/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * printtup.c * Routines to print out tuples to the destination (both frontend * clients and standalone backends are supported here). * * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/access/common/printtup.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/printtup.h" #include "libpq/libpq.h" #include "libpq/pqformat.h" #include "tcop/pquery.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/memdebug.h" #include "utils/memutils.h" static void printtup_startup(DestReceiver *self, int operation, TupleDesc typeinfo); static bool printtup(TupleTableSlot *slot, DestReceiver *self); static bool printtup_20(TupleTableSlot *slot, DestReceiver *self); static bool printtup_internal_20(TupleTableSlot *slot, DestReceiver *self); static void printtup_shutdown(DestReceiver *self); static void printtup_destroy(DestReceiver *self); static void SendRowDescriptionCols_2(StringInfo buf, TupleDesc typeinfo, List *targetlist, int16 *formats); static void SendRowDescriptionCols_3(StringInfo buf, TupleDesc typeinfo, List *targetlist, int16 *formats); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * printtup / debugtup support * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ---------------- * Private state for a printtup destination object * * NOTE: finfo is the lookup info for either typoutput or typsend, whichever * we are using for this column. * ---------------- */ typedef struct { /* Per-attribute information */ Oid typoutput; /* Oid for the type's text output fn */ Oid typsend; /* Oid for the type's binary output fn */ bool typisvarlena; /* is it varlena (ie possibly toastable)? */ int16 format; /* format code for this column */ FmgrInfo finfo; /* Precomputed call info for output fn */ } PrinttupAttrInfo; typedef struct { DestReceiver pub; /* publicly-known function pointers */ StringInfoData buf; /* output buffer */ Portal portal; /* the Portal we are printing from */ bool sendDescrip; /* send RowDescription at startup? */ TupleDesc attrinfo; /* The attr info we are set up for */ int nattrs; PrinttupAttrInfo *myinfo; /* Cached info about each attr */ MemoryContext tmpcontext; /* Memory context for per-row workspace */ } DR_printtup; /* ---------------- * Initialize: create a DestReceiver for printtup * ---------------- */ DestReceiver * printtup_create_DR(CommandDest dest) { DR_printtup *self = (DR_printtup *) palloc0(sizeof(DR_printtup)); self->pub.receiveSlot = printtup; /* might get changed later */ self->pub.rStartup = printtup_startup; self->pub.rShutdown = printtup_shutdown; self->pub.rDestroy = printtup_destroy; self->pub.mydest = dest; /* * Send T message automatically if DestRemote, but not if * DestRemoteExecute */ self->sendDescrip = (dest == DestRemote); self->attrinfo = NULL; self->nattrs = 0; self->myinfo = NULL; self->tmpcontext = NULL; return (DestReceiver *) self; } /* * Set parameters for a DestRemote (or DestRemoteExecute) receiver */ void SetRemoteDestReceiverParams(DestReceiver *self, Portal portal) { DR_printtup *myState = (DR_printtup *) self; Assert(myState->pub.mydest == DestRemote || myState->pub.mydest == DestRemoteExecute); myState->portal = portal; if (PG_PROTOCOL_MAJOR(FrontendProtocol) < 3) { /* * In protocol 2.0 the Bind message does not exist, so there is no way * for the columns to have different print formats; it's sufficient to * look at the first one. */ if (portal->formats && portal->formats[0] != 0) myState->pub.receiveSlot = printtup_internal_20; else myState->pub.receiveSlot = printtup_20; } } static void printtup_startup(DestReceiver *self, int operation, TupleDesc typeinfo) { DR_printtup *myState = (DR_printtup *) self; Portal portal = myState->portal; /* create buffer to be used for all messages */ initStringInfo(&myState->buf); /* * Create a temporary memory context that we can reset once per row to * recover palloc'd memory. This avoids any problems with leaks inside * datatype output routines, and should be faster than retail pfree's * anyway. */ myState->tmpcontext = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext, "printtup", ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES); if (PG_PROTOCOL_MAJOR(FrontendProtocol) < 3) { /* * Send portal name to frontend (obsolete cruft, gone in proto 3.0) * * If portal name not specified, use "blank" portal. */ const char *portalName = portal->name; if (portalName == NULL || portalName[0] == '\0') portalName = "blank"; pq_puttextmessage('P', portalName); } /* * If we are supposed to emit row descriptions, then send the tuple * descriptor of the tuples. */ if (myState->sendDescrip) SendRowDescriptionMessage(&myState->buf, typeinfo, FetchPortalTargetList(portal), portal->formats); /* ---------------- * We could set up the derived attr info at this time, but we postpone it * until the first call of printtup, for 2 reasons: * 1. We don't waste time (compared to the old way) if there are no * tuples at all to output. * 2. Checking in printtup allows us to handle the case that the tuples * change type midway through (although this probably can't happen in * the current executor). * ---------------- */ } /* * SendRowDescriptionMessage --- send a RowDescription message to the frontend * * Notes: the TupleDesc has typically been manufactured by ExecTypeFromTL() * or some similar function; it does not contain a full set of fields. * The targetlist will be NIL when executing a utility function that does * not have a plan. If the targetlist isn't NIL then it is a Query node's * targetlist; it is up to us to ignore resjunk columns in it. The formats[] * array pointer might be NULL (if we are doing Describe on a prepared stmt); * send zeroes for the format codes in that case. */ void SendRowDescriptionMessage(StringInfo buf, TupleDesc typeinfo, List *targetlist, int16 *formats) { int natts = typeinfo->natts; int proto = PG_PROTOCOL_MAJOR(FrontendProtocol); /* tuple descriptor message type */ pq_beginmessage_reuse(buf, 'T'); /* # of attrs in tuples */ pq_sendint16(buf, natts); if (proto >= 3) SendRowDescriptionCols_3(buf, typeinfo, targetlist, formats); else SendRowDescriptionCols_2(buf, typeinfo, targetlist, formats); pq_endmessage_reuse(buf); } /* * Send description for each column when using v3+ protocol */ static void SendRowDescriptionCols_3(StringInfo buf, TupleDesc typeinfo, List *targetlist, int16 *formats) { int natts = typeinfo->natts; int i; ListCell *tlist_item = list_head(targetlist); /* * Preallocate memory for the entire message to be sent. That allows to * use the significantly faster inline pqformat.h functions and to avoid * reallocations. * * Have to overestimate the size of the column-names, to account for * character set overhead. */ enlargeStringInfo(buf, (NAMEDATALEN * MAX_CONVERSION_GROWTH /* attname */ + sizeof(Oid) /* resorigtbl */ + sizeof(AttrNumber) /* resorigcol */ + sizeof(Oid) /* atttypid */ + sizeof(int16) /* attlen */ + sizeof(int32) /* attypmod */ + sizeof(int16) /* format */ ) * natts); for (i = 0; i < natts; ++i) { Form_pg_attribute att = TupleDescAttr(typeinfo, i); Oid atttypid = att->atttypid; int32 atttypmod = att->atttypmod; Oid resorigtbl; AttrNumber resorigcol; int16 format; /* * If column is a domain, send the base type and typmod instead. * Lookup before sending any ints, for efficiency. */ atttypid = getBaseTypeAndTypmod(atttypid, &atttypmod); /* Do we have a non-resjunk tlist item? */ while (tlist_item && ((TargetEntry *) lfirst(tlist_item))->resjunk) tlist_item = lnext(tlist_item); if (tlist_item) { TargetEntry *tle = (TargetEntry *) lfirst(tlist_item); resorigtbl = tle->resorigtbl; resorigcol = tle->resorigcol; tlist_item = lnext(tlist_item); } else { /* No info available, so send zeroes */ resorigtbl = 0; resorigcol = 0; } if (formats) format = formats[i]; else format = 0; pq_writestring(buf, NameStr(att->attname)); pq_writeint32(buf, resorigtbl); pq_writeint16(buf, resorigcol); pq_writeint32(buf, atttypid); pq_writeint16(buf, att->attlen); pq_writeint32(buf, atttypmod); pq_writeint16(buf, format); } } /* * Send description for each column when using v2 protocol */ static void SendRowDescriptionCols_2(StringInfo buf, TupleDesc typeinfo, List *targetlist, int16 *formats) { int natts = typeinfo->natts; int i; for (i = 0; i < natts; ++i) { Form_pg_attribute att = TupleDescAttr(typeinfo, i); Oid atttypid = att->atttypid; int32 atttypmod = att->atttypmod; /* If column is a domain, send the base type and typmod instead */ atttypid = getBaseTypeAndTypmod(atttypid, &atttypmod); pq_sendstring(buf, NameStr(att->attname)); /* column ID only info appears in protocol 3.0 and up */ pq_sendint32(buf, atttypid); pq_sendint16(buf, att->attlen); pq_sendint32(buf, atttypmod); /* format info only appears in protocol 3.0 and up */ } } /* * Get the lookup info that printtup() needs */ static void printtup_prepare_info(DR_printtup *myState, TupleDesc typeinfo, int numAttrs) { int16 *formats = myState->portal->formats; int i; /* get rid of any old data */ if (myState->myinfo) pfree(myState->myinfo); myState->myinfo = NULL; myState->attrinfo = typeinfo; myState->nattrs = numAttrs; if (numAttrs <= 0) return; myState->myinfo = (PrinttupAttrInfo *) palloc0(numAttrs * sizeof(PrinttupAttrInfo)); for (i = 0; i < numAttrs; i++) { PrinttupAttrInfo *thisState = myState->myinfo + i; int16 format = (formats ? formats[i] : 0); Form_pg_attribute attr = TupleDescAttr(typeinfo, i); thisState->format = format; if (format == 0) { getTypeOutputInfo(attr->atttypid, &thisState->typoutput, &thisState->typisvarlena); fmgr_info(thisState->typoutput, &thisState->finfo); } else if (format == 1) { getTypeBinaryOutputInfo(attr->atttypid, &thisState->typsend, &thisState->typisvarlena); fmgr_info(thisState->typsend, &thisState->finfo); } else ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("unsupported format code: %d", format))); } } /* ---------------- * printtup --- print a tuple in protocol 3.0 * ---------------- */ static bool printtup(TupleTableSlot *slot, DestReceiver *self) { TupleDesc typeinfo = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor; DR_printtup *myState = (DR_printtup *) self; MemoryContext oldcontext; StringInfo buf = &myState->buf; int natts = typeinfo->natts; int i; /* Set or update my derived attribute info, if needed */ if (myState->attrinfo != typeinfo || myState->nattrs != natts) printtup_prepare_info(myState, typeinfo, natts); /* Make sure the tuple is fully deconstructed */ slot_getallattrs(slot); /* Switch into per-row context so we can recover memory below */ oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(myState->tmpcontext); /* * Prepare a DataRow message (note buffer is in per-row context) */ pq_beginmessage_reuse(buf, 'D'); pq_sendint16(buf, natts); /* * send the attributes of this tuple */ for (i = 0; i < natts; ++i) { PrinttupAttrInfo *thisState = myState->myinfo + i; Datum attr = slot->tts_values[i]; if (slot->tts_isnull[i]) { pq_sendint32(buf, -1); continue; } /* * Here we catch undefined bytes in datums that are returned to the * client without hitting disk; see comments at the related check in * PageAddItem(). This test is most useful for uncompressed, * non-external datums, but we're quite likely to see such here when * testing new C functions. */ if (thisState->typisvarlena) VALGRIND_CHECK_MEM_IS_DEFINED(DatumGetPointer(attr), VARSIZE_ANY(attr)); if (thisState->format == 0) { /* Text output */ char *outputstr; outputstr = OutputFunctionCall(&thisState->finfo, attr); pq_sendcountedtext(buf, outputstr, strlen(outputstr), false); } else { /* Binary output */ bytea *outputbytes; outputbytes = SendFunctionCall(&thisState->finfo, attr); pq_sendint32(buf, VARSIZE(outputbytes) - VARHDRSZ); pq_sendbytes(buf, VARDATA(outputbytes), VARSIZE(outputbytes) - VARHDRSZ); } } pq_endmessage_reuse(buf); /* Return to caller's context, and flush row's temporary memory */ MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext); MemoryContextReset(myState->tmpcontext); return true; } /* ---------------- * printtup_20 --- print a tuple in protocol 2.0 * ---------------- */ static bool printtup_20(TupleTableSlot *slot, DestReceiver *self) { TupleDesc typeinfo = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor; DR_printtup *myState = (DR_printtup *) self; MemoryContext oldcontext; StringInfo buf = &myState->buf; int natts = typeinfo->natts; int i, j, k; /* Set or update my derived attribute info, if needed */ if (myState->attrinfo != typeinfo || myState->nattrs != natts) printtup_prepare_info(myState, typeinfo, natts); /* Make sure the tuple is fully deconstructed */ slot_getallattrs(slot); /* Switch into per-row context so we can recover memory below */ oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(myState->tmpcontext); /* * tell the frontend to expect new tuple data (in ASCII style) */ pq_beginmessage_reuse(buf, 'D'); /* * send a bitmap of which attributes are not null */ j = 0; k = 1 << 7; for (i = 0; i < natts; ++i) { if (!slot->tts_isnull[i]) j |= k; /* set bit if not null */ k >>= 1; if (k == 0) /* end of byte? */ { pq_sendint8(buf, j); j = 0; k = 1 << 7; } } if (k != (1 << 7)) /* flush last partial byte */ pq_sendint8(buf, j); /* * send the attributes of this tuple */ for (i = 0; i < natts; ++i) { PrinttupAttrInfo *thisState = myState->myinfo + i; Datum