""" shapefile.py Provides read and write support for ESRI Shapefiles. authors: jlawheadgeospatialpython.com maintainer: karim.bahgat.norwaygmail.com Compatible with Python versions 2.7-3.x """ __version__ = "2.3.1" from struct import pack, unpack, calcsize, error, Struct import os import sys import time import array import tempfile import logging import io from datetime import date import zipfile # Create named logger logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Module settings VERBOSE = True # Constants for shape types NULL = 0 POINT = 1 POLYLINE = 3 POLYGON = 5 MULTIPOINT = 8 POINTZ = 11 POLYLINEZ = 13 POLYGONZ = 15 MULTIPOINTZ = 18 POINTM = 21 POLYLINEM = 23 POLYGONM = 25 MULTIPOINTM = 28 MULTIPATCH = 31 SHAPETYPE_LOOKUP = { 0: 'NULL', 1: 'POINT', 3: 'POLYLINE', 5: 'POLYGON', 8: 'MULTIPOINT', 11: 'POINTZ', 13: 'POLYLINEZ', 15: 'POLYGONZ', 18: 'MULTIPOINTZ', 21: 'POINTM', 23: 'POLYLINEM', 25: 'POLYGONM', 28: 'MULTIPOINTM', 31: 'MULTIPATCH'} TRIANGLE_STRIP = 0 TRIANGLE_FAN = 1 OUTER_RING = 2 INNER_RING = 3 FIRST_RING = 4 RING = 5 PARTTYPE_LOOKUP = { 0: 'TRIANGLE_STRIP', 1: 'TRIANGLE_FAN', 2: 'OUTER_RING', 3: 'INNER_RING', 4: 'FIRST_RING', 5: 'RING'} # Python 2-3 handling PYTHON3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3 if PYTHON3: xrange = range izip = zip from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse from urllib.error import HTTPError from urllib.request import urlopen, Request else: from itertools import izip from urlparse import urlparse, urlunparse from urllib2 import HTTPError from urllib2 import urlopen, Request # Helpers MISSING = [None,''] NODATA = -10e38 # as per the ESRI shapefile spec, only used for m-values. if PYTHON3: def b(v, encoding='utf-8', encodingErrors='strict'): if isinstance(v, str): # For python 3 encode str to bytes. return v.encode(encoding, encodingErrors) elif isinstance(v, bytes): # Already bytes. return v elif v is None: # Since we're dealing with text, interpret None as "" return b"" else: # Force string representation. return str(v).encode(encoding, encodingErrors) def u(v, encoding='utf-8', encodingErrors='strict'): if isinstance(v, bytes): # For python 3 decode bytes to str. return v.decode(encoding, encodingErrors) elif isinstance(v, str): # Already str. return v elif v is None: # Since we're dealing with text, interpret None as "" return "" else: # Force string representation. return bytes(v).decode(encoding, encodingErrors) def is_string(v): return isinstance(v, str) else: def b(v, encoding='utf-8', encodingErrors='strict'): if isinstance(v, unicode): # For python 2 encode unicode to bytes. return v.encode(encoding, encodingErrors) elif isinstance(v, bytes): # Already bytes. return v elif v is None: # Since we're dealing with text, interpret None as "" return "" else: # Force string representation. return unicode(v).encode(encoding, encodingErrors) def u(v, encoding='utf-8', encodingErrors='strict'): if isinstance(v, bytes): # For python 2 decode bytes to unicode. return v.decode(encoding, encodingErrors) elif isinstance(v, unicode): # Already unicode. return v elif v is None: # Since we're dealing with text, interpret None as "" return u"" else: # Force string representation. return bytes(v).decode(encoding, encodingErrors) def is_string(v): return isinstance(v, basestring) if sys.version_info[0:2] >= (3, 6): def pathlike_obj(path): if isinstance(path, os.PathLike): return os.fsdecode(path) else: return path else: def pathlike_obj(path): if is_string(path): return path elif hasattr(path, "__fspath__"): return path.__fspath__() else: try: return str(path) except: return path # Begin class _Array(array.array): """Converts python tuples to lists of the appropriate type. Used to unpack different shapefile header parts.""" def __repr__(self): return str(self.tolist()) def signed_area(coords, fast=False): """Return the signed area enclosed by a ring using the linear time algorithm. A value >= 0 indicates a counter-clockwise oriented ring. A faster version is possible by setting 'fast' to True, which returns 2x the area, e.g. if you're only interested in the sign of the area. """ xs, ys = map(list, list(zip(*coords))[:2]) # ignore any z or m values xs.append(xs[1]) ys.append(ys[1]) area2 = sum(xs[i]*(ys[i+1]-ys[i-1]) for i in range(1, len(coords))) if fast: return area2 else: return area2 / 2.0 def is_cw(coords): """Returns True if a polygon ring has clockwise orientation, determined by a negatively signed area. """ area2 = signed_area(coords, fast=True) return area2 < 0 def rewind(coords): """Returns the input coords in reversed order. """ return list(reversed(coords)) def ring_bbox(coords): """Calculates and returns the bounding box of a ring. """ xs,ys = zip(*coords) bbox = min(xs),min(ys),max(xs),max(ys) return bbox def bbox_overlap(bbox1, bbox2): """Tests whether two bounding boxes overlap, returning a boolean """ xmin1,ymin1,xmax1,ymax1 = bbox1 xmin2,ymin2,xmax2,ymax2 = bbox2 overlap = (xmin1 <= xmax2 and xmax1 >= xmin2 and ymin1 <= ymax2 and ymax1 >= ymin2) return overlap def bbox_contains(bbox1, bbox2): """Tests whether bbox1 fully contains bbox2, returning a boolean """ xmin1,ymin1,xmax1,ymax1 = bbox1 xmin2,ymin2,xmax2,ymax2 = bbox2 contains = (xmin1 < xmin2 and xmax1 > xmax2 and ymin1 < ymin2 and ymax1 > ymax2) return contains def ring_contains_point(coords, p): """Fast point-in-polygon crossings algorithm, MacMartin optimization. Adapted from code by Eric Haynes http://www.realtimerendering.com/resources/GraphicsGems//gemsiv/ptpoly_haines/ptinpoly.c Original description: Shoot a test ray along +X axis. The strategy, from MacMartin, is to compare vertex Y values to the testing point's Y and quickly discard edges which are entirely to one side of the test ray. """ tx,ty = p # get initial test bit for above/below X axis vtx0 = coords[0] yflag0 = ( vtx0[1] >= ty ) inside_flag = False for vtx1 in coords[1:]: yflag1 = ( vtx1[1] >= ty ) # check if endpoints straddle (are on opposite sides) of X axis # (i.e. the Y's differ); if so, +X ray could intersect this edge. if yflag0 != yflag1: xflag0 = ( vtx0[0] >= tx ) # check if endpoints are on same side of the Y axis (i.e. X's # are the same); if so, it's easy to test if edge hits or misses. if xflag0 == ( vtx1[0] >= tx ): # if edge's X values both right of the point, must hit if xflag0: inside_flag = not inside_flag else: # compute intersection of pgon segment with +X ray, note # if >= point's X; if so, the ray hits it. if ( vtx1[0] - (vtx1[1]-ty) * ( vtx0[0]-vtx1[0]) / (vtx0[1]-vtx1[1]) ) >= tx: inside_flag = not inside_flag # move to next pair of vertices, retaining info as possible yflag0 = yflag1 vtx0 = vtx1 return inside_flag def ring_sample(coords, ccw=False): """Return a sample point guaranteed to be within a ring, by efficiently finding the first centroid of a coordinate triplet whose orientation matches the orientation of the ring and passes the point-in-ring test. The orientation of the ring is assumed to be clockwise, unless ccw (counter-clockwise) is set to True. """ triplet = [] def itercoords(): # iterate full closed ring for p in coords: yield p # finally, yield the second coordinate to the end to allow checking the last triplet yield coords[1] for p in itercoords(): # add point to triplet (but not if duplicate) if p not in triplet: triplet.append(p) # new triplet, try to get sample if len(triplet) == 3: # check that triplet does not form a straight line (not a triangle) is_straight_line = (triplet[0][1] - triplet[1][1]) * (triplet[0][0] - triplet[2][0]) == (triplet[0][1] - triplet[2][1]) * (triplet[0][0] - triplet[1][0]) if not is_straight_line: # get triplet orientation closed_triplet = triplet + [triplet[0]] triplet_ccw = not is_cw(closed_triplet) # check that triplet has the same orientation as the ring (means triangle is inside the ring) if ccw == triplet_ccw: # get triplet centroid xs,ys = zip(*triplet) xmean,ymean = sum(xs) / 3.0, sum(ys) / 3.0 # check that triplet centroid is truly inside the ring if ring_contains_point(coords, (xmean,ymean)): return xmean,ymean # failed to get sample point from this triplet # remove oldest triplet coord