""" Utilities to support XYZservices """ from __future__ import annotations import json import uuid import urllib.request from typing import Optional, Callable, Union from urllib.parse import quote QUERY_NAME_TRANSLATION = str.maketrans({x: "" for x in "., -_/"}) class Bunch(dict): """A dict with attribute-access :class:`Bunch` is used to store :class:`TileProvider` objects. Examples -------- >>> black_and_white = TileProvider( ... name="My black and white tiles", ... url="https://myserver.com/bw/{z}/{x}/{y}", ... attribution="(C) xyzservices", ... ) >>> colorful = TileProvider( ... name="My colorful tiles", ... url="https://myserver.com/color/{z}/{x}/{y}", ... attribution="(C) xyzservices", ... ) >>> MyTiles = Bunch(BlackAndWhite=black_and_white, Colorful=colorful) >>> MyTiles {'BlackAndWhite': {'name': 'My black and white tiles', 'url': \ 'https://myserver.com/bw/{z}/{x}/{y}', 'attribution': '(C) xyzservices'}, 'Colorful': \ {'name': 'My colorful tiles', 'url': 'https://myserver.com/color/{z}/{x}/{y}', \ 'attribution': '(C) xyzservices'}} >>> MyTiles.BlackAndWhite.url 'https://myserver.com/bw/{z}/{x}/{y}' """ def __getattr__(self, key): try: return self.__getitem__(key) except KeyError: raise AttributeError(key) def __dir__(self): return self.keys() def _repr_html_(self, inside=False): children = "" for key in self.keys(): if isinstance(self[key], TileProvider): obj = "xyzservices.TileProvider" else: obj = "xyzservices.Bunch" uid = str(uuid.uuid4()) children += f"""
  • {self[key]._repr_html_(inside=True)}
  • """ style = "" if inside else f"" html = f"""
    {len(self)} items
    """ return html def flatten(self) -> dict: """Return the nested :class:`Bunch` collapsed into the one level dictionary. Dictionary keys are :class:`TileProvider` names (e.g. ``OpenStreetMap.Mapnik``) and its values are :class:`TileProvider` objects. Returns ------- flattened : dict dictionary of :class:`TileProvider` objects Examples -------- >>> import xyzservices.providers as xyz >>> len(xyz) 36 >>> flat = xyz.flatten() >>> len(xyz) 207 """ flat = {} def _get_providers(provider): if isinstance(provider, TileProvider): flat[provider.name] = provider else: for prov in provider.values(): _get_providers(prov) _get_providers(self) return flat def filter( self, keyword: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, requires_token: Optional[bool] = None, function: Callable[[TileProvider], bool] = None, ) -> Bunch: """Return a subset of the :class:`Bunch` matching the filter conditions Each :class:`TileProvider` within a :class:`Bunch` is checked against one or more specified conditions and kept if they are satisfied or removed if at least one condition is not met. Parameters ---------- keyword : str (optional) Condition returns ``True`` if ``keyword`` string is present in any string value in a :class:`TileProvider` object. The comparison is not case sensitive. name : str (optional) Condition returns ``True`` if ``name`` string is present in the name attribute of :class:`TileProvider` object. The comparison is not case sensitive. requires_token : bool (optional) Condition returns ``True`` if :meth:`TileProvider.requires_token` returns ``True`` (i.e. if the object requires specification of API token). function : callable (optional) Custom function taking :class:`TileProvider` as an argument and returns bool. If ``function`` is given, other parameters are ignored. Returns ------- filtered : Bunch Examples -------- >>> import xyzservices.providers as xyz You can filter all free providers (not requiring API token): >>> free_providers = xyz.filter(requires_token=False) Or all providers with ``open`` in the name: >>> open_providers = xyz.filter(name="open") You can use keyword search to find all providers based on OpenStreetMap data: >>> osm_providers = xyz.filter(keyword="openstreetmap") You can combine multiple conditions to find providers based on OpenStreetMap data that require API token: >>> osm_locked = xyz.filter(keyword="openstreetmap", requires_token=True) You can also pass custom function that takes :class:`TileProvider` and returns boolean value. You can then find all providers with ``max_zoom`` smaller than 18: >>> def zoom18(provider): ... if hasattr(provider, "max_zoom") and provider.max_zoom < 18: ... return True ... return False >>> small_zoom = xyz.filter(function=zoom18) """ def _validate(provider, keyword, name, requires_token): cond = [] if keyword is not None: keyword_match = False for v in provider.values(): if isinstance(v, str): if keyword.lower() in v.lower(): keyword_match = True break cond.append(keyword_match) if name is not None: name_match = False if name.lower() in provider.name.lower(): name_match = True cond.append(name_match) if requires_token is not None: token_match = False if provider.requires_token() is requires_token: token_match = True cond.append(token_match) return all(cond) def _filter_bunch(bunch, keyword, name, requires_token, function): new = Bunch() for key, value in bunch.items(): if isinstance(value, TileProvider): if function is None: if _validate( value, keyword=keyword, name=name, requires_token=requires_token, ): new[key] = value else: if function(value): new[key] = value else: filtered = _filter_bunch( value, keyword=keyword, name=name, requires_token=requires_token, function=function, ) if filtered: new[key] = filtered return new return _filter_bunch( self, keyword=keyword, name=name, requires_token=requires_token, function=function, ) def query_name(self, name: str) -> TileProvider: """Return :class:`TileProvider` based on the name query Returns a matching :class:`TileProvider` from the :class:`Bunch` if the ``name`` contains the same letters in the same order as the provider's name irrespective of the letter case, spaces, dashes and other characters. See examples for details. