/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * gininsert.c * insert routines for the postgres inverted index access method. * * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/access/gin/gininsert.c *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/gin_private.h" #include "access/ginxlog.h" #include "access/xloginsert.h" #include "catalog/index.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "storage/bufmgr.h" #include "storage/smgr.h" #include "storage/indexfsm.h" #include "storage/predicate.h" #include "utils/memutils.h" #include "utils/rel.h" typedef struct { GinState ginstate; double indtuples; GinStatsData buildStats; MemoryContext tmpCtx; MemoryContext funcCtx; BuildAccumulator accum; } GinBuildState; /* * Adds array of item pointers to tuple's posting list, or * creates posting tree and tuple pointing to tree in case * of not enough space. Max size of tuple is defined in * GinFormTuple(). Returns a new, modified index tuple. * items[] must be in sorted order with no duplicates. */ static IndexTuple addItemPointersToLeafTuple(GinState *ginstate, IndexTuple old, ItemPointerData *items, uint32 nitem, GinStatsData *buildStats, Buffer buffer) { OffsetNumber attnum; Datum key; GinNullCategory category; IndexTuple res; ItemPointerData *newItems, *oldItems; int oldNPosting, newNPosting; GinPostingList *compressedList; Assert(!GinIsPostingTree(old)); attnum = gintuple_get_attrnum(ginstate, old); key = gintuple_get_key(ginstate, old, &category); /* merge the old and new posting lists */ oldItems = ginReadTuple(ginstate, attnum, old, &oldNPosting); newItems = ginMergeItemPointers(items, nitem, oldItems, oldNPosting, &newNPosting); /* Compress the posting list, and try to a build tuple with room for it */ res = NULL; compressedList = ginCompressPostingList(newItems, newNPosting, GinMaxItemSize, NULL); pfree(newItems); if (compressedList) { res = GinFormTuple(ginstate, attnum, key, category, (char *) compressedList, SizeOfGinPostingList(compressedList), newNPosting, false); pfree(compressedList); } if (!res) { /* posting list would be too big, convert to posting tree */ BlockNumber postingRoot; /* * Initialize posting tree with the old tuple's posting list. It's * surely small enough to fit on one posting-tree page, and should * already be in order with no duplicates. */ postingRoot = createPostingTree(ginstate->index, oldItems, oldNPosting, buildStats, buffer); /* Now insert the TIDs-to-be-added into the posting tree */ ginInsertItemPointers(ginstate->index, postingRoot, items, nitem, buildStats); /* And build a new posting-tree-only result tuple */ res = GinFormTuple(ginstate, attnum, key, category, NULL, 0, 0, true); GinSetPostingTree(res, postingRoot); } pfree(oldItems); return res; } /* * Build a fresh leaf tuple, either posting-list or posting-tree format * depending on whether the given items list will fit. * items[] must be in sorted order with no duplicates. * * This is basically the same logic as in addItemPointersToLeafTuple, * but working from slightly different input. */ static IndexTuple buildFreshLeafTuple(GinState *ginstate, OffsetNumber attnum, Datum key, GinNullCategory category, ItemPointerData *items, uint32 nitem, GinStatsData *buildStats, Buffer buffer) { IndexTuple res = NULL; GinPostingList *compressedList; /* try to build a posting list tuple with all the items */ compressedList = ginCompressPostingList(items, nitem, GinMaxItemSize, NULL); if (compressedList) { res = GinFormTuple(ginstate, attnum, key, category, (char *) compressedList, SizeOfGinPostingList(compressedList), nitem, false); pfree(compressedList); } if (!res) { /* posting list would be too big, build posting tree */ BlockNumber postingRoot; /* * Build posting-tree-only result tuple. We do this first so as to * fail quickly if the key is too big. */ res = GinFormTuple(ginstate, attnum, key, category, NULL, 0, 0, true); /* * Initialize a new posting tree with the TIDs. */ postingRoot = createPostingTree(ginstate->index, items, nitem, buildStats, buffer); /* And save the root link in the result tuple */ GinSetPostingTree(res, postingRoot); } return res; } /* * Insert one or more heap TIDs associated with the given key value. * This will either add a single key entry, or enlarge a pre-existing entry. * * During an index build, buildStats is non-null and the counters * it contains should be incremented as needed. */ void ginEntryInsert(GinState *ginstate, OffsetNumber attnum, Datum key, GinNullCategory category, ItemPointerData *items, uint32 nitem, GinStatsData *buildStats) { GinBtreeData btree; GinBtreeEntryInsertData insertdata; GinBtreeStack *stack; IndexTuple