import json import warnings import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pandas import Series, MultiIndex, DataFrame from pandas.core.internals import SingleBlockManager from pyproj import CRS import shapely from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry from shapely.geometry import GeometryCollection from geopandas.base import GeoPandasBase, _delegate_property from geopandas.plotting import plot_series from geopandas.explore import _explore_geoseries import geopandas from . import _compat as compat from ._decorator import doc from .array import ( GeometryDtype, from_shapely, from_wkb, from_wkt, points_from_xy, to_wkb, to_wkt, ) from .base import is_geometry_type def _geoseries_constructor_with_fallback(data=None, index=None, crs=None, **kwargs): """ A flexible constructor for GeoSeries._constructor, which needs to be able to fall back to a Series (if a certain operation does not produce geometries) """ try: return GeoSeries(data=data, index=index, crs=crs, **kwargs) except TypeError: return Series(data=data, index=index, **kwargs) def _geoseries_expanddim(data=None, *args, **kwargs): from geopandas import GeoDataFrame # pd.Series._constructor_expanddim == pd.DataFrame df = pd.DataFrame(data, *args, **kwargs) geo_col_name = None if isinstance(data, GeoSeries): # pandas default column name is 0, keep convention geo_col_name = if is not None else 0 if df.shape[1] == 1: geo_col_name = df.columns[0] if (df.dtypes == "geometry").sum() > 0: if geo_col_name is None or not is_geometry_type(df[geo_col_name]): df = GeoDataFrame(df) df._geometry_column_name = None else: df = df.set_geometry(geo_col_name) return df # pd.concat (pandas/core/reshape/ requires this for the # concatenation of series since pandas 1.1 # ( _geoseries_expanddim._get_axis_number = DataFrame._get_axis_number class GeoSeries(GeoPandasBase, Series): """ A Series object designed to store shapely geometry objects. Parameters ---------- data : array-like, dict, scalar value The geometries to store in the GeoSeries. index : array-like or Index The index for the GeoSeries. crs : value (optional) Coordinate Reference System of the geometry objects. Can be anything accepted by :meth:`pyproj.CRS.from_user_input() `, such as an authority string (eg "EPSG:4326") or a WKT string. kwargs Additional arguments passed to the Series constructor, e.g. ``name``. Examples -------- >>> from shapely.geometry import Point >>> s = geopandas.GeoSeries([Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2), Point(3, 3)]) >>> s 0 POINT (1.00000 1.00000) 1 POINT (2.00000 2.00000) 2 POINT (3.00000 3.00000) dtype: geometry >>> s = geopandas.GeoSeries( ... [Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2), Point(3, 3)], crs="EPSG:3857" ... ) >>> # doctest: +SKIP Name: WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator Axis Info [cartesian]: - X[east]: Easting (metre) - Y[north]: Northing (metre) Area of Use: - name: World - 85°S to 85°N - bounds: (-180.0, -85.06, 180.0, 85.06) Coordinate Operation: - name: Popular Visualisation Pseudo-Mercator - method: Popular Visualisation Pseudo Mercator Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich >>> s = geopandas.GeoSeries( ... [Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2), Point(3, 3)], index=["a", "b", "c"], crs=4326 ... ) >>> s a POINT (1.00000 1.00000) b POINT (2.00000 2.00000) c POINT (3.00000 3.00000) dtype: geometry >>> Name: WGS 84 Axis Info [ellipsoidal]: - Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree) - Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree) Area of Use: - name: World. - bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0) Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 ensemble - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich See Also -------- GeoDataFrame pandas.Series """ _metadata = ["name"] def __init__(self, data=None, index=None, crs=None, **kwargs): if hasattr(data, "crs") and crs: if not # make a copy to avoid setting CRS to passed GeometryArray data = data.copy() else: if not == crs: raise ValueError( "CRS mismatch between CRS of the passed geometries " "and 'crs'. Use 'GeoSeries.set_crs(crs, " "allow_override=True)' to overwrite CRS or " "'GeoSeries.to_crs(crs)' to reproject geometries. " ) if isinstance(data, SingleBlockManager): if isinstance(data.blocks[0].dtype, GeometryDtype): if data.blocks[0].ndim == 2: # bug in pandas 0.23 where in certain indexing operations # (such as .loc) a 2D ExtensionBlock (still with 1D values # is created) which results in other