/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Copyright by The HDF Group. * * Copyright by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois. * * All rights reserved. * * * * This file is part of HDF. The full HDF copyright notice, including * * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in * * the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code * * distribution tree, or in https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF/releases/. * * If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from * * help@hdfgroup.org. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /* $Id$ */ /*+ herr.h *** header file for using error routines *** to be included by all ".c" files + */ #ifndef __HERR_H #define __HERR_H /* if these symbols are not provided by the compiler, we'll have to fake them. These are used in HERROR for recording location of error in code. */ #ifndef __FILE__ # define __FILE__ "File name not supported" #endif #ifndef __LINE__ # define __LINE__ 0 #endif /* HERROR macro, used to facilitate error reporting. Assumes that there's a variable called FUNC which holds the function name. Assume that func and file are both stored in static space, or at least be not corrupted in the meanwhile. */ #define HERROR(e) HEpush(e, FUNC, __FILE__, __LINE__) /* HRETURN_ERROR macro, used to facilitate error reporting. Makes same assumptions as HERROR. IN ADDITION, this macro causes a return from the calling routine */ #define HRETURN_ERROR(err, ret_val) {HERROR(err); return(ret_val);} /* HCLOSE_RETURN_ERROR macro, used to facilitate error reporting. Makes same assumptions as HRETURN_ERROR. IN ADDITION, this macro causes the file specified by the id "fid" to be closed */ #define HCLOSE_RETURN_ERROR(hfid, err, ret_val) {HERROR(err); Hclose(hfid); \ return(ret_val);} /* HGOTO_ERROR macro, used to facilitate error reporting. Makes same assumptions as HERROR. IN ADDITION, this macro causes a jump to the label 'done' which should be in every fucntion Also there is an assumption of a variable 'ret_value' */ #define HGOTO_ERROR(err, ret_val) {HERROR(err); ret_value = ret_val; \ goto done;} /* HGOTO_FAIL macro, used to facilitate error reporting. This one is added in 2019 to tidy the code. It is similar to HGOTO_ERROR, except it does not call HERROR. This is to preserve the exact behavior as the original code. */ #define HGOTO_FAIL(ret_val) {ret_value = ret_val; \ goto done;} /* HCLOSE_RETURN_ERROR macro, used to facilitate error reporting. Makes same assumptions as HRETURN_ERROR. IN ADDITION, this macro causes the file specified by the id "fid" to be closed Also , this macro causes a jump to the label 'done' which should be in every fucntion. There is an assumption of a variable 'ret_value' */ #define HCLOSE_GOTO_ERROR(hfid, err, ret_val) {HERROR(err); Hclose(hfid); \ ret_value = ret_val; goto done;} /* HGOTO_DONE macro, used to facilitate the new error reporting model. This macro is just a wrapper to set the return value and jump to the 'done' label. Also assumption of a variable 'ret_value' */ #define HGOTO_DONE(ret_val) {ret_value = ret_val; goto done;} /* For further error reporting */ #define HE_REPORT(msg) HEreport(msg) #define HE_REPORT_RETURN(msg, ret_val) { HEreport(msg); return(ret_val); } #define HE_CLOSE_REPORT_RETURN(hfid,msg, ret_val) { HEreport(msg); \ Hclose(hfid); \ return(ret_val);} #define HE_REPORT_GOTO(msg, ret_val) { HEreport(msg); ret_value = ret_val; \ goto done;} #define HE_CLOSE_REPORT_GOTO(hfid,msg, ret_val) { HEreport(msg); \ Hclose(hfid); \ ret_value = ret_val; \ goto done;} /* always points to the next available slot; the last error record is in slot (top-1) */ #if defined(H4_BUILT_AS_DYNAMIC_LIB) # ifdef _H_ERR_MASTER_ # if defined _WIN32 && defined hdf_shared_EXPORTS __declspec(dllexport) # endif # else HDFERRPUBLIC # endif /* _H_ERR_MASTER_ */ int32 error_top # ifdef _H_ERR_MASTER_ = 0 # endif /* _H_ERR_MASTER_ */ ; #else /* defined(H4_BUILT_AS_DYNAMIC_LIB) */ # ifndef _H_ERR_MASTER_ HDFERRPUBLIC # endif /* _H_ERR_MASTER_ */ int32 error_top # ifdef _H_ERR_MASTER_ = 0 # endif /* _H_ERR_MASTER_ */ ; #endif /* defined(H4_BUILT_AS_DYNAMIC_LIB) */ /* Macro to wrap around calls to HEPclear, so it doesn't get called zillions of times */ #define HEclear() {if(error_top!=0) HEPclear(); } /* ====================================================================== Error codes NOTE: Remember to update the error_messages[] structure in herr.c whenever errors are added/deleted from this list. ====================================================================== */ /* Declare an enumerated type which holds all the valid HDF error codes */ typedef enum { DFE_NONE = 0, /* special zero, no error */ /* Low-level I/O errors */ DFE_FNF, /* File not found */ DFE_DENIED, /* Access to file denied */ DFE_ALROPEN, /* File already open */ DFE_TOOMANY, /* Too Many AID's or files open */ DFE_BADNAME, /* Bad file name on open */ DFE_BADACC, /* Bad file access mode */ DFE_BADOPEN, /* Other open error */ DFE_NOTOPEN, /* File can't be closed 'cause it isn't open */ DFE_CANTCLOSE, /* fclose wouldn't work! */ DFE_READERROR, /* There was a read error */ DFE_WRITEERROR, /* There was a write error */ DFE_SEEKERROR, /* There was a seek error */ DFE_RDONLY, /* The DF is read only */ DFE_BADSEEK, /* Attempt to seek past end of element */ DFE_INVFILE, /* File is neither hdf, cdf, netcdf */ /* Low-level HDF I/O errors */ DFE_PUTELEM, /* Hputelement failed in some way */ DFE_GETELEM, /* Hgetelement failed in some way */ DFE_CANTLINK, /* Can't initialize link information */ DFE_CANTSYNC, /* Cannot synchronize memory with file */ /* Old group interface errors */ DFE_BADGROUP, /* Error from DFdiread in opening a group */ DFE_GROUPSETUP, /* Error from DFdisetup in opening a group */ DFE_PUTGROUP, /* Error when putting a tag/ref into a group */ DFE_GROUPWRITE, /* Error when writing out a group */ /* Internal HDF errors */ DFE_DFNULL, /* DF is a null pointer */ DFE_ILLTYPE, /* DF has an illegal type: internal error */ DFE_BADDDLIST, /* The DD list is non-existent: internal error */ DFE_NOTDFFILE, /* This is not a DF file and it is not 0 length */ DFE_SEEDTWICE, /* The DD list already seeded: internal error */ DFE_NOSUCHTAG, /* No such tag in the file: search failed */ DFE_NOFREEDD, /* There are no free DD's left: internal error */ DFE_BADTAG, /* illegal WILDCARD tag */ DFE_BADREF, /* illegal WILDCARD reference # */ DFE_NOMATCH, /* No (more) DDs which match specified tag/ref */ DFE_NOTINSET, /* Warning: Set contained unknown tag: ignored */ DFE_BADOFFSET, /* Illegal offset specified */ DFE_CORRUPT, /* File is corrupted */ DFE_NOREF, /* no more reference