to allow iterating to next triplet triplet.pop(0) else: raise Exception('Unexpected error: Unable to find a ring sample point.') def ring_contains_ring(coords1, coords2): '''Returns True if all vertexes in coords2 are fully inside coords1. ''' return all((ring_contains_point(coords1, p2) for p2 in coords2)) def organize_polygon_rings(rings, return_errors=None): '''Organize a list of coordinate rings into one or more polygons with holes. Returns a list of polygons, where each polygon is composed of a single exterior ring, and one or more interior holes. If a return_errors dict is provided (optional), any errors encountered will be added to it. Rings must be closed, and cannot intersect each other (non-self-intersecting polygon). Rings are determined as exteriors if they run in clockwise direction, or interior holes if they run in counter-clockwise direction. This method is used to construct GeoJSON (multi)polygons from the shapefile polygon shape type, which does not explicitly store the structure of the polygons beyond exterior/interior ring orientation. ''' # first iterate rings and classify as exterior or hole exteriors = [] holes = [] for ring in rings: # shapefile format defines a polygon as a sequence of rings # where exterior rings are clockwise, and holes counterclockwise if is_cw(ring): # ring is exterior exteriors.append(ring) else: # ring is a hole holes.append(ring) # if only one exterior, then all holes belong to that exterior if len(exteriors) == 1: # exit early poly = [exteriors[0]] + holes polys = [poly] return polys # multiple exteriors, ie multi-polygon, have to group holes with correct exterior # shapefile format does not specify which holes belong to which exteriors # so have to do efficient multi-stage checking of hole-to-exterior containment elif len(exteriors) > 1: # exit early if no holes if not holes: polys = [] for ext in exteriors: poly = [ext] polys.append(poly) return polys # first determine each hole's candidate exteriors based on simple bbox contains test hole_exteriors = dict([(hole_i,[]) for hole_i in xrange(len(holes))]) exterior_bboxes = [ring_bbox(ring) for ring in exteriors] for hole_i in hole_exteriors.keys(): hole_bbox = ring_bbox(holes[hole_i]) for ext_i,ext_bbox in enumerate(exterior_bboxes): if bbox_contains(ext_bbox, hole_bbox): hole_exteriors[hole_i].append( ext_i ) # then, for holes with still more than one possible exterior, do more detailed hole-in-ring test for hole_i,exterior_candidates in hole_exteriors.items(): if len(exterior_candidates) > 1: # get hole sample point ccw = not is_cw(holes[hole_i]) hole_sample = ring_sample(holes[hole_i], ccw=ccw) # collect new exterior candidates new_exterior_candidates = [] for ext_i in exterior_candidates: # check that hole sample point is inside exterior hole_in_exterior = ring_contains_point(exteriors[ext_i], hole_sample) if hole_in_exterior: new_exterior_candidates.append(ext_i) # set new exterior candidates hole_exteriors[hole_i] = new_exterior_candidates # if still holes with more than one possible exterior, means we have an exterior hole nested inside another exterior's hole for hole_i,exterior_candidates in hole_exteriors.items(): if len(exterior_candidates) > 1: # exterior candidate with the smallest area is the hole's most immediate parent ext_i = sorted(exterior_candidates, key=lambda x: abs(signed_area(exteriors[x], fast=True)))[0] hole_exteriors[hole_i] = [ext_i] # separate out holes that are orphaned (not contained by any exterior) orphan_holes = [] for hole_i,exterior_candidates in list(hole_exteriors.items()): if not exterior_candidates: orphan_holes.append( hole_i ) del hole_exteriors[hole_i] continue # each hole should now only belong to one exterior, group into exterior-holes polygons polys = [] for ext_i,ext in enumerate(exteriors): poly = [ext] # find relevant holes poly_holes = [] for hole_i,exterior_candidates in list(hole_exteriors.items()): # hole is relevant if previously matched with this exterior if exterior_candidates[0] == ext_i: poly_holes.append( holes[hole_i] ) poly += poly_holes polys.append(poly) # add orphan holes as exteriors for hole_i in orphan_holes: ext = holes[hole_i] # add as single exterior without any holes poly = [ext] polys.append(poly) if orphan_holes and return_errors is not None: return_errors['polygon_orphaned_holes'] = len(orphan_holes) return polys # no exteriors, be nice and assume due to incorrect winding order else: if return_errors is not None: return_errors['polygon_only_holes'] = len(holes) exteriors = holes # add as single exterior without any holes polys = [[ext] for ext in exteriors] return polys class Shape(object): def __init__(self, shapeType=NULL, points=None, parts=None, partTypes=None, oid=None): """Stores the geometry of the different shape types specified in the Shapefile spec. Shape types are usually point, polyline, or polygons. Every shape type except the "Null" type contains points at some level for example vertices in a polygon. If a shape type has multiple shapes containing points within a single geometry record then those shapes are called parts. Parts are designated by their starting index in geometry record's list of shapes. For MultiPatch geometry, partTypes designates the patch type of each of the parts. """ self.shapeType = shapeType self.points = points or [] self.parts = parts or [] if partTypes: self.partTypes = partTypes # and a dict to silently record any errors encountered self._errors = {} # add oid if oid is not None: self.__oid = oid else: self.__oid = -1 @property def __geo_interface__(self): if self.shapeType in [POINT, POINTM, POINTZ]: # point if len(self.points) == 0: # the shape has no coordinate information, i.e. is 'empty' # the geojson spec does not define a proper null-geometry type # however, it does allow geometry types with 'empty' coordinates to be interpreted as null-geometries return {'type':'Point', 'coordinates':tuple()} else: return { 'type': 'Point', 'coordinates': tuple(self.points[0]) } elif self.shapeType in [MULTIPOINT, MULTIPOINTM, MULTIPOINTZ]: if len(self.points) == 0: # the shape has no coordinate information, i.e. is 'empty' # the geojson spec does not define a proper null-geometry type # however, it does allow geometry types with 'empty' coordinates to be interpreted as null-geometries return {'type':'MultiPoint', 'coordinates':[]} else: # multipoint return { 'type': 'MultiPoint', 'coordinates': [tuple(p) for p in self.points] } elif self.shapeType in [POLYLINE, POLYLINEM, POLYLINEZ]: if len(self.parts) == 0: # the shape has no coordinate information, i.e. is 'empty' # the geojson spec does not define a proper null-geometry type # however, it does allow geometry types with 'empty' coordinates to be interpreted as null-geometries return {'type':'LineString', 'coordinates':[]} elif len(self.parts) == 1: # linestring return { 'type': 'LineString', 'coordinates': [tuple(p) for p in self.points] } else: # multilinestring ps = None coordinates = [] for part in self.parts: if ps == None: ps = part continue else: coordinates.append([tuple(p) for p in self.points[ps:part]]) ps = part else: coordinates.append([tuple(p) for p in self.points[part:]]) return { 'type': 'MultiLineString', 'coordinates': coordinates } elif self.shapeType in [POLYGON, POLYGONM, POLYGONZ]: if len(self.parts) == 0: # the shape has no coordinate information, i.e. is 'empty' # the geojson spec does not define a proper null-geometry type # however, it does allow geometry types with 'empty' coordinates to be interpreted as null-geometries return {'type':'Polygon', 'coordinates':[]} else: # get all polygon rings rings = [] for i in xrange(len(self.parts)): # get indexes of start and end points of the ring start = self.parts[i] try: end = self.parts[i+1] except IndexError: end = len(self.points) # extract the points that make up the ring ring = [tuple(p) for p in self.points[start:end]] rings.append(ring) # organize rings into list of polygons, where each polygon is defined as list of rings. # the first ring is the exterior and any remaining rings are holes (same as GeoJSON). polys = organize_polygon_rings(rings, self._errors) # if