failures # bug in pandas <= 0.25.0 when len(values) == 1 # ( from pandas.core.internals import ExtensionBlock values = data.blocks[0].values block = ExtensionBlock(values, slice(0, len(values), 1), ndim=1) data = SingleBlockManager([block], data.axes[0], fastpath=True) else: raise TypeError( "Non geometry data passed to GeoSeries constructor, " f"received data of dtype '{data.blocks[0].dtype}'" ) if isinstance(data, BaseGeometry): # fix problem for scalar geometries passed, ensure the list of # scalars is of correct length if index is specified n = len(index) if index is not None else 1 data = [data] * n name = kwargs.pop("name", None) if not is_geometry_type(data): # if data is None and dtype is specified (eg from empty overlay # test), specifying dtype raises an error: # kwargs.pop("dtype", None) # Use Series constructor to handle input data with compat.ignore_shapely2_warnings(): # suppress additional warning from pandas for empty data # (will always give object dtype instead of float dtype in the future, # making the `if s.empty: s = s.astype(object)` below unnecessary) empty_msg = "The default dtype for empty Series" warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", empty_msg, DeprecationWarning) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", empty_msg, FutureWarning) s = pd.Series(data, index=index, name=name, **kwargs) # prevent trying to convert non-geometry objects if s.dtype != object: if (s.empty and s.dtype == "float64") or data is None: # pd.Series with empty data gives float64 for older pandas versions s = s.astype(object) else: raise TypeError( "Non geometry data passed to GeoSeries constructor, " f"received data of dtype '{s.dtype}'" ) # try to convert to GeometryArray, if fails return plain Series try: data = from_shapely(s.values, crs) except TypeError: raise TypeError( "Non geometry data passed to GeoSeries constructor, " f"received data of dtype '{s.dtype}'" ) index = s.index name = super().__init__(data, index=index, name=name, **kwargs) if not = crs def append(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._wrapped_pandas_method("append", *args, **kwargs) @property def geometry(self): return self @property def x(self): """Return the x location of point geometries in a GeoSeries Returns ------- pandas.Series Examples -------- >>> from shapely.geometry import Point >>> s = geopandas.GeoSeries([Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2), Point(3, 3)]) >>> s.x 0 1.0 1 2.0 2 3.0 dtype: float64 See Also -------- GeoSeries.y GeoSeries.z """ return _delegate_property("x", self) @property def y(self): """Return the y location of point geometries in a GeoSeries Returns ------- pandas.Series Examples -------- >>> from shapely.geometry import Point >>> s = geopandas.GeoSeries([Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2), Point(3, 3)]) >>> s.y 0 1.0 1 2.0 2 3.0 dtype: float64 See Also -------- GeoSeries.x GeoSeries.z """ return _delegate_property("y", self) @property def z(self): """Return the z location of point geometries in a GeoSeries Returns ------- pandas.Series Examples -------- >>> from shapely.geometry import Point >>> s = geopandas.GeoSeries([Point(1, 1, 1), Point(2, 2, 2), Point(3, 3, 3)]) >>> s.z 0 1.0 1 2.0 2 3.0 dtype: float64 See Also -------- GeoSeries.x GeoSeries.y """ return _delegate_property("z", self) @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename, **kwargs): """Alternate constructor to create a ``GeoSeries`` from a file. Can load a ``GeoSeries`` from a file from any format recognized by `fiona`. See for details. From a file with attributes loads only geometry column. Note that to do that, GeoPandas first loads the whole GeoDataFrame. Parameters ---------- filename : str File path or file handle to read from. Depending on which kwargs are included, the content of filename may vary. See for usage details. kwargs : key-word arguments These arguments are passed to, and can be used to access multi-layer data, data stored within archives (zip files), etc. Examples -------- >>> path = geopandas.datasets.get_path('nybb') >>> s = geopandas.GeoSeries.from_file(path) >>> s 0 MULTIPOLYGON (((970217.022 145643.332, 970227.... 1 MULTIPOLYGON (((1029606.077 156073.814, 102957... 2 MULTIPOLYGON (((1021176.479 151374.797, 102100... 3 MULTIPOLYGON (((981219.056 188655.316, 980940.... 