{% set version = "4.1.0" %} package: name: mpfr version: {{ version }} source: fn: mpfr-{{ version }}.tar.bz2 url: http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/mpfr/mpfr-{{ version }}.tar.gz sha256: 3127fe813218f3a1f0adf4e8899de23df33b4cf4b4b3831a5314f78e65ffa2d6 build: number: 1 skip: true # [win and vc<14] run_exports: - {{ pin_subpackage("mpfr") }} requirements: build: - libtool # [unix] - m4 # [unix] - make # [unix] - gnuconfig # [unix] - {{ compiler('c') }} - autotools_clang_conda # [win] host: - gmp # [unix] - mpir # [win] test: requires: - {{ compiler('c') }} - libtool # [unix] - m4 # [unix] commands: - if not exist %LIBRARY_INC%\\mpfr.h exit 1 # [win] - if not exist %LIBRARY_LIB%\\mpfr.lib exit 1 # [win] - if not exist %LIBRARY_BIN%\\mpfr.dll exit 1 # [win] - test -f ${PREFIX}/lib/libmpfr${SHLIB_EXT} # [unix] about: home: http://www.mpfr.org/ license: LGPL-3.0-only license_file: {{ SRC_DIR }}/COPYING.LESSER summary: The MPFR library is a C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations with correct rounding. extra: recipe-maintainers: - isuruf - jakirkham - marcelotrevisani