/* * Copyright © 2020-2021 Inria. All rights reserved. * See COPYING in top-level directory. */ /** \file * \brief Kinds of CPU cores. */ #ifndef HWLOC_CPUKINDS_H #define HWLOC_CPUKINDS_H #include "hwloc.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #elif 0 } #endif /** \defgroup hwlocality_cpukinds Kinds of CPU cores * * Platforms with heterogeneous CPUs may have some cores with * different features or frequencies. * This API exposes identical PUs in sets called CPU kinds. * Each PU of the topology may only be in a single kind. * * The number of kinds may be obtained with hwloc_cpukinds_get_nr(). * If the platform is homogeneous, there may be a single kind * with all PUs. * If the platform or operating system does not expose any * information about CPU cores, there may be no kind at all. * * The index of the kind that describes a given CPU set * (if any, and not partially) * may be obtained with hwloc_cpukinds_get_by_cpuset(). * * From the index of a kind, it is possible to retrieve information * with hwloc_cpukinds_get_info(): * an abstracted efficiency value, * and an array of info attributes * (for instance the "CoreType" and "FrequencyMaxMHz", * see \ref topoattrs_cpukinds). * * A higher efficiency value means greater intrinsic performance * (and possibly less performance/power efficiency). * Kinds with lower efficiency values are ranked first: * Passing 0 as \p kind_index to hwloc_cpukinds_get_info() will * return information about the CPU kind with lower performance * but higher energy-efficiency. * Higher \p kind_index values would rather return information * about power-hungry high-performance cores. * * When available, efficiency values are gathered from the operating system. * If so, \p cpukind_efficiency is set in the struct hwloc_topology_discovery_support array. * This is currently available on Windows 10, Mac OS X (Darwin), * and on some Linux platforms where core "capacity" is exposed in sysfs. * * If the operating system does not expose core efficiencies natively, * hwloc tries to compute efficiencies by comparing CPU kinds using * frequencies (on ARM), or core types and frequencies (on other architectures). * The environment variable HWLOC_CPUKINDS_RANKING may be used * to change this heuristics, see \ref envvar. * * If hwloc fails to rank any kind, for instance because the operating * system does not expose efficiencies and core frequencies, * all kinds will have an unknown efficiency (\c -1), * and they are not indexed/ordered in any specific way. * * @{ */ /** \brief Get the number of different kinds of CPU cores in the topology. * * \p flags must be \c 0 for now. * * \return The number of CPU kinds (positive integer) on success. * \return \c 0 if no information about kinds was found. * \return \c -1 with \p errno set to \c EINVAL if \p flags is invalid. */ HWLOC_DECLSPEC int hwloc_cpukinds_get_nr(hwloc_topology_t topology, unsigned long flags); /** \brief Get the index of the CPU kind that contains CPUs listed in \p cpuset. * * \p flags must be \c 0 for now. * * \return The index of the CPU kind (positive integer or 0) on success. * \return \c -1 with \p errno set to \c EXDEV if \p cpuset is * only partially included in the some kind. * \return \c -1 with \p errno set to \c ENOENT if \p cpuset is * not included in any kind, even partially. * \return \c -1 with \p errno set to \c EINVAL if parameters are invalid. */ HWLOC_DECLSPEC int hwloc_cpukinds_get_by_cpuset(hwloc_topology_t topology, hwloc_const_bitmap_t cpuset, unsigned long flags); /** \brief Get the CPU set and infos about a CPU kind in the topology. * * \p kind_index identifies one kind of CPU between 0 and the number * of kinds returned by hwloc_cpukinds_get_nr() minus 1. * * If not \c NULL, the bitmap \p cpuset will be filled with * the set of PUs of this kind. * * The integer pointed by \p efficiency, if not \c NULL will, be filled * with the ranking of this kind of CPU in term of efficiency (see above). * It ranges from \c 0 to the number of kinds * (as reported by hwloc_cpukinds_get_nr()) minus 1. * * Kinds with lower efficiency are reported first. * * If there is a single kind in the topology, its efficiency \c 0. * If the efficiency of some kinds of cores is unknown, * the efficiency of all kinds is set to \c -1, * and kinds are reported in no specific order. * * The array of info attributes (for instance the "CoreType", * "FrequencyMaxMHz" or "FrequencyBaseMHz", see \ref topoattrs_cpukinds) * and its length are returned in \p infos or \p nr_infos. * The array belongs to the topology, it should not be freed or modified. * * If \p nr_infos or \p infos is \c NULL, no info is returned. * * \p flags must be \c 0 for now. * * \return \c 0 on success. * \return \c -1 with \p errno set to \c ENOENT if \p kind_index does not match any CPU kind. * \return \c -1 with \p errno set to \c EINVAL if parameters are invalid. */ HWLOC_DECLSPEC int hwloc_cpukinds_get_info(hwloc_topology_t topology, unsigned kind_index, hwloc_bitmap_t cpuset, int *efficiency, unsigned *nr_infos, struct hwloc_info_s **infos, unsigned long flags); /** \brief Register a kind of CPU in the topology. * * Mark the PUs listed in \p cpuset as being of the same kind * with respect to the given attributes. * * \p forced_efficiency should be \c -1 if unknown. * Otherwise it is an abstracted efficiency value to enforce * the ranking of all kinds if all of them have valid (and * different) efficiencies. * * The array \p infos of size \p nr_infos may be used to provide * info names and values describing this kind of PUs. * * \p flags must be \c 0 for now. * * Parameters \p cpuset and \p infos will be duplicated internally, * the caller is responsible for freeing them. * * If \p cpuset overlaps with some existing kinds, those might get * modified or split. For instance if existing kind A contains * PUs 0 and 1, and one registers another kind for PU 1 and 2, * there will be 3 resulting kinds: * existing kind A is restricted to only PU 0; * new kind B contains only PU 1 and combines information from A * and from the newly-registered kind; * new kind C contains only PU 2 and only gets information from * the newly-registered kind. * * \note The efficiency \p forced_efficiency provided to this function * may be different from the one reported later by hwloc_cpukinds_get_info() * because hwloc will scale efficiency values down to * between 0 and the number of kinds minus 1. * * \return \c 0 on success. * \return \c -1 with \p errno set to \c EINVAL if some parameters are invalid, * for instance if \p cpuset is \c NULL or empty. */ HWLOC_DECLSPEC int hwloc_cpukinds_register(hwloc_topology_t topology, hwloc_bitmap_t cpuset, int forced_efficiency, unsigned nr_infos, struct hwloc_info_s *infos, unsigned long flags); /** @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif #endif /* HWLOC_CPUKINDS_H */