/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * spgscan.c * routines for scanning SP-GiST indexes * * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/access/spgist/spgscan.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/relscan.h" #include "access/spgist_private.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "storage/bufmgr.h" #include "utils/datum.h" #include "utils/memutils.h" #include "utils/rel.h" typedef void (*storeRes_func) (SpGistScanOpaque so, ItemPointer heapPtr, Datum leafValue, bool isnull, bool recheck); typedef struct ScanStackEntry { Datum reconstructedValue; /* value reconstructed from parent */ void *traversalValue; /* opclass-specific traverse value */ int level; /* level of items on this page */ ItemPointerData ptr; /* block and offset to scan from */ } ScanStackEntry; /* Free a ScanStackEntry */ static void freeScanStackEntry(SpGistScanOpaque so, ScanStackEntry *stackEntry) { if (!so->state.attLeafType.attbyval && DatumGetPointer(stackEntry->reconstructedValue) != NULL) pfree(DatumGetPointer(stackEntry->reconstructedValue)); if (stackEntry->traversalValue) pfree(stackEntry->traversalValue); pfree(stackEntry); } /* Free the entire stack */ static void freeScanStack(SpGistScanOpaque so) { ListCell *lc; foreach(lc, so->scanStack) { freeScanStackEntry(so, (ScanStackEntry *) lfirst(lc)); } list_free(so->scanStack); so->scanStack = NIL; } /* * Initialize scanStack to search the root page, resetting * any previously active scan */ static void resetSpGistScanOpaque(SpGistScanOpaque so) { ScanStackEntry *startEntry; freeScanStack(so); /* * clear traversal context before proceeding to the next scan; this must * not happen before the freeScanStack above, else we get double-free * crashes. */ MemoryContextReset(so->traversalCxt); if (so->searchNulls) { /* Stack a work item to scan the null index entries */ startEntry = (ScanStackEntry *) palloc0(sizeof(ScanStackEntry)); ItemPointerSet(&startEntry->ptr, SPGIST_NULL_BLKNO, FirstOffsetNumber); so->scanStack = lappend(so->scanStack, startEntry); } if (so->searchNonNulls) { /* Stack a work item to scan the non-null index entries */ startEntry = (ScanStackEntry *) palloc0(sizeof(ScanStackEntry)); ItemPointerSet(&startEntry->ptr, SPGIST_ROOT_BLKNO, FirstOffsetNumber); so->scanStack = lappend(so->scanStack, startEntry); } if (so->want_itup) { /* Must pfree reconstructed tuples to avoid memory leak */ int i; for (i = 0; i < so->nPtrs; i++) pfree(so->reconTups[i]); } so->iPtr = so->nPtrs = 0; } /* * Prepare scan keys in SpGistScanOpaque from caller-given scan keys * * Sets searchNulls, searchNonNulls, numberOfKeys, keyData fields of *so. * * The point here is to eliminate null-related considerations from what the * opclass consistent functions need to deal with. We assume all SPGiST- * indexable operators are strict, so any null RHS value makes the scan * condition unsatisfiable. We also pull out any IS NULL/IS NOT NULL * conditions; their effect is reflected into searchNulls/searchNonNulls. */ static void spgPrepareScanKeys(IndexScanDesc scan) { SpGistScanOpaque so = (SpGistScanOpaque) scan->opaque; bool qual_ok; bool haveIsNull; bool haveNotNull; int nkeys; int i; if (scan->numberOfKeys <= 0) { /* If no quals, whole-index scan is required */ so->searchNulls = true; so->searchNonNulls = true; so->numberOfKeys = 0; return; } /* Examine the given quals */ qual_ok = true; haveIsNull = haveNotNull = false; nkeys = 0; for (i = 0; i < scan->numberOfKeys; i++) { ScanKey skey = &scan->keyData[i]; if (skey->sk_flags & SK_SEARCHNULL) haveIsNull = true; else if (skey->sk_flags & SK_SEARCHNOTNULL) haveNotNull = true; else if (skey->sk_flags & SK_ISNULL) { /* ordinary qual with null argument - unsatisfiable */ qual_ok = false; break; } else { /* ordinary qual, propagate into so->keyData */ so->keyData[nkeys++] = *skey; /* this effectively creates a not-null requirement */ haveNotNull = true; } } /* IS NULL in combination with something else is unsatisfiable */ if (haveIsNull && haveNotNull) qual_ok = false; /* Emit results */ if (qual_ok) { so->searchNulls = haveIsNull; so->searchNonNulls = haveNotNull; so->numberOfKeys = nkeys; } else { so->searchNulls = false; so->searchNonNulls = false; so->numberOfKeys = 0; } } IndexScanDesc spgbeginscan(Relation rel, int keysz, int orderbysz) { IndexScanDesc scan; SpGistScanOpaque so; scan = RelationGetIndexScan(rel, keysz, 0); so = (SpGistScanOpaque) palloc0(sizeof(SpGistScanOpaqueData)); if (keysz > 0) so->keyData = (ScanKey) palloc(sizeof(ScanKeyData) * keysz); else so->keyData = NULL; initSpGistState(&so->state, scan->indexRelation); so->tempCxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext, "SP-GiST search temporary context", ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES); so->traversalCxt = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext, "SP-GiST traversal-value context", ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES); /* Set up indexTupDesc and xs_hitupdesc in case it's an index-only scan */ so->indexTupDesc = scan->xs_hitupdesc = RelationGetDescr(rel); scan->opaque = so; return scan; } void spgrescan(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanKey scankey, int nscankeys, ScanKey orderbys, int norderbys) { SpGistScanOpaque so = (SpGistScanOpaque) scan->opaque; /* copy scankeys into local storage */ if (scankey && scan->numberOfKeys > 0) { memmove(scan->keyData, scankey, scan->numberOfKeys * sizeof(ScanKeyData)); } /* preprocess scankeys, set up the representation in *so */ spgPrepareScanKeys(scan); /* set up starting stack entries */ resetSpGistScanOpaque(so); } void spgendscan(IndexScanDesc scan) { SpGistScanOpaque so = (SpGistScanOpaque) scan->opaque; MemoryContextDelete(so->tempCxt); MemoryContextDelete(so->traversalCxt); if (so->keyData) pfree(so->keyData); if (so->state.deadTupleStorage) pfree(so->state.deadTupleStorage); pfree(so); } /* * Test whether a leaf tuple satisfies all the scan keys * * *leafValue is set to the reconstructed datum, if provided * *recheck is set true if any of the operators are lossy */ static bool spgLeafTest(Relation index, SpGistScanOpaque so, SpGistLeafTuple leafTuple, bool isnull, int level, Datum reconstructedValue, void *traversalValue, Datum *leafValue, bool *recheck) { bool result; Datum leafDatum; spgLeafConsistentIn in; spgLeafConsistentOut out; FmgrInfo *procinfo; MemoryContext oldCtx; if (isnull) { /* Should not have arrived on a nulls page unless nulls are wanted */ Assert(so->searchNulls); *leafValue = (Datum) 0; *recheck = false; return true; } leafDatum = SGLTDATUM(leafTuple, &so->state); /* use temp context for calling leaf_consistent */ oldCtx = MemoryContextSwitchTo(so->tempCxt); in.scankeys = so->keyData; in.nkeys = so->numberOfKeys; in.reconstructedValue = reconstructedValue; in.traversalValue = traversalValue; in.level = level; in.returnData = so->want_itup; in.leafDatum = leafDatum; out.leafValue = (Datum) 0; out.recheck = false; procinfo = index_getprocinfo(index, 1, SPGIST_LEAF_CONSISTENT_PROC); result = DatumGetBool(FunctionCall2Coll(procinfo, index->rd_indcollation[0], PointerGetDatum(&in), PointerGetDatum(&out))); *leafValue = out.leafValue; *recheck = out.recheck; MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldCtx); return result; } /* * Walk the tree and report all tuples passing the scan quals to the storeRes * subroutine. * * If scanWholeIndex is true, we'll do just that. If not, we'll stop at the * next page boundary once we have reported at least one tuple. */ static void spgWalk(Relation index, SpGistScanOpaque so, bool scanWholeIndex, storeRes_func storeRes, Snapshot snapshot) { Buffer buffer = InvalidBuffer; bool reportedSome = false; while (scanWholeIndex || !reportedSome) { ScanStackEntry *stackEntry; BlockNumber blkno; OffsetNumber offset; Page page; bool isnull; /* Pull next to-do item from the list */ if (so->scanStack == NIL) break; /* there are no more pages to scan */ stackEntry = (ScanStackEntry *) linitial(so->scanStack); so->scanStack = list_delete_first(so->scanStack); redirect: /* Check for interrupts, just in case of infinite loop */ CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(); blkno = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&stackEntry->ptr); offset = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&stackEntry->ptr); if (buffer == InvalidBuffer) { buffer = ReadBuffer(index, blkno); LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE); } else if (blkno != BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer)) { UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer); buffer = ReadBuffer(index, blkno); LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE); } /* else new pointer points to the same page, no work needed */ page = BufferGetPage(buffer); TestForOldSnapshot(snapshot, index, page); isnull = SpGistPageStoresNulls(page) ? true : false; if (SpGistPageIsLeaf(page)) { SpGistLeafTuple leafTuple; OffsetNumber max = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page); Datum leafValue = (Datum) 0; bool recheck = false; if (SpGistBlockIsRoot(blkno)) { /* When root is a leaf, examine all its tuples */ for (offset = FirstOffsetNumber; offset <= max; offset++) { leafTuple = (SpGistLeafTuple) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, offset)); if (leafTuple->tupstate != SPGIST_LIVE) { /* all tuples on root should be live */ elog(ERROR, "unexpected SPGiST tuple state: %d", leafTuple->tupstate); } Assert(ItemPointerIsValid(&leafTuple->heapPtr)); if (spgLeafTest(index, so, leafTuple, isnull, stackEntry->level, stackEntry->reconstructedValue, stackEntry->traversalValue, &leafValue, &recheck)) { storeRes(so, &leafTuple->heapPtr, leafValue, isnull, recheck); reportedSome = true; } } } else { /* Normal case: just examine the chain we arrived at */ while (offset != InvalidOffsetNumber) { Assert(offset >= FirstOffsetNumber && offset <= max); leafTuple = (SpGistLeafTuple) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, offset)); if (leafTuple->tupstate != SPGIST_LIVE) { if (leafTuple->tupstate == SPGIST_REDIRECT) { /* redirection tuple should be first in chain */ Assert(offset == ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&stackEntry->ptr)); /* transfer attention to redirect point */ stackEntry->ptr = ((SpGistDeadTuple) leafTuple)->pointer; Assert(ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&stackEntry->ptr) != SPGIST_METAPAGE_BLKNO); goto redirect; } if (leafTuple->tupstate == SPGIST_DEAD) { /* dead tuple should be first in chain */ Assert(offset == ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&stackEntry->ptr)); /* No live entries on this page */ Assert(leafTuple->nextOffset == InvalidOffsetNumber); break; } /* We should not arrive at a placeholder */ elog(ERROR, "unexpected SPGiST tuple state: %d", leafTuple->tupstate); } Assert(ItemPointerIsValid(&leafTuple->heapPtr)); if (spgLeafTest(index, so, leafTuple, isnull, stackEntry->level, stackEntry->reconstructedValue, stackEntry->traversalValue, &leafValue, &recheck)) { storeRes(so, &leafTuple->heapPtr, leafValue, isnull, recheck); reportedSome = true; } offset = leafTuple->nextOffset; } } } else /* page is inner */ { SpGistInnerTuple innerTuple; spgInnerConsistentIn in; spgInnerConsistentOut out; FmgrInfo *procinfo; SpGistNodeTuple *nodes; SpGistNodeTuple node; int i; MemoryContext oldCtx; innerTuple = (SpGistInnerTuple) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, offset)); if (innerTuple->tupstate != SPGIST_LIVE) { if (innerTuple->tupstate == SPGIST_REDIRECT) { /* transfer attention to redirect point */ stackEntry->ptr = ((SpGistDeadTuple) innerTuple)->pointer; Assert(ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&stackEntry->ptr) != SPGIST_METAPAGE_BLKNO); goto redirect; } elog(ERROR, "unexpected SPGiST tuple state: %d", innerTuple->tupstate); } /* use temp context for calling inner_consistent */ oldCtx = MemoryContextSwitchTo(so->tempCxt); in.scankeys = so->keyData; in.nkeys = so->numberOfKeys; in.reconstructedValue = stackEntry->reconstructedValue; in.traversalMemoryContext = so->traversalCxt; in.traversalValue = stackEntry->traversalValue; in.level = stackEntry->level; in.returnData = so->want_itup; in.allTheSame = innerTuple->allTheSame; in.hasPrefix = (innerTuple->prefixSize > 0); in.prefixDatum = SGITDATUM(innerTuple, &so->state); in.nNodes = innerTuple->nNodes; in.nodeLabels = spgExtractNodeLabels(&so->state, innerTuple); /* collect node pointers */ nodes = (SpGistNodeTuple *) palloc(sizeof(SpGistNodeTuple) * in.nNodes); SGITITERATE(innerTuple, i, node) { nodes[i] = node; } memset(&out, 0, sizeof(out)); if (!isnull) { /* use user-defined inner consistent method */ procinfo = index_getprocinfo(index, 1, SPGIST_INNER_CONSISTENT_PROC); FunctionCall2Coll(procinfo, index->rd_indcollation[0], PointerGetDatum(&in), PointerGetDatum(&out)); } else { /* force all children to be visited */ out.nNodes = in.nNodes; out.nodeNumbers = (int *) palloc(sizeof(int) * in.nNodes); for (i = 0; i < in.nNodes; i++) out.nodeNumbers[i] = i; } MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldCtx); /* If allTheSame, they should all or none of 'em match */ if (innerTuple->allTheSame) if (out.nNodes != 0 && out.nNodes != in.nNodes) elog(ERROR, "inconsistent inner_consistent results for allTheSame inner tuple"); for (i = 0; i < out.nNodes; i++) { int nodeN = out.nodeNumbers[i]; Assert(nodeN >= 0 && nodeN < in.nNodes); if (ItemPointerIsValid(&nodes[nodeN]->t_tid)) { ScanStackEntry *newEntry; /* Create new work item for this node */ newEntry = palloc(sizeof(ScanStackEntry)); newEntry->ptr = nodes[nodeN]->t_tid; if (out.levelAdds) newEntry->level = stackEntry->level + out.levelAdds[i]; else newEntry->level = stackEntry->level; /* Must copy value out of temp context */ if (out.reconstructedValues) newEntry->reconstructedValue = datumCopy(out.reconstructedValues[i], so->state.attLeafType.attbyval, so->state.attLeafType.attlen); else newEntry->reconstructedValue = (Datum) 0; /* * Elements of out.traversalValues should be allocated in * in.traversalMemoryContext, which is actually a long * lived context of index scan. */ newEntry->traversalValue = (out.traversalValues) ? out.traversalValues[i] : NULL; so->scanStack = lcons(newEntry, so->scanStack); } } } /* done with this scan stack entry */ freeScanStackEntry(so, stackEntry); /* clear temp context before proceeding to the next one */ MemoryContextReset(so->tempCxt); } if (buffer != InvalidBuffer) UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer); } /* storeRes subroutine for getbitmap case */ static void storeBitmap(SpGistScanOpaque so, ItemPointer heapPtr, Datum leafValue, bool isnull, bool recheck) { tbm_add_tuples(so->tbm, heapPtr, 1, recheck); so->ntids++; } int64 spggetbitmap(IndexScanDesc scan, TIDBitmap *tbm) { SpGistScanOpaque so = (SpGistScanOpaque) scan->opaque; /* Copy want_itup to *so so we don't need to pass it around separately */ so->want_itup = false; so->tbm = tbm; so->ntids = 0; spgWalk(scan->indexRelation, so, true, storeBitmap, scan->xs_snapshot); return so->ntids; } /* storeRes subroutine for gettuple case */ static void storeGettuple(SpGistScanOpaque so, ItemPointer heapPtr, Datum leafValue, bool isnull, bool recheck) { Assert(so->nPtrs < MaxIndexTuplesPerPage); so->heapPtrs[so->nPtrs] = *heapPtr; so->recheck[so->nPtrs] = recheck; if (so->want_itup) { /* * Reconstruct index data. We have to copy the datum out of the temp * context anyway, so we may as well create the tuple here. */ so->reconTups[so->nPtrs] = heap_form_tuple(so->indexTupDesc, &leafValue, &isnull); } so->nPtrs++; } bool spggettuple(IndexScanDesc scan, ScanDirection dir) { SpGistScanOpaque so = (SpGistScanOpaque) scan->opaque; if (dir != ForwardScanDirection) elog(ERROR, "SP-GiST only supports forward scan direction"); /* Copy want_itup to *so so we don't need to pass it around separately */ so->want_itup = scan->xs_want_itup; for (;;) { if (so->iPtr < so->nPtrs) { /* continuing to return tuples from a leaf page */ scan->xs_ctup.t_self = so->heapPtrs[so->iPtr]; scan->xs_recheck = so->recheck[so->iPtr]; scan->xs_hitup = so->reconTups[so->iPtr]; so->iPtr++; return true; } if (so->want_itup) { /* Must pfree reconstructed tuples to avoid memory leak */ int i; for (i = 0; i < so->nPtrs; i++) pfree(so->reconTups[i]); } so->iPtr = so->nPtrs = 0; spgWalk(scan->indexRelation, so, false, storeGettuple, scan->xs_snapshot); if (so->nPtrs == 0) break; /* must have completed scan */ } return false; } bool spgcanreturn(Relation index, int attno) { SpGistCache *cache; /* We can do it if the opclass config function says so */ cache = spgGetCache(index); return cache->config.canReturnData; }