/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * spgutils.c * various support functions for SP-GiST * * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/access/spgist/spgutils.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/reloptions.h" #include "access/spgist_private.h" #include "access/transam.h" #include "access/xact.h" #include "storage/bufmgr.h" #include "storage/indexfsm.h" #include "storage/lmgr.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/index_selfuncs.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" /* * SP-GiST handler function: return IndexAmRoutine with access method parameters * and callbacks. */ Datum spghandler(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { IndexAmRoutine *amroutine = makeNode(IndexAmRoutine); amroutine->amstrategies = 0; amroutine->amsupport = SPGISTNProc; amroutine->amcanorder = false; amroutine->amcanorderbyop = false; amroutine->amcanbackward = false; amroutine->amcanunique = false; amroutine->amcanmulticol = false; amroutine->amoptionalkey = true; amroutine->amsearcharray = false; amroutine->amsearchnulls = true; amroutine->amstorage = false; amroutine->amclusterable = false; amroutine->ampredlocks = false; amroutine->amcanparallel = false; amroutine->amcaninclude = false; amroutine->amkeytype = InvalidOid; amroutine->ambuild = spgbuild; amroutine->ambuildempty = spgbuildempty; amroutine->aminsert = spginsert; amroutine->ambulkdelete = spgbulkdelete; amroutine->amvacuumcleanup = spgvacuumcleanup; amroutine->amcanreturn = spgcanreturn; amroutine->amcostestimate = spgcostestimate; amroutine->amoptions = spgoptions; amroutine->amproperty = NULL; amroutine->amvalidate = spgvalidate; amroutine->ambeginscan = spgbeginscan; amroutine->amrescan = spgrescan; amroutine->amgettuple = spggettuple; amroutine->amgetbitmap = spggetbitmap; amroutine->amendscan = spgendscan; amroutine->ammarkpos = NULL; amroutine->amrestrpos = NULL; amroutine->amestimateparallelscan = NULL; amroutine->aminitparallelscan = NULL; amroutine->amparallelrescan = NULL; PG_RETURN_POINTER(amroutine); } /* Fill in a SpGistTypeDesc struct with info about the specified data type */ static void fillTypeDesc(SpGistTypeDesc *desc, Oid type) { desc->type = type; get_typlenbyval(type, &desc->attlen, &desc->attbyval); } /* * Fetch local cache of AM-specific info about the index, initializing it * if necessary */ SpGistCache * spgGetCache(Relation index) { SpGistCache *cache; if (index->rd_amcache == NULL) { Oid atttype; spgConfigIn in; FmgrInfo *procinfo; Buffer metabuffer; SpGistMetaPageData *metadata; cache = MemoryContextAllocZero(index->rd_indexcxt, sizeof(SpGistCache)); /* SPGiST doesn't support multi-column indexes */ Assert(index->rd_att->natts == 1); /* * Get the actual data type of the indexed column from the index * tupdesc. We pass this to the opclass config function so that * polymorphic opclasses are possible. */ atttype = TupleDescAttr(index->rd_att, 0)->atttypid; /* Call the config function to get config info for the opclass */ in.attType = atttype; procinfo = index_getprocinfo(index, 1, SPGIST_CONFIG_PROC); FunctionCall2Coll(procinfo, index->rd_indcollation[0], PointerGetDatum(&in), PointerGetDatum(&cache->config)); /* Get the information we need about each relevant datatype */ fillTypeDesc(&cache->attType, atttype); if (OidIsValid(cache->config.leafType) && cache->config.leafType != atttype) { if (!OidIsValid(index_getprocid(index, 1, SPGIST_COMPRESS_PROC))) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_PARAMETER_VALUE), errmsg("compress method must be defined when leaf type is different from input type"))); fillTypeDesc(&cache->attLeafType, cache->config.leafType); } else { cache->attLeafType = cache->attType; } fillTypeDesc(&cache->attPrefixType, cache->config.prefixType); fillTypeDesc(&cache->attLabelType, cache->config.labelType); /* Last, get the lastUsedPages data from the metapage */ metabuffer = ReadBuffer(index, SPGIST_METAPAGE_BLKNO); LockBuffer(metabuffer, BUFFER_LOCK_SHARE); metadata = SpGistPageGetMeta(BufferGetPage(metabuffer)); if (metadata->magicNumber != SPGIST_MAGIC_NUMBER) elog(ERROR, "index \"%s\" is not an SP-GiST index", RelationGetRelationName(index)); cache->lastUsedPages = metadata->lastUsedPages; UnlockReleaseBuffer(metabuffer); index->rd_amcache = (void *) cache; } else { /* assume it's up to date */ cache = (SpGistCache *) index->rd_amcache; } return cache; } /* Initialize SpGistState for working with the given index */ void initSpGistState(SpGistState *state, Relation index) { SpGistCache *cache; /* Get cached static information about index */ cache = spgGetCache(index); state->config = cache->config; state->attType = cache->attType; state->attLeafType = cache->attLeafType; state->attPrefixType = cache->attPrefixType; state->attLabelType = cache->attLabelType; /* Make workspace for constructing dead tuples */ state->deadTupleStorage = palloc0(SGDTSIZE); /* Set XID to use in redirection tuples */ state->myXid = GetTopTransactionIdIfAny(); /* Assume we're not in an index build (spgbuild will override) */ state->isBuild = false; } /* * Allocate a new page (either by recycling, or by extending the index file). * * The returned buffer is already pinned and exclusive-locked. * Caller is responsible for initializing the page by calling SpGistInitBuffer. */ Buffer SpGistNewBuffer(Relation index) { Buffer buffer; bool needLock; /* First, try to get a page from FSM */ for (;;) { BlockNumber blkno = GetFreeIndexPage(index); if (blkno == InvalidBlockNumber) break; /* nothing known to FSM */ /* * The fixed pages shouldn't ever be listed in FSM, but just in case * one is, ignore it. */ if (SpGistBlockIsFixed(blkno)) continue; buffer = ReadBuffer(index, blkno); /* * We have to guard against the possibility that someone else already * recycled this page; the buffer may be locked if so. */ if (ConditionalLockBuffer(buffer)) { Page page = BufferGetPage(buffer); if (PageIsNew(page)) return buffer; /* OK to use, if never initialized */ if (SpGistPageIsDeleted(page) || PageIsEmpty(page)) return buffer; /* OK to use */ LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_UNLOCK); } /* Can't use it, so release buffer and try again */ ReleaseBuffer(buffer); } /* Must extend the file */ needLock = !RELATION_IS_LOCAL(index); if (needLock) LockRelationForExtension(index, ExclusiveLock); buffer = ReadBuffer(index, P_NEW); LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE); if (needLock) UnlockRelationForExtension(index, ExclusiveLock); return buffer; } /* * Update index metapage's lastUsedPages info from local cache, if possible * * Updating meta page isn't critical for index working, so * 1 use ConditionalLockBuffer to improve concurrency * 2 don't WAL-log metabuffer changes to decrease WAL traffic */ void SpGistUpdateMetaPage(Relation index) { SpGistCache *cache = (SpGistCache *) index->rd_amcache; if (cache != NULL) { Buffer metabuffer; metabuffer = ReadBuffer(index, SPGIST_METAPAGE_BLKNO); if (ConditionalLockBuffer(metabuffer)) { Page metapage = BufferGetPage(metabuffer); SpGistMetaPageData *metadata = SpGistPageGetMeta(metapage); metadata->lastUsedPages = cache->lastUsedPages; /* * Set pd_lower just past the end of the metadata. This is * essential, because without doing so, metadata will be lost if * xlog.c compresses the page. (We must do this here because * pre-v11 versions of PG did not set the metapage's pd_lower * correctly, so a pg_upgraded index might contain the wrong * value.) */ ((PageHeader) metapage)->pd_lower = ((char *) metadata + sizeof(SpGistMetaPageData)) - (char *) metapage; MarkBufferDirty(metabuffer); UnlockReleaseBuffer(metabuffer); } else { ReleaseBuffer(metabuffer); } } } /* Macro to select proper element of lastUsedPages cache depending on flags */ /* Masking flags with SPGIST_CACHED_PAGES is just for paranoia's sake */ #define GET_LUP(c, f) (&(c)->lastUsedPages.cachedPage[((unsigned int) (f)) % SPGIST_CACHED_PAGES]) /* * Allocate and initialize a new buffer of the type and