/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * slotfuncs.c * Support functions for replication slots * * Copyright (c) 2012-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/replication/slotfuncs.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "funcapi.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "access/htup_details.h" #include "replication/decode.h" #include "replication/slot.h" #include "replication/logical.h" #include "replication/logicalfuncs.h" #include "utils/builtins.h" #include "utils/inval.h" #include "utils/pg_lsn.h" #include "utils/resowner.h" static void check_permissions(void) { if (!superuser() && !has_rolreplication(GetUserId())) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_INSUFFICIENT_PRIVILEGE), (errmsg("must be superuser or replication role to use replication slots")))); } /* * SQL function for creating a new physical (streaming replication) * replication slot. */ Datum pg_create_physical_replication_slot(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { Name name = PG_GETARG_NAME(0); bool immediately_reserve = PG_GETARG_BOOL(1); bool temporary = PG_GETARG_BOOL(2); Datum values[2]; bool nulls[2]; TupleDesc tupdesc; HeapTuple tuple; Datum result; Assert(!MyReplicationSlot); if (get_call_result_type(fcinfo, NULL, &tupdesc) != TYPEFUNC_COMPOSITE) elog(ERROR, "return type must be a row type"); check_permissions(); CheckSlotRequirements(); /* acquire replication slot, this will check for conflicting names */ ReplicationSlotCreate(NameStr(*name), false, temporary ? RS_TEMPORARY : RS_PERSISTENT); values[0] = NameGetDatum(&MyReplicationSlot->data.name); nulls[0] = false; if (immediately_reserve) { /* Reserve WAL as the user asked for it */ ReplicationSlotReserveWal(); /* Write this slot to disk */ ReplicationSlotMarkDirty(); ReplicationSlotSave(); values[1] = LSNGetDatum(MyReplicationSlot->data.restart_lsn); nulls[1] = false; } else { nulls[1] = true; } tuple = heap_form_tuple(tupdesc, values, nulls); result = HeapTupleGetDatum(tuple); ReplicationSlotRelease(); PG_RETURN_DATUM(result); } /* * SQL function for creating a new logical replication slot. */ Datum pg_create_logical_replication_slot(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { Name name = PG_GETARG_NAME(0); Name plugin = PG_GETARG_NAME(1); bool temporary = PG_GETARG_BOOL(2); LogicalDecodingContext *ctx = NULL; TupleDesc tupdesc; HeapTuple tuple; Datum result; Datum values[2]; bool nulls[2]; Assert(!MyReplicationSlot); if (get_call_result_type(fcinfo, NULL, &tupdesc) != TYPEFUNC_COMPOSITE) elog(ERROR, "return type must be a row type"); check_permissions(); CheckLogicalDecodingRequirements(); /* * Acquire a logical decoding slot, this will check for conflicting names. * Initially create persistent slot as ephemeral - that allows us to * nicely handle errors during initialization because it'll get dropped if * this transaction fails. We'll make it persistent at the end. Temporary * slots can be created as temporary from beginning as they get dropped on * error as well. */ ReplicationSlotCreate(NameStr(*name), true, temporary ? RS_TEMPORARY : RS_EPHEMERAL); /* * Create logical decoding context, to build the initial snapshot. */ ctx = CreateInitDecodingContext(NameStr(*plugin), NIL, false, /* do not build snapshot */ logical_read_local_xlog_page, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* build initial snapshot, might take a while */ DecodingContextFindStartpoint(ctx); values[0] = CStringGetTextDatum(NameStr(MyReplicationSlot->data.name)); values[1] = LSNGetDatum(MyReplicationSlot->data.confirmed_flush); /* don't need the decoding context anymore */ FreeDecodingContext(ctx); memset(nulls, 0, sizeof(nulls)); tuple = heap_form_tuple(tupdesc, values, nulls); result = HeapTupleGetDatum(tuple); /* ok, slot is now fully created, mark it as persistent if needed */ if (!temporary) ReplicationSlotPersist(); ReplicationSlotRelease(); PG_RETURN_DATUM(result); } /* * SQL function for dropping a replication slot. */ Datum pg_drop_replication_slot(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { Name name = PG_GETARG_NAME(0); check_permissions(); CheckSlotRequirements(); ReplicationSlotDrop(NameStr(*name), true); PG_RETURN_VOID(); } /* * pg_get_replication_slots - SQL SRF showing active replication slots. */ Datum pg_get_replication_slots(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { #define PG_GET_REPLICATION_SLOTS_COLS 11 ReturnSetInfo *rsinfo = (ReturnSetInfo *) fcinfo->resultinfo; TupleDesc tupdesc; Tuplestorestate *tupstore; MemoryContext per_query_ctx; MemoryContext oldcontext; int slotno; /* check to see if caller supports us returning a tuplestore */ if (rsinfo == NULL || !IsA(rsinfo, ReturnSetInfo)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("set-valued function called in context that cannot accept a set"))); if (!