itup; Page page; insertdata.isDelete = false; /* During index build, count the to-be-inserted entry */ if (buildStats) buildStats->nEntries++; ginPrepareEntryScan(&btree, attnum, key, category, ginstate); stack = ginFindLeafPage(&btree, false, false, NULL); page = BufferGetPage(stack->buffer); if (btree.findItem(&btree, stack)) { /* found pre-existing entry */ itup = (IndexTuple) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, stack->off)); if (GinIsPostingTree(itup)) { /* add entries to existing posting tree */ BlockNumber rootPostingTree = GinGetPostingTree(itup); /* release all stack */ LockBuffer(stack->buffer, GIN_UNLOCK); freeGinBtreeStack(stack); /* insert into posting tree */ ginInsertItemPointers(ginstate->index, rootPostingTree, items, nitem, buildStats); return; } CheckForSerializableConflictIn(ginstate->index, NULL, stack->buffer); /* modify an existing leaf entry */ itup = addItemPointersToLeafTuple(ginstate, itup, items, nitem, buildStats, stack->buffer); insertdata.isDelete = true; } else { CheckForSerializableConflictIn(ginstate->index, NULL, stack->buffer); /* no match, so construct a new leaf entry */ itup = buildFreshLeafTuple(ginstate, attnum, key, category, items, nitem, buildStats, stack->buffer); } /* Insert the new or modified leaf tuple */ insertdata.entry = itup; ginInsertValue(&btree, stack, &insertdata, buildStats); pfree(itup); } /* * Extract index entries for a single indexable item, and add them to the * BuildAccumulator's state. * * This function is used only during initial index creation. */ static void ginHeapTupleBulkInsert(GinBuildState *buildstate, OffsetNumber attnum, Datum value, bool isNull, ItemPointer heapptr) { Datum *entries; GinNullCategory *categories; int32 nentries; MemoryContext oldCtx; oldCtx = MemoryContextSwitchTo(buildstate->funcCtx); entries = ginExtractEntries(buildstate->accum.ginstate, attnum, value, isNull, &nentries, &categories); MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldCtx); ginInsertBAEntries(&buildstate->accum, heapptr, attnum, entries, categories, nentries); buildstate->indtuples += nentries; MemoryContextReset(buildstate->funcCtx); } static void ginBuildCallback(Relation index, HeapTuple htup, Datum *values, bool *isnull, bool tupleIsAlive, void *state) { GinBuildState *buildstate = (GinBuildState *) state; MemoryContext oldCtx; int i; oldCtx = MemoryContextSwitchTo(buildstate->tmpCtx); for (i = 0; i < buildstate->ginstate.origTupdesc->natts; i++) ginHeapTupleBulkInsert(buildstate, (OffsetNumber) (i + 1), values[i], isnull[i], &htup->t_self); /* If we've maxed out our available memory, dump everything to the index */ if (buildstate->accum.allocatedMemory >= (Size) maintenance_work_mem * 1024L) { ItemPointerData *list; Datum key; GinNullCategory category; uint32 nlist; OffsetNumber attnum; ginBeginBAScan(&buildstate->accum); while ((list = ginGetBAEntry(&buildstate->accum, &attnum, &key, &category, &nlist)) != NULL) { /* there could be many entries, so be willing to abort here */ CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(); ginEntryInsert(&buildstate->ginstate, attnum, key, category, list, nlist, &buildstate->buildStats); } MemoryContextReset(buildstate->tmpCtx); ginInitBA(&buildstate->accum); } MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldCtx); } IndexBuildResult * ginbuild(Relation heap, Relation index, IndexInfo *indexInfo) { IndexBuildResult *result; double reltuples; GinBuildState buildstate; Buffer RootBuffer, MetaBuffer; ItemPointerData *list; Datum key; GinNullCategory category; uint32 nlist; MemoryContext oldCtx; OffsetNumber attnum; if (RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(index) != 0) elog(ERROR, "index \"%s\" already contains data", RelationGetRelationName(index)); initGinState(&buildstate.ginstate, index); buildstate.indtuples = 0; memset(&buildstate.buildStats, 0, sizeof(GinStatsData)); /* initialize the meta page */ MetaBuffer = GinNewBuffer(index); /* initialize the root page */ RootBuffer = GinNewBuffer(index); START_CRIT_SECTION(); GinInitMetabuffer(MetaBuffer); MarkBufferDirty(MetaBuffer); GinInitBuffer(RootBuffer, GIN_LEAF); MarkBufferDirty(RootBuffer); if (RelationNeedsWAL(index)) { XLogRecPtr recptr; Page page; XLogBeginInsert(); XLogRegisterBuffer(0, MetaBuffer, REGBUF_WILL_INIT | REGBUF_STANDARD); XLogRegisterBuffer(1, RootBuffer, REGBUF_WILL_INIT); recptr = XLogInsert(RM_GIN_ID, XLOG_GIN_CREATE_INDEX); page = BufferGetPage(RootBuffer); PageSetLSN(page, recptr); page = BufferGetPage(MetaBuffer); PageSetLSN(page, recptr); } UnlockReleaseBuffer(MetaBuffer); UnlockReleaseBuffer(RootBuffer); END_CRIT_SECTION(); /* count the root