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the tile provider. Formatting does not matter. Returns ------- match: TileProvider Examples -------- >>> import xyzservices.providers as xyz All these queries return the same ``CartoDB.Positron`` TileProvider: >>> xyz.query_name("CartoDB Positron") >>> xyz.query_name("cartodbpositron") >>> xyz.query_name("cartodb-positron") >>> xyz.query_name("carto db/positron") >>> xyz.query_name("CARTO_DB_POSITRON") >>> xyz.query_name("CartoDB.Positron") """ xyz_flat_lower = { k.translate(QUERY_NAME_TRANSLATION).lower(): v for k, v in self.flatten().items() } name_clean = name.translate(QUERY_NAME_TRANSLATION).lower() if name_clean in xyz_flat_lower: return xyz_flat_lower[name_clean] raise ValueError(f"No matching provider found for the query '{name}'.") class TileProvider(Bunch): """ A dict with attribute-access and that can be called to update keys Examples -------- You can create custom :class:`TileProvider` by passing your attributes to the object as it would have been a ``dict()``. It is required to always specify ``name``, ``url``, and ``attribution``. >>> public_provider = TileProvider( ... name="My public tiles", ... url="https://myserver.com/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png", ... attribution="(C) xyzservices", ... ) Alternatively, you can create it from a dictionary of attributes. When specifying a placeholder for the access token, please use the ``""`` string to ensure that :meth:`~xyzservices.TileProvider.requires_token` method works properly. >>> private_provider = TileProvider( ... { ... "url": "https://myserver.com/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?apikey={accessToken}", ... "attribution": "(C) xyzservices", ... "accessToken": "", ... "name": "my_private_provider", ... } ... ) It is customary to include ``html_attribution`` attribute containing HTML string as ``'© OpenStreetMap contributors'`` alongisde a plain-text ``attribution``. You can then fetch all information as attributes: >>> public_provider.url 'https://myserver.com/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png' >>> public_provider.attribution '(C) xyzservices' To ensure you will be able to use the tiles, you can check if the :class:`TileProvider` requires a token or API key. >>> public_provider.requires_token() False >>> private_provider.requires_token() True You can also generate URL in the required format with or without placeholders: >>> public_provider.build_url() 'https://myserver.com/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png' >>> private_provider.build_url(x=12, y=21, z=11, accessToken="my_token") 'https://myserver.com/tiles/11/12/21.png?access_token=my_token' """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) missing = [] for el in ["name", "url", "attribution"]: if el not in self.keys(): missing.append(el) if len(missing) > 0: msg = ( f"The attributes `name`, `url`, " f"and `attribution` are required to initialise " f"a `TileProvider`. Please provide values for: " f'`{"`, `".join(missing)}`' ) raise AttributeError(msg) def __call__(self, **kwargs) -> TileProvider: new = TileProvider(self) # takes a copy preserving the class new.update(kwargs) return new def copy(self, **kwargs) -> TileProvider: new = TileProvider(self) # takes a copy preserving the class return new def build_url( self, x: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, y: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, z: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, scale_factor: Optional[str] = None, fill_subdomain: Optional[bool] = True, **kwargs, ) -> str: """ Build the URL of tiles from the :class:`TileProvider` object Can return URL with placeholders or the final tile URL. Parameters ---------- x, y, z : int (optional) tile number scale_factor : str (optional) Scale factor (where supported). For example, you can get double resolution (512 x 512) instead of standard one (256 x 256) with ``"@2x"``. If you want to keep a placeholder, pass `"{r}"`. fill_subdomain : bool (optional, default True) Fill subdomain placeholder with the first available subdomain. If False, the URL will contain ``{s}`` placeholder for subdomain. **kwargs Other potential attributes updating the :class:`TileProvider`. Returns ------- url : str Formatted URL Examples -------- >>> import xyzservices.providers as xyz >>> xyz.CartoDB.DarkMatter.build_url() 'https://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/dark_all/{z}/{x}/{y}.png' >>> xyz.CartoDB.DarkMatter.build_url(x=9, y=11, z=5) 'https://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/dark_all/5/9/11.png' >>> xyz.CartoDB.DarkMatter.build_url(x=9, y=11, z=5, scale_factor="@2x") 