4 MULTIPOLYGON (((1012821.806 229228.265, 101278... Name: geometry, dtype: geometry See Also -------- read_file : read file to GeoDataFame """ from geopandas import GeoDataFrame df = GeoDataFrame.from_file(filename, **kwargs) return GeoSeries(df.geometry, @classmethod def from_wkb(cls, data, index=None, crs=None, **kwargs): """ Alternate constructor to create a ``GeoSeries`` from a list or array of WKB objects Parameters ---------- data : array-like or Series Series, list or array of WKB objects index : array-like or Index The index for the GeoSeries. crs : value, optional Coordinate Reference System of the geometry objects. Can be anything accepted by :meth:`pyproj.CRS.from_user_input() `, such as an authority string (eg "EPSG:4326") or a WKT string. kwargs Additional arguments passed to the Series constructor, e.g. ``name``. Returns ------- GeoSeries See Also -------- GeoSeries.from_wkt """ return cls._from_wkb_or_wkb(from_wkb, data, index=index, crs=crs, **kwargs) @classmethod def from_wkt(cls, data, index=None, crs=None, **kwargs): """ Alternate constructor to create a ``GeoSeries`` from a list or array of WKT objects Parameters ---------- data : array-like, Series Series, list, or array of WKT objects index : array-like or Index The index for the GeoSeries. crs : value, optional Coordinate Reference System of the geometry objects. Can be anything accepted by :meth:`pyproj.CRS.from_user_input() `, such as an authority string (eg "EPSG:4326") or a WKT string. kwargs Additional arguments passed to the Series constructor, e.g. ``name``. Returns ------- GeoSeries See Also -------- GeoSeries.from_wkb Examples -------- >>> wkts = [ ... 'POINT (1 1)', ... 'POINT (2 2)', ... 'POINT (3 3)', ... ] >>> s = geopandas.GeoSeries.from_wkt(wkts) >>> s 0 POINT (1.00000 1.00000) 1 POINT (2.00000 2.00000) 2 POINT (3.00000 3.00000) dtype: geometry """ return cls._from_wkb_or_wkb(from_wkt, data, index=index, crs=crs, **kwargs) @classmethod def from_xy(cls, x, y, z=None, index=None, crs=None, **kwargs): """ Alternate constructor to create a :class:`~geopandas.GeoSeries` of Point geometries from lists or arrays of x, y(, z) coordinates In case of geographic coordinates, it is assumed that longitude is captured by ``x`` coordinates and latitude by ``y``. Parameters ---------- x, y, z : iterable index : array-like or Index, optional The index for the GeoSeries. If not given and all coordinate inputs are Series with an equal index, that index is used. crs : value, optional Coordinate Reference System of the geometry objects. Can be anything accepted by :meth:`pyproj.CRS.from_user_input() `, such as an authority string (eg "EPSG:4326") or a WKT string. **kwargs Additional arguments passed to the Series constructor, e.g. ``name``. Returns ------- GeoSeries See Also -------- GeoSeries.from_wkt points_from_xy Examples -------- >>> x = [2.5, 5, -3.0] >>> y = [0.5, 1, 1.5] >>> s = geopandas.GeoSeries.from_xy(x, y, crs="EPSG:4326") >>> s 0 POINT (2.50000 0.50000) 1 POINT (5.00000 1.00000) 2 POINT (-3.00000 1.50000) dtype: geometry """ if index is None: if ( isinstance(x, Series) and isinstance(y, Series) and x.index.equals(y.index) and (z is None or (isinstance(z, Series) and x.index.equals(z.index))) ): # check if we can reuse index index = x.index return cls(points_from_xy(x, y, z, crs=crs), index=index, crs=crs, **kwargs) @classmethod def _from_wkb_or_wkb( cls, from_wkb_or_wkt_function, data, index=None, crs=None, **kwargs ): """Create a GeoSeries from either WKT or WKB values""" if isinstance(data, Series): if index is not None: data = data.reindex(index) else: index = data.index data = data.values return cls(from_wkb_or_wkt_function(data, crs=crs), index=index, **kwargs) @property def __geo_interface__(self): """Returns a ``GeoSeries`` as a python feature collection. Implements the `geo_interface`. The returned python data structure represents the ``GeoSeries`` as a GeoJSON-like ``FeatureCollection``. Note that the features will have an empty ``properties`` dict as they don't have associated attributes (geometry only). Examples -------- >>> from shapely.geometry import Point >>> s = geopandas.GeoSeries([Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2), Point(3, 3)]) >>> s.__geo_interface__ {'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': [{'id': '0', 'type': 'Feature', \ 'properties': {}, 'geometry': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': (1.0, 1.0)}, \ 'bbox': (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)}, {'id': '1', 'type': 'Feature', \ 'properties': {}, 'geometry': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': (2.0, 2.0)}, \ 'bbox': (2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0)}, {'id': '2', 'type': 'Feature', 'properties': \ {}, 'geometry': {'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': (3.0, 3.0)}, 'bbox': (3.0, \ 3.0, 3.0, 3.0)}], 'bbox': (1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 3.0)} """ from geopandas import GeoDataFrame return GeoDataFrame({"geometry": self}).