parity specified by * flags. The returned buffer is already pinned and exclusive-locked. * * When requesting an inner page, if we get one with the wrong parity, * we just release the buffer and try again. We will get a different page * because GetFreeIndexPage will have marked the page used in FSM. The page * is entered in our local lastUsedPages cache, so there's some hope of * making use of it later in this session, but otherwise we rely on VACUUM * to eventually re-enter the page in FSM, making it available for recycling. * Note that such a page does not get marked dirty here, so unless it's used * fairly soon, the buffer will just get discarded and the page will remain * as it was on disk. * * When we return a buffer to the caller, the page is *not* entered into * the lastUsedPages cache; we expect the caller will do so after it's taken * whatever space it will use. This is because after the caller has used up * some space, the page might have less space than whatever was cached already * so we'd rather not trash the old cache entry. */ static Buffer allocNewBuffer(Relation index, int flags) { SpGistCache *cache = spgGetCache(index); uint16 pageflags = 0; if (GBUF_REQ_LEAF(flags)) pageflags |= SPGIST_LEAF; if (GBUF_REQ_NULLS(flags)) pageflags |= SPGIST_NULLS; for (;;) { Buffer buffer; buffer = SpGistNewBuffer(index); SpGistInitBuffer(buffer, pageflags); if (pageflags & SPGIST_LEAF) { /* Leaf pages have no parity concerns, so just use it */ return buffer; } else { BlockNumber blkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer); int blkFlags = GBUF_INNER_PARITY(blkno); if ((flags & GBUF_PARITY_MASK) == blkFlags) { /* Page has right parity, use it */ return buffer; } else { /* Page has wrong parity, record it in cache and try again */ if (pageflags & SPGIST_NULLS) blkFlags |= GBUF_NULLS; cache->lastUsedPages.cachedPage[blkFlags].blkno = blkno; cache->lastUsedPages.cachedPage[blkFlags].freeSpace = PageGetExactFreeSpace(BufferGetPage(buffer)); UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer); } } } } /* * Get a buffer of the type and parity specified by flags, having at least * as much free space as indicated by needSpace. We use the lastUsedPages * cache to assign the same buffer previously requested when possible. * The returned buffer is already pinned and exclusive-locked. * * *isNew is set true if the page was initialized here, false if it was * already valid. */ Buffer SpGistGetBuffer(Relation index, int flags, int needSpace, bool *isNew) { SpGistCache *cache = spgGetCache(index); SpGistLastUsedPage *lup; /* Bail out if even an empty page wouldn't meet the demand */ if (needSpace > SPGIST_PAGE_CAPACITY) elog(ERROR, "desired SPGiST tuple size is too big"); /* * If possible, increase the space request to include relation's * fillfactor. This ensures that when we add unrelated tuples to a page, * we try to keep 100-fillfactor% available for adding tuples that are * related to the ones already on it. But fillfactor mustn't cause an * error for requests that would otherwise be legal. */ needSpace += RelationGetTargetPageFreeSpace(index, SPGIST_DEFAULT_FILLFACTOR); needSpace = Min(needSpace, SPGIST_PAGE_CAPACITY); /* Get the cache entry for this flags setting */ lup = GET_LUP(cache, flags); /* If we have nothing cached, just turn it over to allocNewBuffer */ if (lup->blkno == InvalidBlockNumber) { *isNew = true; return allocNewBuffer(index, flags); } /* fixed pages should never be in cache */ Assert(!SpGistBlockIsFixed(lup->blkno)); /* If cached freeSpace isn't enough, don't bother looking at the page */ if (lup->freeSpace >= needSpace) { Buffer buffer; Page page; buffer = ReadBuffer(index, lup->blkno); if (!ConditionalLockBuffer(buffer)) { /* * buffer is locked by another process, so return a new buffer */ ReleaseBuffer(buffer); *isNew = true; return allocNewBuffer(index, flags); } page = BufferGetPage(buffer); if (PageIsNew(page) || SpGistPageIsDeleted(page) || PageIsEmpty(page)) { /* OK to initialize the page */ uint16 