{% set version = "1.16.0" %} package: name: cairo version: {{ version }} source: url: http://cairographics.org/releases/cairo-{{ version }}.tar.xz sha256: 5e7b29b3f113ef870d1e3ecf8adf21f923396401604bda16d44be45e66052331 patches: - windows_enable_cairo_gobject.patch # [win] - windows_pc_files.patch # [win] - windows_enable_freetype.patch # [win] # patch below is upstream, remove for releases >= 1.17.6 - 0001-Ref-and-destroy-the-cairo-surface-handed-off-to-Core.patch # [osx] build: number: 1014 run_exports: - {{ pin_subpackage('cairo') }} requirements: build: - posix # [win] - m2w64-xz # [win] - pkg-config # [not win] - libtool # [not win] - automake # [not win] - make # [not win] - xz # [not win] - libtool # [unix] - {{ compiler('c') }} - pthread-stubs # [linux] - xcb-proto # [linux] - xorg-renderproto # [linux] - xorg-xproto # [linux] host: - freetype - fontconfig - glib - icu - libpng - libxcb # [linux] - pixman - xorg-libice # [linux] - xorg-libsm # [linux] - xorg-libx11 # [linux] - xorg-libxext # [linux] - xorg-libxrender # [linux] - zlib run: - xorg-libice # [linux] - xorg-libsm # [linux] - xorg-libx11 # [linux] - xorg-libxext # [linux] - xorg-libxrender # [linux] # hmaarrfk: 2022/08 # While the dependencies below should be captured # by run_exports, run_exports doesn't necessary # bring in compile time depenencies - zlib test: commands: # Check commands. - cairo-trace --help # [not win] # Verify libraries. {% set cairo_libs = [ "libcairo", "libcairo-gobject", "libcairo-script-interpreter", ] %} {% for each_cairo_lib in cairo_libs %} - test -f $PREFIX/lib/{{ each_cairo_lib }}.a # [not win] - test -f $PREFIX/lib/{{ each_cairo_lib }}.dylib # [osx] - test -f $PREFIX/lib/{{ each_cairo_lib }}.so # [linux] {% endfor %} # Check pkg-config files. - test -f $PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig/cairo-quartz.pc # [osx] - test -f $PREFIX/lib/pkgconfig/cairo-xlib.pc # [linux] # check include files - test -f $PREFIX/include/cairo/cairo.h # [unix] # check that cairo was built with fontconfig support - grep -q "CAIRO_HAS_FC_FONT 1" $PREFIX/include/cairo/cairo-features.h # [unix] about: home: http://cairographics.org/ dev_url: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/cairo/cairo doc_url: https://www.cairographics.org/documentation/ license: LGPL-2.1-only or MPL-1.1 license_file: - COPYING - COPYING-LGPL-2.1 - COPYING-MPL-1.1 summary: 'Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices.' extra: recipe-maintainers: - ccordoba12 - jakirkham - ocefpaf - pkgw - tschoonj