VERBOSE is True, issue detailed warning about any shape errors # encountered during the Shapefile to GeoJSON conversion if VERBOSE and self._errors: header = 'Possible issue encountered when converting Shape #{} to GeoJSON: '.format(self.oid) orphans = self._errors.get('polygon_orphaned_holes', None) if orphans: msg = header + 'Shapefile format requires that all polygon interior holes be contained by an exterior ring, \ but the Shape contained interior holes (defined by counter-clockwise orientation in the shapefile format) that were \ orphaned, i.e. not contained by any exterior rings. The rings were still included but were \ encoded as GeoJSON exterior rings instead of holes.' logger.warning(msg) only_holes = self._errors.get('polygon_only_holes', None) if only_holes: msg = header + 'Shapefile format requires that polygons contain at least one exterior ring, \ but the Shape was entirely made up of interior holes (defined by counter-clockwise orientation in the shapefile format). The rings were \ still included but were encoded as GeoJSON exterior rings instead of holes.' logger.warning(msg) # return as geojson if len(polys) == 1: return { 'type': 'Polygon', 'coordinates': polys[0] } else: return { 'type': 'MultiPolygon', 'coordinates': polys } else: raise Exception('Shape type "%s" cannot be represented as GeoJSON.' % SHAPETYPE_LOOKUP[self.shapeType]) @staticmethod def _from_geojson(geoj): # create empty shape shape = Shape() # set shapeType geojType = geoj["type"] if geoj else "Null" if geojType == "Null": shapeType = NULL elif geojType == "Point": shapeType = POINT elif geojType == "LineString": shapeType = POLYLINE elif geojType == "Polygon": shapeType = POLYGON elif geojType == "MultiPoint": shapeType = MULTIPOINT elif geojType == "MultiLineString": shapeType = POLYLINE elif geojType == "MultiPolygon": shapeType = POLYGON else: raise Exception("Cannot create Shape from GeoJSON type '%s'" % geojType) shape.shapeType = shapeType # set points and parts if geojType == "Point": shape.points = [ geoj["coordinates"] ] shape.parts = [0] elif geojType in ("MultiPoint","LineString"): shape.points = geoj["coordinates"] shape.parts = [0] elif geojType in ("Polygon"): points = [] parts = [] index = 0 for i,ext_or_hole in enumerate(geoj["coordinates"]): # although the latest GeoJSON spec states that exterior rings should have # counter-clockwise orientation, we explicitly check orientation since older # GeoJSONs might not enforce this. if i == 0 and not is_cw(ext_or_hole): # flip exterior direction ext_or_hole = rewind(ext_or_hole) elif i > 0 and is_cw(ext_or_hole): # flip hole direction ext_or_hole = rewind(ext_or_hole) points.extend(ext_or_hole) parts.append(index) index += len(ext_or_hole) shape.points = points shape.parts = parts elif geojType in ("MultiLineString"): points = [] parts = [] index = 0 for linestring in geoj["coordinates"]: points.extend(linestring) parts.append(index) index += len(linestring) shape.points = points shape.parts = parts elif geojType in ("MultiPolygon"): points = [] parts = [] index = 0 for polygon in geoj["coordinates"]: for i,ext_or_hole in enumerate(polygon): # although the latest GeoJSON spec states that exterior rings should have # counter-clockwise orientation, we explicitly check orientation since older # GeoJSONs might not enforce this. if i == 0 and not is_cw(ext_or_hole): # flip exterior direction ext_or_hole = rewind(ext_or_hole) elif i > 0 and is_cw(ext_or_hole): # flip hole direction ext_or_hole = rewind(ext_or_hole) points.extend(ext_or_hole) parts.append(index) index += len(ext_or_hole) shape.points = points shape.parts = parts return shape @property def oid(self): """The index position of the shape in the original shapefile""" return self.__oid @property def shapeTypeName(self): return SHAPETYPE_LOOKUP[self.shapeType] def __repr__(self): return 'Shape #{}: {}'.format(self.__oid, self.shapeTypeName) class _Record(list): """ A class to hold a record. Subclasses list to ensure compatibility with former work and to reuse all the optimizations of the builtin list. In addition to the list interface, the values of the record can also be retrieved using the field's name. For example if the dbf contains a field ID at position 0, the ID can be retrieved with the position, the field name as a key, or the field name as an attribute. >>> # Create a Record with one field, normally the record is created by the Reader class >>> r = _Record({'ID': 0}, [0]) >>> print(r[0]) >>> print(r['ID']) >>> print(r.ID) """ def __init__(self, field_positions, values, oid=None): """ A Record should be created by the Reader class :param field_positions: A dict mapping field names to field positions :param values: A sequence of values :param oid: The object id, an int (optional) """ self.__field_positions = field_positions if oid is not None: self.__oid = oid else: self.__oid = -1 list.__init__(self, values) def __getattr__(self, item): """ __getattr__ is called if an attribute is used that does not exist in the normal sense. For example r=Record(...), r.ID calls r.__getattr__('ID'), but r.index(5) calls list.index(r, 5) :param item: The field name, used as attribute :return: Value of the field :raises: AttributeError, if item is not a field of the shapefile and IndexError, if the field exists but the field's corresponding value in the Record does not exist """ try: index = self.__field_positions[item] return list.__getitem__(self, index) except KeyError: raise AttributeError('{} is not a field name'.format(item)) except IndexError: raise IndexError('{} found as a field but not enough values available.'.format(item)) def __setattr__(self, key, value): """ Sets a value of a field attribute :param key: The field name :param value: the value of that field :return: None :raises: AttributeError, if key is not a field of the shapefile """ if key.startswith('_'): # Prevent infinite loop when setting mangled attribute return list.__setattr__(self, key, value) try: index = self.__field_positions[key] return list.__setitem__(self, index, value) except KeyError: raise AttributeError('{} is not a field name'.format(key)) def __getitem__(self, item): """ Extends the normal list item access with access using a fieldname For example r['ID'], r[0] :param item: Either the position of the value or the name of a field :return: the value of the field """ try: return list.__getitem__(self, item) except TypeError: try: index = self.__field_positions[item] except KeyError: index = None if index is not None: return list.__getitem__(self, index) else: raise IndexError('"{}" is not a field name and not an int'.format(item)) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Extends the normal list item access with access using a fieldname For example r['ID']=2, r[0]=2 :param key: Either the position of the value or the name of a field :param value: the new value of the field """ try: return list.__setitem__(self, key, value) except TypeError: index = self.__field_positions.get(key) if index is not None: return list.__setitem__(self, index, value) else: raise IndexError('{} is not a field name and not an int'.format(key)) @property def oid(self): """The index position of the record in the original shapefile""" return self.__oid def as_dict(self, date_strings=False): """ Returns this Record as a dictionary using the field names as keys :return: dict """ dct = dict((f, self[i]) for f, i in self.__field_positions.items()) if date_strings: for k,v in dct.items(): if isinstance(v, date): dct[k] = '{:04d}{:02d}{:02d}'.format(v.year, v.month, v.day) return dct def __repr__(self): return 'Record #{}: {}'.format(self.__oid, list(self)) def __dir__(self): """ Helps to show the field names in an interactive environment like IPython. See: http://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/config/integrating.html :return: List of method names and fields """ default = list(dir(type(self))) # default list methods and attributes of this class fnames = list(self.