from branca.element import MacroElement from jinja2 import Template from folium import Map from folium.elements import JSCSSMixin from folium.features import FeatureGroup, GeoJson, TopoJson from folium.plugins import MarkerCluster from folium.utilities import parse_options class Search(JSCSSMixin, MacroElement): """ Adds a search tool to your map. Parameters ---------- layer: GeoJson, TopoJson, FeatureGroup, MarkerCluster class object. The map layer to index in the Search view. search_label: str, optional 'properties' key in layer to index Search, if layer is GeoJson/TopoJson. search_zoom: int, optional Zoom level to set the map to on match. By default zooms to Polygon/Line bounds and points on their natural extent. geom_type: str, default 'Point' Feature geometry type. "Point", "Line" or "Polygon" position: str, default 'topleft' Change the position of the search bar, can be: 'topleft', 'topright', 'bottomright' or 'bottomleft', placeholder: str, default 'Search' Placeholder text inside the Search box if nothing is entered. collapsed: boolean, default False Whether the Search box should be collapsed or not. **kwargs. Assorted style options to change feature styling on match. Use the same way as vector layer arguments. See for more information. """ _template = Template( """ {% macro script(this, kwargs) %} var {{this.layer.get_name()}}searchControl = new L.Control.Search({ layer: {{this.layer.get_name()}}, {% if this.search_label %} propertyName: '{{this.search_label}}', {% endif %} collapsed: {{this.collapsed|tojson|safe}}, textPlaceholder: '{{this.placeholder}}', position:'{{this.position}}', {% if this.geom_type == 'Point' %} initial: false, {% if this.search_zoom %} zoom: {{this.search_zoom}}, {% endif %} hideMarkerOnCollapse: true {% else %} marker: false, moveToLocation: function(latlng, title, map) { var zoom = {% if this.search_zoom %} {{ this.search_zoom }} {% else %} map.getBoundsZoom(latlng.layer.getBounds()) {% endif %} map.flyTo(latlng, zoom); // access the zoom } {% endif %} }); {{this.layer.get_name()}}searchControl.on('search:locationfound', function(e) { {{this.layer.get_name()}}.setStyle(function(feature){ return }) {% if this.options %} e.layer.setStyle({{ this.options|tojson }}); {% endif %} if(e.layer._popup) e.layer.openPopup(); }) {{this.layer.get_name()}}searchControl.on('search:collapsed', function(e) { {{this.layer.get_name()}}.setStyle(function(feature){ return }); }); {{this._parent.get_name()}}.addControl( {{this.layer.get_name()}}searchControl ); {% endmacro %} """ # noqa ) default_js = [ ( "Leaflet.Search.js", "", ) ] default_css = [ ( "Leaflet.Search.css", "", ) ] def __init__( self, layer, search_label=None, search_zoom=None, geom_type="Point", position="topleft", placeholder="Search", collapsed=False, **kwargs ): super().__init__() assert isinstance(layer, (GeoJson, MarkerCluster, FeatureGroup, TopoJson)), ( "Search can only index FeatureGroup, " "MarkerCluster, GeoJson, and TopoJson layers at " "this time." ) self.layer = layer self.search_label = search_label self.search_zoom = search_zoom self.geom_type = geom_type self.position = position self.placeholder = placeholder self.collapsed = collapsed self.options = parse_options(**kwargs) def test_params(self, keys): if keys is not None and self.search_label is not None: assert self.search_label in keys, ( "The label '{}' was not " "available in {}" "".format(self.search_label, keys) ) assert isinstance( self._parent, Map ), "Search can only be added to folium Map objects." def render(self, **kwargs): if isinstance(self.layer, GeoJson): keys = tuple(["features"][0]["properties"].keys()) elif isinstance(self.layer, TopoJson): obj_name = self.layer.object_path.split(".")[-1] keys = tuple(["objects"][obj_name]["geometries"][0][ "properties" ].keys() ) # noqa else: keys = None self.test_params(keys=keys) super().render(**kwargs)