attr = slot->tts_values[i]; char *outputstr; if (slot->tts_isnull[i]) continue; Assert(thisState->format == 0); outputstr = OutputFunctionCall(&thisState->finfo, attr); pq_sendcountedtext(buf, outputstr, strlen(outputstr), true); } pq_endmessage_reuse(buf); /* Return to caller's context, and flush row's temporary memory */ MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext); MemoryContextReset(myState->tmpcontext); return true; } /* ---------------- * printtup_shutdown * ---------------- */ static void printtup_shutdown(DestReceiver *self) { DR_printtup *myState = (DR_printtup *) self; if (myState->myinfo) pfree(myState->myinfo); myState->myinfo = NULL; myState->attrinfo = NULL; if (myState->tmpcontext) MemoryContextDelete(myState->tmpcontext); myState->tmpcontext = NULL; } /* ---------------- * printtup_destroy * ---------------- */ static void printtup_destroy(DestReceiver *self) { pfree(self); } /* ---------------- * printatt * ---------------- */ static void printatt(unsigned attributeId, Form_pg_attribute attributeP, char *value) { printf("\t%2d: %s%s%s%s\t(typeid = %u, len = %d, typmod = %d, byval = %c)\n", attributeId, NameStr(attributeP->attname), value != NULL ? " = \"" : "", value != NULL ? value : "", value != NULL ? "\"" : "", (unsigned int) (attributeP->atttypid), attributeP->attlen, attributeP->atttypmod, attributeP->attbyval ? 't' : 'f'); } /* ---------------- * debugStartup - prepare to print tuples for an interactive backend * ---------------- */ void debugStartup(DestReceiver *self, int operation, TupleDesc typeinfo) { int natts = typeinfo->natts; int i; /* * show the return type of the tuples */ for (i = 0; i < natts; ++i) printatt((unsigned) i + 1, TupleDescAttr(typeinfo, i), NULL); printf("\t----\n"); } /* ---------------- * debugtup - print one tuple for an interactive backend * ---------------- */ bool debugtup(TupleTableSlot *slot, DestReceiver *self) { TupleDesc typeinfo = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor; int natts = typeinfo->natts; int i; Datum attr; char *value; bool isnull; Oid typoutput; bool typisvarlena; for (i = 0; i < natts; ++i) { attr = slot_getattr(slot, i + 1, &isnull); if (isnull) continue; getTypeOutputInfo(TupleDescAttr(typeinfo, i)->atttypid, &typoutput, &typisvarlena); value = OidOutputFunctionCall(typoutput, attr); printatt((unsigned) i + 1, TupleDescAttr(typeinfo, i), value); } printf("\t----\n"); return true; } /* ---------------- * printtup_internal_20 --- print a binary tuple in protocol 2.0 * * We use a different message type, i.e. 'B' instead of 'D' to * indicate a tuple in internal (binary) form. * * This is largely same as printtup_20, except we use binary formatting. * ---------------- */ static bool printtup_internal_20(TupleTableSlot *slot, DestReceiver *self) { TupleDesc typeinfo = slot->tts_tupleDescriptor; DR_printtup *myState = (DR_printtup *) self; MemoryContext oldcontext; StringInfo buf = &myState->buf; int natts = typeinfo->natts; int i, j, k; /* Set or update my derived attribute info, if needed */ if (myState->attrinfo != typeinfo || myState->nattrs != natts) printtup_prepare_info(myState, typeinfo, natts); /* Make sure the tuple is fully deconstructed */ slot_getallattrs(slot); /* Switch into per-row context so we can recover memory below */ oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(myState->tmpcontext); /* * tell the frontend to expect new tuple data (in binary style) */ pq_beginmessage_reuse(buf, 'B'); /* * send a bitmap of which attributes are not null */ j = 0; k = 1 << 7; for (i = 0; i < natts; ++i) { if (!slot->tts_isnull[i]) j |= k; /* set bit if not null */ k >>= 1; if (k == 0) /* end of byte? */ { pq_sendint8(buf, j); j = 0; k = 1 << 7; } } if (k != (1 << 7)) /* flush last partial byte */ pq_sendint8(buf, j); /* * send the attributes of this tuple */ for (i = 0; i < natts; ++i) { PrinttupAttrInfo *thisState = myState->myinfo + i; Datum attr = slot->tts_values[i]; bytea *outputbytes; if (slot->tts_isnull[i]) continue; Assert(thisState->format == 1); outputbytes = SendFunctionCall(&thisState->finfo, attr); pq_sendint32(buf, VARSIZE(outputbytes) - VARHDRSZ); pq_sendbytes(buf, VARDATA(outputbytes), VARSIZE(outputbytes) - VARHDRSZ); } pq_endmessage_reuse(buf); /* Return to caller's context, and flush row's temporary memory */ MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext); MemoryContextReset(myState->tmpcontext); return true; }