/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * gistproc.c * Support procedures for GiSTs over 2-D objects (boxes, polygons, circles, * points). * * This gives R-tree behavior, with Guttman's poly-time split algorithm. * * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/access/gist/gistproc.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include #include #include "access/gist.h" #include "access/stratnum.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/geo_decls.h" static bool gist_box_leaf_consistent(BOX *key, BOX *query, StrategyNumber strategy); static bool rtree_internal_consistent(BOX *key, BOX *query, StrategyNumber strategy); /* Minimum accepted ratio of split */ #define LIMIT_RATIO 0.3 /* Convenience macros for NaN-aware comparisons */ #define FLOAT8_EQ(a,b) (float8_cmp_internal(a, b) == 0) #define FLOAT8_LT(a,b) (float8_cmp_internal(a, b) < 0) #define FLOAT8_LE(a,b) (float8_cmp_internal(a, b) <= 0) #define FLOAT8_GT(a,b) (float8_cmp_internal(a, b) > 0) #define FLOAT8_GE(a,b) (float8_cmp_internal(a, b) >= 0) #define FLOAT8_MAX(a,b) (FLOAT8_GT(a, b) ? (a) : (b)) #define FLOAT8_MIN(a,b) (FLOAT8_LT(a, b) ? (a) : (b)) /************************************************** * Box ops **************************************************/ /* * Calculates union of two boxes, a and b. The result is stored in *n. */ static void rt_box_union(BOX *n, const BOX *a, const BOX *b) { n->high.x = FLOAT8_MAX(a->high.x, b->high.x); n->high.y = FLOAT8_MAX(a->high.y, b->high.y); n->low.x = FLOAT8_MIN(a->low.x, b->low.x); n->low.y = FLOAT8_MIN(a->low.y, b->low.y); } /* * Size of a BOX for penalty-calculation purposes. * The result can be +Infinity, but not NaN. */ static double size_box(const BOX *box) { /* * Check for zero-width cases. Note that we define the size of a zero- * by-infinity box as zero. It's important to special-case this somehow, * as naively multiplying infinity by zero will produce NaN. * * The less-than cases should not happen, but if they do, say "zero". */ if (FLOAT8_LE(box->high.x, box->low.x) || FLOAT8_LE(box->high.y, box->low.y)) return 0.0; /* * We treat NaN as larger than +Infinity, so any distance involving a NaN * and a non-NaN is infinite. Note the previous check eliminated the * possibility that the low fields are NaNs. */ if (isnan(box->high.x) || isnan(box->high.y)) return get_float8_infinity(); return (box->high.x - box->low.x) * (box->high.y - box->low.y); } /* * Return amount by which the union of the two boxes is larger than * the original BOX's area. The result can be +Infinity, but not NaN. */ static double box_penalty(const BOX *original, const BOX *new) { BOX unionbox; rt_box_union(&unionbox, original, new); return size_box(&unionbox) - size_box(original); } /* * The GiST Consistent method for boxes * * Should return false if for all data items x below entry, * the predicate x op query must be false, where op is the oper * corresponding to strategy in the pg_amop table. */ Datum gist_box_consistent(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { GISTENTRY *entry = (GISTENTRY *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); BOX *query = PG_GETARG_BOX_P(1); StrategyNumber strategy = (StrategyNumber) PG_GETARG_UINT16(2); /* Oid subtype = PG_GETARG_OID(3); */ bool *recheck = (bool *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(4); /* All cases served by this function are exact */ *recheck = false; if (DatumGetBoxP(entry->key) == NULL || query == NULL) PG_RETURN_BOOL(false); /* * if entry is not leaf, use rtree_internal_consistent, else use * gist_box_leaf_consistent */ if (GIST_LEAF(entry)) PG_RETURN_BOOL(gist_box_leaf_consistent(DatumGetBoxP(entry->key), query, strategy)); else PG_RETURN_BOOL(rtree_internal_consistent(DatumGetBoxP(entry->key), query, strategy)); } /* * Increase BOX b to include addon. */ static void adjustBox(BOX *b, const BOX *addon) { if (FLOAT8_LT(b->high.x, addon->high.x)) b->high.x = addon->high.x; if (FLOAT8_GT(b->low.x, addon->low.x)) b->low.x = addon->low.x; if (FLOAT8_LT(b->high.y, addon->high.y)) b->high.y = addon->high.y; if (FLOAT8_GT(b->low.y, addon->low.y)) b->low.y = addon->low.y; } /* * The GiST Union method for boxes * * returns the minimal bounding box that encloses all the entries in entryvec */ Datum gist_box_union(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { GistEntryVector *entryvec = (GistEntryVector *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); int *sizep = (int *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); int numranges, i; BOX *cur, *pageunion; numranges = entryvec->n; pageunion = (BOX *) palloc(sizeof(BOX)); cur = DatumGetBoxP(entryvec->vector[0].key); memcpy((void *) pageunion, (void *) cur, sizeof(BOX)); for (i = 1; i < numranges; i++) { cur = DatumGetBoxP(entryvec->vector[i].key); adjustBox(pageunion, cur); } *sizep = sizeof(BOX); PG_RETURN_POINTER(pageunion); } /* * We store boxes as boxes in GiST indexes, so we do not need * compress, decompress, or fetch functions. */ /* * The GiST Penalty method for boxes (also used for points) * * As in the R-tree paper, we use change in area as our penalty metric */ Datum gist_box_penalty(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { GISTENTRY *origentry = (GISTENTRY *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); GISTENTRY *newentry = (GISTENTRY *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); float *result = (float *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2); BOX *origbox = DatumGetBoxP(origentry->key); BOX *newbox = DatumGetBoxP(newentry->key); *result = (float) box_penalty(origbox, newbox); PG_RETURN_POINTER(result); } /* * Trivial split: half of entries will be placed on one page * and another half - to another */ static void fallbackSplit(GistEntryVector *entryvec, GIST_SPLITVEC *v) { OffsetNumber i, maxoff; BOX *unionL = NULL, *unionR = NULL; int nbytes; maxoff = entryvec->n - 1; nbytes = (maxoff + 2) * sizeof(OffsetNumber); v->spl_left = (OffsetNumber *) palloc(nbytes); v->spl_right = (OffsetNumber *) palloc(nbytes); v->spl_nleft = v->spl_nright = 0; for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i)) { BOX *cur = DatumGetBoxP(entryvec->vector[i].key); if (i <= (maxoff - FirstOffsetNumber + 1) / 2) { v->spl_left[v->spl_nleft] = i; if (unionL == NULL) { unionL = (BOX *) palloc(sizeof(BOX)); *unionL = *cur; } else adjustBox(unionL, cur); v->spl_nleft++; } else { v->spl_right[v->spl_nright] = i; if (unionR == NULL) { unionR = (BOX *) palloc(sizeof(BOX)); *unionR = *cur; } else adjustBox(unionR, cur); v->spl_nright++; } } v->spl_ldatum = BoxPGetDatum(unionL); v->spl_rdatum = BoxPGetDatum(unionR); } /* * Represents information about an entry that can be placed to either group * without affecting overlap over selected axis ("common entry"). */ typedef struct { /* Index of entry in the initial array */ int index; /* Delta between penalties of entry insertion into different groups */ double delta; } CommonEntry; /* * Context for g_box_consider_split. Contains information about currently * selected split and some general information. */ typedef struct { int entriesCount; /* total number of entries being split */ BOX boundingBox; /* minimum bounding box across all entries */ /* Information about currently selected split follows */ bool first; /* true if no split was selected yet */ double leftUpper; /* upper bound of left interval */ double rightLower; /* lower bound of right interval */ float4 ratio; float4 overlap; int dim; /* axis of this split */ double range; /* width of general MBR projection to the * selected axis */ } ConsiderSplitContext; /* * Interval represents projection of box to axis. */ typedef struct { double lower, upper; } SplitInterval; /* * Interval comparison function by lower bound of the interval; */ static int interval_cmp_lower(const void *i1, const void *i2) { double lower1 = ((const SplitInterval *) i1)->lower, lower2 = ((const SplitInterval *) i2)->lower; return float8_cmp_internal(lower1, lower2); } /* * Interval comparison function by upper bound of the interval; */ static int interval_cmp_upper(const void *i1, const void *i2) { double upper1 = ((const SplitInterval *) i1)->upper, upper2 = ((const SplitInterval *) i2)->upper; return float8_cmp_internal(upper1, upper2); } /* * Replace negative (or NaN) value with zero. */ static inline float non_negative(float val) { if (val >= 0.0f) return val; else return 0.0f; } /* * Consider replacement of currently selected split with the better one. */ static inline void g_box_consider_split(ConsiderSplitContext *context, int dimNum, double rightLower, int minLeftCount, double leftUpper, int maxLeftCount) { int leftCount, rightCount; float4 ratio, overlap; double range; /* * Calculate entries distribution ratio assuming most uniform distribution * of common entries. */ if (minLeftCount >= (context->entriesCount + 1) / 2) { leftCount = minLeftCount; } else { if (maxLeftCount <= context->entriesCount / 2) leftCount = maxLeftCount; else leftCount = context->entriesCount / 2; } rightCount = context->entriesCount - leftCount; /* * Ratio of split - quotient between size of lesser group and total * entries count. */ ratio = ((float4) Min(leftCount, rightCount)) / ((float4) context->entriesCount); if (ratio > LIMIT_RATIO) { bool selectthis = false; /* * The ratio is acceptable, so compare current split with previously * selected one. Between splits of one dimension we search for minimal * overlap (allowing negative values) and minimal ration (between same * overlaps. We switch dimension if find less overlap (non-negative) * or less range with same overlap. */ if (dimNum == 0) range = context->boundingBox.high.x - context->boundingBox.low.x; else range = context->boundingBox.high.y - context->boundingBox.low.y; overlap = (leftUpper - rightLower) / range; /* If there is no previous selection, select this */ if (context->first) selectthis = true; else if (context->dim == dimNum) { /* * Within the same dimension, choose the new split if it has a * smaller overlap, or same overlap but better ratio. */ if (overlap < context->overlap || (overlap == context->overlap && ratio > context->ratio)) selectthis = true; } else { /* * Across dimensions, choose the new split if it has a smaller * *non-negative* overlap, or same *non-negative* overlap but * bigger range. This condition differs from the one described in * the article. On the datasets where leaf MBRs don't overlap * themselves, non-overlapping splits (i.e. splits which have zero * *non-negative* overlap) are frequently possible. In this case * splits tends to be along one dimension, because most distant * non-overlapping splits (i.e. having lowest negative overlap) * appears to be in the same dimension as in the previous split. * Therefore MBRs appear to be very prolonged along another * dimension, which leads to bad search performance. Using range * as the second split criteria makes MBRs more quadratic. Using * *non-negative* overlap instead of overlap as the first split * criteria gives to range criteria a chance to matter, because * non-overlapping splits are equivalent in this criteria. */ if (non_negative(overlap) < non_negative(context->overlap) || (range > context->range && non_negative(overlap) <= non_negative(context->overlap))) selectthis = true; } if (selectthis) { /* save information about selected split */ context->first = false; context->ratio = ratio; context->range = range; context->overlap = overlap; context->rightLower = rightLower; context->leftUpper = leftUpper; context->dim = dimNum; } } } /* * Compare common entries by their deltas. * (We assume the deltas can't be NaN.) */ static int common_entry_cmp(const void *i1, const void *i2) { double delta1 = ((const CommonEntry *) i1)->delta, delta2 = ((const CommonEntry *) i2)->delta; if (delta1 < delta2) return -1; else if (delta1 > delta2) return 1; else return 0; } /* * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Double sorting split algorithm. This is used for both boxes and points. * * The algorithm finds split of boxes by considering splits along each axis. * Each entry is first projected as an interval on the X-axis, and different * ways to split the intervals into two groups are considered, trying to * minimize the overlap of the groups. Then the same is repeated for the * Y-axis, and the overall best split is chosen. The quality of a split is * determined by overlap along that axis and some other criteria (see * g_box_consider_split). * * After that, all the entries are divided into three groups: * * 1) Entries which should be placed to the left group * 2) Entries which should be placed to the right group * 3) "Common entries" which can be placed to any of groups without affecting * of overlap along selected axis. * * The common entries are distributed by minimizing penalty. * * For details see: * "A new double sorting-based node splitting algorithm for R-tree", A. Korotkov * http://syrcose.ispras.ru/2011/files/SYRCoSE2011_Proceedings.pdf#page=36 * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ Datum gist_box_picksplit(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { GistEntryVector *entryvec = (GistEntryVector *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); GIST_SPLITVEC *v = (GIST_SPLITVEC *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(1); OffsetNumber i, maxoff; ConsiderSplitContext context; BOX *box, *leftBox, *rightBox; int dim, commonEntriesCount; SplitInterval *intervalsLower, *intervalsUpper; CommonEntry *commonEntries; int nentries; memset(&context, 0, sizeof(ConsiderSplitContext)); maxoff = entryvec->n - 1; nentries = context.entriesCount = maxoff - FirstOffsetNumber + 1; /* Allocate arrays for intervals along axes */ intervalsLower = (SplitInterval *) palloc(nentries * sizeof(SplitInterval)); intervalsUpper = (SplitInterval *) palloc(nentries * sizeof(SplitInterval)); /* * Calculate the overall minimum bounding box over all the entries. */ for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i)) { box = DatumGetBoxP(entryvec->vector[i].key); if (i == FirstOffsetNumber) context.boundingBox = *box; else adjustBox(&context.boundingBox, box); } /* * Iterate over axes for optimal split searching. */ context.first = true; /* nothing selected yet */ for (dim = 0; dim < 2; dim++) { double leftUpper, rightLower; int i1, i2; /* Project each entry as an interval on the selected axis. */ for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i)) { box = DatumGetBoxP(entryvec->vector[i].key); if (dim == 0) { intervalsLower[i - FirstOffsetNumber].lower = box->low.x; intervalsLower[i - FirstOffsetNumber].upper = box->high.x; } else { intervalsLower[i - FirstOffsetNumber].lower = box->low.y; intervalsLower[i - FirstOffsetNumber].upper = box->high.y; } } /* * Make two arrays of intervals: one sorted by lower bound and another * sorted by upper bound. */ memcpy(intervalsUpper, intervalsLower, sizeof(SplitInterval) * nentries); qsort(intervalsLower, nentries, sizeof(SplitInterval), interval_cmp_lower); qsort(intervalsUpper, nentries, sizeof(SplitInterval), interval_cmp_upper); /*---- * The goal is to form a left and right interval, so that every entry * interval is contained by either left or right interval (or both). * * For example, with the intervals (0,1), (1,3), (2,3), (2,4): * * 0 1 2 3 4 * +-+ * +---+ * +-+ * +---+ * * The left and right intervals are of the form (0,a) and (b,4). * We first consider splits where b is the lower bound of an entry. * We iterate through all entries, and for each b, calculate the * smallest possible a. Then we consider splits where a is the * upper bound of an entry, and for each a, calculate the greatest * possible b. * * In the above example, the first loop would consider splits: * b=0: (0,1)-(0,4) * b=1: (0,1)-(1,4) * b=2: (0,3)-(2,4) * * And the second loop: * a=1: (0,1)-(1,4) * a=3: (0,3)-(2,4) * a=4: (0,4)-(2,4) */ /* * Iterate over lower bound of right group, finding smallest possible * upper bound of left group. */ i1 = 0; i2 = 0; rightLower = intervalsLower[i1].lower; leftUpper = intervalsUpper[i2].lower; while (true) { /* * Find next lower bound of right group. */ while (i1 < nentries && FLOAT8_EQ(rightLower, intervalsLower[i1].lower)) { if (FLOAT8_LT(leftUpper, intervalsLower[i1].upper)) leftUpper = intervalsLower[i1].upper; i1++; } if (i1 >= nentries) break; rightLower = intervalsLower[i1].lower; /* * Find count of intervals which anyway should be placed to the * left group. */ while (i2 < nentries && FLOAT8_LE(intervalsUpper[i2].upper, leftUpper)) i2++; /* * Consider found split. */ g_box_consider_split(&context, dim, rightLower, i1, leftUpper, i2); } /* * Iterate over upper bound of left group finding greatest possible * lower bound of right group. */ i1 = nentries - 1; i2 = nentries - 1; rightLower = intervalsLower[i1].upper; leftUpper = intervalsUpper[i2].upper; while (true) { /* * Find next upper bound of left group. */ while (i2 >= 0 && FLOAT8_EQ(leftUpper, intervalsUpper[i2].upper)) { if (FLOAT8_GT(rightLower, intervalsUpper[i2].lower)) rightLower = intervalsUpper[i2].lower; i2--; } if (i2 < 0) break; leftUpper = intervalsUpper[i2].upper; /* * Find count of intervals which anyway should be placed to the * right group. */ while (i1 >= 0 && FLOAT8_GE(intervalsLower[i1].lower, rightLower)) i1--; /* * Consider found split. */ g_box_consider_split(&context, dim, rightLower, i1 + 1, leftUpper, i2 + 1); } } /* * If we failed to find any acceptable splits, use trivial split. */ if (context.first) { fallbackSplit(entryvec, v); PG_RETURN_POINTER(v); } /* * Ok, we have now selected the split across one axis. * * While considering the splits, we already determined that there will be * enough entries in both groups to reach the desired ratio, but we did * not memorize which entries go to which group. So determine that now. */ /* Allocate vectors for results */ v->spl_left = (OffsetNumber *) palloc(nentries * sizeof(OffsetNumber)); v->spl_right = (OffsetNumber *) palloc(nentries * sizeof(OffsetNumber)); v->spl_nleft = 0; v->spl_nright = 0; /* Allocate bounding boxes of left and right groups */ leftBox = palloc0(sizeof(BOX)); rightBox = palloc0(sizeof(BOX)); /* * Allocate an array for "common entries" - entries which can be placed to * either group without affecting overlap along selected axis. */ commonEntriesCount = 0; commonEntries = (CommonEntry *) palloc(nentries * sizeof(CommonEntry)); /* Helper macros to place an entry in the left or right group */ #define PLACE_LEFT(box, off) \ do { \ if (v->spl_nleft > 0) \ adjustBox(leftBox, box); \ else \ *leftBox = *(box); \ v->spl_left[v->spl_nleft++] = off; \ } while(0) #define PLACE_RIGHT(box, off) \ do { \ if (v->spl_nright > 0) \ adjustBox(rightBox, box); \ else \ *rightBox = *(box); \ v->spl_right[v->spl_nright++] = off; \ } while(0) /* * Distribute entries which can be distributed unambiguously, and collect * common entries. */ for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= maxoff; i = OffsetNumberNext(i)) { double lower, upper; /* * Get upper and lower bounds along selected axis. */ box = DatumGetBoxP(entryvec->vector[i].key); if (context.dim == 0) { lower = box->low.x; upper = box->high.x; } else { lower = box->low.y; upper = box->high.y; } if (FLOAT8_LE(upper, context.leftUpper)) { /* Fits to the left group */ if (FLOAT8_GE(lower, context.rightLower)) { /* Fits also to the right group, so "common entry" */ commonEntries[commonEntriesCount++].index = i; } else { /* Doesn't fit to the right group, so join to the left group */ PLACE_LEFT(box, i); } } else { /* * Each entry should fit on either left or right group. Since this * entry didn't fit on the left group, it better fit in the right * group. */ Assert(FLOAT8_GE(lower, context.rightLower)); /* Doesn't fit to the left group, so join to the right group */ PLACE_RIGHT(box, i); } } /* * Distribute "common