__field_positions.keys()) # plus field names (random order if Python version < 3.6) return default + fnames class ShapeRecord(object): """A ShapeRecord object containing a shape along with its attributes. Provides the GeoJSON __geo_interface__ to return a Feature dictionary.""" def __init__(self, shape=None, record=None): self.shape = shape self.record = record @property def __geo_interface__(self): return {'type': 'Feature', 'properties': self.record.as_dict(date_strings=True), 'geometry': None if self.shape.shapeType == NULL else self.shape.__geo_interface__} class Shapes(list): """A class to hold a list of Shape objects. Subclasses list to ensure compatibility with former work and to reuse all the optimizations of the builtin list. In addition to the list interface, this also provides the GeoJSON __geo_interface__ to return a GeometryCollection dictionary.""" def __repr__(self): return 'Shapes: {}'.format(list(self)) @property def __geo_interface__(self): # Note: currently this will fail if any of the shapes are null-geometries # could be fixed by storing the shapefile shapeType upon init, returning geojson type with empty coords collection = {'type': 'GeometryCollection', 'geometries': [shape.__geo_interface__ for shape in self]} return collection class ShapeRecords(list): """A class to hold a list of ShapeRecord objects. Subclasses list to ensure compatibility with former work and to reuse all the optimizations of the builtin list. In addition to the list interface, this also provides the GeoJSON __geo_interface__ to return a FeatureCollection dictionary.""" def __repr__(self): return 'ShapeRecords: {}'.format(list(self)) @property def __geo_interface__(self): collection = {'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': [shaperec.__geo_interface__ for shaperec in self]} return collection class ShapefileException(Exception): """An exception to handle shapefile specific problems.""" pass # def warn_geojson_collection(shapes): # # collect information about any potential errors with the GeoJSON # errors = {} # for i,shape in enumerate(shapes): # shape_errors = shape._errors # if shape_errors: # for error in shape_errors.keys(): # errors[error] = errors[error] + [i] if error in errors else [] # # warn if any errors were found # if errors: # messages = ['Summary of possibles issues encountered during shapefile to GeoJSON conversion:'] # # polygon orphan holes # orphans = errors.get('polygon_orphaned_holes', None) # if orphans: # msg = 'GeoJSON format requires that all interior holes be contained by an exterior ring, \ # but the Shapefile contained {} records of polygons where some of its interior holes were \ # orphaned (not contained by any other rings). The rings were still included but were \ # encoded as GeoJSON exterior rings instead of holes. Shape ids: {}'.format(len(orphans), orphans) # messages.append(msg) # # polygon only holes/wrong orientation # only_holes = errors.get('polygon_only_holes', None) # if only_holes: # msg = 'GeoJSON format requires that polygons contain at least one exterior ring, but \ # the Shapefile contained {} records of polygons where all of its component rings were stored as interior \ # holes. The rings were still included but were encoded as GeoJSON exterior rings instead of holes. \ # Shape ids: {}'.format(len(only_holes), only_holes) # messages.append(msg) # if len(messages) > 1: # # more than just the "Summary of..." header # msg = '\n'.join(messages) # logger.warning(msg) class Reader(object): """Reads the three files of a shapefile as a unit or separately. If one of the three files (.shp, .shx, .dbf) is missing no exception is thrown until you try to call a method that depends on that particular file. The .shx index file is used if available for efficiency but is not required to read the geometry from the .shp file. The "shapefile" argument in the constructor is the name of the file you want to open, and can be the path to a shapefile on a local filesystem, inside a zipfile, or a url. You can instantiate a Reader without specifying a shapefile and then specify one later with the load() method. Only the shapefile headers are read upon loading. Content within each file is only accessed when required and as efficiently as possible. Shapefiles are usually not large but they can be. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.shp = None self.shx = None self.dbf = None self._files_to_close = [] self.shapeName = "Not specified" self._offsets = [] self.shpLength = None self.numRecords = None self.numShapes = None self.fields = [] self.__dbfHdrLength = 0 self.__fieldLookup = {} self.encoding = kwargs.pop('encoding', 'utf-8') self.encodingErrors = kwargs.pop('encodingErrors', 'strict') # See if a shapefile name was passed as the first argument if len(args) > 0: path = pathlike_obj(args[0]) if is_string(path): if '.zip' in path: # Shapefile is inside a zipfile if path.count('.zip') > 1: # Multiple nested zipfiles raise ShapefileException('Reading from multiple nested zipfiles is not supported: %s' % path) # Split into zipfile and shapefile paths if path.endswith('.zip'): zpath = path shapefile = None else: zpath = path[:path.find('.zip')+4] shapefile = path[path.find('.zip')+4+1:] # Create a zip file handle if zpath.startswith('http'): # Zipfile is from a url # Download to a temporary url and treat as normal zipfile req = Request(zpath, headers={'User-agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.47 Safari/537.36'}) resp = urlopen(req) # write zipfile data to a read+write tempfile and use as source, gets deleted when garbage collected zipfileobj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b', suffix='.zip', delete=True) zipfileobj.write(resp.read()) zipfileobj.seek(0) else: # Zipfile is from a file zipfileobj = open(zpath, mode='rb') # Open the zipfile archive with zipfile.ZipFile(zipfileobj, 'r') as archive: if not shapefile: # Only the zipfile path is given # Inspect zipfile contents to find the full shapefile path shapefiles = [name for name in archive.namelist() if name.endswith('.shp')] # The zipfile must contain exactly one shapefile if len(shapefiles) == 0: raise ShapefileException('Zipfile does not contain any shapefiles') elif len(shapefiles) == 1: shapefile = shapefiles[0] else: raise ShapefileException('Zipfile contains more than one shapefile: %s. Please specify the full \ path to the shapefile you would like to open.' % shapefiles ) # Try to extract file-like objects from zipfile shapefile = os.path.splitext(shapefile)[0] # root shapefile name for ext in ['shp','shx','dbf']: try: member = archive.open(shapefile+'.'+ext) # write zipfile member data to a read+write tempfile and use as source, gets deleted on close() fileobj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b', delete=True) fileobj.write(member.read()) fileobj.seek(0) setattr(self, ext, fileobj) self._files_to_close.append(fileobj) except: pass # Close and delete the temporary zipfile try: zipfileobj.close() except: pass # Try to load shapefile if (self.shp or self.dbf): # Load and exit early self.load() return else: raise ShapefileException("No shp or dbf file found in zipfile: %s" % path) elif path.startswith('http'): # Shapefile is from a url # Download each file to temporary path and treat as normal shapefile path urlinfo = urlparse(path) urlpath = urlinfo[2] urlpath,_ = os.path.splitext(urlpath) shapefile = os.path.basename(urlpath) for ext in ['shp','shx','dbf']: try: _urlinfo = list(urlinfo) _urlinfo[2] = urlpath + '.' + ext _path = urlunparse(_urlinfo) req = Request(_path, headers={'User-agent':'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_9_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/35.0.1916.47 Safari/537.36'}) resp = urlopen(req) # write url data to a read+write tempfile and use as source, gets deleted on close() fileobj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b', delete=True) fileobj.write(resp.read()) fileobj.seek(0) setattr(self, ext, fileobj) self._files_to_close.append(fileobj) except HTTPError: pass if (self.shp or self.dbf): # Load and exit early self.load() return else: raise ShapefileException("No shp or dbf file found at url: %s" % path) else: # Local file path to a shapefile # Load and exit early self.load(path) return # Otherwise, load from separate shp/shx/dbf args (must be path or file-like) if "shp" in kwargs.keys(): if hasattr(kwargs["shp"], "read"): self.shp = kwargs["shp"] # Copy if required try: self.shp.seek(0) except (NameError, io.UnsupportedOperation): self.shp = io.BytesIO(self.shp.read()) else: (baseName, ext) = os.path.splitext(kwargs["shp"]) self.load_shp(baseName) if "shx" in kwargs.keys(): if hasattr(kwargs["shx"], "read"): self.shx = kwargs["shx"] # Copy if required try: self.shx.seek(0) except (NameError, io.UnsupportedOperation): self.shx = io.BytesIO(self.shx.read()) else: (baseName, ext) = os.path.splitext(kwargs["shx"]) self.load_shx(baseName) if "dbf" in kwargs.keys(): if hasattr(kwargs["dbf"], "read"): self.dbf = kwargs["dbf"] # Copy if required try: self.dbf.seek(0) except (NameError, io.UnsupportedOperation): self.dbf = io.BytesIO(self.dbf.read()) else: (baseName, ext) = os.path.splitext(kwargs["dbf"]) self.load_dbf(baseName) # Load the files if self.shp or self.dbf: self.load() def __str__(self): """ Use some general info on the shapefile as __str__ """ info = ['shapefile Reader'] if self.shp: info.append(" {} shapes (type '{}')".format( len(self), SHAPETYPE_LOOKUP[self.shapeType])) if self.dbf: info.append(' {} records ({} fields)'.format( len(self), len(self.fields))) return '\n'.join(info) def __enter__(self): """ Enter phase of context manager. """ return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """ Exit phase of context manager, close opened files. """ self.close() def __len__(self): """Returns the number of shapes/records in the shapefile.""" if self.dbf: # Preferably use dbf record count if self.numRecords is None: self.__dbfHeader() return self.numRecords elif self.shp: # Otherwise use shape count if self.shx: if self.numShapes is None: self.__shxHeader() return self.numShapes else: # Index file not available, iterate all shapes to get total count if self.numShapes is None: # Determine length of shp file shp = self.shp checkpoint = shp.tell() shp.seek(0,2) shpLength = shp.tell() shp.seek(100) # Do a fast shape iteration until end of file. unpack = Struct('>2i').unpack offsets = [] pos = shp.tell() while pos < shpLength: offsets.append(pos) # Unpack the shape header only (recNum, recLength) = unpack(shp.read(8)) # Jump to next shape position pos += 8 + (2 * recLength) shp.seek(pos) # Set numShapes and offset indices self.numShapes = len(offsets) self._offsets = offsets # Return to previous file position shp.seek(checkpoint) return self.numShapes else: # No file loaded yet, treat as 'empty' shapefile return 0 def __iter__(self): """Iterates through the shapes/records in the shapefile.""" for shaperec in self.iterShapeRecords(): yield shaperec @property def __geo_interface__(self): shaperecords = self.shapeRecords() fcollection = shaperecords.__geo_interface__ fcollection['bbox'] = list(self.bbox) return fcollection @property def shapeTypeName(self): return SHAPETYPE_LOOKUP[self.shapeType] def load(self, shapefile=None): """Opens a shapefile from a filename or file-like object. Normally this method would be called by the constructor with the file name as an argument.""" if shapefile: (shapeName, ext) = os.path.splitext(shapefile) self.shapeName = shapeName self.load_shp(shapeName) self.load_shx(shapeName) self.load_dbf(shapeName) if not (self.shp or self.dbf): raise ShapefileException("Unable to open %s.dbf or %s.shp." % (shapeName, shapeName)) if self.shp: self.__shpHeader() if self.dbf: self.__dbfHeader() if self.shx: self.__shxHeader() def load_shp(self, shapefile_name): """ Attempts to load file with .shp extension as both lower and upper case """ shp_ext = 'shp' try: self.shp = open("%s.%s" % (shapefile_name, shp_ext), "rb") self._files_to_close.append(self.shp) except IOError: try: self.shp = open("%s.%s" % (shapefile_name, shp_ext.upper()), "rb") self._files_to_close.append(self.shp) except IOError: pass def load_shx(self, shapefile_name): """ Attempts to load file with .shx extension as both lower and upper case """ shx_ext = 'shx' try: self.shx = open("%s.%s" % (shapefile_name, shx_ext), "rb") self._files_to_close.append(self.shx) except IOError: try: self.shx = open("%s.%s" % (shapefile_name, shx_ext.upper()), "rb") self._files_to_close.append(self.shx) except IOError: pass def load_dbf(self, shapefile_name): """ Attempts to load file with .dbf extension as both lower and upper case """ dbf_ext = 'dbf' try: self.dbf = open("%s.%s" % (shapefile_name, dbf_ext), "rb") self._files_to_close.append(self.dbf) except IOError: try: self.dbf = open("%s.%s" % (shapefile_name, dbf_ext.upper()), "rb") self._files_to_close.append(self.dbf) except IOError: pass def __del__(self): self.close() def close(self): # Close any files that the reader opened (but not those given by user) for attribute in self._files_to_close: if hasattr(attribute, 'close'): try: attribute.close() except IOError: pass self._files_to_close = [] def __getFileObj(self, f): """Checks to see if the requested shapefile file object is available. If not a ShapefileException is raised.""" if not f: raise ShapefileException("Shapefile Reader requires a shapefile or file-like object.") if self.shp and self.shpLength is None: self.load() if self.dbf and len(self.fields) == 0: self.load() return f def __restrictIndex(self, i): """Provides list-like handling of a record index with a clearer error message if the index is out of bounds.""" if self.numRecords: rmax = self.numRecords - 1 if abs(i) > rmax: raise IndexError("Shape or Record index out of range.") if i < 0: i = range(self.numRecords)[i] return i def __shpHeader(self): """Reads the header information from a .shp file.""" if not self.shp: raise ShapefileException("Shapefile Reader requires a shapefile or file-like object. (no shp file found") shp = self.shp # File length (16-bit word * 2 = bytes) shp.seek(24) self.shpLength = unpack(">i", shp.read(4))[0] * 2 # Shape type shp.seek(32) self.shapeType= unpack(" NODATA: self.mbox.append(m) else: self.mbox.append(None) def __shape(self, oid=None, bbox=None): """Returns the header info and geometry for a single shape.""" f = self.__getFileObj(self.shp) record = Shape(oid=oid) nParts = nPoints = zmin = zmax = mmin = mmax = None (recNum, recLength) = unpack(">2i", f.read(8)) # Determine the start of the next record next = f.tell() + (2 * recLength) shapeType = unpack("= 16: (mmin, mmax) = unpack("<2d", f.read(16)) # Measure values less than -10e38 are nodata values according to the spec if next - f.tell() >= nPoints * 8: record.m = [] for m in _Array('d', unpack("<%sd" % nPoints, f.read(nPoints * 8))): if m > NODATA: record.m.append(m) else: record.m.append(None) else: record.m = [None for _ in range(nPoints)] # Read a single point if shapeType in (1,11,21): record.points = [_Array('d', unpack("<2d", f.read(16)))] # Read a single Z value if shapeType == 11: record.z = list(unpack("= 8: (m,) = unpack(" NODATA: record.m = [m] else: record.m = [None] # Seek to the end of this record as defined by the record header because # the shapefile spec doesn't require the actual content to meet the header # definition. Probably allowed for lazy feature deletion. f.seek(next) return record def __shxHeader(self): """Reads the header information from a .shx file.""" shx = self.shx if not shx: raise ShapefileException("Shapefile Reader requires a shapefile or file-like object. (no shx file found") # File length (16-bit word * 2 = bytes) - header length shx.seek(24) shxRecordLength = (unpack(">i", shx.read(4))[0] * 2) - 100 self.numShapes = shxRecordLength // 8 def __shxOffsets(self): '''Reads the shape offset positions from a .shx file''' shx = self.shx if not shx: raise ShapefileException("Shapefile Reader requires a shapefile or file-like object. (no shx file found") # Jump to the first record. shx.seek(100) # Each index record consists of two nrs, we only want the first one shxRecords = _Array('i', shx.read(2 * self.numShapes * 4) ) if sys.byteorder != 'big': shxRecords.byteswap() self._offsets = [2 * el for el in shxRecords[::2]] def __shapeIndex(self, i=None): """Returns the offset in a .shp file for a shape based on information in the .shx index file.""" shx = self.shx # Return None if no shx or no index requested if not shx or i == None: return None # At this point, we know the shx file exists if not self._offsets: self.