import base64 import collections import copy import json import math import os import re import struct import tempfile import uuid import zlib from contextlib import contextmanager from urllib.parse import urlparse, uses_netloc, uses_params, uses_relative import numpy as np try: import pandas as pd except ImportError: pd = None _VALID_URLS = set(uses_relative + uses_netloc + uses_params) _VALID_URLS.discard("") _VALID_URLS.add("data") def validate_location(location): # noqa: C901 """Validate a single lat/lon coordinate pair and convert to a list Validate that location: * is a sized variable * with size 2 * allows indexing (i.e. has an ordering) * where both values are floats (or convertible to float) * and both values are not NaN Returns ------- list[float, float] """ if isinstance(location, np.ndarray) or ( pd is not None and isinstance(location, pd.DataFrame) ): location = np.squeeze(location).tolist() if not hasattr(location, "__len__"): raise TypeError( "Location should be a sized variable, " "for example a list or a tuple, instead got " "{!r} of type {}.".format(location, type(location)) ) if len(location) != 2: raise ValueError( "Expected two (lat, lon) values for location, " "instead got: {!r}.".format(location) ) try: coords = (location[0], location[1]) except (TypeError, KeyError): raise TypeError( "Location should support indexing, like a list or " "a tuple does, instead got {!r} of type {}.".format( location, type(location) ) ) for coord in coords: try: float(coord) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise ValueError( "Location should consist of two numerical values, " "but {!r} of type {} is not convertible to float.".format( coord, type(coord) ) ) if math.isnan(float(coord)): raise ValueError("Location values cannot contain NaNs.") return [float(x) for x in coords] def validate_locations(locations): """Validate an iterable with multiple lat/lon coordinate pairs. Returns ------- list[list[float, float]] or list[list[list[float, float]]] """ locations = if_pandas_df_convert_to_numpy(locations) try: iter(locations) except TypeError: raise TypeError( "Locations should be an iterable with coordinate pairs," " but instead got {!r}.".format(locations) ) try: next(iter(locations)) except StopIteration: raise ValueError("Locations is empty.") try: float(next(iter(next(iter(next(iter(locations))))))) except (TypeError, StopIteration): # locations is a list of coordinate pairs return [validate_location(coord_pair) for coord_pair in locations] else: # locations is a list of a list of coordinate pairs, recurse return [validate_locations(lst) for lst in locations] def if_pandas_df_convert_to_numpy(obj): """Return a Numpy array from a Pandas dataframe. Iterating over a DataFrame has weird side effects, such as the first row being the column names. Converting to Numpy is more safe. """ if pd is not None and isinstance(obj, pd.DataFrame): return obj.values else: return obj def image_to_url(image, colormap=None, origin="upper"): """ Infers the type of an image argument and transforms it into a URL. Parameters ---------- image: string, file or array-like object * If string, it will be written directly in the output file. * If file, it's content will be converted as embedded in the output file. * If array-like, it will be converted to PNG base64 string and embedded in the output. origin: ['upper' | 'lower'], optional, default 'upper' Place the [0, 0] index of the array in the upper left or lower left corner of the axes. colormap: callable, used only for `mono` image. Function of the form [x -> (r,g,b)] or [x -> (r,g,b,a)] for transforming a mono image into RGB. It must output iterables of length 3 or 4, with values between 0. and 1. You can use colormaps from ``. """ if isinstance(image, str) and not _is_url(image): fileformat = os.path.splitext(image)[-1][1:] with open(image, "rb") as f: img = b64encoded = base64.b64encode(img).decode("utf-8") url = f"data:image/{fileformat};base64,{b64encoded}" elif "ndarray" in image.__class__.