/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * spgvacuum.c * vacuum for SP-GiST * * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/access/spgist/spgvacuum.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/genam.h" #include "access/spgist_private.h" #include "access/spgxlog.h" #include "access/transam.h" #include "access/xloginsert.h" #include "catalog/storage_xlog.h" #include "commands/vacuum.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "storage/bufmgr.h" #include "storage/indexfsm.h" #include "storage/lmgr.h" #include "utils/snapmgr.h" /* Entry in pending-list of TIDs we need to revisit */ typedef struct spgVacPendingItem { ItemPointerData tid; /* redirection target to visit */ bool done; /* have we dealt with this? */ struct spgVacPendingItem *next; /* list link */ } spgVacPendingItem; /* Local state for vacuum operations */ typedef struct spgBulkDeleteState { /* Parameters passed in to spgvacuumscan */ IndexVacuumInfo *info; IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats; IndexBulkDeleteCallback callback; void *callback_state; /* Additional working state */ SpGistState spgstate; /* for SPGiST operations that need one */ spgVacPendingItem *pendingList; /* TIDs we need to (re)visit */ TransactionId myXmin; /* for detecting newly-added redirects */ BlockNumber lastFilledBlock; /* last non-deletable block */ } spgBulkDeleteState; /* * Add TID to pendingList, but only if not already present. * * Note that new items are always appended at the end of the list; this * ensures that scans of the list don't miss items added during the scan. */ static void spgAddPendingTID(spgBulkDeleteState *bds, ItemPointer tid) { spgVacPendingItem *pitem; spgVacPendingItem **listLink; /* search the list for pre-existing entry */ listLink = &bds->pendingList; while (*listLink != NULL) { pitem = *listLink; if (ItemPointerEquals(tid, &pitem->tid)) return; /* already in list, do nothing */ listLink = &pitem->next; } /* not there, so append new entry */ pitem = (spgVacPendingItem *) palloc(sizeof(spgVacPendingItem)); pitem->tid = *tid; pitem->done = false; pitem->next = NULL; *listLink = pitem; } /* * Clear pendingList */ static void spgClearPendingList(spgBulkDeleteState *bds) { spgVacPendingItem *pitem; spgVacPendingItem *nitem; for (pitem = bds->pendingList; pitem != NULL; pitem = nitem) { nitem = pitem->next; /* All items in list should have been dealt with */ Assert(pitem->done); pfree(pitem); } bds->pendingList = NULL; } /* * Vacuum a regular (non-root) leaf page * * We must delete tuples that are targeted for deletion by the VACUUM, * but not move any tuples that are referenced by outside links; we assume * those are the ones that are heads of chains. * * If we find a REDIRECT that was made by a concurrently-running transaction, * we must add its target TID to pendingList. (We don't try to visit the * target immediately, first because we don't want VACUUM locking more than * one buffer at a time, and second because the duplicate-filtering logic * in spgAddPendingTID is useful to ensure we can't get caught in an infinite * loop in the face of continuous concurrent insertions.) * * If forPending is true, we are examining the page as a consequence of * chasing a redirect link, not as part of the normal sequential scan. * We still vacuum the page normally, but we don't increment the stats * about live tuples; else we'd double-count those tuples, since the page * has been or will be visited in the sequential scan as well. */ static void vacuumLeafPage(spgBulkDeleteState *bds, Relation index, Buffer buffer, bool forPending) { Page page = BufferGetPage(buffer); spgxlogVacuumLeaf xlrec; OffsetNumber