/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * nodeRecursiveunion.c * routines to handle RecursiveUnion nodes. * * To implement UNION (without ALL), we need a hashtable that stores tuples * already seen. The hash key is computed from the grouping columns. * * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/executor/nodeRecursiveunion.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "executor/execdebug.h" #include "executor/nodeRecursiveunion.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "utils/memutils.h" /* * Initialize the hash table to empty. */ static void build_hash_table(RecursiveUnionState *rustate) { RecursiveUnion *node = (RecursiveUnion *) rustate->ps.plan; TupleDesc desc = ExecGetResultType(outerPlanState(rustate)); Assert(node->numCols > 0); Assert(node->numGroups > 0); rustate->hashtable = BuildTupleHashTableExt(&rustate->ps, desc, node->numCols, node->dupColIdx, rustate->eqfuncoids, rustate->hashfunctions, node->numGroups, 0, rustate->ps.state->es_query_cxt, rustate->tableContext, rustate->tempContext, false); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecRecursiveUnion(node) * * Scans the recursive query sequentially and returns the next * qualifying tuple. * * 1. evaluate non recursive term and assign the result to RT * * 2. execute recursive terms * * 2.1 WT := RT * 2.2 while WT is not empty repeat 2.3 to 2.6. if WT is empty returns RT * 2.3 replace the name of recursive term with WT * 2.4 evaluate the recursive term and store into WT * 2.5 append WT to RT * 2.6 go back to 2.2 * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ static TupleTableSlot * ExecRecursiveUnion(PlanState *pstate) { RecursiveUnionState *node = castNode(RecursiveUnionState, pstate); PlanState *outerPlan = outerPlanState(node); PlanState *innerPlan = innerPlanState(node); RecursiveUnion *plan = (RecursiveUnion *) node->ps.plan; TupleTableSlot *slot; bool isnew; CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(); /* 1. Evaluate non-recursive term */ if (!node->recursing) { for (;;) { slot = ExecProcNode(outerPlan); if (TupIsNull(slot)) break; if (plan->numCols > 0) { /* Find or build hashtable entry for this tuple's group */ LookupTupleHashEntry(node->hashtable, slot, &isnew); /* Must reset temp context after each hashtable lookup */ MemoryContextReset(node->tempContext); /* Ignore tuple if already seen */ if (!isnew) continue; } /* Each non-duplicate tuple goes to the working table ... */ tuplestore_puttupleslot(node->working_table, slot); /* ... and to the caller */ return slot; } node->recursing = true; } /* 2. Execute recursive term */ for (;;) { slot = ExecProcNode(innerPlan); if (TupIsNull(slot)) { /* Done if there's nothing in the intermediate table */ if (node->intermediate_empty) break; /* done with old working table ... */ tuplestore_end(node->working_table); /* intermediate table becomes working table */ node->working_table = node->intermediate_table; /* create new empty intermediate table */ node->intermediate_table = tuplestore_begin_heap(false, false, work_mem); node->intermediate_empty = true; /* reset the recursive term */ innerPlan->chgParam = bms_add_member(innerPlan->chgParam, plan->wtParam); /* and continue fetching from recursive term */ continue; } if (plan->numCols > 0) { /* Find or build hashtable entry for this tuple's group */ LookupTupleHashEntry(node->hashtable, slot, &isnew); /* Must reset temp context after each hashtable lookup */ MemoryContextReset(node->tempContext); /* Ignore tuple if already seen */ if (!isnew) continue; } /* Else, tuple is good; stash it in intermediate table ... */ node->intermediate_empty = false; tuplestore_puttupleslot(node->intermediate_table, slot); /* ... and return it */ return slot; } return NULL; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecInitRecursiveUnionScan * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ RecursiveUnionState * ExecInitRecursiveUnion(RecursiveUnion *node, EState *estate, int eflags) { RecursiveUnionState *rustate; ParamExecData *prmdata; /* check for unsupported flags */ Assert(!