/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * lockcmds.c * LOCK command support code * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/commands/lockcmds.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/xact.h" #include "catalog/namespace.h" #include "catalog/pg_inherits.h" #include "commands/lockcmds.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "parser/parse_clause.h" #include "storage/lmgr.h" #include "utils/acl.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" #include "rewrite/rewriteHandler.h" #include "access/heapam.h" #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h" static void LockTableRecurse(Oid reloid, LOCKMODE lockmode, bool nowait, Oid userid); static AclResult LockTableAclCheck(Oid relid, LOCKMODE lockmode, Oid userid); static void RangeVarCallbackForLockTable(const RangeVar *rv, Oid relid, Oid oldrelid, void *arg); static void LockViewRecurse(Oid reloid, LOCKMODE lockmode, bool nowait, List *ancestor_views); /* * LOCK TABLE */ void LockTableCommand(LockStmt *lockstmt) { ListCell *p; /*--------- * During recovery we only accept these variations: * LOCK TABLE foo IN ACCESS SHARE MODE * LOCK TABLE foo IN ROW SHARE MODE * LOCK TABLE foo IN ROW EXCLUSIVE MODE * This test must match the restrictions defined in LockAcquireExtended() *--------- */ if (lockstmt->mode > RowExclusiveLock) PreventCommandDuringRecovery("LOCK TABLE"); /* * Iterate over the list and process the named relations one at a time */ foreach(p, lockstmt->relations) { RangeVar *rv = (RangeVar *) lfirst(p); bool recurse = rv->inh; Oid reloid; reloid = RangeVarGetRelidExtended(rv, lockstmt->mode, lockstmt->nowait ? RVR_NOWAIT : 0, RangeVarCallbackForLockTable, (void *) &lockstmt->mode); if (get_rel_relkind(reloid) == RELKIND_VIEW) LockViewRecurse(reloid, lockstmt->mode, lockstmt->nowait, NIL); else if (recurse) LockTableRecurse(reloid, lockstmt->mode, lockstmt->nowait, GetUserId()); } } /* * Before acquiring a table lock on the named table, check whether we have * permission to do so. */ static void RangeVarCallbackForLockTable(const RangeVar *rv, Oid relid, Oid oldrelid, void *arg) { LOCKMODE lockmode = *(LOCKMODE *) arg; char relkind; char relpersistence; AclResult aclresult; if (!OidIsValid(relid)) return; /* doesn't exist, so no permissions check */ relkind = get_rel_relkind(relid); if (!relkind) return; /* woops, concurrently dropped; no permissions * check */ /* Currently, we only allow plain tables or views to be locked */ if (relkind != RELKIND_RELATION && relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE && relkind != RELKIND_VIEW) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_WRONG_OBJECT_TYPE), errmsg("\"%s\" is not a table or a view", rv->relname))); /* * Make note if a temporary relation has been accessed in this * transaction. */ relpersistence = get_rel_persistence(relid); if (relpersistence == RELPERSISTENCE_TEMP) MyXactFlags |= XACT_FLAGS_ACCESSEDTEMPREL; /* Check permissions. */ aclresult = LockTableAclCheck(relid, lockmode, GetUserId()); if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK) aclcheck_error(aclresult, get_relkind_objtype(get_rel_relkind(relid)), rv->relname); } /* * Apply LOCK TABLE recursively over an inheritance tree * * We use find_inheritance_children not find_all_inheritors to avoid taking * locks far in advance of checking privileges. This means we'll visit * multiply-inheriting children more than once, but that's no problem. */ static void LockTableRecurse(Oid reloid, LOCKMODE lockmode, bool nowait, Oid userid) { List *children; ListCell *lc; children = find_inheritance_children(reloid, NoLock); foreach(lc, children) { Oid childreloid = lfirst_oid(lc); AclResult aclresult; /* Check permissions before acquiring the lock. */ aclresult = LockTableAclCheck(childreloid, lockmode, userid); if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK) { char *relname = get_rel_name(childreloid); if (!relname) continue; /* child concurrently dropped, just skip it */ aclcheck_error(aclresult, get_relkind_objtype(get_rel_relkind(childreloid)), relname); } /* We have enough rights to lock the relation; do so. */ if (!nowait) LockRelationOid(childreloid, lockmode); else if (!ConditionalLockRelationOid(childreloid, lockmode)) { /* try to throw error by name; relation could be deleted... */ char *relname = get_rel_name(childreloid); if (!relname) continue; /* child concurrently dropped, just skip it */ ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_LOCK_NOT_AVAILABLE), errmsg("could not obtain lock on relation \"%s\"", relname))); } /* * Even if we got the lock, child might have been concurrently * dropped. If so, we can skip it. */ if (!SearchSysCacheExists1(RELOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(childreloid))) { /* Release useless lock */ UnlockRelationOid(childreloid, lockmode); continue; } LockTableRecurse(childreloid, lockmode, nowait, userid); } } /* * Apply LOCK TABLE recursively over a view * * All tables and views appearing in the view definition query are locked * recursively with the same lock mode. */ typedef struct { LOCKMODE lockmode; /* lock mode to use */ bool nowait; /* no wait mode */ Oid viewowner; /* view owner for checking the privilege */ Oid viewoid; /* OID of the view to be locked */ List *ancestor_views; /* OIDs of ancestor views */ } LockViewRecurse_context; static bool LockViewRecurse_walker(Node *node, LockViewRecurse_context *context) { if (node == NULL) return false; if (IsA(node, Query)) { Query *query = (Query *) node; ListCell *rtable; foreach(rtable, query->rtable) { RangeTblEntry *rte = lfirst(rtable); AclResult aclresult; Oid relid = rte->relid; char relkind = rte->relkind; char *relname = get_rel_name(relid); /* * The OLD and NEW placeholder entries in the view's rtable are * skipped. */ if (relid == context->viewoid && (!strcmp(rte->eref->aliasname, "old") || !strcmp(rte->eref->aliasname, "new"))) continue; /* Currently, we only allow plain tables or views to be locked. */ if (relkind != RELKIND_RELATION && relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE && relkind != RELKIND_VIEW) continue; /* Check infinite recursion in the view definition. */ if (list_member_oid(context->ancestor_views, relid)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_OBJECT_DEFINITION), errmsg("infinite recursion detected in rules for relation \"%s\"", get_rel_name(relid)))); /* Check permissions with the view owner's privilege. */ aclresult = LockTableAclCheck(relid, context->lockmode, context->viewowner); if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK) aclcheck_error(aclresult, get_relkind_objtype(relkind), relname); /* We have enough rights to lock the relation; do so. */ if (!context->nowait) LockRelationOid(relid, context->lockmode); else if (!ConditionalLockRelationOid(relid, context->lockmode)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_LOCK_NOT_AVAILABLE), errmsg("could not obtain lock on relation \"%s\"", relname))); if (relkind == RELKIND_VIEW) LockViewRecurse(relid, context->lockmode, context->nowait, context->ancestor_views); else if (rte->inh) LockTableRecurse(relid, context->lockmode, context->nowait, context->viewowner); } return query_tree_walker(query, LockViewRecurse_walker, context, QTW_IGNORE_JOINALIASES); } return expression_tree_walker(node, LockViewRecurse_walker, context); } static void LockViewRecurse(Oid reloid, LOCKMODE lockmode, bool nowait, List *ancestor_views) { LockViewRecurse_context context; Relation view; Query *viewquery; view = heap_open(reloid, NoLock); viewquery = get_view_query(view); context.lockmode = lockmode; context.nowait = nowait; context.viewowner = view->rd_rel->relowner; context.viewoid = reloid; context.ancestor_views = lcons_oid(reloid, ancestor_views); LockViewRecurse_walker((Node *) viewquery, &context); ancestor_views = list_delete_oid(ancestor_views, reloid); heap_close(view, NoLock); } /* * Check whether the current user is permitted to lock this relation. */ static AclResult LockTableAclCheck(Oid reloid, LOCKMODE lockmode, Oid userid) { AclResult aclresult; AclMode aclmask; /* Verify adequate privilege */ if (lockmode == AccessShareLock) aclmask = ACL_SELECT; else if (lockmode == RowExclusiveLock) aclmask = ACL_INSERT | ACL_UPDATE | ACL_DELETE | ACL_TRUNCATE; else aclmask = ACL_UPDATE | ACL_DELETE | ACL_TRUNCATE; aclresult = pg_class_aclcheck(reloid, userid, aclmask); return aclresult; }