__geo_interface__ def to_file(self, filename, driver=None, index=None, **kwargs): """Write the ``GeoSeries`` to a file. By default, an ESRI shapefile is written, but any OGR data source supported by Fiona can be written. Parameters ---------- filename : string File path or file handle to write to. The path may specify a GDAL VSI scheme. driver : string, default None The OGR format driver used to write the vector file. If not specified, it attempts to infer it from the file extension. If no extension is specified, it saves ESRI Shapefile to a folder. index : bool, default None If True, write index into one or more columns (for MultiIndex). Default None writes the index into one or more columns only if the index is named, is a MultiIndex, or has a non-integer data type. If False, no index is written. .. versionadded:: 0.7 Previously the index was not written. mode : string, default 'w' The write mode, 'w' to overwrite the existing file and 'a' to append. Not all drivers support appending. The drivers that support appending are listed in fiona.supported_drivers or crs : pyproj.CRS, default None If specified, the CRS is passed to Fiona to better control how the file is written. If None, GeoPandas will determine the crs based on crs df attribute. The value can be anything accepted by :meth:`pyproj.CRS.from_user_input() `, such as an authority string (eg "EPSG:4326") or a WKT string. engine : str, "fiona" or "pyogrio" The underlying library that is used to write the file. Currently, the supported options are "fiona" and "pyogrio". Defaults to "fiona" if installed, otherwise tries "pyogrio". **kwargs : Keyword args to be passed to the engine, and can be used to write to multi-layer data, store data within archives (zip files), etc. In case of the "fiona" engine, the keyword arguments are passed to`. For more information on possible keywords, type: ``import fiona; help(``. In case of the "pyogrio" engine, the keyword arguments are passed to `pyogrio.write_dataframe`. See Also -------- GeoDataFrame.to_file : write GeoDataFrame to file read_file : read file to GeoDataFame Examples -------- >>> s.to_file('series.shp') # doctest: +SKIP >>> s.to_file('series.gpkg', driver='GPKG', layer='name1') # doctest: +SKIP >>> s.to_file('series.geojson', driver='GeoJSON') # doctest: +SKIP """ from geopandas import GeoDataFrame data = GeoDataFrame({"geometry": self}, index=self.index) = data.to_file(filename, driver, index=index, **kwargs) # # Implement pandas methods # @property def _constructor(self): return _geoseries_constructor_with_fallback @property def _constructor_expanddim(self): return _geoseries_expanddim def _wrapped_pandas_method(self, mtd, *args, **kwargs): """Wrap a generic pandas method to ensure it returns a GeoSeries""" val = getattr(super(), mtd)(*args, **kwargs) if type(val) == Series: val.__class__ = GeoSeries = return val def __getitem__(self, key): return self._wrapped_pandas_method("__getitem__", key) @doc(pd.Series) def sort_index(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._wrapped_pandas_method("sort_index", *args, **kwargs) @doc(pd.Series) def take(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._wrapped_pandas_method("take", *args, **kwargs) @doc(pd.Series) def select(self, *args, **kwargs): return self._wrapped_pandas_method("select", *args, **kwargs) @doc(pd.Series) def apply(self, func, convert_dtype=True, args=(), **kwargs): result = super().apply(func, convert_dtype=convert_dtype, args=args, **kwargs) if isinstance(result, GeoSeries): if is not None: result.set_crs(, inplace=True) return result def isna(self): """ Detect missing values. Historically, NA values in a GeoSeries could be represented by empty geometric objects, in addition to standard representations such as None and np.nan. This behaviour is changed in version 0.6.0, and now only actual missing values return True. To detect empty geometries, use ``GeoSeries.is_empty`` instead. Returns ------- A boolean pandas Series of the same size as the GeoSeries, True where a value is NA. Examples -------- >>> from shapely.geometry import Polygon >>> s = geopandas.GeoSeries( ... [Polygon([(0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)]), None, Polygon([])] ... ) >>> s 0 POLYGON ((0.00000 0.00000, 1.00000 1.00000, 0.... 