numbers are available */ DFE_DUPDD, /* the new tag/ref is already used */ DFE_CANTMOD, /* old element not exist, cannot modify */ DFE_DIFFFILES, /* Attempt to merge objs in diff files */ DFE_BADAID, /* Got a bogus aid */ DFE_OPENAID, /* There are still active AIDs */ DFE_CANTFLUSH, /* Can't flush DD back to file */ DFE_CANTUPDATE, /* Cannot update the DD block */ DFE_CANTHASH, /* Cannot add a DD to the hash table */ DFE_CANTDELDD, /* Cannot delete a DD in the file */ DFE_CANTDELHASH, /* Cannot delete a DD from the hash table */ DFE_CANTACCESS, /* Cannot access specified tag/ref */ DFE_CANTENDACCESS, /* Cannot end access to data element */ DFE_TABLEFULL, /* Access table is full */ DFE_NOTINTABLE, /* Cannot find element in table */ /* Generic errors */ DFE_UNSUPPORTED, /* Feature not currently supported */ DFE_NOSPACE, /* Malloc failed */ DFE_BADCALL, /* Calls in wrong order */ DFE_BADPTR, /* NULL ptr argument */ DFE_BADLEN, /* Invalid len specified */ DFE_NOTENOUGH, /* space provided insufficient for size of data */ DFE_NOVALS, /* Values not available */ DFE_ARGS, /* bad arguments to routine */ DFE_INTERNAL, /* serious internal error */ DFE_NORESET, /* Too late to modify this value */ DFE_EXCEEDMAX, /* Value exceeds max allowed */ DFE_GENAPP, /* Generic application,level error */ /* Generic interface errors */ DFE_UNINIT, /* Interface was not initialized correctly */ DFE_CANTINIT, /* Can't initialize an interface we depend on */ DFE_CANTSHUTDOWN, /* Can't shut down an interface we depend on */ /* General Dataset errors */ DFE_BADDIM, /* negative or zero dimensions specified */ DFE_BADFP, /* File contained an illegal floating point num */ DFE_BADDATATYPE, /* unknown or unavailable data type specified */ DFE_BADMCTYPE, /* unknown or unavailable machine type specified */ DFE_BADNUMTYPE, /* unknown or unavailable number type specified */ DFE_BADORDER, /* unknown or illegal array order specified */ DFE_RANGE, /* improper range for attempted acess */ DFE_BADCONV, /* Don't know how to convert data type */ DFE_BADTYPE, /* Incompatible types specified */ DFE_BADDIMNAME, /* Dimension name not valid or already taken */ DFE_NOVGREP, /* No Vgroup representation for SDS and dim */ /* Compression errors */ DFE_BADSCHEME, /* Unknown compression scheme specified */ DFE_BADMODEL, /* Invalid compression model specified */ DFE_BADCODER, /* Invalid compression encoder specified */ DFE_MODEL, /* Error in modeling layer of compression */ DFE_CODER, /* Error in encoding layer of compression */ DFE_CINIT, /* Error in encoding initialization */ DFE_CDECODE, /* Error in decoding compressed data */ DFE_CENCODE, /* Error in encoding compressed data */ DFE_CTERM, /* Error in encoding termination */ DFE_CSEEK, /* Error seekging in encoded dataset */ DFE_MINIT, /* Error in modeling initialization */ DFE_COMPINFO, /* Invalid compression header */ DFE_CANTCOMP, /* Can't compress an object */ DFE_CANTDECOMP, /* Can't de-compress an object */ DFE_NOENCODER, /* Encoder not available */ DFE_NOSZLIB, /* SZIP library not available */ DFE_COMPVERSION, /* Z_VERSION_ERROR (-6) returned from zlib */ DFE_READCOMP, /* Error in reading compressed data; this error occurs when one of the following error codes is returned from zlib: Z_ERRNO (-1) Z_STREAM_ERROR (-2) Z_DATA_ERROR (-3) Z_MEM_ERROR (-4) Z_BUF_ERROR (-5) */ /* Raster errors */ DFE_NODIM, /* No dimension record associated with image */ DFE_BADRIG, /* Error processing a RIG */ DFE_RINOTFOUND, /* Can't find raster image */ DFE_BADATTR, /* Bad Attribute */ DFE_LUTNOTFOUND, /* No palette information for RIG */ DFE_GRNOTFOUND, /* Can't find specified GR */ /* SDG/NDG errors */ DFE_BADTABLE, /* the nsdg table is wrong */ DFE_BADSDG, /* error processing an sdg */ DFE_BADNDG, /* error processing an ndg */ /* Vset errors */ DFE_VGSIZE, /* Too many elements in VGroup */ DFE_VTAB, /* Elmt not in vtab[] */ DFE_CANTADDELEM, /* Cannot add tag/ref to VGroup */ DFE_BADVGNAME, /* Cannot set VGroup name */ DFE_BADVGCLASS, /* Cannot set VGroup class */ /* Vdata errors */ DFE_BADFIELDS, /* Bad fields string passed to Vset routine */ DFE_NOVS, /* Counldn't find VS in file */ DFE_SYMSIZE, /* Too many symbols in users table */ DFE_BADATTACH, /* Cannot write to a previously attached VData */ DFE_BADVSNAME, /* Cannot set VData name */ DFE_BADVSCLASS, /* Cannot set VData class */ DFE_VSWRITE, /* Error writing to VData */ DFE_VSREAD, /* Error reading from VData */ DFE_BADVH, /* Error in VData Header */ DFE_FIELDSSET, /* Fields already set for vdata */ /* High-level Vdata/Vset errors */ DFE_VSCANTCREATE, /* Cannot create VData */ DFE_VGCANTCREATE, /* Cannot create VGroup */ /* Generic Vdata/Vset errors */ DFE_CANTATTACH, /* Cannot attach to a VData/Vset */ DFE_CANTDETACH, /* Cannot detach a VData/Vset with access 'w' */ /* XDR level errors */ DFE_XDRERROR, /* Error occur in XDR and/or CDF level */ /* bit I/O errors */ DFE_BITREAD, /* There was a bit-read error */ DFE_BITWRITE, /* There was a bit-write error */ DFE_BITSEEK, /* There was a bit-seek error */ /* tbbt interface errors */ DFE_TBBTINS, /* Failed to insert element into tree */ /* bit-vector interface errors */ DFE_BVNEW, /* Failed to create a bit-vector */ DFE_BVSET, /* Failed when setting a bit in a bit-vector */ DFE_BVGET, /* Failed when getting a bit in a bit-vector */ DFE_BVFIND, /* Failed when finding a bit in a bit-vector */ /* General to all interfaces */ DFE_CANTSETATTR, /* Failed to add an attribute */ DFE_CANTGETATTR, /* Failed to find or get an attribute */ /* Annotation interface errors */ DFE_ANAPIERROR /* Failed in annotation interface */ } hdf_err_code_t; #ifdef _H_ERR_MASTER_ /* error_messages is the list of error messages in the system, kept as error_code-message pairs. To look up a message, a linear search is required but efficiency should be okay. */ typedef struct error_messages_t { hdf_err_code_t error_code; const char *str; } error_messages_t; PRIVATE const struct error_messages_t error_messages[] = { {DFE_NONE, "No error"}, /* Low-level I/O errors */ {DFE_FNF, "File not found"}, {DFE_DENIED, "Access to file denied"}, {DFE_ALROPEN, "File already open"}, {DFE_TOOMANY, "Too Many AID's or files open"}, {DFE_BADNAME, "Bad file name on open"}, {DFE_BADACC, "Bad file access mode"}, {DFE_BADOPEN, "Error opening file"}, {DFE_NOTOPEN, "File can't be closed; It isn't open"}, {DFE_CANTCLOSE, "Unable to close file"}, {DFE_READERROR, "Read error"}, {DFE_WRITEERROR, "Write error"}, {DFE_SEEKERROR, "Error performing seek operation"}, {DFE_RDONLY, "Attempt to write to read-only HDF file"}, {DFE_BADSEEK, "Attempt to seek past end of element"}, {DFE_INVFILE, "File is supported, must be either