""" This module implements some of the spatial analysis techniques and processes used to analyse geojson linestring. This is mainly inspired by turf.js Misc section. link: http://turfjs.org/ """ from functools import reduce from typing import List, Union from geojson import ( Feature, FeatureCollection, LineString, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, Point, Polygon, ) from shapely.geometry import mapping, shape import turfpy._compact as compat from turfpy.helper import convert_angle_to_360, get_coord, get_coords, get_type from turfpy.measurement import bearing, destination, distance from turfpy.meta import coord_each, flatten_each from turfpy.transformation import circle, intersect def line_intersect( feature1: Union[LineString, Polygon, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, Feature], feature2: Union[LineString, Polygon, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, Feature], ) -> FeatureCollection: """ Takes any LineString or Polygon GeoJSON and returns the intersecting point(s). If one of the Features is polygon pass the polygon feature as the first parameter to improve performance. To use this functionality Rtree or pygeos is needed to be installed. See installation instructions at https://geopandas.org/install.html :param feature1: Any LineString or Polygon, if one of the two features is polygon to improve performance please pass polygon as this parameter. :param feature2: Any LineString or Polygon. :return: FeatureCollection of intersecting points. Exmaple: >>> from geojson import LineString, Feature >>> from turfpy.misc import line_intersect >>> l1 = Feature(geometry=LineString([[126, -11], [129, -21]])) >>> l2 = Feature(geometry=LineString([[123, -18], [131, -14]])) >>> line_intersect(l1, l2) """ if not compat.HAS_GEOPANDAS: raise ImportError( "line_intersect requires `Spatial indexes` for which it " "requires `geopandas` and either `rtree` or `pygeos`. " "See installation instructions at https://geopandas.org/install.html" ) elif not compat.HAS_PYGEOS and not compat.HAS_RTREE: raise ImportError( "line_intersect requires `Spatial indexes` for which it " "requires `geopandas` and either `rtree` or `pygeos`. " "See installation instructions at https://geopandas.org/install.html" ) import geopandas # noqa unique = set() results: List[Feature] = [] f1 = feature1 f2 = feature2 if f1["type"] != "Feature": f1 = Feature(geometry=f1) if f2["type"] != "Feature": f2 = Feature(geometry=f2) if ( f1["geometry"] and f2["geometry"] and f1["geometry"]["type"] == "LineString" and f2["geometry"]["type"] == "LineString" and len(f1["geometry"]["coordinates"]) == 2 and len(f2["geometry"]["coordinates"]) == 2 ): inters = intersect([f1, f2]) if inters: results.append(inters) return FeatureCollection(results) segments = line_segment(f1) gdf = geopandas.GeoDataFrame.from_features(segments) spatial_index = gdf.sindex segments = line_segment(f2)["features"] for segment in segments: s = shape(segment["geometry"]) possible_matches_index = list(spatial_index.intersection(s.bounds)) possible_matches = gdf.iloc[possible_matches_index] precise_matches = possible_matches[possible_matches.intersects(s)] if not precise_matches.empty: for index, row in precise_matches.iterrows(): # intersect = intersects(mapping(row["geometry"]), segment) intersection = Feature(geometry=mapping(row["geometry"].intersection(s))) key = ",".join(map(str, get_coords(intersection))) if key not in unique: unique.add(key) results.append(intersection) return FeatureCollection(results) def line_segment( geojson: Union[LineString, Polygon, MultiLineString, MultiPolygon, Feature] ) -> FeatureCollection: """ Creates a FeatureCollection of 2-vertex LineString segments from a (Multi)LineString or (Multi)Polygon. :param geojson: GeoJSON Polygon or LineString :return: FeatureCollection of 2-vertex line segments Example: >>> from turfpy.misc import line_segment >>> >>> poly = { ... "type": "Feature", ... "properties": {}, ... "geometry": { ... "type": "Polygon", ... "coordinates": [ ... [ ... [ ... 51.17431640625, ... 47.025206001585396 ... ], ... [ ... 45.17578125, ... 43.13306116240612 ... ], ... [ ... 54.5361328125, ... 41.85319643776675 ... ], ... [ ... 51.17431640625, ... 