1 None 2 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY dtype: geometry >>> s.isna() 0 False 1 True 2 False dtype: bool See Also -------- GeoSeries.notna : inverse of isna GeoSeries.is_empty : detect empty geometries """ return super().isna() def isnull(self): """Alias for `isna` method. See `isna` for more detail.""" return self.isna() def notna(self): """ Detect non-missing values. Historically, NA values in a GeoSeries could be represented by empty geometric objects, in addition to standard representations such as None and np.nan. This behaviour is changed in version 0.6.0, and now only actual missing values return False. To detect empty geometries, use ``~GeoSeries.is_empty`` instead. Returns ------- A boolean pandas Series of the same size as the GeoSeries, False where a value is NA. Examples -------- >>> from shapely.geometry import Polygon >>> s = geopandas.GeoSeries( ... [Polygon([(0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)]), None, Polygon([])] ... ) >>> s 0 POLYGON ((0.00000 0.00000, 1.00000 1.00000, 0.... 1 None 2 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY dtype: geometry >>> s.notna() 0 True 1 False 2 True dtype: bool See Also -------- GeoSeries.isna : inverse of notna GeoSeries.is_empty : detect empty geometries """ if self.is_empty.any(): warnings.warn( "GeoSeries.notna() previously returned False for both missing (None) " "and empty geometries. Now, it only returns False for missing values. " "Since the calling GeoSeries contains empty geometries, the result " "has changed compared to previous versions of GeoPandas.\n" "Given a GeoSeries 's', you can use '~s.is_empty & s.notna()' to get " "back the old behaviour.\n\n" "To further ignore this warning, you can do: \n" "import warnings; warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', " "'GeoSeries.notna', UserWarning)", UserWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return super().notna() def notnull(self): """Alias for `notna` method. See `notna` for more detail.""" return self.notna() def fillna(self, value=None, method=None, inplace=False, **kwargs): """Fill NA values with a geometry (empty polygon by default). "method" is currently not implemented for pandas <= 0.12. Examples -------- >>> from shapely.geometry import Polygon >>> s = geopandas.GeoSeries( ... [ ... Polygon([(0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 1)]), ... None, ... Polygon([(0, 0), (-1, 1), (0, -1)]), ... ] ... ) >>> s 0 POLYGON ((0.00000 0.00000, 1.00000 1.00000, 0.... 1 None 2 POLYGON ((0.00000 0.00000, -1.00000 1.00000, 0... dtype: geometry >>> s.fillna() 0 POLYGON ((0.00000 0.00000, 1.00000 1.00000, 0.... 1 GEOMETRYCOLLECTION EMPTY 2 POLYGON ((0.00000 0.00000, -1.00000 1.00000, 0... dtype: geometry >>> s.fillna(Polygon([(0, 1), (2, 1), (1, 2)])) 0 POLYGON ((0.00000 0.00000, 1.00000 1.00000, 0.... 1 POLYGON ((0.00000 1.00000, 2.00000 1.00000, 1.... 2 POLYGON ((0.00000 0.00000, -1.00000 1.00000, 0... dtype: geometry See Also -------- GeoSeries.isna : detect missing values """ if value is None: value = GeometryCollection() if compat.SHAPELY_GE_20 else BaseGeometry() return super().fillna(value=value, method=method, inplace=inplace, **kwargs) def __contains__(self, other): """Allow tests of the form "geom in s" Tests whether a GeoSeries contains a geometry. Note: This is not the same as the geometric method "contains". """ if isinstance(other, BaseGeometry): return np.any(self.geom_equals(other)) else: return False @doc(plot_series) def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): return plot_series(self, *args, **kwargs) @doc(_explore_geoseries) def explore(self, *args, **kwargs): """Interactive map based on folium/leaflet.js""" return _explore_geoseries(self, *args, **kwargs) def explode(self, ignore_index=False, index_parts=None): """ Explode multi-part geometries into multiple single geometries. Single rows can become multiple rows. This is analogous to PostGIS's ST_Dump(). The 'path' index is the second level of the returned MultiIndex Parameters ---------- ignore_index : bool, default False If True, the resulting index will be labelled 0, 1, …, n - 1, ignoring `index_parts`. index_parts : boolean, default True If True, the resulting index will be a multi-index (original index with an additional level indicating the multiple geometries: a new zero-based index for each single part geometry per multi-part geometry). Returns ------- A GeoSeries with a MultiIndex. The levels of the MultiIndex are the original index and a zero-based integer index that