__shxOffsets() return self._offsets[i] def shape(self, i=0, bbox=None): """Returns a shape object for a shape in the geometry record file. If the 'bbox' arg is given (list or tuple of xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax), returns None if the shape is not within that region. """ shp = self.__getFileObj(self.shp) i = self.__restrictIndex(i) offset = self.__shapeIndex(i) if not offset: # Shx index not available. # Determine length of shp file shp.seek(0,2) shpLength = shp.tell() shp.seek(100) # Do a fast shape iteration until the requested index or end of file. unpack = Struct('>2i').unpack _i = 0 offset = shp.tell() while offset < shpLength: if _i == i: # Reached the requested index, exit loop with the offset value break # Unpack the shape header only (recNum, recLength) = unpack(shp.read(8)) # Jump to next shape position offset += 8 + (2 * recLength) shp.seek(offset) _i += 1 # If the index was not found, it likely means the .shp file is incomplete if _i != i: raise ShapefileException('Shape index {} is out of bounds; the .shp file only contains {} shapes'.format(i, _i)) # Seek to the offset and read the shape shp.seek(offset) return self.__shape(oid=i, bbox=bbox) def shapes(self, bbox=None): """Returns all shapes in a shapefile. To only read shapes within a given spatial region, specify the 'bbox' arg as a list or tuple of xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax. """ shapes = Shapes() shapes.extend(self.iterShapes(bbox=bbox)) return shapes def iterShapes(self, bbox=None): """Returns a generator of shapes in a shapefile. Useful for handling large shapefiles. To only read shapes within a given spatial region, specify the 'bbox' arg as a list or tuple of xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax. """ shp = self.__getFileObj(self.shp) # Found shapefiles which report incorrect # shp file length in the header. Can't trust # that so we seek to the end of the file # and figure it out. shp.seek(0,2) shpLength = shp.tell() shp.seek(100) if self.numShapes: # Iterate exactly the number of shapes from shx header for i in xrange(self.numShapes): # MAYBE: check if more left of file or exit early? shape = self.__shape(oid=i, bbox=bbox) if shape: yield shape else: # No shx file, unknown nr of shapes # Instead iterate until reach end of file # Collect the offset indices during iteration i = 0 offsets = [] pos = shp.tell() while pos < shpLength: offsets.append(pos) shape = self.__shape(oid=i, bbox=bbox) pos = shp.tell() if shape: yield shape i += 1 # Entire shp file consumed # Update the number of shapes and list of offsets assert i == len(offsets) self.numShapes = i self._offsets = offsets def __dbfHeader(self): """Reads a dbf header. Xbase-related code borrows heavily from ActiveState Python Cookbook Recipe 362715 by Raymond Hettinger""" if not self.dbf: raise ShapefileException("Shapefile Reader requires a shapefile or file-like object. (no dbf file found)") dbf = self.dbf # read relevant header parts dbf.seek(0) self.numRecords, self.__dbfHdrLength, self.__recordLength = \ unpack(" 0: px, py = list(zip(*s.points))[:2] x.extend(px) y.extend(py) else: # this should not happen. # any shape that is not null should have at least one point, and only those should be sent here. # could also mean that earlier code failed to add points to a non-null shape. raise Exception("Cannot create bbox. Expected a valid shape with at least one point. Got a shape of type '%s' and 0 points." % s.shapeType) bbox = [min(x), min(y), max(x), max(y)] # update global if self._bbox: # compare with existing self._bbox = [min(bbox[0],self._bbox[0]), min(bbox[1],self._bbox[1]), max(bbox[2],self._bbox[2]), max(bbox[3],self._bbox[3])] else: # first time bbox is being set self._bbox = bbox return bbox def __zbox(self, s): z = [] for p in s.points: try: z.append(p[2]) except IndexError: # point did not have z value # setting it to 0 is probably ok, since it means all are on the same elevation z.append(0) zbox = [min(z), max(z)] # update global if self._zbox: # compare with existing self._zbox = [min(zbox[0],self._zbox[0]), max(zbox[1],self._zbox[1])] else: # first time zbox is being set self._zbox = zbox return zbox def __mbox(self, s): mpos = 3 if s.shapeType in (11,13,15,18,31) else 2 m = [] for p in s.points: try: if p[mpos] is not None: # mbox should only be calculated on valid m values m.append(p[mpos]) except IndexError: # point did not have m value so is missing # mbox should only be calculated on valid m values pass if not m: # only if none of the shapes had m values, should mbox be set to missing m values m.append(NODATA) mbox = [min(m), max(m)] # update global if self._mbox: # compare with existing self._mbox = [min(mbox[0],self._mbox[0]), max(mbox[1],self._mbox[1])] else: # first time mbox is being set self._mbox = mbox return mbox @property def shapeTypeName(self): return SHAPETYPE_LOOKUP[self.shapeType] def bbox(self): """Returns the current bounding box for the shapefile which is the lower-left and upper-right corners. It does not contain the elevation or measure extremes.""" return self._bbox def zbox(self): """Returns the current z extremes for the shapefile.""" return self._zbox def mbox(self): """Returns the current m extremes for the shapefile.""" return self._mbox def __shapefileHeader(self, fileObj, headerType='shp'): """Writes the specified header type to the specified file-like object. Several of the shapefile formats are so similar that a single generic method to read or write them is warranted.""" f = self.__getFileObj(fileObj) f.seek(0) # File code, Unused bytes f.write(pack(">6i", 9994,0,0,0,0,0)) # File length (Bytes / 2 = 16-bit words) if headerType == 'shp': f.write(pack(">i", self.__shpFileLength())) elif headerType == 'shx': f.write(pack('>i', ((100 + (self.shpNum * 8)) // 2))) # Version, Shape type if self.shapeType is None: self.shapeType = NULL f.write(pack("<2i", 1000, self.shapeType)) # The shapefile's bounding box (lower left, upper right) if self.shapeType != 0: try: bbox = self.bbox() if bbox is None: # The bbox is initialized with None, so this would mean the shapefile contains no valid geometries. # In such cases of empty shapefiles, ESRI spec says the bbox values are 'unspecified'. # Not sure what that means, so for now just setting to 0s, which is the same behavior as in previous versions. # This would also make sense since the Z and M bounds are similarly set to 0 for non-Z/M type shapefiles. bbox = [0,0,0,0] f.write(pack("<4d", *bbox)) except error: raise ShapefileException("Failed to write shapefile bounding box. Floats required.") else: f.write(pack("<4d", 0,0,0,0)) # Elevation if self.shapeType in (11,13,15,18): # Z values are present in Z type zbox = self.zbox() if zbox is None: # means we have empty shapefile/only null geoms (see commentary on bbox above) zbox = [0,0] else: # As per the ESRI shapefile spec, the zbox for non-Z type shapefiles are set to 0s zbox = [0,0] # Measure if self.shapeType in (11,13,15,18,21,23,25,28,31): # M values are present in M or Z type mbox = self.mbox() if mbox is None: # means we have empty shapefile/only null geoms (see commentary on bbox above) mbox = [0,0] else: # As per the ESRI shapefile spec, the mbox for non-M type shapefiles are set to 0s mbox = [0,0] # Try writing try: f.write(pack("<4d", zbox[0], zbox[1], mbox[0], mbox[1])) except error: raise ShapefileException("Failed to write shapefile elevation and measure values. Floats required.") def __dbfHeader(self): """Writes the dbf header and field descriptors.""" f = self.