import math """ This module will have common utilities. """ from geojson import Feature, Point from geojson.geometry import Geometry avg_earth_radius_km = 6371008.8 conversions = { "km": 0.001, "m": 1.0, "mi": 0.000621371192, "ft": 3.28084, "in": 39.370, "deg": 1 / 111325, "cen": 100, "rad": 1 / avg_earth_radius_km, "naut": 0.000539956803, "yd": 0.914411119, } def convert_length(length, original_unit: str = "km", final_unit: str = "km"): """#TODO: Add description""" if length < 0: raise Exception("length must be a positive number") return radians_to_length(length_to_radians(length, original_unit), final_unit) def length_to_radians(distance, unit: str = "km"): """#TODO: Add description""" if unit not in conversions: raise Exception(f"{unit} unit is invalid") b = distance / (conversions[unit] * avg_earth_radius_km) return b def radians_to_length(radians, unit: str = "km"): """#TODO: Add description""" if unit not in conversions: raise Exception(f"{unit} unit is invalid") b = radians * conversions[unit] * avg_earth_radius_km return b def get_type(geojson): """#TODO: Add description""" if geojson["type"] == "FeatureCollection": return "FeatureCollection" if geojson["type"] == "GeometryCollection": return "GeometryCollection" if geojson["type"] == "Feature" and "geometry" in geojson: return geojson["geometry"]["type"] return geojson["type"] def get_coord(coord): """#TODO: Add description""" if not coord: raise Exception("coord is required") if ( isinstance(coord, list) and len(coord) >= 2 and not isinstance(coord[0], list) and not isinstance(coord[1], list) ): return coord elif ( isinstance(coord, Feature) and coord["geometry"] and coord["geometry"]["type"] == "Point" ): return coord["geometry"]["coordinates"] elif isinstance(coord, Point): return coord["coordinates"] elif ( isinstance(coord, dict) and coord["geometry"] and coord["geometry"]["type"] == "Point" ): return coord["geometry"]["coordinates"] else: raise Exception("coord must be GeoJSON Point or an Array of numbers") def get_geom(geojson): """#TODO: Add description""" if geojson["type"] == "Feature": return geojson["geometry"] return geojson def get_coords(coords): """#TODO: Add description""" if isinstance(coords, list): return coords elif isinstance(coords, Feature) and coords["geometry"]: return coords["geometry"]["coordinates"] elif isinstance(coords, Geometry) and coords["coordinates"]: return coords["coordinates"] elif isinstance(coords, dict): return coords["coordinates"] else: raise Exception( "coords must be GeoJSON Feature, shapely Geometry Object, dict or an List" ) def feature_of(feature, ttype, name): """#TODO: Add description""" if not feature: raise Exception("No feature passed") if not name: raise Exception(".featureOf() requires a name") if not feature or feature["type"] != "Feature" or not feature["geometry"]: raise Exception( "Invalid input to " + str(name) + ", Feature with geometry required" ) if not feature["geometry"] or feature["geometry"]["type"] != ttype: raise Exception( "Invalid input to " + name + ": must be a " + ttype + ", given " + feature["geometry"]["type"] ) def length_to_degrees(distance, units: str = "km"): """#TODO: Add description""" return radians_to_degrees(length_to_radians(distance, units)) def radians_to_degrees(radians: float): """#TODO: Add description""" degrees = abs(radians) % (2 * math.pi) * (1 if radians >= 0 else -1) return degrees * 180 / math.pi def convert_angle_to_360(alfa: float): beta = alfa % 360 if beta < 0: beta += 360 return beta