(eflags & (EXEC_FLAG_BACKWARD | EXEC_FLAG_MARK))); /* * create state structure */ rustate = makeNode(RecursiveUnionState); rustate->ps.plan = (Plan *) node; rustate->ps.state = estate; rustate->ps.ExecProcNode = ExecRecursiveUnion; rustate->eqfuncoids = NULL; rustate->hashfunctions = NULL; rustate->hashtable = NULL; rustate->tempContext = NULL; rustate->tableContext = NULL; /* initialize processing state */ rustate->recursing = false; rustate->intermediate_empty = true; rustate->working_table = tuplestore_begin_heap(false, false, work_mem); rustate->intermediate_table = tuplestore_begin_heap(false, false, work_mem); /* * If hashing, we need a per-tuple memory context for comparisons, and a * longer-lived context to store the hash table. The table can't just be * kept in the per-query context because we want to be able to throw it * away when rescanning. */ if (node->numCols > 0) { rustate->tempContext = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext, "RecursiveUnion", ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES); rustate->tableContext = AllocSetContextCreate(CurrentMemoryContext, "RecursiveUnion hash table", ALLOCSET_DEFAULT_SIZES); } /* * Make the state structure available to descendant WorkTableScan nodes * via the Param slot reserved for it. */ prmdata = &(estate->es_param_exec_vals[node->wtParam]); Assert(prmdata->execPlan == NULL); prmdata->value = PointerGetDatum(rustate); prmdata->isnull = false; /* * Miscellaneous initialization * * RecursiveUnion plans don't have expression contexts because they never * call ExecQual or ExecProject. */ Assert(node->plan.qual == NIL); /* * RecursiveUnion nodes still have Result slots, which hold pointers to * tuples, so we have to initialize them. */ ExecInitResultTupleSlotTL(estate, &rustate->ps); /* * Initialize result tuple type. (Note: we have to set up the result type * before initializing child nodes, because nodeWorktablescan.c expects it * to be valid.) */ rustate->ps.ps_ProjInfo = NULL; /* * initialize child nodes */ outerPlanState(rustate) = ExecInitNode(outerPlan(node), estate, eflags); innerPlanState(rustate) = ExecInitNode(innerPlan(node), estate, eflags); /* * If hashing, precompute fmgr lookup data for inner loop, and create the * hash table. */ if (node->numCols > 0) { execTuplesHashPrepare(node->numCols, node->dupOperators, &rustate->eqfuncoids, &rustate->hashfunctions); build_hash_table(rustate); } return rustate; } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecEndRecursiveUnionScan * * frees any storage allocated through C routines. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ExecEndRecursiveUnion(RecursiveUnionState *node) { /* Release tuplestores */ tuplestore_end(node->working_table); tuplestore_end(node->intermediate_table); /* free subsidiary stuff including hashtable */ if (node->tempContext) MemoryContextDelete(node->tempContext); if (node->tableContext) MemoryContextDelete(node->tableContext); /* * clean out the upper tuple table */ ExecClearTuple(node->ps.ps_ResultTupleSlot); /* * close down subplans */ ExecEndNode(outerPlanState(node)); ExecEndNode(innerPlanState(node)); } /* ---------------------------------------------------------------- * ExecReScanRecursiveUnion * * Rescans the relation. * ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void ExecReScanRecursiveUnion(RecursiveUnionState *node) { PlanState *outerPlan = outerPlanState(node); PlanState *innerPlan = innerPlanState(node); RecursiveUnion *plan = (RecursiveUnion *) node->ps.plan; /* * Set recursive term's chgParam to tell it that we'll modify the working * table and therefore it has to rescan. */ innerPlan->chgParam = bms_add_member(innerPlan->chgParam, plan->wtParam); /* * if chgParam of subnode is not null then plan will be re-scanned by * first ExecProcNode. Because of above, we only have to do this to the * non-recursive term. */ if (outerPlan->chgParam == NULL) ExecReScan(outerPlan); /* Release any hashtable storage */ if (node->tableContext) MemoryContextResetAndDeleteChildren(node->tableContext); /* Empty hashtable if needed */ if (plan->numCols > 0) ResetTupleHashTable(node->hashtable); /* reset processing state */ node->recursing = false; node->intermediate_empty = true; tuplestore_clear(node->working_table); tuplestore_clear(node->intermediate_table); }