pageflags = 0; if (GBUF_REQ_LEAF(flags)) pageflags |= SPGIST_LEAF; if (GBUF_REQ_NULLS(flags)) pageflags |= SPGIST_NULLS; SpGistInitBuffer(buffer, pageflags); lup->freeSpace = PageGetExactFreeSpace(page) - needSpace; *isNew = true; return buffer; } /* * Check that page is of right type and has enough space. We must * recheck this since our cache isn't necessarily up to date. */ if ((GBUF_REQ_LEAF(flags) ? SpGistPageIsLeaf(page) : !SpGistPageIsLeaf(page)) && (GBUF_REQ_NULLS(flags) ? SpGistPageStoresNulls(page) : !SpGistPageStoresNulls(page))) { int freeSpace = PageGetExactFreeSpace(page); if (freeSpace >= needSpace) { /* Success, update freespace info and return the buffer */ lup->freeSpace = freeSpace - needSpace; *isNew = false; return buffer; } } /* * fallback to allocation of new buffer */ UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer); } /* No success with cache, so return a new buffer */ *isNew = true; return allocNewBuffer(index, flags); } /* * Update lastUsedPages cache when done modifying a page. * * We update the appropriate cache entry if it already contained this page * (its freeSpace is likely obsolete), or if this page has more space than * whatever we had cached. */ void SpGistSetLastUsedPage(Relation index, Buffer buffer) { SpGistCache *cache = spgGetCache(index); SpGistLastUsedPage *lup; int freeSpace; Page page = BufferGetPage(buffer); BlockNumber blkno = BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer); int flags; /* Never enter fixed pages (root pages) in cache, though */ if (SpGistBlockIsFixed(blkno)) return; if (SpGistPageIsLeaf(page)) flags = GBUF_LEAF; else flags = GBUF_INNER_PARITY(blkno); if (SpGistPageStoresNulls(page)) flags |= GBUF_NULLS; lup = GET_LUP(cache, flags); freeSpace = PageGetExactFreeSpace(page); if (lup->blkno == InvalidBlockNumber || lup->blkno == blkno || lup->freeSpace < freeSpace) { lup->blkno = blkno; lup->freeSpace = freeSpace; } } /* * Initialize an SPGiST page to empty, with specified flags */ void SpGistInitPage(Page page, uint16 f) { SpGistPageOpaque opaque; PageInit(page, BLCKSZ, MAXALIGN(sizeof(SpGistPageOpaqueData))); opaque = SpGistPageGetOpaque(page); memset(opaque, 0, sizeof(SpGistPageOpaqueData)); opaque->flags = f; opaque->spgist_page_id = SPGIST_PAGE_ID; } /* * Initialize a buffer's page to empty, with specified flags */ void SpGistInitBuffer(Buffer b, uint16 f) { Assert(BufferGetPageSize(b) == BLCKSZ); SpGistInitPage(BufferGetPage(b), f); } /* * Initialize metadata page */ void SpGistInitMetapage(Page page) { SpGistMetaPageData *metadata; int i; SpGistInitPage(page, SPGIST_META); metadata = SpGistPageGetMeta(page); memset(metadata, 0, sizeof(SpGistMetaPageData)); metadata->magicNumber = SPGIST_MAGIC_NUMBER; /* initialize last-used-page cache to empty */ for (i = 0; i < SPGIST_CACHED_PAGES; i++) metadata->lastUsedPages.cachedPage[i].blkno = InvalidBlockNumber; /* * Set pd_lower just past the end of the metadata. This is essential, * because without doing so, metadata will be lost if xlog.c compresses * the page. */ ((PageHeader) page)->pd_lower = ((char *) metadata + sizeof(SpGistMetaPageData)) - (char *) page; } /* * reloptions processing for SPGiST */ bytea * spgoptions(Datum reloptions, bool validate) { return default_reloptions(reloptions, validate, RELOPT_KIND_SPGIST); } /* * Get the space needed to store a non-null datum of the indicated type. * Note the result is already rounded up to a MAXALIGN boundary. * Also, we follow the SPGiST convention that pass-by-val types are * just stored in their Datum representation (compare memcpyDatum). */ unsigned int SpGistGetTypeSize(SpGistTypeDesc *att, Datum datum) { unsigned int size; if (att->attbyval) size = sizeof(Datum); else if (att->attlen > 0) size = att->attlen; else size = VARSIZE_ANY(datum); return MAXALIGN(size); } /* * Copy the given non-null datum to *target */ static void memcpyDatum(void *target, SpGistTypeDesc *att, Datum datum) { unsigned int size; if (att->attbyval) { memcpy(target, &datum, sizeof(Datum)); } else { size = (att->attlen > 0) ? att->attlen : VARSIZE_ANY(datum); memcpy(target, DatumGetPointer(datum), size); } } /* * Construct a leaf tuple containing the given heap TID and datum value */ SpGistLeafTuple spgFormLeafTuple(SpGistState *state, ItemPointer heapPtr, Datum datum, bool isnull) { SpGistLeafTuple tup; unsigned int size; /* compute space needed (note result is already maxaligned) */ size = SGLTHDRSZ; if (!isnull) size += SpGistGetTypeSize(&state->attLeafType, datum); /* * Ensure that we can replace the tuple with a dead tuple later. This * test is unnecessary when !isnull, but let's be safe. */ if (size < SGDTSIZE) size = SGDTSIZE; /* OK, form the tuple */ tup = (SpGistLeafTuple) palloc0(size); tup->size = size; tup->nextOffset = InvalidOffsetNumber; tup->heapPtr = *heapPtr; if (!isnull) memcpyDatum(SGLTDATAPTR(tup), &state->attLeafType, datum); return tup; } /* * Construct a node (to go into an inner tuple) containing the given label * * Note that the node's downlink is just set invalid here. Caller will fill * it in later. */ SpGistNodeTuple spgFormNodeTuple(SpGistState *state, Datum label, bool isnull) { SpGistNodeTuple tup; unsigned int size; unsigned short infomask = 0; /* compute space needed (note result is already maxaligned) */ size = SGNTHDRSZ; if (!isnull) size += SpGistGetTypeSize(&state->attLabelType, label); /* * Here we make sure that the size will fit in the field reserved for it * in t_info. */ if ((size & INDEX_SIZE_MASK) != size) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED), errmsg("index row requires %zu bytes, maximum size is %zu", (Size) size, (Size) INDEX_SIZE_MASK))); tup = (SpGistNodeTuple) palloc0(size); if (isnull) infomask |= INDEX_NULL_MASK; /* we don't bother setting the INDEX_VAR_MASK bit */ infomask |= size; tup->t_info = infomask; /* The TID field will be filled in later */ ItemPointerSetInvalid(&tup->t_tid); if (!isnull) memcpyDatum(SGNTDATAPTR(tup), &state->attLabelType, label); return tup; } /* * Construct an inner tuple containing the given prefix and node array */ SpGistInnerTuple spgFormInnerTuple(SpGistState *state, bool hasPrefix, Datum prefix, int nNodes, SpGistNodeTuple *nodes) { SpGistInnerTuple tup; unsigned int size; unsigned int prefixSize; int i; char *ptr; /* Compute size needed */ if (hasPrefix) prefixSize = SpGistGetTypeSize(&state->attPrefixType, prefix); else prefixSize = 0; size = SGITHDRSZ + prefixSize; /* Note: we rely on node tuple sizes to be maxaligned already */ for (i = 0; i < nNodes; i++) size += IndexTupleSize(nodes[i]); /* * Ensure that we can replace the tuple with a dead tuple later. This * test is unnecessary given current tuple layouts, but let's be safe. */ if (size < SGDTSIZE) size = SGDTSIZE; /* * Inner tuple should be small enough to fit on a page */ if (size > SPGIST_PAGE_CAPACITY - sizeof(ItemIdData)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED), errmsg("SP-GiST inner tuple size %zu exceeds maximum %zu", (Size) size, SPGIST_PAGE_CAPACITY - sizeof(ItemIdData)), errhint("Values larger than a buffer page cannot be indexed."))); /* * Check for overflow of header fields --- probably can't fail if the * above succeeded, but let's be paranoid */ if (size > SGITMAXSIZE || prefixSize > SGITMAXPREFIXSIZE || nNodes > SGITMAXNNODES) elog(ERROR, "SPGiST inner tuple header field is too small"); /* OK, form the tuple */ tup = (SpGistInnerTuple) palloc0(size); tup->nNodes = nNodes; tup->prefixSize = prefixSize; tup->size = size; if (hasPrefix) memcpyDatum(SGITDATAPTR(tup), &state->attPrefixType, prefix); ptr = (char *) SGITNODEPTR(tup); for (i = 0; i < nNodes; i++) { SpGistNodeTuple node = nodes[i]; memcpy(ptr, node, IndexTupleSize(node)); ptr += IndexTupleSize(node); } return tup; } /* * Construct a "dead" tuple to replace a tuple being deleted. * * The state can be SPGIST_REDIRECT, SPGIST_DEAD, or SPGIST_PLACEHOLDER. * For a REDIRECT tuple, a pointer (blkno+offset) must be supplied, and * the xid field is filled in automatically. * * This