set UseEnv=true msbuild ^ /p:Platform=x64 ^ /p:Configuration=Release ^ /p:AdditionalIncludeDirectories=%LIBRARY_INC% ^ /p:AdditionalDependencies=/LIBPATH:%LIBRARY_LIB% ^ Projects\VC2019\lcms2.sln if errorlevel 1 exit 1 REM For debugging Purposes, you may want to list the files in the 3 important directories REM dir REM dir bin REM dir include REM dir lib REM Note we renamed jpegicc and tifficc to match their linux counterparts REM That existed in conda-forge before the windows versions. COPY bin\jpegicc.exe %LIBRARY_BIN%\jpgicc.exe COPY bin\tifficc.exe %LIBRARY_BIN%\tificc.exe COPY bin\linkicc.exe %LIBRARY_BIN%\linkicc.exe COPY bin\transicc.exe %LIBRARY_BIN%\transicc.exe COPY bin\psicc.exe %LIBRARY_BIN%\psicc.exe COPY bin\lcms2.dll %LIBRARY_BIN%\lcms2.dll COPY bin\lcms2.lib %LIBRARY_LIB%\lcms2.lib COPY include\lcms2.h %LIBRARY_INC%\lcms2.h COPY include\lcms2_plugin.h %LIBRARY_INC%\lcms2_plugin.h