locations|tojson }}, {{ this.options|tojson }} ).addTo({{this._parent.get_name()}}); {% endmacro %} """ ) default_js = [ ( "antpath", "", ) ] def __init__(self, locations, popup=None, tooltip=None, **kwargs): super().__init__( locations, popup=popup, tooltip=tooltip, ) self._name = "AntPath" # Polyline + AntPath defaults. self.options = path_options(line=True, **kwargs) self.options.update( { "paused": kwargs.pop("paused", False), "reverse": kwargs.pop("reverse", False), "hardwareAcceleration": kwargs.pop("hardware_acceleration", False), "delay": kwargs.pop("delay", 400), "dashArray": kwargs.pop("dash_array", [10, 20]), "weight": kwargs.pop("weight", 5), "opacity": kwargs.pop("opacity", 0.5), "color": kwargs.pop("color", "#0000FF"), "pulseColor": kwargs.pop("pulse_color", "#FFFFFF"), } )