is called in critical sections, so we don't use palloc; the tuple * is built in preallocated storage. It should be copied before another * call with different parameters can occur. */ SpGistDeadTuple spgFormDeadTuple(SpGistState *state, int tupstate, BlockNumber blkno, OffsetNumber offnum) { SpGistDeadTuple tuple = (SpGistDeadTuple) state->deadTupleStorage; tuple->tupstate = tupstate; tuple->size = SGDTSIZE; tuple->nextOffset = InvalidOffsetNumber; if (tupstate == SPGIST_REDIRECT) { ItemPointerSet(&tuple->pointer, blkno, offnum); Assert(TransactionIdIsValid(state->myXid)); tuple->xid = state->myXid; } else { ItemPointerSetInvalid(&tuple->pointer); tuple->xid = InvalidTransactionId; } return tuple; } /* * Extract the label datums of the nodes within innerTuple * * Returns NULL if label datums are NULLs */ Datum * spgExtractNodeLabels(SpGistState *state, SpGistInnerTuple innerTuple) { Datum *nodeLabels; int i; SpGistNodeTuple node; /* Either all the labels must be NULL, or none. */ node = SGITNODEPTR(innerTuple); if (IndexTupleHasNulls(node)) { SGITITERATE(innerTuple, i, node) { if (!IndexTupleHasNulls(node)) elog(ERROR, "some but not all node labels are null in SPGiST inner tuple"); } /* They're all null, so just return NULL */ return NULL; } else { nodeLabels = (Datum *) palloc(sizeof(Datum) * innerTuple->nNodes); SGITITERATE(innerTuple, i, node) { if (IndexTupleHasNulls(node)) elog(ERROR, "some but not all node labels are null in SPGiST inner tuple"); nodeLabels[i] = SGNTDATUM(node, state); } return nodeLabels; } } /* * Add a new item to the page, replacing a PLACEHOLDER item if possible. * Return the location it's inserted at, or InvalidOffsetNumber on failure. * * If startOffset isn't NULL, we start searching for placeholders at * *startOffset, and update that to the next place to search. This is just * an optimization for repeated insertions. * * If errorOK is false, we throw error when there's not enough room, * rather than returning InvalidOffsetNumber. */ OffsetNumber SpGistPageAddNewItem(SpGistState *state, Page page, Item item, Size size, OffsetNumber *startOffset, bool errorOK) { SpGistPageOpaque opaque = SpGistPageGetOpaque(page); OffsetNumber i, maxoff, offnum; if (opaque->nPlaceholder > 0 && PageGetExactFreeSpace(page) + SGDTSIZE >= MAXALIGN(size)) { /* Try to replace a placeholder */ maxoff = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page); offnum = InvalidOffsetNumber; for (;;) { if (startOffset && *startOffset != InvalidOffsetNumber) i = *startOffset; else i = FirstOffsetNumber; for (; i <= maxoff; i++) { SpGistDeadTuple it = (SpGistDeadTuple) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, i)); if (it->tupstate == SPGIST_PLACEHOLDER) { offnum = i; break; } } /* Done if we found a placeholder */ if (offnum != InvalidOffsetNumber) break; if (startOffset && *startOffset != InvalidOffsetNumber) { /* Hint was no good, re-search from beginning */ *startOffset = InvalidOffsetNumber; continue; } /* Hmm, no placeholder found? */ opaque->nPlaceholder = 0; break; } if (offnum != InvalidOffsetNumber) { /* Replace the placeholder tuple */ PageIndexTupleDelete(page, offnum); offnum = PageAddItem(page, item, size, offnum, false, false); /* * We should not have failed given the size check at the top of * the function, but test anyway. If we did fail, we must PANIC * because we've already deleted the placeholder tuple, and * there's no other way to keep the damage from getting to disk. */ if (offnum != InvalidOffsetNumber) { Assert(opaque->nPlaceholder > 0); opaque->nPlaceholder--; if (startOffset) *startOffset = offnum + 1; } else elog(PANIC, "failed to add item of size %u to SPGiST index page", (int) size); return offnum; } } /* No luck in replacing a placeholder, so just add it to the page */ offnum = PageAddItem(page, item, size, InvalidOffsetNumber, false, false); if (offnum == InvalidOffsetNumber && !errorOK) elog(ERROR, "failed to add item of size %u to SPGiST index page", (int) size); return offnum; }