(rsinfo->allowedModes & SFRM_Materialize)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED), errmsg("materialize mode required, but it is not " \ "allowed in this context"))); /* Build a tuple descriptor for our result type */ if (get_call_result_type(fcinfo, NULL, &tupdesc) != TYPEFUNC_COMPOSITE) elog(ERROR, "return type must be a row type"); /* * We don't require any special permission to see this function's data * because nothing should be sensitive. The most critical being the slot * name, which shouldn't contain anything particularly sensitive. */ per_query_ctx = rsinfo->econtext->ecxt_per_query_memory; oldcontext = MemoryContextSwitchTo(per_query_ctx); tupstore = tuplestore_begin_heap(true, false, work_mem); rsinfo->returnMode = SFRM_Materialize; rsinfo->setResult = tupstore; rsinfo->setDesc = tupdesc; MemoryContextSwitchTo(oldcontext); LWLockAcquire(ReplicationSlotControlLock, LW_SHARED); for (slotno = 0; slotno < max_replication_slots; slotno++) { ReplicationSlot *slot = &ReplicationSlotCtl->replication_slots[slotno]; Datum values[PG_GET_REPLICATION_SLOTS_COLS]; bool nulls[PG_GET_REPLICATION_SLOTS_COLS]; ReplicationSlotPersistency persistency; TransactionId xmin; TransactionId catalog_xmin; XLogRecPtr restart_lsn; XLogRecPtr confirmed_flush_lsn; pid_t active_pid; Oid database; NameData slot_name; NameData plugin; int i; if (!slot->in_use) continue; SpinLockAcquire(&slot->mutex); xmin = slot->data.xmin; catalog_xmin = slot->data.catalog_xmin; database = slot->data.database; restart_lsn = slot->data.restart_lsn; confirmed_flush_lsn = slot->data.confirmed_flush; namecpy(&slot_name, &slot->data.name); namecpy(&plugin, &slot->data.plugin); active_pid = slot->active_pid; persistency = slot->data.persistency; SpinLockRelease(&slot->mutex); memset(nulls, 0, sizeof(nulls)); i = 0; values[i++] = NameGetDatum(&slot_name); if (database == InvalidOid) nulls[i++] = true; else values[i++] = NameGetDatum(&plugin); if (database == InvalidOid) values[i++] = CStringGetTextDatum("physical"); else values[i++] = CStringGetTextDatum("logical"); if (database == InvalidOid) nulls[i++] = true; else values[i++] = database; values[i++] = BoolGetDatum(persistency == RS_TEMPORARY); values[i++] = BoolGetDatum(active_pid != 0); if (active_pid != 0) values[i++] = Int32GetDatum(active_pid); else nulls[i++] = true; if (xmin != InvalidTransactionId) values[i++] = TransactionIdGetDatum(xmin); else nulls[i++] = true; if (catalog_xmin != InvalidTransactionId) values[i++] = TransactionIdGetDatum(catalog_xmin); else nulls[i++] = true; if (restart_lsn != InvalidXLogRecPtr) values[i++] = LSNGetDatum(restart_lsn); else nulls[i++] = true; if (confirmed_flush_lsn != InvalidXLogRecPtr) values[i++] = LSNGetDatum(confirmed_flush_lsn); else nulls[i++] = true; tuplestore_putvalues(tupstore, tupdesc, values, nulls); } LWLockRelease(ReplicationSlotControlLock); tuplestore_donestoring(tupstore); return (Datum) 0; } /* * Helper function for advancing our physical replication slot forward. * * The LSN position to move to is compared simply to the slot's restart_lsn, * knowing that any position older than that would be removed by successive * checkpoints. */ static XLogRecPtr pg_physical_replication_slot_advance(XLogRecPtr moveto) { XLogRecPtr startlsn = MyReplicationSlot->data.restart_lsn; XLogRecPtr retlsn = startlsn; if (startlsn < moveto) { SpinLockAcquire(&MyReplicationSlot->mutex); MyReplicationSlot->data.restart_lsn = moveto; SpinLockRelease(&MyReplicationSlot->mutex); retlsn = moveto; } return retlsn; } /* * Helper function for advancing our logical replication slot forward. * * The slot's restart_lsn is used as start point for reading records, * while confirmed_lsn is used as base point for the decoding context. * * We cannot just do LogicalConfirmReceivedLocation to update confirmed_flush, * because we need to digest WAL to advance restart_lsn allowing to recycle * WAL and removal of old catalog tuples. As decoding is done in fast_forward * mode, no changes are generated anyway. */ static XLogRecPtr pg_logical_replication_slot_advance(XLogRecPtr moveto) { LogicalDecodingContext *ctx; ResourceOwner old_resowner = CurrentResourceOwner; XLogRecPtr startlsn; XLogRecPtr retlsn; PG_TRY(); { /* * Create our decoding context in fast_forward mode, passing start_lsn * as InvalidXLogRecPtr, so that we start processing from my slot's * confirmed_flush. */ ctx = CreateDecodingContext(InvalidXLogRecPtr, NIL, true, /* fast_forward */ logical_read_local_xlog_page, NULL, NULL, NULL); /* * Start reading at the slot's restart_lsn, which we know to point to * a valid record. */ startlsn = MyReplicationSlot->data.restart_lsn; /* Initialize our return value in case we don't do anything */ retlsn = MyReplicationSlot->data.confirmed_flush; /* invalidate non-timetravel entries */ InvalidateSystemCaches(); /* Decode at least one record, until we run out of records */ while ((!XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(startlsn) && startlsn < moveto) || (!XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(ctx->reader->EndRecPtr) && ctx->reader->EndRecPtr < moveto)) { char *errm = NULL; XLogRecord *record; /* * Read records. No changes are generated in fast_forward mode, * but snapbuilder/slot statuses are updated properly. */ record = XLogReadRecord(ctx->reader, startlsn, &errm); if (errm) elog(ERROR, "%s", errm); /* Read sequentially from now on */ startlsn = InvalidXLogRecPtr; /* * Process the record. Storage-level changes are ignored in * fast_forward mode, but other modules (such as snapbuilder) * might still have critical updates to do. */ if (record) LogicalDecodingProcessRecord(ctx, ctx->reader); /* Stop once the requested target has been reached */ if (moveto <= ctx->reader->EndRecPtr) break; CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS(); } /* * Logical decoding could have clobbered CurrentResourceOwner during * transaction management, so restore the executor's value. (This is * a kluge, but it's not worth cleaning up right now.) */ CurrentResourceOwner = old_resowner; if (ctx->reader->EndRecPtr != InvalidXLogRecPtr) { LogicalConfirmReceivedLocation(moveto); /* * If only the confirmed_flush LSN has changed the slot won't get * marked as dirty by the above. Callers on the walsender * interface are expected to keep track of their own progress and * don't need it written out. But SQL-interface users cannot * specify their own start positions and it's harder for them to * keep track of their progress, so we should make more of an * effort to save it for them. * * Dirty the slot so it's written out at the next checkpoint. * We'll still lose its position on crash, as documented, but it's * better than always losing the position even on clean restart. */ ReplicationSlotMarkDirty(); } retlsn = MyReplicationSlot->data.confirmed_flush; /* free context, call shutdown callback */ FreeDecodingContext(ctx); InvalidateSystemCaches(); } PG_CATCH(); { /* clear all timetravel entries */ InvalidateSystemCaches(); PG_RE_THROW(); } PG_END_TRY(); return retlsn; } /* * SQL function for moving the position in a replication slot. */ Datum pg_replication_slot_advance(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { Name slotname = PG_GETARG_NAME(0); XLogRecPtr moveto = PG_GETARG_LSN(1); XLogRecPtr endlsn; XLogRecPtr minlsn; TupleDesc tupdesc; Datum values[2]; bool nulls[2]; HeapTuple tuple; Datum result; Assert(!MyReplicationSlot); check_permissions(); if (XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(moveto)) ereport(ERROR, (errmsg("invalid target wal lsn"))); /* Build a tuple descriptor for our result type */ if (get_call_result_type(fcinfo, NULL, &tupdesc) != TYPEFUNC_COMPOSITE) elog(ERROR, "return type must be a row type"); /* * We can't move slot past what's been flushed/replayed so clamp the * target position accordingly. */ if (!RecoveryInProgress()) moveto = Min(moveto, GetFlushRecPtr()); else moveto = Min(moveto, GetXLogReplayRecPtr(&ThisTimeLineID)); /* Acquire the slot so we "own" it */ ReplicationSlotAcquire(NameStr(*slotname), true); /* A slot whose restart_lsn has never been reserved cannot be advanced */ if (XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(MyReplicationSlot->data.restart_lsn)) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE), errmsg("cannot advance replication slot that has not previously reserved WAL"))); /* * Check if the slot is not moving backwards. Physical slots rely simply * on restart_lsn as a minimum point, while logical slots have confirmed * consumption up to confirmed_lsn, meaning that in both cases data older * than that is not available anymore. */ if (OidIsValid(MyReplicationSlot->data.database)) minlsn = MyReplicationSlot->data.confirmed_flush; else minlsn = MyReplicationSlot->data.restart_lsn; if (moveto < minlsn) ereport(ERROR, (errcode(ERRCODE_OBJECT_NOT_IN_PREREQUISITE_STATE), errmsg("cannot advance replication slot to %X/%X, minimum is %X/%X", (uint32) (moveto >> 32), (uint32) moveto, (uint32) (minlsn >> 32), (uint32) minlsn))); /* Do the actual slot update, depending on the slot type */ if (OidIsValid(MyReplicationSlot->data.database)) endlsn = pg_logical_replication_slot_advance(moveto); else endlsn = pg_physical_replication_slot_advance(moveto); values[0] = NameGetDatum(&MyReplicationSlot->data.name); nulls[0] = false; /* Update the on disk state when lsn was updated. */ if (XLogRecPtrIsInvalid(endlsn)) { ReplicationSlotMarkDirty(); ReplicationSlotsComputeRequiredXmin(false); ReplicationSlotsComputeRequiredLSN(); ReplicationSlotSave(); } ReplicationSlotRelease(); /* Return the reached position. */ values[1] = LSNGetDatum(endlsn); nulls[1] = false; tuple = heap_form_tuple(tupdesc, values, nulls); result = HeapTupleGetDatum(tuple); PG_RETURN_DATUM(result); }