hdf, cdf, netcdf"}, /* Low-level HDF I/O errors */ {DFE_PUTELEM, "Hputelement failed in some way"}, {DFE_GETELEM, "Hgetelement failed in some way"}, {DFE_CANTLINK, "Can't initialize link information"}, {DFE_CANTSYNC, "Cannot synchronize memory with file"}, /* Old group interface errors */ {DFE_BADGROUP, "Error from DFdiread in opening a group"}, {DFE_GROUPSETUP, "Error from DFdisetup in opening a group"}, {DFE_PUTGROUP, "Error when putting a tag/ref into a group"}, {DFE_GROUPWRITE, "Error when writing out a group"}, /* Internal HDF errors */ {DFE_DFNULL, "DF has a null pointer"}, {DFE_ILLTYPE, "Internal error: DF has an illegal type"}, {DFE_BADDDLIST, "Internal error: The DD list is non-existent"}, {DFE_NOTDFFILE, "This is not an HDF file"}, {DFE_SEEDTWICE, "Internal error: The DD list is already seeded"}, {DFE_NOSUCHTAG, "No such tag in the file: search failed"}, {DFE_NOFREEDD, "There are no free DD's left"}, {DFE_BADTAG, "Illegal WILDCARD tag"}, {DFE_BADREF, "Illegal WILDCARD reference"}, {DFE_NOMATCH, "No (more) DDs which match specified tag/ref"}, {DFE_NOTINSET, "Set contained unknown tag: ignored"}, {DFE_BADOFFSET, "Illegal offset specified"}, {DFE_CORRUPT, "File is corrupted"}, {DFE_NOREF, "No more reference numbers are available"}, {DFE_DUPDD, "Tag/ref is already used"}, {DFE_CANTMOD, "Old element does not exist, cannot modify"}, {DFE_DIFFFILES, "Attempt to merge objects in different files"}, {DFE_BADAID, "Unable to create a new AID"}, {DFE_OPENAID, "There are still active AIDs"}, {DFE_CANTFLUSH, "Cannot flush the changed DD back to the file"}, {DFE_CANTUPDATE, "Cannot update the DD block"}, {DFE_CANTHASH, "Cannot add a DD to the hash table"}, {DFE_CANTDELDD, "Cannot delete a DD in the file"}, {DFE_CANTDELHASH, "Cannot delete a DD from the hash table"}, {DFE_CANTACCESS, "Cannot access specified tag/ref"}, {DFE_CANTENDACCESS, "Cannot end access to data element"}, {DFE_TABLEFULL, "Access table is full"}, {DFE_NOTINTABLE, "Cannot find element in table"}, /* Generic errors */ {DFE_UNSUPPORTED, "Feature not currently supported"}, {DFE_NOSPACE, "Internal error: Out of space"}, {DFE_BADCALL, "Calls in wrong order"}, {DFE_BADPTR, "NULL ptr argument"}, {DFE_BADLEN, "Invalid length specified"}, {DFE_NOTENOUGH, "Space provided insufficient for size of data"}, {DFE_NOVALS, "Values not available"}, {DFE_ARGS, "Invalid arguments to routine"}, {DFE_INTERNAL, "HDF Internal error"}, {DFE_NORESET, "Can not reset this value"}, {DFE_EXCEEDMAX, "Value exceeds max allowed"}, {DFE_GENAPP, "Generic application-level error"}, /* Generic interface errors */ {DFE_UNINIT, "Interface was not initialized correctly"}, {DFE_CANTINIT, "Can't initialize an interface we depend on"}, {DFE_CANTSHUTDOWN, "Can't shut down an interface we depend on"}, /* Dataset errors */ {DFE_BADDIM, "Negative or zero dimensions specified"}, {DFE_BADFP, "File contained an illegal floating point number"}, {DFE_BADDATATYPE, "Unknown or unavailable data type specified"}, {DFE_BADMCTYPE, "Unknown or unavailable machine type specified"}, {DFE_BADNUMTYPE, "Unknown or unavailable number type specified"}, {DFE_BADORDER, "Unknown or illegal array order specified"}, {DFE_RANGE, "Improper range for attempted access"}, {DFE_BADCONV, "Don't know how to convert data type"}, {DFE_BADTYPE, "Incompatible type specified"}, {DFE_BADDIMNAME, "Dimension