as first entry page */ buildstate.buildStats.nEntryPages++; /* * create a temporary memory context that is used to hold data not yet * dumped out to the index */ buildstate.tmpCtx = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext, "Gin build temporary context", ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES); /* * create a temporary memory context that is used for calling * ginExtractEntries(), and can be reset after each tuple */ buildstate.funcCtx = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext, "Gin build temporary context for user-defined function", ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES); buildstate.accum.ginstate = &buildstate.ginstate; ginInitBA(&buildstate.accum); /* * Do the heap scan. We disallow sync scan here because dataPlaceToPage * prefers to receive tuples in TID order. */ reltuples = IndexBuildHeapScan(heap, index, indexInfo, false, ginBuildCallback, (void *) &buildstate, NULL); /* dump remaining entries to the index */ oldCtx = MemoryContextSwitchTo(buildstate.tmpCtx); ginBeginBAScan(&buildstate.accum); while ((list = ginGetBAEntry(&buildstate.accum, &attnum, &key, &category, &nlist)) != NULL) { /* there could be many entries, so be willing to abort here */ CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(); ginEntryInsert(&buildstate.ginstate, attnum, key, category, list, nlist, &buildstate.buildStats); } MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldCtx); MemoryContextDelete(buildstate.funcCtx); MemoryContextDelete(buildstate.tmpCtx); /* * Update metapage stats */ buildstate.buildStats.nTotalPages = RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(index); ginUpdateStats(index, &buildstate.buildStats); /* * Return statistics */ result = (IndexBuildResult *) palloc(sizeof(IndexBuildResult)); result->heap_tuples = reltuples; result->index_tuples = buildstate.indtuples; return result; } /* * ginbuildempty() -- build an empty gin index in the initialization fork */ void ginbuildempty(Relation index) { Buffer RootBuffer, MetaBuffer; /* An empty GIN index has two pages. */ MetaBuffer = ReadBufferExtended(index, INIT_FORKNUM, P_NEW, RBM_NORMAL, NULL); LockBuffer(MetaBuffer, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE); RootBuffer = ReadBufferExtended(index, INIT_FORKNUM, P_NEW, RBM_NORMAL, NULL); LockBuffer(RootBuffer, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE); /* Initialize and xlog metabuffer and root buffer. */ START_CRIT_SECTION(); GinInitMetabuffer(MetaBuffer); MarkBufferDirty(MetaBuffer); log_newpage_buffer(MetaBuffer, true); GinInitBuffer(RootBuffer, GIN_LEAF); MarkBufferDirty(RootBuffer); log_newpage_buffer(RootBuffer, false); END_CRIT_SECTION(); /* Unlock and release the buffers. */ UnlockReleaseBuffer(MetaBuffer); UnlockReleaseBuffer(RootBuffer); } /* * Insert index entries for a single indexable item during "normal" * (non-fast-update) insertion */ static void ginHeapTupleInsert(GinState *ginstate, OffsetNumber attnum, Datum value, bool isNull, ItemPointer item) { Datum *entries; GinNullCategory *categories; int32 i, nentries; entries = ginExtractEntries(ginstate, attnum, value, isNull, &nentries, &categories); for (i = 0; i < nentries; i++) ginEntryInsert(ginstate, attnum, entries[i], categories[i], item, 1, NULL); } bool gininsert(Relation index, Datum *values, bool *isnull, ItemPointer ht_ctid, Relation heapRel, IndexUniqueCheck checkUnique, IndexInfo *indexInfo) { GinState *ginstate = (GinState *) indexInfo->ii_AmCache; MemoryContext oldCtx; MemoryContext insertCtx; int i; /* Initialize GinState cache if first call in this statement */ if (ginstate == NULL) { oldCtx = MemoryContextSwitchTo(indexInfo->ii_Context); ginstate = (GinState *) palloc(sizeof(GinState)); initGinState(ginstate, index); indexInfo->ii_AmCache = (void *) ginstate; MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldCtx); } insertCtx = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext, "Gin insert temporary context", ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES); oldCtx = MemoryContextSwitchTo(insertCtx); if (GinGetUseFastUpdate(index)) { GinTupleCollector collector; memset(&collector, 0, sizeof(GinTupleCollector)); for (i = 0; i < ginstate->origTupdesc->natts; i++) ginHeapTupleFastCollect(ginstate, &collector, (OffsetNumber) (i + 1), values[i], isnull[i], ht_ctid); ginHeapTupleFastInsert(ginstate, &collector); } else { for (i = 0; i < ginstate->origTupdesc->natts; i++) ginHeapTupleInsert(ginstate, (OffsetNumber) (i + 1), values[i], isnull[i], ht_ctid); } MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldCtx); MemoryContextDelete(insertCtx); return false; }