from matplotlib import _api, backend_tools, cbook, widgets class ToolEvent: """Event for tool manipulation (add/remove).""" def __init__(self, name, sender, tool, data=None): = name self.sender = sender self.tool = tool = data class ToolTriggerEvent(ToolEvent): """Event to inform that a tool has been triggered.""" def __init__(self, name, sender, tool, canvasevent=None, data=None): super().__init__(name, sender, tool, data) self.canvasevent = canvasevent class ToolManagerMessageEvent: """ Event carrying messages from toolmanager. Messages usually get displayed to the user by the toolbar. """ def __init__(self, name, sender, message): = name self.sender = sender self.message = message class ToolManager: """ Manager for actions triggered by user interactions (key press, toolbar clicks, ...) on a Figure. Attributes ---------- figure : `.Figure` keypresslock : `~matplotlib.widgets.LockDraw` `.LockDraw` object to know if the `canvas` key_press_event is locked. messagelock : `~matplotlib.widgets.LockDraw` `.LockDraw` object to know if the message is available to write. """ def __init__(self, figure=None): self._key_press_handler_id = None self._tools = {} self._keys = {} self._toggled = {} self._callbacks = cbook.CallbackRegistry() # to process keypress event self.keypresslock = widgets.LockDraw() self.messagelock = widgets.LockDraw() self._figure = None self.set_figure(figure) @property def canvas(self): """Canvas managed by FigureManager.""" if not self._figure: return None return self._figure.canvas @property def figure(self): """Figure that holds the canvas.""" return self._figure @figure.setter def figure(self, figure): self.set_figure(figure) def set_figure(self, figure, update_tools=True): """ Bind the given figure to the tools. Parameters ---------- figure : `.Figure` update_tools : bool, default: True Force tools to update figure. """ if self._key_press_handler_id: self.canvas.mpl_disconnect(self._key_press_handler_id) self._figure = figure if figure: self._key_press_handler_id = self.canvas.mpl_connect( 'key_press_event', self._key_press) if update_tools: for tool in self._tools.values(): tool.figure = figure def toolmanager_connect(self, s, func): """ Connect event with string *s* to *func*. Parameters ---------- s : str The name of the event. The following events are recognized: - 'tool_message_event' - 'tool_removed_event' - 'tool_added_event' For every tool added a new event is created - 'tool_trigger_TOOLNAME', where TOOLNAME is the id of the tool. func : callable Callback function for the toolmanager event with signature:: def func(event: ToolEvent) -> Any Returns ------- cid The callback id for the connection. This can be used in `.toolmanager_disconnect`. """ return self._callbacks.connect(s, func) def toolmanager_disconnect(self, cid): """ Disconnect callback id *cid*. Example usage:: cid = toolmanager.toolmanager_connect('tool_trigger_zoom', onpress) #...later toolmanager.toolmanager_disconnect(cid) """ return self._callbacks.disconnect(cid) def message_event(self, message, sender=None): """Emit a `ToolManagerMessageEvent`.""" if sender is None: sender = self s = 'tool_message_event' event = ToolManagerMessageEvent(s, sender, message) self._callbacks.process(s, event) @property def active_toggle(self): """Currently toggled tools.""" return self._toggled def get_tool_keymap(self, name): """ Return the keymap associated with the specified tool. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the Tool. Returns ------- list of str List of keys associated with the tool. """ keys = [k for k, i in self._keys.items() if i == name] return keys def _remove_keys(self, name): for k in self.get_tool_keymap(name): del self._keys[k] def update_keymap(self, name, key): """ Set the keymap to associate with the specified tool. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the Tool. key : str or list of str Keys to associate with the tool. """ if name not in self._tools: raise KeyError(f'{name!r} not in Tools') self._remove_keys(name) if isinstance(key, str): key = [key] for k in key: if k in self._keys: _api.warn_external( f'Key {k} changed from {self._keys[k]} to {name}') self._keys[k] = name def remove_tool(self, name): """ Remove tool named *name*. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the tool. """ tool = self.get_tool(name) destroy = _api.deprecate_method_override( backend_tools.ToolBase.destroy, tool, since="3.6", alternative="tool_removed_event") if destroy is not None: destroy() # If it's a toggle tool and toggled, untoggle if getattr(tool, 'toggled', False): self.trigger_tool(tool, 'toolmanager') self._remove_keys(name) event = ToolEvent('tool_removed_event', self, tool) self._callbacks.process(, event) del self._tools[name] def add_tool(self, name, tool, *args, **kwargs): """ Add *tool* to `ToolManager`. If successful, adds a new event ``tool_trigger_{name}`` where ``{name}`` is the *name* of the tool; the event is fired every time the tool is triggered. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the tool, treated as the ID, has to be unique. tool : type Class of the tool to be added. A subclass will be used instead if one was registered for the current canvas class. Notes ----- args and kwargs get passed directly to the tools constructor. See Also -------- matplotlib.backend_tools.ToolBase : The base class for tools. """ tool_cls = backend_tools._find_tool_class(type(self.canvas), tool) if not tool_cls: raise ValueError('Impossible to find class for %s' % str(tool)) if name in self._tools: _api.warn_external('A "Tool class" with the same name already ' 'exists, not added') return self._tools[name] tool_obj = tool_cls(self, name, *args, **kwargs) self._tools[name] = tool_obj if tool_obj.default_keymap is not None: self.update_keymap(name, tool_obj.default_keymap) # For toggle tools init the radio_group in self._toggled if isinstance(tool_obj, backend_tools.ToolToggleBase): # None group is not mutually exclusive, a set is used to keep track # of all toggled tools in this group if tool_obj.radio_group is None: self._toggled.setdefault(None, set()) else: self._toggled.setdefault(tool_obj.radio_group, None) # If initially toggled if tool_obj.toggled: self._handle_toggle(tool_obj, None, None) tool_obj.set_figure(self.figure) event = ToolEvent('tool_added_event', self, tool_obj) self._callbacks.process(, event) return tool_obj def _handle_toggle(self, tool, canvasevent, data): """ Toggle tools, need to untoggle prior to using other Toggle tool. Called from trigger_tool. Parameters ---------- tool : `.ToolBase` canvasevent : Event Original Canvas event or None. data : object Extra data to pass to the tool when triggering. """ radio_group = tool.radio_group # radio_group None is not mutually exclusive # just keep track of toggled tools in this group if radio_group is None: if in self._toggled[None]: self._toggled[None].remove( else: self._toggled[None].add( return # If the tool already has a toggled state, untoggle it if self._toggled[radio_group] == toggled = None # If no tool was toggled in the radio_group # toggle it elif self._toggled[radio_group] is None: toggled = # Other tool in the radio_group is toggled else: # Untoggle previously toggled tool self.trigger_tool(self._toggled[radio_group], self, canvasevent, data) toggled = # Keep track of the toggled tool in the radio_group self._toggled[radio_group] = toggled def trigger_tool(self, name, sender=None, canvasevent=None, data=None): """ Trigger a tool and emit the ``tool_trigger_{name}`` event. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the tool. sender : object Object that wishes to trigger the tool. canvasevent : Event Original Canvas event or None. data : object Extra data to pass to the tool when triggering. """ tool = self.get_tool(name) if tool is None: return if sender is None: sender = self if isinstance(tool, backend_tools.ToolToggleBase): self._handle_toggle(tool, canvasevent, data) tool.trigger(sender, canvasevent, data) # Actually trigger Tool. s = 'tool_trigger_%s' % name event = ToolTriggerEvent(s, sender, tool, canvasevent, data) self._callbacks.process(s, event) def _key_press(self, event): if event.key is None or self.keypresslock.locked(): return name = self._keys.get(event.key, None) if name is None: return self.trigger_tool(name, canvasevent=event) @property def tools(self): """A dict mapping tool name -> controlled tool.""" return self._tools def get_tool(self, name, warn=True): """ Return the tool object with the given name. For convenience, this passes tool objects through. Parameters ---------- name : str or `.ToolBase` Name of the tool, or the tool itself. warn : bool, default: True Whether a warning should be emitted it no tool with the given name exists. Returns ------- `.ToolBase` or None The tool or None if no tool with the given name exists. """ if (isinstance(name, backend_tools.ToolBase) and in self._tools): return name if name not in self._tools: if warn: _api.warn_external( f"ToolManager does not control tool {name!r}") return None return self._tools[name]