/* * rewrite/rowsecurity.c * Routines to support policies for row level security (aka RLS). * * Policies in PostgreSQL provide a mechanism to limit what records are * returned to a user and what records a user is permitted to add to a table. * * Policies can be defined for specific roles, specific commands, or provided * by an extension. Row security can also be enabled for a table without any * policies being explicitly defined, in which case a default-deny policy is * applied. * * Any part of the system which is returning records back to the user, or * which is accepting records from the user to add to a table, needs to * consider the policies associated with the table (if any). For normal * queries, this is handled by calling get_row_security_policies() during * rewrite, for each RTE in the query. This returns the expressions defined * by the table's policies as a list that is prepended to the securityQuals * list for the RTE. For queries which modify the table, any WITH CHECK * clauses from the table's policies are also returned and prepended to the * list of WithCheckOptions for the Query to check each row that is being * added to the table. Other parts of the system (eg: COPY) simply construct * a normal query and use that, if RLS is to be applied. * * The check to see if RLS should be enabled is provided through * check_enable_rls(), which returns an enum (defined in rowsecurity.h) to * indicate if RLS should be enabled (RLS_ENABLED), or bypassed (RLS_NONE or * RLS_NONE_ENV). RLS_NONE_ENV indicates that RLS should be bypassed * in the current environment, but that may change if the row_security GUC or * the current role changes. * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California */ #include "postgres.h" #include "access/heapam.h" #include "access/htup_details.h" #include "access/sysattr.h" #include "catalog/pg_class.h" #include "catalog/pg_inherits.h" #include "catalog/pg_policy.h" #include "catalog/pg_type.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "nodes/makefuncs.h" #include "nodes/nodeFuncs.h" #include "nodes/pg_list.h" #include "nodes/plannodes.h" #include "parser/parsetree.h" #include "rewrite/rewriteHandler.h" #include "rewrite/rewriteManip.h" #include "rewrite/rowsecurity.h" #include "utils/acl.h" #include "utils/lsyscache.h" #include "utils/rel.h" #include "utils/rls.h" #include "utils/syscache.h" #include "tcop/utility.h" static void get_policies_for_relation(Relation relation, CmdType cmd, Oid user_id, List **permissive_policies, List **restrictive_policies); static List *sort_policies_by_name(List *policies); static int row_security_policy_cmp(const void *a, const void *b); static void add_security_quals(int rt_index, List *permissive_policies, List *restrictive_policies, List **securityQuals, bool *hasSubLinks); static void add_with_check_options(Relation rel, int rt_index, WCOKind kind, List *permissive_policies, List *restrictive_policies, List **withCheckOptions, bool *hasSubLinks, bool force_using); static bool check_role_for_policy(ArrayType *policy_roles, Oid user_id); /* * hooks to allow extensions to add their own security policies * * row_security_policy_hook_permissive can be used to add policies which * are combined with the other permissive policies, using OR. * * row_security_policy_hook_restrictive can be used to add policies which * are enforced, regardless of other policies (they are combined using AND). */ row_security_policy_hook_type row_security_policy_hook_permissive = NULL; row_security_policy_hook_type row_security_policy_hook_restrictive = NULL; /* * Get any row security quals and WithCheckOption checks that should be * applied to the specified RTE. * * In addition, hasRowSecurity is set to true if row level security is enabled * (even if this RTE doesn't have any row security quals), and hasSubLinks is * set to true if any of the quals returned contain sublinks. */ void get_row_security_policies(Query *root, RangeTblEntry *rte, int rt_index, List **securityQuals, List **withCheckOptions, bool *hasRowSecurity, bool *hasSubLinks) { Oid user_id; int rls_status; Relation rel; CmdType commandType; List *permissive_policies; List *restrictive_policies; /* Defaults for the return values */ *securityQuals = NIL; *withCheckOptions = NIL; *hasRowSecurity = false; *hasSubLinks = false; /* If this is not a normal relation, just return immediately */ if (rte->relkind != RELKIND_RELATION && rte->relkind != RELKIND_PARTITIONED_TABLE) return; /* Switch to checkAsUser if it's set */ user_id = rte->checkAsUser ? rte->checkAsUser : GetUserId(); /* Determine the state of RLS for this, pass checkAsUser explicitly */ rls_status = check_enable_rls(rte->relid, rte->checkAsUser, false); /* If there is no RLS on this table at all, nothing to do */ if (rls_status == RLS_NONE) return; /* * RLS_NONE_ENV means we are not doing any RLS now, but that may change * with changes to the environment, so we mark it as hasRowSecurity to * force a re-plan when the environment changes. */ if (rls_status == RLS_NONE_ENV) { /* * Indicate that this query may involve RLS and must therefore be * replanned if the environment changes (GUCs, role), but we are not * adding anything here. */ *hasRowSecurity = true; return; } /* * RLS is enabled for this relation. * * Get the security policies that should be applied, based on the command * type. Note that if this isn't the target relation, we actually want * the relation's SELECT policies, regardless of the query command type, * for example in UPDATE t1 ... FROM t2 we need to apply t1's UPDATE * policies and t2's SELECT policies. */ rel = heap_open(rte->relid, NoLock); commandType = rt_index == root->resultRelation ? root->commandType : CMD_SELECT; /* * In some cases, we need to apply USING policies (which control the * visibility of records) associated with multiple command types (see * specific cases below). * * When considering the order in which to apply these USING policies, we * prefer to apply higher privileged policies, those which allow the user * to lock records (UPDATE and DELETE), first, followed by policies which * don't (SELECT). * * Note that the optimizer is free to push down and reorder quals which * use leakproof functions. * * In all cases, if there are no policy clauses allowing access to rows in * the table for the specific type of operation, then a single * always-false clause (a default-deny policy) will be added (see * add_security_quals). */ /* * For a SELECT, if UPDATE privileges are required (eg: the user has * specified FOR [KEY] UPDATE/SHARE), then add the UPDATE USING quals * first. * * This way, we filter out any records from the SELECT FOR SHARE/UPDATE * which the user does not have access to via the UPDATE USING policies, * similar to how we require normal UPDATE rights for these queries. */ if (commandType == CMD_SELECT && rte->requiredPerms & ACL_UPDATE) { List *update_permissive_policies; List *update_restrictive_policies; get_policies_for_relation(rel, CMD_UPDATE, user_id, &update_permissive_policies, &update_restrictive_policies); add_security_quals(rt_index, update_permissive_policies, update_restrictive_policies, securityQuals, hasSubLinks); } /* * For SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE, add security quals to enforce the USING * policies. These security quals control access to existing table rows. * Restrictive policies are combined together using AND, and permissive * policies are combined together using OR. */ get_policies_for_relation(rel, commandType, user_id, &permissive_policies, &restrictive_policies); if (commandType == CMD_SELECT || commandType == CMD_UPDATE || commandType == CMD_DELETE) add_security_quals(rt_index, permissive_policies, restrictive_policies, securityQuals, hasSubLinks); /* * Similar to above, during an UPDATE or DELETE, if SELECT rights are also * required (eg: when a RETURNING clause exists, or the user has provided * a WHERE clause which involves columns from the relation), we collect up * CMD_SELECT policies and add them via add_security_quals first. * * This way, we filter out any records which are not visible through an * ALL or SELECT USING policy. */ if ((commandType == CMD_UPDATE || commandType == CMD_DELETE) && rte->requiredPerms & ACL_SELECT) { List *select_permissive_policies; List *select_restrictive_policies; get_policies_for_relation(rel, CMD_SELECT, user_id, &select_permissive_policies, &select_restrictive_policies); add_security_quals(rt_index, select_permissive_policies, select_restrictive_policies, securityQuals, hasSubLinks); } /* * For INSERT and UPDATE, add withCheckOptions to verify that any new * records added are consistent with the security policies. This will use * each policy's WITH CHECK clause, or its USING clause if no explicit * WITH CHECK clause is defined. */ if (commandType == CMD_INSERT || commandType == CMD_UPDATE) { /* This should be the target relation */ Assert(rt_index == root->resultRelation); add_with_check_options(rel, rt_index, commandType == CMD_INSERT ? WCO_RLS_INSERT_CHECK : WCO_RLS_UPDATE_CHECK, permissive_policies, restrictive_policies, withCheckOptions, hasSubLinks, false); /* * Get and add ALL/SELECT policies, if SELECT rights are required for * this relation (eg: when RETURNING is used). These are added as WCO * policies rather than security quals to ensure that an error is * raised if a policy is violated; otherwise, we might end up silently * dropping rows to be added. */ if (rte->requiredPerms & ACL_SELECT) { List *select_permissive_policies = NIL; List *select_restrictive_policies = NIL; get_policies_for_relation(rel, CMD_SELECT, user_id, &select_permissive_policies, &select_restrictive_policies); add_with_check_options(rel, rt_index, commandType == CMD_INSERT ? WCO_RLS_INSERT_CHECK : WCO_RLS_UPDATE_CHECK, select_permissive_policies, select_restrictive_policies, withCheckOptions, hasSubLinks, true); } /* * For INSERT ... ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE we need additional policy * checks for the UPDATE which may be applied to the same RTE. */ if (commandType == CMD_INSERT && root->onConflict && root->onConflict->action == ONCONFLICT_UPDATE) { List *conflict_permissive_policies; List *conflict_restrictive_policies; List *conflict_select_permissive_policies = NIL; List *conflict_select_restrictive_policies = NIL; /* Get the policies that apply to the auxiliary UPDATE */ get_policies_for_relation(rel, CMD_UPDATE, user_id, &conflict_permissive_policies, &conflict_restrictive_policies); /* * Enforce the USING clauses of the UPDATE policies using WCOs * rather than security quals. This ensures that an error is * raised if the conflicting row cannot be updated due to RLS, * rather than the change being silently dropped. */ add_with_check_options(rel, rt_index, WCO_RLS_CONFLICT_CHECK, conflict_permissive_policies, conflict_restrictive_policies, withCheckOptions, hasSubLinks, true); /* * Get and add ALL/SELECT policies, as WCO_RLS_CONFLICT_CHECK WCOs * to ensure they are considered when taking the UPDATE path of an * INSERT .. ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE, if SELECT rights are required * for this relation, also as WCO policies, again, to avoid * silently dropping data. See above. */ if (rte->requiredPerms & ACL_SELECT) { get_policies_for_relation(rel, CMD_SELECT, user_id, &conflict_select_permissive_policies, &conflict_select_restrictive_policies); add_with_check_options(rel, rt_index, WCO_RLS_CONFLICT_CHECK, conflict_select_permissive_policies, conflict_select_restrictive_policies, withCheckOptions, hasSubLinks, true); } /* Enforce the WITH CHECK clauses of the UPDATE policies */ add_with_check_options(rel, rt_index, WCO_RLS_UPDATE_CHECK, conflict_permissive_policies, conflict_restrictive_policies, withCheckOptions, hasSubLinks, false); /* * Add ALL/SELECT policies as WCO_RLS_UPDATE_CHECK WCOs, to ensure * that the final updated row is visible when taking the UPDATE * path of an INSERT .. ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE, if SELECT rights * are required for this relation. */ if (rte->requiredPerms & ACL_SELECT) add_with_check_options(rel, rt_index, WCO_RLS_UPDATE_CHECK, conflict_select_permissive_policies, conflict_select_restrictive_policies, withCheckOptions, hasSubLinks, true); } } heap_close(rel, NoLock); /* * Mark this query as having row security, so plancache can invalidate it * when necessary (eg: role changes) */ *hasRowSecurity = true; return; } /* * get_policies_for_relation * * Returns lists of permissive and restrictive policies to be applied to the * specified relation, based on the command type and role. * * This includes any policies added by extensions. */ static void get_policies_for_relation(Relation relation, CmdType cmd, Oid user_id, List **permissive_policies, List **restrictive_policies) { ListCell *item; *permissive_policies = NIL; *restrictive_policies = NIL; /* First find all internal policies for the relation. */ foreach(item, relation->rd_rsdesc->policies) { bool cmd_matches = false; RowSecurityPolicy *policy = (RowSecurityPolicy *) lfirst(item); /* Always add ALL policies, if they exist. */ if (policy->polcmd == '*') cmd_matches = true; else { /* Check whether the policy applies to the specified command type */ switch (cmd) { case CMD_SELECT: if (policy->polcmd == ACL_SELECT_CHR) cmd_matches = true; break; case CMD_INSERT: if (policy->polcmd == ACL_INSERT_CHR) cmd_matches = true; break; case CMD_UPDATE: if (policy->polcmd == ACL_UPDATE_CHR) cmd_matches = true; break; case CMD_DELETE: if (policy->polcmd == ACL_DELETE_CHR) cmd_matches = true; break; default: elog(ERROR, "unrecognized policy command type %d", (int) cmd); break; } } /* * Add this policy to the relevant list of policies if it applies to * the specified role. */ if (cmd_matches && check_role_for_policy(policy->roles, user_id)) { if (policy->permissive) *permissive_policies = lappend(*permissive_policies, policy); else *restrictive_policies = lappend(*restrictive_policies, policy); } } /* * We sort restrictive