entries", if any. */ if (commonEntriesCount > 0) { /* * Calculate minimum number of entries that must be placed in both * groups, to reach LIMIT_RATIO. */ int m = ceil(LIMIT_RATIO * (double) nentries); /* * Calculate delta between penalties of join "common entries" to * different groups. */ for (i = 0; i < commonEntriesCount; i++) { box = DatumGetBoxP(entryvec->vector[commonEntries[i].index].key); commonEntries[i].delta = Abs(box_penalty(leftBox, box) - box_penalty(rightBox, box)); } /* * Sort "common entries" by calculated deltas in order to distribute * the most ambiguous entries first. */ qsort(commonEntries, commonEntriesCount, sizeof(CommonEntry), common_entry_cmp); /* * Distribute "common entries" between groups. */ for (i = 0; i < commonEntriesCount; i++) { box = DatumGetBoxP(entryvec->vector[commonEntries[i].index].key); /* * Check if we have to place this entry in either group to achieve * LIMIT_RATIO. */ if (v->spl_nleft + (commonEntriesCount - i) <= m) PLACE_LEFT(box, commonEntries[i].index); else if (v->spl_nright + (commonEntriesCount - i) <= m) PLACE_RIGHT(box, commonEntries[i].index); else { /* Otherwise select the group by minimal penalty */ if (box_penalty(leftBox, box) < box_penalty(rightBox, box)) PLACE_LEFT(box, commonEntries[i].index); else PLACE_RIGHT(box, commonEntries[i].index); } } } v->spl_ldatum = PointerGetDatum(leftBox); v->spl_rdatum = PointerGetDatum(rightBox); PG_RETURN_POINTER(v); } /* * Equality method * * This is used for boxes, points, circles, and polygons, all of which store * boxes as GiST index entries. * * Returns true only when boxes are exactly the same. We can't use fuzzy * comparisons here without breaking index consistency; therefore, this isn't * equivalent to box_same(). */ Datum gist_box_same(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { BOX *b1 = PG_GETARG_BOX_P(0); BOX *b2 = PG_GETARG_BOX_P(1); bool *result = (bool *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(2); if (b1 && b2) *result = (FLOAT8_EQ(b1->low.x, b2->low.x) && FLOAT8_EQ(b1->low.y, b2->low.y) && FLOAT8_EQ(b1->high.x, b2->high.x) && FLOAT8_EQ(b1->high.y, b2->high.y)); else *result = (b1 == NULL && b2 == NULL); PG_RETURN_POINTER(result); } /* * Leaf-level consistency for boxes: just apply the query operator */ static bool gist_box_leaf_consistent(BOX *key, BOX *query, StrategyNumber strategy) { bool retval; switch (strategy) { case RTLeftStrategyNumber: retval = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_left, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; case RTOverLeftStrategyNumber: retval = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_overleft, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; case RTOverlapStrategyNumber: retval = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_overlap, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; case RTOverRightStrategyNumber: retval = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_overright, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; case RTRightStrategyNumber: retval = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_right, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; case RTSameStrategyNumber: retval = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_same, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; case RTContainsStrategyNumber: case RTOldContainsStrategyNumber: retval = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_contain, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; case RTContainedByStrategyNumber: case RTOldContainedByStrategyNumber: retval = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_contained, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; case RTOverBelowStrategyNumber: retval = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_overbelow, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; case RTBelowStrategyNumber: retval = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_below, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; case RTAboveStrategyNumber: retval = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_above, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; case RTOverAboveStrategyNumber: retval = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_overabove, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized strategy number: %d", strategy); retval = false; /* keep compiler quiet */ break; } return retval; } /***************************************** * Common rtree functions (for boxes, polygons, and circles) *****************************************/ /* * Internal-page consistency for all these types * * We can use the same function since all types use bounding boxes as the * internal-page representation. */ static bool rtree_internal_consistent(BOX *key, BOX *query, StrategyNumber strategy) { bool retval; switch (strategy) { case RTLeftStrategyNumber: retval = !DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_overright, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; case