/*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * combocid.c * Combo command ID support routines * * Before version 8.3, HeapTupleHeaderData had separate fields for cmin * and cmax. To reduce the header size, cmin and cmax are now overlayed * in the same field in the header. That usually works because you rarely * insert and delete a tuple in the same transaction, and we don't need * either field to remain valid after the originating transaction exits. * To make it work when the inserting transaction does delete the tuple, * we create a "combo" command ID and store that in the tuple header * instead of cmin and cmax. The combo command ID can be mapped to the * real cmin and cmax using a backend-private array, which is managed by * this module. * * To allow reusing existing combo cids, we also keep a hash table that * maps cmin,cmax pairs to combo cids. This keeps the data structure size * reasonable in most cases, since the number of unique pairs used by any * one transaction is likely to be small. * * With a 32-bit combo command id we can represent 2^32 distinct cmin,cmax * combinations. In the most perverse case where each command deletes a tuple * generated by every previous command, the number of combo command ids * required for N commands is N*(N+1)/2. That means that in the worst case, * that's enough for 92682 commands. In practice, you'll run out of memory * and/or disk space way before you reach that limit. * * The array and hash table are kept in TopTransactionContext, and are * destroyed at the end of each transaction. * * * Portions Copyright (c) 1996-2018, PostgreSQL Global Development Group * Portions Copyright (c) 1994, Regents of the University of California * * IDENTIFICATION * src/backend/utils/time/combocid.c * *------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include "postgres.h" #include "miscadmin.h" #include "access/htup_details.h" #include "access/xact.h" #include "storage/shmem.h" #include "utils/combocid.h" #include "utils/hsearch.h" #include "utils/memutils.h" /* Hash table to lookup combo cids by cmin and cmax */ static HTAB *comboHash = NULL; /* Key and entry structures for the hash table */ typedef struct { CommandId cmin; CommandId cmax; } ComboCidKeyData; typedef ComboCidKeyData *ComboCidKey; typedef struct { ComboCidKeyData key; CommandId combocid; } ComboCidEntryData; typedef ComboCidEntryData *ComboCidEntry; /* Initial size of the hash table */ #define CCID_HASH_SIZE 100 /* * An array of cmin,cmax pairs, indexed by combo command id. * To convert a combo cid to cmin and cmax, you do a simple array lookup. */ static ComboCidKey comboCids = NULL; static int usedComboCids = 0; /* number of elements in comboCids */ static int sizeComboCids = 0; /* allocated size of array */ /* Initial size of the array */ #define CCID_ARRAY_SIZE 100 /* prototypes for internal functions */ static CommandId GetComboCommandId(CommandId cmin, CommandId cmax); static CommandId GetRealCmin(CommandId combocid); static CommandId GetRealCmax(CommandId combocid); /**** External API ****/ /* * GetCmin and GetCmax assert that they are only called in situations where * they make sense, that is, can deliver a useful answer. If you have * reason to examine a tuple's t_cid field from a transaction other than * the originating one, use HeapTupleHeaderGetRawCommandId() directly. */ CommandId HeapTupleHeaderGetCmin(HeapTupleHeader tup) { CommandId cid = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawCommandId(tup); Assert(!(tup->t_infomask & HEAP_MOVED)); Assert(TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(HeapTupleHeaderGetXmin(tup))); if (tup->t_infomask & HEAP_COMBOCID) return GetRealCmin(cid); else return cid; } CommandId HeapTupleHeaderGetCmax(HeapTupleHeader tup) { CommandId cid = HeapTupleHeaderGetRawCommandId(tup); Assert(!(tup->t_infomask & HEAP_MOVED)); /* * Because GetUpdateXid() performs memory allocations if xmax is a * multixact we can't Assert() if we're inside a critical section. This * weakens the check, but not using GetCmax() inside one would complicate * things too much. */ Assert(CritSectionCount > 0 || TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(HeapTupleHeaderGetUpdateXid(tup))); if (tup->t_infomask & HEAP_COMBOCID) return GetRealCmax(cid); else return cid; } /* * Given a tuple we are about to delete, determine the correct value to store * into its t_cid field. * * If we don't need a combo CID, *cmax is unchanged and *iscombo is set to * false. If we do need one, *cmax is replaced by a combo CID and *iscombo * is set to true. * * The reason this is separate from the actual HeapTupleHeaderSetCmax() * operation is that this could fail due to out-of-memory conditions. Hence * we need to do this before entering the critical section that actually * changes the tuple in shared buffers. */ void HeapTupleHeaderAdjustCmax(HeapTupleHeader tup, CommandId *cmax, bool *iscombo) { /* * If we're marking a tuple deleted that was inserted by (any * subtransaction of) our transaction, we need to use a combo command id. * Test for HeapTupleHeaderXminCommitted() first, because it's cheaper * than a TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId call. */ if (!HeapTupleHeaderXminCommitted(tup) && TransactionIdIsCurrentTransactionId(HeapTupleHeaderGetRawXmin(tup))) { CommandId cmin = HeapTupleHeaderGetCmin(tup); *cmax = GetComboCommandId(cmin, *cmax); *iscombo = true; } else { *iscombo = false; } } /* * Combo command ids are only interesting to the inserting and deleting * transaction, so we can forget about them at the end of transaction. */ void AtEOXact_ComboCid(void) { /* * Don't bother to pfree. These are allocated in TopTransactionContext, so * they're going to go away at the end of transaction anyway. */ comboHash = NULL; comboCids = NULL; usedComboCids = 0; sizeComboCids = 0; } /**** Internal routines ****/ /* * Get a combo command id that maps to cmin and cmax. * * We try to reuse old combo command ids when possible. */ static CommandId GetComboCommandId(CommandId cmin, CommandId cmax) { CommandId combocid; ComboCidKeyData key; ComboCidEntry entry; bool found; /* * Create the hash table and array the first time we need to use combo * cids in the transaction. */ if (comboHash == NULL) { HASHCTL hash_ctl; /* Make array first; existence of hash table asserts array exists */ comboCids = (ComboCidKeyData *) MemoryContextAlloc(TopTransactionContext, sizeof(ComboCidKeyData) * CCID_ARRAY_SIZE); sizeComboCids = CCID_ARRAY_SIZE; usedComboCids = 0; memset(&hash_ctl, 0, sizeof(hash_ctl)); hash_ctl.keysize = sizeof(ComboCidKeyData); hash_ctl.entrysize = sizeof(ComboCidEntryData); hash_ctl.hcxt = TopTransactionContext; comboHash = hash_create("Combo CIDs", CCID_HASH_SIZE, &hash_ctl, HASH_ELEM | HASH_BLOBS | HASH_CONTEXT); } /* * Grow the array if there's not at least one free slot. We must do this * before possibly entering a new hashtable entry, else failure to * repalloc would leave a corrupt hashtable entry behind. */ if (usedComboCids >= sizeComboCids) { int newsize = sizeComboCids * 2; comboCids = (ComboCidKeyData *) repalloc(comboCids, sizeof(ComboCidKeyData) * newsize); sizeComboCids = newsize; } /* Lookup or create a hash entry with the desired cmin/cmax */ /* We assume there is no struct padding in ComboCidKeyData! */ key.cmin = cmin; key.cmax = cmax; entry = (ComboCidEntry) hash_search(comboHash, (void *) &key, HASH_ENTER, &found); if (found) { /* Reuse an existing combo cid */ return entry->combocid; } /* We have to create a new combo cid; we already made room in the array */ combocid = usedComboCids; comboCids[combocid].cmin = cmin; comboCids[combocid].cmax = cmax; usedComboCids++; entry->combocid = combocid; return combocid; } static CommandId GetRealCmin(CommandId combocid) { Assert(combocid < usedComboCids); return comboCids[combocid].cmin; } static CommandId GetRealCmax(CommandId combocid) { Assert(combocid < usedComboCids); return comboCids[combocid].cmax; } /* * Estimate the amount of space required to serialize the current ComboCID * state. */ Size EstimateComboCIDStateSpace(void) { Size size; /* Add space required for saving usedComboCids */ size = sizeof(int); /* Add space required for saving the combocids key */ size = add_size(size, mul_size(sizeof(ComboCidKeyData), usedComboCids)); return size; } /* * Serialize the ComboCID state into the memory, beginning at start_address. * maxsize should be at least as large as the value returned by * EstimateComboCIDStateSpace. */ void SerializeComboCIDState(Size maxsize, char *start_address) { char *endptr; /* First, we store the number of currently-existing ComboCIDs. */ *(int *) start_address = usedComboCids; /* If maxsize is too small, throw an error. */ endptr = start_address + sizeof(int) + (sizeof(ComboCidKeyData) * usedComboCids); if (endptr < start_address || endptr > start_address + maxsize) elog(ERROR, "not enough space to serialize ComboCID state"); /* Now, copy the actual cmin/cmax pairs. */ if (usedComboCids > 0) memcpy(start_address + sizeof(int), comboCids, (sizeof(ComboCidKeyData) * usedComboCids)); } /* * Read the ComboCID state at the specified address and initialize this * backend with the same ComboCIDs. This is only valid in a backend that * currently has no ComboCIDs (and only makes sense if the transaction state * is serialized and restored as well). */ void RestoreComboCIDState(char *comboCIDstate) { int num_elements; ComboCidKeyData *keydata; int i; CommandId cid; Assert(!comboCids && !comboHash); /* First, we retrieve the number of ComboCIDs that were serialized. */ num_elements = *(int *) comboCIDstate; keydata = (ComboCidKeyData *) (comboCIDstate + sizeof(int)); /* Use GetComboCommandId to restore each ComboCID. */ for (i = 0; i < num_elements; i++) { cid = GetComboCommandId(keydata[i].cmin, keydata[i].cmax); /* Verify that we got the expected answer. */ if (cid != i) elog(ERROR, "unexpected command ID while restoring combo CIDs"); } }