counts the number of single geometries within a multi-part geometry. Examples -------- >>> from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint >>> s = geopandas.GeoSeries( ... [MultiPoint([(0, 0), (1, 1)]), MultiPoint([(2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4)])] ... ) >>> s 0 MULTIPOINT (0.00000 0.00000, 1.00000 1.00000) 1 MULTIPOINT (2.00000 2.00000, 3.00000 3.00000, ... dtype: geometry >>> s.explode(index_parts=True) 0 0 POINT (0.00000 0.00000) 1 POINT (1.00000 1.00000) 1 0 POINT (2.00000 2.00000) 1 POINT (3.00000 3.00000) 2 POINT (4.00000 4.00000) dtype: geometry See also -------- GeoDataFrame.explode """ if index_parts is None and not ignore_index: warnings.warn( "Currently, index_parts defaults to True, but in the future, " "it will default to False to be consistent with Pandas. " "Use `index_parts=True` to keep the current behavior and True/False " "to silence the warning.", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) index_parts = True if compat.USE_SHAPELY_20 or (compat.USE_PYGEOS and compat.PYGEOS_GE_09): if compat.USE_SHAPELY_20: geometries, outer_idx = shapely.get_parts(, return_index=True ) else: import pygeos # noqa geometries, outer_idx = pygeos.get_parts(, return_index=True ) if len(outer_idx): # Generate inner index as a range per value of outer_idx # 1. identify the start of each run of values in outer_idx # 2. count number of values per run # 3. use cumulative sums to create an incremental range # starting at 0 in each run run_start = np.r_[True, outer_idx[:-1] != outer_idx[1:]] counts = np.diff(np.r_[np.nonzero(run_start)[0], len(outer_idx)]) inner_index = (~run_start).cumsum() inner_index -= np.repeat(inner_index[run_start], counts) else: inner_index = [] # extract original index values based on integer index outer_index = self.index.take(outer_idx) if ignore_index: index = range(len(geometries)) elif index_parts: nlevels = outer_index.nlevels index_arrays = [ outer_index.get_level_values(lvl) for lvl in range(nlevels) ] index_arrays.append(inner_index) index = MultiIndex.from_arrays( index_arrays, names=self.index.names + [None] ) else: index = outer_index return GeoSeries(geometries, index=index, # else PyGEOS is not available or version <= 0.8 index = [] geometries = [] for idx, s in self.geometry.items(): if s.geom_type.startswith("Multi") or s.geom_type == "GeometryCollection": geoms = s.geoms idxs = [(idx, i) for i in range(len(geoms))] else: geoms = [s] idxs = [(idx, 0)] index.extend(idxs) geometries.extend(geoms) if ignore_index: index = range(len(geometries)) elif index_parts: # if self.index is a MultiIndex then index is a list of nested tuples if isinstance(self.index, MultiIndex): index = [tuple(outer) + (inner,) for outer, inner in index] index = MultiIndex.from_tuples(index, names=self.index.names + [None]) else: index = [idx for idx, _ in index] return GeoSeries(geometries, index=index, # # Additional methods # def set_crs(self, crs=None, epsg=None, inplace=False, allow_override=False): """ Set the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) of a ``GeoSeries``. NOTE: The underlying geometries are not transformed to this CRS. To transform the geometries to a new CRS, use the ``to_crs`` method. Parameters ---------- crs : pyproj.CRS, optional if `epsg` is specified The value can be anything accepted by :meth:`pyproj.CRS.from_user_input() `, such as an authority string (eg "EPSG:4326") or a WKT string. epsg : int, optional if `crs` is specified EPSG code specifying the projection. inplace : bool, default False If True, the CRS of the GeoSeries will be changed in place (while still returning the result) instead of making a copy of the GeoSeries. allow_override : bool, default False If the the GeoSeries already has a CRS, allow to replace the existing CRS, even when both are not equal. Returns ------- GeoSeries Examples -------- >>> from shapely.geometry import Point >>> s = geopandas.GeoSeries([Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2), Point(3, 3)]) >>> s 0 POINT (1.00000 1.00000) 1 POINT (2.00000 2.00000) 2 POINT (3.00000 3.00000) dtype: geometry Setting CRS to a GeoSeries without one: >>> is None True >>> s = s.set_crs('epsg:3857') >>> # doctest: +SKIP Name: WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator Axis Info [cartesian]: - X[east]: Easting (metre) - Y[north]: Northing (metre) Area of Use: - name: World - 85°S to 85°N - bounds: (-180.0, -85.06, 180.0, 85.06) Coordinate Operation: - name: Popular Visualisation Pseudo-Mercator - method: Popular Visualisation