__getFileObj(self.dbf) f.seek(0) version = 3 year, month, day = time.localtime()[:3] year -= 1900 # Get all fields, ignoring DeletionFlag if specified fields = [field for field in self.fields if field[0] != 'DeletionFlag'] # Ensure has at least one field if not fields: raise ShapefileException("Shapefile dbf file must contain at least one field.") numRecs = self.recNum numFields = len(fields) headerLength = numFields * 32 + 33 if headerLength >= 65535: raise ShapefileException( "Shapefile dbf header length exceeds maximum length.") recordLength = sum([int(field[2]) for field in fields]) + 1 header = pack('2i", self.shpNum, 0)) start = f.tell() # Shape Type if self.shapeType is None and s.shapeType != NULL: self.shapeType = s.shapeType if s.shapeType != NULL and s.shapeType != self.shapeType: raise Exception("The shape's type (%s) must match the type of the shapefile (%s)." % (s.shapeType, self.shapeType)) f.write(pack(" 2 else 0)) for p in s.points] except error: raise ShapefileException("Failed to write elevation values for record %s. Expected floats." % self.shpNum) # Write m extremes and values # When reading a file, pyshp converts NODATA m values to None, so here we make sure to convert them back to NODATA # Note: missing m values are autoset to NODATA. if s.shapeType in (13,15,18,23,25,28,31): try: f.write(pack("<2d", *self.__mbox(s))) except error: raise ShapefileException("Failed to write measure extremes for record %s. Expected floats" % self.shpNum) try: if hasattr(s,"m"): # if m values are stored in attribute f.write(pack("<%sd" % len(s.m), *[m if m is not None else NODATA for m in s.m])) else: # if m values are stored as 3rd/4th dimension # 0-index position of m value is 3 if z type (x,y,z,m), or 2 if m type (x,y,m) mpos = 3 if s.shapeType in (13,15,18,31) else 2 [f.write(pack(" mpos and p[mpos] is not None else NODATA)) for p in s.points] except error: raise ShapefileException("Failed to write measure values for record %s. Expected floats" % self.shpNum) # Write a single point if s.shapeType in (1,11,21): try: f.write(pack("<2d", s.points[0][0], s.points[0][1])) except error: raise ShapefileException("Failed to write point for record %s. Expected floats." % self.shpNum) # Write a single Z value # Note: missing z values are autoset to 0, but not sure if this is ideal. if s.shapeType == 11: # update the global z box self.__zbox(s) # then write value if hasattr(s, "z"): # if z values are stored in attribute try: if not s.z: s.z = (0,) f.write(pack("i", length)) f.seek(finish) return offset,length def __shxRecord(self, offset, length): """Writes the shx records.""" f = self.__getFileObj(self.shx) try: f.write(pack(">i", offset // 2)) except error: raise ShapefileException('The .shp file has reached its file size limit > 4294967294 bytes (4.29 GB). To fix this, break up your file into multiple smaller ones.') f.write(pack(">i", length)) def record(self, *recordList, **recordDict): """Creates a dbf attribute record. You can submit either a sequence of field values or keyword arguments of field names and values. Before adding records you must add fields for the record values using the field() method. If the record values exceed the number of fields the extra ones won't be added. In the case of using keyword arguments to specify field/value pairs only fields matching the already registered fields will be added.""" # Balance if already not balanced if self.autoBalance and self.recNum > self.shpNum: self.balance() fieldCount = sum((1 for field in self.fields if field[0] != 'DeletionFlag')) if recordList: record = list(recordList) while len(record) < fieldCount: record.append("") elif recordDict: record = [] for field in self.fields: if field[0] == 'DeletionFlag': continue # ignore deletionflag field in case it was specified if field[0] in recordDict: val = recordDict[field[0]] if val is None: record.append("") else: record.append(val) else: record.append("") # need empty value for missing dict entries else: # Blank fields for empty record record = ["" for _ in range(fieldCount)] self.__dbfRecord(record) def __dbfRecord(self, record): """Writes the dbf records.""" f = self.__getFileObj(self.dbf) if self.recNum == 0: # first records, so all fields should be set # allowing us to write the dbf header # cannot change the fields after this point self.__dbfHeader() # first byte of the record is deletion flag, always disabled f.write(b' ') # begin self.recNum += 1 fields = (field for field in self.fields if field[0] != 'DeletionFlag') # ignore deletionflag field in case it was specified for (fieldName, fieldType, size, deci), value in zip(fields, record): # write fieldType = fieldType.upper() size = int(size) if fieldType in ("N","F"): # numeric or float: number stored as a string, right justified, and padded with blanks to the width of the field. if value in MISSING: value = b"*"*size # QGIS NULL elif not deci: # force to int try: # first try to force directly to int. # forcing a large int to float and back to int # will lose information and result in wrong nr. value = int(value) except ValueError: # forcing directly to int failed, so was probably a float. value = int(float(value)) value = format(value, "d")[:size].rjust(size) # caps the size if exceeds the field size else: value = float(value) value = format(value, ".%sf"%deci)[:size].rjust(size) # caps the size if exceeds the field size elif fieldType == "D": # date: 8 bytes - date stored as a string in the format YYYYMMDD. if isinstance(value, date): value = '{:04d}{:02d}{:02d}'.format(value.year, value.month, value.day) elif isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 3: value = '{:04d}{:02d}{:02d}'.format(*value) elif value in MISSING: value = b'0' * 8 # QGIS NULL for date type elif is_string(value) and len(value) == 8: pass # value is already a date string else: raise ShapefileException("Date values must be either a datetime.date object, a list, a YYYYMMDD string, or a missing value.") elif fieldType == 'L': # logical: 1 byte - initialized to 0x20 (space) otherwise T or F. if value in MISSING: value = b' ' # missing is set to space elif value in [True,1]: value = b'T' elif value in [False,0]: value = b'F' else: value = b' ' # unknown is set to space else: # anything else is forced to string, truncated to the length of the field value = b(value, self.encoding, self.encodingErrors)[:size].ljust(size) if not isinstance(value, bytes): # just in case some of the numeric format() and date strftime() results are still in unicode (Python 3 only) value = b(value, 'ascii', self.encodingErrors) # should be default ascii encoding if len(value) != size: raise ShapefileException( "Shapefile Writer unable to pack incorrect sized value" " (size %d) into field '%s' (size %d)." % (len(value), fieldName, size)) f.write(value) def balance(self): """Adds corresponding empty attributes or null geometry records depending on which type of record was created to make sure all three files are in synch.""" while self.recNum > self.shpNum: self.null() while self.recNum < self.shpNum: self.record() def null(self): """Creates a null shape.""" self.shape(Shape(NULL)) def point(self, x, y): """Creates a POINT shape.""" shapeType = POINT pointShape = Shape(shapeType) pointShape.points.append([x, y]) self.shape(pointShape) def pointm(self, x, y, m=None): """Creates a POINTM shape. If the m (measure) value is not set, it defaults to NoData.""" shapeType = POINTM pointShape = Shape(shapeType) pointShape.points.append([x, y, m]) self.shape(pointShape) def pointz(self, x, y, z=0, m=None): """Creates a POINTZ shape. If the z (elevation) value is not set, it defaults to 0. If the m (measure) value is not set, it defaults to NoData.""" shapeType = POINTZ pointShape = Shape(shapeType) pointShape.points.append([x, y, z, m]) self.shape(pointShape) def multipoint(self, points): """Creates a MULTIPOINT shape. Points is a list of xy values.""" shapeType = MULTIPOINT points = [points] # nest the points inside a list to be compatible with the generic shapeparts method self._shapeparts(parts=points, shapeType=shapeType) def multipointm(self, points): """Creates a MULTIPOINTM shape. Points is a list of xym values. If the m (measure) value is not included, it defaults to None (NoData).""" shapeType = MULTIPOINTM points = [points] # nest the points inside a list to be compatible with the generic shapeparts method self._shapeparts(parts=points, shapeType=shapeType) def multipointz(self, points): """Creates a MULTIPOINTZ shape. Points is a list of xyzm values. If the z (elevation) value is not included, it defaults to 0. If the m (measure) value is not included, it defaults to None (NoData).""" shapeType = MULTIPOINTZ points = [points] # nest the points inside a list to be compatible with the generic shapeparts method self._shapeparts(parts=points, shapeType=shapeType) def line(self, lines): """Creates a POLYLINE shape. Lines is a collection of lines, each made up of a list of xy values.""" shapeType = POLYLINE self._shapeparts(parts=lines, shapeType=shapeType) def linem(self, lines): """Creates a POLYLINEM shape. Lines is a collection of lines, each made up of a list of xym values. If the m (measure) value is not included, it defaults to None (NoData).""" shapeType = POLYLINEM self._shapeparts(parts=lines, shapeType=shapeType) def linez(self, lines): """Creates a POLYLINEZ shape. Lines is a collection of lines, each made up of a list of xyzm values. If the z (elevation) value is not included, it defaults to 0. If the m (measure) value is not included, it defaults to None (NoData).""" shapeType = POLYLINEZ self._shapeparts(parts=lines, shapeType=shapeType) def poly(self, polys): """Creates a POLYGON shape. Polys is a collection of polygons, each made up of a list of xy values. Note that for ordinary polygons the coordinates must run in a clockwise direction. If some of the polygons are holes, these must run in a counterclockwise direction.""" shapeType = POLYGON self._shapeparts(parts=polys, shapeType=shapeType) def polym(self, polys): """Creates a POLYGONM shape. Polys is a collection of polygons, each made up of a list of xym values. Note that for ordinary polygons the coordinates must run in a clockwise direction. If some of the polygons are holes, these must run in a counterclockwise direction. If the m (measure) value is not included, it defaults to None (NoData).""" shapeType = POLYGONM self._shapeparts(parts=polys, shapeType=shapeType) def polyz(self, polys): """Creates a POLYGONZ shape. Polys is a collection of polygons, each made up of a list of xyzm values. Note that for ordinary polygons the coordinates must run in a clockwise direction. If some of the polygons are holes, these must run in a counterclockwise direction. If the z (elevation) value is not included, it defaults to 0. If the m (measure) value is not included, it defaults to None (NoData).""" shapeType = POLYGONZ self._shapeparts(parts=polys, shapeType=shapeType) def multipatch(self, parts, partTypes): """Creates a MULTIPATCH shape. Parts is a collection of 3D surface patches, each made up of a list of xyzm values. PartTypes is a list of types that define each of the surface patches. The types can be any of the following module constants: TRIANGLE_STRIP, TRIANGLE_FAN, OUTER_RING, INNER_RING, FIRST_RING, or RING. If the z (elevation) value is not included, it defaults to 0. If the m (measure) value is not included, it defaults to None (NoData).""" shapeType = MULTIPATCH polyShape = Shape(shapeType) polyShape.parts = [] polyShape.points = [] for part in parts: # set part index position polyShape.parts.append(len(polyShape.points)) # add points for point in part: # Ensure point is list if not isinstance(point, list): point = list(point) polyShape.points.append(point) polyShape.partTypes = partTypes # write the shape self.shape(polyShape) def _shapeparts(self, parts, shapeType): """Internal method for adding a shape that has multiple collections of points (parts): lines, polygons, and multipoint shapes. """ polyShape = Shape(shapeType) polyShape.parts = [] polyShape.points = [] # Make sure polygon rings (parts) are closed if shapeType in (5,15,25,31): for part in parts: if part[0] != part[-1]: part.append(part[0]) # Add points and part indexes for part in parts: # set part index position polyShape.parts.append(len(polyShape.points)) # add points for point in part: # Ensure point is list if not isinstance(point, list): point = list(point) polyShape.points.append(point) # write the shape self.shape(polyShape) def field(self, name, fieldType="C", size="50", decimal=0): """Adds a dbf field descriptor to the shapefile.""" if fieldType == "D": size = "8" decimal = 0 elif fieldType == "L": size = "1" decimal = 0 if len(self.fields) >= 2046: raise ShapefileException( "Shapefile Writer reached maximum number of fields: 2046.") self.fields.append((name, fieldType, size, decimal)) ## def saveShp(self, target): ## """Save an shp file.""" ## if not hasattr(target, "write"): ## target = os.path.splitext(target)[0] + '.shp' ## self.shp = self.__getFileObj(target) ## self.__shapefileHeader(self.shp, headerType='shp') ## self.shp.seek(100) ## self._shp.seek(0) ## chunk = True ## while chunk: ## chunk = self._shp.read(self.bufsize) ## self.shp.write(chunk) ## ## def saveShx(self, target): ## """Save an shx file.""" ## if not hasattr(target, "write"): ## target = os.path.splitext(target)[0] + '.shx' ## self.shx = self.__getFileObj(target) ## self.__shapefileHeader(self.shx, headerType='shx') ## self.shx.seek(100) ## self._shx.seek(0) ## chunk = True ## while chunk: ## chunk = self._shx.read(self.bufsize) ## self.shx.write(chunk) ## ## def saveDbf(self, target): ## """Save a dbf file.""" ## if not hasattr(target, "write"): ## target = os.path.splitext(target)[0] + '.dbf' ## self.dbf = self.__getFileObj(target) ## self.__dbfHeader() # writes to .dbf ## self._dbf.seek(0) ## chunk = True ## while chunk: ## chunk = self._dbf.read(self.bufsize) ## self.dbf.write(chunk) ## def save(self, target=None, shp=None, shx=None, dbf=None): ## """Save the shapefile data to three files or ## three file-like objects. SHP and DBF files can also ## be written exclusively using saveShp, saveShx, and saveDbf respectively. ## If target is specified but not shp, shx, or dbf then the target path and ## file name are used. If no options or specified, a unique base file name ## is generated to save the files and the base file name is returned as a ## string. ## """ ## # Balance if already not balanced ## if shp and dbf: ## if self.autoBalance: ## self.balance() ## if self.recNum != self.shpNum: ## raise ShapefileException("When saving both the dbf and shp file, " ## "the number of records (%s) must correspond " ## "with the number of shapes (%s)" % (self.recNum, self.shpNum)) ## # Save ## if shp: ## self.saveShp(shp) ## if shx: ## self.saveShx(shx) ## if dbf: ## self.saveDbf(dbf) ## # Create a unique file name if one is not defined ## if not shp and not shx and not dbf: ## generated = False ## if not target: ## temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(prefix="shapefile_",dir=os.getcwd()) ## target = temp.name ## generated = True ## self.saveShp(target) ## self.shp.close() ## self.saveShx(target) ## self.shx.close() ## self.saveDbf(target) ## self.dbf.close() ## if generated: ## return target # Begin Testing def test(**kwargs): import doctest doctest.NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE = 1 verbosity = kwargs.get('verbose', 0) if verbosity == 0: print('Running doctests...') # ignore py2-3 unicode differences import re class Py23DocChecker(doctest.OutputChecker): def check_output(self, want, got, optionflags): if sys.version_info[0] == 2: got = re.sub("u'(.*?)'", "'\\1'", got) got = re.sub('u"(.*?)"', '"\\1"', got) res = doctest.OutputChecker.check_output(self, want, got, optionflags) return res def summarize(self): doctest.OutputChecker.summarize(True) # run tests runner = doctest.DocTestRunner(checker=Py23DocChecker(), verbose=verbosity) with open("README.md","rb") as fobj: test = doctest.DocTestParser().get_doctest(string=fobj.read().decode("utf8").replace('\r\n','\n'), globs={}, name="README", filename="README.md", lineno=0) failure_count, test_count = runner.run(test) # print results if verbosity: runner.summarize(True) else: if failure_count == 0: print('All test passed successfully') elif failure_count > 0: runner.summarize(verbosity) return failure_count if __name__ == "__main__": """ Doctests are contained in the file 'README.md', and are tested using the built-in testing libraries. """ failure_count = test() sys.exit(failure_count)