__name__: img = write_png(image, origin=origin, colormap=colormap) b64encoded = base64.b64encode(img).decode("utf-8") url = f"data:image/png;base64,{b64encoded}" else: # Round-trip to ensure a nice formatted json. url = json.loads(json.dumps(image)) return url.replace("\n", " ") def _is_url(url): """Check to see if `url` has a valid protocol.""" try: return urlparse(url).scheme in _VALID_URLS except Exception: return False def write_png(data, origin="upper", colormap=None): """ Transform an array of data into a PNG string. This can be written to disk using binary I/O, or encoded using base64 for an inline PNG like this: >>> png_str = write_png(array) >>> "data:image/png;base64," + png_str.encode("base64") Inspired from Parameters ---------- data: numpy array or equivalent list-like object. Must be NxM (mono), NxMx3 (RGB) or NxMx4 (RGBA) origin : ['upper' | 'lower'], optional, default 'upper' Place the [0,0] index of the array in the upper left or lower left corner of the axes. colormap : callable, used only for `mono` image. Function of the form [x -> (r,g,b)] or [x -> (r,g,b,a)] for transforming a mono image into RGB. It must output iterables of length 3 or 4, with values between 0. and 1. Hint: you can use colormaps from ``. Returns ------- PNG formatted byte string """ if colormap is None: def colormap(x): return (x, x, x, 1) arr = np.atleast_3d(data) height, width, nblayers = arr.shape if nblayers not in [1, 3, 4]: raise ValueError("Data must be NxM (mono), NxMx3 (RGB), or NxMx4 (RGBA)") assert arr.shape == (height, width, nblayers) if nblayers == 1: arr = np.array(list(map(colormap, arr.ravel()))) nblayers = arr.shape[1] if nblayers not in [3, 4]: raise ValueError( "colormap must provide colors of length 3 (RGB) or 4 (RGBA)" ) arr = arr.reshape((height, width, nblayers)) assert arr.shape == (height, width, nblayers) if nblayers == 3: arr = np.concatenate((arr, np.ones((height, width, 1))), axis=2) nblayers = 4 assert arr.shape == (height, width, nblayers) assert nblayers == 4 # Normalize to uint8 if it isn't already. if arr.dtype != "uint8": with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): arr = arr * 255.0 / arr.max(axis=(0, 1)).reshape((1, 1, 4)) arr[~np.isfinite(arr)] = 0 arr = arr.astype("uint8") # Eventually flip the image. if origin == "lower": arr = arr[::-1, :, :] # Transform the array to bytes. raw_data = b"".join([b"\x00" + arr[i, :, :].tobytes() for i in range(height)]) def png_pack(png_tag, data): chunk_head = png_tag + data return ( struct.pack("!I", len(data)) + chunk_head + struct.pack("!I", 0xFFFFFFFF & zlib.crc32(chunk_head)) ) return b"".join( [ b"\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n", png_pack(b"IHDR", struct.pack("!2I5B", width, height, 8, 6, 0, 0, 0)), png_pack(b"IDAT", zlib.compress(raw_data, 9)), png_pack(b"IEND", b""), ] ) def mercator_transform(data, lat_bounds, origin="upper", height_out=None): """ Transforms an image computed in (longitude,latitude) coordinates into the a Mercator projection image. Parameters ---------- data: numpy array or equivalent list-like object. Must be NxM (mono), NxMx3 (RGB) or NxMx4 (RGBA) lat_bounds : length 2 tuple Minimal and maximal value of the latitude of the image. Bounds must be between -85.051128779806589 and 85.051128779806589 otherwise they will be clipped to that values. origin : ['upper' | 'lower'], optional, default 'upper' Place the [0,0] index of the array in the upper left or lower left corner of the axes. height_out : int, default None The expected height of the output. If None, the height of the input is used. See for more details. """ import numpy as np def mercator(x): return np.arcsinh(np.tan(x * np.pi / 180.0)) * 180.0 / np.pi array = np.atleast_3d(data).copy() height, width, nblayers = array.shape lat_min = max(lat_bounds[0], -85.051128779806589) lat_max = min(lat_bounds[1], 85.051128779806589) if height_out is None: height_out = height # Eventually flip the image if origin == "upper": array = array[::-1, :, :] lats = lat_min + np.linspace(0.5 / height, 1.0 - 0.5 / height, height) * ( lat_max - lat_min ) latslats = mercator(lat_min) + np.linspace( 0.5 / height_out, 1.0 - 0.5 / height_out, height_out ) * (mercator(lat_max) - mercator(lat_min)) out = np.zeros((height_out, width, nblayers)) for i in range(width): for j in