toDead[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage]; OffsetNumber toPlaceholder[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage]; OffsetNumber moveSrc[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage]; OffsetNumber moveDest[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage]; OffsetNumber chainSrc[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage]; OffsetNumber chainDest[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage]; OffsetNumber predecessor[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage + 1]; bool deletable[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage + 1]; int nDeletable; OffsetNumber i, max = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page); memset(predecessor, 0, sizeof(predecessor)); memset(deletable, 0, sizeof(deletable)); nDeletable = 0; /* Scan page, identify tuples to delete, accumulate stats */ for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= max; i++) { SpGistLeafTuple lt; lt = (SpGistLeafTuple) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, i)); if (lt->tupstate == SPGIST_LIVE) { Assert(ItemPointerIsValid(<->heapPtr)); if (bds->callback(<->heapPtr, bds->callback_state)) { bds->stats->tuples_removed += 1; deletable[i] = true; nDeletable++; } else { if (!forPending) bds->stats->num_index_tuples += 1; } /* Form predecessor map, too */ if (lt->nextOffset != InvalidOffsetNumber) { /* paranoia about corrupted chain links */ if (lt->nextOffset < FirstOffsetNumber || lt->nextOffset > max || predecessor[lt->nextOffset] != InvalidOffsetNumber) elog(ERROR, "inconsistent tuple chain links in page %u of index \"%s\"", BufferGetBlockNumber(buffer), RelationGetRelationName(index)); predecessor[lt->nextOffset] = i; } } else if (lt->tupstate == SPGIST_REDIRECT) { SpGistDeadTuple dt = (SpGistDeadTuple) lt; Assert(dt->nextOffset == InvalidOffsetNumber); Assert(ItemPointerIsValid(&dt->pointer)); /* * Add target TID to pending list if the redirection could have * happened since VACUUM started. * * Note: we could make a tighter test by seeing if the xid is * "running" according to the active snapshot; but tqual.c doesn't * currently export a suitable API, and it's not entirely clear * that a tighter test is worth the cycles anyway. */ if (TransactionIdFollowsOrEquals(dt->xid, bds->myXmin)) spgAddPendingTID(bds, &dt->pointer); } else { Assert(lt->nextOffset == InvalidOffsetNumber); } } if (nDeletable == 0) return; /* nothing more to do */ /*---------- * Figure out exactly what we have to do. We do this separately from * actually modifying the page, mainly so that we have a representation * that can be dumped into WAL and then the replay code can do exactly * the same thing. The output of this step consists of six arrays * describing four kinds of operations, to be performed in this order: * * toDead[]: tuple numbers to be replaced with DEAD tuples * toPlaceholder[]: tuple numbers to be replaced with PLACEHOLDER tuples * moveSrc[]: tuple numbers that need to be relocated to another offset * (replacing the tuple there) and then replaced with PLACEHOLDER tuples * moveDest[]: new locations for moveSrc tuples * chainSrc[]: tuple numbers whose chain links (nextOffset) need updates * chainDest[]: new values of nextOffset for chainSrc members * * It's easiest to figure out what we have to do by processing tuple * chains, so we iterate over all the tuples (not just the deletable * ones!) to identify chain heads, then chase down each chain and make * work item entries for deletable tuples within the chain. *---------- */ xlrec.nDead = xlrec.nPlaceholder = xlrec.nMove = xlrec.nChain = 0; for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= max; i++) { SpGistLeafTuple head; bool interveningDeletable; OffsetNumber