RTOverLeftStrategyNumber: retval = !DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_right, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; case RTOverlapStrategyNumber: retval = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_overlap, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; case RTOverRightStrategyNumber: retval = !DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_left, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; case RTRightStrategyNumber: retval = !DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_overleft, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; case RTSameStrategyNumber: case RTContainsStrategyNumber: case RTOldContainsStrategyNumber: retval = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_contain, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; case RTContainedByStrategyNumber: case RTOldContainedByStrategyNumber: retval = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_overlap, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; case RTOverBelowStrategyNumber: retval = !DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_above, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; case RTBelowStrategyNumber: retval = !DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_overabove, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; case RTAboveStrategyNumber: retval = !DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_overbelow, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; case RTOverAboveStrategyNumber: retval = !DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2(box_below, PointerGetDatum(key), PointerGetDatum(query))); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized strategy number: %d", strategy); retval = false; /* keep compiler quiet */ break; } return retval; } /************************************************** * Polygon ops **************************************************/ /* * GiST compress for polygons: represent a polygon by its bounding box */ Datum gist_poly_compress(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { GISTENTRY *entry = (GISTENTRY *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); GISTENTRY *retval; if (entry->leafkey) { POLYGON *in = DatumGetPolygonP(entry->key); BOX *r; r = (BOX *) palloc(sizeof(BOX)); memcpy((void *) r, (void *) &(in->boundbox), sizeof(BOX)); retval = (GISTENTRY *) palloc(sizeof(GISTENTRY)); gistentryinit(*retval, PointerGetDatum(r), entry->rel, entry->page, entry->offset, false); } else retval = entry; PG_RETURN_POINTER(retval); } /* * The GiST Consistent method for polygons */ Datum gist_poly_consistent(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { GISTENTRY *entry = (GISTENTRY *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); POLYGON *query = PG_GETARG_POLYGON_P(1); StrategyNumber strategy = (StrategyNumber) PG_GETARG_UINT16(2); /* Oid subtype = PG_GETARG_OID(3); */ bool *recheck = (bool *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(4); bool result; /* All cases served by this function are inexact */ *recheck = true; if (DatumGetBoxP(entry->key) == NULL || query == NULL) PG_RETURN_BOOL(false); /* * Since the operators require recheck anyway, we can just use * rtree_internal_consistent even at leaf nodes. (This works in part * because the index entries are bounding boxes not polygons.) */ result = rtree_internal_consistent(DatumGetBoxP(entry->key), &(query->boundbox), strategy); /* Avoid memory leak if supplied poly is toasted */ PG_FREE_IF_COPY(query, 1); PG_RETURN_BOOL(result); } /************************************************** * Circle ops **************************************************/ /* * GiST compress for circles: represent a circle by its bounding box */ Datum gist_circle_compress(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { GISTENTRY *entry = (GISTENTRY *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); GISTENTRY *retval; if (entry->leafkey) { CIRCLE *in = DatumGetCircleP(entry->key); BOX *r; r = (BOX *) palloc(sizeof(BOX)); r->high.x = in->center.x + in->radius; r->low.x = in->center.x - in->radius; r->high.y = in->center.y + in->radius; r->low.y = in->center.y - in->radius; retval = (GISTENTRY *) palloc(sizeof(GISTENTRY)); gistentryinit(*retval, PointerGetDatum(r), entry->rel, entry->page, entry->offset, false); } else retval = entry; PG_RETURN_POINTER(retval); } /* * The GiST Consistent method for circles */ Datum gist_circle_consistent(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { GISTENTRY *entry = (GISTENTRY *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); CIRCLE *query = PG_GETARG_CIRCLE_P(1); StrategyNumber strategy = (StrategyNumber) PG_GETARG_UINT16(2); /* Oid subtype = PG_GETARG_OID(3); */ bool *recheck = (bool *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(4); BOX bbox; bool result; /* All cases served by this function are inexact */ *recheck = true; if (DatumGetBoxP(entry->key) == NULL || query == NULL) PG_RETURN_BOOL(false); /* * Since the operators require recheck anyway, we can just use * rtree_internal_consistent even at leaf nodes. (This works in part * because the index entries are bounding boxes not circles.) */ bbox.high.x = query->center.x + query->radius; bbox.low.x = query->center.x - query->radius; bbox.high.y = query->center.y + query->radius; bbox.low.y = query->center.y - query->radius; result = rtree_internal_consistent(DatumGetBoxP(entry->key), &bbox, strategy); PG_RETURN_BOOL(result); } /************************************************** * Point ops **************************************************/ Datum gist_point_compress(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { GISTENTRY *entry = (GISTENTRY *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); if (entry->leafkey) /* Point, actually */ { BOX *box = palloc(sizeof(BOX)); Point *point = DatumGetPointP(entry->key); GISTENTRY *retval = palloc(sizeof(GISTENTRY)); box->high = box->low = *point; gistentryinit(*retval, BoxPGetDatum(box), entry->rel, entry->page, entry->offset, false); PG_RETURN_POINTER(retval); } PG_RETURN_POINTER(entry); } /* * GiST Fetch method for point * * Get point coordinates from its bounding box coordinates and form new * gistentry. */ Datum gist_point_fetch(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { GISTENTRY *entry = (GISTENTRY *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); BOX *in = DatumGetBoxP(entry->key); Point *r; GISTENTRY *retval; retval = palloc(sizeof(GISTENTRY)); r = (Point *) palloc(sizeof(Point)); r->x = in->high.x; r->y = in->high.y; gistentryinit(*retval, PointerGetDatum(r), entry->rel, entry->page, entry->offset, false); PG_RETURN_POINTER(retval); } #define point_point_distance(p1,p2) \ DatumGetFloat8(DirectFunctionCall2(point_distance, \ PointPGetDatum(p1), PointPGetDatum(p2))) static double computeDistance(bool isLeaf, BOX *box, Point *point) { double result = 0.0; if (isLeaf) { /* simple point to point distance */ result = point_point_distance(point, &box->low); } else if (point->x <= box->high.x && point->x >= box->low.x && point->y <= box->high.y && point->y >= box->low.y) { /* point inside the box */ result = 0.0; } else if (point->x <= box->high.x && point->x >= box->low.x) { /* point is over or below box */ Assert(box->low.y <= box->high.y); if (point->y > box->high.y) result = point->y - box->high.y; else if (point->y < box->low.y) result = box->low.y - point->y; else elog(ERROR, "inconsistent point values"); } else if (point->y <= box->high.y && point->y >= box->low.y) { /* point is to left or right of box */ Assert(box->low.x <= box->high.x); if (point->x > box->high.x) result = point->x - box->high.x; else if (point->x < box->low.x) result = box->low.x - point->x; else elog(ERROR, "inconsistent point values"); } else { /* closest point will be a vertex */ Point p; double subresult; result = point_point_distance(point, &box->low); subresult = point_point_distance(point, &box->high); if (result > subresult) result = subresult; p.x = box->low.x; p.y = box->high.y; subresult = point_point_distance(point, &p); if (result > subresult) result = subresult; p.x = box->high.x; p.y = box->low.y; subresult = point_point_distance(point, &p); if (result > subresult) result = subresult; } return result; } static bool gist_point_consistent_internal(StrategyNumber strategy, bool isLeaf, BOX *key, Point *query) { bool result = false; switch (strategy) { case RTLeftStrategyNumber: result = FPlt(key->low.x, query->x); break; case RTRightStrategyNumber: result = FPgt(key->high.x, query->x); break; case RTAboveStrategyNumber: result = FPgt(key->high.y, query->y); break; case RTBelowStrategyNumber: result = FPlt(key->low.y, query->y); break; case RTSameStrategyNumber: if (isLeaf) { /* key.high must equal key.low, so we can disregard it */ result = (FPeq(key->low.x, query->x) && FPeq(key->low.y, query->y)); } else { result = (FPle(query->x, key->high.x) && FPge(query->x, key->low.x) && FPle(query->y, key->high.y) && FPge(query->y, key->low.y)); } break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized strategy number: %d", strategy); result = false; /* keep compiler quiet */ break; } return result; } #define GeoStrategyNumberOffset 20 #define PointStrategyNumberGroup 0 #define BoxStrategyNumberGroup 1 #define PolygonStrategyNumberGroup 2 #define CircleStrategyNumberGroup 3 Datum gist_point_consistent(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { GISTENTRY *entry = (GISTENTRY *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); StrategyNumber strategy = (StrategyNumber) PG_GETARG_UINT16(2); bool *recheck = (bool *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(4); bool result; StrategyNumber strategyGroup = strategy / GeoStrategyNumberOffset; switch (strategyGroup) { case PointStrategyNumberGroup: result = gist_point_consistent_internal(strategy % GeoStrategyNumberOffset, GIST_LEAF(entry), DatumGetBoxP(entry->key), PG_GETARG_POINT_P(1)); *recheck = false; break; case BoxStrategyNumberGroup: { /* * The only operator in this group is point <@ box (on_pb), so * we needn't examine strategy again. * * For historical reasons, on_pb uses exact rather than fuzzy * comparisons. We could use box_overlap when at an internal * page, but that would lead to possibly visiting child pages * uselessly, because box_overlap uses fuzzy comparisons. * Instead we write a non-fuzzy overlap test. The same code * will also serve for leaf-page tests, since leaf keys have * high == low. */ BOX *query, *key; query = PG_GETARG_BOX_P(1); key = DatumGetBoxP(entry->key); result = (key->high.x >= query->low.x && key->low.x <= query->high.x && key->high.y >= query->low.y && key->low.y <= query->high.y); *recheck = false; } break; case PolygonStrategyNumberGroup: { POLYGON *query = PG_GETARG_POLYGON_P(1); result = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall5( gist_poly_consistent, PointerGetDatum(entry), PolygonPGetDatum(query), Int16GetDatum(RTOverlapStrategyNumber), 0, PointerGetDatum(recheck))); if (GIST_LEAF(entry) && result) { /* * We are on leaf page and quick check shows overlapping * of polygon's bounding box and point */ BOX *box = DatumGetBoxP(entry->key); Assert(box->high.x == box->low.x && box->high.y == box->low.y); result = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2( poly_contain_pt, PolygonPGetDatum(query), PointPGetDatum(&box->high))); *recheck = false; } } break; case CircleStrategyNumberGroup: { CIRCLE *query = PG_GETARG_CIRCLE_P(1); result = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall5( gist_circle_consistent, PointerGetDatum(entry), CirclePGetDatum(query), Int16GetDatum(RTOverlapStrategyNumber), 0, PointerGetDatum(recheck))); if (GIST_LEAF(entry) && result) { /* * We are on leaf page and quick check shows overlapping * of polygon's bounding box and point */ BOX *box = DatumGetBoxP(entry->key); Assert(box->high.x == box->low.x && box->high.y == box->low.y); result = DatumGetBool(DirectFunctionCall2( circle_contain_pt, CirclePGetDatum(query), PointPGetDatum(&box->high))); *recheck = false; } } break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized strategy number: %d", strategy); result = false; /* keep compiler quiet */ break; } PG_RETURN_BOOL(result); } Datum gist_point_distance(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { GISTENTRY *entry = (GISTENTRY *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); StrategyNumber strategy = (StrategyNumber) PG_GETARG_UINT16(2); double distance; StrategyNumber strategyGroup = strategy / GeoStrategyNumberOffset; switch (strategyGroup) { case PointStrategyNumberGroup: distance = computeDistance(GIST_LEAF(entry), DatumGetBoxP(entry->key), PG_GETARG_POINT_P(1)); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized strategy number: %d", strategy); distance = 0.0; /* keep compiler quiet */ break; } PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(distance); } /* * The inexact GiST distance method for geometric types that store bounding * boxes. * * Compute lossy distance from point to index entries. The result is inexact * because index entries are bounding boxes, not the exact shapes of the * indexed geometric types. We use distance from point to MBR of index entry. * This is a lower bound estimate of distance from point to indexed geometric * type. */ static double gist_bbox_distance(GISTENTRY *entry, Datum query, StrategyNumber strategy, bool *recheck) { double distance; StrategyNumber strategyGroup = strategy / GeoStrategyNumberOffset; /* Bounding box distance is always inexact. */ *recheck = true; switch (strategyGroup) { case PointStrategyNumberGroup: distance = computeDistance(false, DatumGetBoxP(entry->key), DatumGetPointP(query)); break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized strategy number: %d", strategy); distance = 0.0; /* keep compiler quiet */ } return distance; } Datum gist_circle_distance(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { GISTENTRY *entry = (GISTENTRY *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); Datum query = PG_GETARG_DATUM(1); StrategyNumber strategy = (StrategyNumber) PG_GETARG_UINT16(2); /* Oid subtype = PG_GETARG_OID(3); */ bool *recheck = (bool *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(4); double distance; distance = gist_bbox_distance(entry, query, strategy, recheck); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(distance); } Datum gist_poly_distance(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { GISTENTRY *entry = (GISTENTRY *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); Datum query = PG_GETARG_DATUM(1); StrategyNumber strategy = (StrategyNumber) PG_GETARG_UINT16(2); /* Oid subtype = PG_GETARG_OID(3); */ bool *recheck = (bool *) PG_GETARG_POINTER(4); double distance; distance = gist_bbox_distance(entry, query, strategy, recheck); PG_RETURN_FLOAT8(distance); }