Pseudo Mercator Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich Overriding existing CRS: >>> s = s.set_crs(4326, allow_override=True) Without ``allow_override=True``, ``set_crs`` returns an error if you try to override CRS. See Also -------- GeoSeries.to_crs : re-project to another CRS """ if crs is not None: crs = CRS.from_user_input(crs) elif epsg is not None: crs = CRS.from_epsg(epsg) else: raise ValueError("Must pass either crs or epsg.") if not allow_override and is not None and not == crs: raise ValueError( "The GeoSeries already has a CRS which is not equal to the passed " "CRS. Specify 'allow_override=True' to allow replacing the existing " "CRS without doing any transformation. If you actually want to " "transform the geometries, use 'GeoSeries.to_crs' instead." ) if not inplace: result = self.copy() else: result = self = crs return result def to_crs(self, crs=None, epsg=None): """Returns a ``GeoSeries`` with all geometries transformed to a new coordinate reference system. Transform all geometries in a GeoSeries to a different coordinate reference system. The ``crs`` attribute on the current GeoSeries must be set. Either ``crs`` or ``epsg`` may be specified for output. This method will transform all points in all objects. It has no notion or projecting entire geometries. All segments joining points are assumed to be lines in the current projection, not geodesics. Objects crossing the dateline (or other projection boundary) will have undesirable behavior. Parameters ---------- crs : pyproj.CRS, optional if `epsg` is specified The value can be anything accepted by :meth:`pyproj.CRS.from_user_input() `, such as an authority string (eg "EPSG:4326") or a WKT string. epsg : int, optional if `crs` is specified EPSG code specifying output projection. Returns ------- GeoSeries Examples -------- >>> from shapely.geometry import Point >>> s = geopandas.GeoSeries([Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2), Point(3, 3)], crs=4326) >>> s 0 POINT (1.00000 1.00000) 1 POINT (2.00000 2.00000) 2 POINT (3.00000 3.00000) dtype: geometry >>> # doctest: +SKIP Name: WGS 84 Axis Info [ellipsoidal]: - Lat[north]: Geodetic latitude (degree) - Lon[east]: Geodetic longitude (degree) Area of Use: - name: World - bounds: (-180.0, -90.0, 180.0, 90.0) Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich >>> s = s.to_crs(3857) >>> s 0 POINT (111319.491 111325.143) 1 POINT (222638.982 222684.209) 2 POINT (333958.472 334111.171) dtype: geometry >>> # doctest: +SKIP Name: WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator Axis Info [cartesian]: - X[east]: Easting (metre) - Y[north]: Northing (metre) Area of Use: - name: World - 85°S to 85°N - bounds: (-180.0, -85.06, 180.0, 85.06) Coordinate Operation: - name: Popular Visualisation Pseudo-Mercator - method: Popular Visualisation Pseudo Mercator Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich See Also -------- GeoSeries.set_crs : assign CRS """ return GeoSeries( self.values.to_crs(crs=crs, epsg=epsg), index=self.index, ) def estimate_utm_crs(self, datum_name="WGS 84"): """Returns the estimated UTM CRS based on the bounds of the dataset. .. versionadded:: 0.9 .. note:: Requires pyproj 3+ Parameters ---------- datum_name : str, optional The name of the datum to use in the query. Default is WGS 84. Returns ------- pyproj.CRS Examples -------- >>> world = geopandas.read_file( ... geopandas.datasets.get_path("naturalearth_lowres") ... ) >>> germany = world.loc[ == "Germany"] >>> germany.geometry.estimate_utm_crs() # doctest: +SKIP Name: WGS 84 / UTM zone 32N Axis Info [cartesian]: - E[east]: Easting (metre) - N[north]: Northing (metre) Area of Use: - name: World - N hemisphere - 6°E to 12°E - by country - bounds: (6.0, 0.0, 12.0, 84.0) Coordinate Operation: - name: UTM zone 32N - method: Transverse Mercator Datum: World Geodetic System 1984 - Ellipsoid: WGS 84 - Prime Meridian: Greenwich """ return self.values.estimate_utm_crs(datum_name) def to_json(self, **kwargs): """ Returns a GeoJSON string representation of the GeoSeries. Parameters ---------- *kwargs* that will be passed to json.dumps(). Returns ------- JSON string Examples -------- >>> from shapely.geometry import Point >>> s = geopandas.GeoSeries([Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2), Point(3, 3)]) >>> s 0 POINT (1.00000 1.00000) 1 POINT (2.00000 2.00000) 2 POINT (3.00000 3.00000) dtype: geometry >>> s.to_json() '{"type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [{"id": "0", "type": "Feature", "pr\ operties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [1.0, 1.0]}, "bbox": [1.0,\ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]}, {"id": "1", "type": "Feature", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type"\ : "Point", "coordinates": [2.0, 2.0]}, "bbox": [2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0]}, {"id": "2", "typ\ e": "Feature", "properties": {}, "geometry": {"type": "Point", "coordinates": [3.0, 3.