name not valid or already taken"}, {DFE_NOVGREP, "No Vgroup representation for SDS and dim"}, /* Compression errors */ {DFE_BADSCHEME, "Unknown compression scheme specified"}, {DFE_BADMODEL, "Invalid compression model specified"}, {DFE_BADCODER, "Invalid compression coder specified"}, {DFE_MODEL, "Error in modeling layer of compression"}, {DFE_CODER, "Error in encoding layer of compression"}, {DFE_CINIT, "Error in encoding initialization"}, {DFE_CDECODE, "Error in decoding compressed data"}, {DFE_CENCODE, "Error in encoding compressed data"}, {DFE_CTERM, "Error in encoding termination"}, {DFE_CSEEK, "Error seeking in encoded dataset"}, {DFE_MINIT, "Error in modeling initialization"}, {DFE_COMPINFO, "Invalid compression header"}, {DFE_CANTCOMP, "Can't compress an object"}, {DFE_CANTDECOMP, "Can't de-compress an object"}, {DFE_NOENCODER, "Encoder not available"}, {DFE_NOSZLIB, "SZIP library not available"}, {DFE_COMPVERSION, "Z_VERSION_ERROR (-6) returned from zlib"}, {DFE_READCOMP, "Error in reading compressed data"}, /* Raster errors */ {DFE_NODIM, "No dimension record associated with image or data set"}, {DFE_BADRIG, "Error processing a RIG"}, {DFE_RINOTFOUND, "Can't find raster image"}, {DFE_BADATTR, "Bad Attribute"}, {DFE_LUTNOTFOUND, "No palette information for RIG"}, {DFE_GRNOTFOUND, "Can't find specified GR"}, /* SDG/NDG errors */ {DFE_BADTABLE, "The nsdg table is wrong"}, {DFE_BADSDG, "Error processing an sdg"}, {DFE_BADNDG, "Error processing an ndg"}, /* Vset errors */ {DFE_VGSIZE, "No more elements will fit in this VGroup"}, {DFE_VTAB, "Element is not in VSet tables"}, {DFE_CANTADDELEM, "Cannot add tag/ref to VGroup"}, {DFE_BADVGNAME, "Cannot set VGroup name"}, {DFE_BADVGCLASS, "Cannot set VGroup class"}, /* Vdata errors */ {DFE_BADFIELDS, "Unable to parse fields string correctly"}, {DFE_NOVS, "Could not find specified VS or VG in file"}, {DFE_SYMSIZE, "Too many symbols in table"}, {DFE_BADATTACH, "Cannot write to a previously attached VData"}, {DFE_BADVSNAME, "Cannot set VData name"}, {DFE_BADVSCLASS, "Cannot set VData class"}, {DFE_VSWRITE, "Error writing to VData"}, {DFE_VSREAD, "Error reading from VData"}, {DFE_BADVH, "Error in VData Header"}, {DFE_FIELDSSET, "Fields already set for vdata"}, /* High-level Vdata/Vset errors */ {DFE_VSCANTCREATE, "Cannot create VData"}, {DFE_VGCANTCREATE, "Cannot create VGroup"}, /* Generic Vdata/Vset errors */ {DFE_CANTATTACH, "Cannot attach to a VData"}, {DFE_CANTDETACH, "Cannot detach a VData with access 'w'"}, /* XDR level errors */ {DFE_XDRERROR, "Error from XDR and/or CDF level"}, /* bit I/O errors */ {DFE_BITREAD, "There was a bit-read error"}, {DFE_BITWRITE, "There was a bit-write error"}, {DFE_BITSEEK, "There was a bit-seek error"}, /* tbbt interface errors */ {DFE_TBBTINS, "Failed to insert element into tree"}, /* bit-vector interface errors */ {DFE_BVNEW, "Failed to create a bit-vector"}, {DFE_BVSET, "Failed when setting a bit in a bit-vector"}, {DFE_BVGET, "Failed when getting a bit in a bit-vector"}, {DFE_BVFIND, "Failed when finding a bit in a bit-vector"}, /* General to all interfaces */ {DFE_CANTSETATTR, "Cannot set an attribute"}, {DFE_CANTGETATTR, "Cannot find or get an attribute"}, /* Annotation interface errors */ {DFE_ANAPIERROR, "Failed in annotation interface"} }; #endif /* _H_ERR_MASTER_ */ #endif /* __HERR_H */