/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * extensible.c * Support for extensible node types * * Loadable modules can define what are in effect new types of nodes using * the routines in this file. All such nodes are flagged T_ExtensibleNode, * with the extnodename field distinguishing the specific type. Use * RegisterExtensibleNodeMethods to register a new type of extensible node, * and GetExtensibleNodeMethods to get information about a previously * registered type of extensible node. * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/nodes/extensible.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "nodes/extensible.h" #include "utils/hsearch.h" static HTAB *extensible_node_methods = NULL; static HTAB *custom_scan_methods = NULL; typedef struct { char extnodename[EXTNODENAME_MAX_LEN]; const void *extnodemethods; } ExtensibleNodeEntry; /* * An internal function to register a new callback structure */ static void RegisterExtensibleNodeEntry(HTAB **p_htable, const char *htable_label, const char *extnodename, const void *extnodemethods) { ExtensibleNodeEntry *entry; bool found; if (*p_htable == NULL) { HASHCTL ctl; memset(&ctl, 0, sizeof(HASHCTL)); ctl.keysize = EXTNODENAME_MAX_LEN; ctl.entrysize = sizeof(ExtensibleNodeEntry); *p_htable = hash_create(htable_label, 100, &ctl, HASH_ELEM); } if (strlen(extnodename) >= EXTNODENAME_MAX_LEN) elog(ERROR, "extensible node name is too long"); entry = (ExtensibleNodeEntry *) hash_search(*p_htable, extnodename, HASH_ENTER, &found); if (found) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_DUPLICATE_OBJECT), errmsg("extensible node type \"%s\" already exists", extnodename))); entry->extnodemethods = extnodemethods; } /* * Register a new type of extensible node. */ void RegisterExtensibleNodeMethods(const ExtensibleNodeMethods *methods) { RegisterExtensibleNodeEntry(&extensible_node_methods, "Extensible Node Methods", methods->extnodename, methods); } /* * Register a new type of custom scan node */ void RegisterCustomScanMethods(const CustomScanMethods *methods) { RegisterExtensibleNodeEntry(&custom_scan_methods, "Custom Scan Methods", methods->CustomName, methods); } /* * An internal routine to get an ExtensibleNodeEntry by the given identifier */ static const void * GetExtensibleNodeEntry(HTAB *htable, const char *extnodename, bool missing_ok) { ExtensibleNodeEntry *entry = NULL; if (htable != NULL) entry = (ExtensibleNodeEntry *) hash_search(htable, extnodename, HASH_FIND, NULL); if (!entry) { if (missing_ok) return NULL; ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_OBJECT), errmsg("ExtensibleNodeMethods \"%s\" was not registered", extnodename))); } return entry->extnodemethods; } /* * Get the methods for a given type of extensible node. */ const ExtensibleNodeMethods * GetExtensibleNodeMethods(const char *extnodename, bool missing_ok) { return (const ExtensibleNodeMethods *) GetExtensibleNodeEntry(extensible_node_methods, extnodename, missing_ok); } /* * Get the methods for a given name of CustomScanMethods */ const CustomScanMethods * GetCustomScanMethods(const char *CustomName, bool missing_ok) { return (const CustomScanMethods *) GetExtensibleNodeEntry(custom_scan_methods, CustomName, missing_ok); }