47.025206001585396 ... ] ... ] ... ] ... } ... } ... >>> line_segment(poly) """ if not geojson: raise Exception("geojson is required!!!") results: List[Feature] = [] def callback_flatten_each(feature, feature_index, multi_feature_index): line_segment_feature(feature, results) return True flatten_each(geojson, callback_flatten_each) return FeatureCollection(results) def line_segment_feature(geojson: Union[LineString, Polygon], results: List[Feature]): """ :param geojson: :param results: :return: """ coords = [] geometry = geojson["geometry"] if geometry: if geometry["type"] == "Polygon": coords = get_coords(geometry) elif geometry["type"] == "LineString": coords = [get_coords(geometry)] for coord in coords: segments = create_segments(coord, geojson["properties"]) for segment in segments: segment["id"] = len(results) results.append(segment) def create_segments(coords, properties): """ Create Segments from LineString coordinates :param coords: coords LineString coordinates :param properties: properties GeoJSON properties :return: Line segments Features """ segments = [] def callback(current_coords, previous_coords): segment = Feature( geometry=LineString([previous_coords, current_coords]), properties=properties ) segment.bbox = bbox(previous_coords, current_coords) segments.append(segment) return previous_coords reduce(callback, coords) return segments def bbox(coords1, coords2): """ Create BBox between two coordinates :param coords1: coords1 Point coordinate :param coords2: coords2 Point coordinate :return: Bounding Box as [west, south, east, north] """ x1 = coords1[0] y1 = coords1[1] x2 = coords2[0] y2 = coords2[1] if x1 < x2: west = x1 else: west = x2 if y1 < y2: south = y1 else: south = y2 if x1 > x2: east = x1 else: east = x2 if y1 > y2: north = y1 else: north = y2 return [west, south, east, north] def nearest_point_on_line( line: Union[LineString, MultiLineString], point: Point, options: dict = {} ) -> Point: """ Takes a Point and a LineString and calculates the closest Point on the (Multi)LineString. :param line: line(s) to snap to :param point: point to snap from :param options: Option like units of distance and properties to be passed to destination point feature. Value for units are 'mi', 'km', 'deg' and 'rad'. :return: Feature: closest point on the `line` to `point`. The properties object will contain three values: `index`: closest point was found on nth line part, `dist`: distance between pt and the closest point, `location`: distance along the line between start and the closest point. """ closest_pt = Point([float("inf"), float("inf")], properties={"dist": float("inf")}) length = 0.0 def dist(pt1, pt2, options): if "units" in options: return distance(pt1, pt2, options["units"]) else: return distance(pt1, pt2) def callback_flatten_each(feature, feature_index, multi_feature_index): nonlocal length nonlocal closest_pt coords = get_coords(feature) for i, coord in enumerate(coords[:-1]): # start start = Feature(geometry=Point(coord)) start.properties = {"dist": dist(point, start, options)} # stop stop = Feature(geometry=Point(coords[i + 1])) stop.properties = {"dist": dist(point, stop, options)} # section length section_length = dist(start, stop, options) # perpendicular height_distance = max(start.properties["dist"], stop.properties["dist"]) direction = bearing(start, stop) perpendicular_pt1 = destination( Feature(geometry=point), height_distance, direction + 90, options ) perpendicular_pt2 = destination( Feature(geometry=point), height_distance, direction - 90, options ) intersect = line_intersect( Feature( geometry=LineString( [get_coord(perpendicular_pt1), get_coord(perpendicular_pt2)] ) ), Feature(geometry=LineString([get_coord(start), get_coord(stop)])), ) intersect_pt = None if len(intersect["features"]) > 0: intersect_pt = intersect["features"][0] intersect_pt.properties["dist"] = dist(point, intersect_pt, options) intersect_pt.properties["location"] = length + dist( start, intersect_pt, options ) if start.properties["dist"] < closest_pt.properties["dist"]: closest_pt = start closest_pt.properties["index"] = i closest_pt.properties["location"] = length if stop.properties["dist"] < closest_pt.properties["dist"]: closest_pt = stop closest_pt.properties["index"] = i + 1 closest_pt.properties["location"] = length + section_length if ( intersect_pt and intersect_pt.properties["dist"] < closest_pt.properties["dist"] ): closest_pt = intersect_pt closest_pt.properties["index"] = i # update length length += section_length # process all Features return True flatten_each(line, callback_flatten_each) # append preoperties from options parameter to the result properties = options["properties"] if "properties" in options else {} properties.update(closest_pt.properties) closest_pt.properties = dict(properties) return closest_pt def line_slice( start_pt: Point, stop_pt: Point, line: LineString, ) -> LineString: """ Takes a LineString, a start Point, and a stop Point and returns a subsection of the line in-between those points. The start & stop points don't need to fall exactly on the line. This can be useful for extracting only the part of a route between waypoints. :param start_pt: starting point :param stop_pt: stopping point :param line: line to slice :return: sliced line as LineString Feature """ if not line or get_type(line) != "LineString": raise Exception("line must be a LineString") coords = get_coords(line) start_vertex = nearest_point_on_line(line, start_pt) stop_vertex = nearest_point_on_line(line, stop_pt) if start_vertex["properties"]["index"] <= stop_vertex["properties"]["index"]: ends = [start_vertex, stop_vertex] else: ends = [stop_vertex, start_vertex] clip_coords = [get_coord(ends[0])] clip_coords.extend( coords[ends[0]["properties"]["index"] + 1 : ends[1]["properties"]["index"] + 1] ) clip_coords.append(get_coord(ends[1])) return Feature(geometry=LineString(clip_coords), properties=line["properties"].copy()) def line_arc( center: Feature, radius: int, bearing1: int, bearing2: int, options: dict = {} ) -> Feature: """ Creates a circular arc, of a circle of the given radius and center point, between bearing1 and bearing2; 0 bearing is North of center point, positive clockwise. :param center: A `Point` object representing center point of circle. :param radius: An int representing radius of the circle. :param bearing1: Angle, in decimal degrees, of the first radius of the arc. :param bearing2: Angle, in decimal degrees, of the second radius of the arc. :param options: A dict representing additional properties,which can be `steps` which has default values as 64 and `units` which has default values of `km` :return: A Line String feature object. Example: >>> from turfpy.misc import line_arc >>> from geojson import Feature, Point >>> center = Feature(geometry=Point((-75, 40))) >>> radius = 5 >>> bearing1 = 25 >>> bearing2 = 47 >>> feature = line_arc(center=center, radius=radius, >>> bearing1=bearing1, bearing2=bearing2) """ if not options: options = {} steps = int(options["steps"]) if options.get("steps") else 64 units = str(options.get("units")) if options.get("units") else "km" angle1 = convert_angle_to_360(bearing1) angle2 = convert_angle_to_360(bearing2) properties = {} if center.get("type"): if center.get("type") == "Feature": properties = center.get("properties") else: raise Exception("Invalid Feature value for center parameter") if angle1 == angle2: return Feature( geometry=LineString( circle(center, radius, steps, units)["geometry"]["coordinates"][0] ), properties=properties, ) arc_start_degree = angle1 arc_end_degree = angle2 if angle1 < angle2 else angle2 + 360 alfa = arc_start_degree coordinates = [] i = 0 while alfa < arc_end_degree: coordinates.append( destination(center, radius, alfa, {"steps": steps, "units": units})[ "geometry" ]["coordinates"] ) i += 1 alfa = arc_start_degree + i * 360 / steps if alfa > arc_end_degree: coordinates.append( destination(center, radius, arc_end_degree, {"steps": steps, "units": units})[ "geometry" ]["coordinates"] ) return Feature(geometry=LineString(coordinates, properties=properties)) def sector( center: Feature, radius: int, bearing1: int, bearing2: int, options: dict = {} ) -> Feature: """ Creates a circular sector of a circle of given radius and center Point , between (clockwise) bearing1 and bearing2; 0 bearing is North of center point, positive clockwise. :param center: A `Point` object representing center point of circle. :param radius: An int representing radius of the circle. :param bearing1: Angle, in decimal degrees, of the first radius of the arc. :param bearing2: Angle, in decimal degrees, of the second radius of the arc. :param options: A dict representing additional properties, which can be `steps` which has default values as 64, `units` which has default values of `km`, and `properties` which will be added to resulting Feature as properties. :return: A polygon feature object. Example: >>> from turfpy.misc import sector >>> from geojson import Feature, Point >>> center = Feature(geometry=Point((-75, 40))) >>> radius = 5 >>> bearing1 = 25 >>> bearing2 = 45 >>> sector(center, radius, bearing1, bearing2) """ if not options: options = {} steps = int(options["steps"]) if options.get("steps") else 64 units = str(options.get("units")) if options.get("units") else "km" properties = options.get("properties") if options.get("properties") else {} if not center: raise Exception("center if required") if center.get("type") != "Feature": raise Exception("Invalid Feature value for center parameter") if not radius: raise Exception("Radius is required") if not bearing1: raise Exception("bearing1 is required") if not bearing2: raise Exception("bearing2 is required") if convert_angle_to_360(bearing1) == convert_angle_to_360(bearing2): return circle(center, radius, steps, units) coords = get_coords(center) arc = line_arc(center, radius, bearing1, bearing2, options) sliceCoords = [[coords]] def _callback_coord_each( coord, coord_index, feature_index, multi_feature_index, geometry_index, ): nonlocal sliceCoords sliceCoords[0].append(coord) coord_each(arc, _callback_coord_each) sliceCoords[0].append(coords) return Feature(geometry=Polygon(sliceCoords), properties=properties)