prevLive; OffsetNumber j; head = (SpGistLeafTuple) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, i)); if (head->tupstate != SPGIST_LIVE) continue; /* can't be a chain member */ if (predecessor[i] != 0) continue; /* not a chain head */ /* initialize ... */ interveningDeletable = false; prevLive = deletable[i] ? InvalidOffsetNumber : i; /* scan down the chain ... */ j = head->nextOffset; while (j != InvalidOffsetNumber) { SpGistLeafTuple lt; lt = (SpGistLeafTuple) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, j)); if (lt->tupstate != SPGIST_LIVE) { /* all tuples in chain should be live */ elog(ERROR, "unexpected SPGiST tuple state: %d", lt->tupstate); } if (deletable[j]) { /* This tuple should be replaced by a placeholder */ toPlaceholder[xlrec.nPlaceholder] = j; xlrec.nPlaceholder++; /* previous live tuple's chain link will need an update */ interveningDeletable = true; } else if (prevLive == InvalidOffsetNumber) { /* * This is the first live tuple in the chain. It has to move * to the head position. */ moveSrc[xlrec.nMove] = j; moveDest[xlrec.nMove] = i; xlrec.nMove++; /* Chain updates will be applied after the move */ prevLive = i; interveningDeletable = false; } else { /* * Second or later live tuple. Arrange to re-chain it to the * previous live one, if there was a gap. */ if (interveningDeletable) { chainSrc[xlrec.nChain] = prevLive; chainDest[xlrec.nChain] = j; xlrec.nChain++; } prevLive = j; interveningDeletable = false; } j = lt->nextOffset; } if (prevLive == InvalidOffsetNumber) { /* The chain is entirely removable, so we need a DEAD tuple */ toDead[xlrec.nDead] = i; xlrec.nDead++; } else if (interveningDeletable) { /* One or more deletions at end of chain, so close it off */ chainSrc[xlrec.nChain] = prevLive; chainDest[xlrec.nChain] = InvalidOffsetNumber; xlrec.nChain++; } } /* sanity check ... */ if (nDeletable != xlrec.nDead + xlrec.nPlaceholder + xlrec.nMove) elog(ERROR, "inconsistent counts of deletable tuples"); /* Do the updates */ START_CRIT_SECTION(); spgPageIndexMultiDelete(&bds->spgstate, page, toDead, xlrec.nDead, SPGIST_DEAD, SPGIST_DEAD, InvalidBlockNumber, InvalidOffsetNumber); spgPageIndexMultiDelete(&bds->spgstate, page, toPlaceholder, xlrec.nPlaceholder, SPGIST_PLACEHOLDER, SPGIST_PLACEHOLDER, InvalidBlockNumber, InvalidOffsetNumber); /* * We implement the move step by swapping the item pointers of the source * and target tuples, then replacing the newly-source tuples with * placeholders. This is perhaps unduly friendly with the page data * representation, but it's fast and doesn't risk page overflow when a * tuple to be relocated is large. */ for (i = 0; i < xlrec.nMove; i++) { ItemId idSrc = PageGetItemId(page, moveSrc[i]); ItemId idDest = PageGetItemId(page, moveDest[i]); ItemIdData tmp; tmp = *idSrc; *idSrc = *idDest; *idDest = tmp; } spgPageIndexMultiDelete(&bds->spgstate, page, moveSrc, xlrec.nMove, SPGIST_PLACEHOLDER, SPGIST_PLACEHOLDER, InvalidBlockNumber, InvalidOffsetNumber); for (i = 0; i < xlrec.nChain; i++) { SpGistLeafTuple lt; lt = (SpGistLeafTuple) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, chainSrc[i])); Assert(lt->tupstate == SPGIST_LIVE); lt->nextOffset = chainDest[i]; } MarkBufferDirty(buffer); if (RelationNeedsWAL(index)) { XLogRecPtr recptr; XLogBeginInsert(); STORE_STATE(&bds->spgstate, xlrec.stateSrc); XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfSpgxlogVacuumLeaf); /* sizeof(xlrec) should be a multiple of sizeof(OffsetNumber) */ XLogRegisterData((char *) toDead, sizeof(OffsetNumber) * xlrec.nDead); XLogRegisterData((char *) toPlaceholder, sizeof(OffsetNumber) * xlrec.nPlaceholder); XLogRegisterData((char *) moveSrc, sizeof(OffsetNumber) * xlrec.nMove); XLogRegisterData((char *) moveDest, sizeof(OffsetNumber) * xlrec.nMove); XLogRegisterData((char *) chainSrc, sizeof(OffsetNumber) * xlrec.nChain); XLogRegisterData((char *) chainDest, sizeof(OffsetNumber) * xlrec.nChain); XLogRegisterBuffer(0, buffer, REGBUF_STANDARD); recptr = XLogInsert(RM_SPGIST_ID, XLOG_SPGIST_VACUUM_LEAF); PageSetLSN(page, recptr); } END_CRIT_SECTION(); } /* * Vacuum a root page when it is also a leaf * * On the root, we just delete any dead leaf tuples; no fancy business */ static void vacuumLeafRoot(spgBulkDeleteState *bds, Relation index, Buffer buffer) { Page page = BufferGetPage(buffer); spgxlogVacuumRoot xlrec; OffsetNumber toDelete[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage]; OffsetNumber i, max = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page); xlrec.nDelete = 0; /* Scan page, identify tuples to delete, accumulate stats */ for (i = FirstOffsetNumber; i <= max; i++) { SpGistLeafTuple lt; lt = (SpGistLeafTuple) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, i)); if (lt->tupstate == SPGIST_LIVE) { Assert(ItemPointerIsValid(<->heapPtr)); if (bds->callback(<->heapPtr, bds->callback_state)) { bds->stats->tuples_removed += 1; toDelete[xlrec.nDelete] = i; xlrec.nDelete++; } else { bds->stats->num_index_tuples += 1; } } else { /* all tuples on root should be live */ elog(ERROR, "unexpected SPGiST tuple state: %d", lt->tupstate); } } if (xlrec.nDelete == 0) return; /* nothing more to do */ /* Do the update */ START_CRIT_SECTION(); /* The tuple numbers are in order, so we can use PageIndexMultiDelete */ PageIndexMultiDelete(page, toDelete, xlrec.nDelete); MarkBufferDirty(buffer); if (RelationNeedsWAL(index)) { XLogRecPtr recptr; XLogBeginInsert(); /* Prepare WAL record */ STORE_STATE(&bds->spgstate, xlrec.stateSrc); XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfSpgxlogVacuumRoot); /* sizeof(xlrec) should be a multiple of sizeof(OffsetNumber) */ XLogRegisterData((char *) toDelete, sizeof(OffsetNumber) * xlrec.nDelete); XLogRegisterBuffer(0, buffer, REGBUF_STANDARD); recptr = XLogInsert(RM_SPGIST_ID, XLOG_SPGIST_VACUUM_ROOT); PageSetLSN(page, recptr); } END_CRIT_SECTION(); } /* * Clean up redirect and placeholder tuples on the given page * * Redirect tuples can be marked placeholder once they're old enough. * Placeholder tuples can be removed if it won't change the offsets of * non-placeholder ones. * * Unlike the routines above, this works on both leaf and inner pages. */ static void vacuumRedirectAndPlaceholder(Relation index, Buffer buffer) { Page page = BufferGetPage(buffer); SpGistPageOpaque opaque = SpGistPageGetOpaque(page); OffsetNumber i, max = PageGetMaxOffsetNumber(page), firstPlaceholder = InvalidOffsetNumber; bool hasNonPlaceholder = false; bool hasUpdate = false; OffsetNumber itemToPlaceholder[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage]; OffsetNumber itemnos[MaxIndexTuplesPerPage]; spgxlogVacuumRedirect xlrec; xlrec.nToPlaceholder = 0; xlrec.newestRedirectXid = InvalidTransactionId; START_CRIT_SECTION(); /* * Scan backwards to convert old redirection tuples to placeholder tuples, * and identify location of last non-placeholder tuple while at it. */ for (i = max; i >= FirstOffsetNumber && (opaque->nRedirection > 0 || !hasNonPlaceholder); i--) { SpGistDeadTuple dt; dt = (SpGistDeadTuple) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, i)); if (dt->tupstate == SPGIST_REDIRECT && TransactionIdPrecedes(dt->xid, RecentGlobalXmin)) { dt->tupstate = SPGIST_PLACEHOLDER; Assert(opaque->nRedirection > 0); opaque->nRedirection--; opaque->nPlaceholder++; /* remember newest XID among the removed redirects */ if (!TransactionIdIsValid(xlrec.newestRedirectXid) || TransactionIdPrecedes(xlrec.newestRedirectXid, dt->xid)) xlrec.newestRedirectXid = dt->xid; ItemPointerSetInvalid(&dt->pointer); itemToPlaceholder[xlrec.nToPlaceholder] = i; xlrec.nToPlaceholder++; hasUpdate = true; } if (dt->tupstate == SPGIST_PLACEHOLDER) { if (!hasNonPlaceholder) firstPlaceholder = i; } else { hasNonPlaceholder = true; } } /* * Any placeholder tuples at the end of page can safely be removed. We * can't remove ones before the last non-placeholder, though, because we * can't alter the offset numbers of non-placeholder tuples. */ if (firstPlaceholder != InvalidOffsetNumber) { /* * We do not store this array to rdata because it's easy to recreate. */ for (i = firstPlaceholder; i <= max; i++) itemnos[i - firstPlaceholder] = i; i = max - firstPlaceholder + 1; Assert(opaque->nPlaceholder >= i); opaque->nPlaceholder -= i; /* The array is surely sorted, so can use PageIndexMultiDelete */ PageIndexMultiDelete(page, itemnos, i); hasUpdate = true; } xlrec.firstPlaceholder = firstPlaceholder; if (hasUpdate) MarkBufferDirty(buffer); if (hasUpdate && RelationNeedsWAL(index)) { XLogRecPtr recptr; XLogBeginInsert(); XLogRegisterData((char *) &xlrec, SizeOfSpgxlogVacuumRedirect); XLogRegisterData((char *) itemToPlaceholder, sizeof(OffsetNumber) * xlrec.nToPlaceholder); XLogRegisterBuffer(0, buffer, REGBUF_STANDARD); recptr = XLogInsert(RM_SPGIST_ID, XLOG_SPGIST_VACUUM_REDIRECT); PageSetLSN(page, recptr); } END_CRIT_SECTION(); } /* * Process one page during a bulkdelete scan */ static void spgvacuumpage(spgBulkDeleteState *bds, BlockNumber blkno) { Relation index = bds->info->index; Buffer buffer; Page page; /* call vacuum_delay_point while not holding any buffer lock */ vacuum_delay_point(); buffer = ReadBufferExtended(index, MAIN_FORKNUM, blkno, RBM_NORMAL, bds->info->strategy); LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE); page = (Page) BufferGetPage(buffer); if (PageIsNew(page)) { /* * We found an all-zero page, which could happen if the database * crashed just after extending the file. Recycle it. */ } else if (PageIsEmpty(page)) { /* nothing to do */ } else if (SpGistPageIsLeaf(page)) { if (SpGistBlockIsRoot(blkno)) { vacuumLeafRoot(bds, index, buffer); /* no need for vacuumRedirectAndPlaceholder */ } else { vacuumLeafPage(bds, index, buffer, false); vacuumRedirectAndPlaceholder(index, buffer); } } else { /* inner page */ vacuumRedirectAndPlaceholder(index, buffer); } /* * The root pages must never be deleted, nor marked as available in FSM, * because we don't want them ever returned by a search for a place to put * a new tuple. Otherwise, check for empty page, and make sure the FSM * knows about it. */ if (!SpGistBlockIsRoot(blkno)) { if (PageIsNew(page) || PageIsEmpty(page)) { RecordFreeIndexPage(index, blkno); bds->stats->pages_deleted++; } else { SpGistSetLastUsedPage(index, buffer); bds->lastFilledBlock = blkno; } } UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer); } /* * Process the pending-TID list between pages of the main scan */ static void spgprocesspending(spgBulkDeleteState *bds) { Relation index = bds->info->index; spgVacPendingItem *pitem; spgVacPendingItem *nitem; BlockNumber blkno; Buffer buffer; Page page; for (pitem = bds->pendingList; pitem != NULL; pitem = pitem->next) { if (pitem->done) continue; /* ignore already-done items */ /* call vacuum_delay_point while not holding any buffer lock */ vacuum_delay_point(); /* examine the referenced page */ blkno = ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&pitem->tid); buffer = ReadBufferExtended(index, MAIN_FORKNUM, blkno, RBM_NORMAL, bds->info->strategy); LockBuffer(buffer, BUFFER_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE); page = (Page) BufferGetPage(buffer); if (PageIsNew(page) || SpGistPageIsDeleted(page)) { /* Probably shouldn't happen, but ignore it */ } else if (SpGistPageIsLeaf(page)) { if (SpGistBlockIsRoot(blkno)) { /* this should definitely not happen */ elog(ERROR, "redirection leads to root page of index \"%s\"", RelationGetRelationName(index)); } /* deal with any deletable tuples */ vacuumLeafPage(bds, index, buffer, true); /* might as well do this while we are here */ vacuumRedirectAndPlaceholder(index, buffer); SpGistSetLastUsedPage(index, buffer); /* * We can mark as done not only this item, but any later ones * pointing at the same page, since we vacuumed the whole page. */ pitem->done = true; for (nitem = pitem->next; nitem != NULL; nitem = nitem->next) { if (ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&nitem->tid) == blkno) nitem->done = true; } } else { /* * On an inner page, visit the referenced inner tuple and add all * its downlinks to the pending list. We might have pending items * for more than one inner tuple on the same page (in fact this is * pretty likely given the way space allocation works), so get * them all while we are here. */ for (nitem = pitem; nitem != NULL; nitem = nitem->next) { if (nitem->done) continue; if (ItemPointerGetBlockNumber(&nitem->tid) == blkno) { OffsetNumber offset; SpGistInnerTuple innerTuple; offset = ItemPointerGetOffsetNumber(&nitem->tid); innerTuple = (SpGistInnerTuple) PageGetItem(page, PageGetItemId(page, offset)); if (innerTuple->tupstate == SPGIST_LIVE) { SpGistNodeTuple node; int i; SGITITERATE(innerTuple, i, node) { if (ItemPointerIsValid(&node->t_tid)) spgAddPendingTID(bds, &node->t_tid); } } else if (innerTuple->tupstate == SPGIST_REDIRECT) { /* transfer attention to redirect point */ spgAddPendingTID(bds, &((SpGistDeadTuple) innerTuple)->pointer); } else elog(ERROR, "unexpected SPGiST tuple state: %d", innerTuple->tupstate); nitem->done = true; } } } UnlockReleaseBuffer(buffer); } spgClearPendingList(bds); } /* * Perform a bulkdelete scan */ static void spgvacuumscan(spgBulkDeleteState *bds) { Relation index = bds->info->index; bool needLock; BlockNumber num_pages, blkno; /* Finish setting up spgBulkDeleteState */ initSpGistState(&bds->spgstate, index); bds->pendingList = NULL; bds->myXmin = GetActiveSnapshot()->xmin; bds->lastFilledBlock = SPGIST_LAST_FIXED_BLKNO; /* * Reset counts that will be incremented during the scan; needed in case * of multiple scans during a single VACUUM command */ bds->stats->estimated_count = false; bds->stats->num_index_tuples = 0; bds->stats->pages_deleted = 0; /* We can skip locking for new or temp relations */ needLock = !RELATION_IS_LOCAL(index); /* * The outer loop iterates over all index pages except the metapage, in * physical order (we hope the kernel will cooperate in providing * read-ahead for speed). It is critical that we visit all leaf pages, * including ones added after we start the scan, else we might fail to * delete some deletable tuples. See more extensive comments about this * in btvacuumscan(). */ blkno = SPGIST_METAPAGE_BLKNO + 1; for (;;) { /* Get the current relation length */ if (needLock) LockRelationForExtension(index, ExclusiveLock); num_pages = RelationGetNumberOfBlocks(index); if (needLock) UnlockRelationForExtension(index, ExclusiveLock); /* Quit if we've scanned the whole relation */ if (blkno >= num_pages) break; /* Iterate over pages, then loop back to recheck length */ for (; blkno < num_pages; blkno++) { spgvacuumpage(bds, blkno); /* empty the pending-list after each page */ if (bds->pendingList != NULL) spgprocesspending(bds); } } /* Propagate local lastUsedPage cache to metablock */ SpGistUpdateMetaPage(index); /* * If we found any