policies by name so that any WCOs they generate are * checked in a well-defined order. */ *restrictive_policies = sort_policies_by_name(*restrictive_policies); /* * Then add any permissive or restrictive policies defined by extensions. * These are simply appended to the lists of internal policies, if they * apply to the specified role. */ if (row_security_policy_hook_restrictive) { List *hook_policies = (*row_security_policy_hook_restrictive) (cmd, relation); /* * As with built-in restrictive policies, we sort any hook-provided * restrictive policies by name also. Note that we also intentionally * always check all built-in restrictive policies, in name order, * before checking restrictive policies added by hooks, in name order. */ hook_policies = sort_policies_by_name(hook_policies); foreach(item, hook_policies) { RowSecurityPolicy *policy = (RowSecurityPolicy *) lfirst(item); if (check_role_for_policy(policy->roles, user_id)) *restrictive_policies = lappend(*restrictive_policies, policy); } } if (row_security_policy_hook_permissive) { List *hook_policies = (*row_security_policy_hook_permissive) (cmd, relation); foreach(item, hook_policies) { RowSecurityPolicy *policy = (RowSecurityPolicy *) lfirst(item); if (check_role_for_policy(policy->roles, user_id)) *permissive_policies = lappend(*permissive_policies, policy); } } } /* * sort_policies_by_name * * This is only used for restrictive policies, ensuring that any * WithCheckOptions they generate are applied in a well-defined order. * This is not necessary for permissive policies, since they are all combined * together using OR into a single WithCheckOption check. */ static List * sort_policies_by_name(List *policies) { int npol = list_length(policies); RowSecurityPolicy *pols; ListCell *item; int ii = 0; if (npol <= 1) return policies; pols = (RowSecurityPolicy *) palloc(sizeof(RowSecurityPolicy) * npol); foreach(item, policies) { RowSecurityPolicy *policy = (RowSecurityPolicy *) lfirst(item); pols[ii++] = *policy; } qsort(pols, npol, sizeof(RowSecurityPolicy), row_security_policy_cmp); policies = NIL; for (ii = 0; ii < npol; ii++) policies = lappend(policies, &pols[ii]); return policies; } /* * qsort comparator to sort RowSecurityPolicy entries by name */ static int row_security_policy_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { const RowSecurityPolicy *pa = (const RowSecurityPolicy *) a; const RowSecurityPolicy *pb = (const RowSecurityPolicy *) b; /* Guard against NULL policy names from extensions */ if (pa->policy_name == NULL) return pb->policy_name == NULL ? 0 : 1; if (pb->policy_name == NULL) return -1; return strcmp(pa->policy_name, pb->policy_name); } /* * add_security_quals * * Add security quals to enforce the specified RLS policies, restricting * access to existing data in a table. If there are no policies controlling * access to the table, then all access is prohibited --- i.e., an implicit * default-deny policy is used. * * New security quals are added to securityQuals, and hasSubLinks is set to * true if any of the quals added contain sublink subqueries. */ static void add_security_quals(int rt_index, List *permissive_policies, List *restrictive_policies, List **securityQuals, bool *hasSubLinks) { ListCell *item; List *permissive_quals = NIL; Expr *rowsec_expr; /* * First collect up the permissive quals. If we do not find any * permissive policies then no rows are visible (this is handled below). */ foreach(item, permissive_policies) { RowSecurityPolicy *policy = (RowSecurityPolicy *) lfirst(item); if (policy->qual != NULL) { permissive_quals = lappend(permissive_quals, copyObject(policy->qual)); *hasSubLinks |= policy->hassublinks; } } /* * We must have permissive quals, always, or no rows are visible. * * If we do not, then we simply return a single 'false' qual which results * in no rows being visible. */ if (permissive_quals != NIL) { /* * We now know that permissive policies exist, so we can now add * security quals based on the USING clauses from the restrictive * policies. Since these need to be combined together using AND, we * can just add them one at a time. */ foreach(item, restrictive_policies) { RowSecurityPolicy *policy = (RowSecurityPolicy *) lfirst(item); Expr *qual; if (policy->qual != NULL) { qual = copyObject(policy->qual); ChangeVarNodes((Node *) qual, 1, rt_index, 0); *securityQuals = list_append_unique(*securityQuals, qual); *hasSubLinks |= policy->hassublinks; } } /* * Then add a single security qual combining together the USING * clauses from all the permissive policies using OR. */ if (list_length(permissive_quals) == 1) rowsec_expr = (Expr *) linitial(permissive_quals); else rowsec_expr = makeBoolExpr(OR_EXPR, permissive_quals, -1); ChangeVarNodes((Node *) rowsec_expr, 1, rt_index, 0); *securityQuals = list_append_unique(*securityQuals, rowsec_expr); } else /* * A permissive policy must exist for rows to be visible at all. * Therefore, if there were no permissive policies found, return a * single always-false clause. */ *securityQuals = lappend(*securityQuals, makeConst(BOOLOID, -1, InvalidOid, sizeof(bool), BoolGetDatum(false), false, true)); } /* * add_with_check_options * * Add WithCheckOptions of the specified kind to check that new records * added by an INSERT or UPDATE are consistent with the specified RLS * policies. Normally new data must satisfy the WITH CHECK clauses from the * policies. If a policy has no explicit WITH CHECK clause, its USING clause * is used instead. In the special case of an UPDATE arising from an * INSERT ... ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE, existing records are first checked using * a WCO_RLS_CONFLICT_CHECK WithCheckOption, which always uses the USING * clauses from RLS policies. * * New WCOs are added to withCheckOptions, and hasSubLinks is set to true if * any of the check clauses added contain sublink subqueries. */ static void add_with_check_options(Relation rel, int rt_index, WCOKind kind, List *permissive_policies, List *restrictive_policies, List **withCheckOptions, bool *hasSubLinks, bool force_using) { ListCell *item; List *permissive_quals = NIL; #define QUAL_FOR_WCO(policy) \ ( !force_using && \ (policy)->with_check_qual != NULL ? \ (policy)->with_check_qual : (policy)->qual ) /* * First collect up the permissive policy clauses, similar to * add_security_quals. */ foreach(item, permissive_policies) { RowSecurityPolicy *policy = (RowSecurityPolicy *) lfirst(item); Expr *qual = QUAL_FOR_WCO(policy); if (qual != NULL) { permissive_quals = lappend(permissive_quals, copyObject(qual)); *hasSubLinks |= policy->hassublinks; } } /* * There must be at least one permissive qual found or no rows are allowed * to be added. This is the same as in add_security_quals. * * If there are no permissive_quals then we fall through and return a * single 'false' WCO, preventing all new rows. */ if (permissive_quals != NIL) { /* * Add a single WithCheckOption for all the permissive policy clauses, * combining them together using OR. This check has no policy name, * since if the check fails it means that no policy granted permission * to perform the update, rather than any particular policy being * violated. */ WithCheckOption *wco; wco = makeNode(WithCheckOption); wco->kind = kind; wco->relname = pstrdup(RelationGetRelationName(rel)); wco->polname = NULL; wco->cascaded = false; if (list_length(permissive_quals) == 1) wco->qual = (Node *) linitial(permissive_quals); else wco->qual = (Node *) makeBoolExpr(OR_EXPR, permissive_quals, -1); ChangeVarNodes(wco->qual, 1, rt_index, 0); *withCheckOptions = list_append_unique(*withCheckOptions, wco); /* * Now add WithCheckOptions for each of the restrictive policy clauses * (which will be combined together using AND). We use a separate * WithCheckOption for each restrictive policy to allow the policy * name to be included in error reports if the policy is violated. */ foreach(item, restrictive_policies) { RowSecurityPolicy *policy = (RowSecurityPolicy *) lfirst(item); Expr *qual = QUAL_FOR_WCO(policy); WithCheckOption *wco; if (qual != NULL) { qual = copyObject(qual); ChangeVarNodes((Node *) qual, 1, rt_index, 0); wco = makeNode(WithCheckOption); wco->kind = kind; wco->relname = pstrdup(RelationGetRelationName(rel)); wco->polname = pstrdup(policy->policy_name); wco->qual = (Node *) qual; wco->cascaded = false; *withCheckOptions = list_append_unique(*withCheckOptions, wco); *hasSubLinks |= policy->hassublinks; } } } else { /* * If there were no policy clauses to check new data, add a single * always-false WCO (a default-deny policy). */ WithCheckOption *wco; wco = makeNode(WithCheckOption); wco->kind = kind; wco->relname = pstrdup(RelationGetRelationName(rel)); wco->polname = NULL; wco->qual = (Node *) makeConst(BOOLOID, -1, InvalidOid, sizeof(bool), BoolGetDatum(false), false, true); wco->cascaded = false; *withCheckOptions = lappend(*withCheckOptions, wco); } } /* * check_role_for_policy - * determines if the policy should be applied for the current role */ static bool check_role_for_policy(ArrayType *policy_roles, Oid user_id) { int i; Oid *roles = (Oid *) ARR_DATA_PTR(policy_roles); /* Quick fall-thru for policies applied to all roles */ if (roles[0] == ACL_ID_PUBLIC) return true; for (i = 0; i < ARR_DIMS(policy_roles)[0]; i++) { if (has_privs_of_role(user_id, roles[i])) return true; } return false; }