'https://a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/dark_all/5/9/11@2x.png' >>> xyz.MapBox.build_url(accessToken="my_token") 'https://api.mapbox.com/styles/v1/mapbox/streets-v11/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token=my_token' """ provider = self.copy() if x is None: x = "{x}" if y is None: y = "{y}" if z is None: z = "{z}" provider.update(kwargs) if provider.requires_token(): raise ValueError( "Token is required for this provider, but not provided. " "You can either update TileProvider or pass respective keywords " "to build_url()." ) url = provider.pop("url") if scale_factor: r = scale_factor provider.pop("r", None) else: r = provider.pop("r", "") if fill_subdomain: subdomains = provider.pop("subdomains", "abc") s = subdomains[0] else: s = "{s}" return url.format(x=x, y=y, z=z, s=s, r=r, **provider) def requires_token(self) -> bool: """ Returns ``True`` if the TileProvider requires access token to fetch tiles. The token attribute name vary and some :class:`TileProvider` objects may require more than one token (e.g. ``HERE``). The information is deduced from the presence of `'"`` string to ensure that :meth:`~xyzservices.TileProvider.requires_token` method works properly. Returns ------- bool Examples -------- >>> import xyzservices.providers as xyz >>> xyz.MapBox.requires_token() True >>> xyz.CartoDB.Positron False We can specify this API key by calling the object or overriding the attribute. Overriding the attribute will alter existing object: >>> xyz.OpenWeatherMap.Clouds["apiKey"] = "my-private-api-key" Calling the object will return a copy: >>> xyz.OpenWeatherMap.Clouds(apiKey="my-private-api-key") """ # both attribute and placeholder in url are required to make it work for key, val in self.items(): if isinstance(val, str) and "{key}
    " style = "" if inside else f"" html = f"""
    """ return html @classmethod def from_qms(cls, name: str) -> TileProvider: """ Creates a :class:`TileProvider` object based on the definition from the `Quick Map Services `__ open catalog. Parameters ---------- name : str Service name Returns ------- :class:`TileProvider` Examples -------- >>> from xyzservices.lib import TileProvider >>> provider = TileProvider.from_qms("OpenTopoMap") """ QMS_API_URL = "https://qms.nextgis.com/api/v1/geoservices" services = json.load( urllib.request.urlopen(f"{QMS_API_URL}/?search={quote(name)}&type=tms") ) for service in services: if service["name"] == name: break else: raise ValueError(f"Service '{name}' not found.") service_id = service["id"] service_details = json.load( urllib.request.urlopen(f"{QMS_API_URL}/{service_id}") ) return cls( name=service_details["name"], url=service_details["url"], min_zoom=service_details.get("z_min"), max_zoom=service_details.get("z_max"), attribution=service_details.get("copyright_text"), ) def _load_json(f): data = json.loads(f) providers = Bunch() for provider_name in data.keys(): provider = data[provider_name] if "url" in provider.keys(): providers[provider_name] = TileProvider(provider) else: providers[provider_name] = Bunch( {i: TileProvider(provider[i]) for i in provider} ) return providers CSS_STYLE = """ /* CSS stylesheet for displaying xyzservices objects in Jupyter.*/ .xyz-wrap { --xyz-border-color: var(--jp-border-color2, #ddd); --xyz-font-color2: var(--jp-content-font-color2, rgba(128, 128, 128, 1)); --xyz-background-color-white: var(--jp-layout-color1, white); --xyz-background-color: var(--jp-layout-color2, rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.1)); } html[theme=dark] .xyz-wrap, body.vscode-dark .xyz-wrap, body.vscode-high-contrast .xyz-wrap { --xyz-border-color: #222; --xyz-font-color2: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.54); --xyz-background-color-white: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); --xyz-background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05); } .xyz-header { padding-top: 6px; padding-bottom: 6px; margin-bottom: 4px; border-bottom: solid 1px var(--xyz-border-color); } .xyz-header>div { display: inline; margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; } .xyz-obj, .xyz-name { margin-left: 2px; margin-right: 10px; } .xyz-obj { color: var(--xyz-font-color2); } .xyz-attrs { grid-column: 1 / -1; } dl.xyz-attrs { padding: 0 5px 0 5px; margin: 0; display: grid; grid-template-columns: 135px auto; background-color: var(--xyz-background-color); } .xyz-attrs dt, dd { padding: 0; margin: 0; float: left; padding-right: 10px; width: auto; } .xyz-attrs dt { font-weight: normal; grid-column: 1; } .xyz-attrs dd { grid-column: 2; white-space: pre-wrap; word-break: break-all; } .xyz-details ul>li>label>span { color: var(--xyz-font-color2); padding-left: 10px; } .xyz-inside { display: none; } .xyz-checkbox:checked~.xyz-inside { display: contents; } .xyz-collapsible li>input { display: none; } .xyz-collapsible>li>label { cursor: pointer; } .xyz-collapsible>li>label:hover { color: var(--xyz-font-color2); } ul.xyz-collapsible { list-style: none!important; padding-left: 20px!important; } .xyz-checkbox+label:before { content: '►'; font-size: 11px; } .xyz-checkbox:checked+label:before { content: '▼'; } .xyz-wrap { margin-bottom: 10px; } """