\ 0]}, "bbox": [3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0]}], "bbox": [1.0, 1.0, 3.0, 3.0]}' See Also -------- GeoSeries.to_file : write GeoSeries to file """ return json.dumps(self.__geo_interface__, **kwargs) def to_wkb(self, hex=False, **kwargs): """ Convert GeoSeries geometries to WKB Parameters ---------- hex : bool If true, export the WKB as a hexadecimal string. The default is to return a binary bytes object. kwargs Additional keyword args will be passed to :func:`pygeos.to_wkb` if pygeos is installed. Returns ------- Series WKB representations of the geometries See also -------- GeoSeries.to_wkt """ return Series(to_wkb(self.array, hex=hex, **kwargs), index=self.index) def to_wkt(self, **kwargs): """ Convert GeoSeries geometries to WKT Parameters ---------- kwargs Keyword args will be passed to :func:`pygeos.to_wkt` if pygeos is installed. Returns ------- Series WKT representations of the geometries Examples -------- >>> from shapely.geometry import Point >>> s = geopandas.GeoSeries([Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2), Point(3, 3)]) >>> s 0 POINT (1.00000 1.00000) 1 POINT (2.00000 2.00000) 2 POINT (3.00000 3.00000) dtype: geometry >>> s.to_wkt() 0 POINT (1 1) 1 POINT (2 2) 2 POINT (3 3) dtype: object See also -------- GeoSeries.to_wkb """ return Series(to_wkt(self.array, **kwargs), index=self.index) # # Implement standard operators for GeoSeries # def __xor__(self, other): """Implement ^ operator as for builtin set type""" warnings.warn( "'^' operator will be deprecated. Use the 'symmetric_difference' " "method instead.", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.symmetric_difference(other) def __or__(self, other): """Implement | operator as for builtin set type""" warnings.warn( "'|' operator will be deprecated. Use the 'union' method instead.", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.union(other) def __and__(self, other): """Implement & operator as for builtin set type""" warnings.warn( "'&' operator will be deprecated. Use the 'intersection' method instead.", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.intersection(other) def __sub__(self, other): """Implement - operator as for builtin set type""" warnings.warn( "'-' operator will be deprecated. Use the 'difference' method instead.", FutureWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.difference(other) def clip(self, mask, keep_geom_type=False): """Clip points, lines, or polygon geometries to the mask extent. Both layers must be in the same Coordinate Reference System (CRS). The GeoSeries will be clipped to the full extent of the `mask` object. If there are multiple polygons in mask, data from the GeoSeries will be clipped to the total boundary of all polygons in mask. Parameters ---------- mask : GeoDataFrame, GeoSeries, (Multi)Polygon, list-like Polygon vector layer used to clip `gdf`. The mask's geometry is dissolved into one geometric feature and intersected with GeoSeries. If the mask is list-like with four elements ``(minx, miny, maxx, maxy)``, ``clip`` will use a faster rectangle clipping (:meth:`~GeoSeries.clip_by_rect`), possibly leading to slightly different results. keep_geom_type : boolean, default False If True, return only geometries of original type in case of intersection resulting in multiple geometry types or GeometryCollections. If False, return all resulting geometries (potentially mixed-types). Returns ------- GeoSeries Vector data (points, lines, polygons) from `gdf` clipped to polygon boundary from mask. See also -------- clip : top-level function for clip Examples -------- Clip points (global cities) with a polygon (the South American continent): >>> world = geopandas.read_file( ... geopandas.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_lowres')) >>> south_america = world[world['continent'] == "South America"] >>> capitals = geopandas.read_file( ... geopandas.datasets.get_path('naturalearth_cities')) >>> capitals.shape (243, 2) >>> sa_capitals = capitals.geometry.clip(south_america) >>> sa_capitals.shape (15,) """ return geopandas.clip(self, mask=mask, keep_geom_type=keep_geom_type)