range(nblayers): out[:, i, j] = np.interp(latslats, mercator(lats), array[:, i, j]) # Eventually flip the image. if origin == "upper": out = out[::-1, :, :] return out def none_min(x, y): if x is None: return y elif y is None: return x else: return min(x, y) def none_max(x, y): if x is None: return y elif y is None: return x else: return max(x, y) def iter_coords(obj): """ Returns all the coordinate tuples from a geometry or feature. """ if isinstance(obj, (tuple, list)): coords = obj elif "features" in obj: coords = [geom["geometry"]["coordinates"] for geom in obj["features"]] elif "geometry" in obj: coords = obj["geometry"]["coordinates"] elif "geometries" in obj and "coordinates" in obj["geometries"][0]: coords = obj["geometries"][0]["coordinates"] else: coords = obj.get("coordinates", obj) for coord in coords: if isinstance(coord, (float, int)): yield tuple(coords) break else: yield from iter_coords(coord) def _locations_mirror(x): """ Mirrors the points in a list-of-list-of-...-of-list-of-points. For example: >>> _locations_mirror([[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [5, 6], [7, 8]]) [[[2, 1], [4, 3]], [6, 5], [8, 7]] """ if hasattr(x, "__iter__"): if hasattr(x[0], "__iter__"): return list(map(_locations_mirror, x)) else: return list(x[::-1]) else: return x def get_bounds(locations, lonlat=False): """ Computes the bounds of the object in the form [[lat_min, lon_min], [lat_max, lon_max]] """ bounds = [[None, None], [None, None]] for point in iter_coords(locations): bounds = [ [ none_min(bounds[0][0], point[0]), none_min(bounds[0][1], point[1]), ], [ none_max(bounds[1][0], point[0]), none_max(bounds[1][1], point[1]), ], ] if lonlat: bounds = _locations_mirror(bounds) return bounds def camelize(key): """Convert a python_style_variable_name to lowerCamelCase. Examples -------- >>> camelize("variable_name") 'variableName' >>> camelize("variableName") 'variableName' """ return "".join(x.capitalize() if i > 0 else x for i, x in enumerate(key.split("_"))) def _parse_size(value): try: if isinstance(value, (int, float)): value_type = "px" value = float(value) assert value > 0 else: value_type = "%" value = float(value.strip("%")) assert 0 <= value <= 100 except Exception: msg = "Cannot parse value {!r} as {!r}".format raise ValueError(msg(value, value_type)) return value, value_type def compare_rendered(obj1, obj2): """ Return True/False if the normalized rendered version of two folium map objects are the equal or not. """ return normalize(obj1) == normalize(obj2) def normalize(rendered): """Return the input string without non-functional spaces or newlines.""" out = "".join([line.strip() for line in rendered.splitlines() if line.strip()]) out = out.replace(", ", ",") return out @contextmanager def temp_html_filepath(data): """Yields the path of a temporary HTML file containing data.""" filepath = "" try: fid, filepath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".html", prefix="folium_") os.write(fid, data.encode("utf8") if isinstance(data, str) else data) os.close(fid) yield filepath finally: if os.path.isfile(filepath): os.remove(filepath) def deep_copy(item_original): """Return a recursive deep-copy of item where each copy has a new ID.""" item = copy.copy(item_original) item._id = uuid.uuid4().hex if hasattr(item, "_children") and len(item._children) > 0: children_new = collections.OrderedDict() for subitem_original in item._children.values(): subitem = deep_copy(subitem_original) subitem._parent = item children_new[subitem.get_name()] = subitem item._children = children_new return item def get_obj_in_upper_tree(element, cls): """Return the first object in the parent tree of class `cls`.""" if not hasattr(element, "_parent"): raise ValueError(f"The top of the tree was reached without finding a {cls}") parent = element._parent if not isinstance(parent, cls): return get_obj_in_upper_tree(parent, cls) return parent def parse_options(**kwargs): """Return a dict with lower-camelcase keys and non-None values..""" return {camelize(key): value for key, value in kwargs.items() if value is not None} def escape_backticks(text): """Escape backticks so text can be used in a JS template.""" return re.sub(r"(?