empty pages (and recorded them in the FSM), then * forcibly update the upper-level FSM pages to ensure that searchers can * find them. It's possible that the pages were also found during * previous scans and so this is a waste of time, but it's cheap enough * relative to scanning the index that it shouldn't matter much, and * making sure that free pages are available sooner not later seems * worthwhile. * * Note that if no empty pages exist, we don't bother vacuuming the FSM at * all. */ if (bds->stats->pages_deleted > 0) IndexFreeSpaceMapVacuum(index); /* * Truncate index if possible * * XXX disabled because it's unsafe due to possible concurrent inserts. * We'd have to rescan the pages to make sure they're still empty, and it * doesn't seem worth it. Note that btree doesn't do this either. * * Another reason not to truncate is that it could invalidate the cached * pages-with-freespace pointers in the metapage and other backends' * relation caches, that is leave them pointing to nonexistent pages. * Adding RelationGetNumberOfBlocks calls to protect the places that use * those pointers would be unduly expensive. */ #ifdef NOT_USED if (num_pages > bds->lastFilledBlock + 1) { BlockNumber lastBlock = num_pages - 1; num_pages = bds->lastFilledBlock + 1; RelationTruncate(index, num_pages); bds->stats->pages_removed += lastBlock - bds->lastFilledBlock; bds->stats->pages_deleted -= lastBlock - bds->lastFilledBlock; } #endif /* Report final stats */ bds->stats->num_pages = num_pages; bds->stats->pages_free = bds->stats->pages_deleted; } /* * Bulk deletion of all index entries pointing to a set of heap tuples. * The set of target tuples is specified via a callback routine that tells * whether any given heap tuple (identified by ItemPointer) is being deleted. * * Result: a palloc'd struct containing statistical info for VACUUM displays. */ IndexBulkDeleteResult * spgbulkdelete(IndexVacuumInfo *info, IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats, IndexBulkDeleteCallback callback, void *callback_state) { spgBulkDeleteState bds; /* allocate stats if first time through, else re-use existing struct */ if (stats == NULL) stats = (IndexBulkDeleteResult *) palloc0(sizeof(IndexBulkDeleteResult)); bds.info = info; bds.stats = stats; bds.callback = callback; bds.callback_state = callback_state; spgvacuumscan(&bds); return stats; } /* Dummy callback to delete no tuples during spgvacuumcleanup */ static bool dummy_callback(ItemPointer itemptr, void *state) { return false; } /* * Post-VACUUM cleanup. * * Result: a palloc'd struct containing statistical info for VACUUM displays. */ IndexBulkDeleteResult * spgvacuumcleanup(IndexVacuumInfo *info, IndexBulkDeleteResult *stats) { spgBulkDeleteState bds; /* No-op in ANALYZE ONLY mode */ if (info->analyze_only) return stats; /* * We don't need to scan the index if there was a preceding bulkdelete * pass. Otherwise, make a pass that won't delete any live tuples, but * might still accomplish useful stuff with redirect/placeholder cleanup * and/or FSM housekeeping, and in any case will provide stats. */ if (stats == NULL) { stats = (IndexBulkDeleteResult *) palloc0(sizeof(IndexBulkDeleteResult)); bds.info = info; bds.stats = stats; bds.callback = dummy_callback; bds.callback_state = NULL; spgvacuumscan(&bds); } /* * It's quite possible for us to be fooled by concurrent tuple moves into * double-counting some index tuples, so disbelieve any total that exceeds * the underlying heap's count ... if we know that accurately. Otherwise * this might just make matters worse. */ if (!info->estimated_count) { if (stats->num_index_tuples > info->num_heap_tuples) stats->num_index_tuples = info->num_heap_tuples; } return stats; }